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HIIT: High Intensity Intercourse Training

by Joe Dicks

On your marks, get set ... shag! Ditch the PT, forget bootcamp, swap the gym ball for your partner’s balls and embrace the horn. Features 60 sexercises with easy to follow instructional diagrams and tips to make getting fit much more fun. All you need is a willing friend, a comfy bed and a mountain of contraception. Select your favourite positions, repeat four times, or until you both cum.

The HIIT Bible: Supercharge Your Body and Brain

by Steve Barrett

The HIIT Bible is the ultimate guide to High-Intensity Interval Training – the fastest and most effective means of getting fit and improving body composition.A complete reference guide, The HIIT Bible explains everything you need to know about the exercise method that delivers big results – fast. Read about its many benefits and gain expert advice on how to use HIIT to get fit, look toned and feel fantastic.Accessible, practical and written by a globally recognised fitness authority, it features masses of tried and tested high intensity exercises and moves, each accompanied by easy-to- follow photos and instructions. The HIIT Bible is the only book on High-Intensity Interval Training you'll ever need.

The HIIT Bible: Supercharge Your Body and Brain

by Steve Barrett

The HIIT Bible is the ultimate guide to High-Intensity Interval Training – the fastest and most effective means of getting fit and improving body composition.A complete reference guide, The HIIT Bible explains everything you need to know about the exercise method that delivers big results – fast. Read about its many benefits and gain expert advice on how to use HIIT to get fit, look toned and feel fantastic.Accessible, practical and written by a globally recognised fitness authority, it features masses of tried and tested high intensity exercises and moves, each accompanied by easy-to- follow photos and instructions. The HIIT Bible is the only book on High-Intensity Interval Training you'll ever need.

Hip Replacement: Experts Answer Your Questions (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by Adam E. M. Eltorai Alan H. Daniels Derek R. Jenkins Lee E. Rubin

Each year, more than 300,000 adults in the United States undergo hip replacement surgery. What can the many people experiencing hip pain in this country expect before, during, and after surgery? Hip Replacement—part of a new series of Johns Hopkins University Press books on specific surgical procedures—is designed to provide quick answers to all of the most common questions individuals have about hip surgery and the recovery process. Focusing on the patient experience, this frank and easy-to-use book highlights real patient experiences with hip pain, diagnosis, and treatment. The book • discusses basic hip anatomy • describes the symptoms of hip arthritis • explores alternative treatments, including lifestyle changes, medications, and surgical treatments other than hip replacement • reviews the entire recovery process, including preferred exercises to help speed your recovery and how quickly you can return to certain activities• features a glossary of key terms and a list of frequently asked questions • contains numerous sidebars touching on important points to consider, questions to ask your doctor, red flags, and risks • is supplemented with useful illustrations and photographsThe book's concise format allows readers to peruse the content quickly in the days leading up to surgery and then refer to it during the recovery period. Written by experts in the field, Hip Replacement is destined to become the most trusted book on this topic. Contributors: Roy K. Aaron, MD, Valentin Antoci, Jr., MD, PhD, Travis Blood, MD, Eric Cohen, MD, Matthew E. Deren, MD, John Froehlich, MD, MBA, Derek R. Jenkins, MD, Dominic T. Kleinhenz, MD, Scott Ritterman, MD, Lee E. Rubin, MD

Hip Replacement: Experts Answer Your Questions (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by Adam E. M. Eltorai Alan H. Daniels Derek R. Jenkins Lee E. Rubin

