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Showing 30,851 through 30,875 of 90,828 results

Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought

by Stephen A. Mitchell Margaret J. Black

The classic, in-depth history of psychoanalysis, presenting over a hundred years of thought and theories Sigmund Freud's concepts have become a part of our psychological vocabulary: unconscious thoughts and feelings, conflict, the meaning of dreams, the sensuality of childhood. But psychoanalytic thinking has undergone an enormous expansion and transformation since Freud's death in 1939. With Freud and Beyond, Stephen A. Mitchell and Margaret J. Black make the full scope of twentieth century psychoanalytic thinking-from Harry Stack Sullivan to Jacques Lacan; D.W. Winnicott to Melanie Klein-available for the first time. Richly illustrated with case examples, this lively, jargon-free introduction makes modern psychoanalytic thought accessible at last.

Freud and Education (Routledge Key Ideas in Education)

by Deborah P. Britzman

The concept of education—its dangers and promises and its illusions and revelations—threads throughout Sigmund Freud’s body of work. This introductory volume by psychoanalytic authority, Deborah P. Britzman, explores key controversies of education through a Freudian approach. It defines how fundamental Freudian concepts such as the psychical apparatus, the drives, the unconscious, the development of morality, and transference have changed throughout Freud’s oeuvre. An ideal text for courses in education studies, human development, and curriculum studies, Freud and Education concludes with new Freudian-influenced approaches to the old dilemmas of educational research, theory, and practice.

Freud and Education: Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, And Psychoanalytic Histories Of Learning (Routledge Key Ideas in Education)

by Deborah P. Britzman

The concept of education—its dangers and promises and its illusions and revelations—threads throughout Sigmund Freud’s body of work. This introductory volume by psychoanalytic authority, Deborah P. Britzman, explores key controversies of education through a Freudian approach. It defines how fundamental Freudian concepts such as the psychical apparatus, the drives, the unconscious, the development of morality, and transference have changed throughout Freud’s oeuvre. An ideal text for courses in education studies, human development, and curriculum studies, Freud and Education concludes with new Freudian-influenced approaches to the old dilemmas of educational research, theory, and practice.

Freud for Architects (Thinkers for Architects)

by John Abell

Freud for Architects explains what Freud offers to the understanding of architectural creativity and architectural experience, with case examples from early modern architecture to the present. Freud’s observations on the human psyche and its influence on culture and social behavior have generated a great deal of discussion since the 19th century. Yet, what Freud’s key ideas offer to the understanding of architectural creativity and experience has received little direct attention. That is partly because Freud opened the door to a place where conventional research in architecture has little traction, the unconscious. Adding to the difficulties, Freud’s collection of work is vast and daunting. Freud for Architects navigates Freud’s key ideas and bridges a chasm between architecture and psychoanalytic theory. The book highlights Freud’s ideas on the foundational developments of childhood, developments on which the adult psyche is based. It explains why and how the developmental stages could influence adult architectural preferences and preoccupations, spatial intuition, and beliefs about what is proper and right for architectural design. As such, Freud for Architects will be of great interest to students, practitioners, and scholars in a range of disciplines including architecture, psychoanalysis, and philosophy.

Freud for Architects (Thinkers for Architects)

by John Abell

Freud for Architects explains what Freud offers to the understanding of architectural creativity and architectural experience, with case examples from early modern architecture to the present. Freud’s observations on the human psyche and its influence on culture and social behavior have generated a great deal of discussion since the 19th century. Yet, what Freud’s key ideas offer to the understanding of architectural creativity and experience has received little direct attention. That is partly because Freud opened the door to a place where conventional research in architecture has little traction, the unconscious. Adding to the difficulties, Freud’s collection of work is vast and daunting. Freud for Architects navigates Freud’s key ideas and bridges a chasm between architecture and psychoanalytic theory. The book highlights Freud’s ideas on the foundational developments of childhood, developments on which the adult psyche is based. It explains why and how the developmental stages could influence adult architectural preferences and preoccupations, spatial intuition, and beliefs about what is proper and right for architectural design. As such, Freud for Architects will be of great interest to students, practitioners, and scholars in a range of disciplines including architecture, psychoanalysis, and philosophy.

