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Professionswissen von Mathematiklehrkräften: Implikationen aus der Forschung für die Praxis (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

by Stefan Krauss Alfred Lindl

Der vorliegende Band vereinigt erstmals die vielfältigen und einflussreichsten empirischen Untersuchungsansätze zum professionellen Wissen von Mathematiklehrkräften der beiden letzten Jahrzehnte. Er ermöglicht allen Leserinnen und Lesern unabhängig von ihren Vorkenntnissen einen raschen Einstieg in dieses zentrale Thema fachdidaktischer Forschung und gewährt einen informationsreichen Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich der Bildungsforschung. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse zum pädagogischen Wissen, zum fachdidaktischen Wissen und zum Fachwissen, den Kernkategorien des Professionswissens von Mathematiklehrkräften, werden in neun Kapiteln systematisch und prägnant aufbereitet, immer illustriert anhand konkreter Testinhalte und -aufgaben für Lehrkräfte. Hierbei liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk darauf, die empirischen Erkenntnisse allgemein verständlich und anhand zahlreicher praktischer Beispiele für alle Interessentengruppen handlungsnah zu veranschaulichen, ihren unmittelbaren Praxisbezug zu verdeutlichen und so für die eigene Unterrichtstätigkeit wie auch die Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung von Mathematiklehrkräften fruchtbar zu machen. Dieser übersichtliche, gut lesbare Sammelband eignet sich somit einerseits für angehende Mathematiklehrkräfte wie auch Mathematiklehrkräfte im Beruf zum Selbststudium. Andererseits bietet er insbesondere allen, die an den verschiedenen Qualifizierungsphasen der Lehrkräftebildung beteiligt sind, einen reichhaltigen, unentbehrlichen Fundus an detailliert beschriebenen Unterrichtssituationen, empirisch abgesicherten fachdidaktischen Empfehlungen sowie konkreten Handlungsoptionen. Er vermittelt wertvolle Anregungen zur Gestaltung von qualitätsvollem Mathematikunterricht, zu dessen innovativer Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung und zur Förderung der mathematischen Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern als dessen Zielkriterium.

Professor at Large: The Cornell Years

by John Cleese

And now for something completely different. Professor at Large features beloved English comedian and actor John Cleese in the role of Ivy League professor at Cornell University. His almost twenty years as professor-at-large has led to many talks, essays, and lectures on campus. This collection of the very best moments from Cleese under his mortarboard provides a unique view of his endless pursuit of intellectual discovery across a range of topics. Since 1999, Cleese has provided Cornell students and local citizens with his ideas on everything from scriptwriting to psychology, religion to hotel management, and wine to medicine.His incredibly popular events and classes—including talks, workshops, and an analysis of A Fish Called Wanda and The Life of Brian—draw hundreds of people. He has given a sermon at Sage Chapel, narrated Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf with the Cornell Chamber Orchestra, conducted a class on script writing, and lectured on psychology and human development. Each time Cleese has visited the campus in Ithaca, NY, he held a public presentation, attended and or lectured in classes, and met privately with researchers. From the archives of these visits, Professor at Large includes an interview with screenwriter William Goldman, a lecture about creativity entitled, "Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind," talks about Professor at Large and The Life of Brian, a discussion of facial recognition, and Cleese's musings on group dynamics with business students and faculty.Professor at Large provides a window into the workings of John Cleese's scholarly mind, showcasing the wit and intelligence that have driven his career as a comedian, while demonstrating his knack of pinpointing the essence of humans and human problems. His genius on the screen has long been lauded; now his academic chops get their moment in the spotlight, too.

Professor Gunning's Erudite Course of Fact Retrieval (How to revise) (Killer Exam Tips How to Revise) (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Offering a course in revision skills, this title is suitable for pupils at various levels, from KS3 to GCSE to A-level and beyond.

Professor Poppleton's Airship (Time to Sleep Stories)

by Time to Sleep Stories

A walk down a sunny street leads to an adventure behind a tall brick wall. You explore an overgrown secret garden before meeting friendly inventor, Professor Poppleton. This relaxing Time to Sleep Story is written to help your child drop off to sleep at bedtime. The story gives your child's imagination a landscape to explore as they discover Professor Poppleton's new invention - an airship called The Poppleton Flyer. The Professor takes you for a ride through the skies and you see the lovely countryside pass by below. The airship's propeller clicketty-clacks as it revolves, the wind murmurs around the craft, and in the distance you can hear the sound of church bells ringing... all the sounds mingling into a dreamy soundscape perfect for dropping off to sleep.

