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Forschungsorientierung im dualen Studium der Sozialen Arbeit/Sozialpädagogik im Hinblick auf Berufsbefähigung: Perspektiven auf Studiengänge, Didaktik, Themen und Kompetenzen Studierender

by Simone Hess

Das Buch bespricht Formen von Forschungsorientierung mit Berufsbezug in dualen Studiengängen der Sozialen Arbeit / Sozialpädagogik in Form von Studiengangkonzeptionen, hochschuldidaktischer Ansätze sowie institutionalisierter Beratungsangebote.Einzelne Beiträge setzen sich mit den (entwicklungsbedingten) Herausforderungen sowie Bedarfen, Bedürfnissen und der Bedeutung kreativer Potenziale Studierender auseinander. Es werden Unterstützungsformen, Rahmungen und Kompetenzen diskutiert, mit denen sie ihre Rolle als Akteure im Forschungsprozess wahrnehmen und ausfüllen können. Für ihre Professionalisierungsentwicklung sind von den Studierenden zugleich subjektiv bedeutsame und berufsrelevante Erkenntnisse zu generieren, um die individualisierten und arbeitsfeldbezogenen Anforderungen der Zukunft zu bewältigen.Zudem zeigen Absolventen ihren Wissenserwerb aus unmittelbar zurückliegender studentischer Forschung auf und rekonstruieren den berufsrelevanten Erkenntnisgewinn in unterschiedlichen sozialpädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern mit ihren spezifischen interessensgeleiteten Fragestellungen, entsprechender theoretischer Fundierung und unter Verwendung verschiedener Forschungsmethoden.

Forschungszusammenarbeit China-Deutschland: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge und transkulturelle Perspektiven (Pädagogik)

by Steffi Robak Boris Zizek Chunchun Hu Maria Stroth

Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit von China und Deutschland liefert in Zeiten gesellschaftlicher Transformation ein breites Potenzial an innovationsfähigen und transkulturellen Forschungsansätzen. Die Beiträge des Bandes eruieren hierzu zum einen bildungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen, die die Rolle von Bildung vor dem Hintergrund kritischer Analyse und mit der Perspektive auf Gestaltung und Partizipation thematisieren. Zum anderen wird interdisziplinär erörtert, wie komparative Perspektiven in der Forschung entwickelt und wie Kooperationen und der Umgang in diesen gestaltet werden können. Dabei wird auch das Thema China-Kompetenz diskutiert und eine breite Kooperationsperspektive eröffnet.

Fortbildungen für KulturSchule: Wie Kulturelle Bildung in die Schule kommt

by Heike Ackermann

In diesem Open-Access-Buch gibt eine Evaluationsstudie Auskunft, wie teilnehmende Lehrkräfte Fortbildungen erleben, die auf die KulturSchul-Entwicklung zielen. Welche Perspektiven bauen diese auf? Und welche internen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen trifft die Schule, damit sich die Lernkultur ändern kann? Die Fortbildungsreihen im Landesprogramm «KulturSchule Hessen» legen die Grundlage dafür, dass Lehrkräfte über eindrückliche ästhetische Erfahrungen ein leibhaftiges Verständnis dieses Querschnittsthemas Kulturelle Bildung entwickeln. Sie erfahren in kreativen Prozessen, wie sich eine neue Sicht auf das Selbst, die Welt und Dinge, die uns umgeben, ergibt. Zugleich erweitert sich ihr bisheriges Unterrichtsrepertoire und Lernverständnis. Ihr Blick richtet sich stärker auf die Lernprozesse ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler und die Lernumgebung: „Das ist tatsächlich für beide – also für Pädagogen als auch für Schüler – ein irres Erlebnis, wenn man Dinge anders angeht, als man es vorher gemacht hat“, so ein Fortbildungsteilnehmer am «Fachforum».

