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Databusting for Schools: How to Use and Interpret Education Data

by Richard Selfridge

'In the increasingly data-swamped world of education, data literacy is no longer a desirable skill, it is essential. Databusting for Schools is part guide through the complexities, uses and limitations of data; and part challenge to those who too readily make assumptions and draw conclusions. This is an important book.' James Pembroke, independent data analyst Data rules schools and ignorance is far from bliss. From assessment results to questioning educational claims, there is a growing need to understand the numbers used in education. Education data blogger and teacher Richard Selfridge (aka Jack Marwood) unravels the complexities of dealing with educational data and explains statistics in an understandable, everyday way, relevant to your classroom and your school. He will take you through all you need to know about data and statistics in education including: · Where does education data come from? · The what, why and how of numbers. · Understanding different types of graphs and how to use them. · How to play around with data to see the bigger picture. · How to interpret data, does one thing really lead to another? · Using data to inform school policy. A must-read for all teachers, school leaders, data managers, school governors, and anyone in education who has ever looked at statistical data and broken out into a cold sweat. Richard Selfridge is a primary school teacher and writer on education. He is author of the popular datablog Icing on the Cake and tweets under the sometime pseudonym @Jack_Marwood.

Databusting for Schools: How to Use and Interpret Education Data

by Richard Selfridge

'In the increasingly data-swamped world of education, data literacy is no longer a desirable skill, it is essential. Databusting for Schools is part guide through the complexities, uses and limitations of data; and part challenge to those who too readily make assumptions and draw conclusions. This is an important book.' James Pembroke, independent data analyst Data rules schools and ignorance is far from bliss. From assessment results to questioning educational claims, there is a growing need to understand the numbers used in education. Education data blogger and teacher Richard Selfridge (aka Jack Marwood) unravels the complexities of dealing with educational data and explains statistics in an understandable, everyday way, relevant to your classroom and your school. He will take you through all you need to know about data and statistics in education including: · Where does education data come from? · The what, why and how of numbers. · Understanding different types of graphs and how to use them. · How to play around with data to see the bigger picture. · How to interpret data, does one thing really lead to another? · Using data to inform school policy. A must-read for all teachers, school leaders, data managers, school governors, and anyone in education who has ever looked at statistical data and broken out into a cold sweat. Richard Selfridge is a primary school teacher and writer on education. He is author of the popular datablog Icing on the Cake and tweets under the sometime pseudonym @Jack_Marwood.

The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education: Playing with Numbers (Foundations and Futures of Education)

by Alice Bradbury Guy Roberts-Holmes

The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education explores and critically analyses the growing dominance of data in schools and early childhood education settings. Recognising the shift in practice and priorities towards the production and analysis of attainment data that are compared locally, nationally and internationally, this important book explores the role and impact of digital data in the ‘data-obsessed’ school. Through insightful case studies the book critiques policy priorities which facilitate and demand the use of attainment data, within a neoliberal education system which is already heavily focused on assessment and accountability. Using an approach influenced by policy sociology and post-foundational frameworks, the book considers how data are productive of data-driven teacher and child subjectivities. The text explores how data have become an important part of making teachers’ work visible within systems which are both disciplinary and controlling, while often reducing the complexity of children’s learning to single numbers. Key ideas covered include: The impact of data on the individual teacher and their pedagogical practice, particularly in play-based early years classrooms The problems of collecting data through assessment of young children How schools respond to increased pressure to produce the ‘right’ data – or how they ‘play with numbers’ How data affect children and teachers’ identities International governance and data comparison, including international comparison of young children’s attainment Private sector involvement in data processing and analysis The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education offers a unique insight into the links between data, policy and practice and is a crucial read for all interested in the ways in which data are affecting teachers, practitioners and children.