Professoren mit Migrationshintergrund: Benachteiligte Minderheit oder Protagonisten internationaler Exzellenz

by Ole Engel

Ole Engel untersucht in diesem Open-Access-Buch erstmalig auf der Grundlage einer großen Studie die Bildungs-/Berufsverläufe, die Arbeitssituation, internationale Aktivitäten sowie die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe von Professoren mit Migrationshintergrund. Die empirische Grundlage bildet die MOBIL-Studie der HU Berlin, an der über 200 Professoren mit Migrationshintergrund teilgenommen haben. Die Gruppe kommt primär aus dem europäischen und angelsächsischen Ausland. Bildungs- und Berufsverläufe sind häufig durch Mehrfachmigration geprägt. Professoren mit Migrationshintergrund sind wichtige Akteure sowohl für die Internationalisierung von Forschung und Lehre als auch durch ihre interkulturellen Aktivitäten. Die eigene Herkunft wird von über der Hälfte als beruflicher Vorteil beschrieben, wohingegen insbesondere Professoren aus Entwicklungsländern von Nachteilen berichten. Der Großteil der Professoren verweist auf ein internationales Selbstverständnis, wobei nur selten Bezüge zur nationalen Herkunft hergestellt werden, vielmehr wird die eigene Biografie und Profession betont.

Professorial Pathways: Academic Careers in a Global Perspective

by Martin J. Finkelstein Glen A. Jones

In the twenty-first century, universities worldwide have found themselves thrust into a great "brain race" as nations, both developed and developing, seek to enhance their place in the global knowledge economy. As the concept of the de-localized university;¢;‚¬;€?one that has radically expanded, perhaps even beyond national borders;¢;‚¬;€?grows, competing nations have begun reshaping aspects of their national systems to accommodate global standards and metrics. In Professorial Pathways, Martin J. Finkelstein and Glen A. Jones consider how academic careers vary in countries that are fundamentally different in their organization and dynamics. Building on 25 years of scholarship, the book confronts major questions: What can we learn from the experience of other nations as they seek to balance the seemingly contradictory imperatives of expanding access and ensuring global competitiveness? What are the implications of this rapidly changing policy environment for the health of the academic professions on which university teaching and scholarship depends? And how can we advance the comparative study of higher education and, in particular, of the academic profession? The volume brings together detailed case studies of the latest;¢;‚¬;€?and ever-changing;¢;‚¬;€?educational developments in ten countries across Europe (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia), Asia (China, India, Japan), North America (United States, Canada), and South America (Brazil). Essays written by respected scholars in the field identify the major structural features of national higher education systems and academic markets that directly shape academic work and careers. Professorial Pathways will be of interest to anyone who toils in the vineyards of comparative and international higher education.Contributors: Elizabeth Balbachevsky, Martin J. Finkelstein, N. Jayaram, Glen A. Jones, Barbara M. Kehm, Dan Mao, Christine Musselin, Peter Scott, Fengqiao Yan, Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Maria Yudkevich

Professorial Pathways: Academic Careers in a Global Perspective

by Martin J. Finkelstein Glen A. Jones

In the twenty-first century, universities worldwide have found themselves thrust into a great "brain race" as nations, both developed and developing, seek to enhance their place in the global knowledge economy. As the concept of the de-localized university;¢;‚¬;€?one that has radically expanded, perhaps even beyond national borders;¢;‚¬;€?grows, competing nations have begun reshaping aspects of their national systems to accommodate global standards and metrics. In Professorial Pathways, Martin J. Finkelstein and Glen A. Jones consider how academic careers vary in countries that are fundamentally different in their organization and dynamics. Building on 25 years of scholarship, the book confronts major questions: What can we learn from the experience of other nations as they seek to balance the seemingly contradictory imperatives of expanding access and ensuring global competitiveness? What are the implications of this rapidly changing policy environment for the health of the academic professions on which university teaching and scholarship depends? And how can we advance the comparative study of higher education and, in particular, of the academic profession? The volume brings together detailed case studies of the latest;¢;‚¬;€?and ever-changing;¢;‚¬;€?educational developments in ten countries across Europe (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia), Asia (China, India, Japan), North America (United States, Canada), and South America (Brazil). Essays written by respected scholars in the field identify the major structural features of national higher education systems and academic markets that directly shape academic work and careers. Professorial Pathways will be of interest to anyone who toils in the vineyards of comparative and international higher education.Contributors: Elizabeth Balbachevsky, Martin J. Finkelstein, N. Jayaram, Glen A. Jones, Barbara M. Kehm, Dan Mao, Christine Musselin, Peter Scott, Fengqiao Yan, Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Maria Yudkevich

