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Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age: Insights into Contemporary Research on Communication, Learning and Education (Perspectives on Education in the Digital Age)

by Kristiina Kumpulainen Anu Kajamaa Ola Erstad Åsa Mäkitalo Kirsten Drotner Sólveig Jakobsdóttir

This book adds to the international research literature on contemporary Nordic childhoods in the context of fast evolving technologies. Bringing together researchers from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland, it addresses pressing issues around children’s communication, learning and education in the digital age. The volume sheds light on cultural values, educational policies and conceptions of children and childhood, and child-media relationships inherent in Nordic societies. Chapters investigate both formal education and everyday informal spaces as research sites. The book argues for the importance of understanding local cultures, values and communication practices that make up contemporary digital childhoods and extends current discourses on children’s screen time to bring in new insights about the nature of children’s digital engagement. This book will appeal to researchers, scholars, post graduate students and policy makers in the fields of childhood education, educational technology and communication. It will also be of interest to those studying and teaching in communication studies, learning and educational sciences at a higher level.

Nordic-Chinese Intersections within Education (Palgrave Studies on Chinese Education in a Global Perspective)

by Haiqin Liu Fred Dervin Xiangyun Du

This book examines how the two educational systems of China and the Nordic countries intersect. Over the past decade, there has been increased growth and interaction between China and the Nordic countries due to both government encouragement and academic curiosity. This book rejects a simplistic approach that presents both spaces as culturally uniform, confronting ‘East’ and ‘West’ entities, and suggests a comparative and contrastive approach that is critical and reflexive in both theory and methodology. This does not solely concentrate on difference, but emphasises similarities, including studies on philosophical, conceptual and methodological issues. This nuanced edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of Nordic and Chinese education as well as globalisation and interculturality.

Nordic Contributions in IS Research: 7th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, SCIS 2016 and IFIP8.6 2016, Ljungskile, Sweden, August 7-10, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #259)

by Ulrika Lundh Snis

This book contains the refereed proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, SCIS 2016, as well as of the IFIP Working Group 8.6 Conference, both held together in Ljungskile, Sweden, August 2016. The 7th SCIS conference had the theme “Living in the cloud” and highlighted the digitalization of society, that has proceeded and entered almost all aspects of our lives. The double-blind review process led to the acceptance of 9 out of 25 paper submitted. For the IFIP 8.6 conference, the theme in 2016 was ”Diffusion of IS for Learning New Practices” and addressed issues related to learning of new practices from both organizational and societal perspectives traditionally covered by the IFIP Working Group 8.6. For this conference, 4 out of 11 manuscript were accepted for presentation.

The Nordic Education Model: 'A School for All' Encounters Neo-Liberal Policy (Policy Implications of Research in Education #1)

by Ulf Blossing Gunn Imsen Lejf Moos

This book presents a detailed analysis of the educational model in Nordic European countries. It describes the traditional idea of education for all, which can be characterized by the right for every child to have an education of equal quality in a common school for all pupils regardless of social class, abilities, gender, or ethnicity. Against this background, The Nordic Education Model traces the rise of neo-liberal policies that have been enacted by those who believe the School for All ideology does not produce the knowledge and skills that students need to succeed in an increasingly competitive and global marketplace. It examines the conflict between these two ideas and shows how neo-liberal technologies affect the Nordic model in different ways.The authors also show how social technologies are being interpreted in different ways in actual school practices. This process of translating national regulations into internal sense builds on the values in the culture to which they are introduced. In the end, this book reveals that a Nordic model can constitute a delicate balance between traditional values, institutionalized practices, and contemporary, neo-liberal forms of governance and policies. It may be argued from a new institutional perspective that the main structures of the Nordic educational model will sustain as long as the deeply rooted Nordic culture survives in the globalised society.

