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Zen and the Art of Information Security

by Ira Winkler

While security is generally perceived to be a complicated and expensive process, Zen and the Art of Information Security makes security understandable to the average person in a completely non-technical, concise, and entertaining format. Through the use of analogies and just plain common sense, readers see through the hype and become comfortable taking very simple actions to secure themselves. Even highly technical people have misperceptions about security concerns and will also benefit from Ira Winkler’s experiences making security understandable to the business world. Mr. Winkler is one of the most popular and highly rated speakers in the field of security, and lectures to tens of thousands of people a year. Zen and the Art of Information Security is based on one of his most well received international presentations.Written by an internationally renowned author of Spies Among Us who travels the world making security presentations to tens of thousands of people a yearThis short and concise book is specifically for the business, consumer, and technical user short on time but looking for the latest information along with reader friendly analogiesDescribes the REAL security threats that you have to worry about, and more importantly, what to do about them

Zen of Drawing: How To Draw What You See

by Peter Parr

Zentangle: The inspiring and mindful drawing method

by Jane Marbaix

Aimed at beginners, this book shows how beautiful images can be created from repeating patterns. Accredited Zentangle teacher Jane Marbaix demonstrates a range of patterns one step at a time and offers a sourcebook of her own designs to inspire tanglers to try something different. Proven to reduce stress and enhance creativity in people of all ages, Zentangle does not require a background in practical art or expensive materials to produce pleasing results.

Zentangle® Sourcebook: The ultimate resource for mindful drawing

by Jane Marbaix

Packed with how-tos of more than 70 popular tangles, this handy reference book is the perfect guide for aspiring tanglers.Each easy-to-follow step-out is complemented by beautiful and original Zentangle Inspired Artworks showing how your tangles can be combined.A wealth of visual treats provides endless inspiration and stimulation for both aficionados and beginners alike.

Zentangle® Step By Step: The Fun and Easy Way to Create Magical Patterns

by Hannah Geddes

You'll be a Zentangle® master in no time with this brilliant book!Learn how to draw a fantastic collection of tangles before bringing these together to create your own spectacular Zentangle® Inspired Artworks.Illustrated by a Certified Zentangle® Teacher and packed with tips, techniques, and simple step-by-step instructions, this book contains everything you ever wanted to know about this fun and creative art form.

Zentralabitur: Die längsschnittliche Analyse der Wirkungen der Einführung zentraler Abiturprüfungen in Deutschland (Educational Governance)

by Katharina Maag Merki

In den deutschsprachigen Ländern ist das Schulwesen gegenwärtig durch einen systematischen Umbau der administrativen Steuerungsmechanismen gekennzeichnet. Ein zentrales Motiv ist die Einführung zentraler Abiturprüfungen. Die in diesem Band publizierte mehrjährige Studie untersucht in zwei Bundesländern in Deutschland erstmals die mit dieser Einführung verbundenen Wirkungen auf Schüler/innen, Lehrpersonen, Unterricht und Schule. Sie stellt eine international einmalige und theoretisch fundierte Untersuchung dar, die über die beiden sich beteiligenden Bundesländer hinaus wertvolle Erkenntnisse über die Auswirkungen eines Wechsels im Steuerungssystem auf schulische Prozesse und Ergebnisse gibt.

Zentralisation und Dezentralisation: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kommunalpolitik im Rahmen der Staats- und Verwaltungslehre

by Hans Peters

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Zephaniah: A Prophetic Drama (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Paul R. House

A much neglected prophecy, Zephaniah proves to be an excellent subject for literary-critical enquiry. Such an approach yields new meaning for Zephaniah as it is doing for other biblical texts. After an introductory chapter devoted to the history of Zephaniah interpretation, House moves to a discussion of genre and the content of Zephaniah. Chapter 2 surveys genre analysis from Aristotle to the present and then charts the main characteristics of epic, lyric and drama. A close reading of Zephaniah follows, covering the book's structure, dialogue, plot, characterization, themes, points of view and time sequences (Chapter 3). This reading provides both an interpretation of the book and data for locating its genre. Material from the close reading is compared to epic, lyric and drama in Chapter 4, and drama is seen to be the most natural classical genre description for Zephaniah. Several parallels are also drawn between prophetic and comic modes in literature. Finally, Chapter 5 presents a translation of Zephaniah, with textual notes, and divides the book as a drama according to speakers, scenes and acts. Throughout this study Zephaniah emerges as a unified literary work of great style and power.

