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Showing 86,601 through 86,625 of 90,598 results

Vertrauen in der Beziehung zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden: Eine theoretische und empirische Studie

by Silke Grinke

Dieser Band analysiert im ersten Teil verschiedene ausgewählte theoretische Ansätze zur Vertrauensforschung. Der zweite Teil beschreibt eine qualitative empirische Studie an berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen sowie allgemeinbildenden höheren Schulen in Österreich. Aus den Ergebnissen der empirischen Untersuchung wurde ein Handlungsmodell zum Vertrauensaufbau als praktische Implikation für Lehrende abgeleitet.

Vertrauen in die Wissenschaftskarriere: Eine empirische Studie zu den Qualifizierungswegen von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern (Wissenschaft – Hochschule – Bildung)

by Manuela Tischler

Karrieren in der Wissenschaft gelten als nur schwer planbar. Manuela Tischler beleuchtet die Ressourcen und Rahmenbedingungen, die den Nachwuchswissenschaftlern dabei helfen, mit der Unsicherheit auf dem wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierungsweg umzugehen. Ein zentraler Befund der empirischen Studie ist, dass Vertrauen für die Jungforscher als zentrale Ressource fungiert, um die Ungewissheit tolerieren zu können. Die Entstehung eines Vertrauens in den wissenschaftlichen Karriereweg ist gemäß den Befunden der Autorin durch ein komplexes Ursachengeflecht bedingt, wobei personenbezogenen Einflüssen eine Schlüsselrolle zukommt. Demnach können interpersonale Vertrauenserfahrungen auf dem wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierungsweg als Katalysatoren für die Entwicklung eines Karrierevertrauens betrachtet werden, die auch die Verweilabsichten der Jungforscher in der Wissenschaft beeinflussen.

Verwaltete Schule: Geschichte und Gegenwart (Educational Governance #20)

by Michael Geiss and Andrea Vincenti

Seit dem letzten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts wurden Politik und Verwaltung als Steuerungszentrum der Gesellschaft grundlegend in Frage gestellt. Unter dem Begriff der ‚Governance’ setzte man neu auf Kooperation und Selbstregulierung sowie auf eine schlanke Bürokratie. Diese Entwicklung brachte nicht nur neue Techniken der Steuerung des Bildungswesens hervor, sondern führte auch zu einer Neubewertung der Rolle von Expertise im Steuerungsprozess. Der neue Band der Reihe 'Educational Governance' fragt daher, inwiefern sich das Verhältnis von Politik, Verwaltung und Schule historisch verschoben hat und gegenwärtig weiter verschiebt, ob in den Entwicklungen Brüche oder auch Kontinuitäten zu erkennen sind und wie diese gedeutet werden können.

Verwaltung in Weiterbildungseinrichtungen: Vom diffusen Unbehagen zum professionell-reflektierten Umgang mit Verwaltungstätigkeiten (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Barbara Dietsche

​Barbara Dietsche untersucht das Thema „Verwaltung“ erstmals und geschichtsbewusst für die Weiterbildung. Die Autorin systematisiert und differenziert Aspekte des Verwaltungsverständnisses, Verwaltungstätigkeiten und Verhältnisbestimmungen von Verwaltung und Pädagogik durch rollentheoretische Fokussierung. Dabei geht sie von situierten und konkreten Beschreibungen von Verwaltungstätigkeiten verschiedener Berufspositionen aus. Die Einblicke in die Praxis führen dahin, „Verwaltung“ auf der Mikroebene des jeweiligen Mitarbeiters als eines von mehreren institutionalisierten Rollenelementen zu begreifen. Damit gibt die Studie Impulse, andere pädagogische Felder in dieser Weise zu betrachten.

Verwaltungsrecht (Enzyklopädie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft)

by Walter Jellinek

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Verwertbarkeit: Ein Qualitätskriterium (erziehungs-)wissenschaftlichen Wissens?

by Helmut Heid Christian Harteis

Die Autoren des Bandes setzen sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit der Frage auseinander, inwieweit 'Verwertbarkeit' ein taugliches Kriterium zur Beurteilung von wissenschaftlichem und speziell erziehungswissenschaftlichem Wissen ist. Die derzeit laufende bildungspolitische Debatte um die Effizienz deutscher Hochschulen erhält mit den Beiträgen neue Impulse.

