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Subjectivity, Curriculum, and Society: Between and Beyond the German Didaktik and Anglo-American Curriculum Studies

by Tero Autio

In this book Tero Autio traces not only the key philosophical currents that structure traditional Anglo-American instrumental curriculum theory and Didaktik theories of curriculum which are lesser-known in the U.S., but also the divide between them and, implicitly, the opportunities for traversing this divide. Using careful historical and theoretic

Subjectivity within Cultural-Historical Approach

by Fernando González Rey Albertina Mitjáns Martínez Daniel Magalhães Goulart

This book offers a theoretical and epistemological-methodological framework as an alternative approach to the instrumental-descriptive methodology that has prevailed in psychology to date. It discusses the differences between the proposed approach and other theoretical and methodological positions, such as discourse analysis, phenomenology and hermeneutics. Further, it puts forward a proposal that allows the demands of studying subjectivity to be addressed from a cultural-historical standpoint. The book mainly highlights case studies that have been conducted in various countries, and which employ or depart from the theoretical, epistemological and methodological proposals that guide this book. The research discussed here introduces readers to new discussions on theoretical and methodological issues in subjectivity that have increasingly attracted interest.

Subjects in Process

by Michael A. Peters Alicia de Alba

Subjects in Process investigates the human subject in the first decade of the twenty-first century in relation to changing social circumstances and belongings. The concept of 'subjectivity' in the Western tradition has focused on the figure of the autonomous, self-conscious, and rooted individual. This book develops a conception of the subject that is nomadic and fluid rather than grounded and complete. Written from a perspective that takes account of globalisation - and the pressures that it places upon individuals and communities - this book draws upon Nietzsche and the post-modern thinkers that followed him. Arguing that a modern conception of the subject must be one based on cultural exchanges and transformations, this book is sure to provide new insights for anyone concerned with or interested in the identity of the individual now and in the future.

Subjects in Process

by Michael A. Peters Alicia de Alba

Subjects in Process investigates the human subject in the first decade of the twenty-first century in relation to changing social circumstances and belongings. The concept of 'subjectivity' in the Western tradition has focused on the figure of the autonomous, self-conscious, and rooted individual. This book develops a conception of the subject that is nomadic and fluid rather than grounded and complete. Written from a perspective that takes account of globalisation - and the pressures that it places upon individuals and communities - this book draws upon Nietzsche and the post-modern thinkers that followed him. Arguing that a modern conception of the subject must be one based on cultural exchanges and transformations, this book is sure to provide new insights for anyone concerned with or interested in the identity of the individual now and in the future.

Subjekt - Identität - Person?: Reflexionen zur Biographieforschung

by Birgit Griese

Theoretische, methodologische sowie methodische Reflexionen sind für die Forschung konstitutiv, in ihren Verschränkungen liegen die Untersuchungsgegenstände begründet. Die Biographieforschung, die im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht, ist mit diesen Anforderungen auf besondere Weise konfrontiert, da sie interdisziplinär aufgestellt ist und per se unterschiedliche „Subjekte“ (Psyche, Sprache, Gesellschaft) kennt. Zudem etablierten sich diverse Auswertungsverfahren in diesem Feld qualitativer Forschung, so dass es heute notwendiger denn je erscheint, die hermeneutischen Verfahren und die mit ihnen korrespondierenden Gegenstandsbereiche klar darzulegen. In diesem Sammelband werden sowohl Fragen der Sozialforschung im Allgemeinen und der Biographieforschung im Besonderen aufgeworfen als auch methodologische Gegenstandsbestimmungen vorgestellt, wie sie etwa in der objektiven Hermeneutik, der Narrationsstrukturanalyse, der dokumentarischen Methode, in der psychoanalytischen Deutungspraxis, der Dekonstruktion oder im Paradigma narrative Identität vorgenommen werden.

Subjekt, Macht und Literalität: Diskursive Konstruktion von Literalität und ihre quantitative Betrachtung in den Dispositiven Gesundheit und Geschlecht

