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Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications

by Dale H. Schunk Barry J. Zimmerman

This volume focuses on the role of motivational processes – such as goals, attributions, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, self-concept, self-esteem, social comparisons, emotions, values, and self-evaluations– in self-regulated learning. It provides theoretical and empirical evidence demonstrating the role of motivation in self-regulated learning, and discusses detailed applications of the principles of motivation and self-regulation in educational contexts. Each chapter includes a description of the motivational variables, the theoretical rationale for their importance, research evidence to support their role in self-regulation, suggestions for ways to incorporate motivational variables into learning contexts to foster self-regulatory skill development, and achievement outcomes.

Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning: Theory, Research, and Applications

by Dale H. Schunk Barry J. Zimmerman

This volume focuses on the role of motivational processes – such as goals, attributions, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, self-concept, self-esteem, social comparisons, emotions, values, and self-evaluations– in self-regulated learning. It provides theoretical and empirical evidence demonstrating the role of motivation in self-regulated learning, and discusses detailed applications of the principles of motivation and self-regulation in educational contexts. Each chapter includes a description of the motivational variables, the theoretical rationale for their importance, research evidence to support their role in self-regulation, suggestions for ways to incorporate motivational variables into learning contexts to foster self-regulatory skill development, and achievement outcomes.

Motivation, Anstrengung und das Modell des neuronalen Netzes

by Theodore Wasserman Lori Wasserman

In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich unser Verständnis des menschlichen Gehirns grundlegend gewandelt – von einer modularen Struktur hin zu einem hoch integrierten neuronalen Netzwerkmodell. Dieses neue Verständnis verändert grundlegend die Art und Weise, wie wir wesentliche psychologische Konstrukte wie beispielsweise Motivation erklären. Im Netzwerkmodell wird Motivation als ein spezialisierter Aspekt des menschlichen Lernsystems betrachtet, der darauf abzielt, Ziele zu erreichen. Von ursprünglich grundlegenden Bedürfnissen wie Nahrung und Unterkunft entwickelt sich Motivation im Laufe der Zeit zu einem komplexen Geflecht aus extrinsischen und intrinsischen Zielen. Der Kern all dieser Entwicklungen ist die angeborene Flucht- oder Kampfreaktion, die sich im Laufe der Zeit durch eine Kombination aus angeborenen menschlichen Temperamentseigenschaften und Lebenserfahrungen verändert. Diese Veränderungsprozess basiert zum Teil auf einem Fehlerprognosenetzwerks, das mit dem Belohnungsnetzwerk zusammenarbeitet, um ein System sich ständig weiterentwickelnder Bewertungen von Zielen und Vorgaben zu erzeugen. Das Zusammenspiel dieser Netzwerke führt zu einem kognitiven Prozess, den wir Motivation nennen. Wie die meisten Netzwerke wird das Motivationssystem von Netzwerken rekrutiert, wenn die Aufgabenanforderungen der Situation es erfordern. Solch ein Verständnis von Motivation hat tiefgreifende Auswirkungen. In der klinischen Psychologie könnte es die Beurteilung und Therapie von Verhaltensweisen neugestalten und die Richtung für neue therapeutische Interventionen vorgeben. Dieses Buch stellt die Übersetzung einer englischsprachigen Originalausgabe dar. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt. Eine anschließende manuelle Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem nach inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten, so dass das Buch stilistisch von einer herkömmlichen Übersetzung abweicht.

Motivation durch Beziehung

by Iris Leitz

Nach neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen wird unser Motivationssystem maßgeblich durch die Qualität sozialer Beziehungen beeinflusst. Dabei sind fünf Aspekte für den Aufbau von Beziehungskompetenz entscheidend. Deren motivationsstiftende Wirkung und Überlegenheit gegenüber klimarelevanten Faktoren weist die Autorin für die Primarstufe empirisch nach. Ein Messinstrument sowie eine Förderkonzeption für die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrenden geben Anregungen für eine praktische Umsetzung.

