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Showing 57,376 through 57,400 of 91,351 results

Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World: Beyond Technology (Postdigital Science and Education)

by Tim Fawns Gill Aitken Derek Jones

This edited volume builds upon the premise that online learning is not separate from the social and material world, and is made up of embodied, socially-meaningful experiences. It is founded on a “postdigital” perspective in which, much more than interactions with keyboards, computer screens, hardware or software, the learning that happens on online postgraduate programmes spills out into professional and informal settings, making connections with what comes before and after any formally-scheduled tasks. Unlike other books relating to online education, this book combines a theoretical perspective, in which the digital, physical and social are all interconnected within complex educational ecologies, with a focus grounded in postgraduate practice. This focus has important implications for the kinds of students and learning that are explored in the chapters of the book. This book provides an important contribution to the knowledge of what is required to produce quality, online postgraduate programmes at the level of teachers, curriculum designers, faculty developers and policy-makers.

Online Resilience and Wellbeing in Young People: Representing the Youth Voice (Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology)

by Andy Phippen Louisa Street

This book explores online resilience and safety from a new perspective, by drawing extensively upon the youth voice. While “online safety” as a concept has now existed for well over ten years, the majority of policy and narrative is driven by preventative and adultist views of ensuring safety from harm. Underpinned by extensive empirical work, this book argues that safety, or freedom from harm, is not an achievable goal and we should refocus upon harm reduction and risk mitigation. Fundamental to this argument is that the youth voice clearly states that they will not disclose, or ask adults for support, because they do not believe they will get help or worse, will be punished as a result of disclosure. The research shows that professionals often bring their own digital value biases into safeguarding decisions, and feel that they should be white knights to young people, rather than listening to them and supporting them in a non-judgemental way. The book will be of great value to researchers and students as well as practitioners, teachers and parents interested in digital resilience and safeguarding, internet security and youth online behaviour and wellbeing.

Online Second Language Acquisition: Conversation Analysis of Online Chat

by Vincenza Tudini

A book-length exploration of the role of online chat in supporting the teaching and learning of foreign languages is well overdue. Tudini's new book takes a Conversation Analysis approach, which is new to online Second Language Acquisition. It provides observable, previously undocumented insights into how native speakers and learners pursue the learning of foreign language and culture during online text chat.It looks at dyadic chat between native speakers and learners, with examples drawn from a corpus featuring 133 learners and 584 native speakers of Italian. This unique book contributes to our understanding of how conversation in a foreign language unfolds between native speakers and learners in an online social environment, rather than in the classroom. It will be of interest to researchers in second language acquisition and conversation analysis, as well as language teachers.

Online-Seminare bewegt gestalten: Mit Schwung durch den Online-Marathon (essentials)

by Robert Rupp

In digitalen Lernformaten dominiert eine sitzende Lern- und Arbeitshaltung vor dem Bildschirm. Dies hat nicht nur schnelle Ermüdung, inneres Abschalten und Konzentrationsprobleme zur Folge - die langen Sitzzeiten führen auch zu einem Gesundheitsrisiko. Dieses essential zeigt die Gefahren des übermäßigen Sitzens. Basierend auf aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Gesundheits- und Lernforschung wird ein aktivierender Ansatz vorgestellt, der mit ganz einfachen kleinen Maßnahmen für mehr körperliche Bewegung und Sitzunterbrechungen in Online-Seminaren sorgt. Online-Seminare werden lebendiger, kurzweiliger und produktiver. Jede Mikrobewegung ist ein kleiner gesundheitsfördernder Beitrag für Lernende und Lehrende. Das essential enthält praxisanregende Empfehlungen sowie konkrete, einfach anwendbare Methoden aus der digitalen Lehrpraxis.

