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Decision-Making in International Entrepreneurship: Unveiling Cognitive Implications Towards Entrepreneurial Internationalisation (Entrepreneurial Behaviour)

by Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi and Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji

When it comes to international operations of entrepreneurial ventures, more clarification is needed to explore how, why, and under what conditions Small and Mid-size Enterprises (SME’s) decide to take the risk of expanding internationally. This collection of studies presents an understanding of the processes, methods, and approaches towards decision-making in international entrepreneurship. Decision-Making in International Entrepreneurship provides comprehensive insight into what drives small and medium firms to internationalize entrepreneurially. Stressing multidisciplinary methods that support entrepreneurs in their internationalisation decision, the chapters analyse a broad range of statistical methods – regressions, panel data, structural equational modelling – as well as decision-making and optimisation models in both certain and uncertain circumstances. Decision-Making in International Entrepreneurship is essential reading for researchers, scholars, and practitioners looking to synthesise the process of decision-making towards exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities across national borders.

Decision Making In Social Work (PDF)

by Terence O'Sullivan

This edition maintains its accessible and engaging style to provide readers with a coherent framework for effective decision making. Decision making is a core activity in social work and this important text is essential reading for all students of social work.

Decision-Oriented Educational Research (Evaluation in Education and Human Services #11)

by William Cooley William Bickel

Decision-Oriented Educational Research considers a form of educational research that is designed to be directly relevant to the current information requirements of those who are shaping educational policy or managing edu­ cational systems. It was written for those who plan to conduct such research, as well as for policy makers and educational administrators who might have such research conducted for them. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I is background. Chapter 1 describes some of the basic themes that are woven throughout subsequent chapters on decision-oriented research. These themes include the impor­ tance of taking a systems view of educational research; of understanding the nature of decision and policy processes and how these influence system re­ search; of integrating research activities into the larger system's processes; of the role of management in the research process; of researchers and managers sharing a sense of educational purposes; and of emphasizing system improvement as a basic goal of research process. Chapter 2 is a discussion of the background of the research activities that form the bases of this book. Our collaboration with the Pittsburgh public school system is described, as are the methods and structure we used to build the case histories of our work with the district. Part II, encompassing chapters 3 through 9, addresses basic generaliza­ tions about decision-oriented educational research that we have derived from our experiences.

Decision Theater zur Förderung mathematischer Modellierungskompetenz: Grundlagen, Einsatz und Anwendungsbeispiel (essentials)

by Alexander Brödner

Dieses Buch bietet eine grundlegende Einführung in den Einsatz der Methode des Decision Theater zur Vermittlung von mathematischer Modellierungskompetenz im Schulkontext. In den letzten Jahren hat sich unter anderem anhand der Covid-19 Pandemie mehr denn je gezeigt, wie Mathematik im Allgemeinen und das mathematische Modellieren im Speziellen zum Verständnis globaler Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Bewältigung beiträgt. Deshalb sollte die mathematische Modellierungskompetenz eine zentrale Rolle im Schulunterricht spielen. Doch der Prozess von Vermittlung und Erwerb einer solchen Kompetenz ist komplex und mit vielfältigen Schwierigkeiten verbunden. Angesichts dieser Ausgangslage stellt das Buch die Methode des Decision Theater als innovative Lernumgebung neuer Art vor, die die Vermittlung von mathematischer Modellierungskompetenz unterstützen kann. Dabei trägt die Methode des Decision Theatre auf drei Ebenen dazu beiträgt, Modellierungskompetenz und ein damit verbundenes ganzheitliches Bild der Mathematik zu fördern: Das Decision Theatre dient als IT-Dienstleister, als Wissenschaftskommunikator und als interaktiv-diskursive Lernumgebung. Neben Geschichte und Definition des Decision Theater, stellt das Buch dessen Einsatz konkret am Beispiel des Projekts „Schule @ Decision Theatre Lab“ des Berliner Exzellenzclusters MATH+ Berlin Mathematics Research Center vor. Als Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Aspekte des Einsatzes der Methode des Decision Theater im Schulkontext richtet sich das Buch an Didaktiker*innen und Lehrkräfte aller Schulformen.

