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De heer Goossens: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 4, generieke fase (Zorggericht)

by W.C. van Roekel M.H.J. van den Borne M.C.C. Holtman

Zorgcategorie: Zorgvrager met darmtumor Setting: Algemeen ziekenhuis, afdeling chirurgie Korte inhoud: Meneer Goossens is de hoofdpersoon uit de casus van dit boek. Daarnaast maak je kennis met meneer Visser. Bij meneer Goossens is kortgeleden darmkanker vastgesteld en hij komt in het ziekenhuis om deze kanker te laten verwijderen. Meneer Visser heeft enige jaren geleden strottenhoofdkanker gehad en heeft inmiddels zijn leven weer opgebouwd. Beide heren hebben een stoma, meneer Goossens krijgt een darmstoma, meneer Visser heeft een tracheostoma.

De heer Kamminga: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 3, deelkwalificatie 309 (Zorggericht)

by Nicolien van Halem C.J.M. van der Cingel J.G.M. Hutten

Zorgcategorie: Geriatrische zorgvrager Setting: VerzorgingshuisKorte inhoud: Steeds meer mensen bereiken een hoge leeftijd in onze maatschappij. De 'vergrijzing' neemt toe. Dit gegeven kom je veelvuldig tegen in de statistieken van kranten en andere media. De ouderdom kan wijsheid, inzicht en bezinning opleveren, maar ook verdriet door verlies van geliefden en bekenden en eenzaamheid. Daarnaast krijgt het afnemen van psychische en lichaamsfuncties een belangrijke plaats. Je maakt kennis met een aantal ziekten die kunnen horen bij de laatste levensfase en met een aantal voorkomende gedragsproblemen. Je ontwikkelt kennis, houding en vaardigheden om je voor te bereiden op de zorg voor deze bewoners.

De Semilla a Planta (National Geographic Reader)

by National Geographic Kids Kristin Baird Rattini

Los niños observan las plantas, las flores y los arboles a su alrededor todos los días.

De springprocessie: Levendige lessen in zakelijk schrijven (Docentenreeks)

by M. Claessens

Hoewel er nogal gewichtig over wordt gedaan, worden zakelijke teksten 'gewoon' geschreven door mensen van vlees en bloed die schrijven omdat ze iets willen zeggen. Dat is de essentie van dit boek.De springprocessie biedt zestien vrolijke en trefzekere oefeningen waarmee u uw studenten in sprongen kunt leren schrijven. In sprong 1 uiten studenten hun gedachten, observaties en emoties ('Laat je gaan!'), en wel zó dat er precies staat wat ze bedoelen ('Zie ik het echt voor me?'). In sprong 2 leren ze hun lezer 'van binnenuit' kennen en hun teksten op hem af te stellen ('Luister naar de stem van de lezer en becommentarieer zo je tekst'). In sprong 3 is die stem geïnternaliseerd en doen ze aan zelfhulp ('Schrijf eerst brutaal, dan flemend en dan precies goed'). Ze analyseren de context en controleren hun strategie ('Bedenk uitvluchten voor de lezer om niet op je verzoek in te hoeven gaan'). Schrijven is actie, maar ook interactie en reflectie. De teksten worden voorgelezen, geanalyseerd enherschreven.

(De)Standardisierung von Bildungsverläufen und -strukturen: Neue Perspektiven auf bildungsbezogene Ungleichheit

by Livia Makrinus Katrin Otremba Christian Rennert Janine Stoeck

Wissenschaftliche und bildungspolitische Diskurse sind seit geraumer Zeit durch Gegensätzlichkeiten gekennzeichnet, die sich im Spannungsfeld einer zunehmenden Standardisierung und Destandardisierung bewegen. Diese, insbesondere die Bildungssysteme und -institutionen kennzeichnenden Dynamiken sind eingebettet in eine zunehmende Pluralisierung individueller Bildungsbiographien. Der vorliegende Sammelband fragt nach den Auswirkungen dieser Prozesse auf die Reproduktion und Transformation sozialer Bildungsungleichheit. Das Spannungsfeld von Standardisierung und Destandardisierung wird aus makro-, meso- und mikroanalytischer Perspektive sowie in verschiedenen Feldern des Bildungswesens in den Blick genommen: Von Interesse sind übergreifende Dynamiken auf der Ebene der Bildungsstrukturen und Bildungsverläufe.

