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Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination (Rape Culture, Religion and the Bible)

by Joachim Kügler

Zeus Syndrome: A Very Short History of Religion-Based Masculine Domination is a critical assessment of the biblical concepts of gender hierarchy and the intersection of sex/gender, power, and religion. Starting with #MeToo and the abuse of religious power in the Catholic Church, it also presents a concise selection of historical case studies. In doing so, the book demonstrates how a specific construction of the relationship between sex/gender, power and religion not only excludes women and every person conceived as feminine or effeminate from power but also produces – almost automatically – a rape culture, which uses and excuses violent sexuality as an appropriate manifestation of masculine power. Biblical studies is increasingly interdisciplinary and frequently focuses on contextualising the reading of biblical texts. This volume focuses on how: The Bible is intertwined with other religio-cultural traditions in the Mediterranean world Biblical and extra-biblical ancient concepts of gender hierarchy have left traces in the cultural memory, particularly of the Western world The Bible is received and applied in the contemporary world, above all in the politics, news media, and churches of Western post-Christian societies and African Christianity Throughout this text, religious history and biblical tradition are linked with recent conflicts to show how traces of these concepts continue to resonate and influence the world of today even in post-Christian societies.

Zeus to the Rescue! (Zeus #2)

by John Dougherty

Zeus is back! This time Alex and his friend Charlie have summoned Zeus down from Mount Olympus on purpose because there's a problem that they're hoping he will be able to help with. There' s a new girl in the class called Diana and ever since she turned up, things have just got weirder and weirder. All the girls follow her around like sheep and do whatever she says and their teacher Miss Wise is letting Diana and the girls get away with outrageous behaviour.Zeus doesn't seem very willing to help but then Alex and Charlie discover that Diana is actually Zeus's daughter, the goddess Artemis! It's bad enough having two gods running around on Earth but things start getting really bad when Artemis bets Zeus that he can't get Miss Wise to give him a kiss of her own free will because she's one of Artemis's followers now. If Zeus fails then Artemis is going to turn his High Priest, Alex, into a pig . . .!

Zielgruppen in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung: Empirische Studien zu Bedarf, Potential und Akzeptanz (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Wolfgang Seitter Michael Schemmann Ulrich Vossebein

​Anhand der Ergebnisse von drei empirischen Studien stellen die Beitragsautoren Heterogenität, Zielgruppenbezug und Matchingherausforderungen der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung pointiert und differenziert dar. Der Erfolg wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung ist Resultat der richtigen Passung von vier unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen: den individuellen und institutionellen Nachfragern (extern) sowie den Hochschulleitungen und WissenschaftlerInnen (intern). Alle vier Zielgruppen sind noch einmal je für sich überaus heterogen, so dass das Matching der verschiedenen Gruppen die zentrale Herausforderung für eine gelingende Implementierung darstellt.​

Zielgruppenspezifische Interventionen zur Energiereduktion: Ein umweltpsychologisches Feldexperiment in Privathaushalten einer deutschen Großstadt

by Iris-Lahaar Joschko

Iris-Lahaar Joschko hat eine spielerische, jedoch umweltpsychologisch fundierte und anwendungsorientierte Stromsparintervention für Privathaushalte einer Großstadt entwickelt. Auf Basis einer umfangreichen Literaturrecherche stellt die Autorin die aktuellen Erkenntnisse zu Barrieren, die Menschen von stromsparendem Verhalten abhalten, und deren Lösungsansätze strukturiert dar. Mithilfe der Thematik des Wohlbefindens wurde zudem eine indirekte Stromsparintervention getestet, die es ermöglicht, bei nicht motivierten Bevölkerungsgruppen nebenbei eine Reduktion des Stromverbrauchs zu erzielen.

Zielkonflikte und Widersprüche anwaltlicher Mediation: Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie aus der Perspektive der Erziehungswissenschaft

by Marita K. Wambach-Schulz

Marita K. Wambach-Schulz untersucht professionstheoretisch angenommene, strukturelle Zielkonflikte, Antinomien, Widerspruchskonstellationen professionellen Handelns sowie die Rollenambivalenz in der anwaltlichen Mediation. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt im Kern auf dem strukturellen Schnittfeld zwischen tradiertem Anwaltshandeln und Handeln im Mikrokosmos Mediation seitens der Anwaltschaft. Auf Grundlage qualitativer Interviews leistet die Autorin eine fundiert empirische Auseinandersetzung für angehende sowie ausgebildete Mediatorinnen und Mediatoren und zeigt Bewältigungsstrategien für entstehende Zielkonflikte und Widersprüche auf. Als Ergebnis wird ein empirisch generiertes Modell skizziert und als Thesenstrang dargestellt. Dieses kann zur Analyse von Spannungsverhältnissen professionellen Handelns in der anwaltlichen Mediation erhellend sein und zu Interventionen in der Beratungspraxis reflexiv Verwendung finden.

