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Personalized Reading: It's a Piece of PIE

by Nancy Hobbs Kristen Sacco Myra R. Oleynik

This guidebook provides teachers and librarians with methods for collaboratively teaching elementary students to select books they will enjoy and which will further their personal growth and information literacy.Motivating young students to read is instrumental for the development of strong information literacy and communication skills, as well as for building a lifelong habit of seeking information and enjoyment through written materials. The authors of Personalized Reading: It's a Piece of PIE are three highly experienced teachers, one of whom is a school librarian.This text describes the steps of the PIE program in detail, including chapters on selecting a book, reading it, writing about it, and extending beyond that title. Utilizing the PIE program will teach students to make selections at an appropriate reading level, expand from choosing titles in the same genre or from the same author, and recognize and abandon a book of low interest to them. Within each chapter are explanations of the theories behind each step and practical ideas that teachers and librarians can implement collaboratively in the classroom and library.

Personalized Support in Youth Labor Market Policy: The Role of Youth Career Agencies

by Marie-Luise Assmann

In the face of increasing youth unemployment across Europe, innovative approaches to youth labor market policy are crucial. One such approach is the introduction of ‘one-stop shops’ for young people. Here, employment offices and other actors, such as youth social services, cooperate to offer young people coordinated advice from a single source. The impact of their introduction upon the young people that use them is, thus far, under-researched. This study begins to fill this gap by outlining the support approach of the German ‘youth career agencies’ that centers on gaining a more complete picture of the young person’s life situation in order to offer them a range of possible support programs. The study interrogates whether the youth career agencies do offer more personalized advice for young people during their transition to employment than classical job center teams. It argues that, if the cooperative relationships between the actors involved in the youth career agencies are of good quality, more personalized support is likely to be offered there. However, personalized support in youth career agencies is still limited by the diverse specifications and target figures demanded of job centers by the Federal Employment Agency and also influenced by the professional background of the individual caseworkers.

Personalizing 21st Century Education: A Framework for Student Success

by Dan Domenech Morton Sherman John L. Brown

Praise for PERSONALIZING 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION "A passionate call-to-action, an inspiring vision, and a practical guide…three seasoned education leaders in the 'establishment' lay out a compelling case for systemic changes to enable personalized education." —Yong Zhao, PhD, Professor, University of Oregon; author of Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon? Why China has the Best (and Worst) Education System in the World "Creating school environments where students are 'leading their own learning' is a powerful focus of Personalizing 21st Century Education. This compelling yet practical book provides readers with the foundation and motivation to move personalized learning to the top of the agenda!" —Mark Edwards, EdD, Superintendent, Mooresville Graded School District "Personalizing 21st Century Education highlights the need to move from differentiation to personalization in today's classrooms. Equitable opportunities to learn can be realized if we have the courage to dramatically reimagine teaching, assessment, and accountability. This book is a call to action for the dramatic paradigm shift we need in order to serve all learners well." —Dr. Valerie Truesdale, Chief Technology, Personalization and Engagement Officer, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

Personalizing 21st Century Education: A Framework for Student Success

by Dan Domenech Morton Sherman John L. Brown

Praise for PERSONALIZING 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION "A passionate call-to-action, an inspiring vision, and a practical guide…three seasoned education leaders in the 'establishment' lay out a compelling case for systemic changes to enable personalized education." —Yong Zhao, PhD, Professor, University of Oregon; author of Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon? Why China has the Best (and Worst) Education System in the World "Creating school environments where students are 'leading their own learning' is a powerful focus of Personalizing 21st Century Education. This compelling yet practical book provides readers with the foundation and motivation to move personalized learning to the top of the agenda!" —Mark Edwards, EdD, Superintendent, Mooresville Graded School District "Personalizing 21st Century Education highlights the need to move from differentiation to personalization in today's classrooms. Equitable opportunities to learn can be realized if we have the courage to dramatically reimagine teaching, assessment, and accountability. This book is a call to action for the dramatic paradigm shift we need in order to serve all learners well." —Dr. Valerie Truesdale, Chief Technology, Personalization and Engagement Officer, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

Personalizing Learning: How To Transform Learning Through System-wide Reform

by Phil Jones Maureen Burns

- How effective school partnerships can enhance the quality of teaching and learning, and the creation of more vibrant, cost-effective provision.- How business and industry can take on a more strategic and structured role in the construction of meaningful learning experiences.- How high-quality local authorities can foster personalized provision in their own area.The success of personalizing learning in schools depends on the effective working together of all parties that form the education system. This book examines the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders: national government, local authorities, partnerships of schools and the world of business and industry.The authors expose how the current system fails a significant number of young people and the economic well-being of the nation, and present a realistic alternative perspective based upon examples of current practice at local and national level. This growing base of evidence signposts how the learning experiences of students can be truly transformed through innovative and effective teaching and learning.

