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Reflektierte Zielsetzung: Ein Ansatz zur Persönlichkeits- und Führungskräfteentwicklung

by Cheryl J. Travers

Dieses Buch präsentiert erstmals einen umfassenden Überblick über das Modell des "Reflective Goal Setting", seinen theoretischen Rahmen und Ursprung sowie seine praktischen Anwendungen für die persönliche Entwicklung, verbesserte Bewältigung und Stressreduktion, akademisches Wachstum und Leistungsfähigkeit sowie Führung. In drei Teile gegliedert, untersucht die Autorin zunächst die besondere Bedeutung der persönlichen Entwicklung, insbesondere der Entwicklung von Soft Skills und zwischenmenschlichen Fähigkeiten. Unter Verwendung von Originalforschung und anschaulichen Fallstudien beschreibt die Autorin den zyklischen Fünf-Schritte-Prozess des "Reflective Goal Setting" in fünf Kapiteln, die Teil 2 des Buches bilden. Teil 3 untersucht die praktischen Anwendungen und Auswirkungen der Verwendung von "Reflective Goal Setting" anhand anschaulicher Fallstudien aus verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Hochschulbildung, beruflicher Entwicklung und Führungskräfteentwicklung. Dieses Werk ist eine wertvolle Ressource für Forscher:innen und Praktiker:innen in den Bereichen Organisations- und Industriepsychologie, Bildung sowie Wirtschaft und Management sein - und für jede/n, der/die an der persönlichen Entwicklung arbeiten möchte.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Reflexionskompetenz von Englischlehramtsstudierenden im Lehr-Lern-Labor-Seminar: Eine Interventionsstudie zur Förderung und Messung (Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachvermittlung: LiKuS)

by Christiane Klempin

Christiane Klempin widmet sich einem wissenschaftlich äußerst relevanten wie komplexen Konstrukt: der didaktischen Reflexionskompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden. Dazu werden erstmalig Theoriebestände zur Lehrendenprofessionalisierung so zusammengeführt, dass pragmatische Wege zu deren Förderung, Erhebung, Operationalisierung und systematischen Analyse in einem Mixed-Methods-Prä-Post-Design möglich werden. Ebenso wird mit dem Lehr-Lern-Labor-Seminar Englisch (LLLSE) eine Intervention entwickelt, in der aufgrund wiederholter, professionell begleiteter und theoriebasierter Praxis- und Reflexionsphasen eine statistisch bedeutsame Steigerung der Reflexionskompetenzen von Englischlehramtsstudierenden in Kontrast zu Parallel- und Kontrollgruppenteilnehmenden erreicht wurde.

Reflexionswissen zur linearen Algebra in der Sekundarstufe II (Perspektiven der Mathematikdidaktik)

by Oliver Schmitt

Oliver Schmitt entwickelt ein lerntheoretisch fundiertes Konzept zur Vermittlung von Reflexionswissen mit bildungstheoretischem Schwerpunkt. Sein Konzept basiert auf der Tätigkeitstheorie und wird für den Themenbereich der linearen Algebra in der Sekundarstufe II beispielhaft erläutert. Dabei stellt er Unterrichtsbausteine zu den Ideen der Algorithmisierung, Formalisierung und analytischen Methode sowie der Strukturalisierung ausführlich dar. Darüber hinaus reflektiert der Autor prozessbezogene Kompetenzen der Bildungsstandards durch die Bausteine zur Reflexion von Phasen des Modellierens und der Struktur und Funktion von Argumenten.

Reflexive Erziehungswissenschaft: Forschungsperspektiven im Anschluss an Pierre Bourdieu

by Barbara Friebertshäuser Markus Rieger-Ladich Lothar Wigger

Die deutschsprachige Erziehungswissenschaft verdankt den Arbeiten des französischen Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu zahlreiche Impulse und wichtige Anregungen. Diesen Resonanzen spürt dieser Sammelband nach, indem er nicht nur eine erste Bilanzierung der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Bourdieu-Rezeption vornimmt, sondern auch Perspektiven einer künftigen reflexiven Erziehungswissenschaft vorstellt. Der Rückblick wird zu diesem Zweck mit einer Bestandsaufnahme gegenwärtiger und einem Ausblick auf neue, von den Studien Bourdieus inspirierte Forschungsprojekte kombiniert. Zugleich zeichnen sich auf diese Weise die Konturen einer wissenschaftlichen Praxis ab, deren Charakteristika die Kritik des begrifflichen Instrumentariums, die Befragung der theoretischen Grundannahmen und das Bemühen um Aufklärung des akademischen Unbewussten sind.