Each year, more than 300,000 adults in the United States undergo hip replacement surgery. What can the many people experiencing hip pain in this country expect before, during, and after surgery? Hip Replacement—part of a new series of Johns Hopkins University Press books on specific surgical procedures—is designed to provide quick answers to all of the most common questions individuals have about hip surgery and the recovery process. Focusing on the patient experience, this frank and easy-to-use book highlights real patient experiences with hip pain, diagnosis, and treatment. The book • discusses basic hip anatomy • describes the symptoms of hip arthritis • explores alternative treatments, including lifestyle changes, medications, and surgical treatments other than hip replacement • reviews the entire recovery process, including preferred exercises to help speed your recovery and how quickly you can return to certain activities• features a glossary of key terms and a list of frequently asked questions • contains numerous sidebars touching on important points to consider, questions to ask your doctor, red flags, and risks • is supplemented with useful illustrations and photographsThe book's concise format allows readers to peruse the content quickly in the days leading up to surgery and then refer to it during the recovery period. Written by experts in the field, Hip Replacement is destined to become the most trusted book on this topic. Contributors: Roy K. Aaron, MD, Valentin Antoci, Jr., MD, PhD, Travis Blood, MD, Eric Cohen, MD, Matthew E. Deren, MD, John Froehlich, MD, MBA, Derek R. Jenkins, MD, Dominic T. Kleinhenz, MD, Scott Ritterman, MD, Lee E. Rubin, MD

Hippocrates Cried: The Decline of American Psychiatry

by Michael A Taylor

Hippocrates Cried offers an eye-witness account of the decline of American psychiatry by an experienced psychiatrist and researcher. Arguing that patients with mental disorders are no longer receiving the care they need, Dr. Taylor suggest that modern psychiatrists in the U.S. rely too heavily on the DSM, a diagnostic tool that fails to properly diagnose many cases of mental disorder and often neglects important conditions or symptoms. American psychiatry has come to reflect simplistic algorithms forged by pharmaceutical companies, rather than true scientific methodology. Few professionals have a working knowledge of psychopathology outside of what is outlined in the DSM, and more mental health patients are being treated by primary care physicians than ever before. Dr. Taylor creates a passionate yet scholarly account of this issue. For psychiatrists and researchers, this book is a plea for help. Combining personal vignettes and informative data, it creates a powerful illustration of a medical field in turmoil. For the general reader, Hippocrates Cried will provide a fresh perspective on an issue that rarely receives the attention it requires. This book strips American psychiatry of its modern misconceptions and seeks to save a form of medicine no longer rooted in science.

Hippocrates Cried: The Decline of American Psychiatry

by Michael A Taylor

Hippocrates Cried offers an eye-witness account of the decline of American psychiatry by an experienced psychiatrist and researcher. Arguing that patients with mental disorders are no longer receiving the care they need, Dr. Taylor suggest that modern psychiatrists in the U.S. rely too heavily on the DSM, a diagnostic tool that fails to properly diagnose many cases of mental disorder and often neglects important conditions or symptoms. American psychiatry has come to reflect simplistic algorithms forged by pharmaceutical companies, rather than true scientific methodology. Few professionals have a working knowledge of psychopathology outside of what is outlined in the DSM, and more mental health patients are being treated by primary care physicians than ever before. Dr. Taylor creates a passionate yet scholarly account of this issue. For psychiatrists and researchers, this book is a plea for help. Combining personal vignettes and informative data, it creates a powerful illustration of a medical field in turmoil. For the general reader, Hippocrates Cried will provide a fresh perspective on an issue that rarely receives the attention it requires. This book strips American psychiatry of its modern misconceptions and seeks to save a form of medicine no longer rooted in science.

Hippocratic Oaths: Medicine and its Discontents

by Raymond Tallis

Poet, philosopher, novelist and former physician, Raymond Tallis is one of the world's foremost scientific philosophers. In this book, he brings together his diverse intellectual interests to address profoundly important questions about our well being. Hippocratic Oaths blends philosophy with public opinion, polemic and personal experience to bridge the disjunction between the health care we believe we are entitled to expect, and the difficult realities of what is possible.In a series of fiercely stimulating and impassioned arguments, Tallis looks at the truth behind public health scares; why we continue to incorrectly treat our bodies as if they were machines, separate from ourselves; and why the popularity of alternative therapies is bad for doctors and patients alike. Hippocratic Oaths is the summation of a lifetime's thought and medical practice, by one of the most singular stars in the British scientific firmament. It will, quite simply, change forever the way you think about yourself, and your health.

