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Teenagers’ Everyday Literacy Practices in English: Beyond the Classroom

by Anastasia Rothoni

This book examines everyday literacy in English as a foreign language (EFL). Focusing on the out-of-school literacy practices of teenagers in Athens, Greece, it challenges the notion that classrooms are the only contexts which provide exposure to English for learners. The author demonstrates that English can be a powerful resource for teenagers, as a symbolic tool granting them additional means of communication and self-expression. In doing so, she makes an original contribution to the areas of literacy, language education, and applied linguistics.

Teenie Weenie in a Too Big World: A Story for Fearful Children (Helping Children with Feelings)

by Margot Sunderland

(A story for fearful children) One day Teenie Weenie finds himself in a scrumbly screechy place. It is full of noises and crashes and things that swoop and scratch. The worse it gets, the smaller Teenie Weenie feels. After a while, he feels so small that the tiniest insect tries to eat him up. Teenie Weenie feels terrified and desperately alone. But after a while along strolls a Wip-Wop bird who invites Teenie Weenie to come and have a chocolate muffin in his tree house. With the Wip Wop bird and his friend Hoggie, Teenie Weenie learns for the first time in his life all about the power of TOGETHER. He comes to know how very different things look when it's an US not just a ME. And so after that, whenever Teenie Weenie finds himself struggling alone with something too difficult or too frightening, he goes off and finds some TOGETHER.

Teenie Weenie in a Too Big World: A Story for Fearful Children (Helping Children with Feelings)

by Margot Sunderland

(A story for fearful children) One day Teenie Weenie finds himself in a scrumbly screechy place. It is full of noises and crashes and things that swoop and scratch. The worse it gets, the smaller Teenie Weenie feels. After a while, he feels so small that the tiniest insect tries to eat him up. Teenie Weenie feels terrified and desperately alone. But after a while along strolls a Wip-Wop bird who invites Teenie Weenie to come and have a chocolate muffin in his tree house. With the Wip Wop bird and his friend Hoggie, Teenie Weenie learns for the first time in his life all about the power of TOGETHER. He comes to know how very different things look when it's an US not just a ME. And so after that, whenever Teenie Weenie finds himself struggling alone with something too difficult or too frightening, he goes off and finds some TOGETHER.

Teens Go Green!: Tips, Techniques, Tools, and Themes for YA Programming (Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series)

by Valerie J. Colston

Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for engaging teens and 'tweens with ecofriendly, low-cost art programs that are appropriate for the library or classroom.Being "green" is a hot topic today, not only for businesses and adults interested in being socially responsible, but also for 'tweens, teens, and young adults. Today's young adults are keenly aware of environmental issues, locally and globally. They are also in need of art programs that provide a hands-on, creative outlet. Teens Go Green!: Tips, Technique, Tools and Themes for YA Programming is an approachable reference book for librarians or high school teachers looking for low-cost, environmentally themed art projects and programs that teens will relate to and find fun. In Part 1, the author explains the needs for these programs, offers tips for teaching them, and suggests ways to expand teen involvement in the library. Part 2 provides dozens of practical, easy-to-follow art project ideas that demonstrate how simple teaching green teen art projects can be.

Teens, Libraries, and Social Networking: What Librarians Need to Know (Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides for Young Adult Librarians Series)

by Denise E. Agosto June Abbas

Learn how teens use social networking technologies and how these same technologies can be used to engage them in library services.Teens and Social Networking Now: What Librarians Need to Know is organized around ten major topics, including using social networking sites to connect teens to young adult literature, social networking and legislative issues, social networking and safety/privacy issues, and the social and educational benefits of social networking. Expert practitioners explain how such issues can and should impact library services to young adults, focusing on concrete suggestions and specific steps for best practices and program designs that will help librarians utilize social networking tools to enhance library services to teens, both online and in the library.As background, the book explores the reasons so many teens use these sites. It also shares a profile of an award-winning public library's use of social networking to engage teen library users and a national survey of the ways YA librarians are using social networking to deliver public library services.

TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies

by Michelle M. Maxom

Instant English lessons – learn in a flash! TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is a ready-made course manual for TEFL teachers. With fully fleshed-out lessons, activities, tools, games, and resources, this book contains what is essentially an instant TEFL course. Use the ready-made materials directly in the classroom, or follow along with the detailed planning models and frameworks to grow your skills while designing your own lesson plans more effectively. The book includes access to online materials you can print for use in class, and the lessons can be used with or without the aid of technology in the classroom. You'll find expert advice on teaching all age levels and class sizes, including ideas for taking the lessons out into the world. Many EFL/ESL teachers have little or no experience, and may have only been in the profession for a limited time. TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies saves the day with materials, ideas, and activities that can be implemented quickly and easily, making lessons more productive and fun. From quick exercises to larger-scale plans, this book contains hundreds of ways to help your students become more proficient English speakers. Implement expertly-designed planning models with step-by-step advice Teach lessons designed for students of all ages and classes of all sizes Integrate technology when it's available, or do without it when it's not Move your lessons outside of the classroom for deeper immersion Whether you're taking a TEFL training course, about to head out on your first job, or a veteran of the field, this book provides you with the tools you will need to get things moving in class. If you're looking to cut down on planning time without sacrificing student engagement, TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is the classroom-ready resource you need.

TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies

by Michelle M. Maxom

Instant English lessons – learn in a flash! TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is a ready-made course manual for TEFL teachers. With fully fleshed-out lessons, activities, tools, games, and resources, this book contains what is essentially an instant TEFL course. Use the ready-made materials directly in the classroom, or follow along with the detailed planning models and frameworks to grow your skills while designing your own lesson plans more effectively. The book includes access to online materials you can print for use in class, and the lessons can be used with or without the aid of technology in the classroom. You'll find expert advice on teaching all age levels and class sizes, including ideas for taking the lessons out into the world. Many EFL/ESL teachers have little or no experience, and may have only been in the profession for a limited time. TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies saves the day with materials, ideas, and activities that can be implemented quickly and easily, making lessons more productive and fun. From quick exercises to larger-scale plans, this book contains hundreds of ways to help your students become more proficient English speakers. Implement expertly-designed planning models with step-by-step advice Teach lessons designed for students of all ages and classes of all sizes Integrate technology when it's available, or do without it when it's not Move your lessons outside of the classroom for deeper immersion Whether you're taking a TEFL training course, about to head out on your first job, or a veteran of the field, this book provides you with the tools you will need to get things moving in class. If you're looking to cut down on planning time without sacrificing student engagement, TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is the classroom-ready resource you need.

Tegnekunstens Grundlæggende Principper: Stilleben, Figurtegning, Landskaber og Portrætter

by Barrington Barber

Denne bog er en uvurderlig referencekilde, både for begyndere og mere øvede kunstnere, til studier og forbedringer af stilleben, figurer, landskaber og portrættegning.Barrington Barbers bøger har hjulpet folk over hele verden til at opnå enhver kunstners mål - at genskabe verden omkring dem, som de oplever den, ved at starte med og videreudvikle grundprincipperne og siden opfordre dem til at lade deres kunstneriske personlighed komme frem og skabe ægte kunstværker.Hans letforståelige skrivestil og tegneteknikker gør ham til en perfekt læremester for nybegyndere, såvel som for allerede dygtige tegnere.

Teilen oder nicht teilen: Die Logik des Schützens von Forschungsdaten (Higher Education Research and Science Studies)

by Michaela Pook-Kolb

Die Digitalisierung und die schnell wachsende Menge an Forschungsdaten sowie die Forderung nach mehr Kooperation haben den Austausch von Daten (Data Sharing) zu einem integralen Bestandteil der wissenschaftlichen Praxis gemacht. Data Sharing ist allerdings nicht so unproblematisch, wie es auf den ersten Blick erscheinen mag. Denn im Spannungsfeld zwischen normativem Druck und wissenschaftlichem Wettbewerb wägen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sorgfältig ab, wann und mit wem sie welche Daten teilen. In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativ-soziologischen Studie vorgestellt, die nicht wie bisher das Teilen, sondern das Schützen von Daten (Data Protecting) in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses rückt. Vor dem Hintergrund von Bourdieus Feld-Habitus-Konzept werden offene Leitfadeninterviews mit Hilfe einer Kombination deskriptiver und rekonstruktiver Methoden analysiert. Im Ergebnis liegt nicht nur eine systematische Beschreibung von Praktiken zum Schutz von Forschungsdaten vor, sondern auch die diesen Praktiken zugrundeliegende Handlungslogik. Dieser Logik zufolge dient der Schutz von Forschungsdaten dem Schutz von Forschungsideen (Brainchild Protecting) und sichert schließlich die Realisierung feldspezifischer Gewinne.

