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Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung

In diesem Open Access-Buch werden fünf zentrale Themenbereiche des Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement (UBRM) vorgestellt. Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagerinnen und -manager kennen die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahr­hunderts, wie sie zum Beispiel in der Agenda 2030 der Vereinten Nationen – den sogenannten nach­haltigen Entwicklungs­zielen (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) – formuliert wurden. Sie denken vernetzt und verfügen über fachliche, methodische und soziale Kompe­ten­zen, die für eine inter- und transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit erforderlich sind. Sie sind in der Lage, mit sich verändernden Anforderungen um­zugehen und können sich in eine breite Palette von Fachbereichen vertiefen. Ihre Qualifikation wird in vielen Wirtschaftsbereichen, in nationalen und internationalen Organisationen sowie in privaten und öffentlichen Einrichtungen nachgefragt.Die Leserinnen und Leser bekommen in jedem der hier vorgestellten Themenbereich Einblicke in verschiedene UBRM-Fachbereiche sowie darüber, welche Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten erworben werden können. Dies wird anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele verdeutlicht. Abschließend veranschaulichen Porträts von Absolventinnen und Absolventen die Studien- und Berufspraxis und zeigen, wie nachhaltige Zu­kunfts­gestaltung im Sinne der Agenda 2030 aussehen kann. Die Herausgeber Erwin Schmid ist Professor für Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Globalen Wandel, Tobias Pröll ist Professor für Energietechnik und Energiemanagement, beide an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU). Ebenso sind alle Beitragsautorinnen und -autoren an der BOKU Wien tätig.Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer CC BY-NC 4.0-Lizenz.

Umwelt- und Klimagerechtigkeit: Digitalisierung, Energiebedarfe, Klimastörung und Umwelt(un)gerechtigkeit (essentials)

by Regine Grafe

Der Zusammenhang von Umweltzerstörung und Klimastörung infolge der sich rasant entwickelnden Digitalisierung in allen Lebensbereichen der Menschen wird kritisch hinterfragt. Der Energiebedarf für die aktuell weltweit genutzten digitalen Endgeräte bewegt sich derzeit im Terra-Watt-Bereich. Diese Energiemenge wird noch immer mehrheitlich aus fossilen Energiequellen gewonnen, gefolgt von biologischen Quellen wie Mais, Raps, Getreide, Palmen und weitere. Der sich rasant entwickelnde Plattformkapitalismus der GAFA-Monopole und weiteren hat zu einem Anstieg des Energiebedarfs für digitale Endgeräte gesorgt. Die Folgen sind eine vermehrte Freisetzung von Treibhausgasen und vor allem von Abwärme, die einen nicht unmaßgeblichen Anteil der Störung der Wärmebalance und damit der Klimastörung hat. Digitalisierung bewirkt darüber hinaus auch gesellschaftliche Veränderungen wie neue Arbeitsmodelle und Arbeitszeitmodelle und erfordert neue, nämlich digitale, Kompetenzen. Der damit verbundene Einschnitt in die gesellschaftlichen Strukturen zeigt sich bereits in einer steigenden Vereinzelung der Menschen, die mit Identitätsverlust, Verhäuslichung und Desozialisation einhergeht.

Umwelt- und Klimagerechtigkeit: Aktualität und Zukunftsvision

by Regine Grafe

Es wird die Komplexität von Umweltverschmutzung und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung im Kontext von sozialer Indikation dargestellt. Mit Hilfe von Sozialindikatoren wird aufgezeigt, wie Umweltverschmutzung, Gesundheitszustand, Bildungsteilhabe und Arbeitswelt auf die Menschen, insbesondere in Ballungsgebieten und in ausgewählten Innenstadtbereichen sowie in Satelitenstädten unmittelbar zusammenhängen. Die Bewertungsgrößen Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) und Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) werden im Kontext der Humanbiometereologie (HBM) ausführlich diskutiert Stadtklimatologie und Geometrie der Stadtarchitektur werden in Hinblick auf die urbane Gesundheit und die soziale Beeinflussungen der Bewohner dargestellt.