De-Stress at Work: Understanding and Combatting Chronic Stress

by Simon L. Dolan

Burn-out, excessive hours, office politics, handling complaints, isolated remote working, complex and inefficient processes – this book addresses the full complexities of chronic stress at work. It explains the potential for emotional and physical illness resulting from work, and importantly, presents ways in which occupational health and wellbeing can be enhanced through strengthening chronic stress diagnosis and promoting resilience. The latter is a win-win, for the worker, for the organization, and for society in general. Drawing on 40 years of research in collaboration with some of the best-known occupational stress gurus (including Cary Cooper, Susan Jackson, the late Ron Burke and Arie Shirom), Simon L. Dolan translates abstract concepts of chronic stress into practical guidance for enhancing resilience in a VUCA world. The ILO and many governments recognize stress as a principal cause of emerging physical and mental disease and one of the strongest determinants of high absenteeism, low morale and low productivity. While important advances have been made in the diagnosis of acute stress, the field of chronic stress in the workplace remains less clear. This book seeks to address this by presenting a wealth of diagnostic tools, including "The Stress Map". The text is brought to life for the reader by short vignettes in the form of anecdotes and stories. This book will be of particular interest to HR professionals, consultants, executive coaches, therapists and others who wish to help employees and clients better manage their own and others’ stress and to build resilience that leads to a more productive and healthier workforce.

De-Stress at Work: Understanding and Combatting Chronic Stress

by Simon L. Dolan

Burn-out, excessive hours, office politics, handling complaints, isolated remote working, complex and inefficient processes – this book addresses the full complexities of chronic stress at work. It explains the potential for emotional and physical illness resulting from work, and importantly, presents ways in which occupational health and wellbeing can be enhanced through strengthening chronic stress diagnosis and promoting resilience. The latter is a win-win, for the worker, for the organization, and for society in general. Drawing on 40 years of research in collaboration with some of the best-known occupational stress gurus (including Cary Cooper, Susan Jackson, the late Ron Burke and Arie Shirom), Simon L. Dolan translates abstract concepts of chronic stress into practical guidance for enhancing resilience in a VUCA world. The ILO and many governments recognize stress as a principal cause of emerging physical and mental disease and one of the strongest determinants of high absenteeism, low morale and low productivity. While important advances have been made in the diagnosis of acute stress, the field of chronic stress in the workplace remains less clear. This book seeks to address this by presenting a wealth of diagnostic tools, including "The Stress Map". The text is brought to life for the reader by short vignettes in the form of anecdotes and stories. This book will be of particular interest to HR professionals, consultants, executive coaches, therapists and others who wish to help employees and clients better manage their own and others’ stress and to build resilience that leads to a more productive and healthier workforce.

De verleiding weerstaan: Over de noodzaak van het doordacht ontwerpen van opleidingen

by M. Banens A. B. Wilkens E. L. de With A. Reints

Toen de Britse klimmer George Mallory in 1924 de vraag kreeg voorgelegd waarom hij de Mount Everest wilde beklimmen, luidde zijn antwoord simpelweg: 'Because It's There'.Voor het beklimmen van de Mount Everest is dat wellicht reden genoeg, maar bij het ontwerpen van opleidingen verdient het toch de voorkeur onderwijskundige wenselijkheden en mogelijkheden centraal te stellen. Toch blijkt dat niet altijd het geval te zijn, vooral wanneer het gaat om nieuwe technische ontwikkelingen. ICT–toepassingen bijvoorbeeld worden vaak met geen andere reden in een opleiding opgenomen dan omdat 'ze er nu eenmaal zijn', of omdat de concurrent dat ook doet.Dit boek is een pleidooi om de verleiding te weerstaan en onderwijs doordacht te ontwerpen, rekening houdend met visies op leren, kenmerken van de doelgroep en de organisatorische context. Met dit boek viert het CLU zijn vierde lustrum. Het is niet toevallig dat bij deze feestelijke gelegenheid een boek als dit verschijnt. Het CLU heeft niet voor niets twintig jaar 'gefundeerd onderwijs' in zijn vaandel staan.Het boek is geen handleiding tot het ontwerpen van onderwijs. Het geeft wel te denken. En zal iedereen die te maken heeft met het ontwerpen van opleidingen en onderwijs tot steun kunnen zijn.