The Nordic Education Model in Context: Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by Bernadette Hörmann Sverre Tveit Inga Bostad Daniel Tröhler

Tracing historical and cultural factors which gave rise to the Nordic Education Model, this volume explores why Northern European education policy has become an international benchmark for schooling. The text explains the historical connection between a Nordic ideal of democracy and schooling, and indicates how values of equality, welfare, justice, and individualism might be successfully integrated in national school systems and curricula around the world. The volume also highlights recent debates around the longevity of the Nordic model and explores the risks and challenges posed by international policy and assessment agendas. Exploring how Nordic education polices successfully merge social equity with academic excellence, the book combines cultural, historical, sociological and philosophical analysis with a deep exploration of curriculum and teaching. This book will be of great interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduates working across the fields of curriculum, comparative education, cultural studies and history and philosophy of education and education policy.

The Nordic Education Model in Context: Historical Developments and Current Renegotiations (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by Daniel Tröhler Bernadette Hörmann Sverre Tveit Inga Bostad

Tracing historical and cultural factors which gave rise to the Nordic Education Model, this volume explores why Northern European education policy has become an international benchmark for schooling. The text explains the historical connection between a Nordic ideal of democracy and schooling, and indicates how values of equality, welfare, justice, and individualism might be successfully integrated in national school systems and curricula around the world. The volume also highlights recent debates around the longevity of the Nordic model and explores the risks and challenges posed by international policy and assessment agendas. Exploring how Nordic education polices successfully merge social equity with academic excellence, the book combines cultural, historical, sociological and philosophical analysis with a deep exploration of curriculum and teaching. This book will be of great interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduates working across the fields of curriculum, comparative education, cultural studies and history and philosophy of education and education policy.

Nordic Families, Children and Early Childhood Education (Studies in Childhood and Youth)

by Susanne Garvis Sonja Sheridan Heidi Harju-Luukkainen Pia Williams

Largely as a result of social policies and cultural factors, the Nordic countries continually score high in lifestyle measures, quality of life and children’s outcomes. This book brings together authors from the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) to share knowledge and understanding regarding families, children, primary education and children’s leisure time activities. The empirical research and theoretical contributions provide important insights into the ‘Nordic model’ and explore the issues facing Nordic countries. The book reveals that while there are many similarities across the countries, differences also arise. The content of the book is more relevant now than ever, as countries look at better ways to support their populations. Nordic Families, Children and Early Childhood Education will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including Education, Sociology and Social Policy.

The Nordic Paul: Finnish Approaches to Pauline Theology (The Library of New Testament Studies #374)

by Lars Aejmelaeus Antti Mustakallio

This book contains essays on the letters and theology of the Apostle Paul from leading Pauline scholars. The majority of the essays are based on papers given in the first Finnish national seminar on Paul held in the University of Helsinki in January 2007. Finnish contributions to scholarly discussion on Pauline theology have been widely recognized as challenging and thought-provoking, particularly in regards to Paul's view on the Mosaic Law and soteriology. Heikki Räisänen's view on Paul's inconsistent thinking about Law and other topics has served to polarize discussion among Finnish scholars. The opening essay by Stephen Westerholm outlines the debate and its relation to international discussion. The essays by Heikki Räisänen, Kari Kuula, and Timo Laato are fruits of this on-going discussion. Niko Huttunen approaches the question of Paul and the Law from the Stoic point of view, while Risto Saarinen examines its relation to the theology of Martin Luther. Other principal topics include Paul's opponents and methodological discussion. A comprehensive way to analyze Paul's argumentation is sought in Mika Hietanen's essay. Lauri Thurén examines how Paul's rhetoric must be taken into account when deciphering historical information from his letters. His essay takes Paul's opponents as an example. The opponents are also dealt with by Lars Aejmelaeus and Nina Pehkonen. Their essays focus on anti-Pauline opposition in Corinth and the antagonists in Philippians, respectively.

Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education: Research and Practice for Social Justice

by Audrey Osler

Backed by a range of case studies and recent developments in human rights education research, Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education guides readers through an analysis of educational inequities and identifies how internationally agreed-upon human rights standards may inform social justice practices within schools.In an age characterised by authoritarianism and extremism, but also social and climate justice movements, this book provides a critical analysis of current practice within schools. Contributing authors also discuss how a human rights framework may improve practice, supporting intersectional thinking and more sustainable learning environments, while also empowering teachers to confidently navigate issues of gender, national identity and minority rights.Divided into three distinct sections, chapters invite readers to consider: The context behind human rights education (HRE) Rights-based approaches to teaching and education International dialogue and how we may learn from the approaches of other countries. D­rawing on research from the Nordic region, and discussing its implications elsewhere, this volume is an essential resource for scholars developing theory and practice in human rights education, social studies, citizenship education and international and comparative education.

Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education: Research and Practice for Social Justice

by Audrey Osler Beate Goldschmidt-Gjerløw

Backed by a range of case studies and recent developments in human rights education research, Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education guides readers through an analysis of educational inequities and identifies how internationally agreed-upon human rights standards may inform social justice practices within schools.In an age characterised by authoritarianism and extremism, but also social and climate justice movements, this book provides a critical analysis of current practice within schools. Contributing authors also discuss how a human rights framework may improve practice, supporting intersectional thinking and more sustainable learning environments, while also empowering teachers to confidently navigate issues of gender, national identity and minority rights.Divided into three distinct sections, chapters invite readers to consider: The context behind human rights education (HRE) Rights-based approaches to teaching and education International dialogue and how we may learn from the approaches of other countries. D­rawing on research from the Nordic region, and discussing its implications elsewhere, this volume is an essential resource for scholars developing theory and practice in human rights education, social studies, citizenship education and international and comparative education.

Nordic Social Pedagogical Approach to Early Years (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development #15)

by Charlotte Ringsmose Grethe Kragh-Müller

This book studies the major characteristics of the social pedagogical approach to early childhood education and care. It does so by investigating the distinctive elements of the Nordic approach and tradition. The cultural, educational, and ideological structures and values within the Nordic tradition indicate a strong “social pedagogical” rather than “early education” emphasis. The Nordic tradition applies a social learning approach that emphasizes play, relationships and outdoor life, and presumes that learning takes place through children’s participation in social interaction and processes. Set against this background, the book examines the characteristics of the pedagogue and the important features that develop through the Nordic approach. It compares children educated in the Nordic tradition with those educated in the French-English and Anglo-American tradition. It explores quality in relation to how children can enjoy childhood, and at the same time become able to actively participate in society and develop the social and cognitive skills and competences that individuals require to do well in society.

Nordic Superintendents: Agents in a Broken Chain (Educational Governance Research #2)

by Lejf Moos Elisabet Nihlfors Jan Merok Paulsen

This book analyses the superintendent position and relations and shows how the well-known policy umbrella, the New Public Management (NPM), is being adapted to national contexts. School superintendents are civil servants at the heart of the governance of municipal education. Educational governance in the Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden - is currently undergoing comprehensive restructuring and reconceptualisation at the hands of national governments influenced by transnational agencies. Our analyses of the superintendent position and relations show that the well-known policy umbrella, the New Public Management (NPM), is moving towards focusing on soft governance and social technologies as the preferred means of influences. Thus we rename it New Public Governance (NPG).

Nordrhein-Westfälische Initiativen für Chancengleichheit im Bildungswesen im Spiegel empirischer Forschung (Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen #3217)

