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Qualitative Research Topics in Language Teacher Education

by Gary Barkhuizen

Student and novice researchers may have a general idea for a topic they would like to research, but have a difficult time settling on a more specific topic and its associated research questions. Addressing this problem, this book features contributions from over thirty diverse and experienced research supervisors, mentors, and principal investigators in the field of language teacher education. The chapters are autobiographic in nature, with each contributing author reflecting on relevant, current and innovative research topics through the lens of their own professional life and research work. Offering explicit research topics and strategies for each area of expertise, this book will serve as a useful reference for the seasoned qualitative or narrative researcher, and a helpful guide for new researchers and teacher researchers narrowing down their own research topics.

Qualitative Studies of Exploration in Childhood Education: Cultures of Play and Learning in Transition (Transitions in Childhood and Youth)

by Marilyn Fleer Mariane Hedegaard Elin Eriksen Ødegaard Hanne Værum Sørensen

This book uses the concept of exploration as a way of understanding transitions in children between the ages of 5 to 18 years old. Written by an international group of scholars from Australia, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, India, Norway and the UK, the chapters offer a diverse set of case studies. The topics and themes covered include transitions in outdoor playtime, the transition to daycare, compassion in kindergarten, learning with fathers, transitions of Chinese traditional culture and disability. The chapters are organised into two parts, the first part covering macro transitions and the second covering micro-genetic transitions. The contributors show how both macro and micro-genetic transitions influence children's everyday lives, and how these different transitions open up new possibilities for play, learning and development. The contributors draw on Vygotsky's cultural historical theory and the understanding that children's cultural formation takes form in a dialectic relation between children's interests and motives and the institutional settings they participate in.

Qualitative Studies of Exploration in Childhood Education: Cultures of Play and Learning in Transition (Transitions in Childhood and Youth)

by Marilyn Fleer, Mariane Hedegaard, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard and Hanne Værum Sørensen

This book uses the concept of exploration as a way of understanding transitions in children between the ages of 5 to 18 years old. Written by an international group of scholars from Australia, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, India, Norway and the UK, the chapters offer a diverse set of case studies. The topics and themes covered include transitions in outdoor playtime, the transition to daycare, compassion in kindergarten, learning with fathers, transitions of Chinese traditional culture and disability. The chapters are organised into two parts, the first part covering macro transitions and the second covering micro-genetic transitions. The contributors show how both macro and micro-genetic transitions influence children's everyday lives, and how these different transitions open up new possibilities for play, learning and development. The contributors draw on Vygotsky's cultural historical theory and the understanding that children's cultural formation takes form in a dialectic relation between children's interests and motives and the institutional settings they participate in.

Qualitatives Forschen in der Erziehungswissenschaft

by Friedhelm Ackermann Thomas Ley Claudia Machold Mark Schrödter

Was (ver)heißt qualitative Forschung für erziehungswissenschaftliches Denken und pädagogisches Handeln? Qualitative Forschungsmethoden sind zum großen Teil aus Nachbardisziplinen der Erziehungswissenschaft importiert und weiterentwickelt worden. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob es so etwas wie eigenständige erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung gibt oder das Erziehungswissenschaftliche vielmehr in der besonderen Fragestellung, den spezifischen Grundbegriffen und der charakteristischen Verwendung der Methoden zu suchen ist. In den Beiträgen geben ausgewiesene FachexpertInnen fundierte Antworten.

Qualitatives Forschen in der Sportpädagogik: Beiträge zu einer reflexiven Methodologie (Bildung und Sport #27)

by Benjamin Zander Daniel Rode Daniel Schiller Dennis Wolff

Der Band setzt sich differenziert mit Ansätzen, Methoden und Phänomenen qualitativen Forschens in der Sportpädagogik auseinander. Aktuelle Forschungen werden kritisch diskutiert, Erfahrungen reflektiert und eine reflexive Methodologie qualitativen Forschens in der Sportpädagogik entwickelt.

