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Contested Childhood: Diversity and Change in Japanese Preschools

by Susan D. Holloway

In Contested Childhood, Holloway, an educational and developmental psychologist, examines the Japanese preschool and identifies the cultural models that guide Japanese child-rearing as being contentious and fragmented. She looks at the societal, religious and economic factors that shape various preschool programs and shows how culture influences child-rearing beliefs and practices.

Contested Childhood: Diversity and Change in Japanese Preschools

by Susan D. Holloway

In Contested Childhood, Holloway, an educational and developmental psychologist, examines the Japanese preschool and identifies the cultural models that guide Japanese child-rearing as being contentious and fragmented. She looks at the societal, religious and economic factors that shape various preschool programs and shows how culture influences child-rearing beliefs and practices.

Contested Issues in Student Affairs: Diverse Perspectives and Respectful Dialogue


What is your level of understanding of the many moral, ideological, and political issues that student affairs educators regularly encounter? What is your personal responsibility to addressing these issues? What are the rationales behind your decisions? What are the theoretical perspectives you might choose and why? How do your responses compare with those of colleagues?Contested Issues in Student Affairs augments traditional introductory handbooks that focus on functional areas (e.g., residence life, career services) and organizational issues. It fills a void by addressing the social, educational and moral concepts and concerns of student affairs work that transcend content areas and administrative units, such as the tensions between theory and practice, academic affairs and student affairs, risk taking and failure; and such as issues of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and spirituality. It places learning and social justice at the epicenter of student affairs practice.The book addresses these issues by asking 24 critical and contentious questions that go to the heart of contemporary educational practice. Intended equally for future student affairs educators in graduate preparation programs, and as reading for professional development workshops, it is designed to stimulate reflection and prompt readers to clarify their own thinking and practice as they confront the complexities of higher education.Student affairs faculty, administrators, and graduate students here situate these 24 questions historically in the professional literature, present background information and context, define key terms, summarize the diverse ideological and theoretical responses to the questions, make explicit their own perspectives and responses, discuss their political implications, and set them in the context of the changing nature of student affairs work. Each chapter is followed by a response that offers additional perspectives and complications, reminding readers of the ambiguity and complexity of many situations.Each chapter concludes with a brief annotated bibliography of seminal works that offer additional information on the topic, as well as with a URL to a moderated blog site that encourages further conversation on each topic and allows readers to teach and learn from each other, and interact with colleagues beyond their immediate campus. The website invites readers to post blogs, respond to each other, and upload relevant resources. The book aims to serve as a conversation starter to engage professionals in on-going dialogue about these complex and enduring challenges.Short ContentsThe 24 questions are organized into four units.I. The Philosophical Foundations of Student Affairs in Higher Education explores the implications and complications of student affair educators placing learning at the epicenter of their professional work. II. The Challenges of Promoting Learning and Development explores the challenges associated with learning-centered practice. III. Achieving Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments addresses crafting learning environments that include students whose needs are often labeled “special,” or students and/or student subcultures that are often marginalized and encouraged to adapt to normalizing expectations. IV. Organizing Student Affairs Practice for Learning and Social Justice addresses the organizational and professional implications of placing learning and social justice at the epicenter of student affairs practice.

Contested Issues in Student Affairs: Diverse Perspectives and Respectful Dialogue