The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education: Playing with Numbers (Foundations and Futures of Education)

by Alice Bradbury Guy Roberts-Holmes

The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education explores and critically analyses the growing dominance of data in schools and early childhood education settings. Recognising the shift in practice and priorities towards the production and analysis of attainment data that are compared locally, nationally and internationally, this important book explores the role and impact of digital data in the ‘data-obsessed’ school. Through insightful case studies the book critiques policy priorities which facilitate and demand the use of attainment data, within a neoliberal education system which is already heavily focused on assessment and accountability. Using an approach influenced by policy sociology and post-foundational frameworks, the book considers how data are productive of data-driven teacher and child subjectivities. The text explores how data have become an important part of making teachers’ work visible within systems which are both disciplinary and controlling, while often reducing the complexity of children’s learning to single numbers. Key ideas covered include: The impact of data on the individual teacher and their pedagogical practice, particularly in play-based early years classrooms The problems of collecting data through assessment of young children How schools respond to increased pressure to produce the ‘right’ data – or how they ‘play with numbers’ How data affect children and teachers’ identities International governance and data comparison, including international comparison of young children’s attainment Private sector involvement in data processing and analysis The Datafication of Primary and Early Years Education offers a unique insight into the links between data, policy and practice and is a crucial read for all interested in the ways in which data are affecting teachers, practitioners and children.

Datafizierung: Kritische Perspektiven auf digitale Vermessung in pädagogischen Kontexten (Digitale Gesellschaft #59)

by Mandy Schiefner-Rohs Sandra Hofhues Andreas Breiter

Mit der Optimierung des Lehrens und Lernens durch Daten, Zahlen und Algorithmen nehmen die Nutzung digital erzeugter Daten oder automatisierte Auswertungsmethoden zu. Daten lassen sich nahezu beliebig miteinander verknüpfen und digitale Geräte, einzelne Plattformen und technische Ökosysteme befinden sich inzwischen im Dauerbetrieb. Scheinbare »Gewissheiten« und vermeintlich objektive(re) Rückmeldungen bestimmen so die pädagogische Praxis mit. Die Beitragenden des Bandes setzen sich kritisch mit (digitalen) Vermessungspraktiken in pädagogischen Kontexten und der allumfassenden Quantifizierung auseinander. Neben aktuellen Forschungsprojekten, die die dargelegten Ambivalenzen empirisch in den Blick nehmen, reflektieren darüber hinaus Forschende in Interviews die Erkenntnisse sowie eigene Erfahrungen für die Gegenwartsgesellschaft.

Dataproof Your School: How to use assessment data effectively (Corwin Ltd)

by Richard Selfridge James Pembroke

Collecting and analysing data to monitor and challenge school standards is an increasingly important – and unavoidable – aspect of our education system. But how do we ensure we are generating useful information to support learning and make informed decisions, and not needlessly ramping up workload? This book will guide you through the different types of data schools can, and should, generate; how to make the best use of it, and what to avoid. From standardised tests and teacher assessment, to managing data and developing a data strategy, this book will equip you with the tools you need to dataproof your school. Richard Selfridge is a primary school teacher, data consultant and writer on education James Pembroke is a data analyst, blogger and consultant with 15 year’s experience working with education data. He now works for Insight Tracking.

Dataproof Your School: How to use assessment data effectively (Corwin Ltd)

by Richard Selfridge James Pembroke

Collecting and analysing data to monitor and challenge school standards is an increasingly important – and unavoidable – aspect of our education system. But how do we ensure we are generating useful information to support learning and make informed decisions, and not needlessly ramping up workload? This book will guide you through the different types of data schools can, and should, generate; how to make the best use of it, and what to avoid. From standardised tests and teacher assessment, to managing data and developing a data strategy, this book will equip you with the tools you need to dataproof your school. Richard Selfridge is a primary school teacher, data consultant and writer on education James Pembroke is a data analyst, blogger and consultant with 15 year’s experience working with education data. He now works for Insight Tracking.