Verwirklicht, entwickelt, diffus: Eine biografische Analyse der beruflichen Entwicklung von Studienabbrecherinnen und -abbrechern

by Dana Bergmann

In diesem Buch geht es um die berufliche Entwicklung von Studienabbrechern nach ihrem Ausstieg aus dem Hochschulsystem. Aus berufspädagogischer und bildungstheoretischer Perspektive beschäftigt sich Dana Bergmann mit den Fragen, wie subjektiv krisenhaft ein solcher Bruch im berufsbiografischen Entwicklungsprozess ist, welche Bildungs- und Entwicklungspotenziale damit einhergehen und inwieweit es den Studienabbrechern gelingt, berufliche Identität, Beruflichkeit oder Berufsbewusstsein zu entwickeln. Es wird deutlich, dass das vorzeitige Beenden des Studiums ein Bestandteil eines individuellen Bildungsprozesses darstellen kann, bei dem es um eine berufliche Platzsuche, um individuelle berufliche Mobilität sowie Anschlussfähigkeit geht.

Verwirklichungschancen von Berliner Stadtteilmüttern: Konjunktive Erfahrungen im Spannungsfeld von Aktivierung und Nicht-/Anerkennung

by Liv-Berit Koch

In der Tradition einer rekonstruktiven Methodologie untersucht Liv-Berit Koch die Frage, welche Chancen migrantische Frauen im Rahmen ihrer Teilnahme am Stadtteilmütter-Projekt in Berlin verwirklichen. Als Kernthema der in Einzelinterviews und einer Gruppendiskussion befragten Frauen arbeitet die Autorin den Wunsch heraus, Zugänge zu Ressourcen des sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Lebens zu erweitern – und zwar primär für die Familie, für die Gesellschaft oder für sich selbst. Zum Zeitpunkt des Projektausstiegs orientieren sich die Stadtteilmütter jedoch primär am Zugang zum regulären Arbeitsmarkt, welcher in Diskrepanz zu den institutionalisierten resp. organisatorischen Ablaufmustern des Projekts steht, aus denen reguläre und dauerhafte Beschäftigungsverhältnisse ausgeschlossen sind. Damit werden Dilemmata hervorgerufen, deren Bearbeitung nicht von den Stadtteilmüttern selbst geleistet werden kann, sondern grundlegender Veränderungen von gesellschaftlichen Anerkennungsstrukturen bedarf.

The Very Big Cat (B Series #Book 10)

by Marlene Greenwood

Learn to read with Jelly and Bean: B Series 5-10 with New Words 5B a hen and a rat: I am hen hut rat ran net Jelly 6B Sam: Sam has red cap can see put run hops 7B The big bell: look at his cut leg bell fell pull off Bean 8B The big black hat: is me kitten duck oh black trick 9B The web on the jug: web jug up not taps will jumps pond 10B The very big cat: Kevin very fast cannot zig-zag into

A Very Modern Family: Stories and guidance to nurture your relationships

by Carrie Grant David Grant

'So much more than a parenting manual; the Grants have thrown out a lifeline' THE TIMESA breakout book on the ever-expanding concept of familyCarrie and David Grant have an extraordinary family story to tell. They have four children, one of whom is adopted, and all have come with a curveball: mental health challenges, neurodivergence, trans non-binary identities, various sexualities, and they are a mixed-race family, too.It is a reflection of the fact that society is changing faster than most of us can keep up with. The wider concepts of family and community are being deconstructed. There are those who are desperately clinging to the old and those who are desperate for the new to be accepted. How do we hold our families and communities together in unity? How do we create a society where all are included and none are oppressed?In A Very Modern Family, Carrie and David share their challenges and discoveries of growing and shapeshifting to create an incredible, diverse family and community. With their multi-intersectional family, they share their own mindset changes and insights into how to construct a new, accepting and unified space, while providing a deep dive into real life, frequently encountered situations and pertinent, applicable advice.A Very Modern Family is an important guide for our times - full of pain, change and hope.

A Very Private School

by Charles Spencer

In this poignant memoir, Charles Spencer recounts the trauma of being sent away from home at age eight to attend a boarding school.

Very Special Maths: Developing thinking and maths skills for pupils with severe or complex learning difficulties

by Les Staves

Written for those who work with pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties, this practical book uniquely describes content for a special curriculum in maths, and looks at how early ideas develop and become real knowledge, essential to daily function. Les Staves explains recent theories about the early development of understanding numbers, including a breakdown of the processes of learning to count which are largely neglected in the National Curriculum. He also outlines the ‘big ideas’ that are fundamental to the beginnings of mathematical thinking for children with severe and profound learning difficulties, which are vital to carrying out practical mathematical processes.