What is your level of understanding of the many moral, ideological, and political issues that student affairs educators regularly encounter? What is your personal responsibility to addressing these issues? What are the rationales behind your decisions? What are the theoretical perspectives you might choose and why? How do your responses compare with those of colleagues?Contested Issues in Student Affairs augments traditional introductory handbooks that focus on functional areas (e.g., residence life, career services) and organizational issues. It fills a void by addressing the social, educational and moral concepts and concerns of student affairs work that transcend content areas and administrative units, such as the tensions between theory and practice, academic affairs and student affairs, risk taking and failure; and such as issues of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and spirituality. It places learning and social justice at the epicenter of student affairs practice.The book addresses these issues by asking 24 critical and contentious questions that go to the heart of contemporary educational practice. Intended equally for future student affairs educators in graduate preparation programs, and as reading for professional development workshops, it is designed to stimulate reflection and prompt readers to clarify their own thinking and practice as they confront the complexities of higher education.Student affairs faculty, administrators, and graduate students here situate these 24 questions historically in the professional literature, present background information and context, define key terms, summarize the diverse ideological and theoretical responses to the questions, make explicit their own perspectives and responses, discuss their political implications, and set them in the context of the changing nature of student affairs work. Each chapter is followed by a response that offers additional perspectives and complications, reminding readers of the ambiguity and complexity of many situations.Each chapter concludes with a brief annotated bibliography of seminal works that offer additional information on the topic, as well as with a URL to a moderated blog site that encourages further conversation on each topic and allows readers to teach and learn from each other, and interact with colleagues beyond their immediate campus. The website invites readers to post blogs, respond to each other, and upload relevant resources. The book aims to serve as a conversation starter to engage professionals in on-going dialogue about these complex and enduring challenges.Short ContentsThe 24 questions are organized into four units.I. The Philosophical Foundations of Student Affairs in Higher Education explores the implications and complications of student affair educators placing learning at the epicenter of their professional work. II. The Challenges of Promoting Learning and Development explores the challenges associated with learning-centered practice. III. Achieving Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments addresses crafting learning environments that include students whose needs are often labeled “special,” or students and/or student subcultures that are often marginalized and encouraged to adapt to normalizing expectations. IV. Organizing Student Affairs Practice for Learning and Social Justice addresses the organizational and professional implications of placing learning and social justice at the epicenter of student affairs practice.

Contested Issues in Troubled Times: Student Affairs Dialogues on Equity, Civility, and Safety

by Peter M. Magolda Marcia B. Baxter Magolda Rozana Carducci

Contested Issues in Troubled Times provides student affairs educators with frameworks to constructively think about and navigate the contentious climate they are increasingly encountering on campus.The 54 contributors address the book’s overarching question: How do we create an equitable climate conducive to learning in a dynamic environment fraught with complexity and a socio-political context characterized by escalating intolerance, incivility, and overt discrimination?Rather than attempting to offer readers definitive solutions, this book illustrates the possibilities and promise of acknowledging multiple approaches to addressing contentious issues, articulating a persuasive argument anchored in professional judgment, listening attentively to others for points of connection as well as divergence, and drawing upon new ways of thinking to foster safe and inclusive campuses.Among the issues this volume addresses are such topics as sexual violence; historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups; transgender and undocumented students; the professional skills, knowledge and/or dispositions needed to thrive and facilitate systemic change in contemporary higher education organizations; the implications of maintaining personal and professional identities via social media; and self-care.In this companion volume to Contested Issues in Student Affairs (whose issues remain as relevant today as they were upon publication in 2011), a new set of contributors explore new questions which foreground issues of equity, safety, and civility – themes which dominate today’s higher education headlines and campus conversations.The book concludes with calls to action, encouraging student affairs educators to exhibit the moral courage needed to critically examine routine practices that (un)knowingly perpetuate inequity and enact the foundational values and principles upon which the student affairs profession was founded.

Contested Issues in Troubled Times: Student Affairs Dialogues on Equity, Civility, and Safety

Contested Issues in Troubled Times provides student affairs educators with frameworks to constructively think about and navigate the contentious climate they are increasingly encountering on campus.The 54 contributors address the book’s overarching question: How do we create an equitable climate conducive to learning in a dynamic environment fraught with complexity and a socio-political context characterized by escalating intolerance, incivility, and overt discrimination?Rather than attempting to offer readers definitive solutions, this book illustrates the possibilities and promise of acknowledging multiple approaches to addressing contentious issues, articulating a persuasive argument anchored in professional judgment, listening attentively to others for points of connection as well as divergence, and drawing upon new ways of thinking to foster safe and inclusive campuses.Among the issues this volume addresses are such topics as sexual violence; historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups; transgender and undocumented students; the professional skills, knowledge and/or dispositions needed to thrive and facilitate systemic change in contemporary higher education organizations; the implications of maintaining personal and professional identities via social media; and self-care.In this companion volume to Contested Issues in Student Affairs (whose issues remain as relevant today as they were upon publication in 2011), a new set of contributors explore new questions which foreground issues of equity, safety, and civility – themes which dominate today’s higher education headlines and campus conversations.The book concludes with calls to action, encouraging student affairs educators to exhibit the moral courage needed to critically examine routine practices that (un)knowingly perpetuate inequity and enact the foundational values and principles upon which the student affairs profession was founded.

