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Problematizing Public Pedagogy

by Jake Burdick Jennifer A. Sandlin Michael P. O'Malley

The term ‘public pedagogy’ is given a variety of definitions and meanings by those who employ it. It is often used without adequately explicating its meaning, its context, or its location within differing and contested articulations of the construct. Problematizing Public Pedagogy brings together renowned and emerging scholars in the field of education to provide a theoretical, methodological, ethical, and practical ground from which other scholars and activists can explore these forms of education. At the same time it increases the viability of the concept of public pedagogy itself. Beyond adding a multifaceted set of critical lenses to the genre of public pedagogy inquiry and theorizing, this volume adds nuance to the broader field of education research overall.

Probleme beim Übergang von Arithmetik zu Algebra (Kölner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik)

by Katrin Schiffer

Anhand einer Schulbuchanalyse zeigt Katrin Schiffer, dass Schülerinnen und Schüler im heutigen Mathematikunterricht eine stark empirisch-gegenständlich geprägte Auffassung von Algebra erlangen. Diese empirische Auffassung steht im Kontrast zu der üblicherweise formal abstrakten Auffassung der Lehrer. Die Autorin legt jedoch anhand der Analyse von Eulers Lehrbuch „Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra“ dar, dass die empirische Auffassung historisch berechtigt ist und eine adäquate Beschreibung der Schülertheorien darstellt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, an welchen Stellen im Lernprozess wahrscheinlich Schwierigkeiten beim Erlernen der Algebra auftreten werden, und dass diese Schwierigkeiten auf strukturellen Problemen beruhen.

Problemhaltige Textaufgaben lösen: Einfluss eines Repräsentationstrainings auf den Lösungsprozess von Drittklässlern (Landauer Beiträge zur mathematikdidaktischen Forschung)

by Nina Sturm

Nina Sturm analysiert, inwiefern Drittklässler beim Lösen problemhaltiger Textaufgaben von externen Repräsentationen profitieren können. Die Autorin untersucht, ob eine mehrwöchige Intervention, bei der die Generierung und Nutzung externer Repräsentationen als kognitive Werkzeuge sowie als Reflexionsgrundlage gefördert wurde, eine Kompetenzsteigerung der Grundschulkinder beim Lösen problemhaltiger Textaufgaben bewirkt. Externen Repräsentationen wird in der Fachdidaktik und in der Psychologie eine lösungsunterstützende Funktion zugesprochen. Demgegenüber steht die Beobachtung, dass sie von Lernenden nur sparsam oder gar nicht genutzt werden und in der Regel beim Lösen auf Routinen und die Reproduktion von Wissen zurückgegriffen wird. Dieser Problematik wirkt die Förderung erfolgreich entgegen.

Problemlösekompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern: Diagnostische Ansätze, theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde der deutschen PISA-2000-Studie

by Eckhard Klieme Detlev Leutner Joachim Wirth

In der Reihe der thematischen Berichte zur PISA-2000-Studie geht dieser Band der Frage nach, wie die Problemlösekompetenz von Jugendlichen im Rahmen von large-scale assessments definiert und erfasst werden kann. Es werden analytische von dynamischen Aspekten der Problemlösekompetenz unterschieden. Für die Erfassung analytischer Aspekte werden Papier-und-Bleistiftverfahren entwickelt und evaluiert, dynamische Aspekte werden mittels computergestützter Verfahren erhoben. Zudem wird ein Verfahren zur Erfassung kooperativen Problemlösens vorgestellt. Die Kompetenzstruktur des Problemlösens wird im Zusammenspiel mit schulischen Kompetenzen und familiären Merkmalen analysiert.