Online Social Networking on Campus: Understanding What Matters in Student Culture

by Ana M. Martínez-Alemán Katherine Lynk Wartman

In the era of such online spaces as Facebook, Instant Messenger, Live Journal, Blogger, Web Shots, and campus blogs, college students are using these resources and other online sites as a social medium. Inevitably, this medium presents students with ethical decisions about social propriety, self disclosure and acceptable behaviour. Because online social networking sites have proven problematic for college students and for college administrators, this book aims to offer professional guidance to Higher Education administrators and policy makers. Online Social Networking on Campus: Understanding what matters in student culture is a professional guide for Higher Education faculty and Student Affairs administrators, which rigorously examines college students’ use of online social networking sites and how they use these to develop relationships both on and off campus. Most importantly, Online Social Networking on Campus investigates how college students use online sites to explore and makes sense of their identities. Providing information taken from interviews, surveys and focus group data, the book presents an ethnographic view of social networking that will help Student Affairs administrators, Information Technology administrators, and faculty better understand and provide guidance to the "neomillennials" on their campuses.

Online Social Networking on Campus: Understanding What Matters in Student Culture

by Ana M. Martínez-Alemán Katherine Lynk Wartman

In the era of such online spaces as Facebook, Instant Messenger, Live Journal, Blogger, Web Shots, and campus blogs, college students are using these resources and other online sites as a social medium. Inevitably, this medium presents students with ethical decisions about social propriety, self disclosure and acceptable behaviour. Because online social networking sites have proven problematic for college students and for college administrators, this book aims to offer professional guidance to Higher Education administrators and policy makers. Online Social Networking on Campus: Understanding what matters in student culture is a professional guide for Higher Education faculty and Student Affairs administrators, which rigorously examines college students’ use of online social networking sites and how they use these to develop relationships both on and off campus. Most importantly, Online Social Networking on Campus investigates how college students use online sites to explore and makes sense of their identities. Providing information taken from interviews, surveys and focus group data, the book presents an ethnographic view of social networking that will help Student Affairs administrators, Information Technology administrators, and faculty better understand and provide guidance to the "neomillennials" on their campuses.

Online Teaching and Learning in Asian Higher Education: Pedagogical Approaches to Classroom Practices

by Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook Amany Saleh Krishna Bista

This collection focuses on the challenges, lessons learned, and best teaching practices shared by educators in the higher education system in both the developed and developing areas of Asia. Organized into three sections, the book covers key factors that affect the successes of online education in Asia, including innovations in curriculum design; innovations in communicating with students; and innovations in assessments. In doing so, it provides educators important insights into the differences between teaching and learning in both the developed and developing areas of Asia and highlights the problems that still need to be addressed as technologies advance in the twenty-first century in STEM and non-STEM disciplines.

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges in an African Context

by Mariam Akinlolu Manyane Makua Nomalungelo Ngubane

This edited volume explores current practices in African higher education during and post the global pandemic. It fills a gap in the existing literature by focusing on student engagement and online learning in South Africa and examines how pandemic restrictions amplified pre-existing inequalities within the higher education sector.The book is divided into 3 sections: The first section discusses various methods of instruction and the use of online tools for facilitating learning; succeeded by a section focusing on the resource implications of moving to online learning platforms from a social justice perspective; and finally the last section considers issues and concerns about online assessments and quality assurance.Drawing on lessons from the experiences of South African educators and students during the pandemic, this book provides a knowledge base essential for the effective management of online teaching and learning in Africa. It is intended for academic stakeholders, to develop and engender an improved higher education climate.

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age)

by Dirk Ifenthaler Pedro Isaias Demetrios G. Sampson

This book is to explores a variety of facets of online learning environments to understand how learning occurs and succeeds in digital contexts and what teaching strategies and technologies are most suited to this format. Business, health, government and education are some of the core sectors of society which have been experiencing deep transformations due to a generalized digitalization. While these changes are not novel, the swift progress of technology and the rising complexity of digital environments place a focus on the need for further research and novel strategies. In the context of education, the promise of increased flexibility and broader access to educational resources is impelling much of higher education’s course offerings to online environments. The 21st century learner requires an education that can be pursued anytime and anywhere and that is more aligned with the demands of a digital society. Online education not only assists students to success-fully integrate a workforce that is increasingly digital, but it helps them to become more comfortable with the use of technology in general and, hence, more prepared to be prolific digital citizens. The variety of settings portrayed in this volume attest to the unlimited opportunities afforded by online learning and serve as valuable evidence of its benefit for students’ educational experience. Moreover, these research efforts assist a more comprehensive reflection about the delivery of higher education in the context of online settings.