by Josef Hitpass

Es gibt nur wenige Wissenschaftler in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, die sich mit der Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Quantität und Qualität in unserem Bildungswesen so kompetent befassen können, wie Prof. Dr. Josef Hitpaß das getan hat. Die beiden vorliegenden Arbeiten, die er kurz vor seinem plötzlichen Tod am 4. 12. 1986 abge­ schlossen hat, sind ein weiterer Beleg für diese Kompetenz. Beide Arbeiten beleuchten - kritisch-konstruktiv, wie seine Haltung stets war - auf empirischer Basis die Er­ gebnisse nordrhein-westfälischer Initiativen zu mehr Chancengerechtigkeit im Bildungswesen. Die Arbeit "Abitur- und Studierfähigkeit von Oberstufen­ schülern mit ungleicher schulischer Vorbildung" befaßt sich mit den Konsequenzen aus der 1974 in Nordrhein-Westfalen geschaffenen Möglichkeit, im Zuge der Bemühungen um eine größere Durchlässigkeit im dreigliedrigen Schulsystem sowohl Haupt- als auch Realschülern - beim Vorliegen bestimmter leistungsbezogener Voraussetzungen - den Ein­ tritt in die gymnasiale Oberstufe zu eröffnen. Der Autor schreibt: "Diese Chance muß (te) deshalb als mit einem besonderen Risiko behaftet angesehen werden, weil Haupt­ schüler und Realschüler den grundständigen Gymnasiasten gegenüber mit ungleichen Lernvoraussetzungen formaler und materialer Art in die Oberstufe übergehen". Die zwei­ stufige Untersuchung, die sich insgesamt auf den Unter­ suchungszeitraum von 1977 bis 1986 erstreckt, prüft den Erfolg dieser nordrhein-westfälischen Reformmaßnahme am Maßstab der Erfolgsquoten im Abitur, der dabei erreichten Durchschnittsnoten, des Studienwahlverhaltens und der damit verbundenen Motivationsstruktur, der Einschätzung der Funktionstüchtigkeit des Kurssystems und schließlich der Bewährung im Studium.


by Elly Griffiths

A stunning companion to Elly Griffiths' beloved crime series, the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries, and a photographic journey through magical Norfolk.Norfolk, a land of peaceful broads, marshy fens, sprawling coastline and shady brecks, is the home of Dr Ruth Galloway, forensic archaeologist. A place steeped in folklore and history, visibly shaped by the lives of those who have come before, it has become an integral character in Elly Griffiths' bestselling crime series.In this book Elly takes us through a year in the Norfolk landscape, featuring the fascinating locations that have inspired her series and her writing. From seascapes to farmlands, wetlands to woodlands, churches to cottages, this beautiful book captures Norfolk in all its glorious variety and is the perfect gift for any Elly Griffiths fan.

Normal and Student´s t Distributions and Their Applications (Atlantis Studies in Probability and Statistics #4)

by Mohammad Ahsanullah B.M. Golam Kibria Mohammad Shakil

The most important properties of normal and Student t-distributions are presented. A number of applications of these properties are demonstrated. New related results dealing with the distributions of the sum, product and ratio of the independent normal and Student distributions are presented. The materials will be useful to the advanced undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners in the various fields of science and engineering.

Normalität und Subjektivierung: Eine biographische Untersuchung im Übergang aus der stationären Jugendhilfe (Pädagogik)

by Angela Rein

Welche Bedeutungen haben Normalitätskonstruktionen von Care Leaver*innen aus biographischer Perspektive? Wie wird in der stationären Jugendhilfe Biographie konstruiert? Welches widerständige Potenzial entwickeln die jungen Erwachsenen und welche Rolle spielen hierbei Differenz- und Machtverhältnisse? Auf der Basis von biographischen Erzählungen gibt Angela Rein Einsichten in Subjektivierungsprozesse in der stationären Jugendhilfe. Ihre adressat*innenbezogene und subjektivierungstheoretisch inspirierte Studie leistet damit einen zentralen Beitrag zu bislang wenig beachteten Aspekten der Care-Leaver*innen-Forschung.

Normalität und Subjektivierung: Eine biographische Untersuchung im Übergang aus der stationären Jugendhilfe (Pädagogik)

by Angela Rein

Welche Bedeutungen haben Normalitätskonstruktionen von Care Leaver*innen aus biographischer Perspektive? Wie wird in der stationären Jugendhilfe Biographie konstruiert? Welches widerständige Potenzial entwickeln die jungen Erwachsenen und welche Rolle spielen hierbei Differenz- und Machtverhältnisse? Auf der Basis von biographischen Erzählungen gibt Angela Rein Einsichten in Subjektivierungsprozesse in der stationären Jugendhilfe. Ihre adressat*innenbezogene und subjektivierungstheoretisch inspirierte Studie leistet damit einen zentralen Beitrag zu bislang wenig beachteten Aspekten der Care-Leaver*innen-Forschung.