Teilhabe am Verkehrssystem: Einfluss selbständiger Mobilität auf die Freizeitgestaltung junger Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung (Gesundheitsförderung - Rehabilitation - Teilhabe)

by Vera Tillmann

​Mit der Teilhabe am Verkehrssystem werden Zugänge zu unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen geöffnet. Für (junge) Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung können diese aufgrund bestehender Barrieren an Herausforderungen geknüpft sein, die Exklusionsrisiken bedingen. Vera Tillmann setzt sich vor diesem Hintergrund mit den bestehenden und potenziellen Teilhabechancen für (junge) Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung auseinander. Differenziert bearbeitet wird dies mit Bezug zum Lebensbereich Freizeit sowie dem Konzept der Lebensqualität. In der empirischen Untersuchung werden die Verknüpfungen und Zusammenhänge mit Hilfe multimethodischer Erhebungs- und Analyseverfahren bearbeitet.​

Teilhabe an digitaler Bildung: Ergebnisse der Bildungsstudie der Genossenschaft der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen in Norddeutschland e. G.

by Ludger Kolhoff Julia Hartung-Ziehlke Karen Frankenstein

Digitale Bildungsangebote unterstützen die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung am lebenslangen Lernen. Sie bieten damit einen Zugang für eine unabhängige Lebensführung und Teilhabe in allen Lebensbereichen und werden als zentraler Faktor gelingender Inklusion hervorgehoben. Um Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung die Möglichkeit zu geben, an digitaler Bildung teilzuhaben, wurde 2016 – 2018 der Bildungs- und Qualifizierungsbedarf von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung in 10 Mitgliedseinrichtungen der Genossenschaft der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen in Norddeutschland e.G. erfasst. In diesem Band werden vorhandene Analysen zum Bildungsbedarf von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen und bestehende Bildungsangebote ausgewertet und über 500 Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung befragt. Auf der Grundlage dieser Studie werden zielgenau bedarfsorientierte digitale Bildungsangebote erstellt.

Teilhaben an Schule: Zu den Chancen wirksamer Einflussnahme auf Schulentwicklung

by Thomas Rihm

Teilhaben können meint hier nicht lediglich die vorbestimmte Teilnahme Lernender an schulischen Abläufen. Vielmehr geht es um die wirksame unmittelbare Einflussnahme der Beteiligten selbst auf die Verhältnisse ihrer Schule. Dies setzt voraus, den Lernenden Expertise für ihren Bildungsprozess zuzuerkennen und entsprechende Beteiligungsräume zu eröffnen und strukturell abzusichern. Teilhaben können schließt dann aber auch ein, dass die Akteure notfalls Schule unerwartet anders denken als vorgedacht. Die Chancen für ein solches Vorhaben auszuloten, macht sich die hier vorliegende zweite, erweiterte Auflage des Bandes zur Aufgabe. Dazu nimmt sie die Form eines Forums an, auf dem ein breites Spektrum von Standpunkten zu Wort kommt. Die gesellschaftlich gegenläufigen Dynamiken der Inklusion und der Exklusion werden thematisiert, Behinderungen und Unterstützungen im schulischen Rahmen aufgespürt, Ausgangspunkte für neue Handlungsperspektiven bestimmt und Beispiele der Einflussnahme auf Schule durch Lernende skizziert.

Teilhaben an Schule: Zu den Chancen wirksamer Einflussnahme auf Schulentwicklung

by Thomas Rihm

Der Band präsentiert ein alternatives Konzept zur Schulentwicklung, bei dem die SchülerInnen und ihre Teilhabechancen im Zentrum der Diskussion stehen. Teilhabe meint hier die wirksame, selbstbestimmte Einflussnahme, nicht der üblicherweise praktizierte stellvertretende Einbezug der Lernenden durch die Lehrenden und die Schulleitung. Entsprechend geht es darum, die notwendigen Handlungsräume auszuloten, die die Lernenden haben müssen, damit sie sich maßgeblich an der Entwicklung ihrer Schule beteiligen können.

Teilnahme am Unterricht: Ethnographische Studien zum Schülerjob (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung)

by Georg Breidenstein

Was tun Schülerinnen und Schüler im Unterricht? Der Begriff "Teilnahme am Unterricht" wird in dieser Untersuchung, die auf langfristigen Unterrichtsbeobachtungen beruht, neu gefasst. Die grundlegende Differenzierung in Teilnahme und Nicht-Teilnahme legt Kriterien frei, die einen neuen Zugang zu den unterrichtswirklichen Problemen Leistungsbeurteilung, Zensurenfindung, Langeweile und letztlich den "Schülerjob" als Metapher für jede Form der Schülertätigkeit innerhalb von 45-Minuten-Einheiten ermöglicht.