Zero to Hero (High/Low)

by Seb Goffe

Will is football mad. He practises every day and he's got great skills – but he's the shortest in his year. He knows he would be great on the football pitch, if only he could show the coach that skill can beat size. Will Will ever get a chance to play on the team?Zero to Hero is a football-filled adventure about determination, overcoming the odds and being a team player.Bloomsbury High Low books encourage and support reading practice by providing gripping, age-appropriate stories for struggling and reluctant readers, those with dyslexia, or those with English as an additional language. Printed on tinted paper with a dyslexia friendly font, Zero to Hero is aimed at readers aged 10+ and has a manageable length (64 pages) and reading age (8+).Produced in association with reading experts at Catch Up, a charity which aims to address underachievement caused by literacy and numeracy difficulties.

Zero to Hero (High/Low)

by Seb Goffe

Will is football mad. He practises every day and he's got great skills – but he's the shortest in his year. He knows he would be great on the football pitch, if only he could show the coach that skill can beat size. Will Will ever get a chance to play on the team?Zero to Hero is a football-filled adventure about determination, overcoming the odds and being a team player.Bloomsbury High Low books encourage and support reading practice by providing gripping, age-appropriate stories for struggling and reluctant readers, those with dyslexia, or those with English as an additional language. Printed on tinted paper with a dyslexia friendly font, Zero to Hero is aimed at readers aged 10+ and has a manageable length (64 pages) and reading age (8+).Produced in association with reading experts at Catch Up, a charity which aims to address underachievement caused by literacy and numeracy difficulties.

Zero Tolerance and Other Plays: Disrupting Xenophobia, Racism and Homophobia in School (Social Fictions Series #0)

by Tara Goldstein

A wealth of evidence demonstrates that disabled domestic students experience disabling barriers in such areas as funding, pedagogy and social life in Higher Education (HE). Research also indicates that non-disabled international students experience a wide range of cultural and linguistic difficulties throughout their university experience whilst studying in England. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of research concerning the specific experiences of disabled international students in English universities. With the increasing internationalisation of HE in the past two decades this is highly significant. Analysing disabled international students’ accounts in British universities appears to be all the more pertinent due to the current austerity measures, which have impacted on the financial situation of Higher Education Institutions. Armineh Soorenian comments on the relevance of inclusive educational theories and policies within an increasingly internationalised HE system, with reference to disabled international students’ experiences in England. The project is both timely and appropriate as there is an acute shortage of documentation on the application of policies for the inclusion of disabled students and disabled international students specifically in English universities. The findings identify key barriers in the four broad categories of (1) Information, Access and Funding; (2) Disability Services; (3) Learning and Teaching; and (4) Non-Disability Support Services such as accommodation and social life. The study provides an up-to-date snapshot of disabled international students’ accounts and the multiple disadvantages they experience in their universities based on their identities as ‘disabled’, ‘international’ and sometimes ‘mature’ students. The author also draws on a number of insights which could contribute towards a more inclusive HE system. The implication of concentrating on disabled international students’ experiences have direct ramifications, not only for this specific group, but also a wide range of students from diverse minority backgrounds who could gain from inclusive practices in education.

Zerrüttete Beziehungen – Verletzte Kinderseelen: Das Erleben von Trennung und Scheidung der Eltern aus der Perspektive der Kinder

by Nathalie Sabas

Nichts scheint mehr für die Ewigkeit. Getrennt ist das neue Zusammen. In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten ist die Scheidungs- bzw. Trennungsrate erheblich gestiegen und steigt stetig an. Der Personenkreis, der dem am schlimmsten ausgeliefert ist, sind die Kinder. Dieses Buch möchte dabei helfen, sich in die Gedanken der betroffenen Kinder hineinzuversetzen, um deren Perspektive einzunehmen und verständlich zu machen, wie sehr ein solches Erlebnis mit schmerzhaften und wut- bis hasserfüllten Emotionen einhergehen kann. Nicht immer gelingt es Eltern und Fachkräften, das Verhalten der kleinen „Rebellen“ zu deuten. Anhand von Praxisfällen und Bewältigungsstrategien werden die „Herzensangelegenheiten“ der verletzten Kinderseelen aufgedeckt.