Dataproof Your School: How to use assessment data effectively (Corwin Ltd)

by Richard Selfridge James Pembroke

Collecting and analysing data to monitor and challenge school standards is an increasingly important – and unavoidable – aspect of our education system. But how do we ensure we are generating useful information to support learning and make informed decisions, and not needlessly ramping up workload? This book will guide you through the different types of data schools can, and should, generate; how to make the best use of it, and what to avoid. From standardised tests and teacher assessment, to managing data and developing a data strategy, this book will equip you with the tools you need to dataproof your school. Richard Selfridge is a primary school teacher, data consultant and writer on education James Pembroke is a data analyst, blogger and consultant with 15 year’s experience working with education data. He now works for Insight Tracking.

Date Me, Bryson Keller

by Kevin van Whye

'Date me, Bryson Keller!'Everyone at Fairvale Academy knows Bryson Keller, the super-hot soccer captain who doesn't believe in high-school relationships. They also know about the dare Bryson accepted - each week he has to date the first person who asks him out.A single school week is all anyone gets. There have been no exceptions to this. None.Until me, that is.Because brilliant Bryson Keller forgot one thing. He never said it could only be girls . . .To All The Boys I've Loved Before meets Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda in this irresistible LGBTQ+ rom com.

The Date of Mark's Gospel: Insight from the Law in Earliest Christianity (The Library of New Testament Studies #266)

by James G. Crossley

This book argues that Mark's gospel was not written as late as c. 65-75 CE, but dates from sometime between the late 30s and early 40s CE. It challenges the use of the external evidence (such as Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria) often used for dating Mark, relying instead on internal evidence from the gospel itself. James Crossley also questions the view that Mark 13 reflects the Jewish war, arguing that there are other plausible historical settings.Crossley argues that Mark's gospel takes for granted that Jesus fully observed biblical law and that Mark could only make such an assumption at a time when Christianity was largely law observant: and this could not have been later than the mid-40s, from which point on certain Jewish and gentile Christians were no longer observing some biblical laws (e.g. food, Sabbath).

Daten, Zufall und der Rest der Welt: Didaktische Perspektiven zur anwendungsbezogenen Mathematik

by Ute Sproesser Silvia Wessolowski Claudia Wö

​Wie lässt sich durch das Erheben von Daten funktionales Verständnis entwickeln? Was bedeutet Zufall in der Welt von Kindern? Hat auch der Rest der Welt etwas mit Mathematik zu tun? In diesem Sammelband, der als Festschrift Prof. Dr. Joachim Engel gewidmet ist, werden von Dozentinnen und Dozenten verschiedener Hochschulen und anderer Bildungseinrichtungen didaktische Perspektiven zu Themenfeldern der anwendungsbezogenen Mathematik dargelegt. Die Beiträge umfassen dabei das Lehren und Lernen vom Elementar- bis hin zum Hochschulbereich.​

Datenanalyse in der Sekundarstufe I als Fortbildungsthema: Theoriegeleitete Konzeption und Evaluation einer Multiplikatorenqualifizierung (Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und zum Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien in der Mathematik und in der Statistik)

by Thomas Wassong

Thomas Wassong stellt die Qualifizierung von Mathematikmoderatorinnen und -moderatoren ins Zentrum seiner Untersuchung, welche dem Forschungsparadigma des Design-based Research-Ansatzes folgt. Er konzipiert ein Professionswissensstrukturmodell für Lehrpersonen in ihrer Multiplikatorrolle und behandelt die Professionalisierung im Allgemeinen und im Speziellen für das Thema Datenanalyse im Unterricht der Sekundarstufe I. In der Evaluation überprüft und erweitert der Autor die Ziele der Qualifizierung und ihrer Umsetzung und setzt sich mit der Selbstbeschreibung der Teilnehmenden in ihrer Rolle als Fortbildende und als Lehrpersonen auseinander. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der umfangreichen Dokumentation der Implementation der Qualifizierung.