Qualitätsentwicklung der Bildungsarbeit in National- und Naturparks: Kollegiale Begleitung als Form der internen Evaluation

by Ulrich Gebhard Arne Dittmer Stefanie Fritz Benny Wolf Rimmler

Experten begleiten Experten! In der schulischen Bildungsarbeit ist der Ansatz, dass Kollegen sich gegenseitig begleiten und sich kritisch-konstruktive Rückmeldungen geben, ein breit diskutiertes Instrument der internen Evaluation. Anschaulich und anhand konkreter Beispiele aus einem Projekt zur Evaluation der Bildungsarbeit im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald wird in diesem Buch die Übertragung des Ansatzes der kollegialen Hospitation in die außerschulische Bildungsarbeit dargestellt. Dabei werden die für die externe Evaluation der Bildungsarbeit des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald entwickelten Instrumente und Methoden auch anderen Nationalparks bzw. Naturparks zur Verfügung gestellt.

Qualitätskonzepte in der Kindertagesbetreuung: Ein Überblick

by Karin Esch Elke Katharina Klaudy Brigitte Micheel Sybille Stöbe-Blossey

Qualitätsmanagement soll die Voraussetzungen dafür verbessern, dass Kindertageseinrichtungen ihre Qualität weiterentwickeln und sowohl die Jugendhilfeträger als auch die Eltern diese Qualität besser einschätzen können. Der Band gibt einen Überblick über in Deutschland gängige Qualitätskonzepte und verbindet dies mit einem 'Blick über den Tellerrand' in den angloamerikanischen Raum. Die einzelnen Konzepte werden nach dienstleistungs-, management- und anwendungsorientierten Kriterien beschrieben und vier Typen zugeordnet, so dass den Leser/innen die Reichweite der einzelnen Konzepte deutlich wird. Den Abschluss bilden Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Qualitätsmanagements in Deutschland.

Qualitätsmanagement: Konzepte und Praxiswissen für die Weiterbildung

by Dieter Gnahs Eike Quilling

Das Buch hat zum Ziel, den Nutzen von Qualitätsmanagement kritisch zu bewerten und aufzuzeigen, dass übliche Verfahren im Qualitätsmanagement mit der Weiterbildungspraxis und dem professionellen Selbstverständnis der dort Tätigen in Konflikt geraten können. Thematisch werden hierbei Schwerpunkte im Handlungsfeld der Gesundheitsbildung und nachhaltiger Bildung gelegt.Der InhaltErste Annäherungen an das Thema: Beispiele aus der Praxis zur Unschärfe des Qualitätsbegriffs ● Zum Stand der Qualitätsdiskussion in der Weiterbildung ● Zentrale Begriffe ● Ebenen der Qualitätsbetrachtung ● Qualitätsmanagementkonzepte ● Gesetzliche Regelungen ● Kriterien zur Beurteilung von Qualitätskonzepten ● Qualitätsmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung ● Komponenten und Abläufe im Qualitätsmanagement ● Evaluation als Schlüsselelement des Qualitätsmanagements in Bildungseinrichtungen ● Weitere zentrale Komponenten des Qualitätsmanagements in der Weiterbildung ● Bilanz und Perspektiven der Qualitätsdiskussion in der Weiterbildung Die Autor/-innenDr. phil. habil. Dieter Gnahs, apl. Professor an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, war bis 2013 in leitender Funktion beim Deutschen Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE) und ist Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beraterkreises von ver.di und IG Eike Quilling (Dipl. Päd.) ist Professorin an der Hochschule für Gesundheit, Bochum.

Qualitätsmanagement in der frühkindlichen Bildung, Erziehung und Betreuung: Perspektiven für eine öffentliche Qualitätspolitik

by Karin Altgeld Sybille Stöbe-Blossey

Die Anforderungen an die institutionelle Kindertagesbetreuung befinden sich in einem rapiden Veränderungsprozess, der durch einen tief greifenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel ausgelöst wird. Angesichts der steigenden Anforderungen kommt der Frage nach der Qualität der Leistungen und damit nach einem Qualitätsmanagement eine wachsende Bedeutung zu. In Deutschland hat Qualitätsmanagement zwar bereits wichtige Impulse für die Organisationsentwicklung geliefert, die Nutzung für die politische Steuerung steht jedoch noch am Anfang. Der Sammelband, in dem nationale und internationale ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis unterschiedliche Konzepte vorstellen, gibt Anstöße für die Diskussion über eine öffentliche Qualitätspolitik.