Fortbildungen zum schulischen Umgang mit Rechenstörungen: Eine Evaluationsstudie zur Wirksamkeit auf Lehrer- und Schülerebene

by Svenja Lesemann

Svenja Lesemann evaluiert eine einjährige Fortbildungsmaßnahme zum Umgang mit Rechenstörungen, welche sich durch eine enge Verzahnung von Theorie und Praxis auszeichnet, mit dem Ziel, Informationen über Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für Lehrkräfte zu erhalten. Für die Ermittlung der Wirksamkeit betrachtet die Autorin sowohl Effekte auf der Lehrer- als auch auf der Schülerebene. Auf der Lehrerebene werden mittels Interviews, Fragebögen und Unterrichtsbeobachtungen Veränderungen des inhaltlich-spezifischen Wissens über Rechenstörungen sowie die Umsetzung der Fortbildungsinhalte im Förderunterricht untersucht. Auf der Schülerebene stehen die Veränderungen der Leistungen in Bezug auf besondere Schwierigkeiten beim Rechnenlernen im Fokus der Betrachtungen.

Fortschritte des Kinderschutzes und der Jugendfürsorge

by Joh. Betersen Hugo Heller Chr.J. Klumser

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Fortunes For All

by Vash Young

HOW TO BE HAPPIER AND MORE SUCCESSFUL BY SIMPLE CHANGES IN MENTAL ATTITUDEThis is the sixth book Vash Young has written to share with others the philosophy responsible for the success and happiness he has enjoyed. His other books were bestsellers, and FORTUNES FOR ALL is undoubtedly his most important work. First published in 1959, it written during Vash Young’s active retirement at the age of 70, when he was able to look back over his amazing life and career and speak with the voice of one who conquered the obstacles of fear, inhibition, and failure to become the successful salesman of $80 million worth of life insurance and lead a full, rich life by applying his philosophy for happiness.“I know I have a good key to happiness because I have used it personally with almost unbelievable results.”“This state of mind has not grown old and useless. It is more potent within me today than back in the depression years when I was changing the thinking of thousands of distressed individuals.”“…we can see the human body, which has a chemical value of approximately 97 cents. But we do not see the thinking which motivates a human body. This thinking may be worth $500,000.”“All of the scientific advances being made are of very little use to the individual and his personal problems….Self-help is what he needs most of all, and that is what I am trying to supply in this book.”FORTUNES FOR ALL seeks to bring together the background, philosophy and methods that had secured Vash Young’s fortune as a handbook for generations to follow.

Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound: Making maths memorable, accessible and relevant

by Danielle Bartram

In Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound: Making Maths Memorable, Accessible and Relevant, Danielle Bartram shares a wealth of practical resources and ideas to help teachers develop a whole-school commitment to, and enthusiasm for, improving numeracy. How many times have you heard someone say they ‘can’t do maths’? This attitude and acceptance of it appears to be endemic, but being bad at maths – or excusing innumeracy as maths-phobia – can no longer be tolerated. Danielle Bartram, of Miss B’s Resources fame, has made it her mission to remedy this issue and believes that learners should have a basic concept of number and problem solving in order to stop them being ripped off by companies when purchasing items, insurance or moving energy suppliers later on in life. For this reason, she has specifically designed Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound to give the teaching and learning of numeracy a firm foundation in everyday contextual settings so that students can transfer the logical and functioning skills inherent in mathematical understanding to real-world contexts. With the new Ofsted criteria focus on numeracy, all teachers will want to develop their maths teaching practice. Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound contains plenty of ideas to help teachers of all subject specialisms to do just that, and tackles students’ maths-phobia head on by providing an invaluable collection of 31 ready-to-use activities and resources to improve their enthusiasm for, and confidence in, the applied use of maths. Danielle has achieved this by shifting away from a prescribed list of maths-teaching techniques and instead presents a treasure trove of exciting, lesson-ready ideas held together by six numeracy links – number, functional skills, graphs and statistics, problem solving, shapes and measures, and formulae and equations – that can be embedded across the full curriculum. The 31 resources are tagged with their relevant numeracy links to indicate the mathematical territory covered (e.g. graphs and statistics), and are also divided into six categories – literacy, exploration, engagement, classroom management, marking and reflection, and organisation and presentation – for ease of identification while flicking through the book. Danielle complements each activity with useful mathematical pointers, such as the language to be used and the numerical concepts that students often struggle with or have misconceptions about, and has made all of the resources available as PDF downloads from her Miss B’s Resources website via a specific link provided in the book. Beyond the more practical provision of strategies and resources, Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound also offers expert guidance on the shaping of numeracy coordination across the school and presents example audit grids to serve as an outline of how students’ progress with each numeracy link can be monitored. Suitable for numeracy coordinators and teachers of all subjects, in both primary and secondary settings, who want to embed into their lessons the numeracy skills that their students will need in everyday life. Contents include: Chapter 1 – What is Numeracy?; Chapter 2 – Numeracy4All Chain; Chapter 3 – Breaking Up the Journey; Chapter 4 – Numeracy Links; Chapter 5 – Subject Knowledge; Chapter 6 – The 31 Prime Resources and Ideas; Chapter 7 – Enthusiasm.