Datenanalyse mit SPSS für Fortgeschrittene: Ein Arbeitsbuch

by Nina Baur Sabine Fromm

Das Buch bietet eine verständliche und anwendungsorientierte Einführung in das fortgeschrittene Arbeiten mit SPSS, der wichtigsten Software im Bereich der empirischen Sozialforschung. Anschauliche Beispiele aus den Sozialwissenschaften und eine beiliegende CD runden das didaktische Konzept des Buches ab.

Datenanalyse mit SPSS für Fortgeschrittene: Ein Arbeitsbuch

by Nina Baur Sabine Fromm

Das Buch bietet eine verständliche und anwendungsorientierte Einführung in das fortgeschrittene Arbeiten mit SPSS, der wichtigsten Software im Bereich der empirischen Sozialforschung. Anschauliche Beispiele aus den Sozialwissenschaften und umfassendes Zusatzmaterial auf der Homepage zum Buch runden das didaktische Konzept des Buches ab.

Datenbasierte Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung in Schulen: Eine Bestandsaufnahme in den Ländern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

by Felicitas Thiel Jasmin Tarkian Eva-Maria Lankes Norbert Maritzen Thomas Riecke-Baulecke Anna Kroupa

Im vorliegenden Buch werden auf der Grundlage einer systematischen Auswertung von Konzepten, Handreichungen, Gesetzen und Verwaltungsvorschriften die Verfahren und Regelungen zu drei zentralen Instrumenten schulischer Qualitätsentwicklung in den 16 deutschen Ländern beschrieben. Mehr als 1000 Dokumente wurden zu diesem Zweck analysiert. Damit liegt erstmals eine ländervergleichende Bestandsaufnahme vor, die für politisch-administrative Steuerungsentscheidungen sowie zukünftige Forschungsvorhaben gleichermaßen informativ ist. Der InhaltMethodische Grundlagen der Analyse bildungspolitischer und -rechtlicher Dokumente • Rahmenkonzepte zur Definition von Schulqualität • Konzeption und Implementation von Vergleichsarbeiten • Externe Evaluation • Interne Evaluation • Bildungsrechtliche Grundlagen datenbasierter Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung • Strategien datenbasierter Steuerung zur Sicherung und Entwicklung von Schulqualität Die HerausgeberDr. Felicitas Thiel ist Professorin im Arbeitsbereich Schulpädagogik an der Freien Universität Berlin.Jasmin Tarkian und Anna Kroupa sind wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen im Arbeitsbereich Schulpädagogik an der Freien Universität Berlin.Dr. Eva-Maria Lankes ist Professorin für Schulpädagogik an der Technischen Universität München.Norbert Maritzen ist Direktor des Instituts für Bildungsmonitoring und Qualitätsentwicklung in Hamburg.Dr. Thomas Riecke-Baulecke ist Direktor des Instituts für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein.

Datenmanagement: Daten – Datenbanken – Datensicherheit (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Im einführenden Kapitel dieses Datenmanagementbuchs geht es zunächst um die Frage, wie im Zuge der Digitalisierung die Umwandlung von analogen Daten in binäre Zahlen abläuft und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die computergesteuerte Verarbeitung von Texten, Bildern, Farben sowie Musik hat. Des Weiteren betrachten die Verfasser folgende Gesichtspunkte: Grundlagen von DatenbankenDatenbankentwürfeMalwareMögliche Datenschutzmaßnahmen

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2004 (Schriften der DGfE)

by Rudolf Tippelt Thomas Rauschenbach Horst Weishaupt

Die Situation der Erziehungswissenschaft an den Hochschulen in Deutschland, in Österreich und der Schweiz wird im Datenreport 2004 neu erfasst. Neue Trends und Entwicklungstendenzen werden aufgezeigt.

