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Psychopathology of Everyday Life

by Sigmund Freud

According to Freud, our daily lives teem with unwitting expressions of the wishes and ideas we try to keep hidden. These suppressed notions elude our conscious control and take the form of slips of the tongue, jokes, and seemingly accidental gestures. In this classic of psychology, Freud explores the phenomenon of parapraxes: slips of the tongue commonly known as Freudian slips, acts of forgetfulness, misinterpretations, and "accidents." These simple and apparently trivial events, he explains, can possess deeper meanings with subconscious motivations — meanings that can be revealed by analysis and can ultimately offer a clearer perception of the self.Psychopathology of Everyday Life remains one of Freud’s most widely read books, full of anecdotal accounts (many of them quite amusing) and free from jargon and technical terminology. Freud draws from his personal experience to illustrate his points, citing many incidents of his own deliberate forgetting or "inexplicable" mistakes, and his conviction that these actions cannot be called truly accidental or uncaused is the primary lesson of this book. As the title suggests, this work has helped unravel the mysteries of the ordinary events of our daily lives, offering us a deeper understanding of ourselves and our motivations.

Psychopedagogy: Freud, Lacan, and the Psychoanalytic Theory of Education (Education, Psychoanalysis, and Social Transformation)

by K. Cho

Examining the work of Lacan and Freud, Cho argues that a theory of pedagogy is already embedded within psychoanalysis. Psychopedagogy is the name given to this embedded theory. Through a discussion of key psychoanalytic concepts, as well as a variety of other topics, Cho develops the contours of psychopedagogy.

The Psychophysics of Learning: Implications for Learning Systems Design and Configuration

by John N. Moye Ph.D.

The Psychophysics of Learning presents a learning system design approach that is formulated by the strategies and techniques the brain uses to process external information and make sense of that information to the learning ecology of all learners. The psychophysics of sensation, perception, and cognition provide the research information, which is used to formulate the learning system framework. These processes are inherent to all individuals and result in a model that promotes access, learning, and academic success for all learners. This information is applied to the design of the learning engagement, learning experience, and learning environment dimensions of a learning system. The psychophysics of sensation are applied to the design of the learning engagement strategies to ensure that all learners can intellectually access and comprehend the information presented as inputs to the learning system. The psychophysics of cognition are applied to the development of learning environments that integrate and internalize the external learning into the unique cognition of each learner. The resulting system creates a learning system design that is aligned with the natural learning processes of the brain.

The Psychophysics of Learning: Implications for Learning Systems Design and Configuration

by John N. Moye Ph.D.

The Psychophysics of Learning presents a learning system design approach that is formulated by the strategies and techniques the brain uses to process external information and make sense of that information to the learning ecology of all learners. The psychophysics of sensation, perception, and cognition provide the research information, which is used to formulate the learning system framework. These processes are inherent to all individuals and result in a model that promotes access, learning, and academic success for all learners. This information is applied to the design of the learning engagement, learning experience, and learning environment dimensions of a learning system. The psychophysics of sensation are applied to the design of the learning engagement strategies to ensure that all learners can intellectually access and comprehend the information presented as inputs to the learning system. The psychophysics of cognition are applied to the development of learning environments that integrate and internalize the external learning into the unique cognition of each learner. The resulting system creates a learning system design that is aligned with the natural learning processes of the brain.

Psychosocial Approaches to Child and Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

by Jennifer M. Waite-Jones Alison M. Rodriguez

This textbook provides an engaging guide to psychosocial theories of child and adolescents’ wellbeing, demonstrating how psychology and sociology can be used to address key contemporary issues for those working with children and adolescents. It begins with an examination of the socially constructed nature of ‘childhood’ and ‘adolescence’, and impact of cultural context on the conditions for ‘well-being’, before outlining core psychological and sociological theories of childhood and adolescence. It adopts a psychosocial approach to illustrate the influence of social context on biologically based development in relation to topics including attachment, learning, play, parenting, family life, deviance, medicalisation, long-term conditions, vulnerability, and resilience. Through encouraging analysis of a practice-oriented case study and offering reflective questions it provides a robust introduction to how psychosocial perspectives may be applied within health, social care, and education contexts. It offers students of Social Work, Nursing, Education, Psychology and Child and Adolescent Studies the critical and theoretical tools to evaluate the interlocking psychosocial factors influencing the lives of those who will be in their care.

