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Showing 31,026 through 31,050 of 91,464 results

Freire and Critical Theorists (Freire in Focus)

by Crystal Green

This book draws connections between Paulo Freire and some of the most influential critical scholars of the 20th century. Each chapter pairs Freire with one of eleven critical scholars, giving a biographical summary and expanding the shared themes in their work. The critical theorists covered are: Mikhail Bakhtin, Pierre Bourdieu, Enrique Dussel, Frantz Fanon, Michel Foucault, Nancy Fraser, Erich Fromm, Antonio Gramsci, Jürgen Habermas, bell hooks and Iris Young. The book takes up Freire's invitation to use his perspective as a lens into different contexts and offers an expanded look at Freire's contribution to critical theory. While introducing the connections between Freire and other critical scholars the book reveals the importance of Freire's work to political sociology, critical race theory, decolonial theory, feminist theories and critical linguistics.

Freire and Education (Routledge Key Ideas in Education)

by Antonia Darder

One of the most influential educational philosophers of our times, Paulo Freire contributed to a revolutionary understanding of education as an empowering and democratizing force in the lives of the disenfranchised. In this deeply personal introduction to the man and his ideas, Antonia Darder reflects on how Freire’s work has illuminated her own life practices and thinking as an educator and activist. Including both personal memories and a never-before published, powerful dialogue with Freire himself, Darder offers a unique "analysis of solidarity," in mind and spirit. A heartfelt look at the ways Freire can still inspire a critically intellectual and socially democratic life, this book is certain to open up his theories in entirely new ways, both to those already familiar with his work and those coming to him for the first time.

Freire and Education (Routledge Key Ideas in Education)

by Antonia Darder

One of the most influential educational philosophers of our times, Paulo Freire contributed to a revolutionary understanding of education as an empowering and democratizing force in the lives of the disenfranchised. In this deeply personal introduction to the man and his ideas, Antonia Darder reflects on how Freire’s work has illuminated her own life practices and thinking as an educator and activist. Including both personal memories and a never-before published, powerful dialogue with Freire himself, Darder offers a unique "analysis of solidarity," in mind and spirit. A heartfelt look at the ways Freire can still inspire a critically intellectual and socially democratic life, this book is certain to open up his theories in entirely new ways, both to those already familiar with his work and those coming to him for the first time.

Freire and Environmentalism: Ecopedagogy (Freire in Focus)

by Greg William Misiaszek

Building on Paulo Freire's educational theory and critical pedagogy movements, this book provides a short and accessible introduction to ecopedagogy – Freirean environmental teaching and environmentalism overall. Ecopedagogy offers a political and educational vision that strives for a critical, culturally relevant forms of knowledge centred on sustainability for securing the future of our planet, ending all forms of oppression, and ensuring peace globally. Using examples from around the globe, Misiaszek shows how different populations (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity) are affected in unbalanced ways by ongoing environmental destruction and argues that these systematic socio-environmental inequalities are ignored in much of environmental teaching. He argues through reinventing Freire's work that environmental justice is inseparable to social justice and should be seen as part of wider debates around, for example, globalization, development, citizenship, racism, feminism, neo/colonialization, and linguistics. The book calls for global and local approaches to understanding socio-environmental issues beyond anthropocentric models (beyond humans) and epistemologies of the North (e.g., Western knowledges). Written for anyone with an interest in environmentalism this book offers news ways of thinking and teaching about environmental crises we are living through.

Freire and Environmentalism: Ecopedagogy (Freire in Focus)

by Greg William Misiaszek

Building on Paulo Freire's educational theory and critical pedagogy movements, this book provides a short and accessible introduction to ecopedagogy – Freirean environmental teaching and environmentalism overall. Ecopedagogy offers a political and educational vision that strives for a critical, culturally relevant forms of knowledge centred on sustainability for securing the future of our planet, ending all forms of oppression, and ensuring peace globally. Using examples from around the globe, Misiaszek shows how different populations (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity) are affected in unbalanced ways by ongoing environmental destruction and argues that these systematic socio-environmental inequalities are ignored in much of environmental teaching. He argues through reinventing Freire's work that environmental justice is inseparable to social justice and should be seen as part of wider debates around, for example, globalization, development, citizenship, racism, feminism, neo/colonialization, and linguistics. The book calls for global and local approaches to understanding socio-environmental issues beyond anthropocentric models (beyond humans) and epistemologies of the North (e.g., Western knowledges). Written for anyone with an interest in environmentalism this book offers news ways of thinking and teaching about environmental crises we are living through.

