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The Ethics of Teaching: A Casebook

by Patricia Keith-Spiegel Bernard E. Whitley, Jr. Deborah Ware Balogh David V. Perkins Arno F. Wittig

The Ethics of Teaching provides a frank discussion of the most frequently encountered ethical dilemmas that can arise in educational settings, as well as tips on how to avoid these predicaments and how to deal with them when they do occur. The goal is to stimulate discussion and raise faculties' consciousness about ethical issues. Ethical dilemmas are presented as short, engaging case scenarios, most of which are based on actual situations, so as to furnish more realistic and interesting stimuli for individual reflection and group discussion. These scenarios offer the opportunity to consider the subtle complexities inherent in the social and psychological contexts in which educator-student interactions occur and the effects of those complexities on ethical decision making. Each case is followed by a detailed analysis and advice. The book's 195 cases are grouped into 22 chapters representing topics, such as the controversial classroom presentations and assignments, debatable testing and grading practices, problematic student-faculty interactions, dual-role relationships with students, collegial conflicts, managing very difficult students, and confidentiality dilemmas. The Ethics of Teaching: A Casebook, Second Edition: *focuses on commonly encountered ethical "gray areas" that have no clear solution; *includes questions to stimulate discussion of related ethical issues; *concludes with a chapter on prevention, peer mentoring, and intervention; and *serves as excellent "assigned reading" to stimulate group discussion in teaching workshops and faculty development programs. The first edition of this book evolved by collecting a variety of teaching situations that commonly occur in college and university settings. The authors then created responses to the situations and circulated both the cases and the responses to reviewers from a number of departments across the country. As a result, the vast majority of the cases are "discipline free." The second edition features many new cases to reflect recent trends and events related to academic ethics. Questions were added to stimulate discussion and to further elaborate the issues. The Ethics of Teaching: A Casebook is ideal for college and university faculty, graduate assistants, and administrators involved in workshops, graduate teaching assistant courses, and faculty development and new faculty orientation programs. As a result of the book's cross-disciplinary development, it will be beneficial to faculty from a broad spectrum of disciplines.

The Ethics of Teaching at Sites of Violence and Trauma: Student Encounters with the Holocaust

by Natalie Bormann

This book chronicles a professor’s experience with a group of US undergraduate students at Holocaust memorials, museums, and sites of remembrance as part of a yearly Holocaust study abroad program to Germany and Poland. Narrated through a series of personal encounters, The Ethics of Teaching at Sites of Violence and Trauma synthesizes a concrete experiential teaching account - on issues ranging from trauma tourism to the ethics of spectatorship - with contemporary debates on Holocaust education. In doing so, this book seeks to offer a critical assessment on the possibilities and limitations of teaching at sites that were central to the planning and execution of the Holocaust.

Ethics, Self-Study Research Methodology and Teacher Education (Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices #20)

by Robyn Brandenburg Sharon McDonough

This book examines the nuanced and situated experiences of self-study researchers. It explores the ways in which ethics are dynamic, idiosyncratic and require an ongoing ethical reflexivity. In addition, the book identifies, documents and collates the collective experiences of self-study researchers and sheds new light on the role and impact of ethics, ethical dilemmas and ensuing decisions for education researchers.The book considers the ethical dilemmas that self-study researchers in teacher education face, their careful ethical considerations while conducting research, and how they form their professional judgment and understanding of what it means to be an ethical self-study researcher. For self-study researchers, there are a number of ethical dilemmas and challenges that cannot be neatly captured by the frameworks and guidelines of an ethics board. For many, this requires researchers to be ever-present and re-engaged with the ethics of their own projects, from the development, through to the dissemination of their work.Readers will gain a deeper understanding of ethics, ethical perspectives and practices in the field of self-study research.

Ethics Training for Managers: Best Practice and Techniques (Giving Voice to Values)

by Logan L. Watts Kelsey Medeiros Tristan McIntosh Tyler Mulhearn

Can employees be trained to make more ethical decisions? If so, how? Providing evidence-based and practical answers to these critical questions is the purpose of this book. To answer these questions, the authors—four organizational psychologists who specialize in the study of ethical decision making—translate insights based on decades of scientific research. Whether you are a student, educator, HR manager, compliance professional, or simply someone interested in the topic of ethics education, this book offers a road map for designing ethics training programs that work.