De verpleegkundige in de AGZ: Specialistische verpleegkundige zorg (Basiswerken Verpleging en Verzorging)

by IJ.D. Jüngen J.A.M. Kerstens E.M. Sesink

In dit boek komen verschillende verpleegsituaties van patiënten met veelal ernstige ziekten van de verschillende orgaansystemen aan bod, zoals de ademhaling, de circulatie, de nieren en urinewegen en het neurologische systeem. Aan de hand van casuïstiek worden de verpleegkundige interventies bij medische onderzoeken, behandelingen en complicaties behandeld. De verpleegkundige zorg gaat tevens over de gevolgen van ziekte en behandeling voor de patiënt zoals lichamelijke beperkingen, psychische en sociale gevolgen en therapiediscipline in verband leefregels en medicijngebruik. Dit boek is het vervolg op De verpleegkundige in de AGZ, Algemene verpleegkundige zorg.

De Volledige Inleiding Tot Tekenen: Een professionele cursus voor elke tekenaar

by Barrington Barber

De volledige inleiding tot tekenen van Barrington Barber is een boek dat eenvoudig te gebruiken is en waarmee u uw tekenvaardigheden naar een hoger niveau kunt brengen. De auteur begint bij de grondbeginselen en leidt u stapsgewijs naar zorgvuldig uitgedachte oefeningen over het samenstellen en tekenen van stillevens, landschappen, portretten en figuren.Door het gehele boek geven Barringtons aanwijzingen en tips u werkelijk inzicht in de kunst van het leren tekenen. Dit is een onmisbare bron voor iedereen die op weg is een volleerd tekenaar te worden.De inhoud omvat:Standaard lijnen zetten - Voorwerpen en stillevens tekenen - Materiaal, verlichting en perspectief - De natuurlijke wereld - Modeltekenen - Het menselijk figuur - Een landschap opzetten - Een stilleven opzetten - Een portret opzetten - Leren van het verleden - Stijlen en invloeden

De Waayenborg: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 3, deelkwalificatie 308 (Zorggericht)

by J. Sevenhuijsen C.J.M. van der Cingel D.E. Zwart Nicolien van Halem J.G.M. Hutten J.H. van Meteren M. van der Linden A. Ormel A. Smit

Zorgcategorie: Revaliderenden Setting: Verpleeghuis, afdeling revalidatie Korte inhoud: De Waayenborg is een verpleeghuis midden in een woonwijk van een middelgrote stad. Dit heeft zo zijn voordelen: de bereikbaarheid is goed en er is altijd wel wat te beleven in en om het huis. Er wonen psychogeriatrische zorgvragers en mensen met een somatische aandoening. Zoals zo veel verpleeghuizen heeft De Waayenborg ook een revalidatieafdeling.

The "Dead Sea Scrolls": A Biography

by John J. Collins

Since they were first discovered in the caves at Qumran in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have aroused more fascination--and more controversy--than perhaps any other archaeological find. They appear to have been hidden in the Judean desert by the Essenes, a Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus, and they continue to inspire veneration and conspiracy theories to this day. John Collins tells the story of the bitter conflicts that have swirled around the scrolls since their startling discovery, and sheds light on their true significance for Jewish and Christian history. Collins vividly recounts how a Bedouin shepherd went searching for a lost goat and found the scrolls instead. He offers insight into debates over whether the Essenes were an authentic Jewish sect and explains why such questions are critical to our understanding of ancient Judaism and to Jewish identity. Collins explores whether the scrolls were indeed the property of an isolated, quasi-monastic community living at Qumran, or whether they more broadly reflect the Judaism of their time. And he unravels the impassioned disputes surrounding the scrolls and Christianity. Do they anticipate the early church? Do they undermine the credibility of the Christian faith? Collins also looks at attempts to "reclaim" the scrolls for Judaism after the full corpus became available in the 1990s, and at how the decades-long delay in publishing the scrolls gave rise to sensational claims and conspiracy theories.

