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Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus

by Thomas Figueira Carmen Soares

Herodotus is the epochal authority who inaugurated the European and Western consciousness of collective identity, whether in an awareness of other societies and of the nature of cultural variation itself or in the fashioning of Greek self-awareness – and necessarily that of later civilizations influenced by the ancient Greeks – which was perpetually in dialogue and tension with other ways of living in groups.In this book, 14 contributors explore ethnicity – the very self-understanding of belonging to a separate body of human beings – and how it evolves and consolidates (or ethnogenesis). This inquiry is focussed through the lens of Herodotus as our earliest master of ethnography, in this instance not only as the stylized portrayal of other societies, but also as an exegesis on how ethnocultural differentiation may affect the lives, and even the very existence, of one’s own people.Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus is one facet of a project that intends to bring Portuguese and English-speaking scholars of antiquity into closer cooperation. It has united a cross-section of North American classicists with a distinguished cohort of Portuguese and Brazilian experts on Greek literature and history writing in English.

Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa: Constructivist Reflections and Contemporary Politics

by P. Yeros

Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa features a series of 'constructivist' contributions by leading scholars in the field of ethnicity and nationalism, and explores the differences among those who have come to be known as 'constructivists'. The contributors reflect upon ongoing methodological debates in ethnography, historiography, and political theory. They demonstrate the diversity of concepts and methods within constructivism, and assess the political implications of the concepts themselves. The debate between them is inter-disciplinary, critical and innovative, and should be of value to anyone interested in the study of ethnicity and nationalism.

Ethnicity, Class, and the Indigenous Struggle for Land in Guerrero, Mexico (Native Americans: Interdisciplinary Perspectives)

by Norberto Valdez

This study focuses on Amuzgo Indian communities of the Costa Chica of Guerrero state in Mexico in order to analyze the indigenous struggle for land and its relationship to ethnic identity and culture. Primary archival data and field research reveal a historical profile of this multi-ethnic region with a long and fascinating history of resistance to non-Indian control of communal lands and labor. The dynamics of 19th century liberal economic reforms, privatization of Indian lands, militarization, interventions of foreign capital, class conflicts, and impoverishment are reflected in contemporary processes in the Costa Chica. The image of the resilient peasant, or campesino , masks negative aspects of peasant status in the class structure, including poverty and superexploitation of family labor, and the intra and inter-familial conflicts that are a significant aspect of daily life. Case studies of land conflicts explore these class issues, as well as the relationship between gender inequalities and insecurities of land tenure. Indian communal lands (ejidos ) are more than an economic means of agricultural production; such lands are also the basis of cultural reproduction and provide a framework in which political resistance can emerge. Bibliography. Index

Ethnicity, Class, and the Indigenous Struggle for Land in Guerrero, Mexico (Native Americans: Interdisciplinary Perspectives)

by Norberto Valdez

This study focuses on Amuzgo Indian communities of the Costa Chica of Guerrero state in Mexico in order to analyze the indigenous struggle for land and its relationship to ethnic identity and culture. Primary archival data and field research reveal a historical profile of this multi-ethnic region with a long and fascinating history of resistance to non-Indian control of communal lands and labor. The dynamics of 19th century liberal economic reforms, privatization of Indian lands, militarization, interventions of foreign capital, class conflicts, and impoverishment are reflected in contemporary processes in the Costa Chica. The image of the resilient peasant, or campesino , masks negative aspects of peasant status in the class structure, including poverty and superexploitation of family labor, and the intra and inter-familial conflicts that are a significant aspect of daily life. Case studies of land conflicts explore these class issues, as well as the relationship between gender inequalities and insecurities of land tenure. Indian communal lands (ejidos ) are more than an economic means of agricultural production; such lands are also the basis of cultural reproduction and provide a framework in which political resistance can emerge. Bibliography. Index

Ethnicity in Asia

by Colin Mackerras

This book is designed as a comprehensive comparative introduction to ethnicity in East and Southeast Asia since 1945. Each chapter covers a particular country looking at such core issues as:· the ethnic minorities or groups in the country of concern, how many ethnic groups, population, language and culture group they belong to, traditional religions and arts· government policy towards the ethnic minorities or groups · the economies of the ethnic minorities or groups and the relation with the national economy;· problems of national integration caused by the ethnic minorities or groups;· the impact of ethnic issues on the country's overall foreign relations.

Ethnicity in Asia

by Colin Mackerras

This book is designed as a comprehensive comparative introduction to ethnicity in East and Southeast Asia since 1945. Each chapter covers a particular country looking at such core issues as:· the ethnic minorities or groups in the country of concern, how many ethnic groups, population, language and culture group they belong to, traditional religions and arts· government policy towards the ethnic minorities or groups · the economies of the ethnic minorities or groups and the relation with the national economy;· problems of national integration caused by the ethnic minorities or groups;· the impact of ethnic issues on the country's overall foreign relations.