Motivation, Educational Policy and Achievement: A critical perspective

by Sam Carr

Motivation, Educational Policy and Achievement seeks to theorise and critique current trends in education through the lens of key ideas from motivational theory. Its purpose is to argue that current educational trends on a macro level are a significant threat to the provision of classroom practices seeking to create an educational environment that motivational theorists would argue is best placed to develop motivational equality, optimal motivation, and wellbeing. Linking major contemporary theories of motivation to wider educational and political debate, this unique resource will bring about two major benefits: it will vocalise and mobilise the substantial research evidence from motivational theory in order to ensure that it contributes more explicitly to a critique of current neoliberal trends, and motivation researchers will be better positioned to move the theory forward in relation to what is happening in the real world of education. Areas covered include: developing a more critical space in relation to the field of motivational psychology and contemporary educational policy; linking motivational theory to education policy and broader social and political structures; the neoliberal educational landscape; an overview of achievement goal theory and self-determination theory. Motivation, Educational Policy and Achievement is a ‘wake-up call’ for educational practitioners and policy makers and essential reading for all advanced students and researchers in the fields of educational psychology and educational research.

Motivation, Educational Policy and Achievement: A critical perspective

by Sam Carr

Motivation, Educational Policy and Achievement seeks to theorise and critique current trends in education through the lens of key ideas from motivational theory. Its purpose is to argue that current educational trends on a macro level are a significant threat to the provision of classroom practices seeking to create an educational environment that motivational theorists would argue is best placed to develop motivational equality, optimal motivation, and wellbeing. Linking major contemporary theories of motivation to wider educational and political debate, this unique resource will bring about two major benefits: it will vocalise and mobilise the substantial research evidence from motivational theory in order to ensure that it contributes more explicitly to a critique of current neoliberal trends, and motivation researchers will be better positioned to move the theory forward in relation to what is happening in the real world of education. Areas covered include: developing a more critical space in relation to the field of motivational psychology and contemporary educational policy; linking motivational theory to education policy and broader social and political structures; the neoliberal educational landscape; an overview of achievement goal theory and self-determination theory. Motivation, Educational Policy and Achievement is a ‘wake-up call’ for educational practitioners and policy makers and essential reading for all advanced students and researchers in the fields of educational psychology and educational research.

Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development (Educational Psychology Series)

by David Yun Dai Robert J. Sternberg

The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development. To account for inter-individual, intra-individual, and developmental variability in actual intellectual performance, it is necessary to treat cognition, emotion, and motivation as inextricably related. Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development: *represents a new direction in theory and research on intellectual functioning and development; *portrays human intelligence as fundamentally constrained by biology and adaptive needs but modulated by social and cultural forces; and *encompasses and integrates a broad range of scientific findings and advances, from cognitive and affective neurosciences to cultural psychology, addressing fundamental issues of individual differences, developmental variability, and cross-cultural differences with respect to intellectual functioning and development.By presenting current knowledge regarding integrated understanding of intellectual functioning and development, this volume promotes exchanges among researchers concerned with provoking new ideas for research and provides educators and other practitioners with a framework that will enrich understanding and guide practice.

Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development (Educational Psychology Series)

by David Yun Dai Robert J. Sternberg

The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development. To account for inter-individual, intra-individual, and developmental variability in actual intellectual performance, it is necessary to treat cognition, emotion, and motivation as inextricably related. Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives on Intellectual Functioning and Development: *represents a new direction in theory and research on intellectual functioning and development; *portrays human intelligence as fundamentally constrained by biology and adaptive needs but modulated by social and cultural forces; and *encompasses and integrates a broad range of scientific findings and advances, from cognitive and affective neurosciences to cultural psychology, addressing fundamental issues of individual differences, developmental variability, and cross-cultural differences with respect to intellectual functioning and development.By presenting current knowledge regarding integrated understanding of intellectual functioning and development, this volume promotes exchanges among researchers concerned with provoking new ideas for research and provides educators and other practitioners with a framework that will enrich understanding and guide practice.

Motivation, Engagement and Educational Performance: International Perspectives on the Contexts for Learning

by J. Elliott N. Hufton W. Willis L. Illushin

Key factors that impact upon children's educational motivation and engagement are here considered from an international and comparative perspective. Based upon a major programme of research undertaken in sites in England, the USA and Russia, the authors identify interrelated elements operating at international, national and local levels. These include children's self-perceptions, goals, interests and aspirations, curriculum and pedagogy, peer and parental influences, teacher perceptions, school traditions and practices, together with the pervasive influence of broader social, cultural, historical and economic factors.