by Lisanne Heilmann

(Literale) Kompetenzen können – aus einer poststrukturalistischen Perspektive – nicht beobachtet, sondern nur zugeschrieben werden. Diese Zuschreibungen finden in diskursiven Anrufungen statt, in denen Individuen als kompetente oder inkompetente und als hoch oder gering literalisierte Subjekte adressiert und konstruiert werden. Lisanne Heilmann untersucht im vorliegenden Buch diese Zuschreibungen hinsichtlich ihrer komplexen Einbettung in (foucaultsche) Machtverhältnisse und die darin vorgenommenen Anrufungen und Formungen von literalen und literalisierten Subjekten. Aufbauend auf Foucault, Butler und die New Literacy Studies werden hier Literalitätsdiskurse in ihren komplexen Machtstrukturen und ambivalenten Subjektformungen analysiert und die Möglichkeiten quantitativer Forschung vor diesem Hintergrund erörtert. Die Autorin Lisanne Heilmann forscht insbesondere zu Fragen der Konstruktion von Grundkompetenz im Kontext von Geschlecht, Mehrsprachigkeit, Migration und Gesundheit. Sie ist die Koordinator*in des Projektes „Alltagsmathematik als Teil der Grundbildung Erwachsener (Hamburg Numeracy Project)“ und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in in der Studie „LEO 2018 – Leben mit geringer Literalität“.

Subjekt Medium Bildung (Medienbildung und Gesellschaft #28)

by Benjamin Jörissen Torsten Meyer

Veränderte Medialität führt zu veränderter Subjektivität. Diese mediologische These im Schnittfeld von Medien- und Bildungsgeschichte(n) stellt das gedankliche Zentrum dar, das die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven motiviert.

Subjektive Lebensqualität und Soziale Arbeit: Soziale Widerspiegelung als Grundlage (Forschung, Innovation und Soziale Arbeit)

by Otger Autrata Bringfriede Scheu

Soziale Widerspiegelung ist ein zentraler Bereich menschlichen Lebens, allerdings ist diese bisher für die Theoriebildung Sozialer Arbeit wenig erforscht. Otger Autrata und Bringfriede Scheu stellen Grundlagen sozialer Widerspiegelung dar und stellen den essentiellen Zusammenhang von sozialer Widerspiegelung und subjektiver Lebensqualität her. Damit wird ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Entfaltung von Theorie Sozialer Arbeit geleistet: Die Grundlagenforschung zu sozialer Widerspiegelung wird verknüpft mit den Aufgabenstellungen der Sozialen Arbeit in Disziplin und Profession.

Subjektive Überzeugungen von Berufsbildnern: Stand und Zusammenhänge mit der Ausbildungsqualität und den Lehrvertragsauflösungen

by Lucio Negrini

Die empirische Untersuchung zeigt am Beispiel von Koch- und Malerbetrieben der Deutschschweiz, dass die subjektiven Überzeugungen der BerufsbildnerInnen die betriebliche Ausbildungsqualität beeinflussen können, welche wiederum als eine Art Schutzfaktor gegen Lehrvertragsauflösungen fungiert. Die Arbeit liefert somit neue Erkenntnisse, um die Professionalität der BerufsbildnerInnen und die damit verbundene betriebliche Ausbildungsgestaltung besser zu verstehen. Dank diesen Erkenntnissen können neue Maßnahmen für die Vermeidung von Lehrvertragsauflösungen entwickelt werden.

Subjektivierung von Arbeit zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Selbstausbeutung (BestMasters)

by Friederike Glaubitz

Dieses Buch gibt Einblicke in die historische Entwicklung des Wandels von Arbeitskraft aus Sicht der arbeits- und industriesoziologischen Forschung und beleuchtet dabei die Gründe für die spätmodernen Anforderungen an und Einforderungen von Lohnarbeitenden. Aufgrund von Strukturwandel und einem Paradigmenwechsel in der Arbeitsorganisation ab den 1970 / 80er Jahren erfordert die postmoderne Lohnarbeit von den Arbeitssubjekten verstärkt das Einbringen von subjektiven Potenzialen. Dabei sind z. B. Selbststrukturierung, -kontrolle und -ökonomisierung, aber auch eine unternehmerische Denkweise und motiviertes Arbeitshandeln gefragt, um die Tätigkeiten der heutigen Zeit ausführen zu können. Ab dem gleichen Zeitpunkt werden auf Beschäftigtenseite Ansprüche laut, die ebenfalls auf die Einbringung subjektiver Potenziale in die Lohnarbeit abzielen: Selbstentfaltung und -verwirklichung, die Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Privatleben sowie das ‚qualitativ gute Leben‘ werden gefordert. Beide Tendenzen werden arbeitswissenschaftlich als ‚doppelte Subjektivierung‘ zusammengefasst und in der vorliegenden Arbeit im Detail betrachtet sowie Chancen und Risiken dieser Entwicklung erörtert.