Ethics Training for Managers: Best Practice and Techniques (Giving Voice to Values)

by Logan L. Watts Kelsey Medeiros Tristan McIntosh Tyler Mulhearn

Can employees be trained to make more ethical decisions? If so, how? Providing evidence-based and practical answers to these critical questions is the purpose of this book. To answer these questions, the authors—four organizational psychologists who specialize in the study of ethical decision making—translate insights based on decades of scientific research. Whether you are a student, educator, HR manager, compliance professional, or simply someone interested in the topic of ethics education, this book offers a road map for designing ethics training programs that work.

Ethiek van praktijkgericht onderzoek: Zonder ethiek is het al moeilijk genoeg

by Eveline Wouters and Sil Aarts

Dit boek heeft als doel onderzoekers in de praktijk, en met name begeleiders van onderzoek in de praktijk op het hbo en daarbuiten, een handreiking te bieden om ethische dilemma’s waar te nemen en bespreekbaar te maken. Onderzoek in de praktijk is al lastig op zich, het goed herkennen, omgaan met en begeleiden van situaties die ethische vragen oproepen, die gaan over wat goed, wenselijk en verantwoord onderzoek is, maken het onderzoek nog lastiger. Aan de hand van verschillende fases van het onderzoek (vanaf het eerste idee tot en met de rapportage) worden verschillende ethische vraagstukken besproken. Deze vraagstukken gaan vaak over de afweging hoe het belang van de (individuele) deelnemer opweegt tegen het belang van de kennisontwikkeling door middel va het onderzoek of het belang van de onderzoeker. Maar ook: wat te doen met vertrouwelijke informatie, of de wensen van de opdrachtgever, hoe de resultaten eerlijk gepresenteerd kunnen worden en vele andere vraagstukken. Deze worden alle geïllustreerd met voorbeelden uit de praktijk. Daarnaast wordt specifiek ingegaan op dilemma’s rondom beoordelen van (afstudeer)werk, de nieuwe technologische mogelijkheden van dataverzameling (big data), en de wet- en regelgeving.  

Ethik der Kindheit: Philosophische Essays (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven)

by Gottfried Schweiger

Dieses Buch versammelt Essays zur Philosophie der Kindheit. Worin besteht eine gerechte Gesellschaft für Kinder? Sind Kinder besonders verletzbar? Was schulden wir minderjährigen Flüchtlingen oder Kindern in Armut? Was ist eine gute Jugend? Die Essays in diesem Buch stellen und beantworten diese Fragen aus Sicht einer Ethik der Kindheit.

Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge (Knowledge and Space #8)

by Peter Meusburger Tim Freytag Laura Suarsana

This book presents theoretical and methodical discussions on local knowledge and indigenous knowledge. It examines educational attainment of ethnic minorities, race and politics in educational systems, and the problem of losing indigenous knowledge. It comprises a broad range of case studies about specifics of local knowledge from several regions of the world, reflecting the interdependence of norms, tradition, ethnic and cultural identities, and knowledge. The contributors explore gaps between knowledge and agency, address questions of the social distribution of knowledge, consider its relation to communal activities, and inquire into the relation and intersection of knowledge assemblages at local, national, and global scales. The book highlights the relevance of local and indigenous knowledge and discusses implications for educational and developmental politics. It provides ideas and a cross-disciplinary scientific background for scholars, students, and professionals including NGO activists, and policy-makers.

Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, And Responses (pdf)

by Karl Cordell Stefan Wolff

Investigating the causes and consequences of ethnic conflict, the authors argue that the most effective responses are those that take into account factors at the local, state, regional and global level and which avoid seeking simplistic explanations and solutions to what is a truly complex phenomenon.

Ethnic Minority-Serving Institutions: Higher Education Case Studies from the United States and China (International and Development Education)

by Weiyan Xiong

This book presents a comparative study of the history and development of indigenous and ethnic higher education in the US and China. The author focuses on institutions serving American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIANs) and Chinese Ethnic Minorities (CEMs), such as Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in the US and Ethnic Minority Serving Institutions (EMSIs) in China. Chapters center voices within indigenous and ethnic education, including experts, senior administrators, and faculty members as well as AIAN tribal leaders and activists. These voices enrich the study and provide context to explore the issues and challenges surrounding ethnic and minority-serving higher education institutions today. Finally, the author addresses strategies and practices for the future which will better serve AIAN and CEM students and communities.