Personalizing Learning in the 21st Century

by Sara De Freitas Chris Yapp

Personalizing Learning in the 21st Century brings together contributions from a wide range of educationalists interested in the idea of personalizing learning. Although the book is intended primarily for teachers and policy makers, it will be of interest to many others, in health education, consultancy, management, research and development, and industrial training. Reading this book should be a personalized learning experience for each and every one of us.

Personalkompetenz: Intrapersonale Kompetenzen am Arbeitsplatz messen

by Christian Marquardt

Personalkompetenz beschreibt die Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit der eigenen Person. Sie ermöglicht es, Bedingungen zu schaffen, die eigene Begabung und Leistungsfähigkeit entfalten zu können. Christian Marquardt stellt ein Modell von Personalkompetenz auf, welches die vier Kernbereiche Motivation, Emotion, Kognition und Reflexion ausweist. Mit einem neu entwickelten situativen Testverfahren wird in zwei Studien gezeigt, dass ein bedeutsamer Zusammenhang zwischen Personalkompetenz und beruflichen Erfolgs- und Zufriedenheitsparametern besteht.

Personalpsychologie für das Human Resource Management

by Birgit Werkmann-Karcher Andrea Müller Tatjana Zbinden

Dieses Buch hilft Personalmanager:innen und Führungskräften dabei, die komplexen Aufgaben des Human Resource Managements im Zeichen der Arbeit 4.0 zu bewältigen. Für die Kernaufgaben der Personalarbeit bietet es einen hilfreich strukturierten Überblick mit aktuellen wissenschaftlich basierten Empfehlungen aus der Angewandten Psychologie zu Themen wie z. B.: Employer Branding und Personalmarketing, Kompetenz- und Potentialdiagnostik, Leistungssteuerung, Lernen und Laufbahnen in Organisationen, Team-, Organisations- und Kulturentwicklung. Neben HR-Grundlagen zu Rollen, Geschäftsmodellen und Personal der Zukunft bietet das Buch Tipps, Methoden und Checklisten für aktuelle Themen wie die Gestaltung hybrider Arbeit, Agilität und neue Formen von Führung, People Analytics und Green HRM.

Personalstrategische Maßnahmen von deutschen Unternehmen in China: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel mittelständischer Unternehmen (Internationale Berufsbildungsforschung)

by Larissa Holle

Das duale Ausbildungssystem stellt hinsichtlich der Rekrutierung, Qualifizierung und Bindung von Fachkräften eine der wichtigsten Säulen für deutsche mittelständische Unternehmen dar. Verlagern diese Unternehmen ihren Produktionssitz ins Ausland, treffen sie dort häufig auf unbekannte Berufsbildungsangebote. Dieses Buch zeigt aus Perspektive beispielhafter KMUs, wie es durch personalstrategische Maßnahmen gelingen kann, den Zugang zu qualifiziertem Fachpersonal im Gastland China zu sichern. Aufgrund der konkreten Deskription der personalstrategischen Maßnahmen dient dieses Buch auch als Handlungsempfehlung für Unternehmen, die planen, eine chinesische Niederlassung aufzubauen oder ihre eigenen Maßnahmen zu modifizieren. Da das Erkenntnisinteresse in der empirisch fundierten Deskription und Theoriedifferenzierung liegt, werden die Ergebnisse weiterhin mittels Einbezug der kultur-historischen Tätigkeitstheorie nach Engeström analysiert und theoriebasiert diskutiert.

Personalstrategische Maßnahmen von deutschen Unternehmen in China: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel mittelständischer Unternehmen (Internationale Berufsbildungsforschung)

by Larissa Holle

Das duale Ausbildungssystem stellt hinsichtlich der Rekrutierung, Qualifizierung und Bindung von Fachkräften eine der wichtigsten Säulen für deutsche mittelständische Unternehmen dar. Verlagern diese Unternehmen ihren Produktionssitz ins Ausland, treffen sie dort häufig auf unbekannte Berufsbildungsangebote. Dieses Buch zeigt aus Perspektive beispielhafter KMUs, wie es durch personalstrategische Maßnahmen gelingen kann, den Zugang zu qualifiziertem Fachpersonal im Gastland China zu sichern. Aufgrund der konkreten Deskription der personalstrategischen Maßnahmen dient dieses Buch auch als Handlungsempfehlung für Unternehmen, die planen, eine chinesische Niederlassung aufzubauen oder ihre eigenen Maßnahmen zu modifizieren. Da das Erkenntnisinteresse in der empirisch fundierten Deskription und Theoriedifferenzierung liegt, werden die Ergebnisse weiterhin mittels Einbezug der kultur-historischen Tätigkeitstheorie nach Engeström analysiert und theoriebasiert diskutiert.