Sublating Second Language Research and Practices: Contribution from the Hegelian Perspective (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Manfred Man-fat Wu

Wu’s book provides an innovative perspective on, and recommendations for, the major aspects of second language (L2) teaching from a Hegelian anthro-philosophical perspective. Language is social in nature and is related to the larger social milieu. Hegelian philosophy of language complements existing research and theories on L2 learning by not only equipping them with a systematic framework but also broadening their scope. In Hegelian philosophy, language not only has its individual and interpersonal dimensions but is also related to the community, society, and morality. The Hegelian perspective also suggests a number of functions of L2 which have either been neglected or rejected by L2 researchers. This book highlights these neglected elements such as intersubjectivity, mutual recognition, universalization and objectivization of inner subjectivity of individuals, as well as moral enhancement. These concepts generate insights on the teaching and learning of L2. Wu’s volume also covers how the Hegelian anthro-philosophical perspective can help to re-interpret research results on L2 learner characteristics that are related to L2 learning to date such as L2 identity and autonomy. The book offers an alternative research paradigm, teaching philosophy, pedagogical implications, and suggestions for scholars, practitioners, and students in the professional field of L2 teaching.

Sublating Second Language Research and Practices: Contribution from the Hegelian Perspective (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Manfred Man-fat Wu

Wu’s book provides an innovative perspective on, and recommendations for, the major aspects of second language (L2) teaching from a Hegelian anthro-philosophical perspective. Language is social in nature and is related to the larger social milieu. Hegelian philosophy of language complements existing research and theories on L2 learning by not only equipping them with a systematic framework but also broadening their scope. In Hegelian philosophy, language not only has its individual and interpersonal dimensions but is also related to the community, society, and morality. The Hegelian perspective also suggests a number of functions of L2 which have either been neglected or rejected by L2 researchers. This book highlights these neglected elements such as intersubjectivity, mutual recognition, universalization and objectivization of inner subjectivity of individuals, as well as moral enhancement. These concepts generate insights on the teaching and learning of L2. Wu’s volume also covers how the Hegelian anthro-philosophical perspective can help to re-interpret research results on L2 learner characteristics that are related to L2 learning to date such as L2 identity and autonomy. The book offers an alternative research paradigm, teaching philosophy, pedagogical implications, and suggestions for scholars, practitioners, and students in the professional field of L2 teaching.

Sublime Noise: Musical Culture and the Modernist Writer (Hopkins Studies in Modernism)

by Josh Epstein

When Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring premiered in Paris in 1913, the crowd rioted in response to the harsh dissonance and jarring rhythms of its score. This was noise, not music. In Sublime Noise, Josh Epstein examines the significance of noise in modernist music and literature. How—and why—did composers and writers incorporate the noises of modern industry, warfare, and big-city life into their work?Epstein argues that, as the creative class engaged with the racket of cityscapes and new media, they reconsidered not just the aesthetic of music but also its cultural effects. Noise, after all, is more than a sonic category: it is a cultural value judgment—a way of abating and categorizing the sounds of a social space or of new music. Pulled into dialogue with modern music’s innovative rhythms, noise signaled the breakdown of art’s autonomy from social life—even the "old favorites" of Beethoven and Wagner took on new cultural meanings when circulated in noisy modern contexts. The use of noise also opened up the closed space of art to the pressures of publicity and technological mediation.Building both on literary cultural studies and work in the "new musicology," Sublime Noise examines the rich material relationship that exists between music and literature. Through close readings of modernist authors, including James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Edith Sitwell, E. M. Forster, and Ezra Pound, and composers, including George Antheil, William Walton, Erik Satie, and Benjamin Britten, Epstein offers a radically contemporary account of musical-literary interactions that goes well beyond pure formalism. This book will be of interest to scholars of Anglophone literary modernism and to musicologists interested in how music was given new literary and cultural meaning during that complex interdisciplinary period.

Sublime Noise: Musical Culture and the Modernist Writer (Hopkins Studies in Modernism)