Qualitätssicherung in der Ästhetischen Medizin durch universitäre Weiterbildung: Diploma in Aesthetic Laser Medicine (DALM)

by Stefan Hammes

Mit dem Buch werden die Standards für eine interdisziplinäre, universitäre und praxisorientierte Ausbildung in der ästhetischen Lasermedizin definiert. Das Beispiel des ersten Weiterbildungsstudienganges in Deutschland mit dem universitären Abschluss Diploma in Aesthetic Laser Medicine (DALM) zeigt, wie das Risikomanagement in der ästhetischen Medizin konkrete Form annehmen kann. Der Band enthält einen Fragenkatalog zur Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung.

Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente (Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute)

by Natalja Menold Tobias Wolbring

Die Qualität sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente hat wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Belastbarkeit empirischer Schlussfolgerungen, die auf Grundlage von Umfragedaten gezogen werden. Der vorliegende Band stellt daher die Qualität von Erhebungsinstrumenten sowie Verfahren zur Bestimmung und Verbesserung ihrer Güte in den Mittelpunkt. Vertieft werden insbesondere Themen der Fragebogenkonstruktion, qualitative Techniken zum Pretesting, Ansätze zur Antwortvalidität sowie Gestaltungsfragen eines Qualitätsmanagements für Umfragen in der Praxis.Der InhaltMessqualität und Messprobleme in der Fragebogenkonstruktion ● Qualitätssicherung durch Qualitative Techniken ● Ansätze zur Antwortvalidität ● Qualitätsmanagement in der PraxisDie HerausgeberDr. Natalja Menold ist Wissenschaftliche Teamleiterin des Teams "Questionnaire Design & Evaluation" am GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.Dr. Tobias Wolbring ist Professor für Empirische Wirtschaftssoziologie an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Qualities of Education in a Globalised World (Comparative and International Education: A Diversity of Voices)

by Diane Brook Napier

In a growing revisionist tradition, comparative educational scholars challenge conventional assumptions about quality education as a singular undertaking dominated by standardised assessments and globalisation influences. The contributors to this volume illustrate the complexities and global dimensions of educational quality that emerged in their research. Several chapters critique educational reforms employing assessments aligned to global standards and large scale assessments, revealing how considerations of contextual factors, internal needs and local traditions are essential for developing a quality curriculum or for overhauling a national education system. Most chapters interrogate the uses and misuses of standardised assessment results. The contributors reveal the importance of asking critical questions about quality education: how to access it and for what purposes; what contextual and cultural factors are important; what implementation issues and local-level realities must be considered for true understanding of standardized assessment results; what content, skills and values are necessary and desirable ingredients; what roles teachers and administrators play; and what benefits accrue in terms of outcomes for employment and labor market needs or for achieving autonomy and stakeholder participation. Critiques of narrow interpretations of standardised assessment data contrast with research-based evidence that participation in large scale assessments such as PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS can indeed be beneficial to identify needed reform refinements and implementation shortcomings. Specific country cases include Brazil, Canada, the United States, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and the Philippines. Other chapters provide insights on quality education issues worldwide. The volume offers readers a panorama of views on the diversity of paths to quality education.

Quality: Keywords in Teacher Education (Keywords in Teacher Education)

by Clare Brooks

Discussions of quality dominate the field of teacher education. However, definitions of quality can vary enormously and are often vague and imprecise, relying on proxies for quality which make inaccurate assumptions about what matters in the education of teachers. This book explores different ways in which quality can be defined and understood within teacher education, offering a way of categorizing and understanding why some quality indicators miss the mark. The book introduces the idea of a quality conundrum, with illustrative examples from international ITE practice, to show how different conceptions of quality in ITE can have good intentions but be potentially damaging to its overall transformative potential. It also provides examples of where practice has been able to move beyond restrictive definitions of quality to enact a more transformative vision of teacher education. This analysis ties the use of quality indicators to historical developments in teacher education and political shifts in how it is viewed, the role education is perceived to play in society, and considers where the power lies in locating who decides what counts as quality in teacher education (and also who and what gets excluded). Key topics covered include: · the use of standards, accreditation and inspection frameworks; · the range of input, process, output and perspectival indicators used to judge quality in ITE; · the different discourses of teacher quality which influence the pedagogy and structure of teacher education programmes.The author also gives particular attention to how to address different approaches to quality when they start to reach conundrum proportions, and how to redress teacher education towards what matters rather than what counts.

