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Expansive Bildungspolitik – Expansive Bildung? (Bildung und Arbeit)

by Ullrich Bauer Axel Bolder Helmut Bremer Rolf Dobischat Günter Kutscha

Die Expansion des Bildungssystems und der allgemeine Wettlauf um höhere Bildungsabschlüsse stehen im Widerspruch zur anhaltenden Produktion von Bildungsverlierern. Dabei wird immer ungewisser, ob höhere Bildungsabschlüsse überhaupt zu entsprechenden Berufspositionen führen. Die zunehmend marktgesteuerte Segmentierung des Bildungssystems lässt Bildung zum starken Hebel der Reproduktion längst vergangen geglaubter sozialer Ungleichheitsverhältnisse geraten, anstatt Chancenungleichheit abzubauen, wie es einst gesellschaftlicher Konsens war. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes analysieren die Entwicklung aus kritischer Distanz gegenüber einer Bildungspolitik, deren alleiniges Maß die Ökonomie ist.

Expansive Education (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

by Bill Lucas Guy Claxton Ellen Spencer

Teachers from schools across the world believe that there is more to education than success in examinations. Many practitioners are becoming increasingly familiar with expansive education concepts such as learning dispositions, habits of mind, and expandable intelligence, and are striving to instill these valuable mind-sets into their pupils. In this groundbreaking and visionary book, acclaimed authors Lucas, Claxton and Spencer define, consolidate and reinforce this revolutionary shift.Expansive Education: Teaching learners for the real world showcases a growing number of schools that are developing methods of teaching and learning that deliberately cultivate powerful learners. Drawing on established theory as well as current research and practice, this essential resource encapsulates the best of these approaches, and demonstrates discernible links to achievement gains and learner engagement. Expansive Education offers:Radical thinking about the purpose of schools, underpinned by latest literature from the learning sciencesA critical exploration of what works in practice and an analysis of pioneering concepts that support dispositional approaches to learningA scaffolding framework that assists teachers in consistently choosing those methods most likely to create expansive learning environmentsA powerful manifesto for individual schools, clusters of schools, districts and national systems to articulate a different vision of education and a means of tracking real progress.

Expansive Learning in Professional Contexts: A Materialist Perspective

by Christian Beighton

This book discusses approaches to organizational learning from a materialist point of view. Inspired by research into Police Firearms training, features of expansive learning inform the development of perspectives on training which challenge traditional modes of research and delivery. The book critically reviews a range of approaches to expansive learning and organizational research, establishing the bases and limitations of an Expansive Learning Index whose aim is to support collaborative provision in the context of work-based research. Reflecting on this process, it stresses the strangeness and mobility of workplace learning and develops a philosophical pragmatics for professional development. Approaches to knowledge and enquiry which place language and subjectivity at the heart of development are challenged by a more pragmatic approach to expansive learning: its consequences for training, research, and professional development lead to a discussion of the need for immanent forms of professional ethics.

Expect Miracles: Charter Schools And The Politics Of Hope And Despair

by Peter Cookson

Charter schools are the most significant educational experiment in the last two decades. In Expect Miracles , Peter W. Cookson, Jr. and Kristina Berger focus on the current trend toward deregulation in public education. The issue of deregulation is of critical importance because the spirit of entrepreneurship that is behind deregulation is seldom examined from a sociological perspective. This book places the debate concerning the future of public education in a meaningful framework that allows the reader to ask new questions and seek genuine solutions. Using the latest research as the basis for discussion, this book provides a fresh look at the growing and politically volatile charter school movement. The authors present the most balanced analysis to date of the movement that is changing the landscape of American education.

Expect Miracles: Charter Schools And The Politics Of Hope And Despair

by Peter Cookson

"Cookson and Berger provide a thoughtful summary and insightful critique of the charter school movement. Expect Miracles explodes the myth that the charter schools operating in an educational 'marketplace' will recast public education to better serve America's children and promote democratic civic values. Anyone interested in the future of U.S. school reform should read this book." —Alex Molnar, professor and director, Education Policy Studies Laboratory, Arizona State University, and author of Giving Kids the Business "By far the best book yet to appear on the charter school movement Written with scholarship, insight, clarity, compassion, and fire." —Bruce J. Biddle, professor emeritus of the University of Missouri, and co-author of The Manufactured Crisis "Beautifully written analysis of the charter school movement in terms of its past and present political and educational dynamics as well as where it might go." —Henry M. Levin, director of the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia University Charter schools are the most significant educational experiment in the last two decades. In Expect Miracles, Peter W. Cookson, Jr. and Kristina Berger focus on the current trend toward deregulation in public education. The issue of deregulation is of critical importance because the spirit of entrepreneurship that is behind deregulation is seldom examined from a sociological perspective. Using the latest research as the basis for discussion, this book provides a fresh look at the growing and politically volatile charter school movement. The authors present the most balanced analysis to date of the movement that is changing the landscape of American education.

