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Arendt and America

by Richard H. King

German-Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt (1906–75) fled from the Nazis to New York in 1941, and during the next thirty years in America she wrote her best-known and most influential works, such as The Human Condition, The Origins of Totalitarianism, and On Revolution. Yet, despite the fact that a substantial portion of her oeuvre was written in America, not Europe, no one has directly considered the influence of America on her thought—until now. In Arendt and America, historian Richard H. King argues that while all of Arendt’s work was haunted by her experience of totalitarianism, it was only in her adopted homeland that she was able to formulate the idea of the modern republic as an alternative to totalitarian rule. Situating Arendt within the context of U.S. intellectual, political, and social history, King reveals how Arendt developed a fascination with the political thought of the Founding Fathers. King also re-creates her intellectual exchanges with American friends and colleagues, such as Dwight Macdonald and Mary McCarthy, and shows how her lively correspondence with sociologist David Riesman helped her understand modern American culture and society. In the last section of Arendt and America, King sets out the context in which the Eichmann controversy took place and follows the debate about “the banality of evil” that has continued ever since. As King shows, Arendt’s work, regardless of focus, was shaped by postwar American thought, culture, and politics, including the Civil Rights Movement and the Cold War. For Arendt, the United States was much more than a refuge from Nazi Germany; it was a stimulus to rethink the political, ethical, and historical traditions of human culture. This authoritative combination of intellectual history and biography offers a unique approach for thinking about the influence of America on Arendt’s ideas and also the effect of her ideas on American thought.

Arendt-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

Die Aktualität Hannah Arendts ist unbestritten, kaum ein Denker, geschweige denn eine Denkerin wird so viel gelesen, verfilmt, diskutiert oder zitiert. Die gegenwärtigen Themen von politischer Macht und Ohnmacht und die Krisen der repräsentativen Demokratie und der Urteilskraft machen die Lektüre Arendts umso aktueller und ergiebiger. Dabei erfahren die wissenschaftlichen Rezeptionslinien immer weitere Ausdifferenzierungen und breitere Bezüge und die Kontraste zu Zeitgenossen und späteren Philosophen werden deutlicher gesehen. Das Arendt-Handbuch bietet einen Einstieg in ihr Werk, das mit der neuen Ausgabe den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft zum Werk, seinen Konstellationen und seiner Wirkung abbildet. Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Handbuch umfassend aktualisiert und um zwölf Kapitel erweitert.

Arendt-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

Einflussreiche Denkerin des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Handbuch erklärt die philosophischen, politischen und literarischen Kontexte, die Hannah Arendts Denken geprägt haben. Es präsentiert neben Informationen zur Biografie und den zeitgenössischen Bezügen alle wichtigen Werke und gibt Hinweise zu deren internationaler Rezeption in vielen Disziplinen. Zentrale Begriffe und Konzepte im Gesamtwerk Hannah Arendts werden ausführlich erklärt darunter: Antisemitismus, Das Böse, Macht, Revolution, Republik/Nation, Totalitarismus u. v. a.

Arent de Gelder: Sein Leben und Seine Kunst (Quellenstudien zur Holländischen Kunstgeschichte #4)

by Karl Lilienfeld

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Aren't We Sisters?

by Patricia Ferguson

Following on from The Midwife's Daughter, Aren't We Sisters? is a gripping novel about buried secrets and unlikely friendship.Norah Thornby can no longer afford to live in her grand family home in the centre of Silkhampton. Unless, perhaps, she can find a respectable lodger.But Nurse Lettie Quick is not nearly as respectable as she seems. What's really going on at the clinic she has opened? And why has she chosen Silkhampton?Meanwhile the beautiful Rae Grainger has found the perfect place to stay, in an isolated house miles away from the town. It's certainly rather creepy, especially at candlelit bedtime, but Rae knows that all she has to do is stay out of sight, until others - paid, professional others - are ready to take her little problem away. Then she can just forget the whole ghastly business . . . can't she?No one guesses, of course, that there's a killer quietly at work in Silkhampton; that in one way or another all three women are in danger . . .

Aretha Franklin's Amazing Grace (33 1/3)

by Aaron Cohen

A fascinating and thoroughly researched exploration of the best-selling gospel album of all time.