Decisions and Dilemmas of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education)

by Susanne Garvis Lucas Walsh Janet Scull Anne Keary

This book examines the methodological decisions made by researchers working in early childhood contexts. Viewed from a researcher’s perspective, each chapter explores the journey of the researcher, capturing their decision-making processes in early childhood research. Through themes such as the politics of ethics and how different cultural norms shape research in different localities, Decisions and Dilemmas of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education explores key questions such as: What are the ethical issues arising during early childhood research? Which research traditions and methodologies prevail and why? How are research subjects perceived and positioned within different research contexts? What interdisciplinary tensions or opportunities arise between different ways of working across early childhood research? The book critically unpacks how these decisions are made and by whom during the course of research. Each chapter includes reflections of researchers working across disciplines such as education, health and social work to understand the thinking, forces and actors that shape decisions made during the research process. This is essential reading for researchers working in early childhood contexts in fields such as social work, health, education, criminology, psychology and more.

Decisions and Dilemmas of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education)

by Anne Keary

This book examines the methodological decisions made by researchers working in early childhood contexts. Viewed from a researcher’s perspective, each chapter explores the journey of the researcher, capturing their decision-making processes in early childhood research. Through themes such as the politics of ethics and how different cultural norms shape research in different localities, Decisions and Dilemmas of Research Methods in Early Childhood Education explores key questions such as: What are the ethical issues arising during early childhood research? Which research traditions and methodologies prevail and why? How are research subjects perceived and positioned within different research contexts? What interdisciplinary tensions or opportunities arise between different ways of working across early childhood research? The book critically unpacks how these decisions are made and by whom during the course of research. Each chapter includes reflections of researchers working across disciplines such as education, health and social work to understand the thinking, forces and actors that shape decisions made during the research process. This is essential reading for researchers working in early childhood contexts in fields such as social work, health, education, criminology, psychology and more.

The Decisive Element: Unleashing praise and positivity in schools

by Gary Toward Mick Malton Chris Henley

In The Decisive Element: Unleashing praise and positivity in schools Gary Toward, Mick Malton and Chris Henley share an abundant array of tools and techniques to help schools nurture a more positive, praise based culture in which everyone can thrive. Foreword by Jaz Ampaw-Farr. Forget data. Forget league tables. Forget the national curriculum. Teachers are the true weather gods in education. The default outlook in schools at present, however, seems to be ‘gloom’. Our schools’ staff are under relentless pressure, and their ever-increasing workloads can make it easy to forget about the humans they work with. So what can teachers do to bring back the sunny weather and make pupils’ school lives more joyous? Gary, Mick and Chris believe that the answer lies in harnessing the power of praise and positivity. In The Decisive Element they offer an uplifting antidote to the anxiety by sharing praise focused techniques that will help teachers and school leaders create an ethos of enthusiasm: one that reduces stress, fuels ambition and builds confidence – for staff and pupils alike. Crammed full of sound research, fresh ideas and top tips, this manifesto for positive mindsets celebrates the value of meaningful, impactful praise and shines a light on the myriad ways positivity can be unleashed to spark pupils’ motivation and natural curiosity for learning. The book draws upon the authors’ vast experience and anecdotal insights to provide sage guidance on how to create a self-sustaining positive climate for learning, and contains a wealth of practical strategies to ramp up the feel-good factor in the school setting so that staff and pupils can feed off each other’s enthusiasm. It also flips the script on the stresses and strains of modern schooling by offering a more light-hearted perspective on teachers’ and pupils’ day-to-day interactions – encouraging school staff to be proud of what they do and empowering them make an even bigger difference in the lives of the young people in their care. Suitable for anyone lucky enough to work in education or with children. Chapters include: 1. The Big R: Creating the Climate in School; 2. Making the Weather in the Classroom; 3. Practical Weather Making; 4. Praise and Positivity; 5. Getting the Most Out of Praise; 6. Praise Unleashed; 7. Weather Gods.

Decisive Meals: Table Politics in Biblical Literature (The Library of New Testament Studies #449)

by Nathan MacDonald Kathy Ehrensperger Luzia Sutter Rehmann

Decisive Meals discusses various aspects of meal traditions and their relevance in terms of boundaries between different groups in the context of first century Judaism and the early Christ-movement. The contributors discuss different communities at different times and places - under the same focus of common meals: The post-exilic community in Judaea, the Pauline communities in Asia Minor, as well as in the Roman dominated city of Caesarea and the Hellenistic Jewish community and the emerging rabbinical community - each time a community is affected through the sharing of meals, but how exactly? What are similar effects - where are the differences? This sheds light on power dynamics between rich and poor, well fed and hungry, but also between men and women. These questions will clarify how detailed exegesis is influenced by hermeneutical patterns and ideas about food, boundaries and power dynamics.