Problemlösen: Begriff – Strategien – Einflussgrößen – Unterricht – (häusliche) Förderung

by Ulrike Kipman

Problemlösen gilt als eine der Schlüsselqualifikationen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es geht beim Problemlösen nicht nur darum, Informationen sinnvoll zu vernetzen, dynamisch in Beziehung zu setzen, Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu berechnen und eine Kette richtiger Entscheidungen zu treffen, sondern auch vielfach darum, eine Vielzahl an Außenkriterien zu berücksichtigen und ein entsprechendes „Weltwissen“ an den Tag zu legen. Dieses Buch soll die Frage beantworten, wie man zu einem guten Problemlöser / einer guten Problemlöserin werden kann bzw. warum bestimmte Personen bei der Lösung von Problemen erfolgreicher sind als andere. Nach einer umfassenden Zusammenstellung der Literatur zu diesem Thema werden Einflussgrößen auf das Problemlösen analysiert und miteinander abgeglichen und Ideen für den Unterricht in der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I präsentiert. Zudem werden verschiedene Arten des Unterrichts im Hinblick auf die Wirksamkeit für unterschiedliche Personengruppen diskutiert, dies vor dem Hintergrund, dass nicht nur Problemstellungen stark variieren sondern auch die Problemlöser/innen. Eine Handreichung mit Brettspielen, die die Kriterien des Problemlösens erfüllen, ist ebenfalls Teil dieses Buches. Letztendlich wird ein Modell vorgeschlagen, welches erfolgreiches Problemlösen vielschichtig zu erklären versucht.

Problemlösen: Begriff – Strategien – Einflussgrößen – Unterricht – (häusliche) Förderung

by Ulrike Kipman

Problemlösen gilt als eine der Schlüsselqualifikationen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es geht beim Problemlösen nicht nur darum, Informationen sinnvoll zu vernetzen, dynamisch in Beziehung zu setzen, Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu berechnen und eine Kette richtiger Entscheidungen zu treffen, sondern auch vielfach darum, eine Vielzahl an Außenkriterien zu berücksichtigen und ein entsprechendes „Weltwissen“ an den Tag zu legen. Dieses Buch soll die Frage beantworten, wie man zu einem guten Problemlöser / einer guten Problemlöserin werden kann bzw. warum bestimmte Personen bei der Lösung von Problemen erfolgreicher sind als andere. Nach einer umfassenden Zusammenstellung der Literatur zu diesem Thema werden Einflussgrößen auf das Problemlösen analysiert und miteinander abgeglichen und Ideen für den Unterricht in der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I präsentiert. Zudem werden verschiedene Arten des Unterrichts im Hinblick auf die Wirksamkeit für unterschiedliche Personengruppen diskutiert, dies vor dem Hintergrund, dass nicht nur Problemstellungen stark variieren sondern auch die Problemlöser/innen. Eine Handreichung mit Brettspielen, die die Kriterien des Problemlösens erfüllen, ist ebenfalls Teil dieses Buches. Letztendlich wird ein Modell vorgeschlagen, welches erfolgreiches Problemlösen vielschichtig zu erklären versucht. In der 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet und an den neuesten Kenntnisstand zum Thema Problemlösen angepasst. Die Kapitel zur schulischen und häuslichen Förderung der Problemlösekompetenz wurden stark erweitert und es werden nun eine Vielzahl an neuen Aufgaben und Spielen präsentiert, die beim Fördern von Problemlösen eine wertvolle Unterstützung leisten können. Das Kapitel zur Kombinatorik wurde nach der Rückmeldung von Studierenden und Kollegen komplett umstrukturiert und ist nun verständlicher und übersichtlicher aufgebaut.

Problemlösen lernen mit digitalen Medien: Förderung grundlegender Problemlösetechniken durch den Einsatz dynamischer Werkzeuge (Freiburger Empirische Forschung in der Mathematikdidaktik)

by Reinhold Haug

Ziel des Lernens mit dynamischen Werkzeugen sind der effektive Wissensaufbau und der Erwerb allgemeiner heuristischer Kompetenzen. Häufig bieten jedoch offene Lernumgebungen mit solchen Werkzeugen Schülerinnen und Schülern nicht genügend Orientierung, Strukturierung und Unterstützung. Auf der Grundlage aktueller Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich dynamischer Geometriesysteme (DGS) konzipiert Reinhold Haug eine stark vorstrukturierende und zugleich Reflexionen anregende Lernumgebung für den selbstständigen Erwerb grundlegender Problemlösetechniken. Er entwickelt eigene quantitative und qualitative Messinstrumente und untersucht in einer Interventionsstudie, wie Schülerinnen und Schüler beim Erwerb von Problemlösetechniken gefördert werden können. Seine Studie leistet darüber hinaus interessante Einblicke in die Werkzeugnutzung beim Problemlösen. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer erhalten damit Anhaltspunkte für einen erfolgreichen Problemlöseunterricht mit digitalen Medien.

