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Off to College: A Guide for Parents (Chicago Guides to Academic Life)
by Roger H. MartinFor many parents, sending their child off to college can be a disconcerting leap. After years spent helping with homework, attending parent-teacher conferences, and catching up after school, college life represents a world of unknowns. What really happens during that transitional first year of college? And what can parents do to strike the right balance between providing support and fostering independence? With Off to College, Roger H. Martin helps parents understand this important period of transition by providing the perfect tour of the first year on today’s campus. Martin, a twenty-year college president and former Harvard dean, spent a year visiting five very different colleges and universities across the United States—public and private, large and small, elite and non-elite—to get an insider’s view of modern college life. He observes an advising session as a student sorts out her schedule, unravels the mysteries of roommate assignments with a residence life director, and patrols campus with a safety officer on a rowdy Saturday night. He gets pointers in freshman English and tips on athletics and physical fitness from coaches. He talks with financial aid officers and health service providers. And he listens to the voices of the first–year students themselves. Martin packs Off to College with the insights and advice he gained and bolsters them with data from a wide variety of sources to deliver a unique and personal view of the current student experience. The first year is not just the beginning of a student’s college education but also the first big step in becoming an adult. Off to College will help parents understand what to expect whether they’re new to the college experience or reconciling modern campus life with memories of their own college days.
Off to College: A Guide for Parents (Chicago Guides to Academic Life)
by Roger H. MartinFor many parents, sending their child off to college can be a disconcerting leap. After years spent helping with homework, attending parent-teacher conferences, and catching up after school, college life represents a world of unknowns. What really happens during that transitional first year of college? And what can parents do to strike the right balance between providing support and fostering independence? With Off to College, Roger H. Martin helps parents understand this important period of transition by providing the perfect tour of the first year on today’s campus. Martin, a twenty-year college president and former Harvard dean, spent a year visiting five very different colleges and universities across the United States—public and private, large and small, elite and non-elite—to get an insider’s view of modern college life. He observes an advising session as a student sorts out her schedule, unravels the mysteries of roommate assignments with a residence life director, and patrols campus with a safety officer on a rowdy Saturday night. He gets pointers in freshman English and tips on athletics and physical fitness from coaches. He talks with financial aid officers and health service providers. And he listens to the voices of the first–year students themselves. Martin packs Off to College with the insights and advice he gained and bolsters them with data from a wide variety of sources to deliver a unique and personal view of the current student experience. The first year is not just the beginning of a student’s college education but also the first big step in becoming an adult. Off to College will help parents understand what to expect whether they’re new to the college experience or reconciling modern campus life with memories of their own college days.
Off to College: A Guide for Parents (Chicago Guides to Academic Life)
by Roger H. MartinFor many parents, sending their child off to college can be a disconcerting leap. After years spent helping with homework, attending parent-teacher conferences, and catching up after school, college life represents a world of unknowns. What really happens during that transitional first year of college? And what can parents do to strike the right balance between providing support and fostering independence? With Off to College, Roger H. Martin helps parents understand this important period of transition by providing the perfect tour of the first year on today’s campus. Martin, a twenty-year college president and former Harvard dean, spent a year visiting five very different colleges and universities across the United States—public and private, large and small, elite and non-elite—to get an insider’s view of modern college life. He observes an advising session as a student sorts out her schedule, unravels the mysteries of roommate assignments with a residence life director, and patrols campus with a safety officer on a rowdy Saturday night. He gets pointers in freshman English and tips on athletics and physical fitness from coaches. He talks with financial aid officers and health service providers. And he listens to the voices of the first–year students themselves. Martin packs Off to College with the insights and advice he gained and bolsters them with data from a wide variety of sources to deliver a unique and personal view of the current student experience. The first year is not just the beginning of a student’s college education but also the first big step in becoming an adult. Off to College will help parents understand what to expect whether they’re new to the college experience or reconciling modern campus life with memories of their own college days.