Umweltgerechtigkeit: Aktualität und Zukunftsvision (Essentials Ser.)

by Regine Grafe

Es wird die Komplexität von Umweltverschmutzung und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung im Kontext von sozialer Indikation dargestellt. Mit Hilfe von Sozialindikatoren wird aufgezeigt, wie Umweltverschmutzung, Gesundheitszustand, Bildungsteilhabe und Arbeitswelt auf die Menschen, insbesondere in Ballungsgebieten und in ausgewählten Innenstadtbereichen sowie in Satelitenstädten unmittelbar zusammenhängen. Die Bewertungsgrößen Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) und Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) werden im Kontext der Humanbiometereologie (HBM) ausführlich diskutiert Stadtklimatologie und Geometrie der Stadtarchitektur werden in Hinblick auf die urbane Gesundheit und die soziale Beeinflussungen der Bewohner dargestellt.

Umweltgerechtigkeit: Zusammenhang, Verantwortung und Stellschrauben (essentials)

by Regine Grafe

Ausgehend vom Konzept des „Sozialen Raumes“, der im ganzheitlichen Begriff der Umwelt verankert ist, stellen sich Fragen nach dem Einfluss sozialer Räume auf den Menschen. Welchen Einfluss haben Lern- und Arbeitsumwelt? Wie ist es mit Chancengleichheit des Einzelnen und seiner Teilhabe bestellt? Wie hängen Wissen und Bildung zusammen? Nicht jeder, der viel weiß, ist auch gebildet. Welche Bedeutung hat die antizipatorische Bildung in der Familie und welche der Arbeits-, Lern- und Lebensumwelt? Fragen, die zweifelsohne mit sozioökonomischen Bedingungen eng zusammenhängen. Aber ist das ausschließlich darauf zu reduzieren? Wie wird die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt als Wissenswelt und damit deren Einfluss auf den Einzelnen aussehen? Welche Kompetenzen werden erforderlich sein für diese neue Arbeitswelt und wer wird sie vermitteln? Welche Bildungsinhalte werden deren soziale Räume vermitteln und mit welchem Ziel? Wenn Wissen zur Ware wird und damit beliebig, wer übernimmt dann die Verantwortung für dessen Vergegenständlichung als Produkt?

Umweltgerechtigkeit: Arbeit, Sozialisation, Teilhabe und Gesundheit (essentials)

by Regine Grafe

Unter Einbindung des Umweltgerechtigkeitsansatzes, der die Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit impliziert, werden Fragen zur Bedeutung von non-formaler und formaler Bildung im Kontext der Sozialisation des Einzelnen in einer sich verändernden Gesellschaft gestellt. Wieviel und vor allem welche Art von Teilhabe ermöglicht die Gesellschaft aktuell und vor welchen Herausforderungen steht sie in Zukunft? Welche zukunftsfähigen Bildungsinhalte müssen vermittelt werden für die sich aktuell rasant verändernde Gesellschaft? Es bedarf nicht nur neuer Wissens- und Kompetenzvermittlung, sondern auch eines Paradigmenwechsels beim Arbeitsschutz. Was bedeutet das für die Gesellschaft und den Einzelnen? Es geht dabei auch um Assimilation, Integration und Onboarding. Wer wird die notwendigen Bildungsinhalte zukünftig vermitteln und mit welchem Anspruch? Welche Rolle wird die Arbeits(um)welt dabei spielen? Fragen, die aktuell gestellt werden müssen, um gesellschaftspolitische Antworten darauf zu finden.

Un-American Acts

by Charles Lowery Carolyn Hernandez Anthony Walker Cornell Thomas

Un-American Acts focuses on identity and invisibility of African American and other underrepresented youth in the U.S. society and schooling. Presented are a series of chapters rooted in critical theory, aesthetics, and moral imagination that are intended to serve as prompts for crucial conversations and for engaging in critical reflective pedagogy in educational leadership and educational studies. Chapters center on events that have transpired in Ferguson, Staten Island, South Carolina, and elsewhere in the U.S. as well as on other relevant concerns that have had a profound impact on perceptions of race and identity in our nation’s educational systems.

Un-Democratic Acts: New Departures for Dialogues in Society and Schools

by Charles Lowery Anthony Walker Cornell Thomas

In Un-Democratic Acts: New Departures for Dialogues in Society and Schools, the focus is on ideals of democracy and democratic leadership to promote passionate debate, critical thinking, and change. Each chapter utilizes the unique voice and experiences of the author to tackle topics that are often taboo and/or politicized for ratings or votes but seldom for progress and change. Rather than continuing the circular course of back and forth arguments whose beginning and end points are the same, the authors utilize their voice to invoke change and focus on solutions. While each chapter takes on a life of its own, the collective work embodies the purpose and challenge that today’s leadership faces from a variety of perspectives. Most importantly these concepts are intended to create dissonance and divergence, a moving away from the typical and usual ways of doing, to break down the status quo thinking that dominates the related fields of academia and schooling. Do we accept the status quo and work to find our niche within the system? Or, do we hold ourselves and others accountable to truly honor the founding principles of freedom and equality for all as professed in the United States Constitution? In Un-Democratic Acts: New Departures for Dialogues in Society and Schools, the editors create a space in which imagining the possibility of a democratic and just society where all individuals are truly respected and treated fairly is the American way.