Zielsicher im Sozialraum: Handeln und Bewerten in den Erziehungshilfen

by Vincent Richardt

In diesem Buch dreht sich alles um Ziele von Erziehungshilfen, um ihre Erreichung und ihre Qualität und um die Frage, wie sich beides empirisch bestimmen lässt. Auf der Basis einer ausführlichen Darstellung des Fachkonzepts der Sozialraumorientierung wird die Bedeutung von Zielen und deren Potenzial für Evaluation beschrieben. Insbesondere sozialräumliche Erziehungshilfen zeichnen sich durch die konsequente Orientierung an den Anliegen und Möglichkeiten der Menschen aus. Dabei spielen gute Ziele eine wichtige Rolle, deren Erreichung auch als Gradmesser für den Erfolg dienen kann. Beide Konzepte, das des Handelns und das des Bewertens, stehen hier gleichermaßen im Fokus der Überlegungen.

Ziffern und Ziffernsysteme: I. Teil Die Zahlzeichen der Alten Kulturvölker (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek)

by Dr. Eugen Löffler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Ziffern und Ziffernsysteme: I. Teil Die Zahlzeichen der Alten Kulturvölker (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek)

by Eugen Löffler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Ziffern und Ziffernsysteme: II. Teil die Zahlzeichen im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek)

by Eugen Löffler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat

by Debora Diniz

Winner of the 2017 Jabuti Book PrizeThe Zika virus is devastating lives and communities. Children across the Americas are being born with severe disabilities because of it. Yet during the desolating outbreak, Brazil played host to both the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup, leading many to suspect that the true impact of the virus has been subject to a cover-up of international proportions.Beginning in the northeast, where the devastation has been most felt, professor of bioethics and award-winning documentary filmmaker Debora Diniz travels across Brazil tracing the virus's origin and spread. Along the journey she meets a host of fearless families, doctors and scientists uncovering the virus's impact on local communities. In doing so Diniz paints a vivid picture of the Zika epidemic, exposing the Brazilian government's complicity in allowing the virus to spread while championing the efforts of local doctors and mothers who, working together, are raising awareness of the virus and fighting for the rights of children affected by Zika.

Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat

by Debora Diniz

Winner of the 2017 Jabuti Book PrizeThe Zika virus is devastating lives and communities. Children across the Americas are being born with severe disabilities because of it. Yet during the desolating outbreak, Brazil played host to both the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup, leading many to suspect that the true impact of the virus has been subject to a cover-up of international proportions.Beginning in the northeast, where the devastation has been most felt, professor of bioethics and award-winning documentary filmmaker Debora Diniz travels across Brazil tracing the virus's origin and spread. Along the journey she meets a host of fearless families, doctors and scientists uncovering the virus's impact on local communities. In doing so Diniz paints a vivid picture of the Zika epidemic, exposing the Brazilian government's complicity in allowing the virus to spread while championing the efforts of local doctors and mothers who, working together, are raising awareness of the virus and fighting for the rights of children affected by Zika.

The Zimbabwe Council of Churches and Development in Zimbabwe

by Ezra Chitando

There is a growing realization that religion plays a major role in development, particularly in the Global South. Whereas theories of secularization assumed that religion would disappear, the reality is that religion has demonstrated its tenacity. In the specific case of Zimbabwe, religion has remained a positive social force and has made a significant contribution to development, particularly through the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. This has been through political activism, contribution to health, education, women’s emancipation, and ethical reconstruction. This volume analyzes the contribution of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches to development in the country.

Zimbabwean Communities in Britain: Imperial And Post-colonial Identities And Legacies

by Christopher Roy Zembe

Imperial And Post-colonial Identities And Legacies

Zion, the City of the Great King: A Theological Symbol of the Jerusalem Cult (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Ben C. Ollenburger

While previous research has illuminated the origins and development of the Zion tradition, this book is the first to make a thorough study of Zion as a theological symbol within the larger Jerusalem cult tradition. Drawing primarily on the Psalms and Isaiah of Jerusalem, Ollenburger shows that Zion serves pre-eminently to symbolize the kingship of Yahweh on Zion as creator and defender of world order. As such, Zion serves also to symbolize security and refuge, particularly for the poor. This study constitutes a powerful argument against the tendency of Old Testament theologians to devalue the cosmic Zion symbolism in favour of the historical theology of the exodus, especially when assessing the contemporary import of Old Testament theology. Zion symbolism is anything but an ideological tool legitimating a self-sufficient and self-serving monarchy. Instead it serves as the basis for a radical critique of the projects and pretensions of Judah's royal court.