Very Special Maths: Developing thinking and maths skills for pupils with severe or complex learning difficulties

by Les Staves

Written for those who work with pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties, this practical book uniquely describes content for a special curriculum in maths, and looks at how early ideas develop and become real knowledge, essential to daily function. Les Staves explains recent theories about the early development of understanding numbers, including a breakdown of the processes of learning to count which are largely neglected in the National Curriculum. He also outlines the ‘big ideas’ that are fundamental to the beginnings of mathematical thinking for children with severe and profound learning difficulties, which are vital to carrying out practical mathematical processes.

A Very Unusual Journey Into Play

by Ben Kingston-Hughes

Why do children need play? Play has the very real power to transform children’s lives. It has a unique and profound impact on the neurological, emotional and physical development and wellbeing of children - from therapeutic play and overcoming anxiety, to positive behaviour, mental health and even life expectancy. This book brings together two hot topics - play and neuroscience – breaking them down in an accessible way and offering a new perspective and voice on the topic of play. Weaving theory and practical examples together, and based on over 30 years’ experience of working with children, Ben presents a compelling argument that play is not merely an optional extra to childhood but a vital developmental process and one of the most important things a child ever does.

A Very Unusual Journey Into Play

by Ben Kingston-Hughes

Why do children need play? Play has the very real power to transform children’s lives. It has a unique and profound impact on the neurological, emotional and physical development and wellbeing of children - from therapeutic play and overcoming anxiety, to positive behaviour, mental health and even life expectancy. This book brings together two hot topics - play and neuroscience – breaking them down in an accessible way and offering a new perspective and voice on the topic of play. Weaving theory and practical examples together, and based on over 30 years’ experience of working with children, Ben presents a compelling argument that play is not merely an optional extra to childhood but a vital developmental process and one of the most important things a child ever does.

A Very Unusual Journey Into Play

by Ben Kingston-Hughes

Why do children need play? Play has the very real power to transform children’s lives. It has a unique and profound impact on the neurological, emotional and physical development and wellbeing of children - from therapeutic play and overcoming anxiety, to positive behaviour, mental health and even life expectancy. This book brings together two hot topics - play and neuroscience – breaking them down in an accessible way and offering a new perspective and voice on the topic of play. Weaving theory and practical examples together, and based on over 30 years’ experience of working with children, Ben presents a compelling argument that play is not merely an optional extra to childhood but a vital developmental process and one of the most important things a child ever does.

The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures

by Jeffrey A. Okun Susan Zwerman Christopher McKittrick Lisa Sepp-Wilson

The award-winning VES Handbook of Visual Effects remains the most complete guide to visual effects techniques and best practices available today. This new edition has been updated to include the latest, industry-standard techniques, technologies, and workflows for the ever-evolving fast paced world of visual effects. The Visual Effects Society (VES) tasked the original authors to update their areas of expertise, such as AR/VR Moviemaking, Color Management, Cameras, VFX Editorial, Stereoscopic and the Digital Intermediate, as well as provide detailed chapters on interactive games and full animation. Additionally, 56 contributors share their best methods, tips, tricks, and shortcuts developed through decades of trial and error and real-world, hands-on experience.This third edition has been expanded to feature lessons on 2.5D/3D Compositing; 3D Scanning; Digital Cinematography; Editorial Workflow in Animated and Visual Effects Features; Gaming updates; General Geometry Instancing; Lens Mapping for VFX; Native Stereo; Real-Time VFX and Camera Tracking; Shot/Element Pulls and Delivery to VFX; Techvis; VFX Elements and Stereo; Virtual Production; and VR/AR (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality).A must-have for anyone working in or aspiring to work in visual effects, The VES Handbook of Visual Effects, Third Edition covers essential techniques and solutions for all VFX artists, producers, and supervisors, from pre-production to digital character creation, compositing of both live-action and CG elements, photorealistic techniques, and much more. With subjects and techniques clearly and definitively presented in beautiful four-color, this handbook is a vital resource for any serious VFX artist.

The VES Handbook of Visual Effects: Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures

by Ves Jeffrey Okun Ves Susan Zwerman

The award-winning VES Handbook of Visual Effects remains the most complete guide to visual effects techniques and best practices available today. This new edition has been updated to include the latest, industry-standard techniques, technologies, and workflows for the ever-evolving fast paced world of visual effects. The Visual Effects Society (VES) tasked the original authors to update their areas of expertise, such as AR/VR Moviemaking, Color Management, Cameras, VFX Editorial, Stereoscopic and the Digital Intermediate, as well as provide detailed chapters on interactive games and full animation. Additionally, 56 contributors share their best methods, tips, tricks, and shortcuts developed through decades of trial and error and real-world, hands-on experience.This third edition has been expanded to feature lessons on 2.5D/3D Compositing; 3D Scanning; Digital Cinematography; Editorial Workflow in Animated and Visual Effects Features; Gaming updates; General Geometry Instancing; Lens Mapping for VFX; Native Stereo; Real-Time VFX and Camera Tracking; Shot/Element Pulls and Delivery to VFX; Techvis; VFX Elements and Stereo; Virtual Production; and VR/AR (Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality).A must-have for anyone working in or aspiring to work in visual effects, The VES Handbook of Visual Effects, Third Edition covers essential techniques and solutions for all VFX artists, producers, and supervisors, from pre-production to digital character creation, compositing of both live-action and CG elements, photorealistic techniques, and much more. With subjects and techniques clearly and definitively presented in beautiful four-color, this handbook is a vital resource for any serious VFX artist.