(Un)doing Gender empirisch: Qualitative Forschung in der Kita

by Julia C. Nentwich Franziska Vogt

In diesem Open-Access-Sammelband wird angehenden und fortgeschrittenen Forschenden aufgezeigt, wie «doing» und «undoing gender» in Institutionen der frühen Kindheit erforscht und analysiert werden können.Thematisiert werden:zentrale theoretische Konzeptionen von doing und undoing gender verschiedener sozialwissenschaftlicher Theorietraditionenein multimethodischer und multiperspektivischer Ansatz zur empirischen Untersuchung mit qualitativ-ethnographischen ForschungsmethodenVielfältige analytische Zugänge: Raumanalyse, Sequenzanalyse, Dokumentenanalyse, sozialwissenschaftlich hermeneutische Analyse, Diskursanalyse, Analyse organisationaler PraktikenErziehungswissenschaftliche und sozialpsychologische Perspektiven auf Kindertagesstätten als Arbeitsplatz und Organisation, Raum- und Spielangebote, Organisationsentwicklung und eine genderreflektierte Pädagogik

The Unacknowledged Disaster: Youth Poverty and Educational Failure in America

by Bruce J. Biddle

The Unacknowledged Disaster concerns two huge and closely-tied but widely ignored problems that plague the U.S. On the one hand, America tolerates a massive amount of youth poverty, while on the other, youth poverty is the major social factor generating failure in the country’s education. (More than one-fifth of American youths are now impoverished–a poverty rate far worse than those for American adults or the elderly and more than twice the size of youth poverty rates in other advanced nations–and poverty generates most educational failure effects in the U.S. often assigned to such factors as student race, broken homes, and the supposed failures of teachers and school administrators.) These problems have been studied extensively, and the tragedies they create are well known to scholars, but they are often misrepresented, misunderstood, or unacknowledged by far-right advocates, media figures, policy makers, and those concerned with serious problems that now beset the United States. This book reviews evidence concerning these problems and their dire effects, discusses ineffective or tragic outcomes that result when these problems are ignored, assesses why these problems are so often unacknowledged in the United States, and sets forth clear, evidence-based policies that can reduce the disastrous scope of American youth poverty and its destructive effects in education.

The Unanswered Self: The Masterson Approach to the Healing of Personality Disorder

by Candace Orcutt

James F. Masterson pioneered an innovative clinical approach to the dynamic psychotherapy of personality disorder, based on a steadily evolving synthesis of his own theory and interchange with other leaders in the field. Together with these originating minds, he established greater appreciation of mother-child attachment for shaping the personality -- the basis for the effectiveness of a parallel therapeutic relationship in later healing of early relational failure. Masterson holds that borderline, narcissistic, and schizoid conditions begin when growth of outer relationship and inner object relatedness is inhibited at focal stages of the beginning development of the self. A therapeutic relationship addressed to the specific developmental needs of a troubled personality, he believes, frees the natural progress of the self toward fulfilment. This review of Masterson’s legacy cites his later integration of neurobiology as well as attachment theory, and considers inclusion of such post-Masterson concepts as self-state theory. Clinical examples are offered throughout to illustrate this dynamic Approach to a therapeutic challenge now at the forefront of today’s caseloads.

Unassailable Ideas: How Unwritten Rules and Social Media Shape Discourse in American Higher Education

by Ilana Redstone John Villasenor

Open inquiry and engagement with a diverse range of views are long-cherished and central tenets of higher education and are pivotal to innovation and knowledge creation. Yet, free inquiry on American campuses is hampered by a climate that constrains teaching, research, and overall discourse. In Unassailable Ideas, Ilana Redstone and John Villasenor examine the dominant belief system on American campuses, its uncompromising enforcement through social media, and the consequences for higher education. They argue that two trends in particular--the emergent role of social media in limiting academic research and knowledge discovery and a campus culture increasingly intolerant to diverse views and open inquiry--are fundamentally reshaping higher education. Redstone and Villasenor further identify and explain how three well-intentioned unwritten rules regarding identity define the current campus climate. They present myriad case studies illustrating the resulting impact on education, knowledge creation-and, increasingly the world beyond campus. They also provide a set of recommendations to build a new campus climate that would be more tolerant toward diverse perspectives and open inquiry. An insightful analysis of the current state of academia, Unassailable Ideas highlights an environment in higher education that forecloses entire lines of research, entire discussions, and entire ways of conducting classroom teaching.