The "Dead Sea Scrolls": A Biography

by John J. Collins

Since they were first discovered in the caves at Qumran in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have aroused more fascination--and more controversy--than perhaps any other archaeological find. They appear to have been hidden in the Judean desert by the Essenes, a Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus, and they continue to inspire veneration and conspiracy theories to this day. John Collins tells the story of the bitter conflicts that have swirled around the scrolls since their startling discovery, and sheds light on their true significance for Jewish and Christian history. Collins vividly recounts how a Bedouin shepherd went searching for a lost goat and found the scrolls instead. He offers insight into debates over whether the Essenes were an authentic Jewish sect and explains why such questions are critical to our understanding of ancient Judaism and to Jewish identity. Collins explores whether the scrolls were indeed the property of an isolated, quasi-monastic community living at Qumran, or whether they more broadly reflect the Judaism of their time. And he unravels the impassioned disputes surrounding the scrolls and Christianity. Do they anticipate the early church? Do they undermine the credibility of the Christian faith? Collins also looks at attempts to "reclaim" the scrolls for Judaism after the full corpus became available in the 1990s, and at how the decades-long delay in publishing the scrolls gave rise to sensational claims and conspiracy theories.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography (Lives of Great Religious Books #13)

by John J. Collins

Since they were first discovered in the caves at Qumran in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have aroused more fascination--and more controversy--than perhaps any other archaeological find. They appear to have been hidden in the Judean desert by the Essenes, a Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus, and they continue to inspire veneration and conspiracy theories to this day. John Collins tells the story of the bitter conflicts that have swirled around the scrolls since their startling discovery, and sheds light on their true significance for Jewish and Christian history. Collins vividly recounts how a Bedouin shepherd went searching for a lost goat and found the scrolls instead. He offers insight into debates over whether the Essenes were an authentic Jewish sect and explains why such questions are critical to our understanding of ancient Judaism and to Jewish identity. Collins explores whether the scrolls were indeed the property of an isolated, quasi-monastic community living at Qumran, or whether they more broadly reflect the Judaism of their time. And he unravels the impassioned disputes surrounding the scrolls and Christianity. Do they anticipate the early church? Do they undermine the credibility of the Christian faith? Collins also looks at attempts to "reclaim" the scrolls for Judaism after the full corpus became available in the 1990s, and at how the decades-long delay in publishing the scrolls gave rise to sensational claims and conspiracy theories.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Biography (Lives of Great Religious Books #13)

by John J. Collins

Since they were first discovered in the caves at Qumran in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have aroused more fascination--and more controversy--than perhaps any other archaeological find. They appear to have been hidden in the Judean desert by the Essenes, a Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus, and they continue to inspire veneration and conspiracy theories to this day. John Collins tells the story of the bitter conflicts that have swirled around the scrolls since their startling discovery, and sheds light on their true significance for Jewish and Christian history. Collins vividly recounts how a Bedouin shepherd went searching for a lost goat and found the scrolls instead. He offers insight into debates over whether the Essenes were an authentic Jewish sect and explains why such questions are critical to our understanding of ancient Judaism and to Jewish identity. Collins explores whether the scrolls were indeed the property of an isolated, quasi-monastic community living at Qumran, or whether they more broadly reflect the Judaism of their time. And he unravels the impassioned disputes surrounding the scrolls and Christianity. Do they anticipate the early church? Do they undermine the credibility of the Christian faith? Collins also looks at attempts to "reclaim" the scrolls for Judaism after the full corpus became available in the 1990s, and at how the decades-long delay in publishing the scrolls gave rise to sensational claims and conspiracy theories.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: New Insights on Ancient Texts (The New Antiquity)