Quality: Keywords in Teacher Education (Keywords in Teacher Education)

by Clare Brooks

Discussions of quality dominate the field of teacher education. However, definitions of quality can vary enormously and are often vague and imprecise, relying on proxies for quality which make inaccurate assumptions about what matters in the education of teachers. This book explores different ways in which quality can be defined and understood within teacher education, offering a way of categorizing and understanding why some quality indicators miss the mark. The book introduces the idea of a quality conundrum, with illustrative examples from international ITE practice, to show how different conceptions of quality in ITE can have good intentions but be potentially damaging to its overall transformative potential. It also provides examples of where practice has been able to move beyond restrictive definitions of quality to enact a more transformative vision of teacher education. This analysis ties the use of quality indicators to historical developments in teacher education and political shifts in how it is viewed, the role education is perceived to play in society, and considers where the power lies in locating who decides what counts as quality in teacher education (and also who and what gets excluded). Key topics covered include: · the use of standards, accreditation and inspection frameworks; · the range of input, process, output and perspectival indicators used to judge quality in ITE; · the different discourses of teacher quality which influence the pedagogy and structure of teacher education programmes.The author also gives particular attention to how to address different approaches to quality when they start to reach conundrum proportions, and how to redress teacher education towards what matters rather than what counts.

Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful (Critical Specialties in Treating Autism and other Behavioral Challenges)

by Dennis H. Reid Marsha B. Parsons

Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful describes what constitutes meaningful versus nonpurposeful activities for adults with autism and other severe disabilities in a classroom or center-based program. Then this step-by-step guide presents an evidence-based process for changing nonpurposeful activities, using behavior analytic research and application. The goal is to help ensure adults with autism and other severe disabilities are engaged in week-day activities that truly enhance their income-earning capacity, independence with life skills, day-to-day enjoyment, and overall dignity.Summarizes the existing state of activities for adults with autism and severe disabilities in center-based programsCovers how to empirically assess and monitor participation in meaningful activitiesDetails evidence-based procedures for changing existing activities to become more meaningfulProvides maintenance strategies for ensuring activities continue to be meaningful on a daily basis

The Quality Agenda in Early Childhood Education: Questioning Local and Global Policy Perspectives

by Elise Hunkin

This book investigates notions of ‘quality’ in early childhood settings both in Australia and globally. After experiencing quality reform as an educator, the author turned to research as a means by which to better understand early childhood quality reform and agenda over time. This book questions how early childhood reform policy and agenda have constructed quality - what it is presumed to be and do - over time and the implications of these 'truths'. Taking a Foucauldian governmentality view of the history of Australian early childhood services, the impetus for the quality reform era, the quality reform policy assemblages and the contemporary post-reform era, this book rigorously examines prevailing policy assumptions, ambitions and deployments of quality, and warns of an emerging ambition for ‘only quality’ settings in early childhood. This book will appeal to early childhood students and educators, education policy sociologists and all who are interested in reclaiming early childhood education and care.

Quality and Change in Teacher Education: Western and Chinese Perspectives (Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education #13)

by John Chi-Kin Lee Christopher Day

How teachers may be better educated for a changing global world is a challenge that faces many systems of education worldwide. This book addresses key issues of quality and change in teacher education in the context of the new public management achievement agendas which are permeating teacher education structures, cultures and programmes and the work of teacher educators internationally. Graduate schools of education in the United States and the UK, for example, are making fundamental changes in the structures, courses, programs and faculties that prepare beginning teachers each year. Drawing upon examples from the United States, United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, Australia and elsewhere, its authors provide a unique critical overview of emerging themes and challenges of raising the quality of teaching and the quality of student learning outcomes. They suggest possible ways forward for teachers, teacher educators, researchers and policy-makers as they seek to raise the quality of teaching and student outcomes whilst sustaining their moral purposes and values of equity, inclusion and social justice. Taken together, the chapters contain informed, critical discussions of “normal education” and “teacher education” of “professional standards”, “4+2/+1” post-degree training, “PGDE versus BEd”, integration of subject specializations and professional education. Each one provides new visions of the teacher as a professional and to cultivate high quality teachers in the West and the Greater China region. For all those interested in issues of quality, change and forward movement in teacher education in contexts of policy led reform, this is a must read.