Off Track: When Poor Readers Become ""Learning Disabled""
by Louise Spear-SwerlingThe identification of poor readers as ?learning disabled? can be the first of many steps toward consigning students to a lifetime of reading failure. The very label that is meant to help children often becomes a burden that works against effective learning throughout their schooling.In this book, the authors identify the dangers of labeling children as reading or learning disabled, contending that a ?reading disability? is not a unitary phenomenon. In order to diagnose and help children, educators and parents need to understand the multiple sources of reading difficulty before they can choose appropriate means to correct it.Drawing on recent research in cognitive psychology, the authors present a new theoretical model of reading disability that integrates a wide variety of findings across age and grade spans. Laid out in terms that are readily comprehensible to parents and practitioners, the model outlines the phases that are characteristic of the path to proficient reading, then describes five ways in which disabled readers may stray from this path. The key to the authors' work lies in fact that youngsters who stray from the path of normal reading acquisition often are not distinguishable from other children who are classified as ?poor readers? rather than as ?learning disabled.? This model is an especially useful one for practitioners because it both provides a broader view of reading disability than have many previous models and shows how reading disability relates to normal reading acquisition. Using illustrative case studies, the authors describe the five types of reading disabilities, explain how to properly assess them, and suggest ways to conquer them.
Off Track: When Poor Readers Become ""Learning Disabled"" (Renewing American Schools Ser.)
by Louise Spear-SwerlingThe identification of poor readers as ?learning disabled? can be the first of many steps toward consigning students to a lifetime of reading failure. The very label that is meant to help children often becomes a burden that works against effective learning throughout their schooling.In this book, the authors identify the dangers of labeling children as reading or learning disabled, contending that a ?reading disability? is not a unitary phenomenon. In order to diagnose and help children, educators and parents need to understand the multiple sources of reading difficulty before they can choose appropriate means to correct it.Drawing on recent research in cognitive psychology, the authors present a new theoretical model of reading disability that integrates a wide variety of findings across age and grade spans. Laid out in terms that are readily comprehensible to parents and practitioners, the model outlines the phases that are characteristic of the path to proficient reading, then describes five ways in which disabled readers may stray from this path. The key to the authors' work lies in fact that youngsters who stray from the path of normal reading acquisition often are not distinguishable from other children who are classified as ?poor readers? rather than as ?learning disabled.? This model is an especially useful one for practitioners because it both provides a broader view of reading disability than have many previous models and shows how reading disability relates to normal reading acquisition. Using illustrative case studies, the authors describe the five types of reading disabilities, explain how to properly assess them, and suggest ways to conquer them.
Off We Go! (Start Reading: Let's Go on Holiday!)
by Louise JohnThe family are on there way to the airport, but Dad soon starts getting annoyed as everyone has forgotten to pack something. Will they make it in time?!
Off White: Readings on Power, Privilege, and Resistance
by Michelle Fine Lois Weis Linda Powell Pruitt April BurnsWith a fascinating new introduction on the proliferation and development of the field of whiteness studies and updated essays throughout, this much-anticipated second ddition continues to redefine our understanding of race and society. Also inlcludes three maps.
Off White: Readings on Power, Privilege, and Resistance
by Michelle Fine Lois Weis Linda Powell Pruitt April BurnsWith a fascinating new introduction on the proliferation and development of the field of whiteness studies and updated essays throughout, this much-anticipated second ddition continues to redefine our understanding of race and society. Also inlcludes three maps.
Offene Bewegungsangebote aus der Perspektive von Grundschüler*innen: Eine qualitative Studie
by Fanny SteinVon offenen Bewegungsangeboten werden positive Effekte auf die körperliche und psychische Entwicklung von Kindern erwartet. Wie Kinder diese Angebote erleben, ist jedoch bislang unklar. Die qualitative Studie zeigt, dass Kinder in offenen Bewegungsangeboten vielfältige Erfahrungen sammeln. So erleben sich einige Kinder als handlungskompetent und wählen im offenen Setting Bewegungshandlungen für sich aus, die ihnen Freude bereiten, während andere Kinder in Überforderungssituationen geraten und sich mehr Orientierung durch die Lehrkraft wünschen.