Forward with Classics: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities

by Arlene Holmes-Henderson Steven Hunt Mai Musié

Despite their removal from England's National Curriculum in 1988, and claims of elitism, Latin and Greek are increasingly re-entering the 'mainstream' educational arena. Since 2012, there have been more students in state-maintained schools in England studying classical subjects than in independent schools, and the number of schools offering Classics continues to rise in the state-maintained sector. The teaching and learning of Latin and Greek is not, however, confined to the classroom: community-based learning for adults and children is facilitated in newly established regional Classics hubs in evenings and at weekends, in universities as part of outreach, and even in parks and in prisons.This book investigates the motivations of teachers and learners behind the rise of Classics in the classroom and in communities, and explores ways in which knowledge of classical languages is considered valuable for diverse learners in the 21st century. The role of classical languages within the English educational policy landscape is examined, as new possibilities exist for introducing Latin and Greek into school curricula. The state of Classics education internationally is also investigated, with case studies presenting the status quo in policy and practice from Australasia, North America, the rest of Europe and worldwide. The priorities for the future of Classics education in these diverse locations are compared and contrasted by the editors, who conjecture what strategies are conducive to success.

Forward with Classics: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities (Criminal Practice Ser.)

by Arlene Holmes-Henderson Steven Hunt Mai Musié

Despite their removal from England's National Curriculum in 1988, and claims of elitism, Latin and Greek are increasingly re-entering the 'mainstream' educational arena. Since 2012, there have been more students in state-maintained schools in England studying classical subjects than in independent schools, and the number of schools offering Classics continues to rise in the state-maintained sector. The teaching and learning of Latin and Greek is not, however, confined to the classroom: community-based learning for adults and children is facilitated in newly established regional Classics hubs in evenings and at weekends, in universities as part of outreach, and even in parks and in prisons.This book investigates the motivations of teachers and learners behind the rise of Classics in the classroom and in communities, and explores ways in which knowledge of classical languages is considered valuable for diverse learners in the 21st century. The role of classical languages within the English educational policy landscape is examined, as new possibilities exist for introducing Latin and Greek into school curricula. The state of Classics education internationally is also investigated, with case studies presenting the status quo in policy and practice from Australasia, North America, the rest of Europe and worldwide. The priorities for the future of Classics education in these diverse locations are compared and contrasted by the editors, who conjecture what strategies are conducive to success.

