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Video Research in the Learning Sciences

by Ricki Goldman Roy Pea Brigid Barron Sharon J. Derry

Video Research in the Learning Sciences is a comprehensive exploration of key theoretical, methodological, and technological advances concerning uses of digital video-as-data in the learning sciences as a way of knowing about learning, teaching, and educational processes. The aim of the contributors, a community of scholars using video in their own work, is to help usher in video scholarship and supportive technologies, and to mentor video scholars, so that video research will meet its maximum potential to contribute to the growing knowledge base about teaching and learning. This volume contributes deeply to both to the science of learning through in-depth video studies of human interaction in learning environments—whether classrooms or other contexts—and to the uses of video for creating descriptive, explanatory, or expository accounts of learning and teaching. It is designed around four themes—each with a cornerstone chapter that introduces and synthesizes the cluster of chapters related to it: Theoretical frameworks for video research; Video research on peer, family, and informal learning; Video research on classroom and teacher learning; and Video collaboratories and technological futures. Video Research in the Learning Sciences is intended for researchers, university faculty, teacher educators, and graduate students in education, and for anyone interested in how knowledge is expanded using video-based technologies for inquiries about learning and teaching. Visit the Web site affiliated with this book:

Videobasierte Lehr-Lernformate zur Erfassung und Förderung professioneller Kompetenzen im Studium der Wirtschaftspädagogik

by Hannes Saas

Professionelle Kompetenzen haben entscheidenden Einfluss auf die individuelle Bewältigung beruflicher Anforderungssituationen und sind zentrale Voraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches berufliches Handeln. Die professionelle Kompetenz umfasst die Fähigkeit, flexibel auf das eigene Professionswissen zurückzugreifen und es zur Lösung komplexer, praxisnaher Probleme anzuwenden. Die Arbeit präsentiert einen hochschuldidaktischen Ansatz, der Studierende auf die Bewältigung dieser beruflichen Anforderungssituationen in wirtschaftspädagogischen Tätigkeitsfeldern vorbereitet. Zunächst werden die professionellen Kompetenzen von Wirtschaftspädagoginnen und -pädagogen ausdifferenziert. Zudem wird die ELMaWi-Validierungsstudie vorgestellt, aus der ein videobasiertes Testinstrument zur Erfassung aktionsbezogener und reflexiver Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften mit Fach Wirtschaft hervorging. Der Transfer dieses ELMaWi-Instruments in die universitäre Ausbildungspraxis ermöglicht eine valide Erfassung und Überprüfung der professionellen Kompetenzen von Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik. Schließlich widmet sich der Autor der Konzeption und Überprüfung eines videobasierten Lehr-Lernformats zur fachspezifischen Förderung jener professioneller Kompetenzen, die zur Bewältigung komplexer Anforderungssituationen im schulischen und betrieblichen Handlungskontext erforderlich sind.

Videobasierte Lehrveranstaltungen zur Förderung Professioneller Unterrichtswahrnehmung: Ein Seminarkonzept zur gleichberechtigten Teilhabe im Sportunterricht (Bildung und Sport #30)

by Markus Jürgens

In diesem Buch entwickelt Markus Jürgens ein videobasiertes Seminar zur Förderung der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung im inklusiven Sportunterricht. Das in der Arbeit ausdifferenzierte Wahrnehmungskonzept der gleichberechtigen Teilhabe an Spielen im Sportunterricht kann in der Sportlehrerbildung gezielt zur Wahrnehmung von Unterrichtssituationen eingesetzt werden. Für die Evaluation des Seminars konzipiert der Autor ein sportspezifisches Instrument zur Erhebung der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung, das auf einer videobasierten Fallanalyse mit offenem Antwortformat aufbaut. Das Instrument wird in einer seminarbegleitenden Studie in Rahmen eines Prä-Post-Kontrollgruppendesigns eingesetzt.