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit im Kontext des Salafismus: Soziale Arbeit und Radikalisierungsprävention
by David Yuzva ClementDavid Yuzva Clement untersucht das Handeln pädagogischer Fachkräfte in der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in der Auseinandersetzung mit Radikalisierungsprozessen Jugendlicher zum Salafismus. Der Autor weist nach, dass ein Verstehen von Gründen und Kontexten von Radikalisierungsprozessen durch Essentialisierungen verhindert und Jugendlichen die objektivierte Position „des Anderen“ zugeschrieben wird. Hingegen führen verstehensorientierte Beobachtungs- und Handlungsformen zu unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Anschlussmöglichkeiten und schaffen die Voraussetzung, Differenzkonstruktionen zu hinterfragen. Dieses Buch liefert wesentliche Empfehlungen für die pädagogische Praxis sowie für Fort- und Weiterbildungen.
Öffentliche Erziehung im Strukturwandel: Umbrüche, Krisenzonen, Reformoptionen (Forschung, Innovation und Soziale Arbeit)
by Konstanze WetzelDie AutorInnen dieses Bandes gehen der Frage nach, wie eine komplexe, aufeinander abgestimmte öffentliche Erziehung der Heranwachsenden gestaltet werden kann und welche Reformschritte dafür notwendig sind. Es wird deutlich, dass der nachhaltige soziale Wandel auch die Bildung und Erziehung der Kinder und Jugendlichen schon jetzt vielfältig verändert hat. Die alten Dichotomien (private vs. öffentliche Erziehung, Kindergarten vs. Schule, Schule vs. Soziale Arbeit, Bildung vs. Ausbildung) werden zunehmend in Frage gestellt, ohne dass die neuen institutionellen und interaktiv-pädagogischen Konturen schon deutlich sind.
Öffentliche Erziehung revisited: Erziehung, Politik und Gesellschaft im Diskurs
by Sigrid Amos Wolfgang Meseth Matthias ProskeMit den aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Transformationen verändert sich auch die Bedeutung und die Aufgabe öffentlicher Erziehung. War diese vormals strukturiert durch Formen und Interaktionen sozialer Kontrolle, in einem national begrenzten Rahmen und durch individuelle Selbstregulierung, so orientieren jetzt eher Transnationalisierung, Netzwerke und Flexibilisierung die Erziehungssysteme. 'Öffentliche Erziehung revisited' versammelt Beiträge, die sich aus zeitdiagnostischer, theoretischer und empirischer Perspektive dem Verhältnis von öffentlicher Erziehung, Politik und Gesellschaft nähern. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Ermöglichungsbedingungen und die Rechtfertigungsordnungen öffentlicher Erziehung gelegt.
Öffentliche Kunst, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich, Band 8: / Public Art Lower Austria, Volume 8 (Veröffentlichte Kunst. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich Public Art Lower Austria #8)
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Niederösterreich ist ein einzigartiges Modell, das international höchste Anerkennung findet. Die im ländlichen und kleinstädtischen Raum entstandenen Projekte bedeutender, aber auch junger unbekannter KünstlerInnen setzen sich mit der Landschaft, der Kulturgeschichte und der Architektur auseinander oder entstanden auf der Basis von sozialer und wissenschaftlicher Recherche. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Projekte der Jahre 2004 – 2006. Neben der Projektdokumentation äußern sich Experten unterschiedlichster Bereiche in einer kunstwissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Diskussion zur "Gestaltung von Kreisverkehren", ein Thema brisanter Aktualität in der Gestaltung von Landschaft und Umgebung.
Öffentliches und privates Management: Fundamentally Alike in All Unimportant Respects? (Interdisziplinäre Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung #1)
by Thomas Edeling Werner Jann Dieter WagnerÖffentlichkeit von Unten: Demokratie, Öffentlichkeit und Politische Bildung (Politische Bildung)
by Friedemann AffolderbachFriedemann Affolderbach vertritt die These, dass Öffentlichkeit und Gegenöffentlichkeit als wechselseitig aufeinander bezogenes Verhältnis zu interpretieren sind. Entsprechend ist Öffentlichkeit als Deutungszusammenhang sowie Praxis umkämpft und bildet das Spannungsfeld sozialer Bewegungen zur Gewinnung von öffentlichen Erfahrungsräumen. Gegenöffentlichkeit im Sinne einer Demokratie als Lebensform kennzeichnet dabei die Möglichkeiten zur Erweiterung von Erfahrungs- und Experimentierräumen. Ihre Bedeutung besteht darin, Räume für Erfahrungen von Selbstverfügung herauszubilden und erweiterte Handlungsmöglichkeiten in praktische Weltverfügung umzusetzen. Gesellschaftliche Veränderung wird an dieser Stelle als eine öffentliche erfahrbar. Die Herausbildung einer Gegenöffentlichkeit selbst wird als Praxis von Bildung interpretiert und am exemplarischen Beispiel untersucht.