Fossil Finder (Collins Big Cat Progress Ser. (PDF))

by Lou Kuenzler Stephen Lee Collins Staff

Follow the amazing true story of Mary Anning, a child from a poor family who sold seashells for a living and stumbled across a world of dinosaurs and fame. This fascinating story was written by Lou Kuenzler and illustrated in a graphic novel style. • Collins Big Cat Progress books are specifically designed for children at Key Stage 2 who have a Key Stage 1 reading level, giving them age-appropriate texts that they can read, building their confidence and fostering positive attitudes towards reading. • Text type: A graphic novel • Curriculum links: History • This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.

Foster Youth in the Mediasphere: Lived Experience and Digital Lives in the Australian Out-Of-Home Care System

by Milissa Deitz Lynette Sheridan Burns

This book considers the impact of digital media and technology on lived experience for young people in foster care. While the extent and intricacies of foster care—known as out-of-home care (OOHC) in Australia, where this study takes place—are not widely understood by the general public, youth in care might struggle to construct a personal identity that goes beyond reflecting the stereotypes and stigma by which they are often recognised. In today’s digital environment, media can play a significant role in any individual’s developing sense of self, identity, and belonging. Deitz and Sheridan Burns examine OOHC through the lens of networked media environments and investigate the conditions that encourage belonging and resilience in order to establish the role that digital technology can play in supporting those conditions for individuals, family networks, and the care sector.

Fostering a Climate of Inclusion in the College Classroom: The Missing Voice of the Humanities

by Lavonna L. Lovern Glenda Swan

This book examines inclusion teaching at the college and university level. It establishes the importance of the Humanities disciplines and the use of qualitative analysis as a means of understanding and encouraging democratic materials and classroom organization. The first section of the text provides two primers for those unfamiliar with pedagogical history and theory. These primers are designed to give basic information and sources for additional study. They trace pedagogical influences from foundationism, neoliberalism, conflict, and critical theories to critical race theory, Red pedagogy, and decolonization theories. The second half of the book focuses on strategies to assist those attempting classroom inclusion. These chapters are designed to assist with practical ways in which inclusion can be advanced as well as strategies to assist junior faculty in the navigation of the politics of inclusive education.

Fostering a Climate of Inclusion in the College Classroom: The Missing Voice of the Humanities

by Lavonna L. Lovern Glenda Swan

This book examines inclusion teaching at the college and university level. It establishes the importance of the Humanities disciplines and the use of qualitative analysis as a means of understanding and encouraging democratic materials and classroom organization. The first section of the text provides two primers for those unfamiliar with pedagogical history and theory. These primers are designed to give basic information and sources for additional study. They trace pedagogical influences from foundationism, neoliberalism, conflict, and critical theories to critical race theory, Red pedagogy, and decolonization theories. The second half of the book focuses on strategies to assist those attempting classroom inclusion. These chapters are designed to assist with practical ways in which inclusion can be advanced as well as strategies to assist junior faculty in the navigation of the politics of inclusive education.

Fostering Academic Excellence

by J. McLeod A. Cropley

This book contains a general introduction to the education of academically able students. It provides a solid background of basic knowledge and a survey of research and theory for educational theorists, student teachers, practising teachers, administrators and planners. It offers insights into relevant practical problems as well as guidelines for classroom practice. The significance of this material is outlined for the various levels of the educational system from the individual classroom to the regional planning level. The book is not, however, designed to offer set answers and pat solutions, but to provide rationale for the creative work of teachers and administrators.

Fostering Children's Mathematical Power: An Investigative Approach To K-8 Mathematics Instruction

by Arthur Baroody Ronald T. Coslick

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Fostering Children's Mathematical Power: An Investigative Approach To K-8 Mathematics Instruction

by Arthur Baroody Ronald T. Coslick

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Fostering Collaboration Between General and Special Education: Lessons From the "beacons of Excellence Projects" A Special Issue of the journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation

by Emilia C. Lopez

Published in 2003, Volume 13, Number 4 of the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. This volume covers looking at ‘Beacons of Excellence Schools’ what they tell us about collaborative practises and examining special and general education collaborative practise in exemplary schools.