Freireian Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities: Projects for the New Millennium (Critical Education Practice)

by Stanley S. Steiner H. Mark Krank Robert E. Bahruth Peter McLaren

Scholar, activist, and educator Paulo Freire was one of the first thinkers to fully appreciate the relationships between education, politics, imperialism, and liberation. This volume is a testament to the works of Paulo Freire in the field of Education as well as the life of the man: a "story of courage, hardship, perseverance, and unyielding belief in the power of love." In this comprehensive collection, prominent intellectuals including Noam Chomsky and Donald Macedo reflect on Freire's "politics of liberation" and add important new dimensions to the revolutionary, innovative ideas that Freire bequeathed to a generation much in need.

Freireian Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities: Projects for the New Millennium (Critical Education Practice)

by Stanley S. Steiner H. Mark Krank Robert E. Bahruth Peter McLaren

Scholar, activist, and educator Paulo Freire was one of the first thinkers to fully appreciate the relationships between education, politics, imperialism, and liberation. This volume is a testament to the works of Paulo Freire in the field of Education as well as the life of the man: a "story of courage, hardship, perseverance, and unyielding belief in the power of love." In this comprehensive collection, prominent intellectuals including Noam Chomsky and Donald Macedo reflect on Freire's "politics of liberation" and add important new dimensions to the revolutionary, innovative ideas that Freire bequeathed to a generation much in need.

Freire's Key Terms (Freire in Focus)

by Teresa García Gómez

This book brings together clear and concise definitions of 33 key terms used by the great educational thinker, Paulo Freire. From 'critical consciousness' to 'concientization' and from 'oppressed' to the 'banking model of education' Freire's concepts and ways of understanding education are as relevant today as they ever were. The critical definitions attend to the theoretical and practical implications of each term allowing readers to appreciate the philosophical and emancipatory nature of Freire's work and learn how these ideas can be applied in educational, social, and political setting to drive social change. Each term is explained in relation to Freire's wider body of work, noting the nuances and meanings that developed through his career as pedagogue. The book shows the significance of Freire's legacy, and offers an opportunity to put into practice, rethink, and remake his proposal for a radical model of education.

Freire's Key Terms (Freire in Focus)

This book brings together clear and concise definitions of 33 key terms used by the great educational thinker, Paulo Freire. From 'critical consciousness' to 'concientization' and from 'oppressed' to the 'banking model of education' Freire's concepts and ways of understanding education are as relevant today as they ever were. The critical definitions attend to the theoretical and practical implications of each term allowing readers to appreciate the philosophical and emancipatory nature of Freire's work and learn how these ideas can be applied in educational, social, and political setting to drive social change. Each term is explained in relation to Freire's wider body of work, noting the nuances and meanings that developed through his career as pedagogue. The book shows the significance of Freire's legacy, and offers an opportunity to put into practice, rethink, and remake his proposal for a radical model of education.

Freiverkäufliche Arzneimittel im Einzelhandel: IHK-Sachkenntnisprüfung sicher bestehen

by Michaela Beer Christine Hartmann

Der Verkauf von Arzneimitteln außerhalb von Apotheken unterliegt strengen Richtlinien. Deshalb muss der Einzelhandel im Rahmen einer IHK-Prüfung Sachkenntnis nachweisen. Die Autorinnen leiten Vorbereitungsseminare auf diese Prüfung und vermitteln in dem Band das abgefragte Wissen zu Pflanzen, Chemikalien, Darreichungsformen und Lagerung ebenso wie zu aktuellen Rechtsvorschriften. Auch Fragen zur Selbstmedikation und zu diätetischen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln werden ausführlich behandelt.

Freiwilligenmanagement: Exploration eines erwachsenenpädagogischen Berufsfeldes (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Sandra A. Habeck

Sandra A. Habeck untersucht das Berufsfeld Freiwilligenmanagement empirisch und zeigt, dass es sich dabei um ein erwachsenenpädagogisches Feld handelt. Die Studie ermöglicht differenzierte Einsichten in Aufgaben, Problemlagen und Herausforderungen des Freiwilligenmanagements aus unterschiedlichen Akteursperspektiven (Vorgesetzte, Freiwillige, Freiwilligenmanager). Sie beleuchtet organisationale Hintergründe und identifiziert drei Ausprägungen der Ehrenamtsarbeit sowie des Freiwilligenmanagements (Führung ehrenamtlichen Personals, persönliche Beziehungsarbeit, pädagogisch gesteuertes Mithandeln). Die Studie ist im Kontext erwachsenenpädagogischer Professions- und Organisationsforschung verortet. Aus den Befunden lassen sich eine Vielzahl an theoretischen, forschungsbezogenen und handlungspraktischen Reflexionshinweisen und Orientierungsmöglichkeiten ableiten.​