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences (Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility)

by Roy Y. Chan Krishna Bista Ryan M. Allen

This timely volume documents the immediate, global impacts of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on teaching and learning in higher education. Focusing on student and faculty experiences of online and distance education, the text provides reflections on novel initiatives, unexpected challenges, and lessons learned. Responding to the urgent need to better understand online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, this book investigates how the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) impacted students, faculty, and staff experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown. Chapters initially look at the challenges faced by universities and educators in their attempts to overcome the practical difficulties involved in developing effective online programming and pedagogy. The text then builds on these insights to highlight student experiences and consider issues of social connection and inequality. Finally, the volume looks forward to asking what lessons COVID-19 can offer for the future development of online and distance learning in higher education. This engaging volume will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in online teaching and eLearning, curriculum design, and more, specifically those involved with the digitalization of higher education. The text will also support further discussion and reflection around pedagogical transformation, international teaching and learning, and educational policy more broadly.

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences (Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility)

by Roy Y. Chan Krishna Bista Ryan M. Allen

This timely volume documents the immediate, global impacts of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on teaching and learning in higher education. Focusing on student and faculty experiences of online and distance education, the text provides reflections on novel initiatives, unexpected challenges, and lessons learned. Responding to the urgent need to better understand online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, this book investigates how the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) impacted students, faculty, and staff experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown. Chapters initially look at the challenges faced by universities and educators in their attempts to overcome the practical difficulties involved in developing effective online programming and pedagogy. The text then builds on these insights to highlight student experiences and consider issues of social connection and inequality. Finally, the volume looks forward to asking what lessons COVID-19 can offer for the future development of online and distance learning in higher education. This engaging volume will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in online teaching and eLearning, curriculum design, and more, specifically those involved with the digitalization of higher education. The text will also support further discussion and reflection around pedagogical transformation, international teaching and learning, and educational policy more broadly.

Online Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 Era: Perspectives on Equity and Epistemic Justice

by Felix Maringe Otilia Chiramba

This book examines the ongoing changes initially caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the future prospects of teaching and learning in higher education institutions. It focuses on the impact of online education on issues of learning equity and epistemic justice. The transition from traditional face-to-face teaching to remote learning has exacerbated existing inequalities in epistemological access among higher education students, despite the shortcomings of the former in this regard. The book features essays by African academics who reflect on the challenges of epistemological access during the sudden shift to hybrid, blended and remote teaching and learning. It specifically explores the question of equitable learning in diverse home contexts, drawing on both theoretical and empirical studies conducted by the authors in South African universities and the region. The chapters employ the conceptual framework of epistemic injustice to define and explore various forms of such injustice, providing a basis for analyzing the implications of the transition to online pedagogy.

Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research

by Linda B. Nilson Ludwika A. Goodson

Bring pedagogy and cognitive science to online learning environments Online Teaching at Its Best: A Merger of Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and administrators have long been awaiting. Over 70 percent of degree-granting institutions offer online classes, and while technical resources abound, the courses often fall short of integrating the best practices in online pedagogy, even if they comply with online course design standards. Typically these standards omit the best practices in teaching and learning and the principles from cognitive science, leaving students struggling to keep the pace, understand the material, and fulfill their true potential as learners. This book fills the gap, providing evidence-based practices for online teaching, online course design, and online student motivation integrated with pedagogical and cognitive science to help you build the distance learning courses and programs your students deserve. As more and more students opt for distance learning, it's up to designers and instructors to rethink traditional methods and learn to work more effectively within the online learning environment, and up to administrators to provide the needed leadership. Online Teaching at Its Best provides practical, real-world advice grounded in educational science to help online instructors, instructional designers, and administrators deliver an exceptional learning experience. Adopt new pedagogical techniques designed specifically for online learning environments Ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning for online classes Increase student retention, build necessary support structures, and train faculty more effectively Integrate research-based course design and cognitive psychology into graduate or undergraduate programs Distance is no barrier to a great education; what do stand in the way are inadequate online course design and implementation and deficient faculty training and support—all of which administrators can mitigate. Online Teaching at Its Best will help you ensure that your online classes measure up to the rigor and quality of excellence in teaching and assessment, build in the personal touch for developing a learning community and equip your students to succeed in the next challenge.

Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research

by Linda B. Nilson Ludwika A. Goodson

Bring pedagogy and cognitive science to online learning environments Online Teaching at Its Best: A Merger of Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and administrators have long been awaiting. Over 70 percent of degree-granting institutions offer online classes, and while technical resources abound, the courses often fall short of integrating the best practices in online pedagogy, even if they comply with online course design standards. Typically these standards omit the best practices in teaching and learning and the principles from cognitive science, leaving students struggling to keep the pace, understand the material, and fulfill their true potential as learners. This book fills the gap, providing evidence-based practices for online teaching, online course design, and online student motivation integrated with pedagogical and cognitive science to help you build the distance learning courses and programs your students deserve. As more and more students opt for distance learning, it's up to designers and instructors to rethink traditional methods and learn to work more effectively within the online learning environment, and up to administrators to provide the needed leadership. Online Teaching at Its Best provides practical, real-world advice grounded in educational science to help online instructors, instructional designers, and administrators deliver an exceptional learning experience. Adopt new pedagogical techniques designed specifically for online learning environments Ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning for online classes Increase student retention, build necessary support structures, and train faculty more effectively Integrate research-based course design and cognitive psychology into graduate or undergraduate programs Distance is no barrier to a great education; what do stand in the way are inadequate online course design and implementation and deficient faculty training and support—all of which administrators can mitigate. Online Teaching at Its Best will help you ensure that your online classes measure up to the rigor and quality of excellence in teaching and assessment, build in the personal touch for developing a learning community and equip your students to succeed in the next challenge.

Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research

by Linda B. Nilson Ludwika A. Goodson

Bring pedagogy and cognitive science to online learning environments Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research, 2nd Edition, is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and administrators have raved about. This book addresses course design, teaching, and student motivation across the continuum of online teaching modes—remote, hybrid, hyflex, and fully online—integrating these with pedagogical and cognitive science, and grounding its recommendations in the latest research. The book will help you design or redesign your courses to ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning in any of these teaching modes. Its emphasis on evidence-based practices makes this one of the most scholarly books of its kind on the market today. This new edition features significant new content including more active learning formats for small groups across the online teaching continuum, strategies and tools for scripting and recording effective micro-lectures, ways to integrate quiz items within micro-lectures, more conferencing software and techniques to add interactivity, and a guide for rapid transition from face-to-face to online teaching. You’ll also find updated examples, references, and quotes to reflect more evolved technology. Adopt new pedagogical techniques designed specifically for remote, hybrid, hyflex, and fully online learning environments Ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning for all these modes of instruction Increase student retention, build necessary support structures, and train faculty more effectively Integrate research-based course design and cognitive psychology into graduate or undergraduate programs Distance is no barrier to a great education. Online Teaching at Its Best provides practical, real-world advice grounded in educational and psychological science to help online instructors, instructional designers, and administrators deliver an exceptional learning experience even under emergency conditions.

Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research

by Linda B. Nilson Ludwika A. Goodson

Bring pedagogy and cognitive science to online learning environments Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research, 2nd Edition, is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and administrators have raved about. This book addresses course design, teaching, and student motivation across the continuum of online teaching modes—remote, hybrid, hyflex, and fully online—integrating these with pedagogical and cognitive science, and grounding its recommendations in the latest research. The book will help you design or redesign your courses to ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning in any of these teaching modes. Its emphasis on evidence-based practices makes this one of the most scholarly books of its kind on the market today. This new edition features significant new content including more active learning formats for small groups across the online teaching continuum, strategies and tools for scripting and recording effective micro-lectures, ways to integrate quiz items within micro-lectures, more conferencing software and techniques to add interactivity, and a guide for rapid transition from face-to-face to online teaching. You’ll also find updated examples, references, and quotes to reflect more evolved technology. Adopt new pedagogical techniques designed specifically for remote, hybrid, hyflex, and fully online learning environments Ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning for all these modes of instruction Increase student retention, build necessary support structures, and train faculty more effectively Integrate research-based course design and cognitive psychology into graduate or undergraduate programs Distance is no barrier to a great education. Online Teaching at Its Best provides practical, real-world advice grounded in educational and psychological science to help online instructors, instructional designers, and administrators deliver an exceptional learning experience even under emergency conditions.

The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips

by Judith V. Boettcher Rita-Marie Conrad

Essential reading for online instructors, updated to cover new and emerging issues and technologies The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides a robust overview of theory-based techniques for teaching online or technology-enhanced courses. Covering all aspects of online teaching, this book reviews the latest research in cognitive processing and related learning outcomes while retaining a focus on the practical. A simple framework of instructional strategies mapped across a four-phase timeline provides a concrete starting point for both new online teachers and experienced teachers designing or revamping an online course. Essential technologies are explored in their basic and expanded forms, and traditional pedagogy serves as the foundation for tips and practices customized for online learning. The tips cover course management, social presence, community building, integration of new technologies, discussion and questioning techniques, assessment, and debriefing, along with new coverage of intensive or accelerated courses, customizing learning strategies, developing expertise, advanced course design, and assessment techniques exclusive to this new second edition. The theory and techniques of successful online teaching can be significantly different from those used face-to-face. With more and more classes being offered online, this book provides a valuable resource for taking your course to the next level. Understand the technology used in online teaching Learn specialized pedagogical tips and practices Examine new research on cognition and learning Adopt a clear framework of instructional strategies The explosion of online learning has created a demand for great online teachers. Increasingly, faculty who normally teach face-to-face are being asked to cover online courses—yet comprehensive pedagogical resources are scarce. The learning curve is huge, and faculty need a practical approach to course design and management that can be quickly and easily implemented. The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides that essential resource, with a customizable framework and deeper exploration of effective online teaching.

The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips

by Judith V. Boettcher Rita-Marie Conrad

Essential reading for online instructors, updated to cover new and emerging issues and technologies The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides a robust overview of theory-based techniques for teaching online or technology-enhanced courses. Covering all aspects of online teaching, this book reviews the latest research in cognitive processing and related learning outcomes while retaining a focus on the practical. A simple framework of instructional strategies mapped across a four-phase timeline provides a concrete starting point for both new online teachers and experienced teachers designing or revamping an online course. Essential technologies are explored in their basic and expanded forms, and traditional pedagogy serves as the foundation for tips and practices customized for online learning. The tips cover course management, social presence, community building, integration of new technologies, discussion and questioning techniques, assessment, and debriefing, along with new coverage of intensive or accelerated courses, customizing learning strategies, developing expertise, advanced course design, and assessment techniques exclusive to this new second edition. The theory and techniques of successful online teaching can be significantly different from those used face-to-face. With more and more classes being offered online, this book provides a valuable resource for taking your course to the next level. Understand the technology used in online teaching Learn specialized pedagogical tips and practices Examine new research on cognition and learning Adopt a clear framework of instructional strategies The explosion of online learning has created a demand for great online teachers. Increasingly, faculty who normally teach face-to-face are being asked to cover online courses—yet comprehensive pedagogical resources are scarce. The learning curve is huge, and faculty need a practical approach to course design and management that can be quickly and easily implemented. The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides that essential resource, with a customizable framework and deeper exploration of effective online teaching.