The VESPA Handbook: 40 new activities to boost student commitment, motivation and productivity

by Steve Oakes Martin Griffin

Offers 40 concrete, practical tools and activities that will supercharge learners' ambition, organisation, persistence and determination. Where some education books focus on how individual teachers might sequence and deliver pieces of information in the clearest, most helpful and supportive way, engaging as many learners as possible, this one is different. This book looks at how you can help learners manage their workload and take control of their own knowledge and skills. It explores the characteristics, qualities and habits of successful students and shares forty replicable tools and tactics that all students can use immediately, both in and out of the classroom – activities that will help them to set goals, work more efficiently, organise their resources, revise more effectively and solve problems. This book is a perfect introduction to the VESPA approach, as well as being a practical addition to previous resources. The VESPA Handbook will help teachers develop the five key characteristics and behaviours that students need to be successful: vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude. When it comes to achieving academic success, these characteristics are crucial. Suitable for teachers, tutors and parents who want to boost academic outcomes in 14–18-year-olds and equip them with powerful tools and techniques in preparation for further education and employment.

The Vest Pocket Guide to GAAP

by Steven M. Bragg

Quick answers to your GAAP questions The Vest Pocket Guide to GAAP is the handy pocket problem-solver that gives today's busy financial executives the GAAP advice they need in a quick-reference format. Whether in public practice or private industry, professionals will always have this reliable reference tool at their fingertips because it easily goes anywhere-to a client's office, on a business trip, or to an important lunch meeting. Provides succinct answers to common GAAP questions Easy-to-use Q & A format offers hundreds of explanations supported by a multitude of examples, tables, charts, and ratios Other titles by Bragg: Running an Effective Investor Relations Department: A Comprehensive Guide, Accounting Best Practices, Sixth Edition, and Just-in-Time Accounting, Third Edition Convenient and comprehensive, The Vest Pocket Guide to GAAP is the handy reference you'll turn to again and again for quick answers to your GAAP questions.

The Vest Pocket Guide to GAAP

by Steven M. Bragg

Quick answers to your GAAP questions The Vest Pocket Guide to GAAP is the handy pocket problem-solver that gives today's busy financial executives the GAAP advice they need in a quick-reference format. Whether in public practice or private industry, professionals will always have this reliable reference tool at their fingertips because it easily goes anywhere-to a client's office, on a business trip, or to an important lunch meeting. Provides succinct answers to common GAAP questions Easy-to-use Q & A format offers hundreds of explanations supported by a multitude of examples, tables, charts, and ratios Other titles by Bragg: Running an Effective Investor Relations Department: A Comprehensive Guide, Accounting Best Practices, Sixth Edition, and Just-in-Time Accounting, Third Edition Convenient and comprehensive, The Vest Pocket Guide to GAAP is the handy reference you'll turn to again and again for quick answers to your GAAP questions.

Veteran Teacher Resilience: Why do they stay? (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Lee Brantley Shields Carol A. Mullen

This book explores why veteran teachers choose to remain in the classroom, making teaching their life’s career. The authors felt compelled to interview veteran teachers to learn about their experiences, how they make meaning of their classrooms and schools, and in particular what can be known about the adversities they face and their resilience. Factors (individual and contextual) are uncovered that influence veteran teacher’s resiliency and adaptation from veteran teachers’ perspectives and the literature. Induction programs, professional development, and mentoring are also examined for their importance to the interviews and education.Features of this book include:Focuses on veteran teacher resilience and why veteran teachers choose to remain in the classroom and teaching professionUses an interview method involving veteran teachers that illuminates issues of resiliency and retention from their perspectiveHighlights 15 narrative accounts of veteran teachers tailored to their perceptions, experiences, and strategies for navigating barriers and overcoming challengeCombines conceptual frameworks, research results, interventions, and strategiesConnects implications of the study and suggestions for future research to practice and policy This book is for researchers interested in teacher resilience, particularly veteran teacher resilience and the study and development of it, as well as practitioners drawn to the same topic, with applicability to their fields. Anyone interested in resilience, particularly within demanding professional contexts and stressful situations, should find value. "The focus on teacher resilience is original and it is an important aspect of why teachers might choose to stay in the profession. Teacher resilience is understudied and should provide useful knowledge to policymakers and education leaders on how to improve working conditions and increase efficacy. So much ink is spilled extolling why teachers exit the profession--there is a dearth of research on why they stay, which in my opinion is even more important than why they leave. This book makes an important contribution to the literature and will hopefully inform policy making and inspire others to conduct research on the subject." Christopher H. Tienken, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education Leadership Management and Policy, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, USA "The topic is original. It seems there is much literature on new teachers and why they leave, but little on veteran teachers and why they stay. The topic and the reporting of the findings with suggestions for practices to be implemented in university programs as well as in K-12 schools is very useful. The format this book follows is actually a strong one for other researchers and students in doctoral programs." Sandra Harris, Professor Emerita, Educational Leadership, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, USA