Freiwilliges Engagement und soziale Inklusion

by Theresa Hilse-Carstensen Sandra Meusel Germo Zimmermann

Der Sammelband vereint eine differenzierte Auseinandersetzung zum Nexus von freiwilligem Engagement und sozialer Inklusion und zeigt auf, dass beide Phänomene in vielfältigen Interdependenzen stehen. Dabei werden komprimiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse präsentiert und anhand von Beispielen gelungener Praxis die Chancen und Grenzen von freiwilligem Engagement als Motor sozialer Inklusion aufgezeigt.

Freiwilliges Engagement von Studierenden: Analysen, Konzepte, Perspektiven

by Christina Möller Heike Rundnagel

Die Beitragsautoren dieses Sammelbands gehen Fragen von individueller (insbesondere motivationaler und biographischer) sowie organisationsstruktureller und -strategischer Ausgestaltung freiwilligen Engagements von Studierenden nach, konzeptionieren Formate engagementorientierten Lehrens und Lernens im Hochschulraum und betrachten den zukünftig denkbaren Stellenwert studentischen Engagements für Studierende, Hochschule und (Stadt-)Gesellschaft. Virulent werden die versammelten Analysen, Konzepte und Perspektiven hinsichtlich der jährlich steigenden Zahl an Studierenden, deren überdurchschnittlicher Bereitschaft, sich für diverse gesellschaftliche Belange einzusetzen sowie des gesellschaftlich und politisch betonten Bedarfs an Mitgestalter/-innen von Gegenwart und Zukunft.

Freizeitaktivitäten, chronischer Stress und protektive Ressourcen: Längsschnittstudie zu hohen Leistungsanforderungen in Sport und Musik im Kindesalter (Bildung und Sport #7)

by Karen Hemming

Karen Hemming untersucht die Effekte von sportlichen und musischen Freizeitaktivitäten auf chronischen Stress sowie auf die Entwicklung von Persönlichkeit und sozialem Rückhalt im Grundschulalter. Kinder, die sich leistungsorientiert im Sport oder im Thomanerchor engagieren, werden mit Kindern verglichen, die freizeitorientiert in Sport und Musik aktiv sind oder nicht in institutionelle Freizeitaktivitäten eingebunden sind. Das ambitionierte quantitativ-längsschnittliche Untersuchungsdesign ermöglicht neue Einsichten: Überlasten hohe Leistungsanforderungen in Sport oder Musik die Kinder? Beeinflussen die Aktivitäten die Entwicklung? Oder sind es besondere Kinder, die sich besonders hohen Anforderungen stellen?

„Fremde“ Kinder in deutschen Bildungsinstitutionen?: Biographische Reflexionen über Differenz- und Rassismuserfahrungen (Inklusion und Bildung in Migrationsgesellschaften)

by Matthias Wagner

Matthias Wagner untersucht anhand biographisch-narrativer Interviews Erfahrungen von Differenz und Rassismus, die Schwarze Frauen im Kontext von Bildungsinstitutionen gemacht haben. Im Rahmen seiner Analyse in Anlehnung an die konstruktivistische Grounded-Theory-Methodologie zeigt er auf, wie diese Erfahrungen im Rahmen biographischer Prozesse reflektiert und in Entscheidungen hinsichtlich der Bildung der eigenen Kinder überführt werden. Diese Entscheidungen beziehen sich etwa auf die Auswahl konkreter Bildungseinrichtungen und sollen dazu dienen, die eigenen Kinder vor Erfahrungen von Differenz und Rassismus im Kontext von Bildungsinstitutionen zu schützen.

Fremdsprachliche Literaturdidaktik: Plädoyer für die Realisierung bildender Erfahrungsräume im Unterricht

by Elisabeth Bracker

​Auf Grundlage eines rezeptionsästhetischen Literaturverständnisses und einer „sinnorientierten Didaktik“ (Gebhard & Combe 2007) rekonstruiert Elisabeth Bracker in ihrer Arbeit Schülergespräche mithilfe der dokumentarischen Methode, die sich an einem literar-ästhetischen Gegenstand im Englischunterricht entzünden. Über die Rekonstruktion ermöglicht die Autorin Einblicke in sprachliche, inhaltliche und interaktional-soziale (Sinnstiftungs-)Prozesse, die sich in einem schulisch inszenierten „literarischen Erfahrungsraum“ abspielen. Insgesamt versteht sich die Arbeit als Plädoyer für die Realisierung bildender Erfahrungsräume im Unterricht.