Psychosocial Pathways Towards Reinventing the South African University: Wrestling with the Ghost of a Bull

by Sabrina Liccardo

​This book proposes a conceptual-empirical framework for exploring forms of continuity and change along psychosocial pathways in South African universities. It illustrates how the psychosocial pathways are grounded in the symbolic narratives and knowledges of young scientists, engineers and architects - all interlocutors in the research from which this book is based. Alala, Mamoratwa, Welile, Odirile, Kaiya, Amirah, Takalani, Nosakhele, Naila, Ambani, Khanyisile, Itumeleng, Ethwasa and Kgnaya provide collective standpoints in the multiplicities within and between the lived lives and told stories of young Black South African women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. In doing so, this compelling work advances possibilities for demythologising scientific endeavour as a white male achievement and shifting knowledge communities across gendered, racialised, class and national divides.This book presents an innovative narrative methodology, utilising the myth of the Minotaur to examine the state of the university at the heart of the hierarchical labyrinth in “post”-apartheid South Africa. Throughout the work the author wrestles with and self-reflexively highlights her own positionality as a white, middle-class South African woman to examine how this affects the production of this research in ways which serve to preserve the colonial knowledge system. With the rise of the Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall student movement in South Africa, demanding for the fall of institutionalised racial hierarchies, the author uses the cover image of narrative formations in the spirit of exploration to think with and through undulating networked forms that could possibly forge new psychosocial pathways towards decolonising and reinventing South African universities. This work offers a unique conceptual and methodological resource for students and scholars of psychosocial and narrative theory, as well as those who are concerned about the politics of higher education, both in South Africa and in other contexts around the world.

Psychosocial Skills and School Systems in the 21st Century: Theory, Research, and Practice (The Springer Series on Human Exceptionality)

by Anastasiya A Lipnevich Franzis Preckel Richard D. Roberts

This book provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of research on psychosocial skills, examining both theory and areas of application. It discusses students’ psychosocial skills both as components of academic success and desired educational outcomes in grades K through 12. The book describes an organizing framework for psychosocial skills and examines a range of specific constructs that includes achievement, motivation, self-efficacy, creativity, emotional intelligence, resilience, and the need for cognition. In addition, it reviews specific school-based interventions and examines issues that concern the malleability of psychosocial skills. It addresses issues relating to the integration of psychosocial skills into school curriculum as well as large-scale assessment policies. Topics featured in this book include:Development of psychosocial skills in grades K-12.Assessment of psychosocial skills.Conscientiousness in education and its relation to meaningful educational outcomes.Creativity in schools, including theory, assessment, and interventions.Academic emotions and their regulation through emotional intelligence.Resilience and school-based programs aimed at enhancing it.Psychosocial Skills and School Systems in the 21st Century is a must-have resource for researchers, graduate students, clinicians, mental health professionals, and policymakers in child and school psychology, educational policy and politics, public health, social work, developmental psychology, and educational psychology.

Psychosoziale Gruppenarbeit mit benachteiligten Kindern: Paarleitung und kreatives Spiel

by Maria Castrechini-Franieck Niko Bittner

Der in diesem Buch vorgestellte Ansatz - " Together We Are Strong" bzw. T-WAS - ist eine Form der präventiven Gruppenarbeit mit benachteiligten Kindern zur Stärkung ihrer Resilienz. Die Methoden beruhen primär auf der Entwicklung von Objektbeziehungen, indem die Kinder in fortlaufenden kreativen Spielen neue Erfahrungen mit sich selbst im Verhältnis zu anderen machen. Dabei werden kreative Spiele, wie sie im pädagogischen Bereich üblich und auf Teamarbeit ausgerichtet sind, mit therapeutischen Elementen aus der Gestalttherapie und der ontologischen Psychoanalyse ergänzt, um die Dimensionen der Ich-Stärkung und der Aggressionsbewältigung zu erarbeiten. Besonders hervorgehoben wird die Rolle des Gruppenleiters als interdisziplinärer Paarleitung, der das Spannungsfeld ihrer persönlichen Unterschiede bewusst nutzt, um die Gruppe in Bewegung zu bringen. T-WAS wurde in drei verschiedenen Flüchtlingsunterkünften auf der Basis von wöchentlichen 90-minütigen Gruppeninterventionen durchgeführt. Mehr als 70 Kinder haben daran teilgenommen und einen stabilen Zustand des emotionalen Wohlbefindens erreicht, während sich ihre sozialen und schulischen Leistungen verbessert haben.