Unassailable Ideas: How Unwritten Rules and Social Media Shape Discourse in American Higher Education

by Ilana Redstone John Villasenor

Open inquiry and engagement with a diverse range of views are long-cherished and central tenets of higher education and are pivotal to innovation and knowledge creation. Yet, free inquiry on American campuses is hampered by a climate that constrains teaching, research, and overall discourse. In Unassailable Ideas, Ilana Redstone and John Villasenor examine the dominant belief system on American campuses, its uncompromising enforcement through social media, and the consequences for higher education. They argue that two trends in particular--the emergent role of social media in limiting academic research and knowledge discovery and a campus culture increasingly intolerant to diverse views and open inquiry--are fundamentally reshaping higher education. Redstone and Villasenor further identify and explain how three well-intentioned unwritten rules regarding identity define the current campus climate. They present myriad case studies illustrating the resulting impact on education, knowledge creation-and, increasingly the world beyond campus. They also provide a set of recommendations to build a new campus climate that would be more tolerant toward diverse perspectives and open inquiry. An insightful analysis of the current state of academia, Unassailable Ideas highlights an environment in higher education that forecloses entire lines of research, entire discussions, and entire ways of conducting classroom teaching.

Unauthorized Methods: Strategies for Critical Teaching

by Joe L. Kincheloe Shirley R. Steinberg

This work makes accessible and practicable some of the best theoretical innovation in critical pedagogy of the last decade. Issues of knowledge are explored as the authors consider how an integration of popular culture and cultural studies into the lesson plan can enrich and re-invigorate the learning experience. These essays, ranging widely in topic and educational level, are based in theory but are practice-oriented. In translating this theory, the contributors provide educators with techniques which will inform rather than oppress classroom skills.

Unauthorized Methods: Strategies for Critical Teaching

by Shirley Steinberg Joe L. Kincheloe

This work makes accessible and practicable some of the best theoretical innovation in critical pedagogy of the last decade. Issues of knowledge are explored as the authors consider how an integration of popular culture and cultural studies into the lesson plan can enrich and re-invigorate the learning experience. These essays, ranging widely in topic and educational level, are based in theory but are practice-oriented. In translating this theory, the contributors provide educators with techniques which will inform rather than oppress classroom skills.

Unauthorized Outlooks on Second Languages Education and Policies: Voices from Colombia

by Carmen Helena Guerrero-Nieto

This edited book presents a critical vision of language and education policies and practices in Colombia, examining neoliberal perspectives which influence the promotion of English at all levels in the Colombian educational system. Some of the chapters emphasize questions of language teacher recognition and empowerment, while others focus on both teachers and students’ visions of national policies, particularly with regard to colonial and Eurocentric discourses and subsequent discriminatory practices. The volume throws light on recent language and education policies and practices in a South American country where much current research in this area is published in Spanish but not in English, and it gives visibility to voices that are often missing from the global conversation around English language teaching (ELT). Making these voices heard is part of a decolonial project that gives legitimacy to "unauthorized outlooks", embodies knowledge, and focuses on presenting alternatives to second language teaching-learning and research practices from the Global North ontoepistemology. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of ELT, Language Policies and Planning, Applied Linguistics, and Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies. It also has international appeal, as its localized gaze can bring about important considerations regarding other local knowledges.

The Unauthorized Version: Truth and Fiction in the Bible

by Robin Lane Fox

The Bible is moving, inspirational and endlessly fascinating - but is it true? Starting with Genesis and the implicit background to the birth of Christ, Robin Lane Fox sets out to discover how far biblical descriptions of people, places and events are confirmed or contradicted by external written and archaeological evidence. He turns a sharp historian's eye on when and where the individual books were composed, whether the texts as originally written exist, how the canon was assembled, and why the Gospels give varying accounts even of the trial and condemnation of Jesus.