Ethnic Relations at School in Malaysia: Challenges and Prospects of the Student Integration Plan for Unity

by Noriyuki Segawa

This book considers the impact of the Rancangan Integrasi Murid Untuk Parpaduan (RIMUP: Student Integration Plan for Unity), the program developed as a driver towards Malaysian national integration and intended to promote an ideal of ‘unity in diversity’ through enhancing ethnic interaction in primary schools. Based on interview research with government departments, NGOs, and stakeholders at primary schools, this book highlights three main structural challenges to success of the RIMUP: the government’s weak management; the short duration and low frequency of an activity; and low student participation rate. The book also provides concrete suggestions to develop the RIMUP, to improve ethnic relations and to shape the future direction of education policies for the development of national integration, making a significant contribution to Malaysian studies as well as education policy in multi-ethnic countries.

Ethnicity in College: Advancing Theory and Improving Diversity Practices on Campus

by Anna M. Ortiz Silvia J. Santos

This book explores the importance, and construction, of ethnic identity among college students, and how ethnicity interfaces with students’ interactions on campus, and the communities in which they live. Based on qualitative interviews with White, Latina/o, African American and Asian students, it captures both the college context and the individual experiences students have with their ethnicity, through the immediacy of the students’ own voices.The authors observe how students negotiate their ethnic identity within the process of becoming adults. They identify the influences of family, the importance of socio-historical forces that surround students’ educational experiences, and the critical role of peers in students’ ethnic identity development. While research has begun to document the positive outcomes associated with diverse learning environments, this study emphasizes and more closely delineates, just how these outcomes come to be. In addition, the study reveals how the freedom to express and develop ethnic identity, which multicultural environments ideally support, promotes student confidence and achievement in ways which students themselves can articulate. This work is distinctive in eschewing an ethnic minority perspective through which Whites are the primary reference group, and the standard from which all ethnic and racial identity processes evolve; as well as in considering the influences that growing up in a multi-ethnic context may have on ethnic identity processes, particularly where the “other” is not White. This perspective is particularly important at a time when students entering universities are more likely to come from highly segregated high school environments, and will confront ethnic and social differences for the first time in college.This book is intended as a resource for researchers and practitioners in psychology and higher education. It offers insights for student affairs and higher education administrators and leaders about the ways in which their campus policies and practices can positively influence the development of more supportive campus climates that draw on the strengths of each ethnic group to create an overarching pluralistic culture. It can also serve as a cultural diversity text for upper division or graduate courses on pluralism. Moreover, understanding students’ ethnic identity, their personal growth, and adjustment to college, it is central to preparing individuals for life in a pluralistic society.

Ethnicity in College: Advancing Theory and Improving Diversity Practices on Campus

by Anna M. Ortiz Silvia J. Santos

This book explores the importance, and construction, of ethnic identity among college students, and how ethnicity interfaces with students’ interactions on campus, and the communities in which they live. Based on qualitative interviews with White, Latina/o, African American and Asian students, it captures both the college context and the individual experiences students have with their ethnicity, through the immediacy of the students’ own voices.The authors observe how students negotiate their ethnic identity within the process of becoming adults. They identify the influences of family, the importance of socio-historical forces that surround students’ educational experiences, and the critical role of peers in students’ ethnic identity development. While research has begun to document the positive outcomes associated with diverse learning environments, this study emphasizes and more closely delineates, just how these outcomes come to be. In addition, the study reveals how the freedom to express and develop ethnic identity, which multicultural environments ideally support, promotes student confidence and achievement in ways which students themselves can articulate. This work is distinctive in eschewing an ethnic minority perspective through which Whites are the primary reference group, and the standard from which all ethnic and racial identity processes evolve; as well as in considering the influences that growing up in a multi-ethnic context may have on ethnic identity processes, particularly where the “other” is not White. This perspective is particularly important at a time when students entering universities are more likely to come from highly segregated high school environments, and will confront ethnic and social differences for the first time in college.This book is intended as a resource for researchers and practitioners in psychology and higher education. It offers insights for student affairs and higher education administrators and leaders about the ways in which their campus policies and practices can positively influence the development of more supportive campus climates that draw on the strengths of each ethnic group to create an overarching pluralistic culture. It can also serve as a cultural diversity text for upper division or graduate courses on pluralism. Moreover, understanding students’ ethnic identity, their personal growth, and adjustment to college, it is central to preparing individuals for life in a pluralistic society.

Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Tahir Abbas Karamat Iqbal

This novel and contemporary anthology brings important topics about race, religion, and identity to the foreground to address the challenges facing Muslim schoolchildren today.Through interviews and case studies, the chapters explore topics such as multiethnic education, teacher diversity, and culturally responsive pedagogy, providing insights into necessary changes and ways to enhance schools. Taking into account cultural touchstones such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the Trojan Horse affair, the book argues for an urgent, transformative accommodation of Muslims to take place within schooling in order to improve the educational standards of Muslim children within the United Kingdom, including several chapters that focus on Muslim education in locations such as Yorkshire, Peterborough, High Wycombe, and Tower Hamlets, and further afield.This book will be of importance to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students studying religious education, secondary education, and multicultural education more broadly. Policymakers interested in education policy and politics, as well as race and ethnicity in educational contexts, may potentially benefit from the volume.

Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Tahir Abbas Karamat Iqbal

This novel and contemporary anthology brings important topics about race, religion, and identity to the foreground to address the challenges facing Muslim schoolchildren today.Through interviews and case studies, the chapters explore topics such as multiethnic education, teacher diversity, and culturally responsive pedagogy, providing insights into necessary changes and ways to enhance schools. Taking into account cultural touchstones such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the Trojan Horse affair, the book argues for an urgent, transformative accommodation of Muslims to take place within schooling in order to improve the educational standards of Muslim children within the United Kingdom, including several chapters that focus on Muslim education in locations such as Yorkshire, Peterborough, High Wycombe, and Tower Hamlets, and further afield.This book will be of importance to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students studying religious education, secondary education, and multicultural education more broadly. Policymakers interested in education policy and politics, as well as race and ethnicity in educational contexts, may potentially benefit from the volume.

Ethnizität, Geschlecht, Familie und Schule: Heterogenität als erziehungswissenschaftliche Herausforderung

by Jörg Hagedorn Verena Schurt Corinna Steber Wiebke Waburg

Zu einer der großen Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert gehört es, Modelle für das Verstehen von und den Umgang mit Vielfalt in gesellschaftlichen und institutionellen Kontexten zu finden. Heterogenität wird in diesem Zusammenhang zunehmend mehr zum Leitbegriff der Beschreibung und Analyse dieser Vielfalt in den Dimensionen der sozialen, kulturellen und sprachlichen Herkunft und des Geschlechts, des Alters sowie individueller Voraussetzungen. Der Band arbeitet in der Fokussierung auf die Themenfelder Schule und Familie - entlang der (Ungleichheits-)Dimensionen Ethnizität, Geschlecht und Alter - die Problemlagen gesellschaftlicher Wandlungsprozesse und die daraus resultierenden Konsequenzen für Sozialisations- und Bildungsprozesse von Heranwachsenden heraus.