Videodokumentation von Unterricht: Zugänge zu einer neuen Quellengattung der Unterrichtsforschung

by Henning Schluß May Jehle

Videoaufzeichnungen von Unterricht sind seit den 1970er Jahren ein wichtiges Medium der empirischen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung und der Lehrerausbildung. Die dabei entstandenen Dokumente bilden inzwischen für die historische und vergleichende Unterrichtsforschung eine gänzlich neue Quellengattung, die bislang in deren Arbeiten kaum erschlossen wurde. Durch ihren Aufschluss kann nun auf die Ebene des konkreten Unterrichts in der historischen und vergleichenden Forschung zugegriffen werden. Die AutorInnen stellen Methoden der historischen und vergleichenden Analyse von Unterrichtsaufzeichnungen vor und diskutieren sie insbesondere am Beispiel der Unterrichtsaufzeichnungen aus der DDR („Videodatenbank Schulunterricht in der DDR“).

Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks

by Sandra Schamroth Abrams Hannah R. Gerber

Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks offers fresh perspectives of youth videogaming in public libraries. Abrams and Gerber delve into research-based accounts to explore feedback mechanisms that support important reflective and iterative practices. Highlighting how videogame library programs can evolve to meet contemporary needs of youth patrons, the authors equip readers to re-envision library programming that specifically features youth videogame play.

Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks

by Sandra Schamroth Abrams Hannah R. Gerber

Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks offers fresh perspectives of youth videogaming in public libraries. Abrams and Gerber delve into research-based accounts to explore feedback mechanisms that support important reflective and iterative practices. Highlighting how videogame library programs can evolve to meet contemporary needs of youth patrons, the authors equip readers to re-envision library programming that specifically features youth videogame play.

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling for Online, Broadcast and Documentary Journalists

by Kenneth Kobre

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling for Online, Broadcast and Documentary Journalists is an essential guide for solo video storytellers—from "backpack" videojournalists to short-form documentary makers to do-it-all broadcast reporters.Based on interviews with award-winning professionals sharing their unique experiences and knowledge, Videojournalism covers topics such as crafting and editing eye-catching short stories, recording high-quality sound, and understanding the laws and ethics of filming in public and private places. Other topics include:• understanding the difference between a story and a report• finding a theme and telling a story in a compact time frame• learning to use different cameras and lenses—from smart phones to mirrorless and digital cinema cameras• using light, both natural and artificial • understanding color and exposureThe second edition of this best-selling text has been completely revised and updated. Heavily illustrated with more than 550 photographs, the book also includes more than 200 links to outstanding examples of short-form video stories. Anatomy of a News Story, a short documentary made for the book, follows a day in the life of a solo TV videojournalist on an assignment (with a surprise ending), and helps readers translate theory to practice.This book is for anyone learning how to master the art and craft of telling real, short-form stories with words, sound, and pictures for the Web or television.A supporting companion website links to documentaries and videos, and includes additional recommendations from the field’s most prominent educators.

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling for Online, Broadcast and Documentary Journalists

by Kenneth Kobre

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling for Online, Broadcast and Documentary Journalists is an essential guide for solo video storytellers—from "backpack" videojournalists to short-form documentary makers to do-it-all broadcast reporters.Based on interviews with award-winning professionals sharing their unique experiences and knowledge, Videojournalism covers topics such as crafting and editing eye-catching short stories, recording high-quality sound, and understanding the laws and ethics of filming in public and private places. Other topics include:• understanding the difference between a story and a report• finding a theme and telling a story in a compact time frame• learning to use different cameras and lenses—from smart phones to mirrorless and digital cinema cameras• using light, both natural and artificial • understanding color and exposureThe second edition of this best-selling text has been completely revised and updated. Heavily illustrated with more than 550 photographs, the book also includes more than 200 links to outstanding examples of short-form video stories. Anatomy of a News Story, a short documentary made for the book, follows a day in the life of a solo TV videojournalist on an assignment (with a surprise ending), and helps readers translate theory to practice.This book is for anyone learning how to master the art and craft of telling real, short-form stories with words, sound, and pictures for the Web or television.A supporting companion website links to documentaries and videos, and includes additional recommendations from the field’s most prominent educators.