Quality and Inclusion in Education: The Persisting Challenges

by N. V. Varghese Anjana Mangalagiri A. Mathew

This book calls for an equitable and qualitative access to education for all. It proposes paradigms of educational governance that are based on coalition building between key stakeholders, are grounded in local and cultural contexts, sensitive to the language needs of communities. It underlines the significance of gender sensitive and inclusive approaches that ensure equity for marginalized children and minorities. Based on research-based studies, the volume focuses on equity, quality, and learning — covering a broad spectrum, from school to higher, to adult education. It discusses the multiple learner deprivations amongst the marginalized communities and the severe impact of events such as pandemics that exacerbate learner inequities and the recent developments in India under the National Education Policy 2020. It also presents research-based country experiences in the Asian (India, Bangladesh, China) and African (Ghana, South Africa) contexts, showing how external influences on the changing priorities in policy perspectives cut across developing countries. Compiled in honour of Professor R. Govinda, this volume of insightful articles will be of interest to students and researchers of educational policy and studies, sociology of education, equity and human rights. It will also be useful for decision makers and think tanks.

Quality and Inclusion in Education: The Persisting Challenges

This book calls for an equitable and qualitative access to education for all. It proposes paradigms of educational governance that are based on coalition building between key stakeholders, are grounded in local and cultural contexts, sensitive to the language needs of communities. It underlines the significance of gender sensitive and inclusive approaches that ensure equity for marginalized children and minorities. Based on research-based studies, the volume focuses on equity, quality, and learning — covering a broad spectrum, from school to higher, to adult education. It discusses the multiple learner deprivations amongst the marginalized communities and the severe impact of events such as pandemics that exacerbate learner inequities and the recent developments in India under the National Education Policy 2020. It also presents research-based country experiences in the Asian (India, Bangladesh, China) and African (Ghana, South Africa) contexts, showing how external influences on the changing priorities in policy perspectives cut across developing countries. Compiled in honour of Professor R. Govinda, this volume of insightful articles will be of interest to students and researchers of educational policy and studies, sociology of education, equity and human rights. It will also be useful for decision makers and think tanks.

Quality and Inequality of Education: Cross-National Perspectives

by Jaap Dronkers

This cogent analysis of data on education and society from a variety of sources sets out to provide answers to scientific and policy questions on the quality of education and the way it relates to various forms of inequality in modern societies, particularly in Europe. The authors examine not only the well known cross-national PISA datasets, but also the European Social Survey and TIMSS, going further than many researchers by folding into their analyses economic, legal and historical factors. Most research up to now using the PISA data is restricted to educational research. Interesting as that educational question is, the chapters here use the PISA, and other data, to explore more profoundly the relationship between education and the various forms of inequality in European and other modern societies. The work comes from two different perspectives: one that looks at how the different characteristics of societies, their economies, and their educational systems influence the average educational achievements of specific groups of pupils, such as immigrants, in those societies; and a second, which explores how, and in what degree, the characteristics of schools, educational systems and labour-markets either hardens or softens differences in the educational outcomes of various groups of pupils. With a special feature of the book being its emphasis on comparing Asian and European countries, and with the content free of the political constraints that can often attend studies of these datasets, this book will be an vital resource for educationalists and policy-makers alike.