by Josh Epstein

When Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring premiered in Paris in 1913, the crowd rioted in response to the harsh dissonance and jarring rhythms of its score. This was noise, not music. In Sublime Noise, Josh Epstein examines the significance of noise in modernist music and literature. Howâ€�and whyâ€�did composers and writers incorporate the noises of modern industry, warfare, and big-city life into their work?Epstein argues that, as the creative class engaged with the racket of cityscapes and new media, they reconsidered not just the aesthetic of music but also its cultural effects. Noise, after all, is more than a sonic category: it is a cultural value judgmentâ€�a way of abating and categorizing the sounds of a social space or of new music. Pulled into dialogue with modern music’s innovative rhythms, noise signaled the breakdown of art’s autonomy from social lifeâ€�even the "old favorites" of Beethoven and Wagner took on new cultural meanings when circulated in noisy modern contexts. The use of noise also opened up the closed space of art to the pressures of publicity and technological mediation.Building both on literary cultural studies and work in the "new musicology," Sublime Noise examines the rich material relationship that exists between music and literature. Through close readings of modernist authors, including James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Edith Sitwell, E. M. Forster, and Ezra Pound, and composers, including George Antheil, William Walton, Erik Satie, and Benjamin Britten, Epstein offers a radically contemporary account of musical-literary interactions that goes well beyond pure formalism. This book will be of interest to scholars of Anglophone literary modernism and to musicologists interested in how music was given new literary and cultural meaning during that complex interdisciplinary period.

Subliminal Leadership: Why It Is as Important as Emotional Intelligence

by Thomas Frankl

Understanding the power of subliminal influence makes or breaks leaders. What is it that subliminally motivates people to give their best, not just what’s in their job description? How do you build an outstanding team? (Spoiler: it’s not just by putting the best people in a team.) The answer lies in the power of subliminal influence. This book explains in a clear and accessible way this important, yet little known and understood, area of psychology and leadership. As Emotional Intelligence helped managers and leaders to understand the importance of empathy in the workplace, Subliminal Leadership takes us to the next level by explaining how influence through non-verbal communication mostly happens below the threshold of our conscious awareness: subliminal forms of body language and communication which influence other people's attitudes, thinking and behavior – and which may boost, or undermine a leader's authority, the performance of teams or the quality of key customer relationships. Readers will learn how we unconsciously communicate and how we positively or negatively influence other people in the process. Understanding subliminal influence will help people in, or aspiring towards, leadership positions to build trust, understand others’ emotions, make better decisions, and strengthen professional relationships. Based on recent scientific research in disciplines as diverse as psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, medicine, neuroscience, and management studies, the book offers a breakthrough, multidisciplinary approach to influence and leadership. This book is for everyone interested in the psychological, biological, and medical dimensions of leadership.

Subliminal Leadership: Why It Is as Important as Emotional Intelligence

by Thomas Frankl

Understanding the power of subliminal influence makes or breaks leaders. What is it that subliminally motivates people to give their best, not just what’s in their job description? How do you build an outstanding team? (Spoiler: it’s not just by putting the best people in a team.) The answer lies in the power of subliminal influence. This book explains in a clear and accessible way this important, yet little known and understood, area of psychology and leadership. As Emotional Intelligence helped managers and leaders to understand the importance of empathy in the workplace, Subliminal Leadership takes us to the next level by explaining how influence through non-verbal communication mostly happens below the threshold of our conscious awareness: subliminal forms of body language and communication which influence other people's attitudes, thinking and behavior – and which may boost, or undermine a leader's authority, the performance of teams or the quality of key customer relationships. Readers will learn how we unconsciously communicate and how we positively or negatively influence other people in the process. Understanding subliminal influence will help people in, or aspiring towards, leadership positions to build trust, understand others’ emotions, make better decisions, and strengthen professional relationships. Based on recent scientific research in disciplines as diverse as psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, medicine, neuroscience, and management studies, the book offers a breakthrough, multidisciplinary approach to influence and leadership. This book is for everyone interested in the psychological, biological, and medical dimensions of leadership.


by Todd Lammle

Master the fundamental concept at the heart of professional networking Subnetting is the aspiring network professional’s guide to the concepts and practices at the core of the field. By dividing a single physical network into smaller subnetworks, you gain greater control of performance, access, and security. While the concept is simple, the actual practice is complex—yet it is an essential skill for networking professionals, and a major skill tested on the CCENT and CompTIA Network+ exams. This book shows you everything you need to know about constructing IP addresses, VSLM, and route summarization to help you build your skill set on a strong foundation. The IPv4 address has 32 bits available, which can be divided into host ID and network ID; the number of bits assigned to the network ID determines the balance between total subnetworks and devices allowed—the trick is determining the most efficient balance for a particular network. Subnetting allows you to borrow bits from the host to allow for more networks, and subnet masks are used to determine switching and routing priority. This book delves into the mechanisms and practices you need to know, including networking fundamentals, rules of IP addresses, supernetting, variable length subnet mask, IPv6, and more: Master the fundamental topic at the heart of the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician and CompTIA Network+ certifications Improve network performance using subnetworks to avoid high-usage “clogs” Utilize network partitioning to confine breaches or viruses and improve security Construct efficient solutions to problems of allocation and range With clear guidance from an industry expert and a practical perspective geared toward real-world situations, Subnetting offers an outstanding introduction to this essential foundational concept.