Ethnocinema: Intercultural Arts Education

by Anne M. Harris

The first book entirely devoted to the practice and ethics of the emerging methodology of ethnocinema, this volume brings vividly to life not only the Sudanese young women with whom the author has collaborated for two years, but her own struggles as researcher, teacher and intercultural fellow traveller. A superb resource for anyone interested in conducting their own ethnocinema research project, the contents will be welcomed too by classroom teachers who recognise a need for alternative pedagogies within diverse classrooms, and peripatetic researchers and students who search for authentic representations of their own experiences within the academy and education system.With access to online filmed material included, this publication is part handbook and part theoretical treatise framing a new creative ethnographic methodology. One of a rare breed of books covering the visual research techniques that are gaining traction in the academic community, it also introduces ground-breaking intercultural research into Sudanese women who have resettled in the West. Functional as pedagogic material in university and high school classrooms, this package has broad appeal in the academic and educational sectors.“It is innovative, gutsy, practical, useful, critical and follows principles of socially just research."Prof Carolyn Ellis, University of Southern Florida, USA “This is an ambitious and passionate work. The author has taken on the task not only of exploring the difficult experiences of a group of young refugee women but has also reflected bravely on her own personal and professional life.”Assoc Prof Greg Noble, University of Western Sydney, Australia“This is an ambitious and passionate work. The author has taken on the task not only of exploring the difficult experiences of a group of young refugee women but has also reflected bravely on her own personal and professional life.”Assoc Prof Greg Noble, University of Western Sydney, Australia“This is an ambitious and passionate work. The author has taken on the task not only of exploring the difficult experiences of a group of young refugee women but has also reflected bravely on her own personal and professional life.”Assoc Prof Greg Noble, University of Western Sydney, Australia“It is innovative, gutsy, practical, useful, critical and follows principles of socially just research."Prof Carolyn Ellis, University of Southern Florida, USA “This is an ambitious and passionate work. The author has taken on the task not only of exploring the difficult experiences of a group of young refugee women but has also reflected bravely on her own personal and professional life.”Assoc Prof Greg Noble, University of Western Sydney, Australia“This is an ambitious and passionate work. The author has taken on the task not only of exploring the difficult experiences of a group of young refugee women but has also reflected bravely on her own personal and professional life.”Assoc Prof Greg Noble, University of Western Sydney, Australia“This is an ambitious and passionate work. The author has taken on the task not only of exploring the difficult experiences of a group of young refugee women but has also reflected bravely on her own personal and professional life.”Assoc Prof Greg Noble, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Ethnocultural Diversity and the Home-to-School Link (Research on Family-School Partnerships)

by Susan M. Sheridan Christine M. McWayne Fabienne Doucet

This book explores family-school partnerships and how they can be most effectively leveraged to ensure academic success for students from socioculturally diverse backgrounds. It presents an innovative framework for building collaborative learning partnerships with culturally diverse families, for improved student achievement and more meaningful ties between schools and their communities. It promotes understanding of familial and communal knowledge and recognizing families’ resilience in addressing academic, social, and linguistic barriers. Chapters reimagine family-school partnerships within a context of shared power and authority, examine a spectrum of interventions that support culture-based modes of learning, and emphasize the potential for transformative learning to occur when students’ out-of-school lives are understood and meaningfully leveraged in school. Chapters also discuss how to foster bridges between parents and teachers, provide teachers with access to the rich cognitive and cultural resources of families, and enable all parties to begin viewing families as truly equal partners in children’s education. The book concludes with a commentary chapter that identifies necessary areas for further research.Topics featured in this volume include:The contribution of racial and ethnic socialization to family-school partnerships during early childhood.Fathers and their role in family-school partnerships.The importance of Indigenous family engagement in systems of education.Home-school partnerships and mixed-status immigrant families in the United States.Family-school partnership research with the migrant and seasonal farm working community.The role of humility in working with families across international contexts.Interventions that promote home-to-school links.Ethnocultural Diversity and the Home-to-School Link is a must-have resource for researchers, professionals, and graduate students in education, child and school psychology, educational policy and politics, family studies, developmental psychology, sociology of education, and anthropology.

Ethnodramatherapy: Integrating Research, Therapy, Theatre and Social Activism into One Method

by Stephen Snow

Ethnodramatherapy explores the integration of the performance ethnography method, known as ethnodrama, with the principles and practices of drama therapy to establish a sound theoretical formulation for ethnodramatherapy, and considers its use as art, as therapy, as research and as a vehicle for social justice. The book begins by defining ethnodramatherapy – an original synthesis created by the author through deep study and practice of Mienczakowski’s enthnodrama, combined with 35 years of his own practice and research in drama therapy, creative arts therapies and therapeutic theatre. The book describes the origins of ethnodramatherapy, along with its evolution and method. It then delves into applications of the practice highlighted by five case studies with different audiences in different settings. Subjects include adults with developmental disabilities, female adolescents in youth protection, caregivers for loved ones with mental illnesses and Chinese students exploring controversial issues of oppression in China. Complex ethical issues are reviewed and suggestions are made on how to deal with some of the challenging ethical situations that are likely to arise in the ethnodramatherapy process. What emerges is a powerful tool that harnesses theatrical art, ethnographic research and the clinical techniques of drama therapy to create a potential for emancipatory experience for both performers and audiences. This exciting and dynamic synthesis of drama therapy, performance ethnography, theatrical art and social activism will be of interest to the whole community of theatre practitioners and scholars who use theatre to effect individual and social change, including the disciplines of applied theatre, theatre education, experimental theatre, performance studies, and, of course, drama therapy, psychodrama and the other creative arts therapies.