Zivilgesellschaftliches Wirtschaften: Ein konzeptioneller Vorschlag (essentials)

by Philipp Degens Lukas Lapschieß

Gegenstand dieses essentials ist die Erarbeitung und theoretische Auskleidung einer eigenständigen Konzeption zivilgesellschaftlichen Wirtschaftens. Dazu bietet es eine Einführung in die Begriffe des Wirtschaftens und des Gemeinwohls und diskutiert verschiedene Perspektiven auf Zivilgesellschaft als eigenständige Sphäre bzw. Dritter Sektor, als spezifische, zivile Handlungsweise und als utopisches Projekt. Es werden Kernmerkmale, Prinzipien und normative Gehalte der Zivilgesellschaft identifiziert und auf wirtschaftliches Handeln und wirtschaftliche Organisationen übertragen. Hier zeigt sich, dass zivilgesellschaftliches Wirtschaften im weiten Sinne als notwendigerweise gemeinwohlorientiert verstanden werden kann und im engen Sinne ausschließlich demokratisch verfasstes Wirtschaften für das Gemeinwohl bezeichnet. Der Band hat damit einführenden Charakter und legt darüber hinaus auch eine eigene Positionierung vor.

Zombelina School Days

by Kristyn Crow Molly Idle

Zombelina loves to dance, and going to school is just as fun! She leaps on the bus and twirls down the aisle. In class she raises her hand high in the air, even if sometimes it falls under her chair.When it's time for show-and-tell, Zombelina can't wait to share her hip-hop moves, but a new student named Morty has his own case of stage fright . . . something Zombelina knows how to fix. She has the perfect idea to make Morty feel welcome: a big rockin' dance party! After all, friends who dance together, stay together!

Zombelina School Days: School Days

by Kristyn Crow Molly Idle

Zombelina loves to dance, and going to school is just as fun! She leaps on the bus and twirls down the aisle. In class she raises her hand high in the air, even if sometimes it falls under her chair.When it's time for show-and-tell, Zombelina can't wait to share her hip-hop moves, but a new student named Morty has his own case of stage fright . . . something Zombelina knows how to fix. She has the perfect idea to make Morty feel welcome: a big rockin' dance party! After all, friends who dance together, stay together!

Zombie History: Lies About Our Past that Refuse to Die

by Peter Charles Hoffer

Fake history is not a harmless mistake of fact or interpretation. It is a mistake that conceals prejudice; a mistake that discriminates against certain kinds of people; a mistake held despite a preponderance of evidence; a mistake that harms us. Fake history is like the Zombies we see in mass media, for the fake fact, like the fictional Zombie, lives by turning real events and people into monstrous perversions of fact and interpretation. Its pervasiveness reveals that prejudice remains its chief appeal to those who believe it. Its effect is insidious, because we cannot or will not destroy those mischievous lies. Zombie history is almost impossible to kill. Some Zombie history was and is political, a genre of what Hannah Arendt called “organizational lying” about the past. Its makers designed the Zombie to create a basis in the false past for particular discriminatory policies. Other history Zombies are cultural. They encapsulate and empower prejudice and stereotyping. Still other popular history Zombies do not look disfigured, but like Zombies walk among us without our realizing how devastating their impact can be. Zombie History argues that, whatever their purpose, whatever the venue in which they appear, history Zombies undermine the very foundations of disinterested study of the past.

Zombie Seed and the Butterfly Blues: A Case of Social Justice (Social Fictions Series)

by R.P. Clair

Professor Delta Quinn teams with investigative reporter Caleb Barthes to unravel the mystery of the zombie seed, the genetically-modified follow-up to the “terminator seed.” This fact-based fiction is an academic novel that relies on fast-paced action as well as theoretical insights. Using the cultural icon of the zombie to address work alienation and contemporary apathy is perfect for the purposes of having the reader examine corporate greed in a global world. The cast of characters brings this global aspect to life. In the backdrop of the novel, a history of the zombie unfolds—a history of the violence that Haiti and African diaspora have suffered. Yet, it is Delta’s research into narratives of partner abuse that lead her to grapple with her own tragic past and take brave steps toward ending the abuse of others. This social justice book is based on award-winning research in rhetorical ethnography and is being assigned for courses in rhetoric, ethnography, narrative, organizational communication, and diversity, but would fit with others (e.g., ethics, interpersonal, public relations, journalism, sociology, philosophy) where examining the individual’s role in the life-world is not only promoted but expected. If the novel doesn’t do it, then the facts found at the end of the book should “wake up” any remaining zombies. Robin Patric Clair is a Full Professor, Diversity Fellow and a Fellow to the Center of Creative Endeavors at Purdue University. She has won research awards in rhetoric, narrative, ethnography and organizational communication, including two ‘Outstanding Book of the Year’ awards, two ‘Best Research Article of the Year’ awards, the ‘Golden Anniversary Award’ and multiple ‘Top Paper’ Awards for her research.