The Professoriate: Profile of a Profession (Higher Education Dynamics #7)

by Anthony Welch

This indispensable guide provides a unique insight into the academic profession at a time of major change. It is organized both thematically and geographically with attention given to regions rarely covered, such as China and Latin America. For the first time, here is a book that critically assesses the condition of the professoriate at a time of momentous change when the profession is fracturing along fault lines.

Professors and Their Politics

by Neil Gross Solon Simmons

Professors and Their Politics tackles the assumption that universities are ivory towers of radicalism with the potential to corrupt conservative youth. Neil Gross and Solon Simmons gather the work of leading sociologists, historians, and other researchers interested in the relationship between politics and higher education to present evidence to the contrary. In eleven meaty chapters, contributors describe the political makeup of American academia today, consider the causes of its liberal tilt, discuss the college experience for politically conservative students, and delve into historical debates about professorial politics. Offering readable, rigorous analyses rather than polemics, Professors and Their Politics yields important new insights into the nature of higher education institutions while challenging dogmas of both the left and the right.

Professors and Their Politics

by Neil Gross Solon Simmons

Professors and Their Politics tackles the assumption that universities are ivory towers of radicalism with the potential to corrupt conservative youth. Neil Gross and Solon Simmons gather the work of leading sociologists, historians, and other researchers interested in the relationship between politics and higher education to present evidence to the contrary. In eleven meaty chapters, contributors describe the political makeup of American academia today, consider the causes of its liberal tilt, discuss the college experience for politically conservative students, and delve into historical debates about professorial politics. Offering readable, rigorous analyses rather than polemics, Professors and Their Politics yields important new insights into the nature of higher education institutions while challenging dogmas of both the left and the right.

Professors Are from Mars®, Students Are from Snickers®: How to Write and Deliver Humor in the Classroom and in Professional Presentations

by Ronald A. Berk

Professors and students seem to come from different planets (or candy bars). Barriers frequently exist that impede their communication, such as age, income and cholesterol level.Humor can break down these barriers so that professors can better connect with their students and other audiences. It can be used as a teaching tool to facilitate learning. Ron Berk describes and illustrates a wide variety of techniques that can be integrated systematically into instruction and professional presentations. For professors who consider themselves as "jocularly arthritic", this book moreover provides a special feature: it is close-captioned for the humor impaired.Berk's techniques are "the product of ten years of inadequate development, testing and research." But why take the author's words at their face value? Consider the testimonials of those who have actually attempted these methods in their own classes and presentations:'Before I tried Ron's methods in my philosophy class, I had an attendance problem. Now, no one comes to class.' -- H.I., Slot Machine U., Nevada'Applying humor to my engineering courses led me to understand the meaning of humiliation and rejection.' -- J.K., Toyota College, Kentucky

Professors Are from Mars®, Students Are from Snickers®: How to Write and Deliver Humor in the Classroom and in Professional Presentations

by Ronald A. Berk

Professors and students seem to come from different planets (or candy bars). Barriers frequently exist that impede their communication, such as age, income and cholesterol level.Humor can break down these barriers so that professors can better connect with their students and other audiences. It can be used as a teaching tool to facilitate learning. Ron Berk describes and illustrates a wide variety of techniques that can be integrated systematically into instruction and professional presentations. For professors who consider themselves as "jocularly arthritic", this book moreover provides a special feature: it is close-captioned for the humor impaired.Berk's techniques are "the product of ten years of inadequate development, testing and research." But why take the author's words at their face value? Consider the testimonials of those who have actually attempted these methods in their own classes and presentations:'Before I tried Ron's methods in my philosophy class, I had an attendance problem. Now, no one comes to class.' -- H.I., Slot Machine U., Nevada'Applying humor to my engineering courses led me to understand the meaning of humiliation and rejection.' -- J.K., Toyota College, Kentucky