The Decisive Mind: How to Make the Right Choice Every Time

by Dr Sheheryar Banuri

*Available for pre-order: a new model for understanding and optimising your decision making skills by a leading behavioural economist*__________Have you ever set yourself a goal but struggled to achieve it? In a world overflowing with choices and distractions, indecision can be paralysing. It can lead to missed opportunities, stress, even damaged relationships. In The Decisive Mind, decision making expert Professor Sheheryar Banuri provides a new framework to choose the life you want, one decision at a time. Using real-world examples and his own ground-breaking research, Professor Banuri shows how even the smallest decisions have a profound impact on our lives. By understanding and streamlining your own process of decision-making, you will be able to make simple, effective, and efficient choices to help you edge closer to your aspirations and achieve your goals. From big, life-altering choices to the everyday decisions that shape your routine, The Decisive Mind puts you in control of your decision-making and sets you on the path to a more decisive you. Whether you seek to make bold career moves, enhance your relationships, or simply improve your overall well-being, this book will help you harness the immense potential of you. __________

The Decline and Renaissance of Universities: Moving from the Big Brother University to the Slow University

by Renzo Rosso

Instead of following the Magna Charta Universitatum, the declaration of the principles of knowledge signed in 1988 in Bologna, the academic approach pursued in Europe and the other continents over the past 30 years has strictly employed a utilitarian model of higher education. This jeopardizes academic freedom, shared governance and tenure, the three pillars of the long-established model of universities. Scientific conformism and fragmentation, educational bias and authoritarianism are the major drawbacks, together with a poor readiness to meet the emerging challenges in the labor market and technology. In this book, Renzo Rosso presents a new model for countering these developments, e.g. by establishing novel democratic rules for university governance. The Slow University paradigm positions culture and education as essential tools for the long-term survival of humankind.

Decline and Revival in Higher Education

by Herbert I. London

This is an analysis of higher education in the past half century, a period of dramatic change and democratization. But it is more than that. The author has been a participant in the struggle to stem the decline in higher education, as it moved from an emphasis on classical liberal values toward relativism and ideological extremism. This volume reflects an awareness of what has been lost, but sees hope for a revival of traditional values as technological change and awareness of failure forces institutions to examine their premise. Herbert I. London has provided here fuel for fundamental redirection in American college and university affairs. Decline and Revival in Higher Education is uncompromising in its concerns, but points the way toward a future linked to the best of the past.The work follows the personal evolution of the author, while at the same time, describes the devolution of university standards in such institutions as Columbia, Duke, the University of California at Berkeley, and New York University. While seeing optimistic trends in oases of traditional programming that can serve as a counterweight to campus orthodoxies, London argues that the dramatic transformation of the academy cannot be denied. The social sciences and humanities in particular have become isolated from mainstream requirements in the nation.London deals with concrete concerns, such as the collapse of classic book programs in the contemporary curriculum, the decline and even vigilante raids on opposition in campus publications, the collapse of moral judgment in favor of pure relativism, the transformation of many museums into a storage houses of debris, and the confusion of coarse language with democratization. These developments lead the author to write this book, for if the culture wars are over, the American people may be the losers.

Decline and Revival in Higher Education

by Herbert I. London

This is an analysis of higher education in the past half century, a period of dramatic change and democratization. But it is more than that. The author has been a participant in the struggle to stem the decline in higher education, as it moved from an emphasis on classical liberal values toward relativism and ideological extremism. This volume reflects an awareness of what has been lost, but sees hope for a revival of traditional values as technological change and awareness of failure forces institutions to examine their premise. Herbert I. London has provided here fuel for fundamental redirection in American college and university affairs. Decline and Revival in Higher Education is uncompromising in its concerns, but points the way toward a future linked to the best of the past.The work follows the personal evolution of the author, while at the same time, describes the devolution of university standards in such institutions as Columbia, Duke, the University of California at Berkeley, and New York University. While seeing optimistic trends in oases of traditional programming that can serve as a counterweight to campus orthodoxies, London argues that the dramatic transformation of the academy cannot be denied. The social sciences and humanities in particular have become isolated from mainstream requirements in the nation.London deals with concrete concerns, such as the collapse of classic book programs in the contemporary curriculum, the decline and even vigilante raids on opposition in campus publications, the collapse of moral judgment in favor of pure relativism, the transformation of many museums into a storage houses of debris, and the confusion of coarse language with democratization. These developments lead the author to write this book, for if the culture wars are over, the American people may be the losers.