Reflexive Erziehungswissenschaft: Forschungsperspektiven im Anschluss an Pierre Bourdieu

by Barbara Friebertshäuser Markus Rieger-Ladich Lothar Wigger

Die deutschsprachige Erziehungswissenschaft verdankt den Arbeiten des französischen Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu zahlreiche Impulse und wichtige Anregungen. Diesen Resonanzen spürt der vorliegende Sammelband nach, indem er nicht nur eine erste Bilanzierung der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Bourdieu-Rezeption vornimmt, sondern auch Perspektiven einer künftigen reflexiven Erziehungswissenschaft vorstellt. Der Rückblick wird zu diesem Zweck mit einer Bestandsaufnahme gegenwärtiger und einem Ausblick auf neue, von den Studien Bourdieus inspirierte Forschungsprojekte kombiniert. Zugleich zeichnen sich auf diese Weise die Konturen einer wissenschaftlichen Praxis ab, deren Charakteristika die Kritik des begrifflichen Instrumentariums, die Befragung der theoretischen Grundannahmen und das Bemühen um Aufklärung des akademischen Unbewussten sind. Die zweite Auflage wurde um eine Auswahlbibliographie und eine Linksammlung erweitert.

Reflexive Kompetenzentwicklung in der Lehrer*innenbildung: Mit Podcasts im ePortfolio auf dem Weg zur Professionalität

by Annette Busse

Reflexion gilt als Kernkompetenz pädagogischen Handelns im Lehrer*innenberuf, dennoch ist sie hinsichtlich ihrer Didaktisierung und Förderung umstritten. Die Studie konzeptualisiert das Modell der reflexiven Kompetenzentwicklung auf Grundlage von Elementen professioneller Kompetenz, wobei Reflexion als Basiskonstante im Professionalisierungsprozess angehender Lehrer*innen zugrunde gelegt wird. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass durch Podcasts, die von Studierenden selbst erstellt werden, das didaktische Potential von ePortfolioarbeit lernwirksam nutzbar und eine reflexive Kompetenzentwicklung ermöglicht wird.

Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas For Qualitative Research (PDF)

by Mats Alvesson

Reflexive Methodology established itself as a groundbreaking success, providing researchers with an invaluable guide to a central problem in research methodology - how to put field research and interpretations in perspective, paying attention to the interpretive, political and rhetorical nature of empirical research.

Reflexive Methodology (PDF)

by Mats Alvesson

Praise for the First Edition : ' Reflexive Methodology is a textbook indispensable to any young researcher. It does not tell its readers how to do research. It does something much more important: It shows how research has been done in the qualitative tradition, thus encouraging the readers to make their own choices' - Barbara Czarniawska, Goteborg University. 'I would go so far as to argue that this book should be on the reading list of all social scientists and philosophers with an interest in the theory and practice of research' - Prometheus. Reflexive Methodology established itself as a groundbreaking success, providing researchers with an invaluable guide to a central problem in research methodology - how to put field research and interpretations in perspective, paying attention to the interpretive, political and rhetorical nature of empirical research. Now thoroughly updated, the Second Edition includes a new chapter on positivism, social constructionism and critical realism, and offers new conclusions on the applications of methodology. It also provides further illustrations and updates that build on the acclaimed and successful first edition. Reflexivity is an essential part of the research process. In this book, Mats Alvesson and Kaj Skoldberg make explicit the links between techniques used in empirical research and different research traditions, giving a theoretically informed approach to qualitative research. The authors provide balanced reviews and critiques of the major schools of grounded theory, ethnography, hermeneutics, critical theory, postmodernism and poststructuralism, discourse analysis, genealogy and feminism. This book points the way to a more open-minded, creative interaction between theoretical frameworks and empirical research. It continues to be essential reading for students and researchers across the social sciences.