Professors as Academic Leaders: Expectations, Enacted Professionalism and Evolving Roles

by Linda Evans

What is the role of a professor? How does someone achieve professorial status? What do non-professorial colleagues think about professors? How do professors themselves perceive their roles? What are the bases of these perceptions, and what are their implications for the professoriate's evolving role both within the neoliberal university, and in the approaching post-neoliberal era? Professors as Academic Leaders draws on a wealth of data not only to explore what it is to be a professor but also to consider how professors are perceived by others. Linda Evans presents the findings from four studies, with a combined data base of over 2,400 questionnaire responses and over 90 interview transcripts, and discusses their implications for the future development of the UK-based professoriate and academic leadership in higher education. She analyses the concepts of leadership and of professionalism, and illustrates how, in trying to meet people's expectations of them, professors' 'enacted', professionalism is shaped by the professionalism that others demand of them. Professorship is revealed to be demanding, at times stressful and morale-sapping, and at times exhilarating and rewarding. Linda Evans questions whether universities are making best use of their most senior academics, and proposes ways of refashioning professorship.

Professors as Academic Leaders: Expectations, Enacted Professionalism and Evolving Roles

by Linda Evans

What is the role of a professor? How does someone achieve professorial status? What do non-professorial colleagues think about professors? How do professors themselves perceive their roles? What are the bases of these perceptions, and what are their implications for the professoriate's evolving role both within the neoliberal university, and in the approaching post-neoliberal era? Professors as Academic Leaders draws on a wealth of data not only to explore what it is to be a professor but also to consider how professors are perceived by others. Linda Evans presents the findings from four studies, with a combined data base of over 2,400 questionnaire responses and over 90 interview transcripts, and discusses their implications for the future development of the UK-based professoriate and academic leadership in higher education. She analyses the concepts of leadership and of professionalism, and illustrates how, in trying to meet people's expectations of them, professors' 'enacted', professionalism is shaped by the professionalism that others demand of them. Professorship is revealed to be demanding, at times stressful and morale-sapping, and at times exhilarating and rewarding. Linda Evans questions whether universities are making best use of their most senior academics, and proposes ways of refashioning professorship.

Professors Behaving Badly: Faculty Misconduct in Graduate Education

by John M. Braxton Eve M. Proper Alan E. Bayer

• A faculty member publishes an article without offering coauthorship to a graduate assistant who has made a substantial conceptual or methodological contribution to the article. • A professor does not permit graduate students to express viewpoints different from her own. • A graduate student close to finishing his dissertation cannot reach his traveling advisor, a circumstance that jeopardizes his degree. This book discusses these and other examples of faculty misconduct—and how to avoid them.Using data collected through faculty surveys, the authors describe behaviors associated with graduate teaching which are considered inappropriate and in violation of good teaching practices. They derive a normative structure that consists of five inviolable and eight admonitory proscriptive criteria to help graduate faculty make informed and acceptable professional choices. The authors discuss the various ways in which faculty members acquire the norms of teaching and mentoring, including the graduate school socialization process, role models, disciplinary codes of ethics, and scholarship about the professoriate and professional performance. Analyzing the rich data gleaned from the faculty surveys, they track how these norms are understood and interpreted across academic disciplines and are influenced by such factors as gender, citizenship, age, academic rank, tenure, research activity, and administrative experience.

Professors Behaving Badly: Faculty Misconduct in Graduate Education

by John M. Braxton Eve M. Proper Alan E. Bayer

• A faculty member publishes an article without offering coauthorship to a graduate assistant who has made a substantial conceptual or methodological contribution to the article. • A professor does not permit graduate students to express viewpoints different from her own. • A graduate student close to finishing his dissertation cannot reach his traveling advisor, a circumstance that jeopardizes his degree. This book discusses these and other examples of faculty misconduct—and how to avoid them.Using data collected through faculty surveys, the authors describe behaviors associated with graduate teaching which are considered inappropriate and in violation of good teaching practices. They derive a normative structure that consists of five inviolable and eight admonitory proscriptive criteria to help graduate faculty make informed and acceptable professional choices. The authors discuss the various ways in which faculty members acquire the norms of teaching and mentoring, including the graduate school socialization process, role models, disciplinary codes of ethics, and scholarship about the professoriate and professional performance. Analyzing the rich data gleaned from the faculty surveys, they track how these norms are understood and interpreted across academic disciplines and are influenced by such factors as gender, citizenship, age, academic rank, tenure, research activity, and administrative experience.