The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips

by Judith V. Boettcher Rita-Marie Conrad

A timely update to the best-selling, practical, and comprehensive guide to online teaching The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides a robust overview of theory-based techniques for teaching online or technology-enhanced courses. This Third Edition is a practical resource for educators learning to navigate the online teaching sector. It presents a framework of simple, research-grounded instructional strategies that work for any online or blended course. This new edition is enhanced with hints on integrating problem-solving strategies, assessment strategies, student independence, collaboration, synchronous strategies, and building metacognitive skills. This book also reviews the latest research in cognitive processing and related learning outcomes. New and experienced online teachers alike will appreciate this book’s exploration of essential technologies, course management techniques, social presence, community building, discussion and questioning techniques, assessment, debriefing, and more. With more and more classes being offered online, this book provides a valuable resource for taking your course to the next level. Understand the technology used in online teaching and discover how you can make the most of advanced features in the tech you use Learn specialized pedagogical tips and practices that will make the shift to online teaching smoother for you and your students Examine new research on cognition and learning, and see how you can apply these research findings your day-to-day Adopt a clear framework of instructional strategies that will work in any online or blended setting Learn how to make the most of your synchronous online class meetings using flipped model techniques integrated with asynchronous conversation Recently, schools across the globe have experienced a shift to online courses and teaching. The theories and techniques of synchronous virtual online teaching are vastly different from traditional educational pedagogy. You can overcome the learning curve with this theory-based, hands-on guide.

The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips

by Judith V. Boettcher Rita-Marie Conrad

A timely update to the best-selling, practical, and comprehensive guide to online teaching The Online Teaching Survival Guide provides a robust overview of theory-based techniques for teaching online or technology-enhanced courses. This Third Edition is a practical resource for educators learning to navigate the online teaching sector. It presents a framework of simple, research-grounded instructional strategies that work for any online or blended course. This new edition is enhanced with hints on integrating problem-solving strategies, assessment strategies, student independence, collaboration, synchronous strategies, and building metacognitive skills. This book also reviews the latest research in cognitive processing and related learning outcomes. New and experienced online teachers alike will appreciate this book’s exploration of essential technologies, course management techniques, social presence, community building, discussion and questioning techniques, assessment, debriefing, and more. With more and more classes being offered online, this book provides a valuable resource for taking your course to the next level. Understand the technology used in online teaching and discover how you can make the most of advanced features in the tech you use Learn specialized pedagogical tips and practices that will make the shift to online teaching smoother for you and your students Examine new research on cognition and learning, and see how you can apply these research findings your day-to-day Adopt a clear framework of instructional strategies that will work in any online or blended setting Learn how to make the most of your synchronous online class meetings using flipped model techniques integrated with asynchronous conversation Recently, schools across the globe have experienced a shift to online courses and teaching. The theories and techniques of synchronous virtual online teaching are vastly different from traditional educational pedagogy. You can overcome the learning curve with this theory-based, hands-on guide.

The Online Tutor’s Toolkit: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed as an Online Tutor

by Molly Bolding

This book contains everything you need to know to get started as an online tutor. It covers the essentials of tutoring, choosing your tech and software, managing homework, and getting set up alongside detailed guidance focusing on each level of tuition. With techniques developed through research and first-hand experience, the author explains exactly how to turn existing subject knowledge into effective tutoring for students of all ages in a variety of subjects. Divided into two parts, the first answers the logistical questions facing every new tutor such as: what equipment do I need? Where can I apply? How much should I charge? The second half focuses on how to tutor different age groups effectively and subject-specific areas including English, Maths, and Science, as well as the author’s tried-and-tested ‘5 step’ process for choosing a subject, assessing a student, and planning their first lessons. There is also information on how to support students writing personal statements and applying to university, as well as teaching English as a Second Language. Alongside tailored, up-to-date information on available software, hardware, exam specifications, and the online tutoring marketplace, the book contains a 10-week timetable of adaptable lesson plans so new tutors can get started immediately. Finally, there are two additional downloadable chapters which expand on less common subjects and another which includes a digital download of every resource from the book. With suggestions for resources, homework, and timings to support you at every stage, this is an essential read for anyone wanting to succeed as an online tutor.