Zest for Learning: Developing curious learners who relish real-world challenges (Pedagogy For A Changing World Ser.)

by Ellen Spencer Bill Lucas

Explores the ways in which teachers can fuel their pupils' curiosity and help them find their passions, develop independence and challenge themselves to become more expansive learners. The third book in the Pedagogy for a Changing World series, Zest for Learning examines how schools can enrich their pupils' learning both within and beyond school. This could be encouraged through, for example, greater engagement with sports and the arts, or by collaborating with external bodies such as the Scouts and Guides, or the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and with libraries, museums, faith groups and environmental associations. Zest for Learning connects the co-curriculum with the formal curriculum, building both theoretical and practical confidence in the kinds of pedagogies which work well. Bill and Ellen have also infused the book with a range of ideas for getting pupils to love learning so much that they will be able to learn whatever they want to throughout their lives.

Zeus On The Loose (Zeus #1)

by John Dougherty

I am the great and mighty Zeus, mortal- give me one good reason why I shouldn't smite you here and now!'Alex's class are learning about the Ancient Greeks. That's why Alex makes a temple (out of loo rolls and a cornflakes box) for the Greek god Zeus. He doesn't expect the god himself to turn up, borrow his mum's nightie and demand a sacrifice at half-past five in the morning. Even worse, Zeus reckons it's time for another Trojan War - in the school playground! Zeus is on the loose-

Zeus Sorts it Out (Zeus #3)

by John Dougherty

Eric, the school bully, is causing trouble for Alex's best friend Charlie. He's been stealing his crisps and flushing his head down the loo. Alex isn't sure that Zeus, the Greek god, is the best person to ask for help but before he can stop him, Charlie has built a temple (from a piece of crumpled paper) to summon Zeus.The problem is, the hot-headed god has now taken over the boys' loos and wants to smite Eric with a thunderbolt. But that's against the school rules, so how exactly will Zeus teach the bully a lesson?Don't worry...Zeus will sort it out!Another hilarious story from the author of ZEUS ON THE LOOSE and ZEUS TO THE RESCUE.

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination (Rape Culture, Religion and the Bible)

by Joachim Kügler

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination is a critical assessment of the biblical concepts of gender hierarchy and the intersection of sex/gender, power, and religion. Starting with #MeToo and the abuse of religious power in the Catholic Church, it also presents a concise selection of historical case studies. In doing so, the book demonstrates how a specific construction of the relationship between sex/gender, power and religion not only excludes women and every person conceived as feminine or effeminate from power but also produces – almost automatically – a rape culture, which uses and excuses violent sexuality as an appropriate manifestation of masculine power. Biblical studies is increasingly interdisciplinary and frequently focuses on contextualising the reading of biblical texts. This volume focuses on how: The Bible is intertwined with other religio-cultural traditions in the Mediterranean world Biblical and extra-biblical ancient concepts of gender hierarchy have left traces in the cultural memory, particularly of the Western world The Bible is received and applied in the contemporary world, above all in the politics, news media, and churches of Western post-Christian societies and African Christianity Throughout this text, religious history and biblical tradition are linked with recent conflicts to show how traces of these concepts continue to resonate and influence the world of today even in post-Christian societies.

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination (Rape Culture, Religion and the Bible)

by Joachim Kügler

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination is a critical assessment of the biblical concepts of gender hierarchy and the intersection of sex/gender, power, and religion. Starting with #MeToo and the abuse of religious power in the Catholic Church, it also presents a concise selection of historical case studies. In doing so, the book demonstrates how a specific construction of the relationship between sex/gender, power and religion not only excludes women and every person conceived as feminine or effeminate from power but also produces – almost automatically – a rape culture, which uses and excuses violent sexuality as an appropriate manifestation of masculine power. Biblical studies is increasingly interdisciplinary and frequently focuses on contextualising the reading of biblical texts. This volume focuses on how: The Bible is intertwined with other religio-cultural traditions in the Mediterranean world Biblical and extra-biblical ancient concepts of gender hierarchy have left traces in the cultural memory, particularly of the Western world The Bible is received and applied in the contemporary world, above all in the politics, news media, and churches of Western post-Christian societies and African Christianity Throughout this text, religious history and biblical tradition are linked with recent conflicts to show how traces of these concepts continue to resonate and influence the world of today even in post-Christian societies.

Zeus to the Rescue! (Zeus #2)

by John Dougherty

Zeus is back! This time Alex and his friend Charlie have summoned Zeus down from Mount Olympus on purpose because there's a problem that they're hoping he will be able to help with. There' s a new girl in the class called Diana and ever since she turned up, things have just got weirder and weirder. All the girls follow her around like sheep and do whatever she says and their teacher Miss Wise is letting Diana and the girls get away with outrageous behaviour.Zeus doesn't seem very willing to help but then Alex and Charlie discover that Diana is actually Zeus's daughter, the goddess Artemis! It's bad enough having two gods running around on Earth but things start getting really bad when Artemis bets Zeus that he can't get Miss Wise to give him a kiss of her own free will because she's one of Artemis's followers now. If Zeus fails then Artemis is going to turn his High Priest, Alex, into a pig . . .!