The His and Hers Guide to Pregnancy and Birth

by Dean Beaumont Steph Beaumont

Mums- and dads-to-be both want the best for their baby, but often their experiences of the journey to parenthood can be quite different. In this book, leading antenatal teachers Dean and Steph Beaumont offer a new way to prepare for your new arrival. Covering everything from first finding out you are pregnant to the early weeks with your baby, you'll find practical advice, reassurance and guidance on how you can support each other as well as your growing baby.Divided into sections with targeted information for mum and dad, addressing their concerns and questions, The His and Hers Guide to Pregnancy and Birth will support you as individuals, giving you the confidence and knowledge you need. Each chapter also includes a 'Get Together' section, which provides ideas for bonding, advice on what dad can do to help and ways to connect with and understand each other.

His Change of Life: Male Menopause and Healthy Aging with Testosterone (Complementary and Alternative Medicine)

by Chris D. Meletis Sara G. N.D.

From explanations of the roles of hormones to detailed descriptions of testing options and treatment choices, this book is a guide to male hormones: What they do, what goes wrong, and what can be done about it.Testosterone levels begin to decline in men at the age of 30. But, as this book shows, men can take steps to normalize hormone levels. With the twin goals of education and empowerment, two naturopaths explain the roles of male hormones and why decreasing testosterone levels affect body and mind. His Change of Life: Male Menopause and Healthy Aging with Testosterone offers detailed descriptions of testing options and, most importantly, specific treatment choices offered by both allopathic and alternative models that will enable men of all ages to live life to the fullest.Symptoms the authors address include night sweats, reduced flexibility, loss of muscle mass, low sex drive, and high blood pressure. Solutions they explain include stress management, exercise, nutrition, dietary supplements, and androgen replacement therapy. Conventional treatments are also covered, as are potential side effects of actions men may take. The authors detail which actions are safe to take on your own, and which need the supervision of a medical expert.

Histaminintoleranz für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Matthias Robert

Leiden auch Sie unter Histaminintoleranz oder vermuten Sie es zumindest? Sind Sie durch die Symptome dazu gezwungen sich einzuschränken? Keine Sorge, in diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über Histaminintoleranz wissen sollten. Der Autor hilft Ihnen die Krankheit zu verstehen und erklärt, was die Histaminausschüttung alles beeinflussen kann. Sie erfahren welche Symptome möglich sind, wie Sie zu einer sicheren Diagnose gelangen und wie es danach weiter geht. Auch andere Mastzellerkrankungen wie Allergien, Kreuzreaktionen und das Mastzellaktivierungssyndrom MCAS kommen nicht zu kurz. So finden Sie endlich zurück zur gewohnten Lebensqualität.

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections

by Dalbir Singh S. B. Mathur

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of seed infection and disease. It includes an up-to-date account on the development and structure of seed, pointing out the structural variations in seeds of the plant families to which most crop plants belong. The text presents techniques and advice for his

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections

by Dalbir Singh S. B. Mathur

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of seed infection and disease. It includes an up-to-date account on the development and structure of seed, pointing out the structural variations in seeds of the plant families to which most crop plants belong. The text presents techniques and advice for his

The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic (History of Analytic Philosophy)

by Adam Tamas Tuboly

This edited collection provides the first comprehensive volume on A. J. Ayer’s 1936 masterpiece, Language, Truth and Logic. With eleven original chapters the volume reconsiders the historical and philosophical significance of Ayer’s work, examining its place in the history of analytic philosophy and its subsequent legacy. Making use of pioneering research in logical empiricism, the contributors explore a wide variety of topics, from ethics, values and religion, to truth, epistemology and philosophy of language. Among the questions discussed are: How did Ayer preserve or distort the views and conceptions of logical empiricists? How are Ayer's arguments different from the ones he aimed at reconstructing? And which aspects of the book were responsible for its immense impact? The volume expertly places Language, Truth and Logic in the intellectual and socio-cultural history of twentieth-century philosophical thought, providing both introductory and contextual chapters, as well as specific explorations of a variety of topics covering the main themes of the book. Providing important insights of both historical and contemporary significance, this collection is an essential resource for scholars interested in the legacy of the Vienna Circle and its effect on ethics and philosophy of mind.

Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science (Philosophical Studies Series #46)

by J-C. Smith

My interest in gathering together a collection of this sort was generated by a fortuitous combination of historical studies under Professor Keith Lehrer and studies in cognitive science under Professor R. Michael Harnish at the University of Arizona. Work on the volume began there while I was an instructor in the Department of Linguistics and was greatly encouraged by participants in the Faculty Seminar on Cognitive Science chaired by Professor Lance J. Rips. I wish to express my appreciation to all of these and to many other individuals with whom I discussed the possibility of contribution to this work. I am especially grateful to the authors of the essays included here, as they showed more patience than I could have hoped for in seeing me through a number of uncertain stages in development of the project. My thanks are also due to my colleague Charles Reid for assistance in reviewing submissions, to Tim McFadden for computer resources, and again, to Keith Lehrer for continuing advice in arrangements for publication. Financial support for manuscript preparation was provided in part under University Research Grant No. 617 from the University Research Council, Youngstown State University.

Historical Roots of Cognitive Science: The Rise of a Cognitive Theory of Perception from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century (Synthese Library #208)

by Theo C. Meyering

Cognitive science, in Howard Gardner's words, has a relatively short history but a very long past. While its short history has been the subject of quite a few studies published in recent years, the current book focuses instead on its very long past. It explores the emergence of the conceptual framework that was necessary to make the rise of modem cognitive science possible in the first place. Over the long course of the history of the theory of perception and of cognition, various conceptual breakthroughs can be discerned that have contributed significantly to the conception of the mind as a physical symbol system with intricate representational capacities and unimaginably rich computational resources. In historical retrospect such conceptual transitions-seemingly sudden and unannounced-are typically foreshadowed in the course of enduring research programs that serve as slowly developing theoretical con­ straint structures gradually narrowing down the apparent solution space for the scientific problems at hand. Ultimately the fundamental problem is either resolved to the satisfaction of the majority of researchers in the area of investigation, or else-and much more commonly-one or more of the major theoretical constraints is abandoned or radically modified, giving way to entirely new theoretical vistas. In the history of the theory of perception this process can be witnessed at vari­ ous important junctures.

History: Health And The People - C1000 To The Present Day (PDF)

by Adele Fletcher

Practise and perfect the knowledge and skills that students need to achieve their best grade in the AQA GCSE (9-1) History exams. Packed full of consolidation activities and exam-style questions, this time-saving Workbook makes it easier to reinforce understanding throughout the course and prepare for examination. - Apply, embed and recap knowledge using tried-and-tested consolidation activities that put the large amount of content into context - Develop the exam skills required for the 9-1 examinations with a bank of practice questions that covers every question type and includes mark allocations to indicate how much time students should spend on an answer - Tackle the challenges of visual and written sources as plenty of examples and questions are provided - Help students identify their revision needs and understand how to improve their responses by consulting the online answers/answer guidance for each activity and question - Use flexibly for homework or classwork, during the course or for revision and exam practice - Feel confident about exam preparation, knowing that the activities and questions have been carefully created by a team of experienced examiners and practising teachers

A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals: A Daring Response to an Epidemic

by Barbara I Willinger Alan Rice

Explore the in-hospital evolution of social work with HIV/AIDS patients!A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals: A Daring Response to an Epidemic presents first-hand historical perspectives from frontline hospital social workers who cared for HIV/AIDS patients during the epidemic&’s beginning in the early 1980s. Contributors recount personal and clinical experiences with patients, families, significant others, bureaucracies, and systems during a time of fear, challenge, and extreme caution. Their experiences illustrate the transformation of social work as the development of new programs and treatments increased the lifespan of HIV/AIDS patients.A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals portrays the nature of human suffering and teaches how clients deal with adversity and overcome devastating obstacles. At the same time this book, which, while nonfiction, reads like a novel, opens a window into the world of social work providers working with an illness once considered taboo (and now referred to as simply "chronic"). A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals provides you with an easy-to-understand medical overview of adult and pediatric infectious diseases that often accompany HIV/AIDS and examines: the evolution of social work with hospitalized patients during the first twenty years of the pandemic the important roles of social workers in New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and South Carolina challenges that resulted from improved medications and longer life expectancy the status of current HIV/AIDS care programs the development of HIV/AIDS case management in emergency room settings the benefits of developing custody planning programs for HIV-infected families the challenges of working with perinatally infected adolescentsWith case studies and thoughtful analysis of the history of city, state, and national case management responses to the AIDS crisis, A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals is a valuable book for educators, students, historians, beginning mental health practitioners, social workers, case managers, substance abuse counselors, and anyone interested in stories of human courage. Make it part of your collection today!