by Todd Lammle

Master the fundamental concept at the heart of professional networking Subnetting is the aspiring network professional’s guide to the concepts and practices at the core of the field. By dividing a single physical network into smaller subnetworks, you gain greater control of performance, access, and security. While the concept is simple, the actual practice is complex—yet it is an essential skill for networking professionals, and a major skill tested on the CCENT and CompTIA Network+ exams. This book shows you everything you need to know about constructing IP addresses, VSLM, and route summarization to help you build your skill set on a strong foundation. The IPv4 address has 32 bits available, which can be divided into host ID and network ID; the number of bits assigned to the network ID determines the balance between total subnetworks and devices allowed—the trick is determining the most efficient balance for a particular network. Subnetting allows you to borrow bits from the host to allow for more networks, and subnet masks are used to determine switching and routing priority. This book delves into the mechanisms and practices you need to know, including networking fundamentals, rules of IP addresses, supernetting, variable length subnet mask, IPv6, and more: Master the fundamental topic at the heart of the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician and CompTIA Network+ certifications Improve network performance using subnetworks to avoid high-usage “clogs” Utilize network partitioning to confine breaches or viruses and improve security Construct efficient solutions to problems of allocation and range With clear guidance from an industry expert and a practical perspective geared toward real-world situations, Subnetting offers an outstanding introduction to this essential foundational concept.

Substance Abuse Recovery in College: Community Supported Abstinence (Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development)

by H. Harrington Cleveland Richard P. Wiebe Kitty S. Harris

Substance Abuse Recovery in College explains in authoritative detail what collegiate recovery communities are, the types of services they provide, and their role in the context of campus life, with extended examples from Texas Tech University’s influential CSAR (Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery) program. Using data from both conventional surveys and end-of-day daily Palm Pilot assessments as well as focus groups, the book examines community members’ experiences. In addition, the importance of a positive relationship between the recovery community and the school administration is emphasized. Topics covered include: The growing need for recovery services at colleges. How recovery communities support abstinence and relapse prevention. Who are community members and their addiction and treatment histories. Daily lives of young adults in a collegiate recovery community. Challenges and opportunities in establishing recovery communities on campus. Building abstinence support into an academic curriculum. This volume offers clear insights and up-close perspectives of importance to developmental and clinical child psychologists, social workers, higher education policymakers, and related professionals in human development, family studies, student services, college health care, and community services.

The Substance of Faith Allied with Science: A Catechism for Parents and Teachers (Routledge Revivals)

by Oliver Lodge

Originally published in 1907, this book provides information to parents and teachers wishing to teach their children about Christianity as well as science. Lodge details his fear of mandatory secularism in schools and advises how to instruct children in science without allowing any doubt of Christian doctrine and stresses the importance of reconciliation between religion and science for future generations. This title will be of interest to students of Education and Religion.

The Substance of Faith Allied with Science: A Catechism for Parents and Teachers (Routledge Revivals)

by Oliver Lodge

Originally published in 1907, this book provides information to parents and teachers wishing to teach their children about Christianity as well as science. Lodge details his fear of mandatory secularism in schools and advises how to instruct children in science without allowing any doubt of Christian doctrine and stresses the importance of reconciliation between religion and science for future generations. This title will be of interest to students of Education and Religion.

The Substance of Truth (Transgressions #71)

by Tolu Olorunda

Tolu Olorunda is a cultural critic whose work has regularly appeared on AlterNet, Black Commentator, CounterPunch, Truthout, and several other publications including ColorLines magazine, The Nation magazine, and Wiretap magazine. His book, The Substance of Truth, takes a frank look into what has become of a society that touts grand and lofty ideals which it often fails to fulfill. With essays addressing issues as broad as the education system, 21st century media culture, Hip-Hop culture, youth culture, neoliberalism, and moral poverty, Olorunda argues the days ahead would darken in promise if rigorous action isn’t soon applied to rectify the way people think, how they respond to their surroundings, and the decisions they take to make the world better than it stands today. This struggle, he insists, could define whether or not a livable future would exist for the most vulnerable of all—children, whose plights are increasingly cast aside and ignored. From the book: “At risk of appearing alarmist, it’s easy to ignore all the warning signs hanging around us that suggest the clock is ticking fast—real fast!—and that time left for due action is short. But if life for the next generation should contain some semblance of sanity—where life itself means more than shopping malls and commodities, where Power stands accountable to the demands of communities—all fear of coming across hyperbolic would have to give way to the realities staring us down. The risk also extends to coming across Pollyannaish, as though all the impurities and iniquities holding hostage society can be cured with essays or lectures. But we cannot afford to let this moment slip by unattended, unengaged. The problems number endless—and so do the possibilities. And at no other moment has a generation been more fortunate, with the ease of technology, to make miracles happen amidst frightening circumstances. At no other moment has the clarion call blared this clearly and loudly.”