The Zones Of Regulation (PDF): A Cirriculum To Foster Self-regulation

by Leah Kuypers Michelle Garcia Winner

The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities. Using a cognitive behaviour approach, the curriculum’s learning activities are designed to help students recognise when they are in different states called “zones,” with each of four zones represented by a different colour. In the activities, students also learn how to use strategies or tools to stay in a zone or move from one to another. Students explore calming techniques, cognitive strategies, and sensory supports so they will have a toolbox of methods to use to move between zones. To deepen students’ understanding of how to self-regulate, the lessons set out to teach students these skills: how to read others’ facial expressions and recognise a broader range of emotions, perspective about how others see and react to their behaviour, insight into events that trigger their less regulated states, and when and how to use tools and problem solving skills. The curriculum’s learning activities are presented in 18 lessons. To reinforce the concepts being taught, each lesson includes probing questions to discuss and instructions for one or more learning activities. Many lessons offer extension activities and ways to adapt the activity for individual student needs. The curriculum also includes worksheets, other handouts, and visuals to display and share. These can be photocopied from this book or printed from the accompanying USB.

Zoo Talk

by Patricia G. Patrick Sue Dale Tunnicliffe

Founded on the premise that zoos are ‘bilingual’—that the zoo, in the shape of its staff and exhibits, and its visitors speak distinct languages—this enlightening analysis of the informal learning that occurs in zoos examines the ‘speech’ of exhibits and staff as well as the discourse of visitors beginning in the earliest years. Using real-life conversations among visitors as a basis for discussion, the authors interrogate children’s responses to the exhibits and by doing so develop an ‘informal learning model’ and a ‘zoo knowledge model’ that prompts suggestions for activities that classroom educators can use before, during, and after a zoo visit.Their analysis of the ‘visitor voice’ informs creative suggestions for how to enhance the educational experiences of young patrons. By assessing visitors’ entry knowledge and their interpretations of the exhibits, the authors establish a baseline for zoos that helps them to refine their communication with visitors, for example in expanding knowledge of issues concerning biodiversity and biological conservation. The book includes practical advice for zoo and classroom educators about positive ways to prepare for zoo visits, engaging activities during visits, and follow-up work that maximizes the pedagogical benefits. It also reflects on the interplay between the developing role of zoos as facilitators of learning, and the ways in which zoos help visitors assimilate the knowledge on offer. In addition to being essential reading for educators in zoos and in the classroom, this volume is full of insights with much broader contextual relevance for getting the most out of museum visits and field trips in general.

Zoological Collections of Germany: The Animal Kingdom in its Amazing Plenty at Museums and Universities (Natural History Collections)

by Lothar A. Beck

This book is devoted to the knowledge of up to 250 years of collecting, organizing and preserving animals by generations of scientists. Zoological Collections are a huge resource for modern animal research and should be available for national and international scientists and institutions, as well as prospective public and private customers. Moreover, these collections are an important part of the scientific enterprise, supporting scientific research, human health, public education, and the conservation of biodiversity. Much of what we are beginning to understand about our world, we owe to the collection, preservation, and ongoing study of natural specimens. Properly preserved collections of marine or terrestrial animals are libraries of Earth's history and vital to our ability to learn about our place in its future.The approach employed by the editor involves not only an introduction to the topic, but also an external view on German collections including an assessment of their value in the international and national context, and information on the international and national collection networks. Particular attention is given to new approaches of sorting, preserving and researching in Zoological Collections as well as their neglect and/or threat. In addition, the book provides information on all big Public Research Museums, on important Collections in regional Country and local District Museums, and also on University collections.This is a highly informative and carefully presented book, providing scientific insight for readers with an interest in biodiversity, taxonomy, or evolution, as well as natural history collections at large.

Zoom!: The faster way to make your business idea happen (Financial Times Series)

by Ian Sanders David Sloly

Included in the Independent's 'Top Ten Business Start Up Books' 2012Short, punchy and practical, this book is packed with powerful tools, techniques and ideas that will get you ready to launch your business in just 60 days. With useful advice on everything you need to make your business happen, from marketing, to logo design, accounts, registration, e-commerce and everything else in-between.

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