Psychotechnische Berufseignungsprüfung von Gießereifacharbeitern (Bücher der industriellen Psychotechnik #4)

by Wilhelm Bültmann

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Psychotherapie der Misserfolgsangst: Ein Training bei Insuffizienzerleben, Scham und Therapieresistenz (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Sonja Hollas

Diese Anleitung zur Therapie der Misserfolgsangst ist psychologischen Psychotherapeuten, ärztlichen Psychotherapeuten, Beratern gewidmet. Ihre Erfahrung: Häufig gibt es Situationen in der Psychotherapie, in der die Betroffenen allen wichtigen therapeutischen Aufgaben ausweichen, weil sie unter ausgeprägter Angst vor Misserfolgen leiden. Therapieresistenz ist die Folge. Viele Menschen, die schwere psychische Krankheiten durchgemacht haben, haben jedes Vertrauen in ihre Fähigkeiten verloren und leiden trotz zahlreicher „Gegenbeweise“ unter dauerhaften Insuffizienzgedanken. Ausgehend von gut erforschten Motivtrainings aus anderen Bereichen der Psychologie, Strategien zur Aufgabenbewältigung und Theorien über Scham und Selbstwert wird ein verhaltenstherapeutisches, ressourcenorientiertes Therapiekonzept vorgestellt, das zu Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten begleitet. Aus dem Inhalt: Was ist Misserfolgsangst? – Scham als misserfolgsbegründende Emotion – Scham, Misserfolgsangst und Angst vor Zurückweisung – Misserfolgsangst, soziale Einbindung und Selbstwert – Therapie der Misserfolgsvermeidung und der damit einhergehenden Therapieresistenz – Therapie der Übermotivation. Die Autorin: Sonja Hollas ist Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (VT) und Ärztliche Leiterin der AWO RPK Erfurt, einer Einrichtung zur Rehabilitation psychisch kranker Menschen.

Psychotherapy: Theory, Practice, Modern and Postmodern Influences

by Laurence Simon

This work, which questions the medical model of psychiatry as the basis of psychotherapy, seeks to help professionals return their field to an activity that is more helpful to clients, more professional, more scientific, more moral, and more psychosocial in orientation. The difficulties facing practicing psychotherapists, the causes of the problems, and a framework to guide efforts to deal with these concerns are discussed in hopes that the uneasiness of psychologists about the present direction of the field can be reduced and changed.

Pterosaur Trouble (Dinosaur Heroes)

by Damian Harvey

Join our team of Heroes in this fast-paced, dinosaur-themed chapter bookIn Ptersaour Trouble the heroes investigate the theft of some pterosaur eggs which leads them to a shocking discovery ... and some very close encounters with dinosaurs!Great for readers age 7+ these Dinosaur Heroes adventure stories are also full of fascinating facts about dinosaurs.These black and white illustrated chapter books are perfect for bringing dinsoaur and science facts to young readers, inspiring a thirst for knowledge and learning by stealth. The team of characters each specialise in a unique STEM skill and come from around the world to give a truly global outlook, too.The books are also book banded at Band 12 Brown.

Public Acts: Disruptive Readings on Making Curriculum Public

by Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco Erica Meiners

As this book documents local, specific, and contextualized acts of resistance and offers a detailed analysis of varied forms of public literacies, it functions as a template to inform and inspire resistant practices in diverse communities.

Public Acts: Disruptive Readings on Making Curriculum Public

by Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco Erica R. Meiners

As this book documents local, specific, and contextualized acts of resistance and offers a detailed analysis of varied forms of public literacies, it functions as a template to inform and inspire resistant practices in diverse communities.

Public Administration and Regional Management in Russia: Challenges and Prospects in a Multicultural Region (Contributions to Economics)

by Elena G. Popkova Konstantin V. Vodenko

This book addresses current challenges in public administration and regional management in Russia. By taking into account socio-economic factors, as well as key ethnic, cultural and social processes in multicultural regions, it identifies the prerequisites for successful public governance and regional management. The respective contributions cover a broad range of topics, including digitalization trends, managerial approaches, diversification strategies, and corporate cultures. Moreover, the book discusses the effects of ethnopolitical tensions and interethnic tolerance on public administration in Russia’s multicultural regions. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for scholars and public servants at governmental institutions.