Normalitäten in Bewegung: Rekonstruktion narrativer Identität psychiatrisch Pflegender (Sozialwissenschaftliche Gesundheitsforschung)

by Nicole Duveneck

Allgegenwärtig ist das Erzählen von Geschichten in der psychiatrischen Pflege. Zu pflegende Menschen, An- und Zugehörige wie auch professionell Pflegende erzählen fortwährend Geschichten – Geschichten über sich und ihr Leben zumal. Die vorliegende Studie nimmt die Selbst- bzw. Lebensgeschichten psychiatrisch Pflegender in den Blick und geht der Frage nach, wie die als psychiatrisch Pflegende bezeichneten Personen ihre narrative Identität konstruieren. Anhand autobiographisch-narrativer Interviews rekonstruiert Nicole Duveneck das zentrale sinnstiftende Strukturmuster der Identitätskonstruktion und entwickelt ein Modell, das die personale narrative Identität psychiatrisch Pflegender als einen die Normalität wandelnden und zugleich erhaltenden Prozess erfasst. Dieses Ergebnis verweist auf die ungebrochene Wirkmacht der Normalität im psychiatrischen Versorgungssystem und fordert – ob der mit der Normalität verbundenen exkludierenden Praktiken – zum kritischen Diskurs über und für eine gute psychiatrische Pflege auf.

Normalitätskonzepte im Behinderungsdiskurs: Eine qualitative Befragung inklusiv-beschulter Brandenburger Grundschulkinder (BestMasters)

by David Brehme

Der Autor legt mit diesem Buch die erste empirische, kritisch-sozialpsychologische Untersuchung der Rolle von Normalitätskonzepten von Kindern vor, wenn diese über Behinderung sprechen. Seine Befragung von Schulkindern an inklusiven Grundschulen in Brandenburg zeigt, dass Behinderung und Normalität als Konzepte untrennbar und auf vielfältige, widersprüchliche Weise miteinander verbunden sind. Diese Ergebnisse leisten einen Beitrag zur empirisch fundierten Theoretisierung von Normalität – einem für die Psychologie essentiellem, aber kaum untersuchten Konzept.

Normative Politische Theorie: Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungen am Beispiel des politischen Mordverbots

by Jörg Tremmel

„Politiker und Politikerinnen sollten bei ihrem Wettstreit um politische Ämter keine Gewalt anwenden.“ Das ist eines von vielen Beispielen für normativ-evaluative Hypothesen. Während innerhalb der zuständigen politikwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplin „Politische Theorie“ der Methodologie der Ideengeschichte ausreichend Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet wird, lernen Studierende bisher sehr wenig darüber, wie methodologisch mit normativen Hypothesen aus der Welt der Politik verfahren werden kann.Dieses Buch ist in zwei Teilen aufgebaut. Im Grundlagenteil werden die Beweisbarkeit bzw. Falsifizierbarkeit von normativen Hypothesen, der Status von empirischen Daten für normative Hypothesen und die Sein/Sollens-Dichotomie in den Blick genommen. Im Anwendungsteil wird dann anhand eines Beispiels performativ die Praxis des normativen Forschungsansatzes demonstriert. Als Prüfkriterien für normative Hypothesen kommen dabei der Schleier der Unwissenheit, das diskursethische Verfahren, das Verfahren des Unabhängigen Beobachters und der Kategorische Imperativ zum Einsatz.