Problemlösen und Mathematiklernen: Zum Nutzen des Probierens und des Irrtums (Kölner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften)

by Anna-Christin Söhling

Anna-Christin Söhling beschreibt die Erkenntnisgewinnung während des Problemlöseprozesses durch Probieren und Aufdecken von Irrtümern. Dabei nutzt sie das Begriffsnetz aus Deduktion, Abduktion und Induktion nach Peirce (1903) und Meyer (2007). Mathematische Problemlöseprozesse zeichnen sich oft durch Probieren und irrtumbehaftete Herangehensweisen aus. Dennoch scheinen Schülerinnen und Schüler nicht nur durch reinen Zufall zu einer Lösung zu kommen. Neben der philosophisch-logischen Rekonstruktion ebensolcher Prozesse beschäftigt sich die Autorin mit der Frage nach dem Erlernen von Mathematik durch Problemlösen.

Problems and Prospects in European Education

by Francois Orivel Jurgen Schriewer Elizabeth S. Swing

Written by scholars and professionals from such organizations as the Council of Europe and the European Community, this volume provides a comprehensive examination of education throughout Europe. The particularities of national educational systems are of necessity within its purview, but overall organization of the volume reflects such thematic and regional concerns as the impact of social and economic integration on education, the modification of educational structures and curricula following the demise of communism in Eastern Europe, degree equivalency, the financing of educational change, privatization, the impact of migration and immigration, national concerns, intercultural education, and multiculturalism.The volume's experts discuss European education's common heritage and the distinct national traditions it preserves. They deal with the interpretations of European education systems put forward in the shape of educational theories or reform-oriented programs, policies, and ideologies, as well as with the social actors, forces, and movements that have fuelled reform. The book's chapters also address the challenges European education has to face as a consequence of processes of change occurring at multiple levels: at the levels of cultural values, socio-political reconstruction, intercultural migration, supra-national integration, and ongoing global interconnection.

Problems in Philosophy of Education: A Systematic Approach

by James Scott Johnston

Problems in Philosophy of Education canvasses several of the leading issues in philosophy of education. These include the disconnect between the disciplines of philosophy and philosophy of education, the strained relationship between educational practice and philosophy of education, the role of educational research in philosophy of education, and the lack of an independent scholarship for philosophy of education. James Scott Johnson argues for a philosophy of education separate and distinct from both the disciplines of philosophy and education and claims that philosophy of education should raise and address its own questions and concerns. Supporting this is a model of how philosophy of education should originate basic questions, together with a set of philosophic presuppositions regarding the model's logic, ethics, politics, and relationship to science and social science.

Problems in Philosophy of Education: A Systematic Approach

by James Scott Johnston

Problems in Philosophy of Education canvasses several of the leading issues in philosophy of education. These include the disconnect between the disciplines of philosophy and philosophy of education, the strained relationship between educational practice and philosophy of education, the role of educational research in philosophy of education, and the lack of an independent scholarship for philosophy of education. James Scott Johnson argues for a philosophy of education separate and distinct from both the disciplines of philosophy and education and claims that philosophy of education should raise and address its own questions and concerns. Supporting this is a model of how philosophy of education should originate basic questions, together with a set of philosophic presuppositions regarding the model's logic, ethics, politics, and relationship to science and social science.