Motivation for Achievement: Possibilities for Teaching and Learning

by M. Kay Alderman

Understanding student and teacher motivation and developing strategies to foster motivation for students at all levels of performance are essential to effective teaching. This text is designed to help prospective and practicing teachers achieve these goals. Its premise is that current research and theory about motivation offer hope and possibilities for educators —teachers, parents, coaches, and administrators—to enhance motivation for achievement. The orientation draws primarily on social-cognitive perspectives that have generated much research relevant to classroom practice. Ideal for any course that is dedicated to, or includes coverage of, motivation and achievement, the text focuses on two key roles teachers play in supporting and cultivating motivation in the classroom: establishing the classroom structure and instruction that provides the environment for optimal motivation, engagement, and learning; and helping students develop the tools that will enable them to be self-regulated learners and develop their potential. Pedagogical features aid the understanding of concepts and the application to practice: Strategy boxes present guidelines and strategies for using the various concepts. Exhibit boxes include forms for different purposes (for example, goal setting), examples of teacher beliefs and practices, and samples of student work. Reflection boxes stimulate readers’ thinking about motivational issues inherent in the topics, their experiences, and their beliefs. A motivational toolbox at the end of each chapter helps readers identify important points to think about, lingering questions, strategies to use now, and strategies to develop in the future. NEW IN THE THIRD EDITION Updated research and new topics are added throughout as warranted by current inquiry in the field. Chapters are reorganized to provide more coherence and to account for new findings. New and updated material is included on issues of educational reform, standards for achievement, and high-stakes testing, and on achievement goal theory, especially regarding performance goals and the distinction between performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals as relevant to classroom practice.

Motivation for Achievement: Possibilities for Teaching and Learning

by M. Kay Alderman

Understanding student and teacher motivation and developing strategies to foster motivation for students at all levels of performance are essential to effective teaching. This text is designed to help prospective and practicing teachers achieve these goals. Its premise is that current research and theory about motivation offer hope and possibilities for educators —teachers, parents, coaches, and administrators—to enhance motivation for achievement. The orientation draws primarily on social-cognitive perspectives that have generated much research relevant to classroom practice. Ideal for any course that is dedicated to, or includes coverage of, motivation and achievement, the text focuses on two key roles teachers play in supporting and cultivating motivation in the classroom: establishing the classroom structure and instruction that provides the environment for optimal motivation, engagement, and learning; and helping students develop the tools that will enable them to be self-regulated learners and develop their potential. Pedagogical features aid the understanding of concepts and the application to practice: Strategy boxes present guidelines and strategies for using the various concepts. Exhibit boxes include forms for different purposes (for example, goal setting), examples of teacher beliefs and practices, and samples of student work. Reflection boxes stimulate readers’ thinking about motivational issues inherent in the topics, their experiences, and their beliefs. A motivational toolbox at the end of each chapter helps readers identify important points to think about, lingering questions, strategies to use now, and strategies to develop in the future. NEW IN THE THIRD EDITION Updated research and new topics are added throughout as warranted by current inquiry in the field. Chapters are reorganized to provide more coherence and to account for new findings. New and updated material is included on issues of educational reform, standards for achievement, and high-stakes testing, and on achievement goal theory, especially regarding performance goals and the distinction between performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals as relevant to classroom practice.

Motivation for Reading: A Special Issue of educational Psychologist

by Paul R. Pintrich

Based on research from the National Reading Research Center (NRRC) at the Universities of Georgia and Maryland, this issue presents the contributors' sythesized work on reading motivation and engagement. Articles are devoted to the following topics: * the general motivation constructs related to reading; * home influences on reading motivation; * readers' responses to different types of text; * influences of classroom contexts; and * types of assessment on children's motivation.

Motivation for Reading: A Special Issue of educational Psychologist

by Allan Wigfield John T. Guthrie

Based on research from the National Reading Research Center (NRRC) at the Universities of Georgia and Maryland, this issue presents the contributors' sythesized work on reading motivation and engagement. Articles are devoted to the following topics: * the general motivation constructs related to reading; * home influences on reading motivation; * readers' responses to different types of text; * influences of classroom contexts; and * types of assessment on children's motivation.

Motivation in Education at a Time of Global Change: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice (Advances in Motivation and Achievement #20)

by Eleftheria N. Gonida Marina Serra Lemos

Economic, social and political disruption, financial recession, international migration and rapid technological advancements have produced major changes throughout the world regarding the availability and access to knowledge, human communication, social relationships, learning and education. As socioeconomic, sociodemographic and sociocultural conditions are constantly changing in parallel with rapid scientific and technological progress, learning environments are also evolving. The increased complexity of educational processes calls for new research and theoretical inquiry to address how these global changes affect education, schools and academic learning. This volume in the Advances in Motivation and Achievement Series is dedicated to the role of motivation in that process. The fundamental assumption of the volume is that, on the one hand, change and challenge have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ motivation to learn and achieve and, on the other hand, motivation can have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ capacity to cope with change and challenge effectively. This book opens up a dialogue on how to support achievement motivation in challenging times as a means for successful academic trajectories and positive adaptation to school. Internationally leading researchers provide a critical understanding of the role of current motivational theories during unsettling times, discuss a number of challenges affecting motivation in education, and indicate potential implications of motivational theory and research for educational practice.