Ethnodramatherapy: Integrating Research, Therapy, Theatre and Social Activism into One Method

by Stephen Snow

Ethnodramatherapy explores the integration of the performance ethnography method, known as ethnodrama, with the principles and practices of drama therapy to establish a sound theoretical formulation for ethnodramatherapy, and considers its use as art, as therapy, as research and as a vehicle for social justice. The book begins by defining ethnodramatherapy – an original synthesis created by the author through deep study and practice of Mienczakowski’s enthnodrama, combined with 35 years of his own practice and research in drama therapy, creative arts therapies and therapeutic theatre. The book describes the origins of ethnodramatherapy, along with its evolution and method. It then delves into applications of the practice highlighted by five case studies with different audiences in different settings. Subjects include adults with developmental disabilities, female adolescents in youth protection, caregivers for loved ones with mental illnesses and Chinese students exploring controversial issues of oppression in China. Complex ethical issues are reviewed and suggestions are made on how to deal with some of the challenging ethical situations that are likely to arise in the ethnodramatherapy process. What emerges is a powerful tool that harnesses theatrical art, ethnographic research and the clinical techniques of drama therapy to create a potential for emancipatory experience for both performers and audiences. This exciting and dynamic synthesis of drama therapy, performance ethnography, theatrical art and social activism will be of interest to the whole community of theatre practitioners and scholars who use theatre to effect individual and social change, including the disciplines of applied theatre, theatre education, experimental theatre, performance studies, and, of course, drama therapy, psychodrama and the other creative arts therapies.

Ethnografie familienanaloger Formen der Hilfen zur Erziehung: Über Orte der Fremdunterbringung und des Zusammenwohnens (Kasseler Edition Soziale Arbeit #23)

by Maximilian Schäfer

Maximilian Schäfer untersucht in der Studie die Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen im Feld der familienanalogen Formen der Hilfen zur Erziehung. Im Rahmen von drei ethnografischen Fallrekonstruktionen und eines Fallvergleichs werden die Rahmenbedingungen, die Bedeutungszuschreibungen der Protagonist*innen, die Weisen des wohnräumlichen Zusammenlebens sowie die pädagogischen Handlungsweisen in Alltagssituationen analysiert. Die Feldstudie gewährt einerseits umfassende Einblicke in die bislang selten untersuchte Alltagspraxis an Orten der Fremdunterbringung, die in der Praxis als Erziehungsstellen, sozialpädagogische Lebensgemeinschaften oder familienanaloge Wohngruppen bezeichnet werden. Andererseits leistet sie einen empirisch fundierten Beitrag zur Fachdebatte mit zahlreichen Reflexionsangeboten für Interessierte an stationären Hilfen zur Erziehung.

Ethnografische Zugänge: Professions- und adressatInnenbezogene Forschung im Kontext von Pädagogik

by Peter Cloos Werner Thole

Ethnografische und biografische Forschungsmethoden haben in den letzten Jahren im Kontext sozialpädagogischer Arbeit an Bedeutung gewonnen. Neben dem eher 'klassischen' Methodenrepertoire wurden innovative und unkonventionelle methodische Zugänge in der Forschungspraxis operationalisiert. Ergebnisse ethnografischer und biografischer Studien zu pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern und hier insbesondere zur Sozialen Arbeit werden in diesem Sammelband konzentriert vorgestellt.

The Ethnographic Eye: Interpretive Studies of Education in China (Reference Books in International Education)

by Heidi Ross Judith Liu

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Ethnographic Eye: Interpretive Studies of Education in China (Reference Books in International Education)

by Heidi Ross Judith Liu

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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