The Viability of Organizations Vol. 1: Decoding the "DNA" of Organizations

by Wolfgang Lassl

Today’s complexity, speed, and need for adaptation are putting organizations under stress. Understanding how organizations function and truly come alive has become a critical competency. And yet, organizations still seem to lack a solid understanding of what constitutes meaningful, viable, and effective organizational structures. Using the Viable System Model (VSM) as a framework, this three-volume compendium volume offers readers a new and comprehensive perspective on organizations and how they function beyond the organizational chart. Moreover, it equips readers with a rigorous methodology for analyzing organizations and addressing deep-seated organizational dysfunctions, while also showing them how to redesign their structures and develop better and more tailor-made solutions. This first volume introduces readers to the VSM and its main components. Readers are taken on a journey, allowing them to rediscover all-too-familiar aspects in the life of their organization and to become aware of the critical success factors for its smooth functioning and long-term viability. In turn, volumes 2 and 3 provide an in-depth introduction to diagnosing and designing organizations with the help of the VSM. For academics, this compendium rediscovers a theoretical perspective that can help them understand macro-structural issues; at the same time, for VSM experts and researchers alike, it resolves many open aspects in the VSM framework.

The Viability of Organizations Vol. 2: Diagnosing and Governing Organizations

by Wolfgang Lassl

Organizations are complex social systems, and dysfunctionalities can settle in very quickly and almost unnoticed, costing valuable time and resources. In a highly volatile and complex world where mistakes are virtually unforgivable, the ability to rapidly and accurately diagnose dysfunctionalities, and familiarity with the right governance and leadership principles, have thus become vital for organizations’ success.This volume, the second in a set of three, introduces readers to the Viable System Model (VSM)-based diagnosis and governance of organizations. Readers will be familiarized with a broad range of dysfunctional patterns that can impede an organization’s viability, while also deepening their understanding of organizational viability gained in Volume 1. This volume examines in detail the highly dynamic nature of organizations, the multiple equilibrium systems that need to be kept in mind, and the intricate nature of leadership in organizations. It addresses fundamental organizational and managerial issues/topics such as the functioning of hierarchies, the “right” degree of centralization, the various challenges throughout an organization’s lifecycle, and the vital role of conflicts for organizational health.The insights derived from the VSM in this volume will provide readers with a comprehensive, nuanced, and sound conceptual foundation for questions concerning the diagnosis and governance of organizations, the tasks, challenges and principles of leadership, and the implementation of strategies in organizations.

The Viability of Organizations Vol. 3: Designing and Changing Organizations

by Wolfgang Lassl

The design process for organizational structures sometimes resembles a random walk, especially when it is embedded in an arena of competing personal interests and power games. Many organizations still lack clear guidance and are therefore seeking a rigorous, nuanced, and impartial methodology for the design and development of their organizational structures, processes and behavioral repertoire. The Viable System Model (VSM) can help: by identifying the essential design principles and parameters that need to be considered, and which can be used to enhance an organization’s effectiveness, adaptability, cohesion and overall viability.This book, the third volume in a set of three, connects the VSM to the world of the standard organizational chart. It offers readers a new perspective on corporate functions and their contributions to the organization as a whole. Further, it shows them how the VSM can be used to develop viable organizational structures, following a detailed step-by-step approach. Lastly, it explains the vital processes, behaviors, and attitudes that need to be developed in order to make organizations truly viable.Readers will find solutions to, and guidelines on, many critical organizational design issues, e.g. designing job profiles; correctly mapping synergistically (“centrally”) operating units in the organizational chart; outsourcing processes; and handling matrix situations; as well as designing and implementing organizational change processes.

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