Aretha Franklin's Amazing Grace (33 1/3)

by Aaron Cohen

A fascinating and thoroughly researched exploration of the best-selling gospel album of all time.

Argentina: A Modern History

by Jill Hedges

In the early 20th century, Argentina possessed one of the world's most prosperous economies, yet since then Argentina has suffered a series of boom-and-bust cycles that have seen it fall well behind its regional neighbours. At the same time, despite the lack of significant ethnic or linguistic divisions, Argentina has failed to create an over-arching post-independence national identity and its political and social history has been marred by frictions, violence and a 50-year series of military coups d'etat. In this book, Jill Hedges analyses the modern history of Argentina from the adoption of the 1853 constitution until the present day, exploring political, economic and social aspects of Argentina's recent past in a study which will be invaluable for anyone interested in South American history and politics.

Argentina: A Modern History

by Jill Hedges

In the early 20th century, Argentina possessed one of the world's most prosperous economies, yet since then Argentina has suffered a series of boom-and-bust cycles that have seen it fall well below its regional neighbours such as Chile. At the same time, despite the lack of significant ethnic or linguistic divisions, Argentina has failed to create an over-arching post-independence national identity and its political and social history has been marked by frictions, violence and a 50-year series of military coups d'état. Such difficulty in defining and resolving a common past has increased the complexity of resolving a national project for the present and future.This lack of a national sense of identity, highlighted by continuing frictions between Buenos Aires and the 'interior' over the centralization of power in the capital, is perhaps one factor explaining the enduring attraction of Peronism since its origins in the early 1940s: Juan Peron's maxim, “if I define, I exclude”, provided for a broad form of identification covering a range of different regional, socioeconomic and political experiences. However, it also provided the basis of an amorphous and ideologically vacuous political platform that has eluded precise definition for 50 years, thus distorting the country's entire political spectrum. Jill Hedges here analyses the modern history of Argentina from the adoption of the 1853 constitution until the present day, highlighting the political factionalism, the weakness of and lack of trust in political institutions and economic dependence on foreign capital which have contributed to its political instability and economic fluctuation. Exploring political, economic and social aspects of Argentina's recent past, this book will be invaluable to anyone interested in South American history and politics.

Argentina: What Went Wrong

by Colin M. MacLachlan

Why has Argentina failed so spectacularly, both economically and politically? It is a puzzle because the country seemed to have all the requirements for greatness, including a well-established middle class of professionals. Its failure raises the specter that other middle-class societies could also fail. In Argentina, MacLachlan delivers history with a plot, a sense of direction and purpose, and fascinating conclusions that reveal a much more complex picture of Argentina than one might have had in mind prior to reading this book.Argentina traces the roots of the nation from the late colonial period to the present, and examines the impact of events that molded it: the failure of political accommodation in 1912, the role of the oligarchy, the development of a middle class, gender issues, the elaboration of a distinct culture, the era of Peron, the army, and the dirty war. The conclusion suggests the reasons for the nation's difficulties. The IMF, World Bank, and international financial markets play a role, but so does a high level of political corruption and mismanagement of the economy that emerged from political and economic failure. Juan and Eva Peron tried to override politics to create an economic and social balance between urban labor and agriculture interests, but failed. The dirty war arose from that failure. Nationalism forged a culture of victimization and resentment that continues to this day. Laying aside standard explanations, MacLachlan presents a portrait of Argentina that emphasizes the role of a destructive nationalism—and a form a corruption that turns citizens into clients.

Argentina Between the Great Powers, 1939-46 (St Antony's Series)

by Guido Di Tella D.Cameron Watt

An examination of Argentina's international behaviour during World War II. Relationships with the UK, the USA and Germany are considered, and in particular, the USA's long term hostile attitude towards the only country in Latin America that tried to question the American hegemony over the region.