A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals: A Daring Response to an Epidemic

by Barbara I Willinger Alan Rice

Explore the in-hospital evolution of social work with HIV/AIDS patients!A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals: A Daring Response to an Epidemic presents first-hand historical perspectives from frontline hospital social workers who cared for HIV/AIDS patients during the epidemic&’s beginning in the early 1980s. Contributors recount personal and clinical experiences with patients, families, significant others, bureaucracies, and systems during a time of fear, challenge, and extreme caution. Their experiences illustrate the transformation of social work as the development of new programs and treatments increased the lifespan of HIV/AIDS patients.A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals portrays the nature of human suffering and teaches how clients deal with adversity and overcome devastating obstacles. At the same time this book, which, while nonfiction, reads like a novel, opens a window into the world of social work providers working with an illness once considered taboo (and now referred to as simply "chronic"). A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals provides you with an easy-to-understand medical overview of adult and pediatric infectious diseases that often accompany HIV/AIDS and examines: the evolution of social work with hospitalized patients during the first twenty years of the pandemic the important roles of social workers in New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and South Carolina challenges that resulted from improved medications and longer life expectancy the status of current HIV/AIDS care programs the development of HIV/AIDS case management in emergency room settings the benefits of developing custody planning programs for HIV-infected families the challenges of working with perinatally infected adolescentsWith case studies and thoughtful analysis of the history of city, state, and national case management responses to the AIDS crisis, A History of AIDS Social Work in Hospitals is a valuable book for educators, students, historians, beginning mental health practitioners, social workers, case managers, substance abuse counselors, and anyone interested in stories of human courage. Make it part of your collection today!

A History of Anglican Exorcism: Deliverance and Demonology in Church Ritual (International Library Of Historical Studies)

by Francis Young

Exorcism is more widespread in contemporary England than perhaps at any other time in history. The Anglican Church is by no means the main provider of this ritual, which predominantly takes place in independent churches. However, every one of the Church of England dioceses in the country now designates at least one member of its clergy to advise on casting out demons. Such `deliverance ministry' is in theory made available to all those parishioners who desire it. Yet, as Francis Young reveals, present-day exorcism in Anglicanism is an unlikely historical anomaly. It sprang into existence in the 1970s within a church that earlier on had spent whole centuries condemning the expulsion of evil spirits as either Catholic superstition or evangelical excess. This book for the first time tells the full story of the Anglican Church's approach to demonology and the exorcist's ritual since the Reformation in the sixteenth century. The author explains how and why how such a remarkable transformation in the Church's attitude to the rite of exorcism took place, while also setting his subject against the canvas of the wider history of ideas.

The History of Cancer: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Medical Studies)

by James S. Olson

Historian James. S. Olson has prepared a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of the history of cancer. The emphasis of this work is not so much on the medical aspects of cancer as it is on the historical documentation of the disease: its etiology, pathology, epidemiology, forms and manifestations, and the men and women who have distinguished themselves in the study and treatment of the disease.The book opens with a section devoted to the historical background of our knowledge of cancer and important medical/nonmedical personalities. The next section deals with the etiology of cancer--its genesis, epidemiology, pathology, and research and control. The largest part of the bibliography is devoted to the individual malignant diseases. Olson concludes with sections on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, clinical services, and cancer institutions. The citations include books, articles from scholarly and general periodicals, medical and government publications, and primary and secondary sources. The annotations are descriptive. An important contribution to the study of medical history, Olson's bibliography will be of interest to scholars, students and those involved in the medical and scientific study of cancer.