The Contested Role of Education in Conflict and Fragility (The World Council of Comparative Education Societies #0)

by Zehavit Gross Lynn Davies

"This book brings together new thinking on education’s complex and evolving role in conflict and fragility. The changing nature of conflict, from inter- to intra-state, and with shifting geopolitical power balances, demands a reconceptualization of where education is positioned. Claims that education on its own can be an agent of conflict transformation are disputed. Deliberate attempts at peace education are not without critics and controversies. This collection aims to generate new realism from empirical and reflective accounts in a variety of countries and political contexts, as well as provide innovative methodological approaches to the study of education and conflict. The particular distinctiveness of the volume is the emphasis on ‘contested’ – it includes the debates and disagreements on the many faces of education in conflict, as well as material on teaching controversial issues in fragile contexts. Crucially, it underscores how education itself exists within highly contested projects of state, nation and region building. As well as overview comparative chapters, the collection encompasses a range of specific contexts, geographically and educationally – Algeria, Canada, El Salvador, Israel, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Tunisia, UK and US, with settings that include schools, higher education and refugee camps. Focuses range from analyses of education in historical conflicts to contemporary issues such as post Arab Spring transformations. Perennial concerns about religion, colonialism, protest, integration, cohesion, emergencies, globalization and narrative are given new slants. Yet in spite of the debates, a cross-cutting consensus emerges as the crucial need for critical pedagogy and critical theory if education is to make any mark at all on conflict and fragility. "

Contesting and Constructing International Perspectives in Global Education

by R. Reynolds D. Bradbery J. Brown K. Carroll D. Donnelly K. Ferguson-Patrick S. Macqueen

This volume addresses the need for an international perspective on global education, and provides alternate voices to the theme of global education. The editors asked international educators in different contexts to indicate how their own experience of global education addresses the broad and contested concepts associated with this notion. Following the lead of the internationally acknowledged authors from North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia, perspectives were provided on a wide variety of contexts including tertiary education, and teacher education; various pedagogies for global education, including digital pedagogies; and curriculum development at school, tertiary and community levels. Contesting and Constructing International Perspectives in Global Education explores the tensions inherent in discussions of global education from a number of facets including spatial, pedagogical, temporal, social and cultural; and provides critical, descriptive and values-laden interpretations. The book is divided into five sections, “Temporal and Spatial Views of Global Education”; “Telling National Stories of Global Education”; “Empowering Citizens for Global Education”; “Deconstructing Global Education”; and “Transforming Curricula for Global Education”. It is envisaged as a starting point for a stronger international conception of global education and a way to build a conversation for the future of global education in a neo-liberal and less internationally confident time.

Contesting Childhood

by Michael Wyness

Drawing on work from within the developing field of childhood studies, this text examines theoretical and policy driven understandings of the current position of children in society. Through an analysis of policy reforms and professional initiatives within educational child care and legal contexts, the author examines different, potentially competing viewpoints of childrens social position. Chapters are devoted to a number of related themes, including child policy and moral ambiguity, the limits to child protection, the individualization of schooling and childhood and citizenship.

Contesting Childhood

by Michael Wyness

Drawing on work from within the developing field of childhood studies, this text examines theoretical and policy driven understandings of the current position of children in society. Through an analysis of policy reforms and professional initiatives within educational child care and legal contexts, the author examines different, potentially competing viewpoints of childrens social position. Chapters are devoted to a number of related themes, including child policy and moral ambiguity, the limits to child protection, the individualization of schooling and childhood and citizenship.

Contesting Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education: Discourse and Responses in the Asia Pacific Region (International and Development Education)

by Deane E. Neubauer Ka Ho Mok Sachi Edwards

This edited volume brings together exciting new research and ideas related to the ongoing internationalization of higher education, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, where this phenomenon has been rapidly developing in recent years. It also specifically focuses on analyzing the extent to which resurgent nationalisms from around the world effect the growth and direction of this sector of education. As cultural and political tensions rise globally, many are turning to educators and education researchers for suggestions on how to respond to this trend. This volume seeks to answer that call. Moreover, as authors share perspectives and data from a wide range of national and institutional contexts, the applicability of this volume extends beyond national or regional boundaries, offering questions, challenges, and lessons for educators worldwide.