The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in Developing and Middle-Income Countries

by P. Altbach

The academic profession faces new challenges everywhere. The pressures of mass higher education, accountability, fiscal constraints, distance education and the new technologies, and changing attitudes concerning academic work have combined to place unprecedented strains on the professoriate. There is no country that has avoided these challenges, although the changes vary. This book brings together some of the best analysts of the academic profession in a wide ranging comparative analysis of the changing academic workplace. The stress here is on middle income and developing countries, but the issues discussed are relevant everywhere. This book, precisely because of its comparative and international perspective, is useful worldwide. Among the topics considered in the case study chapters are: - The changing demographics of the academic profession, including the role of gender in the professoriate - New developments in academic appointments, including the terms of academic work, evaluation of professors, and the tenure system - External pressures on the academic profession, including demands for accountability, threats to academic freedom, and others - The changing nature of academic work, including patterns of teaching and evaluation of students and increases in teaching responsibilities - The role of research in a changing academic environment - The impact of the new technologies and distance education - Future prospects for the professoriate.

The Decline of the Secular University

by C. John Sommerville

The American university has embraced a thorough secularism that makes it increasingly marginal in a society that is characterized by high levels of religious belief. The very secularization that was supposed to be a liberating influence has resulted in the university's failure to provide leadership in political, cultural, social, and even scientific arenas. In The Decline of the Secular University, C. John Sommerville explores several different ways in which the secular university fails in its mission through its trivialization of religion. He notes how little attention is being given to defining the human, so crucial in all aspects of professional education. He alerts us to problems associated with the prevailing secular distinction between "facts" and "values." He reviews how the elimination of religion hampers the university from understanding our post-Cold War world. Sommerville then shows how a greater awareness of the intellectual resources of religion might stimulate more forthright attention to important matters like our loss of a sense of history, how to problematize secularism, the issue of judging religions, the oddity of academic moralizing, and the strangeness of science at the frontiers. Finally, he invites the reader to imagine a university where religion is not ruled out but rather welcomed as a legitimate voice among others. Sommerville's bracing and provocative arguments are sure to provoke controversy and stimulate discussion both inside and outside the academy.

The Decline of the Secular University

by C. John Sommerville

The American university has embraced a thorough secularism that makes it increasingly marginal in a society that is characterized by high levels of religious belief. The very secularization that was supposed to be a liberating influence has resulted in the university's failure to provide leadership in political, cultural, social, and even scientific arenas. In The Decline of the Secular University, C. John Sommerville explores several different ways in which the secular university fails in its mission through its trivialization of religion. He notes how little attention is being given to defining the human, so crucial in all aspects of professional education. He alerts us to problems associated with the prevailing secular distinction between "facts" and "values." He reviews how the elimination of religion hampers the university from understanding our post-Cold War world. Sommerville then shows how a greater awareness of the intellectual resources of religion might stimulate more forthright attention to important matters like our loss of a sense of history, how to problematize secularism, the issue of judging religions, the oddity of academic moralizing, and the strangeness of science at the frontiers. Finally, he invites the reader to imagine a university where religion is not ruled out but rather welcomed as a legitimate voice among others. Sommerville's bracing and provocative arguments are sure to provoke controversy and stimulate discussion both inside and outside the academy.

Decoding Privilege: Exploring White College Students' Views on Social Inequality

by D. Scott Tharp

This book explores how White students understand the concept of privilege so that educators can more effectively teach students about social power and inequality. Specially, the text examines three elements that influence how White college students understand privilege: Ideas, beliefs, and feelings. As this volume demonstrates, examining all three aspects of students’ understanding is critical for educators who wish to effectively educate White students about the nature of social inequality and specific manifestations of privilege. The book concludes with curricular and pedagogical considerations that educators may incorporate into their teaching practice.