The Reflexive Teacher Educator in TESOL: Roots and Wings

by Julian Edge

In this book Julian Edge explores the construct of reflexivity in teacher education, differentiating it from, while locating it in, reflective practice. Reflexivity is the key concept underpinning a view of teacher education that binds together the orientations of action research and personal development in a way that establishes common ground, common purpose, and common experience between teachers and teacher educators. Augmenting the field in important ways, The Reflexive Teacher Educator in TESOL: develops the concept of praxis as it resolves the usual theory/practice dichotomy of teacher education introduces a framework (Copying, Applying, Theorising, Reflecting, Acting) that allows present and prospective teacher educators to become reflexive individuals uses a narrative, autobiographical voice that explicates the concepts involved, while also offering practical methodological procedures for teacher education. Written with clarity and style, scholarly yet personal, dealing with reflexivity in an accessible yet non-trivial way, this book – a first in the field, distinctive in terms of what the story is and how it is told – is a gift to the profession of TESOL teacher education.

The Reflexive Teacher Educator in TESOL: Roots and Wings

by Julian Edge

In this book Julian Edge explores the construct of reflexivity in teacher education, differentiating it from, while locating it in, reflective practice. Reflexivity is the key concept underpinning a view of teacher education that binds together the orientations of action research and personal development in a way that establishes common ground, common purpose, and common experience between teachers and teacher educators. Augmenting the field in important ways, The Reflexive Teacher Educator in TESOL: develops the concept of praxis as it resolves the usual theory/practice dichotomy of teacher education introduces a framework (Copying, Applying, Theorising, Reflecting, Acting) that allows present and prospective teacher educators to become reflexive individuals uses a narrative, autobiographical voice that explicates the concepts involved, while also offering practical methodological procedures for teacher education. Written with clarity and style, scholarly yet personal, dealing with reflexivity in an accessible yet non-trivial way, this book – a first in the field, distinctive in terms of what the story is and how it is told – is a gift to the profession of TESOL teacher education.

Reflexivity and Change in Adaptive Physical Activity: Overcoming Hubris (Disability Sport and Physical Activity Cultures)

by Donna Goodwin and Maureen Connolly

This provocative and challenging book argues for the vital importance of critical self-reflexion in the field of adaptive physical activity (APA). It makes a powerful case for embracing discussions of the harm caused by ableist assumptions of the ideal body, maximizing capabilities and perfecting normative based movement that dominate contemporary discourse in APA, and calls for more critical introspection about what APA is, how it’s performed, and what might be needed to bring a collaborative relational ethic to this field. The book focuses on two key themes. Firstly, how ableism as a foundational belief system of APA is present in the undergraduate curriculum, professional preparation, professional practice, and organizational policies. Secondly, how to make the comfortable uncomfortable by openly debating the harm that results from non-reflexive (nondisabled) hubris in APA. The goal is to spark an exchange of ideas among scholars, practitioners and organizational leaders, and therefore to shift the paradigm from one of professional expertism to one that centers disability wisdom holders, bringing a fundamental change to how we perform adaptive physical activity. This is important, progressive reading for anybody with an interest in adapted physical activity, adapted physical education, disability sport, inclusive education, the philosophy and ethics of disability and sport, or disability in wider society.