Persönlichkeit, Selbststeuerung und Schlüsselkompetenzen erfolgreicher Unternehmerinnen: Mit erziehungswissenschaftlichen Implikationen

by Karin Meyer

Die Women Entrepreneurship steht derzeit im Fokus der Wissenschaft, denn Deutschland braucht mehr erfolgreiche Unternehmerinnen. Doch was zeichnet erfolgreiche Unternehmerinnen als Person aus? Neben Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen werden Selbststeuerung und weitere Schlüsselkompetenzen beleuchtet. Im Fokus stehen dabei Unternehmerinnen schnellwachsender Unternehmen im Vergleich zu nicht schnellwachsenden bzw. Nicht-Unternehmerinnen. Mögliche Ableitungen für die Bildungslandschaft (insbesondere Training, Coaching und Mentoring) schließen sich an.

Persönlichkeitspsychologie: Paradigmen – Strömungen – Theorien (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by John F. Rauthmann

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden, aber dennoch kompakten Überblick über die Vielfalt der Ansätze in der Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Welche Paradigmen, Strömungen und Theorien gibt es in der Persönlichkeitsforschung? Womit beschäftigen sie sich, was zeichnet sie jeweils aus? Wie kann man sie miteinander vergleichen? Sie erhalten durch die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Fragen eine profunde Einführung in die Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Damit werden Sie sich in dem Fach besser zurechtfinden. Umfassend und kompakt ▬ Alle wichtigen Ansätze der Persönlichkeitspsychologie umfassend in einem Buch zusammengestellt ▬ Veraltete Ansätze: vorwissenschaftlich, psychodynamisch, lerntheoretisch ▬ Klassische Ansätze: humanistisch, kognitiv, dispositional ▬ Moderne Ansätze: biologisch, transaktional Besser lernen ▬ Vorstellung, Erklärung, Rezeption und Kontrastierung der Ansätze anhand einheitlicher Kriterien ▬ Mit vielen didaktischen Elementen, Tabellen und Abbildungen, die wichtige Informationen klar herausstellen und auf einen Blick zusammenfassen, sowie Online Zusatzmaterialien Für Fortgeschrittene ▬ Fortgeschrittene Psychologie-Studierende im Bachelor ▬ Psychologie-Studierende im Master ▬ Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen (z. B. Pädagogik), die Fachkenntnisse in der Psychologie mitbringen und sich für eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Persönlichkeit und individuellen Unterschieden interessieren

Personnel Planning and Occupational Choice

by Stuart R. Timperley

This book, first published in 1974, explores the processes by which organisations (and larger entities) attempt to influence their populations (and prospective future populations). The author examines these processes in regards to systematic analysis with a focus on one key area of behaviour, namely individual mobility within and between the occupational and educational sectors. This title will be of interest to students of business studies and human resource management.

Personnel Planning and Occupational Choice

by Stuart R. Timperley

This book, first published in 1974, explores the processes by which organisations (and larger entities) attempt to influence their populations (and prospective future populations). The author examines these processes in regards to systematic analysis with a focus on one key area of behaviour, namely individual mobility within and between the occupational and educational sectors. This title will be of interest to students of business studies and human resource management.

Personnel Preparation (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities #21)

by Thomas E. Scruggs

Advances in knowledge of effective strategies for the treatment of learning and behavioral disabilities are of little use without highly trained and effective personnel to implement these strategies. In this volume, a number of internationally prominent authors discuss a wide range of important issues in the preparation of those personnel. Topics include reflective teaching and collaborative teacher leadership, teacher preparation for behavior management, research on high quality teachers, federal policy and teacher preparation, multimedia components in teacher preparation, cohort programs, teacher quality in high and low poverty school districts, and sense of community in online courses. Additionally, chapters are included that address issues in personnel preparation in specific academic content areas, such as reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. The chapters included in this volume represent a critical component of our understanding of learning and behavioral disabilities, and will be of interest to teachers, administrators, graduate students, researchers, professionals in personnel preparation programs, and individuals interested in public policy.