Professors in the Gig Economy: Unionizing Adjunct Faculty in America

by Kim Tolley

One of the most significant trends in American higher education over the last decade has been the shift in faculty employment from tenured to contingent. Now upwards of 75% of faculty jobs are non-tenure track; two decades ago that figure was 25%. One of the results of this shift;¢;‚¬;€?along with the related degradation of pay, benefits, and working conditions;¢;‚¬;€?has been a new push to unionize adjunct professors, spawning a national labor movement. Professors in the Gig Economy is the first book to address the causes, processes, and outcomes of these efforts.Kim Tolley brings together scholars of education, labor history, economics, religious studies, and law, all of whom have been involved with unionization at public and private colleges and universities. Their essays and case studies address the following questions: Why have colleges and universities come to rely so heavily on contingent faculty? How have federal and state laws influenced efforts to unionize? What happens after unionization;¢;‚¬;€?how has collective bargaining affected institutional policies, shared governance, and relations between part-time and full-time faculty? And finally, how have unionization efforts shaped the teaching and learning that happens on campus?Bringing substantial research and historical context to bear on the cost and benefit questions of contingent labor on campus, Professors in the Gig Economy will resonate with general readers, scholars, students, higher education professionals, and faculty interested in unionization. Contributors: A. J. Angulo, Timothy Reese Cain, Elizabeth K. Davenport, Marianne Delaporte, Tom DePaola, Kristen Edwards, Luke Elliott-Negri, Kim Geron, Lorenzo Giachetti, Shawn Gilmore, Adrianna Kezar, Joseph A. McCartin, Gretchen M. Reevy, Gregory M. Saltzman, Kim Tolley, Nicholas M. Wertsch

Professors, Physicians and Practices in the History of Medicine: Essays in Honor of Nancy Siraisi (Archimedes #50)

by Gideon Manning Cynthia Klestinec

This book presents essays by eminent scholars from across the history of medicine, early science and European history, including those expert on the history of the book. The volume honors Professor Nancy Siraisi and reflects the impact that Siraisi's scholarship has had on a range of fields. Contributions address several topics ranging from the medical provenance of biblical commentary to the early modern emergence of pathological medicine. Along the way, readers may learn of the purchasing habits of physician-book collectors, the writing of history and the development of natural history. Modeling the interdisciplinary approaches championed by Siraisi, this volume attests to the enduring value of her scholarship while also highlighting critical areas of future research. Those with an interest in the history of science, the history of medicine and all related fields will find this work a stimulating and rewarding read.

Proficiency and Beliefs in Learning and Teaching Mathematics: Learning from Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Törner (Mathematics Teaching and Learning)

by Yeping Li Judit N. Moschkovich

Efforts to improve mathematics education have led educators and researchers to not only study the nature of proficiency, beliefs, and practices in mathematics learn¬ing and teaching, but also identify and assess possible influences on students’ and teachers’ proficiencies, beliefs, and practices in learning and teaching mathematics. The complexity of these topics has fascinated researchers from various back¬grounds, including psychologists, cognitive or learning scientists, mathematicians, and mathematics educators. Among those researchers, two scholars with a similar background – Alan Schoenfeld in the United States and Günter Törner in Germany, are internationally recognized for their contributions to these topics. To celebrate their 65th birthdays in 2012, this book brought together many scholars to reflect on how their own work has built upon and continued Alan and Günter’s work in mathematics education. The book contains 17 chapters by 33 scholars from six different education systems. This collection describes recent research and provides new insights into these topics of interest to mathematics educators, researchers, and graduate students who wish to learn about the trajectory and direction of research on these issues.

Profile konfessioneller Erwachsenenbildung in Hessen: Eine Programmanalyse

by Wolfgang Seitter

Wolfgang Seitter untersucht Angebots- und Inhaltsprofil(e) konfessioneller Erwachsenenbildung in Hessen. Im Zentrum stehen fünf Programmhefte der evangelischen und katholischen Erwachsenenbildung in kontrastierenden Regionalkontexten. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse zeigen die Komplexität, Variationsbreite und Tiefendimension konfessioneller Bildungsarbeit auf. Sie dokumentiert sich in einer Vielfalt von Anspracheformaten, semantischen Feldern, Methoden, Darbietungs- und Erarbeitungsmodi und spricht den Menschen in spiritueller, kognitiver, emotionaler, körperlicher und aktionaler Perspektive gleichermaßen an. Die anthropologischen Entsprechungen einer derart lebensbreiten, lebenslangen und lebenstiefen Bildungsarbeit äußern sich in einer sinnesbezogenen, biographie- und gemeinschaftsorientierten sowie eindrucks- und ausdrucksstarken Bildung, die sich in spezifischen Raum- und Zeitdimensionen manifestiert und die Mensch, Welt und Gesellschaft in einer doppelten Codierungsperspektive ansprechen kann.