Decoding Privilege: Exploring White College Students' Views on Social Inequality

by D. Scott Tharp

This book explores how White students understand the concept of privilege so that educators can more effectively teach students about social power and inequality. Specially, the text examines three elements that influence how White college students understand privilege: Ideas, beliefs, and feelings. As this volume demonstrates, examining all three aspects of students’ understanding is critical for educators who wish to effectively educate White students about the nature of social inequality and specific manifestations of privilege. The book concludes with curricular and pedagogical considerations that educators may incorporate into their teaching practice.

Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education: A Cultural Studies Contribution (Routledge Research in Education)

by Caroline Stockman

The process of integrating technology into education often overlooks that technology is a sign; it is not a neutral message conveyor, but rather a material artefact placed into a context inevitably subject to culture. In an original and novel combination, Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education brings together two academic domains not previously pursued together, yet which diverge in many ways: cultural studies and technology acceptance studies. Drawing on empirical data, Stockman demonstrates that teachers activate a meaning-making process through encoding and decoding signs around technology as an artefact of culture, and as a result their acceptance behaviour and decisions rely on the dynamics of the cultural whole to which they belong. In this study, technology acceptance is revisited as an issue of cultural negotiation; the common approach, which provides an instrumental view on technology as a neutral tool, is insufficient for the topic of technology acceptance. Rather than proposing yet another model of technology acceptance, Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education offers a renewed frame of mind and the conclusions it provides are of vital importance to the theoretical and practical advancement of technology acceptance studies, as well as to the practical integration of technology into education. Providing original empirical evidence for the influence of culture on educational decision-making, the book raises awareness for the importance of cultural research in areas where it has been under-considered. This book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students engaged in the study of technology acceptance and technology use in education, as well as those interested in cultural studies.

Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education: A Cultural Studies Contribution (Routledge Research in Education)

by Caroline Stockman

The process of integrating technology into education often overlooks that technology is a sign; it is not a neutral message conveyor, but rather a material artefact placed into a context inevitably subject to culture. In an original and novel combination, Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education brings together two academic domains not previously pursued together, yet which diverge in many ways: cultural studies and technology acceptance studies. Drawing on empirical data, Stockman demonstrates that teachers activate a meaning-making process through encoding and decoding signs around technology as an artefact of culture, and as a result their acceptance behaviour and decisions rely on the dynamics of the cultural whole to which they belong. In this study, technology acceptance is revisited as an issue of cultural negotiation; the common approach, which provides an instrumental view on technology as a neutral tool, is insufficient for the topic of technology acceptance. Rather than proposing yet another model of technology acceptance, Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education offers a renewed frame of mind and the conclusions it provides are of vital importance to the theoretical and practical advancement of technology acceptance studies, as well as to the practical integration of technology into education. Providing original empirical evidence for the influence of culture on educational decision-making, the book raises awareness for the importance of cultural research in areas where it has been under-considered. This book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students engaged in the study of technology acceptance and technology use in education, as well as those interested in cultural studies.

Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device

by Jian-Liang Lin Hong-Sen Yan

This book presents a systematic design methodology for decoding the interior structure of the Antikythera mechanism, an astronomical device from ancient Greece. The historical background, surviving evidence and reconstructions of the mechanism are introduced, and the historical development of astronomical achievements and various astronomical instruments are investigated. Pursuing an approach based on the conceptual design of modern mechanisms and bearing in mind the standards of science and technology at the time, all feasible designs of the six lost/incomplete/unclear subsystems are synthesized as illustrated examples, and 48 feasible designs of the complete interior structure are presented. This approach provides not only a logical tool for applying modern mechanical engineering knowledge to the reconstruction of the Antikythera mechanism, but also an innovative research direction for identifying the original structures of the mechanism in the future. In short, the book offers valuable new insights for all readers who are interested in the Antikythera mechanism.