French B for the IB Diploma Grammar and Skills Workbook Second Edition

by Lauren Léchelle

Build confidence for the written and oral assessments with hours of essential grammar practice activities and opportunities to develop writing skills. -Ensure structured language practice through comprehensive coverage of all IB grammar points and in-depth practice of core reading and writing skills based around the main text types.-Provide revision opportunities alongside material for ab initio students in the Transition section.-Effectively teach students at two levels with differentiated activities at Standard and Higher level.-Challenge Higher Level students with extension activities and specific advice.

French B for the IB Diploma Second Edition

by Laetitia Chanéac-Knight Lauren Léchelle Sophie Jobson

Exam board: International BaccalaureateLevel: IB DiplomaSubject: FrenchFirst teaching: September 2018First exams: Summer 2020Develop competent communicators who can demonstrate a sound conceptual understanding of the language with a flexible course that ensures thorough coverage of the updated French B Guide and is designed to meet the needs of all IB students at Standard and Higher Level.- Empower students to communicate confidently by exploring the five prescribed themes through authentic texts and skills practice at the right level, delivered in clear learning pathways. - Ensure students are able to produce coherent written texts and deliver proficient presentations with grammar and vocabulary introduced in context and in relation to appropriate spoken and written registers. - Improve receptive skills with authentic written texts, audio recordings spoken at a natural pace, and carefully crafted reading and listening tasks.- Promote global citizenship, intercultural understanding and an appreciation of Francophone cultures through a wide range of text types and cultural material from around the world. - Deliver effective practice with a range of structured tasks within each unit that build reading, listening, speaking and writing skills.- Establish meaningful links to TOK and CAS, and identify learner profile attributes in action.The audio for the Student Book is FREE to download from

French Business Correspondence Course (Multilingual Business Series)

by Derrik Ferney

This realistic, structured and practical course on the comprehension and production of English and French business letters is designed for assignment-based programmes. It is intended for use with the Multilingual Business Handbook which provides over 1800 of the building blocks from which much commercial correspondence is composed. Each section is a linked realistic exchange of letters based on a specific scenario, giving practice in translation to and from French and freer expression within a given framework. The letters are graded in terms of linguistic and situational difficulty; students at the two main levels - intermediate and advanced - are provided with a fully graded course.

French for Common Entrance 13+ Revision Guide (PDF)

by James Savile

French Revision Guide 13+ is essential reading for any pupil approaching the French ISEB Common Entrance exam at 13+ at Level 1 or 2. It covers all aspects of the exam (Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening) with helpful advice on what to expect and how to prepare. This book is ideal for use in conjunction with French Vocabulary for Key Stage 3 and Common Entrance

French for Common Entrance One

by Nigel Pearce

The trusted 'So you really want to learn French' series has been completely revised and updated into a two-part French course tailored to the new ISEB syllabus. - Endorsed by the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB)- Tailor lessons to the varying levels of your students, with Level 2 grammar clearly signposted, - Builds pupil confidence and mastery in grammar with clear explanations reinforced by plenty of practice exercises and handy grammar reference sections- Prepare students for their assessment with exam-style exercises throughout for listening, reading, writing and speaking- More than 70 listening tracks with new and revised audio - available as a paid-for digital download

French for Common Entrance One (PDF)

by Nigel Pearce

The trusted 'So you really want to learn French' series has been completely revised and updated into a two-part French course tailored to the new ISEB syllabus. - Endorsed by the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB)- Tailor lessons to the varying levels of your students, with Level 2 grammar clearly signposted, - Builds pupil confidence and mastery in grammar with clear explanations reinforced by plenty of practice exercises and handy grammar reference sections- Prepare students for their assessment with exam-style exercises throughout for listening, reading, writing and speaking-- Over 70 listening tracks with new and revised audio. Available as a separate digital download- Available as Student and Whiteboard eTextbooks for flexible teaching and learning

French for Common Entrance Two

by Nigel Pearce

The trusted 'So you really want to learn French' series has been completely revised and updated into a two-part French course tailored to the new ISEB syllabus. - Endorsed by the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB)- Tailor lessons to the varying levels of your students, with Level 2 grammar clearly signposted, - Builds pupil confidence and mastery in grammar with clear explanations reinforced by plenty of practice exercises and handy grammar reference sections- Prepare students for their assessment with exam-style exercises throughout for listening, reading, writing and speaking- More than 70 listening tracks with new and revised audio - available as a paid-for digital download

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