by Lawrence H. Schiffman Alex P. Jassen

This volume draws readers into the exciting world of the Dead Sea Scrolls – around 930 manuscripts which were discovered in caves near the ancient settlement of Qumran between 1947 and 1956, and which transformed scholarship of the Bible, Judaism and Christianity. Ten scholars working at the forefront of their field address big-picture issues in relation to the scroll fragments, including their preservation and conservation; their availability electronically; and their relation to Rabbinic literature. The book also looks at the archaeology of Qumran, and the history and identity of the community; ancient writing systems; the scrolls in relation to the wider world of the time – the practice of magic and demonology, prayer, and colonial violence and power – as well as representations of them in popular media. The volume situates Dead Sea Scrolls scholarship within broader conversations in the study of the ancient world: Biblical Studies, Religious Studies, Classics, Archaeology, Jewish Studies, and Ancient History.

Dead Wings (Dragonblood) (PDF)

by Michael Dahl

This series is aimed at reluctant readers with simple, easy-to-read text, engaging illustrations and design. Fantastic settings and computer-game speed grip readers in these high-low novels. An Age of Dragons is about to begin. The powerful creatures will return to rule the world once more, but this time will be different. This time they will have allies. Around the world, some young humans are making a strange discovery. They are learning that they were born with dragon blood - blood that gives them amazing powers.

Deadliest Animals: Level 4 (National Geographic Readers Ser.)

by Melissa Stewart National Geographic Kids Staff

National Geographic Primary Readers pair magnificent National Geographic photographs with engaging text by skilled authors to help your child learn to read. Developed by education experts, this series of books for beginner readers is spread across four levels: Early Reader, Becoming Fluent, Becoming Independent and Independent Reader. Did you know that a tiny golf ball-sized creature called the blue-ringed octopus contains enough venom to kill 26 adult humans? Or why the Sydney funnel web spider is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world? In this National Geographic Kids Level 4 Reader, children will be fascinated by 12 species that you hope you’ll never come across! Sharks, snakes, jellyfish and more – these creatures are among the most threatening – and interesting – in the world! Level 4: Independent Reader books are perfect for kids who are reading on their own with ease and are ready for more challenging vocabulary with varied sentence structures. They are ideal for readers of White and Lime book bands for guided reading.

Deadly Deep (Dread Wood #4)

by Jennifer Killick

The brand new must-read middle-grade novel from the author of super-spookyCrater Lake. Perfect for 9+ fans of R.L.Stine’s Goosebumps.

Deadly Predators: Level 3 (National Geographic Readers Ser.)

by Melissa Stewart National Geographic Kids Staff

National Geographic Primary Readers pair magnificent National Geographic photographs with engaging text by skilled authors to help your child learn to read. Developed by education experts, this series of books for beginner readers is spread across four levels: Early Reader, Becoming Fluent, Becoming Independent and Independent Reader. Come face-to-face with sharks, wolves, tigers, and many more predators in this gripping Nat Geo Kids Level 3 Reader. Spectacular National Geographic photographs will amaze kids as they discover how predators hunt, raise their young and contribute to the food chain. Written in easy-to-comprehend text, this book for young readers will help children understand who rules in the wild! Level 3: Becoming Independent books are best suited for kids who are ready for complex sentences and more challenging vocabulary, but still draw on occasional support from adults. They are ideal for readers of Purple and Gold book bands for guided reading.

Deadly Professors: A Faculty Development Mystery

by Thomas B. Jones

Despite flecks of the victim’s blood and what looked like part of an eyebrow, one could make out the letters etched in an artistic, painstaking script that formed the killer’s message:Hippocrite“Great. A perp who can’t spell,” said Jarvis.“So you think it’s a student?”Professor Roland Norris has been murdered in the early morning hours on the grounds of Välkommen University, and the discovery of the crime sets the scene for Thomas Jones’ new campus mystery. As two more murders rattle the university, St. Paul detectives LeRon Jarvis and Robert Phan increasingly focus on the victims’ connections to Jack Ramble, professor of literature and chair of the department.Are the crimes motivated by academic rivalries or the university’s finances? A frantic golf cart chase down the 10th fairway of the East Oaks Country Club finally reveals all…As with Thomas Jones’ previous academic mystery, The Missing Professor, this book is a parody of the mystery genre and campus life, but with a serious purpose. In 26 entertaining and succinct chapters, the story line raises such issues as the nature of today’s college students, faculty roles and responsibilities, mid-career concerns, the purpose of liberal education, racial diversity, micro-aggression, inclusive teaching, technology and learning, politics and the classroom, active learning, the role of sports in higher education, and academic freedom, to name but a few.This book will enliven, and ensure spirited discussion at any orientation, workshop, or faculty development activity.