Problems in Second Language Acquisition (Second Language Acquisition Research Series)

by Michael H. Long

Second language acquisition has an identity problem. It is a young field struggling to emerge from the parent fields of education and applied linguistics. In his new book, Problems in Second Language Acquisition, Mike Long proposes a way to help second language acquisition develop a systematic and coherent focus using the philosophy of science as the lens.The volume is neatly organized into three parts--theory, research, and practice. This structure allows a focus on areas of SLA of interest to many in the field. These include theory proliferation and comparative theory evaluation; the Critical Period Hypothesis and negative feedback; and the practice of “synthetic” language teaching.The controversial volume will be of interest to researchers, educators, and graduate students in second language acquisition, applied linguistics, TESOL, and linguistics programs. It may be recommended as additional reading for an introductory SLA course in order to stimulate class discussions.

Problems in Second Language Acquisition (Second Language Acquisition Research Series)

by Michael H. Long

Second language acquisition has an identity problem. It is a young field struggling to emerge from the parent fields of education and applied linguistics. In his new book, Problems in Second Language Acquisition, Mike Long proposes a way to help second language acquisition develop a systematic and coherent focus using the philosophy of science as the lens.The volume is neatly organized into three parts--theory, research, and practice. This structure allows a focus on areas of SLA of interest to many in the field. These include theory proliferation and comparative theory evaluation; the Critical Period Hypothesis and negative feedback; and the practice of “synthetic” language teaching.The controversial volume will be of interest to researchers, educators, and graduate students in second language acquisition, applied linguistics, TESOL, and linguistics programs. It may be recommended as additional reading for an introductory SLA course in order to stimulate class discussions.

Procedures in de spoedeisende hulp

by I. M. Spaans P. Machielse K. J. Weststrate

Procedures in de Spoedeisende Hulp bevat de meest voorkomende procedures, geordend volgens de ABCD-methodiek. Deze ordening zorgt voor een uitermate overzichtelijke structuur, zodat u de benodigde informatie voor elke procedure snel bij de hand hebt. De uitgebreide beschrijving van de meest voorkomende procedures maken het boek onmisbaar voor de beginnende professional. Tegelijkertijd zal de meer ervaren collega vooral de nieuwe en extra informatie over die procedures op waarde weten te schatten.

Proceedings of 1st Annual International Conference: A Transformative Education: Foundation & Innovation in Guidance and Counseling (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #735)

by Luky Kurniawan M. Wahyu Kuncoro Sri Muliati Abdullah Triana Noor Edwina DS.

This is an open access book. The ecological concept views that human development is influenced by the environmental context. The relationship between the two is reciprocal and has an important influence on one another, as well as on the conditions of post-pandemic education. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an important impact on human life, particularly on education. Conventional learning patterns shift to online mechanisms which of course have advantages and disadvantages, especially in people in developing countries like Indonesia. Lack of interaction due to the pandemic impacts student behaviour, such as learning and coping difficulties (Pavin Ivanec, T., 2022).An important issue that needs serious attention in education, as well as mental health practices in schools after the pandemic, is human development efforts through education which minimizes inequality in education and the relevance of education which is no longer adequate. This can be achieved if Education is geared toward empowering students to engage with real social issues so as to promote a sustainable future. Schools and all existing stakeholders (guidance and counseling teachers/school counselors) can contribute to facilitating sustainable human development through an ethical dimension and presenting an educational model that is able to build students’ self-confidence (Curry-Stevens, 2007). In the end, it is hoped that the efforts of this educational institution can support the achievement of the SDGs, especially in the area of ​​education, which has been proclaimed since the 2000s through the millennium declaration by countries in the world.

Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Informatics in Economy: Education, Research and Business Technologies (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #367)

by Cristian Ciurea Paul Pocatilu Florin Gheorghe Filip

This book includes high-quality research papers presented at 22nd International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2023), which is held in Bucharest, Romania, during May 2023. This book covers research results in business informatics and related computer science topics, such as IoT, mobile-embedded and multimedia solutions, e-society, enterprise and business solutions, databases and big data, artificial intelligence, data mining and machine learning, quantitative economics.