Ethnicity Kills?: The Politics of War, Peace and Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa (International Political Economy Series)

by E. Braathen M. Bøås G. Saether

The book examines, among other issues, the emergence of civil war as a result of political struggles. The construction of Africa as the 'other' has meant that factors commonly used to explain war elsewhere have been neglected in SubSaharan Africa. The political power struggle which evolved around the state is at the forefront of the analysis of civil war and societal conflict.

Ethnicity, Nationalism and the European Cold War

by Robert Knight

This book questions the prevalent assumption that ethnicity and nationalist politics had nothing to do with the Cold War and that, far from being 'frozen' until the fall of communism, they remained central to the conflict in Europe. Leading scholars bring their understanding of particular regions to bear on the wider issue of why ethnic explanations were written out of the discourse and whether this was a failure on the part of Western observers. This in turn has led to an overly simple understanding of power flowing downwards, from superpower to nation state and from state to society. Engaging with key thinkers such as Gaddis, Moynihan and Adam Roberts this collection ultimately allows such speculation to be replaced by historical research and bridges the gap between 'high politics' and ethnic concerns.

Ethnicity, Nationalism and the European Cold War

by Robert Knight

This book questions the prevalent assumption that ethnicity and nationalist politics had nothing to do with the Cold War and that, far from being 'frozen' until the fall of communism, they remained central to the conflict in Europe. Leading scholars bring their understanding of particular regions to bear on the wider issue of why ethnic explanations were written out of the discourse and whether this was a failure on the part of Western observers. This in turn has led to an overly simple understanding of power flowing downwards, from superpower to nation state and from state to society. Engaging with key thinkers such as Gaddis, Moynihan and Adam Roberts this collection ultimately allows such speculation to be replaced by historical research and bridges the gap between 'high politics' and ethnic concerns.

Ethno-Baroque: Materiality, Aesthetics and Conflict in Modern-Day Macedonia

by Rozita Dimova

In post-1991 Macedonia, Barok furniture came to represent affluence and success during a period of transition to a new market economy. This furniture marked the beginning of a larger Baroque style that influenced not only interior decorations in people’s homes but also architecture and public spaces. By tracing the signifier Baroque, the book examines the reconfiguration of hierarchical relations among (ethnic) groups, genders, and countries in a transnational context. Investigating how Baroque has come to signify larger social processes and transformations in the current rebranding of the country, the book reveals the close link between aesthetics and politics, and how ethno-national conflicts are reflected in visually appealing ornamentation.

Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya

by George Paul Meiu

Ethno-erotic Economies explores a fascinating case of tourism focused on sex and culture in coastal Kenya, where young men deploy stereotypes of African warriors to help them establish transactional sexual relationships with European women. In bars and on beaches, young men deliberately cultivate their images as sexually potent African men to attract women, sometimes for a night, in other cases for long-term relationships. George Paul Meiu uses his deep familiarity with the communities these men come from to explore the long-term effects of markets of ethnic culture and sexuality on a wide range of aspects of life in rural Kenya, including kinship, ritual, gender, intimate affection, and conceptions of aging. What happens to these communities when young men return with such surprising wealth? And how do they use it to improve their social standing locally? By answering these questions, Ethno-erotic Economies offers a complex look at how intimacy and ethnicity come together to shape the pathways of global and local trade in the postcolonial world.

Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya

by George Paul Meiu

Ethno-erotic Economies explores a fascinating case of tourism focused on sex and culture in coastal Kenya, where young men deploy stereotypes of African warriors to help them establish transactional sexual relationships with European women. In bars and on beaches, young men deliberately cultivate their images as sexually potent African men to attract women, sometimes for a night, in other cases for long-term relationships. George Paul Meiu uses his deep familiarity with the communities these men come from to explore the long-term effects of markets of ethnic culture and sexuality on a wide range of aspects of life in rural Kenya, including kinship, ritual, gender, intimate affection, and conceptions of aging. What happens to these communities when young men return with such surprising wealth? And how do they use it to improve their social standing locally? By answering these questions, Ethno-erotic Economies offers a complex look at how intimacy and ethnicity come together to shape the pathways of global and local trade in the postcolonial world.

Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya

by George Paul Meiu

Ethno-erotic Economies explores a fascinating case of tourism focused on sex and culture in coastal Kenya, where young men deploy stereotypes of African warriors to help them establish transactional sexual relationships with European women. In bars and on beaches, young men deliberately cultivate their images as sexually potent African men to attract women, sometimes for a night, in other cases for long-term relationships. George Paul Meiu uses his deep familiarity with the communities these men come from to explore the long-term effects of markets of ethnic culture and sexuality on a wide range of aspects of life in rural Kenya, including kinship, ritual, gender, intimate affection, and conceptions of aging. What happens to these communities when young men return with such surprising wealth? And how do they use it to improve their social standing locally? By answering these questions, Ethno-erotic Economies offers a complex look at how intimacy and ethnicity come together to shape the pathways of global and local trade in the postcolonial world.

Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya

by George Paul Meiu

Ethno-erotic Economies explores a fascinating case of tourism focused on sex and culture in coastal Kenya, where young men deploy stereotypes of African warriors to help them establish transactional sexual relationships with European women. In bars and on beaches, young men deliberately cultivate their images as sexually potent African men to attract women, sometimes for a night, in other cases for long-term relationships. George Paul Meiu uses his deep familiarity with the communities these men come from to explore the long-term effects of markets of ethnic culture and sexuality on a wide range of aspects of life in rural Kenya, including kinship, ritual, gender, intimate affection, and conceptions of aging. What happens to these communities when young men return with such surprising wealth? And how do they use it to improve their social standing locally? By answering these questions, Ethno-erotic Economies offers a complex look at how intimacy and ethnicity come together to shape the pathways of global and local trade in the postcolonial world.

Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya

by George Paul Meiu

Ethno-erotic Economies explores a fascinating case of tourism focused on sex and culture in coastal Kenya, where young men deploy stereotypes of African warriors to help them establish transactional sexual relationships with European women. In bars and on beaches, young men deliberately cultivate their images as sexually potent African men to attract women, sometimes for a night, in other cases for long-term relationships. George Paul Meiu uses his deep familiarity with the communities these men come from to explore the long-term effects of markets of ethnic culture and sexuality on a wide range of aspects of life in rural Kenya, including kinship, ritual, gender, intimate affection, and conceptions of aging. What happens to these communities when young men return with such surprising wealth? And how do they use it to improve their social standing locally? By answering these questions, Ethno-erotic Economies offers a complex look at how intimacy and ethnicity come together to shape the pathways of global and local trade in the postcolonial world.

Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya

by George Paul Meiu

Ethno-erotic Economies explores a fascinating case of tourism focused on sex and culture in coastal Kenya, where young men deploy stereotypes of African warriors to help them establish transactional sexual relationships with European women. In bars and on beaches, young men deliberately cultivate their images as sexually potent African men to attract women, sometimes for a night, in other cases for long-term relationships. George Paul Meiu uses his deep familiarity with the communities these men come from to explore the long-term effects of markets of ethnic culture and sexuality on a wide range of aspects of life in rural Kenya, including kinship, ritual, gender, intimate affection, and conceptions of aging. What happens to these communities when young men return with such surprising wealth? And how do they use it to improve their social standing locally? By answering these questions, Ethno-erotic Economies offers a complex look at how intimacy and ethnicity come together to shape the pathways of global and local trade in the postcolonial world.

Ethnobotany in the New Europe: People, Health and Wild Plant Resources (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology #14)

by Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana, Andrea Pieroni and Rajindra K. Puri

The study of European wild food plants and herbal medicines is an old discipline that has been invigorated by a new generation of researchers pursuing ethnobotanical studies in fresh contexts. Modern botanical and medical science itself was built on studies of Medieval Europeans’ use of food plants and medicinal herbs. In spite of monumental changes introduced in the Age of Discovery and Mercantile Capitalism, some communities, often of immigrants in foreign lands, continue to hold on to old recipes and traditions, while others have adopted and enculturated exotic plants and remedies into their diets and pharmacopoeia in new and creative ways. Now in the 21st century, in the age of the European Union and Globalization, European folk botany is once again dynamically responding to changing cultural, economic, and political contexts. The authors and studies presented in this book reflect work being conducted across Europe’s many regions. They tell the story of the on-going evolution of human-plant relations in one of the most bioculturally dynamic places on the planet, and explore new approaches that link the re-evaluation of plant-based cultural heritage with the conservation and use of biocultural diversity.

Ethnobotany of the Caucasus (European Ethnobotany Ser.)

by Rainer W. Bussmann

Ethnocentric Political Theory: The Pursuit of Flawed Universals (International Political Theory)

by Bhikhu Parekh

Western political theory has many great strengths but also a few weaknesses. Among the latter should be included its ethnocentricity, its tendency to universalize the local. The political theorist makes universal statements about human beings, societies and states without making a close study of them, and about reason, tradition, human nature and moral ideals without appreciating how differently these are understood in different societies and traditions. These statements are often an uncritical universalisation of his society’s modes of thought and experience. This book traces this tendency in different areas of moral and political life, and argues that a critical engagement between different perspectives offers one possible way to counter this tendency. Seeking universally valid knowledge is a legitimate ambition, but Western political theory cannot realise it without the help of the non-Western as its critical interlocutor.