The Public Affairs Faculty Manual: A Guide to the Effective Management of Public Affairs Programs (Routledge Public Affairs Education)

by Bruce D. McDonald III William Hatcher

While public affairs faculty study administration and management techniques, few administrators of public affairs programs receive formal training in the nuts and bolts of academic administration. Even those faculty who come to academia after distinguished careers in managerial positions may not be ready for the very different (and difficult) environment of university administration. The Public Affairs Faculty Manual argues that public affairs as a field needs to ensure that knowledge about administration and management is applied to the running of its academic programs, and brings together major leaders in the discipline to explore key features of academic administration. Many of these leaders have served as Master of Public Administration (MPA) directors, chairs, and deans at the nation’s top public affairs programs. Crucial issues of academic administration discussed include the basics of public affairs programs, models of governance, roles of different administrative leaders, planning and budgeting for programs, navigating the accreditation process, assessing and improving student learning, ensuring social equity and cultural competency, mentoring faculty, developing curriculum, and helping provide service and applied research to community partners. Contributors have served as MPA directors, chairs, and deans at the nation’s topic public affairs programs. Themes running throughout the book’s chapters are examined, and additional resources to help manage public affairs programs are offered. This collection of essays and the strategies within it are designed to encourage faculty to assume positions of leadership in their programs and manage those programs in an effective, efficient, and fair manner. The Public Affairs Faculty Manual is required reading for new, seasoned, and aspiring academic administrators in public administration, public policy, and nonprofit management programs, as well as schools of government.

The Public Affairs Faculty Manual: A Guide to the Effective Management of Public Affairs Programs (Routledge Public Affairs Education)

by Bruce D. McDonald III William Hatcher

While public affairs faculty study administration and management techniques, few administrators of public affairs programs receive formal training in the nuts and bolts of academic administration. Even those faculty who come to academia after distinguished careers in managerial positions may not be ready for the very different (and difficult) environment of university administration. The Public Affairs Faculty Manual argues that public affairs as a field needs to ensure that knowledge about administration and management is applied to the running of its academic programs, and brings together major leaders in the discipline to explore key features of academic administration. Many of these leaders have served as Master of Public Administration (MPA) directors, chairs, and deans at the nation’s top public affairs programs. Crucial issues of academic administration discussed include the basics of public affairs programs, models of governance, roles of different administrative leaders, planning and budgeting for programs, navigating the accreditation process, assessing and improving student learning, ensuring social equity and cultural competency, mentoring faculty, developing curriculum, and helping provide service and applied research to community partners. Contributors have served as MPA directors, chairs, and deans at the nation’s topic public affairs programs. Themes running throughout the book’s chapters are examined, and additional resources to help manage public affairs programs are offered. This collection of essays and the strategies within it are designed to encourage faculty to assume positions of leadership in their programs and manage those programs in an effective, efficient, and fair manner. The Public Affairs Faculty Manual is required reading for new, seasoned, and aspiring academic administrators in public administration, public policy, and nonprofit management programs, as well as schools of government.

Public and Private Education in America: Examining the Facts (Contemporary Debates)

by Casey D. Cobb Gene V Glass

This title will give students and other readers a clear understanding of the true state of public and private education systems in the United States by refuting falsehoods, misunderstandings, and exaggerations—and confirming the validity of other assertions.This work is part of a series that uses evidence-based documentation to examine the veracity of claims and beliefs about high-profile issues in American culture and politics. Each book in the Contemporary Debates series is intended to puncture rather than perpetuate myths that diminish our understanding of important policies and positions; to provide needed context for misleading statements and claims; and to confirm the factual accuracy of other assertions.This particular volume examines beliefs, claims, and myths about public and private K–12 education in the United States. Issues covered include categories of public and private schools and variations in academic performance and socioeconomic status therein; controversies surrounding school choice, including school vouchers and charter schools; accountability and assessment of private and public schools; debates about school environment, safety, and curricula; and teacher and administrator quality. All of these issues are examined in individualized entries, with objective responses grounded in up-to-date evidence.

Public and Private Education in America: Examining the Facts (Contemporary Debates)

by Casey D. Cobb Gene V Glass

This title will give students and other readers a clear understanding of the true state of public and private education systems in the United States by refuting falsehoods, misunderstandings, and exaggerations—and confirming the validity of other assertions.This work is part of a series that uses evidence-based documentation to examine the veracity of claims and beliefs about high-profile issues in American culture and politics. Each book in the Contemporary Debates series is intended to puncture rather than perpetuate myths that diminish our understanding of important policies and positions; to provide needed context for misleading statements and claims; and to confirm the factual accuracy of other assertions.This particular volume examines beliefs, claims, and myths about public and private K–12 education in the United States. Issues covered include categories of public and private schools and variations in academic performance and socioeconomic status therein; controversies surrounding school choice, including school vouchers and charter schools; accountability and assessment of private and public schools; debates about school environment, safety, and curricula; and teacher and administrator quality. All of these issues are examined in individualized entries, with objective responses grounded in up-to-date evidence.