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2006 (Schriften der DGfE)

by Margret Kraul Hans Merkens Rudolf Tippelt

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft veröffentlicht seit dem Jahre 2000 im zweijährigen Turnus jeweils zum Zeitpunkt ihres Kongresses einen Datenreport. Dieser vierte Datenreport schließt von der Themenwahl und Gestaltung her an die bereits erschienenen an und präsentiert aktuelle Daten zur Lage in der Erziehungswissenschaft. In einer Zeit, in der die Situation an den Universitäten durch viele Umbrüche gekennzeichnet ist und neue Entwicklungen in den einzelnen Fächern registriert werden können, liefert der Datenreport Informationen darüber, wie sich dieser Prozess des Wandels in der Erziehungswissenschaft vollzieht.

Datenvisualisierungen mit Julia: Erstellen von Grafiken, interaktiver Oberflächen sowie Animationen

by Daniel Jaud

Dieses Buch stellt eine Einführung in das Programmieren und das Erstellen publikationsfertiger Grafiken oder interaktiver Animationen mit der Julia-Programmiersprache dar. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf einer schrittweise Auseinandersetzung mit den verschiedenen Plot-Möglichkeiten. Im Buch werden aufeinander aufbauend alle wichtigen Programmierkonstrukte zum Erstellen von Grafiken ausgearbeitet. Durch zusätzliche Aufgaben mit Beispiellösungen kann der Leser sein gelerntes Wissen nochmals selbst in der Praxis anwenden.Der InhaltErste SchritteSchleifen in JuliaErstellen einfacher GrafikenDarstellungsoptionen von Plots und Schleifen mit FunktionenVektorfelder, 3d-Plots, Oberflächen und KonturenInteraktive Anwendungen und AnimationenDer AutorDr. Daniel Jaud studierte Mathematik und Physik mit anschließender Promotion. Er unterrichtet an einem Gymnasium und ist weiterhin als freier Wissenschaftler im Bereich der mathematischen Physik tätig.

Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts (The Library of New Testament Studies)

by Karl Leslie Armstrong

There has been consistent apathy in recent years with regard to the long-standing debate surrounding the date of Acts. While the so-called majority of scholars over the past century have been lulled into thinking that Acts was written between 70 and 90 CE, the vast majority of recent scholarship is unanimously adamant that this middle-range date is a convenient, political compromise. Karl Armstrong argues that a large part of the problem relates to a remarkable neglect of historical, textual, and source-critical matters. Compounding the problem further are the methodological flaws among the approaches to the middle and late date of Acts.Armstrong thus demonstrates that a historiographical approach to the debate offers a strong framework for evaluating primary and secondary sources relating to the book of Acts. By using a historiographical approach, along with the support of modern principles of textual criticism and linguistics, the historical context of Acts is determined to be concurrent with a date of 62–63 CE.

Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts (The Library of New Testament Studies)

by Karl Leslie Armstrong

There has been consistent apathy in recent years with regard to the long-standing debate surrounding the date of Acts. While the so-called majority of scholars over the past century have been lulled into thinking that Acts was written between 70 and 90 CE, the vast majority of recent scholarship is unanimously adamant that this middle-range date is a convenient, political compromise. Karl Armstrong argues that a large part of the problem relates to a remarkable neglect of historical, textual, and source-critical matters. Compounding the problem further are the methodological flaws among the approaches to the middle and late date of Acts.Armstrong thus demonstrates that a historiographical approach to the debate offers a strong framework for evaluating primary and secondary sources relating to the book of Acts. By using a historiographical approach, along with the support of modern principles of textual criticism and linguistics, the historical context of Acts is determined to be concurrent with a date of 62–63 CE.