Ethnofederalism in Cyprus: Territory, Power and Security (Routledge Studies in Statehood)

by Pavlos I. Koktsidis

This book develops a holistic understanding of the intrinsic security concerns which lie at the heart of the protracted conflict in Cyprus.This work offers a well-grounded account of intractability in Cyprus by unfolding the rationale and prevalence of competitive approaches held by Greek and Turkish Cypriots alike. The analysis explains how crude security interests give birth to an existentialist security dilemma that has so far prevented Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and their security guarantors, from reaching a durable settlement. This book contains a systematic critique of the breadth and depth of the major security concerns embedded in the proposed federal bi‑zonal framework for Cyprus, uncovering the impetus and rationale of the underlying insecurities that prompt the Greek and Turkish sides to compete on a series of state‑building aspects, including the opposing understandings of self‑determination and sovereignty, the competitive underpinnings of federal institutional design, and the problematic role of third‑party involvement. This book ultimately unravels a deeper and more pragmatic understanding of how competitive security considerations and geopolitical considerations link up to ethno‑federal design in post‑conflict environments.This book will be of much interest to students of conflict studies, federalism studies, statebuilding, European politics, and International Relations.

Ethnofederalism in Cyprus: Territory, Power and Security (Routledge Studies in Statehood)

by Pavlos I. Koktsidis

This book develops a holistic understanding of the intrinsic security concerns which lie at the heart of the protracted conflict in Cyprus.This work offers a well-grounded account of intractability in Cyprus by unfolding the rationale and prevalence of competitive approaches held by Greek and Turkish Cypriots alike. The analysis explains how crude security interests give birth to an existentialist security dilemma that has so far prevented Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and their security guarantors, from reaching a durable settlement. This book contains a systematic critique of the breadth and depth of the major security concerns embedded in the proposed federal bi‑zonal framework for Cyprus, uncovering the impetus and rationale of the underlying insecurities that prompt the Greek and Turkish sides to compete on a series of state‑building aspects, including the opposing understandings of self‑determination and sovereignty, the competitive underpinnings of federal institutional design, and the problematic role of third‑party involvement. This book ultimately unravels a deeper and more pragmatic understanding of how competitive security considerations and geopolitical considerations link up to ethno‑federal design in post‑conflict environments.This book will be of much interest to students of conflict studies, federalism studies, statebuilding, European politics, and International Relations.

Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922 (EASA Series #44)

by Frederico Delgado Rosa and Han F. Vermeulen

Focusing on some of the most important ethnographers in early anthropology, this volume explores twelve defining works in the foundational period from 1870 to 1922. It challenges the assumption that intensive fieldwork and monographs based on it emerged only in the twentieth century. What has been regarded as the age of armchair anthropologists was in reality an era of active ethnographic fieldworkers, including women practitioners and Indigenous experts. Their accounts have multiple layers of meaning, style, and content that deserve fresh reading. This reference work is a vital source for rewriting the history of anthropology.

Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922 (EASA Series #44)

by Frederico Delgado Rosa and Han F. Vermeulen

Focusing on some of the most important ethnographers in early anthropology, this volume explores twelve defining works in the foundational period from 1870 to 1922. It challenges the assumption that intensive fieldwork and monographs based on it emerged only in the twentieth century. What has been regarded as the age of armchair anthropologists was in reality an era of active ethnographic fieldworkers, including women practitioners and Indigenous experts. Their accounts have multiple layers of meaning, style, and content that deserve fresh reading. This reference work is a vital source for rewriting the history of anthropology.

Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922 (EASA Series #44)

by Frederico Delgado Rosa Han F. Vermeulen

Focusing on some of the most important ethnographers in early anthropology, this volume explores twelve defining works in the foundational period from 1870 to 1922. It challenges the assumption that intensive fieldwork and monographs based on it emerged only in the twentieth century. What has been regarded as the age of armchair anthropologists was in reality an era of active ethnographic fieldworkers, including women practitioners and Indigenous experts. Their accounts have multiple layers of meaning, style, and content that deserve fresh reading. This reference work is a vital source for rewriting the history of anthropology.

Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922 (EASA Series #44)

by Frederico Delgado Rosa Han F. Vermeulen

Focusing on some of the most important ethnographers in early anthropology, this volume explores twelve defining works in the foundational period from 1870 to 1922. It challenges the assumption that intensive fieldwork and monographs based on it emerged only in the twentieth century. What has been regarded as the age of armchair anthropologists was in reality an era of active ethnographic fieldworkers, including women practitioners and Indigenous experts. Their accounts have multiple layers of meaning, style, and content that deserve fresh reading. This reference work is a vital source for rewriting the history of anthropology.

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