Reflexivity and Change in Adaptive Physical Activity: Overcoming Hubris (Disability Sport and Physical Activity Cultures)

by Donna Goodwin Maureen Connolly

This provocative and challenging book argues for the vital importance of critical self-reflexion in the field of adaptive physical activity (APA). It makes a powerful case for embracing discussions of the harm caused by ableist assumptions of the ideal body, maximizing capabilities and perfecting normative based movement that dominate contemporary discourse in APA, and calls for more critical introspection about what APA is, how it’s performed, and what might be needed to bring a collaborative relational ethic to this field. The book focuses on two key themes. Firstly, how ableism as a foundational belief system of APA is present in the undergraduate curriculum, professional preparation, professional practice, and organizational policies. Secondly, how to make the comfortable uncomfortable by openly debating the harm that results from non-reflexive (nondisabled) hubris in APA. The goal is to spark an exchange of ideas among scholars, practitioners and organizational leaders, and therefore to shift the paradigm from one of professional expertism to one that centers disability wisdom holders, bringing a fundamental change to how we perform adaptive physical activity. This is important, progressive reading for anybody with an interest in adapted physical activity, adapted physical education, disability sport, inclusive education, the philosophy and ethics of disability and sport, or disability in wider society.

Reflexivity in Language and Intercultural Education: Rethinking Multilingualism and Interculturality (Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication)

by Julie S. Byrd Clark Fred Dervin

With the impact of accelerated globalization, digital technologies, mobility, and migration, the fields of Applied Linguistics, Language, and Intercultural Education have been shifting. One shift in need of further exploration is that of systematic and coherent reflexivity in researching language and culture. This unique and timely book thus examines the significance of reflexivity as an integral process, particularly when researching the multifaceted notions of multilingualism and interculturality in education. It also contributes to current critical approaches to representations of languages and cultures in identity politics. As such, the authors offer innovative ways of engaging with reflexivity in teaching, learning, and research through multimodal and complex ways. The chapters span a diverse range of educational settings in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.

Reflexivity in Language and Intercultural Education: Rethinking Multilingualism and Interculturality (Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication)

by Julie S. Byrd Clark Fred Dervin

With the impact of accelerated globalization, digital technologies, mobility, and migration, the fields of Applied Linguistics, Language, and Intercultural Education have been shifting. One shift in need of further exploration is that of systematic and coherent reflexivity in researching language and culture. This unique and timely book thus examines the significance of reflexivity as an integral process, particularly when researching the multifaceted notions of multilingualism and interculturality in education. It also contributes to current critical approaches to representations of languages and cultures in identity politics. As such, the authors offer innovative ways of engaging with reflexivity in teaching, learning, and research through multimodal and complex ways. The chapters span a diverse range of educational settings in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America.

Refocusing School Leadership: Foregrounding Human Development throughout the Work of the School

by Robert J. Starratt

Refocusing School Leadership departs from the more traditional conceptualization of leadership, looking behind the daily routines of human resource leaders to highlight the assumptions and values and beliefs they bring to their work as well as the values and meanings embedded in the various contexts of school life. Starratt explores how educational leadership is grounded in one’s own humanity as well as in a deep appreciation of the richness, complexity, and enormous potential of people, and he attempts to restore the centrality of human development in the work of educating the young—education is not simply about educating minds, but about developing whole persons. Starratt argues for a refocusing of educational leadership on affirming and enabling those talents, dispositions, interests, life experiences, and cultural proficiencies that comprise their humanity to enrich the work of learning. The vision of the school should speak of the extraordinary possibilities for human achievement in our young people, as well as the talents of their teachers to nurture those possibilities. Starratt’s focus on leadership as human resource development will energize the efforts of faculty, staff, and students to improve the quality of learning—the primary work of schools. This book is a valuable resource to prepare aspiring leaders, whether administrators or teachers, to deal with the way schools are currently run and to imagine and create better ways to promote quality learning for all.

Refocusing School Leadership: Foregrounding Human Development throughout the Work of the School

by Robert J. Starratt

Refocusing School Leadership departs from the more traditional conceptualization of leadership, looking behind the daily routines of human resource leaders to highlight the assumptions and values and beliefs they bring to their work as well as the values and meanings embedded in the various contexts of school life. Starratt explores how educational leadership is grounded in one’s own humanity as well as in a deep appreciation of the richness, complexity, and enormous potential of people, and he attempts to restore the centrality of human development in the work of educating the young—education is not simply about educating minds, but about developing whole persons. Starratt argues for a refocusing of educational leadership on affirming and enabling those talents, dispositions, interests, life experiences, and cultural proficiencies that comprise their humanity to enrich the work of learning. The vision of the school should speak of the extraordinary possibilities for human achievement in our young people, as well as the talents of their teachers to nurture those possibilities. Starratt’s focus on leadership as human resource development will energize the efforts of faculty, staff, and students to improve the quality of learning—the primary work of schools. This book is a valuable resource to prepare aspiring leaders, whether administrators or teachers, to deal with the way schools are currently run and to imagine and create better ways to promote quality learning for all.