Contesting Governing Ideologies: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader on Neoliberalism, Volume III (Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice)

by Marek Tesar Michael A. Peters

Contesting Governing Ideologies is the third volume in the Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice series and represents a collection of texts that provide a cutting-edge analysis of the philosophy and theory of performances of neoliberal ideology in education. In past decades, philosophy of education has provided a critical commentary on problematic areas of neoliberal ideology. As such, this collection argues, philosophy of education can be considered as an intellectual struggle that runs through the contemporary ideological landscape and has roots that go back to the Enlightenment in its traditions. This book covers multiple philosophical and educational theoretical perspectives of what we know about the ideology of neoliberalism, and many of its practices and projects. Neoliberalism is difficult to define, but what is certain is that it has significantly matured as a political doctrine and set of policy practices. This collection covers questions of ideology, politics, and policy in relation to the subject and the institution alike. The chapters in this book provide rich and diverse reading, allowing readers to rethink established discourses and contest ideologies, providing a thorough and careful philosophical and theoretical analysis of the story of neoliberalism over the past decades. Contesting Governing Ideologies will be key reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of philosophy of education, philosophy, education, educational theory, post-structural theory, the policy and politics of education, and the pedagogy of education.

Contesting Governing Ideologies: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Reader on Neoliberalism, Volume III (Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice)

by Marek Tesar Michael A. Peters

Contesting Governing Ideologies is the third volume in the Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice series and represents a collection of texts that provide a cutting-edge analysis of the philosophy and theory of performances of neoliberal ideology in education. In past decades, philosophy of education has provided a critical commentary on problematic areas of neoliberal ideology. As such, this collection argues, philosophy of education can be considered as an intellectual struggle that runs through the contemporary ideological landscape and has roots that go back to the Enlightenment in its traditions. This book covers multiple philosophical and educational theoretical perspectives of what we know about the ideology of neoliberalism, and many of its practices and projects. Neoliberalism is difficult to define, but what is certain is that it has significantly matured as a political doctrine and set of policy practices. This collection covers questions of ideology, politics, and policy in relation to the subject and the institution alike. The chapters in this book provide rich and diverse reading, allowing readers to rethink established discourses and contest ideologies, providing a thorough and careful philosophical and theoretical analysis of the story of neoliberalism over the past decades. Contesting Governing Ideologies will be key reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of philosophy of education, philosophy, education, educational theory, post-structural theory, the policy and politics of education, and the pedagogy of education.

Context-Informed Perspectives of Child Risk and Protection in Israel (Child Maltreatment #10)

by Dorit Roer-Strier Yochay Nadan

This volume adopts a context-informed framework exploring risk, maltreatment, well-being and protection of children in diverse groups in Israel. It incorporates the findings of seven case studies conducted at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's NEVET Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training for Children in Need. Each case study applies a context-informed approach to the study of perspectives of risk and protection among parents, children and professionals from different communities in Israel, utilizing varied qualitative methodologies. The volume analyses the importance of studying children and parents's perspectives in diverse societies and stresses the need for a context-informed perspective in designing prevention and intervention programs for children at risk and their families living in diverse societies. It further explores potential contribution to theory, research, practice, policy and training in the area of child maltreatment.

Contexts for Amos: Prophetic Poetics in Latin-American Perspective (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Mark Daniel Carroll R.

This learned volume offers a close reading of chapters 3 to 6 of the book of Amos, and attempts to locate biblical study and theological reflection within the complex cultural context of Latin America. The author prefaces his study with a wide-ranging survey of the continuing debate over the proper use of the Bible as a model for the structures of society. The author's particular focus is Latin America, and through sociological and textual analysis, he seeks to define the role of the prophetic biblical voice in this society and presses for a recognition of moral complexities and a constant questioning and self-evaluation from those who would claim to speak for God in society.