Proceedings of The Focus Conference (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #732)

by Manyane Makua Mariam Akinlolu Mashango Sithole Phiwayinkosi Gumede Cebo Nyondo

This is an open access book.It is a common cause globally that the abrupt emergence of Covid-19 wreaked havoc in all sectors, including the higher education system. The sudden closure of campuses as a social distancing measure to prevent community transmission has shifted face-to-face classes to online teaching and learning, a transformative experiment for academics and students in most institutions. This has thrown the focus on utilising Learning Management Systems (LMS), eLearning tools and platforms for effective student engagement, which may have limitations of accessibility and affordability for many students. The pandemic has exposed the shortcomings of the current higher education system and the need for more training of academics and practitioners in digital technology to adapt to the rapidly changing educational climate. In the post-pandemic situation, eLearning and virtual education may become an integral part of the higher education system, hence the question of re-inventing higher education. The higher education institutions and universities need to plan the post-pandemic education and research strategies to ensure student learning outcomes and standards of educational quality. With the move to online teaching and learning, subsequently, traditional assessments followed and were adapted and adopted for online assessment. Assessments lie at the heart of the teaching process. It shapes students’ understanding of the curriculum and determines their ability to progress. Reflections on assessments during Covid-19 abounded with the challenges that both academics and students faced regarding online assessments, including cheating and quality assurance issues. The focus on quality extended to the quality of teaching and learning in general. Moreover, the pandemic brought about the question of staff and student health and psychosocial support also became important. For academics, the abrupt shift to adapt to working from home and implementing online learning has led to over-work, low work-life balance and compromised mental health. With a view on constructive and futuristic discourse, the sub-themes of the 2022 Focus conference encapsulate the current realities in the higher education sector and beyond. It further provides opportunities for an in-depth analysis based on the benefit of hindsight and foresight. The Organising Committee specifically coined the theme, Re-inventing higher education: Insights, trends and lessons learnt from, specifically for the conference to reflect on and address the matters mentioned earlier. Academics, scholars, and practitioners in the higher education sector are called upon to share their research and express their perspectives on the reinvention of higher education.

Proceedings of the 10th Focus Conference (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #788)

This is an open access book. The 2023 Focus Conference will focus on Goal Four (Quality Education) of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SGD). Goal Four is seized with providing “equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education including university.” Quality education, in this context, means the ability to function, provide and derive value in society. The theme of the conference is therefore coined as “The Role of Higher Education in the Attainment of Sustainable Quality Education.” Through this theme, the conference will provide a space for participants to share practical knowledge, experiences, and possible solutions to the myriad of problems that confront the higher education sector.Universities are often thought of as ivory towers far removed from the realities that confront global societies. To compound this, higher education is increasingly being questioned for its relevance in providing practical and innovative solutions to existing societal problems. Such questions often navigate around the relevance of the academic programmes being offered, curriculum, the capacity of staff, employability of graduates, and generally the ability of these institutions to understand why they exist. Indeed, higher education’s role in creating a sustainable future will presumably take on greater importance as the world continues to become increasingly globalised and interdependent.

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #836)

This is an open access book. Indonesia, as a member of ASEAN, is now facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2016. The AEC will support the ASEAN’s transformation into a region that guarantees free movement of goods, services, capital, and skilled labors. This will make ASEAN an even more dynamic and competitive region. In preparation for the AEC, the ASEAN member countries have ventured to improve the comparability and connectivity of their TVET systems. As an important component of human resources development, TVET is expected to play an active role in preparing the successful EAC. The implications of technological, economic and social trends are intervening factors that refine pedagogical strategies, leading to the molding of TVET as a more effective platform to catalyze pragmatic approaches to prepare the workforce for the new imperatives of the world of work.Regional integration and harmonization of TVET in the region have become key concerns and at the sametime the strength of the ASEAN region. They are considered the overarching interventions needed in TVET to address major issues and challenges.