Quality and Leadership in the Early Years: Research, Theory and Practice (1st edition) (PDF)

by Caroline Leeson Dr Verity Campbell-Barr

Do you need good leaders to achieve good quality or does good quality create good leadership? Quality is a term frequently used to describe early years provision without any further explanation of exactly what this 'quality provision' looks like or how it can be achieved. This book not only unpicks what is meant by the term 'quality' in England, across the UK, and beyond, but it does so in the context of how to lead in order to develop and achieve quality. In exploring quality and leadership and the ways in which both terms have been conceptualised from a range of different perspectives you will be able to find a meaning that is right for you and your practice. With chapters covering: · The global interest in quality · The broad nature of early childhood leadership · Reflective evaluation and practice This book will be of interest to setting and room leaders across the early years as well as students studying early childhood or in early years teacher training.

Quality and Leadership in the Early Years (1st edition): Research, Theory and Practice

by Dr Verity Campbell-Barr Caroline Leeson

Do you need good leaders to achieve good quality or does good quality create good leadership? Quality is a term frequently used to describe early years provision without any further explanation of exactly what this 'quality provision' looks like or how it can be achieved. This book not only unpicks what is meant by the term 'quality' in England, across the UK, and beyond, but it does so in the context of how to lead in order to develop and achieve quality. In exploring quality and leadership and the ways in which both terms have been conceptualised from a range of different perspectives you will be able to find a meaning that is right for you and your practice. With chapters covering: · The global interest in quality · The broad nature of early childhood leadership · Reflective evaluation and practice This book will be of interest to setting and room leaders across the early years as well as students studying early childhood or in early years teacher training.

Quality and Operations Management Revised Edition

by Elearn

Management Extra brings all the best management thinking together in one package. The series fuses key ideas with applied activities to help managers examine and improve how they work in practice. Management Extra is an exciting, new approach to management development. The books provide the basis for self-paced learning at level 4/5. The flexible learning structure allows busy participants to study at their own convenience, minimising time away from the job. The programme allows trainers to quickly plan and deliver high quality, business-led courses. Trainers can select materials to meet the needs of their delegates, clients, and budget. Each book is divided into themes of ideal length for delivering in a training session. Each theme has a range of activities for delegates to complete, putting the training into context and relating it to their own situation and business. The books’ lively style will stimulate further interest in the subjects covered. Guides for further reading and valuable web references provide a lead-in to further research. Management Extra is based on the NVQ framework to ease the creation of Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma or NVQ programmes for managers. It is accredited with all leading awarding bodies.

Quality and Operations Management Revised Edition

by Elearn

Management Extra brings all the best management thinking together in one package. The series fuses key ideas with applied activities to help managers examine and improve how they work in practice. Management Extra is an exciting, new approach to management development. The books provide the basis for self-paced learning at level 4/5. The flexible learning structure allows busy participants to study at their own convenience, minimising time away from the job. The programme allows trainers to quickly plan and deliver high quality, business-led courses. Trainers can select materials to meet the needs of their delegates, clients, and budget. Each book is divided into themes of ideal length for delivering in a training session. Each theme has a range of activities for delegates to complete, putting the training into context and relating it to their own situation and business. The books’ lively style will stimulate further interest in the subjects covered. Guides for further reading and valuable web references provide a lead-in to further research. Management Extra is based on the NVQ framework to ease the creation of Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma or NVQ programmes for managers. It is accredited with all leading awarding bodies.

Quality And Power In Higher Education (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Higher Education OUP)

by Louise Morley

This book examines the power relationships that organize and facilitate quality assurance in higher education. It investigates power in terms of macro systems of accountability, surveillance and regulation, and uncovers the ways in which quality is experienced by academics and managers in higher education. Louise Morley reveals some of the hidden transcripts behind quality assurance and poses significant questions:* What signs of quality in higher education are being performed and valued?* What losses, gains, fears and anxieties are activated by the procedures?* Is the culture of excellence resulting in mediocrity?Quality and Power in Higher Education covers a wide range of issues including: the policy contexts, new managerialism, the costs of quality assurance, collegiality, peer review, gender and equity implications, occupational stress, commodification and consumer values in higher education, performance, league tables, benchmarking, increasing workloads and the long-term effects on the academy. It draws upon Morley's empirical work in the UK on international studies and on literature from sociology, higher education studies, organization studies and feminist theory. It is important reading for students and scholars of higher education policy and practice, and for university managers and policy-makers.

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