Videolised Society

by Jian Meng Hui Zhao

This book traces the development of video (especially short video, duan shipin) in China over the past few years, exploring how these videos engaged with China’s rapidly changing society, how they enriched existed theories of society, media and communication, and new theories to be extracted. The book offers a new, critical model for understanding the relationship between video, video theory, video industry and the State. This book sheds light on the overall description and explanation of the current socio-political, economic and cultural environment concerning the development of video (especially short video). It interprets the emergence of the “Social Videolization” through the subjects of media psychology, communication studies and cultural criticism, media industrial studies, sociology and anthropology.

Videos im Kontext von Lehre und Lernen: Forschung – Qualitätskriterien – Implikationen für die Praxis

by Iris Wuttke-Hilke

In diesem Buch wird der Stand der Forschung zu Videos in institutionellen Lehr-Lern-Kontexten erfasst und Klarheit in Begrifflichkeiten und Charakteristika von Lehrvideos, Erklärvideos und Tutorials gebracht. Das Buch liefert einen detaillierten Kriterienkatalog, der zugleich die Grundlage bildet für die umfassende Analyse von 70 frei zugänglichen Videos zu technischen Sachverhalten im Alltagskontext. In einem Modell werden kognitive und affektive Elemente und Bezüge bei Videos in Lehr-Lern-Kontexten dargestellt, die jedem bewusst sein sollten, der mit Videos lehrt oder lernt. Ein Kapitel zum Transfer der Erkenntnisse in die Praxis gibt Anregungen hinsichtlich der niederschwelligen Videoerstellung, z.B. im Bereich technischer Bildung oder für Wissensweitergabe in Unternehmen. So liefert dieses Buch mit dem Brückenschlag von formellen hin zu alltäglichen, individuellen Lehr-Lern-Kontexten ein verdichtetes Gesamtbild zu Videos und ermöglicht interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern die fundierte Auseinandersetzung mit Videos als digitales Lehr-Lern-Format.

Vidnyan Ani Tantradnyan Bhag 1 Digest Class 10th Maharashtra Board - Guide: विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञान भाग 1 डाइजेस्ट इयत्ता 10वी महाराष्ट्र बोर्ड - मार्गदर्शन

by Shri Navneet

विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञान भाग 1 इयत्ता 10वी चे पुस्तक नवनीत एज्युकेशन लिमिटेडने मराठी भाषेमध्ये प्रकाशित केलेले आहे, या पाठपुस्तकामधे दहा पाठ व त्यांची प्रश्नोत्तरे आणि बोर्डाची कृतिपत्रिका दिलेली आहे. प्रत्येक प्रकरणाच्या सुरुवातीला दिलेल्या 'महत्त्वाचे मुद्दे' यात, प्रकरणामध्ये असलेल्या सर्व अभ्यासघटकांचा समावेश आहे. काही ठिकाणी मुद्द्यांच्या स्वरूपात, तर काही ठिकाणी तक्त्यांच्या स्वरूपात माहितीची मांडणी करण्यात आली आहे. पाठ्यपुस्तकात आलेले 'सांगा पाहू' किंवा 'थोडे आठवा' या बाबी ‘महत्त्वाचे मुद्दे' यांत समाविष्ट करण्यात आल्या आहेत. यातील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे मिळाल्यावर किंवा कृती केल्यावर, त्यानंतर दिलेल्या मुद्द्यांचे आकलन होणे खूपच सोपे होईल, हा त्याचा मुख्य उद्देश आहे.

Vidyasagar: The Life and After-life of an Eminent Indian (Pathfinders)

by Brian A. Hatcher

This book offers a new interpretation of the life and legacy of the Indian reformer and intellectual, Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar (1820–91). Drawing upon autobiography, biography, secondary criticism and a range of Vidyasagar’s original writings in Bengali, the book interrogates the role of history, memory and controversy, and emphasises the key challenge of pinning down the identity of an enigmatic and multi-faceted figure. By examining lesser-known works of Vidyasagar (including several pseudonymous and posthumous works) alongside the evidence of his public career, the author calls attention to the colonial transformation of intellectual and social life, the nature of life writing, the limits of standard biographies and the problem of modern Indian identity as such. Based on decades of research and an original perspective, this book will be especially useful to scholars of modern Indian history, biographical studies, comparative literature and those interested in Bengal.