The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education: Intellectual and attitudinal challenges

by Sung Je Cho

This book comprises the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), which was held at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from July 8th to 15th, 2012. ICME-12 brought together 3500 experts from 92 countries, working to understand all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges in the subject of mathematics education as a multidisciplinary research and practice. This work aims to serve as a platform for deeper, more sensitive and more collaborative involvement of all major contributors towards educational improvement and in research on the nature of teaching and learning in mathematics education. It introduces the major activities of ICME-12 which have successfully contributed to the sustainable development of mathematics education across the world. The program provides food for thought and inspiration for practice for everyone with an interest in mathematics education and makes an essential reference for teacher educators, curriculum developers and researchers in mathematics education. The work includes the texts of the four plenary lectures and three plenary panels and reports of three survey groups, five National presentations, the abstracts of fifty one Regular lectures, reports of thirty seven Topic Study Groups and seventeen Discussion Groups.

Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education: ICME-13 (ICME-13 Monographs)

by Gabriele Kaiser

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. The book presents the Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13) and is based on the presentations given at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13). ICME-13 took place from 24th- 31st July 2016 at the University of Hamburg in Hamburg (Germany). The congress was hosted by the Society of Didactics of Mathematics (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik - GDM) and took place under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). ICME-13 brought together about 3.500 mathematics educators from 105 countries, additionally 250 teachers from German speaking countries met for specific activities. Directly before the congress activities were offered for 450 Early Career Researchers. The proceedings give a comprehensive overview on the current state-of-the-art of the discussions on mathematics education and display the breadth and deepness of current research on mathematical teaching-and-learning processes.The book introduces the major activities of ICME-13, namely articles from the four plenary lecturers and two plenary panels, articles from the five ICMI awardees, reports from six national presentations, three reports from the thematic afternoon devoted to specific features of ICME-13. Furthermore, the proceedings contain descriptions of the 54 Topic Study Groups, which formed the heart of the congress and reports from 29 Discussion Groups and 31 Workshops. The additional important activities of ICME-13, namely papers from the invited lecturers, will be presented in the second volume of the proceedings.

Proceedings of the 18th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Santiago Berrezueta

The proceedings of the 18th edition of Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO) demonstrates the developments in the research of learning science, learning resources, challenges and solutions. This Proceedings book showcases a collection of quality articles that explores and discusses trending topics in education in the upcoming years. This book serves as a valuable instrument and source of information on the recent advances in educational technology

Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #744)

by Vu Phi Ho Pham Andrew Lian Ania Lian Ngoc Tue Hoang

This is an open access book.We really appreciate the contributions to the success of the 18th AsiaCALL from participants from the United States, Spain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Austria, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine, and Vietnam.We also acknowledge the efficient local organizers from Hoa Sen University who paid great efforts and time to run the 18th AsiaCALL International Conference online. Without you, such effective colleagues, AsiaCALL could not gain such good prestigious fame.AsiaCALL is honored and delighted to announce that AsiaCALL2022, the 19th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, will be held on November 26-27, 2022. It will be hosted by the Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI), Ha Noi, Vietnam, at 298 Cau Dien street, Bac Tu Liem district, Hanoi, Vietnam.The Conference will be hybrid - both virtual mode (delegates outside of VN) and face-to-face mode (local delegates).Aims and ScopeThe mission of the AsiaCALL International Conference (AsiaCALL) is to give researchers, educators, and teachers from all over the world a place to share their teaching experience and classroom research. This is done through conferences and seminars. Selected full papers presented at the AsiaCALL International Conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and Journals with Open Access to share the participants’ research, teaching experiences. Furthermore, ASIACALL is a place where its members can be able to network and share work and research interests with other professionals in the field to maintain collaboration and advocate the use of technology in your educational environments.

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of Islamic Education (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #714)

by Depict Pristine Adi Setya Chendra Wibawa Taha Romadhan Zaghloul Mashudi Mashudi Rif’an Humaidi

This is an open access book. This is the first annual conference of islamic education organized by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember. This conference is a forum held to bring together various academics, researchers, lecturers, and practitioners, especially in the scope of Islamic education to discuss various contemporary issues related to the development of the world of Islamic education in the era of global transformation.This event can give you a valuable opportunity to share ideas, ideas, research results, theories, and various other contributions in the academic world. It can also encourage you to increase the network of collaborative relationships between researchers and other writers to build partnerships.

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