Office Hours: What Every University Student Needs to Know
by Robyn Brinks LockwoodThe university office hour interaction is new to everyone who attends a university. Not knowing what to do or when to go is not unique to international students. Office Hours: What Every University Student Needs to Know sets out to demystify the entire process of office hours—the purpose and goals of these meetings, how to plan for them, and even determining whether to visit the professor or send an email. Information about “group” office hours, which are becoming more common, is also included. This task-based book also describes the five moves, or parts, of an office hour interaction and provides many examples and tasks to help guide students through this important communicative aspect of academic life. It seeks to ensure that every office hour interaction ends on a positive note. Reflection questions for new teaching assistants are included throughout, making this ideal for TA workshops. Four analysis tasks are included to accompany the four videos that explore various student-professor interactions. The videos are available online at www.press.umich.edu/elt/compsite/officehours.
Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies
by Jane R. Burstein Carolyn C. WheaterThe easy way to prepare for officer candidate tests Want to ace the AFOQT, ASVAB or ASTB? Help is here! Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies gives you the instruction and practice you need to pass the service-specific candidate tests and further your military career as an officer in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Packed with practice questions and easy-to-follow information, Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies gives you a comprehensive review of all subjects covered on the tests, an explanation of the test formats, and everything you need to understand and conquer the exams. Includes practice exams for each test More subject-matter instruction than any other book on the market Covers all of the latest updates to the exams Whether you're aspiring to become an officer in the military by attending a service academy, ROTC, or Officer Candidate School or are already in the military and working to advance your career, Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies has you covered!
Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies
by Jane R. Burstein Carolyn C. WheaterThe easy way to prepare for officer candidate tests Want to ace the AFOQT, ASVAB or ASTB? Help is here! Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies gives you the instruction and practice you need to pass the service-specific candidate tests and further your military career as an officer in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Packed with practice questions and easy-to-follow information, Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies gives you a comprehensive review of all subjects covered on the tests, an explanation of the test formats, and everything you need to understand and conquer the exams. Includes practice exams for each test More subject-matter instruction than any other book on the market Covers all of the latest updates to the exams Whether you're aspiring to become an officer in the military by attending a service academy, ROTC, or Officer Candidate School or are already in the military and working to advance your career, Officer Candidate Tests For Dummies has you covered!
Official ((isc)2 Press Ser.)
by R Anderson J D DewarThe (ISC) Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP ) certification is one of the most important credentials an information security practitioner can have. Having helped thousands of people around the world obtain this distinguished certification, the bestselling Official (ISC)2 Guide to the SSCP CBK has quickly become the book that many of
Official ((ISC)2 Press)
by Isc ² CorporateCandidates for the CISSP-ISSAP professional certification need to not only demonstrate a thorough understanding of the six domains of the ISSAP CBK, but also need to have the ability to apply this in-depth knowledge to develop a detailed security architecture.Supplying an authoritative review of the key concepts and requirements of the ISSAP CBK, the Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSAP® CBK®, Second Edition provides the practical understanding required to implement the latest security protocols to improve productivity, profitability, security, and efficiency. Encompassing all of the knowledge elements needed to create secure architectures, the text covers the six domains: Access Control Systems and Methodology, Communications and Network Security, Cryptology, Security Architecture Analysis, BCP/DRP, and Physical Security Considerations.Newly Enhanced Design – This Guide Has It All! Only guide endorsed by (ISC)2 Most up-to-date CISSP-ISSAP CBK Evolving terminology and changing requirements for security professionals Practical examples that illustrate how to apply concepts in real-life situations Chapter outlines and objectives Review questions and answers References to free study resources Read It. Study It. Refer to It Often.Build your knowledge and improve your chance of achieving certification the first time around. Endorsed by (ISC)2 and compiled and reviewed by CISSP-ISSAPs and (ISC)2 members, this book provides unrivaled preparation for the certification exam and is a reference that will serve you well into your career. Earning your ISSAP is a deserving achievement that gives you a competitive advantage and makes you a member of an elite network of professionals worldwide.