Vidyasagar: The Life and After-life of an Eminent Indian (Pathfinders)

by Brian A. Hatcher

This book offers a new interpretation of the life and legacy of the Indian reformer and intellectual, Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar (1820–91). Drawing upon autobiography, biography, secondary criticism and a range of Vidyasagar’s original writings in Bengali, the book interrogates the role of history, memory and controversy, and emphasises the key challenge of pinning down the identity of an enigmatic and multi-faceted figure. By examining lesser-known works of Vidyasagar (including several pseudonymous and posthumous works) alongside the evidence of his public career, the author calls attention to the colonial transformation of intellectual and social life, the nature of life writing, the limits of standard biographies and the problem of modern Indian identity as such. Based on decades of research and an original perspective, this book will be especially useful to scholars of modern Indian history, biographical studies, comparative literature and those interested in Bengal.

Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen: Wege in das, durch das und nach dem Studium (Higher Education Research and Science Studies)

by Jessica Ordemann Frauke Peter Sandra Buchholz

Individuelle Bildungs- und Lebenswege sind heute weit vielfältiger als oftmals angenommen. Viele Wege mit und ohne Hochschulzugangsberechtigung führen zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten in die hochschulische Bildung. Vielfalt bleibt auch im Studium und danach bestehen. Studierende haben unterschiedliche Hintergründe, sie orientieren sich bei der Studienfachwahl um, unterbrechen das Studium oder brechen es ab. Dieser Vielfalt gehen die aktuellen Befunde in diesem Sammelband eindrucksvoll nach – von den Wegen in ein Studium bis in den Arbeitsmarkt hinein.

Vielfältige Zugänge zum Mathematikunterricht: Konzepte und Beispiele aus Forschung und Praxis

by Andreas Büchter Matthias Glade Raja Herold-Blasius Marcel Klinger Florian Schacht Petra Scherer

Der vorliegende Sammelband zeigt anhand unterschiedlicher Konzepte und Beispiele aus der mathematikdidaktischen Forschung und der Praxis des Mathematikunterrichts, wie verstehensorientiertes Mathematiklernen durch die Nutzung vielfältiger Zugänge gelingen kann. Eine wichtige Rolle spielen hierbei Ansätze zur Sinnstiftung in einem schülerorientierten Mathematikunterricht durch geeignete Kontexte und Fragen sowie durch die Anregung von typischen mathematischen Arbeitsweisen. Gerade in Phasen des Erkundens, aber auch an anderen zentralen Stellen in Lehr-Lernsequenzen, entfalten digitale Werkzeuge ihr Potenzial. In einem derartigen Mathematikunterricht kommen auf Lehrkräfte besondere Herausforderungen zu, die durch entsprechende Fortbildungen bewusst adressiert werden müssen.Das Buch präsentiert zu allen genannten Bereichen Forschungsergebnisse, Lösungsansätze und Praxiserfahrungen, u. a. aus der Arbeit im Deutschen Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik (DZLM) und dem Lehrernetzwerk Teachers Teaching with Technology (T³). Damit stellt es eine Bereicherung der praxisorientierten mathematikdidaktischen Diskussion dar.

Vierstellige Logarithmen- und Zahlentafeln: Ausgabe B

by Hermann Semiller Adolf Semiller

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Vietato non toccare (I blu)

by Alessandra Drioli Donato Ramani

Grazie a uno stile di scrittura agile e veloce, a una ricca serie di esempi - con la descrizione di opere d'arte e performance sempre sorprendenti, bizzarre, vigorose – e a un ricco apparato iconografico questo libro vuole essere un primo e inedito tentativo di creare un ideale filo di congiunzione, ove possibile, tra esperienze diverse dell'arte nei science centre. Convinti che partendo dalla storia dei science centre da un lato e delle ricerca artistica contemporanea dall'altro per arrivare all'esperienze di ieri e di oggi, dentro e fuori l'Europa, individuando caratteristiche, peculiarità, differenze, questo libro potrà diventare un testo base, un primo esercizio per descrivere una realtà in continua espansione, dominato da una straordinaria e vitalissima entropia.