The History of Endocrine Surgery

by R. B. Welbourn Stanley R. Friesen Ivan D.A. Johnston Ronald A. Sellwood

Richard B. Welbourn, a retired endocrine surgeon who has written two books on the subject, has compiled the definitive history of the new and advancing discipline of endocrine surgery. The book traces the history of endocrine surgery from its origins to the 1980s, detailing the stories behind the surgery of each gland. A valuable biographical index containing basic information as well as the ideas and achievements of great names in the field will prove an invaluable resource.Topics include: Evolution of Endocrine Surgery; The Pituitary; The Thyroid; Thyroid Cancer; The Adrenal Glands; The Parathyroid Glands; The Endocrine Gut and Pancreas; Islet Cell Transplantation; Multiple Endocrine Adenopathy and Paraendocrine Syndromes; Cancer of the Breast and Prostate; Essential and Renal Hypertension; Surgical Stress. The book also includes more than 80 photos and diagrams. A chronological table shows the main events described in the text in their temporal context via milestones in general medicine, surgery and science, and selected major events in political and social history.

The History of Magic: From Alchemy to Witchcraft, from the Ice Age to the Present

by Chris Gosden

A remarkable, unprecedented account of the role of magic in cultures both ancient and modern -- from the first known horoscope to the power of tattoos.'Fascinating, original, excellent' Simon Sebag Montefiore______________________Three great strands of practice and belief run through human history: science, religion and magic. But magic - the idea that we have a connection with the universe - has developed a bad reputation.It has been with us for millennia - from the curses and charms of ancient Greek, Roman and Jewish magic, to the shamanistic traditions of Eurasia, indigenous America and Africa, and even quantum physics today. Even today seventy-five per cent of the Western world holds some belief in magic, whether snapping wishbones, buying lottery tickets or giving names to inanimate objects.Drawing on his decades of research, with incredible breadth and authority, Professor Chris Gosden provides a timely history of human thought and the role it has played in shaping civilization, and how we might use magic to rethink our understanding of the world.______________________'This is an extraordinary work of learning, written with an exhilarating lightness of touch . . . It is essential reading.' Francis Pryor, author of Britain BC, Britain AD and The Fens'Without an unfascinating page' Scotsman'Chris Gosden shows how magic explores the connections between human beings and the universe in ways different from religion or science, yet deserving of respect' Professor John Barton, author of A History of The Bible

A History of Maternity Wear: Design, Patterns, and Construction

by Lydia Semler Jana Hill Ilea Magdelina Bonner

A History of Maternity Wear: Design, Patterns, and Construction explores pregnancy clothing worn throughout the decades, providing historical information, images, and patterns.Filled with photos showing extant attire, with intricate details and sample patterns that can be recreated to scale, this book examines how maternity clothes were constructed, provides historical context, and aids readers in designing their own maternity garments. Each chapter includes examples of commonly worn maternity styles from a number of regions of the English-speaking world, with information from the United States, Britain, Australia, and Canada. The book concludes with a chapter on historically accurate underpinnings from the 17th century to the present day.A History of Maternity Wear: Design, Patterns, and Construction is written for costume professionals looking to research historically accurate characters and costumes for production, as well as fashion historians and costume enthusiasts.

A History of Maternity Wear: Design, Patterns, and Construction

by Lydia Semler Jana Hill Ilea Magdelina Bonner

A History of Maternity Wear: Design, Patterns, and Construction explores pregnancy clothing worn throughout the decades, providing historical information, images, and patterns.Filled with photos showing extant attire, with intricate details and sample patterns that can be recreated to scale, this book examines how maternity clothes were constructed, provides historical context, and aids readers in designing their own maternity garments. Each chapter includes examples of commonly worn maternity styles from a number of regions of the English-speaking world, with information from the United States, Britain, Australia, and Canada. The book concludes with a chapter on historically accurate underpinnings from the 17th century to the present day.A History of Maternity Wear: Design, Patterns, and Construction is written for costume professionals looking to research historically accurate characters and costumes for production, as well as fashion historians and costume enthusiasts.

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