Freude an Geometrie – Zum Gedenken an Hans Schupp: Vorträge auf der 36. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geometrie in der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 10. bis 12. September 2021 in Saarbrücken

by Andreas Filler Anselm Lambert Marie-Christine von der Bank

Hans Schupp verstarb im Mai 2021 im Alter von 86 Jahren. Neben seinen weitreichenden Beiträgen zur Didaktik der Stochastik war er auch in der Geometrie substantiell breit aufgestellt und hat zahlreiche, didaktisch begründete, konstruktive Vorschläge zur Re-Geometrisierung des Mathematikunterrichts publiziert. In diesem Feld gibt es in der schulischen Praxis aber leider weiterhin Defizite und großen Nachholbedarf. Dies war Grund genug, um uns auf unserer Tagung mit dem Erbe von Hans Schupp und – darauf aufbauend – mit der Weiterentwicklung des Geometrieunterrichts zu beschäftigen. Dieser Tagungsband enthält daher zwölf Beitrage zu Themen des Geometrieunterrichts, die an Ideen und Arbeiten von Hans Schupp anknüpfen.

Freunde, Feinde oder Klassenteam?: Empirische Rekonstruktionen von Peerbeziehungen an globalen Schulen (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung #47)

by Sina-Mareen Köhler

Globale Schulen wie die 'Internationale Schule' in Deutschland und die 'Deutsche Auslandsschule' in Japan rahmen den schulischen Zusammenhang durch die Ausrichtung des Schulprofils nicht nur auf die curricularen Lern- und Bildungsprozesse, sondern auch auf die pädagogisch-professionelle Unterstützung der Kinder, Jugendlichen und Familienangehörigen in der Migrationssituation. Schule als organisatorischer Rahmen bietet hier die einzige gemeinschaftliche Erfahrungs- und Erlebnisbasis für die Peers, die als kollektive Praxen, Orientierungen und Reflexionen empirisch untersucht werden. Im Einzelnen zeigt die Studie auf, dass Peerbeziehungen als existentielle performativ vollzogene Beziehung zu rekonstruieren sind. Zudem sind sie als reflexive Beziehungskonstruktion dekonstruierbar und es wird klar, dass eine systematische Auseinandersetzung mit den individuellen Selbstauskünften zur Bestimmung der Reziprozität der Peerbeziehung erforderlich ist. Erst dann ist zu verstehen, wer Freund oder Feind ist oder ob eine Klasse tatsächlich als 'Team' agiert. ​

Freundlichkeit im Schulalltag: Überlegungen zur Interaktionsgestaltung in der Schule (Psychologie in Bildung und Erziehung: Vom Wissen zum Handeln)

by Gisela Steins

Wer im Lehrberuf ist, steht in einem lebhaften Austausch mit den heranwachsenden Generationen. Wenn auch relativ zu den Eltern in geringerem Ausmaß, beeinflussen auch Lehrer/-innen durch ihren häufigen und zeitintensiven Umgang in einem relativ geschlossenen Kontext systematisch die Vorstellungen von Heranwachsenden über sich selbst, andere Menschen und die Welt. Die Gestaltung dieser Zeit wird erheblich durch die Interaktionsgestaltung zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden beeinflusst. In diesem Band wird das gegenwärtige, auf empirischer Evidenz beruhende Ideal einer Beziehungsgestaltung erarbeitet, in dem der Begriff der Zuwendung eine wichtige Grundlage bildet. Ziel des Bandes ist es, Anregungen zur Reflexion des eigenen Interaktionsstils zu geben. Dieser Band ist also ein etwas anderer, ungewöhnlicher Blick auf das Schüler/-innen/Lehrkraft/Verhältnis: der Freundlichkeit als grundlegendem Gestaltungsprinzip wird ein besonderer legitimer Platz eingeräumt.

Freundschaften, Cliquen und Jugendkulturen: Peers als Bildungs- und Sozialisationsinstanzen

by Marius Harring Oliver Böhm-Kasper Carsten Rohlfs Christian Palentien

Aus differenzierten Beziehungs- und Kontaktformen zu Gleichaltrigen eröffnen sich für Kinder und Jugendliche unterschiedliche Lebensräume. In diesen werden zahlreiche Bildungs- und Sozialisationsprozesse ausgelöst, die einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die weitere Entwicklung haben. Ausgehend von der Frage, welchen Freizeitaktivitäten heutige Kinder und Jugendliche nachgehen, wird in diesem Band empirisch und strukturell die Unterscheidung nach Freundschaften, Cliquen sowie Jugendkulturen bzw. Jugendszenen nachgezeichnet. Diese Peerorientierungen werden in Abhängigkeit von unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Dimensionen, unter der besonderen Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht, Migration und Sozialschicht, diskutiert. Damit ist die Möglichkeit gegeben neben den positiven Einflussfaktoren auch die negativen Komponenten von Peerbeziehungen und deren Bedeutung für die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen genauer zu bestimmen.