Substantial Classrooms: Redesigning the Substitute Teaching Experience

by Jill Vialet Amanda von Moos

Transform Your School’s Substitute Teaching Experience Just like everything else, substitute teaching is about to undergo a big change. In Substantial Classrooms: Redesigning the Substitute Teaching Experience, authors Jill Vialet and Amanda von Moos usher in a new era of innovation in substitute teaching. Threaded with concrete and actionable ways to improve the experience of substitute teaching for administrators, students, and the teachers themselves, Substantial Classrooms is a leading voice for innovation and renewal in substitute teaching. Instead of viewing substitute teachers as a placeholder in an educator’s absence, this book encourages readers to view substitute teachers as vital resources that diversify the typical classroom learning experience. While other books look only at making a bad situation bearable, this book re-examines substitute teaching with an eye towards reinventing it as a unique and valuable part of students’ educational experience. Key themes of Substantial Classrooms include: How substitute teaching works today Applying human-centered design to create change in legacy systems like substitute teaching Concrete and inspiring examples of different models for substitute teaching, for example, reimagining it as paid fieldwork for aspiring teachers. In addition to these key themes, every chapter includes stories and techniques from dynamic and innovative educational practitioners. This must-have guide to substitute teaching can improve schools everywhere and revolutionize the way educators, school and district leaders, colleges, and community partners view the experience of substitute teaching as a lever to positively impact schools.

Substantial Classrooms: Redesigning the Substitute Teaching Experience

by Jill Vialet Amanda von Moos

Transform Your School’s Substitute Teaching Experience Just like everything else, substitute teaching is about to undergo a big change. In Substantial Classrooms: Redesigning the Substitute Teaching Experience, authors Jill Vialet and Amanda von Moos usher in a new era of innovation in substitute teaching. Threaded with concrete and actionable ways to improve the experience of substitute teaching for administrators, students, and the teachers themselves, Substantial Classrooms is a leading voice for innovation and renewal in substitute teaching. Instead of viewing substitute teachers as a placeholder in an educator’s absence, this book encourages readers to view substitute teachers as vital resources that diversify the typical classroom learning experience. While other books look only at making a bad situation bearable, this book re-examines substitute teaching with an eye towards reinventing it as a unique and valuable part of students’ educational experience. Key themes of Substantial Classrooms include: How substitute teaching works today Applying human-centered design to create change in legacy systems like substitute teaching Concrete and inspiring examples of different models for substitute teaching, for example, reimagining it as paid fieldwork for aspiring teachers. In addition to these key themes, every chapter includes stories and techniques from dynamic and innovative educational practitioners. This must-have guide to substitute teaching can improve schools everywhere and revolutionize the way educators, school and district leaders, colleges, and community partners view the experience of substitute teaching as a lever to positively impact schools.

The Subtle Spectrum: An Honest Account Of Autistic Discovery Relationships And Identity

by Joanna Grace

Am I autistic, or is autism something I suff er from? Should I come out, to my friends, to my family, to the people I work with? Should I drop the mask? How can I explain my experience to a neurotypical world? The Subtle Spectrum off ers an exploration into the postdiagnostic landscape of autism and the transformative journey of one woman, from her awareness of diff erence, through acceptance, to an embracing of autistic identity and beyond as she questions the cultural identity of autism. Joanna’s narrative is enriched with insights from a range of diverse contributors, creating a refl ective opportunity for people to gain a better understanding of the experience of being autistic. With a focus on relationships built across a neurodiverse divide, the book considers topics as broad as mental health, work opportunities and abuse, weaving theory and research with lived experience to give true insight into the life of an autistic person, both pre- and post- diagnosis. Written with a raw and engaging honesty, this is a crucial read for anybody who identifi es as autistic as an adult or teenager, or anyone looking to support somebody exploring diagnosis. It will also provide an invaluable insight for social workers, educators and relationships counsellors working with autistic people.

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