Expect the Unexpected: Aspects of Pragmatic Foregrounding in Old Testament Narratives (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Stefano Cotrozzi

This monograph on biblical linguistics is a highly specialized, pragmatic investigation of the controversial question of "foregrounding"-the deviation from some norm or convention-in Old Testament narratives. The author presents and examines the two main sources of pragmatic foregrounding: events or states deviating from well-established schemata, structures of reader expectation that can be manipulated by the narrator to highlight specific "chunks" of discourse; and evaluative devices, which are used by the narrator to indicate to the reader the point of the story and direct its interpretation. Cotrozzi critiques the particular evaluative device known as the "historic present", a narrative strategy that employs the present tense to describe past event. He tests two main theories that support this device by using a cross-linguistic model of the historical present drawing upon a variety of languages. Cotrozzi ultimately refutes these theories with a thorough examination and detailed refutation. He concludes with a study of a particular Hebraic verb as a particular marker of represented perception, a technique whereby the character's perceptions are expressed directly from its point of view.


by James Patterson

One viral photo.Four expelled teens.Everyone's a suspect.Theo Foster's Twitter account used to be anonymous – until someone posted a revealing photo that got him expelled. No final grade. No future.Theo's resigned to a life of misery working at the local mini-mart when a miracle happens: Sasha Ellis speaks to him. Sasha Ellis knows his name. She was also expelled for a crime she didn't commit, and now he has the perfect way to get her attention: find out who set them up.To uncover the truth, Theo has to get close to the suspects: the hacker, the quarterback, the mean girl, the vice principal, and his own best friend. What secrets are they hiding? And how can Theo catch their confessions on camera...?

Experience and Education: Towards an Alternative National Curriculum (PDF)

by Gwyn Edwards

The contributors to this book show how a genuinely open debate is needed to identify the essential components of a national curriculum for a democratic society.This book is an invitation to consider the merits of an adjectival curriculum: one which describes rather than prescribes the kinds of educational experience to which all young people are entitled.

Experience and Learning in Corporate Acquisitions: Theoretical Approaches, Research Themes and Implications

by Ilaria Galavotti

This book analyses mergers and acquisitions within the broader framework of strategic decisions. Existing studies on corporate acquisitions have produced a variegated and inconclusive spectrum of findings on the strategic mechanisms that contribute to value creation. By building on the widespread recognition that firms substantially differ in their ability to carry out successful acquisitions, this book focuses on the diverse effects of experiential learning. A unique systematic literature review is provided, which thematically highlights the connections between various streams of research. The author aims to systematise our knowledge on experience and learning dynamics in corporate acquisitions, providing a detailed analysis of conceptual implications and presenting potential avenues for future exploration.

Experience and Meaning in Music Performance

by Martin Clayton Byron Dueck Laura Leante

How does the immediate experience of musical sound relate to processes of meaning construction and discursive mediation? This question lies at the heart of the studies presented in Experience and Meaning in Music Performance, a unique multi-authored work that both draws on and contributes to current debates in a wide range of disciplines, including ethnomusicology, musicology, psychology, and cognitive science. Addressing a wide range of musical practices from Indian raga and Afro-Brazilian Congado rituals to jazz, rock, and Canadian aboriginal fiddling, the coherence of this study is underpinned by its three main themes: experience, meaning, and performance. Central to all of the studies are moments of performance: those junctures when sound and meaning are actually produced. Experience-what people do, and what they feel, while engaging in music-is equally important. And considered alongside these is meaning: what people put into a performance, what they (and others) get out of it, and, more broadly, how discourses shape performances and experiences of music. In tracing trajectories from moments of musical execution, this volume a novel and productive view of how cultural practice relates to the experience and meaning of musical performance. A model of interdisciplinary study, and including access to an array of audio-visual materials available on an extensive companion website, Experience and Meaning in Music Performance is essential reading for scholars and students of ethnomusicology and music psychology.