Fostering Collaboration Between General and Special Education: Lessons From the "beacons of Excellence Projects" A Special Issue of the journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation

by Margaret J. McLaughlin

Published in 2003, Volume 13, Number 4 of the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. This volume covers looking at ‘Beacons of Excellence Schools’ what they tell us about collaborative practises and examining special and general education collaborative practise in exemplary schools.

Fostering Collateral Creativity in School Mathematics: Paying Attention to Students’ Emerging Ideas in the Age of Technology (Mathematics Education in the Digital Era #23)

by Sergei Abramovich Viktor Freiman

This book explores the topic of using technology, both physical and digital, to motivate creative mathematical thinking among students who are not considered ‘mathematically advanced.’ The book reflects the authors’ experience of teaching mathematics to Canadian and American teacher candidates and supervising several field-based activities by the candidates. It consists of eight chapters and an Appendix which includes details of constructing computational learning environments.Specifically, the book demonstrates how the appropriate use of technology in the teaching of mathematics can create conditions for the emergence of what may be called ‘collateral creativity,’ a notion similar to Dewey’s notion of collateral learning. Just as collateral learning does not result from the immediate goal of the traditional curriculum, collateral creativity does not result from the immediate goal of traditional problem solving. Rather, mathematical creativity emerges as a collateral outcome of thinking afforded by the use of technology. Furthermore, collateral creativity is an educative outcome of one’s learning experience with pedagogy that motivates students to ask questions about computer-generated or tactile-derived information and assists them in finding answers to their own or the teacher’s questions. This book intends to provide guidance to teachers for fostering collateral creativity in their classrooms.

Fostering Computational Thinking Among Underrepresented Students in STEM: Strategies for Supporting Racially Equitable Computing

by Jacqueline Leonard Jakita O. Thomas Roni Ellington Monica B. Mitchell Olatokunbo S. Fashola

This book broadly educates preservice teachers and scholars about current research on computational thinking (CT). More specifically, attention is given to computational algorithmic thinking (CAT), particularly among underrepresented K–12 student groups in STEM education. Computational algorithmic thinking (CAT)—a precursor to CT—is explored in this text as the ability to design, implement, and evaluate the application of algorithms to solve a variety of problems. Drawing on observations from research studies that focused on innovative STEM programs, including underrepresented students in rural, suburban, and urban contexts, the authors reflect on project-based learning experiences, pedagogy, and evaluation that are conducive to developing advanced computational thinking, specifically among diverse student populations. This practical text includes vignettes and visual examples to illustrate how coding, computer modeling, robotics, and drones may be used to promote CT and CAT among students in diverse classrooms.

Fostering Computational Thinking Among Underrepresented Students in STEM: Strategies for Supporting Racially Equitable Computing

by Jacqueline Leonard Jakita O. Thomas Roni Ellington Monica B. Mitchell Olatokunbo S. Fashola

This book broadly educates preservice teachers and scholars about current research on computational thinking (CT). More specifically, attention is given to computational algorithmic thinking (CAT), particularly among underrepresented K–12 student groups in STEM education. Computational algorithmic thinking (CAT)—a precursor to CT—is explored in this text as the ability to design, implement, and evaluate the application of algorithms to solve a variety of problems. Drawing on observations from research studies that focused on innovative STEM programs, including underrepresented students in rural, suburban, and urban contexts, the authors reflect on project-based learning experiences, pedagogy, and evaluation that are conducive to developing advanced computational thinking, specifically among diverse student populations. This practical text includes vignettes and visual examples to illustrate how coding, computer modeling, robotics, and drones may be used to promote CT and CAT among students in diverse classrooms.