Normativität in der Erziehungswissenschaft

by Anja Tervooren Jörg Zirfas Wolfgang Meseth Rita Casale

In welchem Verhältnis steht die Erziehungswissenschaft zur Normativität pädagogischer Theorie und Praxis, aber auch zu den Erwartungen von Bildungspolitik und Bildungsplanung? Inwiefern versteht sie sich als engagierte oder distanzierte Forschung, die nicht nur Theoriebildung und empirische Forschung über Pädagogik vorantreiben, sondern auch in Bildungspolitik und pädagogische Praxis eingreifen will? Mit dem Thema Normativität behandelt das Buch einen zentralen Problemhorizont von Erziehung und Bildung, der in den vergangenen Jahren wieder stärker in den Fokus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Debatten gerückt ist. Die Beiträge diskutieren die Begründungsprobleme pädagogischer Sollensaussagen, sie fragen nach den Kriterien guten pädagogischen Handelns und untersuchen die Normativität der pädagogischen Praxis. Sie richten ihren Blick aber auch auf die normativen Implikationen der empirischen Forschung sowie des Selbstverständnisses der Erziehungswissenschaft als wissenschaftliche Disziplin.

North American Scholars of Comparative Education: Examining the Work and Influence of Notable 20th Century Comparativists (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education)

by Erwin H. Epstein

This book brings together fifteen comprehensive studies of significant North American scholars of comparative education from the 20th century. Providing relevant biographical detail, chapters analyse each scholar’s approach to comparative education and their on-going influences on the field. Comparative studies in education have long benefited from the work of significant individuals who have collectively advanced the field, making it a vibrant and intellectually fruitful area of educational research. Offering a unique, systematic exploration of the work of the founders of comparative educational research, North American Scholars of Comparative Education emphasizes the importance of understanding the accomplishments of key historical figures in the field, and considers the legacies such individuals have created. Chapters move beyond descriptions of comparativists’ work, to illustrate the pivotal role played by each scholar in driving a progression through humanistic and scientific approaches, to new epistemological traditions within the field of comparative education. This in turn reveals critical historical-epistemological transitions which have had lasting impacts on the field. Including contributions written by leading scholars in the field, this volume will be of great interest to researchers, academics and scholars in comparative and international education.

North American Scholars of Comparative Education: Examining the Work and Influence of Notable 20th Century Comparativists (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education)

by Erwin H. Epstein

This book brings together fifteen comprehensive studies of significant North American scholars of comparative education from the 20th century. Providing relevant biographical detail, chapters analyse each scholar’s approach to comparative education and their on-going influences on the field. Comparative studies in education have long benefited from the work of significant individuals who have collectively advanced the field, making it a vibrant and intellectually fruitful area of educational research. Offering a unique, systematic exploration of the work of the founders of comparative educational research, North American Scholars of Comparative Education emphasizes the importance of understanding the accomplishments of key historical figures in the field, and considers the legacies such individuals have created. Chapters move beyond descriptions of comparativists’ work, to illustrate the pivotal role played by each scholar in driving a progression through humanistic and scientific approaches, to new epistemological traditions within the field of comparative education. This in turn reveals critical historical-epistemological transitions which have had lasting impacts on the field. Including contributions written by leading scholars in the field, this volume will be of great interest to researchers, academics and scholars in comparative and international education.

North-South University Research Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean (International and Development Education)

by Gustavo Gregorutti Nanette Svenson

This volume examines research productivity within schools in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and presents examples of various successful LAC North-South programs which have propelled university research in the region. Much of the scholarly work on North-South research to date has concentrated principally on joint publications and co-authorship bibliometrics. In this book, cases are explored within the context of study on international research collaborations to highlight the motivations, mechanics, limitations, and success factors involved in the North-South relationships and their resulting research output.

North-South University Research Partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean (International and Development Education)

by Gustavo Gregorutti Nanette Svenson

This volume examines research productivity within schools in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and presents examples of various successful LAC North-South programs which have propelled university research in the region. Much of the scholarly work on North-South research to date has concentrated principally on joint publications and co-authorship bibliometrics. In this book, cases are explored within the context of study on international research collaborations to highlight the motivations, mechanics, limitations, and success factors involved in the North-South relationships and their resulting research output.

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