The Experience of Being First in Family at University: Pioneers in Higher Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Sharron King Ann Luzeckyj Ben McCann

This book provides an in-depth analysis of what it means to be the first in family at university. It examines the factors that influence first in family students' decisions to enrol, attend and continue at university, and how their hopes, dreams and ambitions for the future affect their university experience. Using survey data and semi-structured interviews, the book offers valuable and far-reaching insights into the first in family student experience, and provides recommendations for future practice at the national and institutional level for teaching and professional staff as well as for first in family students. As universities face intense competition for students and growing economic constraints due to funding cuts and increasing costs, this book comes at a critical time.

The Experience of Examining the PhD: An International Comparative Study of Processes and Standards of Doctoral Examination (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Michael Byram Maria Stoicheva

This book provides an authoritative overview of the criteria and standards of the doctorate across a wide range of international settings, with a particular focus on the practices of examining. Presenting case studies and research from 13 universities in 13 countries across Africa, Asia, North and South America, Australia, and Europe, the book is based on in-depth interviews and comparative analyses of the PhD examining experience. It reveals the variations and similarities in different academic traditions and investigates the extent to which there are comparable expectations and standards across countries. It suggests that criteria and standards – both written and unwritten – are broadly similar, but shows that there is a need for much more explicitly formulated criteria and standards for an internationalised approach to doctoral assessment. Following on from the 2019 book The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond, this book will be of great interest to current and potential doctoral examiners, researchers of higher education, and university administrators.

The Experience of Examining the PhD: An International Comparative Study of Processes and Standards of Doctoral Examination (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Michael Byram Maria Stoicheva

This book provides an authoritative overview of the criteria and standards of the doctorate across a wide range of international settings, with a particular focus on the practices of examining. Presenting case studies and research from 13 universities in 13 countries across Africa, Asia, North and South America, Australia, and Europe, the book is based on in-depth interviews and comparative analyses of the PhD examining experience. It reveals the variations and similarities in different academic traditions and investigates the extent to which there are comparable expectations and standards across countries. It suggests that criteria and standards – both written and unwritten – are broadly similar, but shows that there is a need for much more explicitly formulated criteria and standards for an internationalised approach to doctoral assessment. Following on from the 2019 book The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond, this book will be of great interest to current and potential doctoral examiners, researchers of higher education, and university administrators.

The Experience of Neoliberal Education (Higher Education in Critical Perspective: Practices and Policies #4)

by Bonnie Urciuoli

The college experience is increasingly positioned to demonstrate its value as a worthwhile return on investment. Specific, definable activities, such as research experience, first-year experience, and experiential learning, are marketed as delivering precise skill sets in the form of an individual educational package. Through ethnography-based analysis, the contributors to this volume explore how these commodified "experiences" have turned students into consumers and given them the illusion that they are in control of their investment. They further reveal how the pressure to plan every move with a constant eye on a demonstrable return has supplanted traditional approaches to classroom education and profoundly altered the student experience.

Experience of School Transitions: Policies, Practice and Participants

by Stephen Billett, Greer Johnson, Sue Thomas, Cheryl Sim, Stephen Hay and Jill Ryan

Leaving school, whether to move on to training, work or education, is a fundamental rite of passage the world over. This volume draws on a wealth of international sources and studies in its analysis of the ‘transitions’ young students make as they move on from their secondary schooling. It identifies how these transitions are planned for by policymakers, enacted by school staff and engaged with by students themselves. With data from a range of nations with advanced industrial economies, the book delineates how the policies relating to these transitions need to be conceived and implemented, how the transitions themselves are negotiated by young people, and how they might be shaped to meet the varied needs of the students they are designed to help. The authors argue that the relationship, often complex, between what schools provide in the way of preparation, and the ways in which students take up what is on offer, is the crucial nexus for understanding the experience of transitions by young people, and for enhancing that experience. With a host of case studies of transition policies themselves, as well as evaluative data on how they were received by the school leavers whom they were designed for, this valuable addition to the educational literature deserves to be read by all those with roles in preparing the young for their journey into a complex adult world full of pitfalls as well as opportunity.