Motivation in Education at a Time of Global Change: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice (Advances in Motivation and Achievement #20)

by Eleftheria N. Gonida Marina Serra Lemos

Economic, social and political disruption, financial recession, international migration and rapid technological advancements have produced major changes throughout the world regarding the availability and access to knowledge, human communication, social relationships, learning and education. As socioeconomic, sociodemographic and sociocultural conditions are constantly changing in parallel with rapid scientific and technological progress, learning environments are also evolving. The increased complexity of educational processes calls for new research and theoretical inquiry to address how these global changes affect education, schools and academic learning. This volume in the Advances in Motivation and Achievement Series is dedicated to the role of motivation in that process. The fundamental assumption of the volume is that, on the one hand, change and challenge have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ motivation to learn and achieve and, on the other hand, motivation can have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ capacity to cope with change and challenge effectively. This book opens up a dialogue on how to support achievement motivation in challenging times as a means for successful academic trajectories and positive adaptation to school. Internationally leading researchers provide a critical understanding of the role of current motivational theories during unsettling times, discuss a number of challenges affecting motivation in education, and indicate potential implications of motivational theory and research for educational practice.

Motivation in Lernprozessen: Konzepte in der Unterrrichtspraxis von Wirtschaftsgymnasien

by Esther Winther

Aus den kognitiven Motivationstheorien und den Modellen Selbstregulierten Lernens leitet Esther Winther Lernprozessmerkmale ab, die das Lernverhalten und damit die Lernleistung beeinflussen. Ihr Trainingskonzept für Lehrkräfte, das lerntheoretische Überlegungen mit fachdidaktischen Ausdifferenzierungen des Lerninhalts verzahnt und in einer quasi-experimentellen Längsschnittstudie an fünf niedersächsischen Wirtschaftsgymnasien überprüft wird, zeigt, dass durch gezielte kognitive und motivationale Förderung Lernprozesse gestärkt werden können.

Motivation in Online Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Maggie Hartnett

This work explores and explicates learner motivation in online learning environments. More specifically, it uses a case-study approach to examine undergraduate students’ motivation within two formal and separate online learning contexts. In doing so, it recognizes the mutually constitutive relationship of the learner and the learning environment in relation to motivation. This is distinctive from other approaches that tend to focus on designing and creating motivating environments or, alternatively, concentrate on motivation as a stable learner characteristic. In particular, this book identifies a range of factors that can support or undermine learner motivation and discusses each in detail. By unraveling the complexity of learner motivation in such environments, it provides useful guidelines for teachers, instructional designers and academic advisors tasked with building and teaching within online educational contexts.

Motivation in unterrichtlichen fachbezogenen Lehr-Lernkontexten: Perspektiven aus Pädagogik, Psychologie und Fachdidaktiken (Edition ZfE #10)

by Rebecca Lazarides Diana Raufelder

Der Band führt empirische Forschung aus Erziehungswissenschaft, Pädagogischer Psychologie und Fachdidaktiken systematisch zusammen, die sich mit schulischen und unterrichtlichen Bedingungen der Motivation Lernender befasst.

Motivation, Leadership and Curriculum Design: Engaging the Net Generation and 21st Century Learners

by Caroline Koh

This book discusses the links between the basis of motivational, leadership and curricular constructs with regards to 21st century and net-generation learning. It brings together recent developments in motivation, educational leadership and curriculum design in order to offer a better understanding of what is already known and what is yet to be explored in these fields. It consists of a collection of findings on recent educational developments, including topics such as motivating the 21st century learner, leadership practices and influences, curriculum design and models, novel learning environments and 21st century learners and their needs.

Motivation, Learning, and Technology: Embodied Educational Motivation (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Educational Technology)

by J. Michael Spector Seung Won Park

Motivation, Learning, and Technology is a fresh, thorough, and practical introduction to motivational research, theories, and applications for learning and instruction. Written for both instructional designers and teachers, this foundational textbook combines learning design and learning technologies, synthesis of current research and models, and practical advice for those looking to improve how they motivate learners. Building from existing models in an interactional, holistic approach, J. Michael Spector and Seung Won Park guide readers through all steps of educational motivation, from designing a motivation plan through implementation and assessment.