Decolonial Arts Praxis: Transnational Pedagogies and Activism (Routledge Research in Decolonizing Education)

by Injeong Yoon-Ramirez Alejandra I. Ramírez

Decolonial Arts Praxis: Transnational Pedagogies and Activism illustrates the productive potential of critical arts pedagogies in the ongoing work of decolonization by engaging art, activism, and transnational feminisms. Offering contributions from scholars, educators, artists, and activists from varied disciplines, the volume highlights how arts can reveal intersectional forms of oppression, inform critical understandings, and rebuild transnational solidarities across geopolitical borders. The contributors present forms of enquiry, creative writing, art, and reflection which grapple with issues of colonialism, racism, and epistemological violence to illustrate the power of decolonial arts pedagogies in formal and informal education. Using a range of multiple and intersectional critical lenses, through which readers can examine ways in which transnational feminist theorizing and art pedagogy inform, shape, and help strategize activism in various spaces, it will appeal to scholars, postgraduate students, and practitioners with interests in arts education, the sociology of education, postcolonialism, and multicultural education.

Decolonial Arts Praxis: Transnational Pedagogies and Activism (Routledge Research in Decolonizing Education)

Decolonial Arts Praxis: Transnational Pedagogies and Activism illustrates the productive potential of critical arts pedagogies in the ongoing work of decolonization by engaging art, activism, and transnational feminisms. Offering contributions from scholars, educators, artists, and activists from varied disciplines, the volume highlights how arts can reveal intersectional forms of oppression, inform critical understandings, and rebuild transnational solidarities across geopolitical borders. The contributors present forms of enquiry, creative writing, art, and reflection which grapple with issues of colonialism, racism, and epistemological violence to illustrate the power of decolonial arts pedagogies in formal and informal education. Using a range of multiple and intersectional critical lenses, through which readers can examine ways in which transnational feminist theorizing and art pedagogy inform, shape, and help strategize activism in various spaces, it will appeal to scholars, postgraduate students, and practitioners with interests in arts education, the sociology of education, postcolonialism, and multicultural education.

Decolonial Pedagogy: Examining Sites of Resistance, Resurgence, and Renewal

by Njoki Nathani Wane Kimberly L. Todd

Through innovative and critical research, this anthology inquires and challenges issues of race and positionality, empirical sciences, colonial education models, and indigenous knowledges. Chapter authors from diverse backgrounds present empirical explorations that examine how decolonial work and Indigenous knowledges disrupt, problematize, challenge, and transform ongoing colonial oppression and colonial paradigm. This book utilizes provocative and critical research that takes up issues of race, the shortfalls of empirical sciences, colonial education models, and the need for a resurgence in Indigenous knowledges to usher in a new public sphere. This book is a testament of hope that places decolonization at the heart of our human community.

Decolonial Underground Pedagogy: Unschooling and Subcultural Learning for Peace and Human Rights (Peace and Human Rights Education)

by Noah Romero

This book explores how minority-led skateboarding, punk rock, and unschooling communities engage in collective efforts to humanize education and construct kinder social frameworks. Noah Romero examines the roles of informal and community-embedded learning in actualizing transformative education and shows how decolonizing education can take place outside of school settings. Grounded in the author's own experience in minority-led Filipino subcultures, the book introduces a conceptual framework of subcultural learning and decolonizing education centred on the Philippines and its diaspora in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Romero argues that educational paradigms with peace, human rights, multiculturalism, social justice, and decolonization at the centre can extend beyond the classroom, curriculum, and teaching and into communities. By showing how minoritized people are redefining identity and knowledge through embodied community-responsive pedagogies, the book contributes to wider debates on Indigeneity, gender justice, human rights, peace studies, and decolonizing education.

Decolonial Underground Pedagogy: Unschooling and Subcultural Learning for Peace and Human Rights (Peace and Human Rights Education)

by Noah Romero

This book explores how minority-led skateboarding, punk rock, and unschooling communities engage in collective efforts to humanize education and construct kinder social frameworks. Noah Romero examines the roles of informal and community-embedded learning in actualizing transformative education and shows how decolonizing education can take place outside of school settings. Grounded in the author's own experience in minority-led Filipino subcultures, the book introduces a conceptual framework of subcultural learning and decolonizing education centred on the Philippines and its diaspora in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Romero argues that educational paradigms with peace, human rights, multiculturalism, social justice, and decolonization at the centre can extend beyond the classroom, curriculum, and teaching and into communities. By showing how minoritized people are redefining identity and knowledge through embodied community-responsive pedagogies, the book contributes to wider debates on Indigeneity, gender justice, human rights, peace studies, and decolonizing education.

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