Vietnam Over the Long Twentieth Century: Becoming Modern, Going Global (Global Vietnam: Across Time, Space and Community)

by Liam C. Kelley Gerard Sasges

This open access book provides fascinating insights into the incredible changes that Vietnam underwent in the long twentieth century as it transformed from an early modern kingdom to a European colony, to a divided land with opposing ideologies, and to a unified country in a globalized world. At each stage in this long century of changes, there were Vietnamese who sought to mold their society into some vision of “modernity.” The book looks at multiple, rather than one form of modernity, and links those forms with the different political moments that Vietnam experienced, in tandem with the outside interlocutors that were maintained during those periods. As such, this book provides a holistic view of the many forms of modernity and their global links that can be found in Vietnam over the course of the long twentieth century. These multiple modernities are documented in this book, and the authors do so by bringing together the strengths of “traditional” language-based area studies scholarship with the insights that an awareness of trans-national and global perspectives provides. Relevant to historians and researchers in the broader arena of Southeast Asian studies with a particular interest in Vietnam—its journey from past to present—this book is a must-read engagement with a country that has undergone and continues to experience, rapid transformation.

Vietnamese Higher Education at a Crossroads: Transformation During the Digital Age (Digital Education and Learning)

by Hoang Anh Tuan Duong Van Thanh Mark Ashwill

This edited volume explores key challenges facing Vietnamese universities amidst digital transformation, navigating the intersection of technology and cultural values, competition, and open education. Chapters in this book offer insights into the current landscape of Vietnamese higher education, outlining strategies for institutional success and preparing students for post-graduation careers. Covering topics such as new teaching and research trends, online learning, course development practices, and support mechanisms for student success, this book provides essential guidance for both public and private universities. It emphasizes strategies to enhance student outcomes within degree programs and optimize the effectiveness of online courses.

Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam (Global Vietnam: Across Time, Space and Community)

by Dat Bao Phan Le Ha Joel Windle

This open access edited book attempts to break new ground in investigating multiple facets of Vietnamese language, education and change in global contexts, engaging with global Vietnam through complex lenses of language and education. Issues of language, globalization, and global identities have often been framed through the lens of hierarchical/binary power relations, and/or through a dichotomy between hyper-central languages, such as English, and revisualized or marginalized local language and cultures. In this book, this dichotomy is turned on its head by considering how Vietnam and Vietnamese are constructed in and outside Vietnam and enacted in global spaces of classrooms, textbooks, student mobility, community engagement, curriculum, and intercultural contacts. Vietnamese is among the world’s most spoken languages and is ranked in the top 20th in terms the number of speakers. Yet, at the same time, as a ‘peripheral’ or ‘southern’ global language as often seen in the Global North-Global South spectrum, the dynamics of multilingual and multicultural encounters involving Vietnamese generate distinctive dilemmas and tensions, as well as pointing to alternative ways of thinking about global phenomena from a fresh angle. Rather than being outside of the global, Vietnamese - like many other ‘non-central’ global languages - is present in diasporas, commercial, and transnational structures of higher education, schooling, and in the more conventional settings of primary and secondary school, in which visions of culture and language also evoke notions of heritage and tradition as well as bring to the fore deep seated ideological conflicts across time, space, communities, and generations. Relevant to students and scholars researching language, education, identity, multiculturalism, and their intersections, particularly related to Vietnam, but also in Southeast Asia and beyond, this volume is a pioneering investigation into overlooked contexts and languages from a global, southern-oriented perspective."This book presents an eclectic collection of 15 chapters unified by an interest in developing and teaching the Vietnamese language. To my knowledge, there has been no previous attempt to make the national language of Vietnam a focus for as many perspectives as are documented in the book. In this regard, the book makes an original and intriguing contribution to the literature on Vietnamese culture, including the culture of Vietnam’s expanding diaspora. The book is pioneering in the extent to which it draws attention to the many roles played by a national language in a nation’s political, social and cultural development. It also documents the challenges of preserving a national language in settings where it is at risk of being marginalized. It is pleasing that so many of the contributing authors are young Vietnamese scholars who can provide a distinctly Vietnamese perspective on concepts and practices of global significance."- Dr. MartinHayden, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education, Southern Cross University, Australia "Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam brings together an excellent collection of chapters that highlight the diverse and important but under-explored roles Vietnamese language plays in different settings within and outside Vietnam. The fifteen chapters of this much needed book provide unique insights into various aspects and meanings of Vietnamese language. Collectively, the volume contributes to broadening our view about the evolution and transformation of Vietnamese language under the impacts of local, national, regional and global forces. The book invites readers to engage in a reflective and intersectional approach to rethinking and re-examining our understandings of the changes and developments of Vietnamese language over the history of the country."- Dr Ly Tran, Professor, Centre for Research for Educational Impact (REDI), Deakin University, Australia, and Founder: Australia-Vietnam