Experiences and Explanations of ADHD: An Ethnography of Adults Living with a Diagnosis (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation)

by Mikka Nielsen

Experiences and Explanations of ADHD: An Ethnography of Adults Living with a Diagnosis presents research on the lived experiences of those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Drawing on in-depth interviews with adults diagnosed with ADHD, the book provides an examination of how the diagnosis is understood, used, and acted upon by the people receiving the diagnosis. The book delves into the phenomenology of ADHD and uncovers the experiences of a highly debated diagnosis from a first-person perspective. It further considers these experiences within the context of our time and culture and contributes to a discussion of how to understand human diversity and deviance in contemporary society. Studying both societal conditions behind the emergence of ADHD, questions concerning everyday life with ADHD, and interpretations of the diagnosis, the book offers an analysis of the intertwinement of experiences of suffering and diagnostic categories. This book will appeal to academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields of cultural psychology and medical anthropology, as well as those with an interest in the sociology of diagnoses.

Experiences and Explanations of ADHD: An Ethnography of Adults Living with a Diagnosis (Cultural Dynamics of Social Representation)

by Mikka Nielsen

Experiences and Explanations of ADHD: An Ethnography of Adults Living with a Diagnosis presents research on the lived experiences of those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Drawing on in-depth interviews with adults diagnosed with ADHD, the book provides an examination of how the diagnosis is understood, used, and acted upon by the people receiving the diagnosis. The book delves into the phenomenology of ADHD and uncovers the experiences of a highly debated diagnosis from a first-person perspective. It further considers these experiences within the context of our time and culture and contributes to a discussion of how to understand human diversity and deviance in contemporary society. Studying both societal conditions behind the emergence of ADHD, questions concerning everyday life with ADHD, and interpretations of the diagnosis, the book offers an analysis of the intertwinement of experiences of suffering and diagnostic categories. This book will appeal to academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields of cultural psychology and medical anthropology, as well as those with an interest in the sociology of diagnoses.

Experiences in Liberal Arts and Science Education from America, Europe, and Asia: A Dialogue across Continents

by William C. Kirby Marijk C. van der Wende

This book highlights the experiences of international leaders in liberal arts and science education from around the world as they discuss regional trends and models, with a specific focus on developments in and cooperation with China. Focusing on why this model responds to the twenty-first century requirements for excellence and relevance in undergraduate education, contributors examine if it can be implemented in different contexts and across academic cultures, structures, and traditions.

The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics: A comparative study of the unequal academy (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Kalwant Bhopal

Recent research suggests that Black and minority ethnic (BME) academics remain underrepresented, particularly at senior levels in higher education, and tend to be concentrated in new, post-1992 universities. This book provides an original comparative study of BME academics in both the UK and the USA, two different yet similar cultural and political climates, considering issues of inequality, difference and identity in the Academy. Presenting a distinctive and engaging voice, the book discusses the complexity of race, gender and identity in the context of higher education, an area that continues to appear to be dominated by white, middle class values and perspectives. Chapters offer an up-to-date commentary on the purpose, failures and potential of research on race, gender and identity, and its place within contemporary education and sociology. The book broadens the understanding of educational research, considering both sociological and cultural discourse, as well as examining racialized and gendered identities from a theoretical and analytical standpoint. The book closes by offering suggestions for viable policy shifts in this area. The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics will be of key interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the field of education, as well as sociologists wanting to learn more about black and minority academics in higher education.

The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics: A comparative study of the unequal academy (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Kalwant Bhopal

Recent research suggests that Black and minority ethnic (BME) academics remain underrepresented, particularly at senior levels in higher education, and tend to be concentrated in new, post-1992 universities. This book provides an original comparative study of BME academics in both the UK and the USA, two different yet similar cultural and political climates, considering issues of inequality, difference and identity in the Academy. Presenting a distinctive and engaging voice, the book discusses the complexity of race, gender and identity in the context of higher education, an area that continues to appear to be dominated by white, middle class values and perspectives. Chapters offer an up-to-date commentary on the purpose, failures and potential of research on race, gender and identity, and its place within contemporary education and sociology. The book broadens the understanding of educational research, considering both sociological and cultural discourse, as well as examining racialized and gendered identities from a theoretical and analytical standpoint. The book closes by offering suggestions for viable policy shifts in this area. The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics will be of key interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students in the field of education, as well as sociologists wanting to learn more about black and minority academics in higher education.