Contexts for Diversity and Gender Identities in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning #12)

by Jaimie Hoffman Patrick Blessinger Mandla Makhanya

This volume provides educators with an understanding of challenges associated with equity and inclusion at higher education institutions globally and with evidence-based strategies for addressing the challenges associated with implementing equity and inclusion. Higher education institutions continue to address an increasingly complex set of issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion; many face increasing pressure to find innovative solutions for eliminating access and participation barriers and mitigating practices that impede access, persistence, retention, and graduation rates in higher education. Using comparative international perspectives, this volume looks at how different nations and cultures experience power, privilege, identity, and inclusion with respect to participation in tertiary education, with a specific focus on gender identities.

Contexts for Diversity and Gender Identities in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning #12)

by Jaimie Hoffman Patrick Blessinger Mandla Makhanya

This volume provides educators with an understanding of challenges associated with equity and inclusion at higher education institutions globally and with evidence-based strategies for addressing the challenges associated with implementing equity and inclusion. Higher education institutions continue to address an increasingly complex set of issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion; many face increasing pressure to find innovative solutions for eliminating access and participation barriers and mitigating practices that impede access, persistence, retention, and graduation rates in higher education. Using comparative international perspectives, this volume looks at how different nations and cultures experience power, privilege, identity, and inclusion with respect to participation in tertiary education, with a specific focus on gender identities.

Contexts for Learning: Sociocultural Dynamics in Children's Development

by Ellice A. Forman Norris Minick C. Addison Stone

This provocative new work on children's development in context presents recent theoretical developments and research findings that have been generated by sociocultural theory. Sociocultural theory began with the work of L.S. Vygotsky and his colleagues but has been significantly expanded and modified recent years. Since the late 1970s, sociocultural theory has challenged existing notions of cognitive development by suggesting that psychological functioning is specific to its social context and is dependent on the mastery of culturally defined modes of speaking, thinking, and acting. For this volume, the editors have assembled a list of contributors noted for their distinguished work in sociocultural theory and research. Taken together, they offer a multifaceted perspective on an emerging research paradigm and argue for a fundamental reconceptualization of mind and its development. Three main themes are explored in detail: discourse and learning in classroom practice, interpersonal relations in formal and informal education, and the institutional context of learning. Research findings are consistently discussed in terms of their theoretical implications. The book includes three commentary chapters and an afterword that propose future directions for sociocultural research. This book will be of interest to a wide range of researchers, educators, and students concerned with the theory and practice of developmental, educational, social, and cognitive psychology.

Contexts for Music Learning and Participation: Developing and Sustaining Musical Possible Selves

by Susan Hallam Maria Varvarigou Andrea Creech

This book sets out a contemporary perspective on music education, highlighting complex intersections between informal, non-formal and formal practices and contexts. At a time when the boundaries between music learning and participation are increasingly blurred, this volume is distinctive in challenging a ‘siloed’ approach to understanding the diverse international music education landscape. Instead, the book proposes a multi-layered continuum of practices that can be applied across a range of formal, informal or non-formal concepts to support the development of musical possible selves. It challenges existing conceptions of learning in music education in part by drawing on research in adult learning, but also by considering the contexts in which learning takes place, and the extent to which this learning can be classified as formal, informal or non-formal.

Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural Considerations in Communicative Language Teaching (Topics in Language and Linguistics)

by Margie Berns

The introduction of communicative competence as the goal of second and for­ eign language teaching has led to recognition of the role of context in language learning and use. As communicative competence is defined by the social and cultural contexts in which it is used, no single communicative competence can serve as the goal and model for all learners. This recognition has had an impact on program design and materials development. One significant change is that the choice of a teaching method is no longer the primary concern. Instead, the first step for the program designer is becoming familiar with the social and cultural features of the context of the language being taught. This includes a consideration of the uses speakers make of the language, their reasons for using it, and their attitudes toward it. Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural Considerations in Commu­ nicative Language Teaching explores the relationship between context and com­ petence from a theoretical and practical perspective. Its audience is applied linguists in general and language teaching practitioners in particular. The overall aim of its five chapters is to provide a framework for consideration of various contexts of language learning and use and to guide the implementation and development of models of communicative language teaching that are responsive to the context-specific needs of learners.