Deadly Professors: A Faculty Development Mystery

by Thomas B. Jones

Despite flecks of the victim’s blood and what looked like part of an eyebrow, one could make out the letters etched in an artistic, painstaking script that formed the killer’s message:Hippocrite“Great. A perp who can’t spell,” said Jarvis.“So you think it’s a student?”Professor Roland Norris has been murdered in the early morning hours on the grounds of Välkommen University, and the discovery of the crime sets the scene for Thomas Jones’ new campus mystery. As two more murders rattle the university, St. Paul detectives LeRon Jarvis and Robert Phan increasingly focus on the victims’ connections to Jack Ramble, professor of literature and chair of the department.Are the crimes motivated by academic rivalries or the university’s finances? A frantic golf cart chase down the 10th fairway of the East Oaks Country Club finally reveals all…As with Thomas Jones’ previous academic mystery, The Missing Professor, this book is a parody of the mystery genre and campus life, but with a serious purpose. In 26 entertaining and succinct chapters, the story line raises such issues as the nature of today’s college students, faculty roles and responsibilities, mid-career concerns, the purpose of liberal education, racial diversity, micro-aggression, inclusive teaching, technology and learning, politics and the classroom, active learning, the role of sports in higher education, and academic freedom, to name but a few.This book will enliven, and ensure spirited discussion at any orientation, workshop, or faculty development activity.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners With Disabilities: Foundations, Strategies, and Resources

by Caroline Guardino Joanna E. Cannon Peter V. Paul

This volume offers foundational information and research-based strategies for meeting the needs of deaf and hard of hearing learners with disabilities. The disabilities covered in this volume include developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual and learning disabilities, deafblindness, emotional and behavioral disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and a variety of high incidence syndromes. Contributors examine the literature within each disability category, share best practices, and consider demographics/characteristics, intervention/identification, placement, communication/language, psychosocial issues, assistive technologies/accommodations, assessments, and transition/post-secondary outcomes. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and concludes with discussion questions and a resource list. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners with Disabilities is an essential book for courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, and in workshops and webinars for in-service teachers, professionals, and families.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners With Disabilities: Foundations, Strategies, and Resources

by Caroline Guardino Joanna E. Cannon Peter V. Paul

This volume offers foundational information and research-based strategies for meeting the needs of deaf and hard of hearing learners with disabilities. The disabilities covered in this volume include developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual and learning disabilities, deafblindness, emotional and behavioral disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and a variety of high incidence syndromes. Contributors examine the literature within each disability category, share best practices, and consider demographics/characteristics, intervention/identification, placement, communication/language, psychosocial issues, assistive technologies/accommodations, assessments, and transition/post-secondary outcomes. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and concludes with discussion questions and a resource list. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners with Disabilities is an essential book for courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, and in workshops and webinars for in-service teachers, professionals, and families.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Multilingual Learners: Foundations, Strategies, and Resources

by Joanna E. Cannon Caroline Guardino Peter V. Paul

This critical resource provides foundational information and practical strategies for d/Deaf or hard of hearing (d/Dhh) multilingual learners. These learners come from backgrounds where their home languages differ from the dominant spoken or sign languages of the culture. This book is a one-stop resource for professionals, interventionists, and families, helping them to effectively support the diverse needs of d/Dhh multilingual learners by covering topics such as family engagement, assessment, literacy, multiple disabilities, transition planning, and more. The book provides vignettes of learners from 25 countries, discussion questions, and family-centered infographic briefs that synthesize each chapter. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Multilingual Learners is a groundbreaking step towards better supporting the many languages and cultures d/Dhh students experience in their lifetimes through strength-based and linguistically responsive approaches.

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