Refocusing the Self in Higher Education: A Phenomenological Perspective (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Glen Sherman

In higher education literature, theories of learning and development have largely been adapted from psychology to the exclusion of basic insights from philosophy. This volume addresses the gaps in higher education’s theoretical base created by this inattention to philosophy and reflects on the significance of the history of philosophy for the field of higher education. Key insights from phenomenological and then deconstructive philosophy are explained in an accessible and useful way and woven into a practical theory of the student-subject and its implications for learning and development. Finally, narrative theory is introduced in conjunction with these philosophical considerations as the author considers alternative ways of conceptualizing the student, the student’s experience, and the unification of the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular aspects of higher education.

Refocusing the Self in Higher Education: A Phenomenological Perspective (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by Glen Sherman

In higher education literature, theories of learning and development have largely been adapted from psychology to the exclusion of basic insights from philosophy. This volume addresses the gaps in higher education’s theoretical base created by this inattention to philosophy and reflects on the significance of the history of philosophy for the field of higher education. Key insights from phenomenological and then deconstructive philosophy are explained in an accessible and useful way and woven into a practical theory of the student-subject and its implications for learning and development. Finally, narrative theory is introduced in conjunction with these philosophical considerations as the author considers alternative ways of conceptualizing the student, the student’s experience, and the unification of the curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular aspects of higher education.

Reform and Change in Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation (Higher Education Dynamics #8)

by Maurice Kogan Alberto Amaral Åse Gornitzka

This volume offers a comprehensive discussion of implementation analysis in higher education and an extensive review of relevant recent literature. Coverage analyzes the effective and specific complexities of the implementation of higher education policies in several countries, including: Australia, Austria, Finland, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Reform and Development of Educational System: History, Policy and Cases

by Ling Li Jiafu Zheng Zeyuan Yu

In this book, the authors pursue quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches, conducting hundreds of large-scale surveys and in-depth interviews in 679 schools, 67 counties and 13 provinces throughout China. They also conducted longitudinal case studies in five municipalities and provinces to better reflect education reform and development in different education levels or sectors. The authors used national statistical data from the 1970s to 2013, as well as a wealth of first-hand documents and data from different levels of educational departments in schools, counties, municipals and provinces and “grass-roots” input from 253 teachers, principals, education administrators and students. The authors applied SEM, HLM, GCM, and many other statistic techniques and qualitative methods to analyse the data and materials in order to explore correlations between development and reform, internal and external factors in educational reforms, as well as strategies for resolving core issues. Their findings indicate that institutional reforms concerning financial investments, allocation of teaching resources, allocation of facilities, curricula design systems, and political, economic, social system reforms all contribute to the development of different levels and types of education in different modes and to different extents. Topics of particular interest include five case studies conducted in five different municipalities and provinces that showcase the nation’s education reform and development in a specific model and on the basis of substantial data. Further, milestone events regarding educational reform and development that have taken place in China since 2013 are examined. As a unique feature, the book also includes 353 diagrams and tables on the development and reform of education in China, offering extensive and up-to-date information on a part of the world that often remains difficult to access. The book provides an expansive and in-depth examination of the nation’s education reform and development, from its historical roots to the present, and combining official and “grass-roots” standpoints. It will help readers to understand why and how Chinese education could lead students to win in international comparisons like PISA while at the same time often being the target of scathing criticism, as well as how the nation is now working to provide a better education to serve the world’s largest population.