Freya (Collins Big Cat)

by John Chalmers Sandra Marrs

Freya the Brave: Independent Reading Gold 9 (Reading Champion #492)

by Damian Harvey

This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE).Freya doesn't always feel brave, but she tries her best. And when she sneaks away on a Viking adventure, she proves herself braver than most.Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.

Friedenspädagogik und religiöse Vielfalt: Bildungsprozesse deutscher und jordanischer Studierender (Pädagogik)

by Hamida Behr

Lerngruppen in Schulen und Hochschulen sind heute religiös sowie weltanschaulich divers - und Lernende von unterschiedlichen Diskriminierungen betroffen. Hamida Behr widmet sich marginalisierten Personen und konzipiert einen religionspädagogischen Ansatz, der Bildungsprozesse für alle ermöglicht. Auf Basis friedenspädagogischer Überlegungen nutzt sie Methoden aus der Theaterpädagogik, um in einem beispielhaften Seminar mit deutschen und jordanischen Studierenden konflikthafte biografische Erfahrungen wie abwertende Narrative und Othering zu überwinden. Anhand neu formulierter didaktischer Prinzipien können Pädagog*innen wiederum positive Veränderungen bewirken. So entsteht ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung einer problemorientierten Religionspädagogik, die der Diversität unserer Gesellschaft und ihrer Ungleichheitsstrukturen Rechnung trägt.

Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagskatalog: 1786–1986

by Frank Lube

Friedrich Froebel: A Critical Introduction to Key Themes and Debates

by Tina Bruce

This book considers the origins of Froebelian early childhood education providing context to the development of his theories and ideas, critically examines the key themes of this philosophy of education and explores the relevance of Froebelian practice today. Tina Bruce reflects on central aspects of Froebelian philosophy of education: the importance of family, highly trained teachers, engagement with nature, mother songs, movement games, play and self-activity of the child, the whole child and the Froebelian concept of unity. In exploring each element Bruce considers the implications for Froebelian practice and research today, and addresses the views of critics and supporters, Each aspect is considered within an international context, drawing on research and practice from across the world. The final chapter gathers together the next steps for Froebelian early childhood education, providing navigational tools and suggestions for what needs to be addressed if Froebel is to remain useful to future practitioners, researchers and policy makers.

Friedrich Froebel: A Critical Introduction to Key Themes and Debates

by Tina Bruce

This book considers the origins of Froebelian early childhood education providing context to the development of his theories and ideas, critically examines the key themes of this philosophy of education and explores the relevance of Froebelian practice today. Tina Bruce reflects on central aspects of Froebelian philosophy of education: the importance of family, highly trained teachers, engagement with nature, mother songs, movement games, play and self-activity of the child, the whole child and the Froebelian concept of unity. In exploring each element Bruce considers the implications for Froebelian practice and research today, and addresses the views of critics and supporters, Each aspect is considered within an international context, drawing on research and practice from across the world. The final chapter gathers together the next steps for Froebelian early childhood education, providing navigational tools and suggestions for what needs to be addressed if Froebel is to remain useful to future practitioners, researchers and policy makers.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Reconciling Knowledge and Life (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Robin Small

This book offers a succinct guide to Friedrich Nietzsche’s contributions to educational thought, placing them within the context of his overall philosophy and adding biographical background information that sheds light on his thinking. Topics discussed in detail include theories of knowledge and life, concepts of teaching and learning, and practice and policy issues in modern education. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a major Western thinker with much to say about education, both directly and indirectly. A fierce critic of the schools and universities of his time, he affirms the centrality of ‘culture’ and the exceptional individual as the true aim of education. For Nietzsche, the human predicament is characterised by the tension between knowledge and life. The task of education is to reconcile these demands, but that requires a radical rethinking of knowledge and a re-evaluation of morality. Nietzsche’s new conception of truth replaces facts with interpretations, and certainty with bold experiment. His new virtues arise out of the ‘sublimation’ of drives that are condemned by traditional morality. An education of the future promotes these aspects of individual development. Even so, Nietzsche seems to think that, in the end, it is up to each of us to engage in a broader task of self-realisation, for which he has a cryptic formula:“Become what you are.”