Zielgruppen in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung: Empirische Studien zu Bedarf, Potential und Akzeptanz (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Wolfgang Seitter Michael Schemmann Ulrich Vossebein

​Anhand der Ergebnisse von drei empirischen Studien stellen die Beitragsautoren Heterogenität, Zielgruppenbezug und Matchingherausforderungen der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung pointiert und differenziert dar. Der Erfolg wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung ist Resultat der richtigen Passung von vier unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen: den individuellen und institutionellen Nachfragern (extern) sowie den Hochschulleitungen und WissenschaftlerInnen (intern). Alle vier Zielgruppen sind noch einmal je für sich überaus heterogen, so dass das Matching der verschiedenen Gruppen die zentrale Herausforderung für eine gelingende Implementierung darstellt.​

Zielgruppenspezifische Interventionen zur Energiereduktion: Ein umweltpsychologisches Feldexperiment in Privathaushalten einer deutschen Großstadt

by Iris-Lahaar Joschko

Iris-Lahaar Joschko hat eine spielerische, jedoch umweltpsychologisch fundierte und anwendungsorientierte Stromsparintervention für Privathaushalte einer Großstadt entwickelt. Auf Basis einer umfangreichen Literaturrecherche stellt die Autorin die aktuellen Erkenntnisse zu Barrieren, die Menschen von stromsparendem Verhalten abhalten, und deren Lösungsansätze strukturiert dar. Mithilfe der Thematik des Wohlbefindens wurde zudem eine indirekte Stromsparintervention getestet, die es ermöglicht, bei nicht motivierten Bevölkerungsgruppen nebenbei eine Reduktion des Stromverbrauchs zu erzielen.

Zielkonflikte und Widersprüche anwaltlicher Mediation: Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie aus der Perspektive der Erziehungswissenschaft

by Marita K. Wambach-Schulz

Marita K. Wambach-Schulz untersucht professionstheoretisch angenommene, strukturelle Zielkonflikte, Antinomien, Widerspruchskonstellationen professionellen Handelns sowie die Rollenambivalenz in der anwaltlichen Mediation. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt im Kern auf dem strukturellen Schnittfeld zwischen tradiertem Anwaltshandeln und Handeln im Mikrokosmos Mediation seitens der Anwaltschaft. Auf Grundlage qualitativer Interviews leistet die Autorin eine fundiert empirische Auseinandersetzung für angehende sowie ausgebildete Mediatorinnen und Mediatoren und zeigt Bewältigungsstrategien für entstehende Zielkonflikte und Widersprüche auf. Als Ergebnis wird ein empirisch generiertes Modell skizziert und als Thesenstrang dargestellt. Dieses kann zur Analyse von Spannungsverhältnissen professionellen Handelns in der anwaltlichen Mediation erhellend sein und zu Interventionen in der Beratungspraxis reflexiv Verwendung finden.

Zielsicher im Sozialraum: Handeln und Bewerten in den Erziehungshilfen

by Vincent Richardt

In diesem Buch dreht sich alles um Ziele von Erziehungshilfen, um ihre Erreichung und ihre Qualität und um die Frage, wie sich beides empirisch bestimmen lässt. Auf der Basis einer ausführlichen Darstellung des Fachkonzepts der Sozialraumorientierung wird die Bedeutung von Zielen und deren Potenzial für Evaluation beschrieben. Insbesondere sozialräumliche Erziehungshilfen zeichnen sich durch die konsequente Orientierung an den Anliegen und Möglichkeiten der Menschen aus. Dabei spielen gute Ziele eine wichtige Rolle, deren Erreichung auch als Gradmesser für den Erfolg dienen kann. Beide Konzepte, das des Handelns und das des Bewertens, stehen hier gleichermaßen im Fokus der Überlegungen.

Ziffern und Ziffernsysteme: I. Teil Die Zahlzeichen der Alten Kulturvölker (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek)

by Dr. Eugen Löffler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Ziffern und Ziffernsysteme: I. Teil Die Zahlzeichen der Alten Kulturvölker (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek)

by Eugen Löffler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

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