Contexts, Practices and Challenges: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 151 (J-B ACE Single Issue Adult & Continuing Education)

by Maureen Coady

Lifelong learning has become essential not only for professionals, but also for those they serve. Continuing professional education (CPE), an umbrella term used to describe the continuum of formal, nonformal, and informal learning opportunities that enable practicing professionals to continue to learn and to maintain professional competence across their careers, is the focus of this collection. The volume explores, analyzes, questions, and critiques CPE trends and issues across a variety of contexts, and it highlights new thinking and developments to assist providers and practitioners to re-envision their roles and set new directions in the field of CPE. This collection is inspired by the early seminal works of Cyril Houle who advocated that educational researchers and providers of CPE should listen to the experience of professionals as a basis for supporting their professional learning.This is the 151st volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Contexts, Practices and Challenges: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 151 (J-B ACE Single Issue Adult & Continuing Education)

by Maureen Coady

Lifelong learning has become essential not only for professionals, but also for those they serve. Continuing professional education (CPE), an umbrella term used to describe the continuum of formal, nonformal, and informal learning opportunities that enable practicing professionals to continue to learn and to maintain professional competence across their careers, is the focus of this collection. The volume explores, analyzes, questions, and critiques CPE trends and issues across a variety of contexts, and it highlights new thinking and developments to assist providers and practitioners to re-envision their roles and set new directions in the field of CPE. This collection is inspired by the early seminal works of Cyril Houle who advocated that educational researchers and providers of CPE should listen to the experience of professionals as a basis for supporting their professional learning.This is the 151st volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Contextual Engineering: Translating User Voice Into Design (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Ann-Perry Witmer

This book shows readers a new way of thinking about the engineering design process, as well as how to expand their understanding of the role of technical designers in society, whether working with international communities or user populations from their own hometown. As readers build an understanding of Contextual Engineering, this book will challenge them to think about the applicability of the concept more broadly, not only in terms of technical design but in personal and professional interactions with others as well. At the same time, readers will learn techniques to explore their own predispositions and the biases they may not be aware they have, equipping them to interact with others more impartially. This self-reflection process also assists the designer in working with and accepting the uncertainty that is inherent in exploring context.

Contextual Language Learning: Real Language Learning on the Continuum from Virtuality to Reality (Chinese Language Learning Sciences)

by Yu-Ju Lan Scott Grant

This book presents research and developments in the virtual, augmented technology and mixed-reality used in language learning and teaching. It provides the readers with a comprehensive overview of contextual language learning with the support of immersive technology. From theoretical foundations, methodological issues, the features of virtual and augmented reality, and educational practices of language learning, to the future of immersive technology for and research on language learning. During the past two decades, abundant research on different realities has recognized the potential of language learning in virtual, augmented, and mixed-reality environments (Wang et al., 2020; Lin & Lan, 2015). Given insufficient studies of Chinese learning in immersive contexts reported in existing literature, this book includes several excellent studies about using immersive technologies for Chinese learning in addition to other foreign langue learning, such as English as a foreign language (EFL). Since learning Chinese has grown significantly as a global trend, the authors vitally consolidate and synthesize various theoretical foundations, visions, and recent research and practices in the context of Chinese teaching from broader and more diverse perspectives. On the other hand, the chapters about EFL learning also shed light on the research on contextual language learning. Thus, the chapters included in this book will likely provide readers with a deep and extensive understanding of the potential of the smart combination of immersive technologies and language learning. More issues for future research will undoubtedly be inspired by reading the chapters in this book.

The Contextualisation of 21st Century Skills: Assessment in East Africa (The Enabling Power of Assessment #11)

by Esther Care Mauro Giacomazzi John Kabutha Mugo

This open access book is written for educators and policymakers who seek to empower young people with competencies necessary for fulfilling lives in the 21st century. It reports how a large group of educators from government and civil society organisations, together with researchers from universities, used their curriculum, assessment, and social economy expertise to develop contextualised definitions of life skills and values, and associated assessment tools. The book also reports on levels of these competencies of over 45,000 adolescents, from a household-based assessment conducted in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. The results describe how these adolescents vary in proficiency by region, age, and other factors, providing a resource for national education ministries to factor into policy decisions. Given the technical requirements of measuring individuals’ social-emotional and related competencies, how is it possible to capture an adolescent’s life skills across varied contexts? The book provides readers with a pragmatic yet technically robust process for undertaking a large-scale assessment program designed to inform policy.

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