Experiences of Hunger and Food Insecurity in College

by Lisa Henry

This volume explores the experience of hunger and food insecurity among college students at a large, public university in north Texas. Ninety-two clients of the campus food pantry volunteered to share their experiences through qualitative interviews, allowing the author to develop seven profiles of food insecurity, while at once exploring the impact of childhood food insecurity and various coping strategies. Students highlighted the issues of stigma and shame; the unwillingness to discuss food insecurity with their peers; the physical consequences of hunger and poor nutrition; the associations between mental health and nutrition; the academic sacrifices and motivations to finish their degree in the light of food insecurity; and the potential for raising awareness on campus through university engagement. Henry concludes the book with a discussion of solutions—existing solutions to alleviate food insecurity, student-led suggestions for additional resources, solutions in place at other universities that serve as potential models for similar campuses—and efforts to change federal policy.

Experiences of Immigrant Professors: Challenges, Cross-Cultural Differences, and Lessons for Success (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Charles B. Hutchison

Educational institutions all over the world continue to attract the services of foreign-born scholars. In addition to the culture shock that immigrants experience in unfamiliar countries, these scholars often undergo "pedagogical shock." Through autobiographical accounts of foreign-born professors from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the US, this volume examines the experiences of foreign-born professors around the world to provide insight on the curricular, school-systemic, and sociological differences and challenges that are encountered, and how to help resolve them. It will help administrators, institutions, and immigration and comparative education scholars understand the cross-cultural challenges and coping strategies that define the private and professional lives of foreign-born professors across the globe.

Experiences of Immigrant Professors: Challenges, Cross-Cultural Differences, and Lessons for Success (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Charles B. Hutchison

Educational institutions all over the world continue to attract the services of foreign-born scholars. In addition to the culture shock that immigrants experience in unfamiliar countries, these scholars often undergo "pedagogical shock." Through autobiographical accounts of foreign-born professors from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the US, this volume examines the experiences of foreign-born professors around the world to provide insight on the curricular, school-systemic, and sociological differences and challenges that are encountered, and how to help resolve them. It will help administrators, institutions, and immigration and comparative education scholars understand the cross-cultural challenges and coping strategies that define the private and professional lives of foreign-born professors across the globe.

The Experiences of International Faculty in Institutions of Higher Education: Enhancing Recruitment, Retention, and Integration of International Talent (Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility)

by Chris R. Glass Krishna Bista Xi Lin

Responding to the growing need for recruitment and retention of international talent in higher education institutions globally, this volume documents the experiences and contribution of international graduate students, researchers, and faculty. This text foregrounds perspectives around recruitment, transition, integration, professional development, and the retention of scholars originating from, or arriving in, countries including China, Australia, Iraq, Japan, and the US. By investigating the support systems that are in place to assist foreign-born faculty members in institutes of higher education, the text provides important insights for departments and institutions as they look to successfully attract and retain global academic talent. Moreover, the scientific and practical implications of the research presented in the text directly informs institutional policy, working towards more effective, inclusive, and equitable ways to support international faculty. This text will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in higher education, international and comparative education, and, more specifically, those involved with faculty development programs. The text will also support further discussion and reflection around multicultural education, international teaching and learning, and educational policy more broadly.

The Experiences of International Faculty in Institutions of Higher Education: Enhancing Recruitment, Retention, and Integration of International Talent (Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility)

by Chris R. Glass Krishna Bista Xi Lin

Responding to the growing need for recruitment and retention of international talent in higher education institutions globally, this volume documents the experiences and contribution of international graduate students, researchers, and faculty. This text foregrounds perspectives around recruitment, transition, integration, professional development, and the retention of scholars originating from, or arriving in, countries including China, Australia, Iraq, Japan, and the US. By investigating the support systems that are in place to assist foreign-born faculty members in institutes of higher education, the text provides important insights for departments and institutions as they look to successfully attract and retain global academic talent. Moreover, the scientific and practical implications of the research presented in the text directly informs institutional policy, working towards more effective, inclusive, and equitable ways to support international faculty. This text will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in higher education, international and comparative education, and, more specifically, those involved with faculty development programs. The text will also support further discussion and reflection around multicultural education, international teaching and learning, and educational policy more broadly.

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