Public and Professional Writing: Ethics, Imagination and Rhetoric

by A. Surma

This book offers something quite new - an advanced textbook that considers professional writing as a negotiated process between writer and reader. Arguing that ethics, imagination and rhetoric are integral to professional writing praxis, the book encourages students to look critically at various writing practices in a range of contexts. A textbook for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in Linguistics, Communication, Journalism and Media Studies.

Public Education in the Digital Age: Neoliberalism, EdTech, and the Future of Our Schools

by Morgan Anderson

Educational technology is now ubiquitous in schooling, both in P-12 and at universities. Despite the imposition of technology in most aspects of teaching and learning, little attention has been given to the implications educational technology has for healthy student development, humane pedagogy, teacher labor, academic freedom, and the aims of social justice. Rather than merely a set of neutral tools, educational technology is bound up with systems of power and privilege that tend to deepen, rather than confront inequality. In calling for a reassessment of the relationship between schools and technology, this book asks readers to think differently about the role technology can serve in socially just schools. An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, social justice, politics, and all those interested in the impact technology is having on the education system in the USA.

Public Education in the Digital Age: Neoliberalism, EdTech, and the Future of Our Schools

by Morgan Anderson

Educational technology is now ubiquitous in schooling, both in P-12 and at universities. Despite the imposition of technology in most aspects of teaching and learning, little attention has been given to the implications educational technology has for healthy student development, humane pedagogy, teacher labor, academic freedom, and the aims of social justice. Rather than merely a set of neutral tools, educational technology is bound up with systems of power and privilege that tend to deepen, rather than confront inequality. In calling for a reassessment of the relationship between schools and technology, this book asks readers to think differently about the role technology can serve in socially just schools. An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, social justice, politics, and all those interested in the impact technology is having on the education system in the USA.

Public Education in Turbulent Times: Innovative Strategies for Leadership and Learning

by Faiza M. Jamil Javaid E. Siddiqi

Public Education in Turbulent Times communicates a bold vision for the future of education, addressing the evolving purpose of American public education and the structural innovations schools are using to meet the needs of a rapidly transforming world. Highlighting key challenges that emerged during the immense economic and social disruptions of recent years, the book leverages case studies of four unique school districts where school communities overcame concerns high in the public consciousness – trauma, danger, economic inequality, and racial injustice. These obstacles have hampered efforts to reclaim lost learning opportunities that could define the educational experiences of a generation of students. If educators revert to business as usual, they risk dismissing essential lessons from resilient schools that thrived in the chaos of a global pandemic and its fallout. This book provides rich insights to refocus readers’ attention on achieving a more equitable and safe education system for the future.

Public Education Reform and Network Governance: Lessons From Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Schools (Education and Society in China)

by Philip Wing Chan

This book is located in the field of education governance and sits amidst debates on public school reform in China. It examines how a top-down policy approach has been implemented from central government right down to the district level within the public education system in China. It shows the way networks support negotiation and bargaining at the district level which, in turn, influences the broader education policy of the central government. Using statistical data from education yearbooks, government documents analysis and interviews with main stakeholders in this policy arena, the book incorporates case studies from railway State-Owned Enterprise schools. Analysis of these indicates that the processes of formulating and implementing Chinese education policy can be characterised as a form of network governance, which coordinates actors, decision-making processes and stakeholders’ motivation to comply with collective decisions in Chinese education. Network governance acts as an effective and legitimate way of problem solving that assists policy implementation and education reform in China. By comparing two traditional modes of governance (governance through bureaucracy and the governance through markets), this book shows the network mode of governance in Chinese education is more powerful and significant, especially since the negotiated results among actors in the policy community are favourable.

Public Education Reform and Network Governance: Lessons From Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Schools (Education and Society in China)

by Philip Wing Chan

This book is located in the field of education governance and sits amidst debates on public school reform in China. It examines how a top-down policy approach has been implemented from central government right down to the district level within the public education system in China. It shows the way networks support negotiation and bargaining at the district level which, in turn, influences the broader education policy of the central government. Using statistical data from education yearbooks, government documents analysis and interviews with main stakeholders in this policy arena, the book incorporates case studies from railway State-Owned Enterprise schools. Analysis of these indicates that the processes of formulating and implementing Chinese education policy can be characterised as a form of network governance, which coordinates actors, decision-making processes and stakeholders’ motivation to comply with collective decisions in Chinese education. Network governance acts as an effective and legitimate way of problem solving that assists policy implementation and education reform in China. By comparing two traditional modes of governance (governance through bureaucracy and the governance through markets), this book shows the network mode of governance in Chinese education is more powerful and significant, especially since the negotiated results among actors in the policy community are favourable.

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