The FRIEND® Program for Creating Supportive Peer Networks for Students with Social Challenges, including Autism

by Christopher J. Smith Holly Sokol Sheri S. Dollin Sharman Ober-Reynolds Lori Vincent

FRIEND is a social, communication and play-based program to help school-aged children with social challenges. All students deserve a positive school experience where they can reach their social and academic potential. However, this can prove difficult for students with challenges such as attention deficit, anxiety, or autism spectrum disorders, who may struggle daily with social situations. This manual provides everything educators need to support these students with their social skills in everyday situations, throughout their school years. This program is designed to help any student with social challenges, no matter how subtle. For students without social challenges, it teaches tolerance, acceptance and understanding. The characteristics of successful social skills programs are described, with an emphasis on how FRIEND implements them through three key components: the Peer Sensitivity Curriculum, the FRIEND Lunch Program and the FRIEND Playground Program. These can be implemented individually or in any combination as a comprehensive program. Parents and family are offered information on working together with schools and implementing FRIEND strategies at home and in the community. Emphasizing peer sensitivity, education and a supportive environment, FRIEND is for any educator wanting to create an inclusive and safe atmosphere for students to learn social skill-building strategies.

The Friendly Pirates: A Bloomsbury Young Reader (Bloomsbury Young Readers)

by Saviour Pirotta

The pirates Adam, Amy and Ali are tired of their quiet life on Cutlass Island and wish that they could go and live in the exciting, big city. So when they spot a ship, they climb on board and hide in a hamper filled with costumes... and tutus! Soon they're on an adventure filled with sea monsters, ballet dancers and a swindling pirate. Will they ever make it ashore?This swashbuckling, adventure-filled tale from bestselling author Saviour Pirotta is perfect for children who are learning to read by themselves and for Key Stage 1. It features engaging illustrations from Erica Salcedo and quirky characters young readers will find hard to resist. Bloomsbury Young Readers are the perfect way to get children reading, with book-banded stories by brilliant authors like Julia Donaldson. They are packed with gorgeous colour illustrations and include inside cover notes to help adults reading with children, as well as ideas for activities related to the stories.Book Band: PurpleIdeal for ages 6+

The Friendly Pirates: A Bloomsbury Young Reader (Bloomsbury Young Readers)

by Saviour Pirotta

The pirates Adam, Amy and Ali are tired of their quiet life on Cutlass Island and wish that they could go and live in the exciting, big city. So when they spot a ship, they climb on board and hide in a hamper filled with costumes... and tutus! Soon they're on an adventure filled with sea monsters, ballet dancers and a swindling pirate. Will they ever make it ashore?This swashbuckling, adventure-filled tale from bestselling author Saviour Pirotta is perfect for children who are learning to read by themselves and for Key Stage 1. It features engaging illustrations from Erica Salcedo and quirky characters young readers will find hard to resist. Bloomsbury Young Readers are the perfect way to get children reading, with book-banded stories by brilliant authors like Julia Donaldson. They are packed with gorgeous colour illustrations and include inside cover notes to help adults reading with children, as well as ideas for activities related to the stories.Book Band: PurpleIdeal for ages 6+

Friends in School: Patterns of Selection and Influence in Secondary Schools

by Joyce Levy Epstein Nancy Karweit

Friends in School: Patterns of Selection and Influence in Secondary Schools is a collection of research and commentaries that focuses on the connections between the social organization of schools and classrooms, the social processes of peer association, friendship selection, as well as the social development of students. The papers center around the topic on simultaneous influence of developmental and environmental factors on adolescent friendships. One paper examines the various theories of adolescent friendships: that differences exist between theories applied to, and theories generated from the experiences of different age groups. Another paper discusses the patterns of selection of friends and the characteristics of selected friends in high- and low-participatory schools. One paper explains the components of a contact theory and of cooperative learning methods in terms of their impact on intergroup relations. Another paper reviews sex differences in forming and maintaining friendships based on earlier studies made on the subject. The paper focuses on environmental and developmental points on how sex differences and school organization can interact on the student's adjustment to transition or growth. One paper notes that peer and friendship groups can be positive forces in the classroom to advance the goals of the teachers, students, and school, but the decision should depend on the teacher's knowledge of organizational structure, group processes, and on the desired outcome of the educational activity. The collection is suitable for teachers, child educators, school counselors, school administrators, psychologists and sociologists.