David and Goliath: Independent Reading 11 (Reading Champion #511)

by Katie Dale

An exciting retelling of the famous story of David, a young shepherd boy, who faces the mighty giant warrior, Goliath, armed only with a slingshot and pebble.Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.Independent Reading 11 stories are the perfect introduction to first chapter books for children aged 6+ who are reading at book band 11 in classroom reading lessons.The Key Stage 2 Reading Champion Books are suggested for use as follows:Independent Reading 11: start of Year 3 or age 7+Independent Reading 12: end of Year 3 or age 7+Independent Reading 13: start of Year 4 or age 8+Independent Reading 14: end of Year 4 or age 8+Independent Reading 15: start of Year 5 or age 9+Independent Reading 16: end of Year 5 or age 9+Independent Reading 17: start of Year 6 or age 10+Independent Reading 18: end of Year 6 or age 10+

David in Love and War: The Pursuit of Pursuit of Power in 2 Samuel 10-12 (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Randall C. Bailey

David in Love and War is a reworking of the dissertation that Bailey worked on while at Emory College in Atlanta, Georgia. His interests in literary critical concerns directed him in regards to the information he wanted to cover in his book. Bailey covers 2 Samuel 10 –12 as well as the connection between David and Bathsheba.

David Lewin's Morgengruß: Text, Context, Commentary

by David Bard-Schwarz Richard Cohn

Arguably one of the most influential and revered figures in contemporary music theory, David Lewin (1933-2003) revolutionized the field through his work on transformational theory and theoretical methodology. David Lewin's Morgengruß: Text, Context, Commentary presents in print for the first time Lewin's legendary 1974 essay on Franz Schubert's "Morgengruß," from the composer's song cycle, Die Schöne Müllerin. The essay was central to Lewin's graduate teaching, and copies of it have circulated by hand through the music-scholarly community for decades. This book presents the original text of Lewin's essay along with over 200 graphical illustrations. Lewin's ability to present an artful and rich argument, based on a close reading of a short, "simple" score is but one of the wonders to behold in his masterful essay. At once deeply nuanced and widely accessible, Lewin's "Morgengruß" offers insight into Schubert's composition as well as the analytical process itself. Along with the full text of Lewin's essay, this book includes a small but pointed collection of essays interpreting the content and significance of Lewin's "Morgengruß." Drawing on current research as well as personal reflection, editors Richard Cohn and David Bard-Schwarz, along with contributors Brian Kane and Henry Klumpenhouwer, elaborate on the analytical, pedagogical, and philosophical contexts of Lewin's work. Taken together, the editors and contributors offer a compelling account of the enduring significance of Lewin's writing. David Lewin's Morgengruß is a must-have for anyone with an interest in Lewin's career, Schubert's music, or music theory generally.

David Lewin's Morgengruß: Text, Context, Commentary

by David Bard-Schwarz and Richard Cohn

Arguably one of the most influential and revered figures in contemporary music theory, David Lewin (1933-2003) revolutionized the field through his work on transformational theory and theoretical methodology. David Lewin's Morgengruß: Text, Context, Commentary presents in print for the first time Lewin's legendary 1974 essay on Franz Schubert's "Morgengruß," from the composer's song cycle, Die Schöne Müllerin. The essay was central to Lewin's graduate teaching, and copies of it have circulated by hand through the music-scholarly community for decades. This book presents the original text of Lewin's essay along with over 200 graphical illustrations. Lewin's ability to present an artful and rich argument, based on a close reading of a short, "simple" score is but one of the wonders to behold in his masterful essay. At once deeply nuanced and widely accessible, Lewin's "Morgengruß" offers insight into Schubert's composition as well as the analytical process itself. Along with the full text of Lewin's essay, this book includes a small but pointed collection of essays interpreting the content and significance of Lewin's "Morgengruß." Drawing on current research as well as personal reflection, editors Richard Cohn and David Bard-Schwarz, along with contributors Brian Kane and Henry Klumpenhouwer, elaborate on the analytical, pedagogical, and philosophical contexts of Lewin's work. Taken together, the editors and contributors offer a compelling account of the enduring significance of Lewin's writing. David Lewin's Morgengruß is a must-have for anyone with an interest in Lewin's career, Schubert's music, or music theory generally.

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