Fostering Creativity in Gifted Students: The Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education

by Bonnie Cramond Frances Karnes Kristen R. Stephens

It is not possible to teach someone to be creative. It is not possible to teach someone to be intelligent. It is, however, possible to teach students to use the creativity and intelligence they already have. Students can be taught to think more creatively or intelligently, and can also learn strategies for thinking more rationally or imaginatively.Encouraging creative thinking in the classroom is an exciting component of any effective gifted education program. This guide offers basic foundations required for supporting creativity. From establishing the right classroom environment, to using creative teaching strategies, to assessing student outcomes, this book is filled with practical information. The book also includes a listing of competitive contests and programs and an extensive list of resources.This is one of the books in Prufrock Press' popular Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. This series offers a unique collection of tightly focused books that provide a concise, practical introduction to important topics concerning the education of gifted children. The guides offer a perfect beginner's introduction to key information about gifted and talented education.

Fostering Creativity in Gifted Students: The Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education (Practical Strategies In Gifted Education Ser.)

by Bonnie Cramond Frances Karnes Kristen R. Stephens

It is not possible to teach someone to be creative. It is not possible to teach someone to be intelligent. It is, however, possible to teach students to use the creativity and intelligence they already have. Students can be taught to think more creatively or intelligently, and can also learn strategies for thinking more rationally or imaginatively.Encouraging creative thinking in the classroom is an exciting component of any effective gifted education program. This guide offers basic foundations required for supporting creativity. From establishing the right classroom environment, to using creative teaching strategies, to assessing student outcomes, this book is filled with practical information. The book also includes a listing of competitive contests and programs and an extensive list of resources.This is one of the books in Prufrock Press' popular Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. This series offers a unique collection of tightly focused books that provide a concise, practical introduction to important topics concerning the education of gifted children. The guides offer a perfect beginner's introduction to key information about gifted and talented education.

Fostering Critical Thinking Through Collaborative Group Work: Insights from Hong Kong

by Dennis Chun-Lok Fung Tim Weijun Liang

This book reports on studies contextualised within the curriculum development of General Studies in primary education and Liberal Studies in secondary education in Hong Kong. Both areas call for a learning environment that is conducive to the use of collaborative group work to foster critical thinking. By employing a mixed-methods approach and undertaking a teaching intervention based on Anderson et al.’s (2001) study, the book evaluates the effectiveness of group work in learners’ development of critical thinking skills and mindsets. In addition, it examines the influence of Chinese culture on the practice of group work. Findings from primary and secondary classrooms are subjected to a comparative analysis, yielding valuable insights into the relevance of group work for promoting critical thinking.

Fostering Habits of Mind in Today's Students: A New Approach to Developmental Education

by Jennifer Fletcher Adela Najarro Hetty Yelland

Co-published with and Students need more than just academic skills for success in college and career, and the lack of an explicit instructional focus on the “soft skills” critical to postsecondary success poses a challenge for many students who enter college, especially the underprepared. Based upon a multi-campus, cross-disciplinary collaboration, this book presents the resulting set of habits-of-mind-based strategies that demonstrably help not only low-income, ESL, and first-generation college students overcome obstacles on the path to degree completion; these strategies equally benefit all students. They promote life-long, integrative learning and foster intellectual qualities such as curiosity, openness, flexibility, engagement, and persistence that are the key to developing internalized and transferrable competencies that are seldom given direct attention in college classrooms. This contributed volume, written with full-time and adjunct faculty in mind, provides the rationale for this pedagogical approach and presents the sequential instructional cycle that begins by identifying students’ assets and progressively focusing on specific habits to develop their capacity to transfer their learning to new tasks and situations.Faculty from both two-year and four-year colleges provide examples of how they implement these practices in English, math, and General Education courses, and demonstrate the applicability of these practices across course types and disciplines.Chapters address key factors of college success, including:* The link between habits of mind and student retention and achievement* Using an assets-based approach to teaching and learning* Supporting and engaging students* Creating inclusive learning communities* Building confidence and self-efficacy* Promoting transfer of learning* Teacher networks and cross-disciplinary collaborationBy foregrounding habits of mind as an instructional lens, this book makes a unique contribution to teaching in developmental and general education settings.

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