The Online Tutor’s Toolkit: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed as an Online Tutor

by Molly Bolding

This book contains everything you need to know to get started as an online tutor. It covers the essentials of tutoring, choosing your tech and software, managing homework, and getting set up alongside detailed guidance focusing on each level of tuition. With techniques developed through research and first-hand experience, the author explains exactly how to turn existing subject knowledge into effective tutoring for students of all ages in a variety of subjects. Divided into two parts, the first answers the logistical questions facing every new tutor such as: what equipment do I need? Where can I apply? How much should I charge? The second half focuses on how to tutor different age groups effectively and subject-specific areas including English, Maths, and Science, as well as the author’s tried-and-tested ‘5 step’ process for choosing a subject, assessing a student, and planning their first lessons. There is also information on how to support students writing personal statements and applying to university, as well as teaching English as a Second Language. Alongside tailored, up-to-date information on available software, hardware, exam specifications, and the online tutoring marketplace, the book contains a 10-week timetable of adaptable lesson plans so new tutors can get started immediately. Finally, there are two additional downloadable chapters which expand on less common subjects and another which includes a digital download of every resource from the book. With suggestions for resources, homework, and timings to support you at every stage, this is an essential read for anyone wanting to succeed as an online tutor.

Onlinecommunities für Senioren: Wie virtuelle Netzwerke als Unterstützung im Alltag dienen

by Jennifer Kreß

Jennifer Kreß untersucht, wie ältere Menschen den Herausforderungen im Alltag durch den Einsatz neuer Medien begegnen können. Am Beispiel einer Onlinecommunity für die Zielgruppe der „silver surfer“ zeigt die Autorin, wie Unterstützungsmechanismen zur alltäglichen Lebensbewältigung durch SeniorInnen erworben, ausgebildet oder aktiviert werden können. Die Lebensphase des Alters wird ganz entscheidend vom Wandel in der modernen Gesellschaft beeinflusst. Dem Zugewinn an Gestaltungsfreiheit stehen spezifische Krisenmomente wie Orientierungsverlust, Verunsicherungstendenzen sowie Entgrenzungserfahrungen gegenüber, die es zu bewältigen gilt. In Ihrem Beispiel analysiert die Autorin sowohl personenbezogene Aspekte, wie Selbstdarstellung und Selbstpräsentation der SeniorInnen, als auch soziale, wie Kommunikation und Beziehungsgestaltung.

Only in New Orleans: School Choice and Equity Post-Hurricane Katrina (Educational Futures #63)

by Luis Mirón Brian R. Beabout Joseph L. Boselovic

With 2015 marking the 10th commemoration of Hurricane Katrina, education reform in New Orleans continues to garner substantial local, national, and international attention. Advocates and critics alike have continued to cite test scores, new school providers, and different theories of governance in making multiple arguments for and against how contemporary education policy is shaping public education and its role in the rebuilding of the city.Rather than trying to provide a single, unified account of education reform in New Orleans, the chapters in this volume provide multiple ways of approaching some of the most significant questions around school choice and educational equity that have arisen in the years since Katrina.This collection of research articles, essays, and journalistic accounts of education reform in New Orleans collectively argues that the extreme makeover of the city’s public schools toward a new market-based model was shaped by many local, historically specific conditions. In consequence, while the city’s schools have been both heralded as a model for other cities and derided as a lesson in the limits of market-based reform, the experience of education reform that has taken place in the city – and its impacts on the lives of students, families, and educators – could have happened only in New Orleans.

Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah (Biblical Seminar)

by Bob Becking Meindert Dijkstra Marjo Korpel Karel Vriezen

The view of ancient Israelite religion as monotheistic has long been traditional in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, religions that have elaborated in their own way the biblical image of a single male deity. But recent archaeological findings of texts and images from the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah and their neighbourhood offer a quite different impression. Two issues in particular raised by these are the existence of a female consort, Asherah, and the implication for monotheism; and the proliferation of pictorial representations that may contradict the biblical ban on images. Was the religion of ancient Israel really as the Bible would have us believe? This volume provides a comprehensive introduction to these issues, presenting the relevant inscriptions and discussing their possible impact for Israelite monotheism, the role of women in the cult, and biblical theology.

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