Unbegleitete minderjährige Geflüchtete: Ihre Lebenssituationen und Perspektiven in Deutschland (Kultur und soziale Praxis)

by Stefan Thomas Madeleine Sauer Ingmar Zalewski

Wie sind die Lebenssituationen und Perspektiven unbegleiteter minderjähriger Geflüchteter in Deutschland? Was sind förderliche Organisationskulturen, die eine gelingende Versorgung und Betreuung ermöglichen? Durch eine dreifache Perspektivübernahme gehen die Autor_innen diesen Fragen nach: Gemeinsam mit geflüchteten Jugendlichen nehmen sie die Subjektperspektive ein und erforschen die Sicht der Jugendlichen auf ihr Leben in Deutschland. Aus der Einrichtungsperspektive evaluieren sie, wie Probleme und Herausforderungen in den Einrichtungen bearbeitet werden. Und mit dem Blick aus der Strukturperspektive untersuchen sie schließlich die sozialräumliche Einbettung und fragen nach Faktoren, die die Teilhabe der jungen Geflüchteten am gesellschaftlichen Leben begünstigen.


by Paul Jennings

Believe it or not - a kid can grow younger, birds can bury you, ghosts have exams, and there are eyes in the milk. This is another collection of crazy, creepy stories from Paul Jennings.


by Paul Jennings

Believe it or not - a kid can grow younger, birds can bury you, ghosts have exams, and there are eyes in the milk. This is another collection of crazy, creepy stories from Paul Jennings.


by Paul Jennings

Believe it or not - a kid can grow younger, birds can bury you, ghosts have exams, and there are eyes in the milk. This is another collection of crazy, creepy stories from Paul Jennings.


by Paul Jennings

Believe it or not - a kid can grow younger, birds can bury you, ghosts have exams, and there are eyes in the milk. This is another collection of crazy, creepy stories from Paul Jennings.

Unbelievable! (PDF)

by Paul Jennings

Believe it or not - a kid can grow younger, birds can bury you, ghosts have exams, and there are eyes in the milk. This is another collection of crazy, creepy stories from Paul Jennings.

The Unbreakable Student: 6 Rules for Staying Sane at University

by Nic Hooper

'Equal parts practical, funny and illuminating - belongs on the required reading list for life' - Sarah Knight, internationally bestselling author of Get Your Sh!t TogetherSo, you're starting university - you've learnt what to pack, where to socialise, how to cook (sort of)... but what about how to look after your mental health?University is a whirlwind of exciting, fresh experiences. But it can also be overwhelming. You're in a strange new environment and faced with the pressure to make friends, complete difficult assignments, stay healthy, manage your finances and so much more, all while being away from your loved ones. In this time of massive change, looking after your mental wellbeing is more important than ever.Nic Hooper has witnessed the student mental health crisis unfolding every day on campus and is determined to help. A psychologist with fifteen years' experience teaching and mentoring young adults, The Unbreakable Student is his guide to navigating your university years and staying sane using six simple rules:· Using exercise to stay healthy in body and mind· Learning to positively challenge yourself· Connecting with your peers· Mindfully embracing the moment· Managing self-critical thoughts and vulnerability· Giving to others and taking positive actionAccessible and inspirational, The Unbreakable Student is the self-care guide that every university student needs.

Unbundling the University Curriculum: MOOCs, Online Program Management and the Knowledge Question (Rethinking Higher Education)

by Kate O'Connor

In a context in which explicit attention to the curriculum has been sidelined in universities’ strategy, this book makes an argument for why curriculum matters, both in understanding the effects of unbundled online learning and more broadly. It takes up two particular curriculum issues which are amplified in an unbundled context: differences in the formulation of curriculum between disciplines and professional fields, and the extent these are recognised in university strategy; and the push for constructivist pedagogies, and its effects on curriculum construction. Since the onslaught of MOOCs in 2012, unbundled forms of online learning offered via partnerships with external online program management and MOOC providers have grown significantly across the university sector. There has been much debate about the implications of these partnerships but the focus has predominantly been on the engagement of students and their learning. This book takes a different and novel approach, looking instead at the effects on curriculum and knowledge.Drawing on selected case studies, the book reflects on how university leaders and academics engaged with MOOCs and other forms of unbundled online learning in the early 2010s, and the effects of these reforms on curriculum practice. It captures in detail the complex and difficult work involved in university curriculum making in a way rarely seen in discussions of higher education. And it generates new in-sights about some of the critical problems manifest in the ongoing moves to embrace unbundled online learning today.

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