Official ((ISC)2 Press)
by Adam GordonAs a result of a rigorous, methodical process that (ISC)� follows to routinely update its credential exams, it has announced that enhancements will be made to both the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential, beginning April 15, 2015. (ISC)� conducts this process on a regular basis to ensure that the examinations and
Official: Fourth Edition ((isc)2 Press Ser.)
by Adam GordonAs a result of a rigorous, methodical process that (ISC) follows to routinely update its credential exams, it has announced that enhancements will be made to both the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential, beginning April 15, 2015. (ISC) conducts this process on a regular basis to ensure that the examinations and
Official ((ISC)2 Press)
by Adam GordonCandidates for the CISSP-ISSAP professional certification need to not only demonstrate a thorough understanding of the six domains of the ISSAP CBK, but also need to have the ability to apply this in-depth knowledge to develop a detailed security architecture.Supplying an authoritative review of the key concepts and requirements of the ISSAP CBK, the Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSAP® CBK®, Second Edition provides the practical understanding required to implement the latest security protocols to improve productivity, profitability, security, and efficiency. Encompassing all of the knowledge elements needed to create secure architectures, the text covers the six domains: Access Control Systems and Methodology, Communications and Network Security, Cryptology, Security Architecture Analysis, BCP/DRP, and Physical Security Considerations.Newly Enhanced Design – This Guide Has It All! Only guide endorsed by (ISC)2 Most up-to-date CISSP-ISSAP CBK Evolving terminology and changing requirements for security professionals Practical examples that illustrate how to apply concepts in real-life situations Chapter outlines and objectives Review questions and answers References to free study resources Read It. Study It. Refer to It Often.Build your knowledge and improve your chance of achieving certification the first time around. Endorsed by (ISC)2 and compiled and reviewed by CISSP-ISSAPs and (ISC)2 members, this book provides unrivaled preparation for the certification exam and is a reference that will serve you well into your career. Earning your ISSAP is a deserving achievement that gives you a competitive advantage and makes you a member of an elite network of professionals worldwide.
Official ((ISC)2 Press)
by Steven HernandezHealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioners (HCISPPSM) are the frontline defense for protecting patient information. These are the practitioners whose foundational knowledge and experience unite healthcare information security and privacy best practices and techniques under one credential to protect organizations and sensitive patient data against emerging threats and breaches. The Official (ISC)2 (R) Guide to the HCISPPSM CBK (R) is a comprehensive resource that provides an in-depth look at the six domains of the HCISPP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). This guide covers the diversity of the healthcare industry, the types of technologies and information flows that require various levels of protection, and the exchange of healthcare information within the industry, including relevant regulatory, compliance, and legal requirements. Numerous illustrated examples and tables are included that illustrate key concepts, frameworks, and real-life scenarios. Endorsed by the (ISC)(2) and compiled and reviewed by HCISPPs and (ISC)(2) members, this book brings together a global and thorough perspective on healthcare information security and privacy. Utilize this book as your fundamental study tool in preparation for the HCISPP certification exam.
Official ((ISC)2 Press)
by Steven HernandezHealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioners (HCISPPSM) are the frontline defense for protecting patient information. These are the practitioners whose foundational knowledge and experience unite healthcare information security and privacy best practices and techniques under one credential to protect organizations and sensitive patient data against emerging threats and breaches. The Official (ISC)2 (R) Guide to the HCISPPSM CBK (R) is a comprehensive resource that provides an in-depth look at the six domains of the HCISPP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). This guide covers the diversity of the healthcare industry, the types of technologies and information flows that require various levels of protection, and the exchange of healthcare information within the industry, including relevant regulatory, compliance, and legal requirements. Numerous illustrated examples and tables are included that illustrate key concepts, frameworks, and real-life scenarios. Endorsed by the (ISC)(2) and compiled and reviewed by HCISPPs and (ISC)(2) members, this book brings together a global and thorough perspective on healthcare information security and privacy. Utilize this book as your fundamental study tool in preparation for the HCISPP certification exam.