Reform and Literacy Education: History, Effects, and Advocacy

by Sarah Hochstetler

A critical resource for literacy educators and graduate students, this volume investigates key moments in the development of literacy education and provides a much-needed overview of where, when, and how efforts to shape education influence literacy teaching, as well as what literacy educators can do to advocate for themselves, their students, and the profession. Organized around three themes—history, effects, and advocacy—this volume offers a nuanced exploration of the complex issues surrounding literacy education, and suggests coherent approaches to evaluating and understanding the various policies and reform efforts, and their impacts on literacy teaching and learning. Chapter authors draw on a variety of research– and practice-based perspectives to explore the impact of reform on literacy and literacy education, and examine the evolution of literacy education, providing much-needed historical context for shifts in policies and models in the field.

Reform and Literacy Education: History, Effects, and Advocacy

by Sarah Hochstetler

A critical resource for literacy educators and graduate students, this volume investigates key moments in the development of literacy education and provides a much-needed overview of where, when, and how efforts to shape education influence literacy teaching, as well as what literacy educators can do to advocate for themselves, their students, and the profession. Organized around three themes—history, effects, and advocacy—this volume offers a nuanced exploration of the complex issues surrounding literacy education, and suggests coherent approaches to evaluating and understanding the various policies and reform efforts, and their impacts on literacy teaching and learning. Chapter authors draw on a variety of research– and practice-based perspectives to explore the impact of reform on literacy and literacy education, and examine the evolution of literacy education, providing much-needed historical context for shifts in policies and models in the field.

Reform as Learning: School Reform, Organizational Culture, and Community Politics in San Diego

by Lea Ann Hubbard Mary Kay Stein Hugh Mehan

Looking closely at the recent reform efforts in San Diego, this book explores the full range of critical issues pertaining to urban school reform. Drawing on the systemic school reform initiative that was launched in San Diego in the 1990s, this book explores all layers of the school reform process - from leadership in the central office, to work with principals and teachers, to the impact on how teachers worked with students in the classroom. The authors draw on careful ethnographic research collected over the entire four years of the San Diego reforms, in order to identify, not only how teachers, principals and other district educators were shaped by the large-scale reforms, but also the ways in which the reform unfolded. In doing so, the book shows more broadly how actors throughout a school system can change the views of leaders and impact the larger reform process.

Reform as Learning: School Reform, Organizational Culture, and Community Politics in San Diego

by Lea Ann Hubbard Mary Kay Stein Hugh Mehan

Looking closely at the recent reform efforts in San Diego, this book explores the full range of critical issues pertaining to urban school reform. Drawing on the systemic school reform initiative that was launched in San Diego in the 1990s, this book explores all layers of the school reform process - from leadership in the central office, to work with principals and teachers, to the impact on how teachers worked with students in the classroom. The authors draw on careful ethnographic research collected over the entire four years of the San Diego reforms, in order to identify, not only how teachers, principals and other district educators were shaped by the large-scale reforms, but also the ways in which the reform unfolded. In doing so, the book shows more broadly how actors throughout a school system can change the views of leaders and impact the larger reform process.

Reform, Inclusion and Teacher Education: Towards a new era of special education in the Asia-Pacific Region

by Chris Forlin Ming-Gon John Lian

This ground-breaking book considers current perspectives on special education reform in the Asia-Pacific region. It has a major focus on a new era of special education, and how this relates to education reform towards inclusive education. With major changes being proposed under current educational reform and confusion as to how to instigate these measures, this book provides ways to better prepare teachers. It is helpfully divided into three different sections of education reform: "Education Reform in the Asia-Pacific region" reviews broad trends and issues in special education across the region, including Taiwan, Korea, Australia, India, China and Hong Kong. "Preparing Teachers to work in Inclusive Classrooms" focuses on curricula and pedagogical practices for teacher education. This section considers different approaches to preparing teachers such as cross-categorical, collaborative, innovations, and the impact of teachers’ attitudes, perceptions and concerns on inclusion. "Effective Special & Inclusive Practices" draws upon evidence–based research to provide best practice models to assist in developing inclusive school communities. Each section addresses a list of objectives and questions; suggests best practice pedagogy; and concludes with a support section with useful websites and suggested professional development activities. This book will interest teachers, teacher educators, university lecturers in education and post graduate students.

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