View Camera Technique

by Leslie Stroebel

Now in its seventh edition, View Camera Technique is a unique, comprehensive book that presents clearly and precisely the features, operations and applications of view cameras. It details camera movements, image formation, exposure control, and information concerning lenses and accessories. Diagrams, comparison charts, and more than 500 photographs and illustrations by distinguished professional photographers provide the reader with the tools necessary to analyze a picture situation, set up and manipulate the camera, and portray the subject to meet the expectations of the professional photographer. This text has been completely revised and updated to include over 100 brand-name view cameras, and offers comparison tables to assist readers in choosing cameras, lenses, and view-camera digital backs. This latest edition offers expanded coverage of the newest technology, including electronic features that simplify the use of view cameras for conventional photography and digital view cameras that eliminate the need for film and make it possible to modify the digital images with image-processing computer software programs

View Camera Technique

by Leslie Stroebel

Now in its seventh edition, View Camera Technique is a unique, comprehensive book that presents clearly and precisely the features, operations and applications of view cameras. It details camera movements, image formation, exposure control, and information concerning lenses and accessories. Diagrams, comparison charts, and more than 500 photographs and illustrations by distinguished professional photographers provide the reader with the tools necessary to analyze a picture situation, set up and manipulate the camera, and portray the subject to meet the expectations of the professional photographer. This text has been completely revised and updated to include over 100 brand-name view cameras, and offers comparison tables to assist readers in choosing cameras, lenses, and view-camera digital backs. This latest edition offers expanded coverage of the newest technology, including electronic features that simplify the use of view cameras for conventional photography and digital view cameras that eliminate the need for film and make it possible to modify the digital images with image-processing computer software programs

The View from the Helm: Leading the American University during an Era of Change

by James J. Duderstadt

Widely regarded as one of the most active and publicly engaged university presidents in modern academia, Duderstadt— who led the University of Michigan from 1988 to 1996— presided over a period of enormous change, not only for his institution, but for universities across the country. His presidency was a time of growth and conflict: of sweeping new affirmative-action and equal-opportunity programs, significant financial expansion, and reenergized student activism on issues from apartheid to codes of student conduct. Under James Duderstadt’ s stewardship, Michigan reaffirmed its reputation as a trailblazer among universities. Part memoir, part history, part commentary, The View from the Helm extracts general lessons from his experiences at the forefront of change in higher education, offering current and future administrators a primer on academic leadership and venturing bold ideas on how higher education should be steered into the twenty-first century.

Vieweg Berufs- und Karriere-Planer 2003: Schlüsselqualifikationen für Technik, Wirtschaft und IT, Für Studierende und Hochschulabsolventen, Ein Studienführer und Ratgeber

by Christine Haite Regine Kramer

Dieses Buch beschreibt die Wichtigkeit der Mathematik als Schlüsselqualifikation. Es zeigt, wie vielfältig und interessant die beruflichen Möglichkeiten für Mathematiker sind, und informiert über Inhalte, Attraktivität und Chancen des Mathematikstudiums. Als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk richtet es sich an Abiturienten, Studierende, Absolventen, Berufsanfänger, aber auch an Lehrer, Dozenten, Studien- und Berufsberater.

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