The Personnel System for Talent Development in Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives on Appointment, Cultivation, Compensation, and Performance Assessment (Learning Sciences for Higher Education)

by Ming-Huei Cheng Yao-Ting Sung An-Pan Lin Mao-Chiao Chi

This book explores innovative talent development models to improve the quality of university education and long-term human resource development. Additionally, it investigates factors and issues that affect the effectiveness of faculty appointments, compensation, cultivation, retention, and performance assessment. The book is a useful resource for scholars and researchers in the field of comparative higher education, administrators and stakeholders in education management, and graduate students majoring in higher education. Ultimately, it assists education leaders, policymakers, and human resources practitioners in establishing a strategic personnel system for talent development.

The Persons in Relation Perspective: In Counselling, Psychotherapy and Community Adult Learning (International Issues in Adult Education #9)

by Colin Kirkwood

• People are constituted by their relationships, past and present, inner and outer, conscious and unconscious. • People are agents who experience, know and act on the world. At the heart of your agency is your self: positive, puzzling, and problematic. Colin Kirkwood explores these and other ideas of John Macmurray, Ian Suttie, Ronald Fairbairn, John D Sutherland and Paulo Freire, and shows how they apply in counselling and psychotherapy, adult education, community and society. In today’s world, a set of ideas, attitudes and practices has taken hold, which emphasise the individual, self-centredness, pleasure-seeking, consumption, success and the accumulation of wealth and power. They are deeply harmful and need to be tackled. Colin demonstrates how these ideas affect us, and how they can be taken on and defeated, in a dialogical narrative of psychotherapy with a girl suffering from severe anorexia, written by the girl herself, her psychotherapist and one of her doctors. John Shemilt, Psychoanalyst and Consultant Psychiatrist, writes: Through his lucid, personalist account of the development of the Scottish tradition in psychoanalytic thinking, Colin Kirkwood provides an important 21st century commentary on the meaning of social context, the personal relationship and the experience of self in the process of counselling and psychotherapy. John McLeod, Emeritus Professor of Counselling, University of Abertay Dundee, writes: I highly recommend this book to all counsellors and psychotherapists who are interested in deepening their understanding of their work. Colin Kirkwood writes accessibly, with humour and grace, and draws on philosophical and cultural perspectives to offer a fresh appreciation of the meaning of adopting a relational approach to therapy. His work is grounded in everyday life experience, but at the same time views that experience as a microcosm of wider social and political currents. This book will be of interest to those involved in counselling, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis; psychiatry, psychology, nursing and general medical practice; social work and pastoral care; schooling, adult, community and higher education; ecology, theology and social geography; literature and philosophy; and politics, international and intercultural relations.

Personzentrierte Erwachsenenpädagogik: Die pädagogische Beziehung als Mittelpunkt im Lehr-Lern-Prozess

by Dorothea Kunze-Pletat

Dorothea Kunze-Pletat rekonstruiert die pädagogische Biografie C. R. Rogers’ und zeigt seine Beiträge zur Erwachsenenpädagogik auf. Sie schließt eine theoretische und praxisrelevante Lücke, indem sie eine personzentrierte Erwachsenenpädagogik konzeptualisiert. C. R. Rogers systematisierte forschungsbasiert ein theoretisches System, das eine Kommunikations-, Beziehungs-, Persönlichkeits-, Gruppen- und Lerntheorie und eine Theorie der Persönlichkeitsveränderung verbindet. Basierend auf diesem Netz personzentrierter Theorien beschreibt Dorothea Kunze-Pletat die personzentrierte Lernförderung – das facilitation of learning – in Korrelation mit signifikantem Lernen.

Persoonsgerichte zorg: Praktijken van goede zorg voor ouderen

by C.J.M. van der Cingel J.S. Jukema

In de dagelijkse praktijk is het niet altijd even gemakkelijk voor zorgverleners om aan de menselijke invulling vorm te geven. Er zijn vaak veel factoren waarmee rekening gehouden moet worden. Dit boek 'Persoonsgerichte zorg' wil zorgverleners handvatten bieden om met een aantal veelvoorkomende keuzes uit de weerbarstige praktijk te kunnen omgaan. Persoonsgerichte zorg is een manier van kijken naar zorg, waarin kundigheid, meeleven en plezier in de samenwerking tussen mensen voorop staat.Dit boek biedt een praktische vertaling van onderdelen van onze wetenschappelijke studies naar bewarende zorg en compassie. We richten ons daarbij specifiek op zorg aan ouderen die afhankelijk zijn van professionele zorgverleners.