Friends Like These: Wm Format

by Danny Wallace

Danny Wallace is about to turn thirty and his life has become a cliché. Recently married and living in a smart new area of town, he's swapped pints down the pub for lattes and brunch. For the first time in his life, he's feeling, well ... grown-up. But something's not right. Something's missing. Until he finds an old address book containing just twelve names. His best mates as a kid. Where are they now? Who are they now? And how are they coping with being grown-up too?And so begins a journey from A-Z, tracking down and meeting his old gang. He travels from Berlin to Tokyo, from Sydney to LA. He even goes to Loughborough. He meets Fijian chiefs. German rappers. Some ninjas. And a carvery manager who's managed to solve time travel. But how will they respond to a man they haven't seen in twenty years, turning up and asking if they're coming out to play?Part-comedy, part-travelogue, part-memoir, Friends Like These is the story of what can happen when you track down your past, and of where the friendships you thought you'd outgrown can take you today...

Friends With Boys: A Coming of Age YA Graphic Novel with a Paranormal Twist

by Faith Erin Hicks

A coming-of-age YA graphic novel with a spooky twist, from the New York Times bestselling Faith Erin Hicks!Maggie McKay hardly knows what to do with herself. After an idyllic childhood of homeschooling with her mother and rough-housing with her older brothers, it's time for Maggie to face the outside world, all on her own. But that means facing high school first. And it also means solving the mystery of the melancholy ghost who has silently followed Maggie throughout her entire life. Maybe it even means making a new friend — one who isn't one of her brothers . . .Funny, surprising, and tender, Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks is a pitch perfect YA graphic novel full of spooky supernatural fun, with black and white illustrations. Don't miss Faith's other YA graphic novels: Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy, One Year at Ellsmere, Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong (with Prudence Shen) and Pumpkinheads (with Rainbow Rowell).

Friendship and Diversity: Class, Ethnicity and Social Relationships in the City

by Carol Vincent Sarah Neal Humera Iqbal

Do people make friends with those who are culturally and socially different to themselves? Friendship and Diversity explores the social relationships of adults and children living in highly diverse localities in London. The authors examine how social class and ethnic difference affects the friendships of children in primary schools and their parents. The book draws on original and in-depth conversations 8 and 9 year olds about their classroom relationships, with parents about their own and their children’s friendships, and with teachers about supporting children’s friendships at school. Through detailed discussions of friendships, everyday multiculture, and attitudes towards shared social space, cultural difference and social class, the authors reveal what these friendships tell us about the nature and extent of social mixing and social divisions in cities with diverse populations. Friendship and Diversity will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including sociology, geography and psychology, as well as education practitioners.

Friendship and Diversity: Class, Ethnicity and Social Relationships in the City

by Carol Vincent Sarah Neal Humera Iqbal

Do people make friends with those who are culturally and socially different to themselves? Friendship and Diversity explores the social relationships of adults and children living in highly diverse localities in London. The authors examine how social class and ethnic difference affects the friendships of children in primary schools and their parents. The book draws on original and in-depth conversations 8 and 9 year olds about their classroom relationships, with parents about their own and their children’s friendships, and with teachers about supporting children’s friendships at school. Through detailed discussions of friendships, everyday multiculture, and attitudes towards shared social space, cultural difference and social class, the authors reveal what these friendships tell us about the nature and extent of social mixing and social divisions in cities with diverse populations. Friendship and Diversity will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including sociology, geography and psychology, as well as education practitioners.

Friendship and Educational Choice: Peer Influence and Planning for the Future

by R. Brooks

Friendship and Educational Choice provides a unique insight into how young people go about making decisions about their educational options and the subtle, yet crucial, influence of friends and peers on these processes. It argues that focusing on both the impact of friends on educational decisions and the reciprocal influences that such decisions may exert on young people's friendships helps us to understand the significance and impact of educational choice in the wider lives of young people.

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