Motivation, Learning, and Technology: Embodied Educational Motivation (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Educational Technology)

by J. Michael Spector Seung Won Park

Motivation, Learning, and Technology is a fresh, thorough, and practical introduction to motivational research, theories, and applications for learning and instruction. Written for both instructional designers and teachers, this foundational textbook combines learning design and learning technologies, synthesis of current research and models, and practical advice for those looking to improve how they motivate learners. Building from existing models in an interactional, holistic approach, J. Michael Spector and Seung Won Park guide readers through all steps of educational motivation, from designing a motivation plan through implementation and assessment.

Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights

by Mimi Bong Johnmarshall Reeve Sung-Il Kim

When, why, and how are people motivated? This is the essential question that motivation science has sought to address since the field's inception, and yet motivation scientists have offered many contrasting and even conflicting perspectives that have stalled key conversations in the research. This volume captures the nature of these critical debates, while also moving the field towards greater coherence by bringing differing perspectives from experts together in one volume. Posing 10 fundamental questions to 57 prominent motivation researchers around the globe, Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights covers topics such as the nature of motivation, cultural differences in motivational processes, evidence-based strategies to enhance motivation, and predictions for the future of the field. Edited by three leaders in motivation science, this volume provides readers with a rare opportunity to see how different theorists and researchers recognize, evaluate, and prescribe solutions to the same motivation problem. By sharing current thinking and providing innovative insights into the important questions and controversies in the study of motivation, the book brings together cutting-edge theory and research that readers can use to generate fresh and effective applications and interventions.

Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights

by Mimi Bong Johnmarshall Reeve Sung-Il Kim

When, why, and how are people motivated? This is the essential question that motivation science has sought to address since the field's inception, and yet motivation scientists have offered many contrasting and even conflicting perspectives that have stalled key conversations in the research. This volume captures the nature of these critical debates, while also moving the field towards greater coherence by bringing differing perspectives from experts together in one volume. Posing 10 fundamental questions to 57 prominent motivation researchers around the globe, Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights covers topics such as the nature of motivation, cultural differences in motivational processes, evidence-based strategies to enhance motivation, and predictions for the future of the field. Edited by three leaders in motivation science, this volume provides readers with a rare opportunity to see how different theorists and researchers recognize, evaluate, and prescribe solutions to the same motivation problem. By sharing current thinking and providing innovative insights into the important questions and controversies in the study of motivation, the book brings together cutting-edge theory and research that readers can use to generate fresh and effective applications and interventions.

Motivation: Theory and Research

by Michael Drillings Harold F. O'Neil

Designed for professionals and graduate students in the personality/social, military, and educational psychology, and assessment/evaluation communities, this volume explores the state of the art in motivational research for individuals and teams from multiple theoretical viewpoints as well as their effects in both schools and training environments. The great majority of education and training R&D is focused on the cognitive dimensions of learning, for instance, the acquisition and retention of knowledge and skills. Less attention has been given in the literature and in the design of education and training itself to motivational variables and their influence on performance. As such, this book is unique in the following montage of factors: * a focus on motivation of teams or groups as well as individuals; * an examination of the impact of motivation on performance (and, thus, also on cognition) rather than only on motivation itself; * research in training as well as educational settings. The data reported were collected in various venues including schools, laboratories and field settings. The chapter authors are the researchers that, in many cases, have defined the state of the art in motivation.

Motivation to Learn in the Secondary School

by Michael Hymans

Teachers have an enormous impact on how their students approach learning situations. Motivation to Learn in the Secondary School provides the opportunity for senior management teams to enhance learning and teaching by looking at theories of motivation and then relating these to the realities of the classroom. The book looks at the role of senior leaders and how they can encourage their staff to: explore the role that student-teacher relationships play in encouraging student motivation; highlight the importance of emotional literacy for motivating teaching and learning; explore a range of ideas to nurture motivation for the promotion of effective teaching and learning, such as accelerated learning, learning styles, multiple intelligences, meta-cognition and thinking skills. Each chapter shows how the concepts and theories convert into practice. These are identified throughout the book as TiPs (Theory into Practice) to: aid understanding of the model; encourage student motivation through particular practices. There are 38 TiPs, which include activities with handouts and information pages. These are designed for individual and/or groups of staff to use for reflection and development of action plans to promote student motivation to learn.

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