Perspective Drawing

by Joseph William Hull

This richly illustrated guide to perspective drawing features 17 reproductions of ancient and modern art, plus more than 200 instructive figures. The first half encourages freehand drawing, cultivating practical exposure to the principles of perspective. The second part addresses the laws and theories that constitute the science of perspective.Encouraging students to begin immediately with pencil drawings, the first part examines the application of perspective to depicting light and shade, textured objects, and imaginary as well as existing forms. The second part deals exclusively with rules of perspective, covering a wide scope and explaining the mechanics of perspective thoroughly and yet simply. Intended as an auxiliary to the first half's drawing instructions, part two is organized for ready reference as students progress through part one.

Perspective Drawing for Beginners

by Len A. Doust

The amateur artist faces many challenges. To Len A. Doust, perspective is by far the most problematic. With his trademark humor, the author/artist turns his expert eye toward that "dreaded, horrid word." In a clearly written how-to guide on mastering the art of perspective, he carefully:* describes the roles of lines, boxes, and circles* provides shortcuts for visualizing shapes and forms* incorporates thirty-three plates of helpful illustrationsOne of the most concise introductions available for beginners, this practical volume will be an important addition to any artist's resource library.

Perspective Drawing for Interior Space

by Christopher Natale

Using step-by-step instructions together with line-colored drawings, Perspective Drawing for Interior Space offers procedural instruction that covers freehand and technical one-, two-, and three-point perspectives. This text begins with the basic fundamentals of perspective by utilizing geometric shapes (cubes, cones, pyramids) and then advances beyond the core skills, to creating furniture, and finally, complete interior spaces. Students will learn to use grids to help them draw scale and proportion in perspective. The text also teaches students to use floor plans and elevations to create these drawings.

Perspective for Artists (Dover Art Instruction Ser.)

by Rex Vicat Cole

Rex Vicat Cole makes learning about perspective an enjoyable and fascinating pursuit in this clearly written and profusely illustrated book. Over 390 diagrams illustrate every aspect of the text, and more than 80 illustrations reproduce drawings and paintings — by old masters and by the author — that indicate how perspective is utilized in practice. The book is so well illustrated that many perspective problems can be answered without reference to the text at all. The text itself clarifies the theory of perspective and offers numerous practice exercises. Among the topics covered are the principle of perspective in theory, the rules of perspective and their application, depths, the use of plans in sketching foreshortened surfaces, inclined planes, the circle, arches, how to draw curves by straight lines, perspective of the sky and sea, perspective of shadows, and more. Two additional sections cover perspective in the history of art and mechanical perspective.A noted landscape painter and art instructor, Mr. Cole combines common sense with an understanding of Nature's laws to make perspective a subject that every artist can approach with confidence. Art students will also find this book extremely valuable.

Perspectives and Policies on ICT in Society: An IFIP TC9 (Computers and Society) Handbook (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #179)

by Jacques Berleur Chrisanthi Avgerou

Governments, the media, the information technology industry and scientists publicly argue that information and communication technologies (ICT) will bring about an inevitable transition from "industrial" to "information" or "knowledge-based" economies and societies. It is assumed that all aspects of our economic and social lives, in both the public and private spheres, will be radically different from what they are today. The World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva 2003 - Tunis 2005) shows the importance of a worldwide reflection on those topics. Perspectives and Policies on ICT in Society explores the ICT policies of different nations and regions such as Africa, China, Europe, and India. The authors assess the arguments surrounding the impending new age, as well as some of the more sensitive issues of its developments. This progress will signal an expansion of ICT in many domains - the so-called ubiquity - such as in the workplace, the home, government, and education and it will affect privacy and professional ethics. The expansion will also encompass all parts of the earth, particularly developing countries. Such growth must take place in the context of historical dimensions and should underscore the accountability of professionals in the field. The intent of this book is to address these issues and to serve as a handbook of IFIP's TC9 "Computers and Society" committee. Thirty authors from twelve countries consider the ICT policies with their associated perspectives and they explore what may be the information age and the digital society of tomorrow. The book provides reflection on today's complex society and addresses the uncertain developments rising from an increasingly global and technologically connected world. Jacques Berleur is at the University of Namur, Belgium, and Chrisanthi Avgerou at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom.

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