Tele-Improvisation: Intercultural Interaction in the Online Global Music Jam Session (Springer Series on Cultural Computing)

by Roger Mills

This research monograph explores the rapidly expanding field of networked music making and the ways in which musicians of different cultures improvise together online. It draws on extensive research to uncover the creative and cognitive approaches that geographically dispersed musicians develop to interact in displaced tele-improvisatory collaboration. It presents a multimodal analysis of three tele-improvisatory performances that examine how cross-cultural musician’s express and perceive intentionality in these interactions, as well as their experiences of distributed agency and tele-presence.Tele-Improvisation: Intercultural Interaction in the Online Global Music Jam Session will provide essential reading for musician’s, postgraduate students, researchers and educators, working in the areas of telematic performance, musicology, music cognition, intercultural communication, distance collaboration and learning, digital humanities, Computer Supported Cooperative Work and HCI.

TelE-Learning: The Challenge for the Third Millennium (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #102)

by MikeKendall DonPassey

Many of the early issues in the field of telE-learning are now not only recognised but are being addressed, through professional and staff development routes, through innovative technological solutions, and through approaches and concepts that are better suited to particular educational contexts. TelE-LEARNING: The Challenge for the Third Millennium provides details of the most recent advances in this area.

Tele-oncology (TELe-Health)

by Giovanna Gatti Gabriella Pravettoni Fabio Capello

This book explains how telemedicine can offer solutions capable of improving the care and survival rates of cancer patients and can also help patients to live a normal life in spite of their condition. Different fields of application – community, hospital and home based – are examined, and detailed attention is paid to the use of tele-oncology in rural/extreme rural settings and in developing countries. The impact of new technologies and the opportunities afforded by the social web are both discussed. The concluding chapters consider eLearning in relation to cancer care and assess the scope for education to improve prevention. No medical condition can shatter people’s lives as cancer does today and the need to develop strategies to reduce the disease burden and improve quality of life is paramount. Readers will find this new volume in Springer’s TELe Health series to be a rich source of information on the important contribution that can be made by telemedicine in achieving these goals.

Telecommunications: A Handbook for Educators (Source Books on Education)

by Resa Azarmsa

First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Telecommunications: A Handbook for Educators (Source Books on Education)

by Resa Azarmsa

First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Telefonumfragen in Deutschland (Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute)

by Sabine Häder Michael Häder Patrick Schmich

Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung im Bereich telefonischer Befragungen. Ziel der Autoren war es, sowohl wissenschaftlich Forschenden eine kompakte Übersicht zu geben, als auch Institutionen, die über telefonische Befragungen nachdenken, konkrete Hinweise für die Umsetzung zu geben. Es sollen Good Practice Guidelines im Sinne von bewährten Verfahren und auf praktischen Erfahrungen beruhende Empfehlungen vermittelt werden. Den Lesern wird eine Hilfestellung geboten, um sich über die erforderlichen Schritte, angefangen bei der Ausschreibung einer Studie, über die relevanten Aspekte der Fragebogenerstellung und zum Verständnis der Auswahlstrategie bis hin zum Inhalt der Methodenberichte, zu informieren. Die Klammer des Buches ist die Einordnung der verschiedenen Phasen von Telefonumfragen in das Ziel der Verringerung des Total Survey Error (TSE).Der InhaltDas Total Survey Error Modell in telefonischen Befragungen ● Repräsentativität: Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung ● Telefonstichproben ● Erhebung und Verwendung von Para- und Metadaten ● Fragebogenkonstruktion bei telefonischen Befragungen ● Feldphase ● Rolle und Einfluss von Interviewern in telefonischen Umfragen ● Datenqualität ● Die Berechnung von Responseraten ● Gewichtung von (Dual-Frame -) Telefonstichproben ● Methoden- und Feldberichte ● Ausschreibung einer TelefonstudieDie HerausgeberProf. Dr. Michael Häder ist Inhaber der Professur für Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung an der TU Dresden.Dr. Sabine Häder ist Mitarbeiterin am GESIS − Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in Mannheim.Patrick Schmich ist Leiter des Fachgebietes Epidemiologisches Daten- und Befragungszentrum am Robert Koch-Institut Berlin.

Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing

by Patricia Schweickert Carolyn Rutledge

A timely, practical, and concise resource for advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) students, faculty, and providers, Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing provides readers with an understanding of and tools to embrace the emerging field of telehealth and optimize its application in clinical practice. Telehealth offers a unique solution to many health-care challenges, such as provider shortages, chronic disease management, an aging population, protection from infectious disease, and limited access to care. As telehealth is being incorporated into health care and health care delivery at an ever-increasing rate, APRNs that can navigate the telehealth arena are uniquely positioned to serve as leaders in the health care of the future. Using Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, readers will learn how to utilize telehealth to provide new and innovative methods of care.Authors Patty A. Schweickert and Carolyn M. Rutledge present a multi-modal approach to telehealth education that layers telehealth onto nurses’ existing knowledge of nursing practice. The text begins with the history and basics of telehealth before moving on to critical content that a provider must understand to maximize its use in the health care arena, covering topics including: Technology used in the early response to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 The process of integrating telehealth in practice Laws, policies, and regulations governing telehealth practice Barriers to implementation and strategies for overcoming them Telehealth etiquette and ethics Using telehealth for effective interprofessional collaboration Each chapter includes group exercises, prompts for reflection, questions for discussion, and case studies. Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.With Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, APRN students, faculty, and practicing providers will learn to advocate for telehealth implementation, establish telehealth programs, and utilize telehealth to overcome barriers to care in order to optimize access and quality of care.

Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing

by Patricia Schweickert Carolyn Rutledge

A timely, practical, and concise resource for advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) students, faculty, and providers, Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing provides readers with an understanding of and tools to embrace the emerging field of telehealth and optimize its application in clinical practice. Telehealth offers a unique solution to many health-care challenges, such as provider shortages, chronic disease management, an aging population, protection from infectious disease, and limited access to care. As telehealth is being incorporated into health care and health care delivery at an ever-increasing rate, APRNs that can navigate the telehealth arena are uniquely positioned to serve as leaders in the health care of the future. Using Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, readers will learn how to utilize telehealth to provide new and innovative methods of care.Authors Patty A. Schweickert and Carolyn M. Rutledge present a multi-modal approach to telehealth education that layers telehealth onto nurses’ existing knowledge of nursing practice. The text begins with the history and basics of telehealth before moving on to critical content that a provider must understand to maximize its use in the health care arena, covering topics including: Technology used in the early response to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 The process of integrating telehealth in practice Laws, policies, and regulations governing telehealth practice Barriers to implementation and strategies for overcoming them Telehealth etiquette and ethics Using telehealth for effective interprofessional collaboration Each chapter includes group exercises, prompts for reflection, questions for discussion, and case studies. Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.With Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, APRN students, faculty, and practicing providers will learn to advocate for telehealth implementation, establish telehealth programs, and utilize telehealth to overcome barriers to care in order to optimize access and quality of care.

Telematics and Computing: 10th International Congress, WITCOM 2021, Virtual Event, November 8–12, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1430)

by Roberto Zagal-Flores Miguel Félix Mata-Rivera

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2021, held in November 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online. The 12 full papers and 7 short papers in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 48 submissions. The papers are focused on the topics of deep and machine learning, cybersecurity, wireless networks, computer vision, communications, and education applied to different sceneries of study and COVID-19.

Telemedicine for Children's Health (TELe-Health)

by Fabio Capello Andrea E. Naimoli Giuseppe Pili

This book describes in detail the potential role of ICT and electronic systems, together with the application of Web 2.0 technologies, in telepediatrics and child health. Rather than simply proposing engineering solutions that may soon become outdated, it is designed to address those real needs that telemedicine and developers are asked to meet. The orientation of the book is very much toward primary care and both low and high-income settings as well as extreme or complex scenarios are considered. The first two sections of the book describe different fields of application, such as the community, the hospital and children with chronic illnesses or special needs, and examine technical issues. The use of telemedicine in delivery of care in extreme rural settings and developing countries is then discussed, with attention also to major emergencies and humanitarian crises. The closing chapters consider the role of modern technologies in the education of caregivers who work with children.Child health is a crucial issue in both industrialized and developing countries. Telemedicine for Children’s Health will be an excellent guide to the potential value of telemedicine devices in reducing the burden for children and parents and in offering quick and concrete solutions in low-resource scenarios.

Telemental Health Care for Children and Families

by Larissa N. Niec Ciera E. Schoonover

This book examines state-of-the-science telemental health interventions for children and families. It explores the adaptations necessary to provide remote formats of evidence-based models, such as parent-child interaction therapy and trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy. Chapters provide clear descriptions of how to implement interventions in a telemental health format, a review and critique of the empirical evidence supporting them, and useful case studies. The volume addresses the use of telemental health care within parenting interventions, individual child interventions, and family interventions, with particular attention paid to the evidence base of efficacy for families from marginalized and underserved communities. Key topics covered include: Remote assessment of child cognitive functioning Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT). Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). Mom Power, for mothers with histories of substance use or trauma. Applied behavioral analysis for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Cognitive behavioral therapy for children with anxiety. Telemental health with LGBTQ+ youth Telemental Health Care for Children and Families is an essential resource for clinicians, therapists, and all mental health professionals as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students across many interrelated disciplines, including developmental, clinical child, and school psychology, family studies, social work, child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy, and pediatrics.

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