A Profile of the Community College Professorate, 1975-2000 (RoutledgeFalmer Studies in Higher Education)

by Charles Outcalt

The nation's 275,000 community college instructors teach over 5,500,000 students, or over one-third of all college students in the US. However, community colleges and their instructors have received little attention in either the academic or popular press. This book presents the results of an unprecedented national study of the community college professoriate. It offers insights into a wide variety of their attitudes and practices, and includes chapters on such crucial topics as instruction, satisfaction, professional involvement, and the use of reference groups. In addition, it provides a unique longitudinal perspective on community college faculty by updating a major study of the professoriate conducted in the 1970s. The book debunks some popular myths regarding community college faculty, such as notions that collaborative teaching and in-class technology have become more prevalent. In addition, it offers a portrait of the professoriate as increasingly diverse, as well as increasingly fragmented. The book concludes with practical recommendations for administrators and faculty interested in improving the quality of faculty lives, and faculty practice, at their institutions.

A Profile of the Community College Professorate, 1975-2000 (RoutledgeFalmer Studies in Higher Education)

by Charles Outcalt

The nation's 275,000 community college instructors teach over 5,500,000 students, or over one-third of all college students in the US. However, community colleges and their instructors have received little attention in either the academic or popular press. This book presents the results of an unprecedented national study of the community college professoriate. It offers insights into a wide variety of their attitudes and practices, and includes chapters on such crucial topics as instruction, satisfaction, professional involvement, and the use of reference groups. In addition, it provides a unique longitudinal perspective on community college faculty by updating a major study of the professoriate conducted in the 1970s. The book debunks some popular myths regarding community college faculty, such as notions that collaborative teaching and in-class technology have become more prevalent. In addition, it offers a portrait of the professoriate as increasingly diverse, as well as increasingly fragmented. The book concludes with practical recommendations for administrators and faculty interested in improving the quality of faculty lives, and faculty practice, at their institutions.

Profilierung Sozialer Arbeit online: Innovative Studienformate und Qualifizierungswege

by Patricia Arnold Hedwig Rosa Griesehop Cornelia Füssenhäuser

Welches Potenzial haben online-gestützte Lehr-Konzepte im Bereich Soziale Arbeit? Anhand konkreter Beispiele beschreiben die Autorinnen und Autoren neuartige Qualifizierungswege und Studienformate mit digitalen Medien. Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen werden gleichermaßen reflektiert, indem ein langjährig erprobter Praxis- und Kooperationskontext vorgestellt wird.

Profit of Education

by Richard Startz

This important book translates evidence and examines policy, proposing a plan to save America's schools by rewarding teachers with professional-level salaries distributed wisely.Profit of Education makes it clear that rethinking the teaching profession is the key to repairing America's broken-down education system and securing our nation's future. Accomplishing that, author Dick Startz says, requires lifting teacher pay to professional levels and rewarding teachers for student success, with the goal of improving student learning by the equivalent of one extra year of schooling.Profit of Education takes the reader on a chapter-by-chapter walk through the evidence on pay-oriented, teacher-centric reform of the public school system, showing that such an approach can work. Startz translates the extensive scientific evidence on school reform into easily understood terms, demonstrating the enormous difference teachers make in student outcomes. Proposed levels of teacher salaries are established, and the difficult issue of differential pay is examined in depth, as are many of the practical and political issues involved in measuring teacher success. Last, but hardly least, Startz shows how teacher-centric school reform will pay off for the taxpayer and the economy.

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (Special Educational Needs)

by Corinna Cartwright Sarah Wind-Cowie

This invaluable guide provides teachers and trainees with practical tips for teaching children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Well-written and informative, the authors' specialist knowledge of working with those with PMLD and SLD is apparent on every page. Containing advice on diagnostic techniques, teaching strategies, social and emotional considerations and how parents can help, this book will prove essential reading for every teacher.

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