Argentina in the Global Middle East

by Lily Pearl Balloffet

Argentina lies at the heart of the American hemisphere's history of global migration booms of the mid-nineteenth to early twentieth century: by 1910, one of every three Argentine residents was an immigrant—twice the demographic impact that the United States experienced in the boom period. In this context, some one hundred and forty thousand Ottoman Syrians came to Argentina prior to World War I, and over the following decades Middle Eastern communities, institutions, and businesses dotted the landscape of Argentina from bustling Buenos Aires to Argentina's most remote frontiers. Argentina in the Global Middle East connects modern Latin American and Middle Eastern history through their shared links to global migration systems. By following the mobile lives of individuals with roots in the Levantine Middle East, Lily Pearl Balloffet sheds light on the intersections of ethnicity, migrant–homeland ties, and international relations. Ranging from the nineteenth century boom in transoceanic migration to twenty-first century dynamics of large-scale migration and displacement in the Arabic-speaking Eastern Mediterranean, this book considers key themes such as cultural production, philanthropy, anti-imperial activism, and financial networks over the course of several generations of this diasporic community. Balloffet's study situates this transregional history of Argentina and the Middle East within a larger story of South-South alliances, solidarities, and exchanges.

Argentina's Parallel Currency: The Economy of the Poor (Financial History)

by Georgina M Gomez

Analyzes the rise and fall of the Red de Trueque (launched in 1995 by a group of environmentalists who exchanged goods and services at their own 'market' using a system of mutual credit) in Argentina. This book identifies rules of governance and sustainability for institutional settings in which state regulation is minimal.

Argentina's Parallel Currency: The Economy of the Poor (Financial History)

by Georgina M Gomez

Analyzes the rise and fall of the Red de Trueque (launched in 1995 by a group of environmentalists who exchanged goods and services at their own 'market' using a system of mutual credit) in Argentina. This book identifies rules of governance and sustainability for institutional settings in which state regulation is minimal.

Argentina’s Partisan Past: Nationalism and the Politics of History (Liverpool Latin American Studies #11)

by Michael Goebel

Argentina’s Partisan Past is a challenging new study about the production, the spread and the use of understandings of national history and identity for political purposes in twentieth-century Argentina. Based on extensive research of primary and published sources, it analyses how nationalist views about what it meant to be Argentine were built into the country’s long drawn-out crisis of liberal democracy from the 1930s to the 1980s. Eschewing the notion of any straightforward relationship between cultural customs, ideas and political practices, the study seeks to provide a more nuanced framework for understanding the interplay between popular culture, intellectuals and the state in the promotion, co-option and repression of conflicting narratives about the nation’s history. Particular attention is given to the conditions for the production and the political use of cultural goods, especially the writings of historians. The intimate linkage between history and politics, it is argued, helped Argentina’s partisan past of the period following independence to cast its shadow onto the middle decades of the twentieth century. This process is scrutinised within the framework of recent approaches to the study of nationalism, in an attempt to communicate the major scholarly debates of this field with the case of Argentina. The book is a valuable resource to both students of Argentine history and those interested in the ways in which nationalism has shaped our contemporary world.

Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period: Processes, Actors and Issues (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

by Gisela Pereyra Doval Gastón Souroujon

Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period provides a comprehensive analysis of the course of right-wing politics in the country in the last 40 years. In 1983, after the fall of a violent military regime, Argentina began the longest period of democratic stability in its history—40 years marked by economic, institutional, social and political crises. This book examines the trajectory of the different right-wing organisations and ideological developments during these years, seeking to understand both the distinctions and the continuities that lie beneath its metamorphoses. Argentina has always acted as a laboratory in which to appreciate how the major problems and questions that concern those who have studied the right-wing in recent decades are translated into a particular political culture. In an international scenario marked by the social and political growth of different right-wing movements, some of which pose a threat to liberal democracies, the study of the Argentine case can provide greater clarity and a different perspective on problems that transcend this specific national case. This book will be of interest to scholars of Argentinian and Latin American politics and history, as well as specialists on the comparative politics of the radical right.

Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period: Processes, Actors and Issues (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period provides a comprehensive analysis of the course of right-wing politics in the country in the last 40 years. In 1983, after the fall of a violent military regime, Argentina began the longest period of democratic stability in its history—40 years marked by economic, institutional, social and political crises. This book examines the trajectory of the different right-wing organisations and ideological developments during these years, seeking to understand both the distinctions and the continuities that lie beneath its metamorphoses. Argentina has always acted as a laboratory in which to appreciate how the major problems and questions that concern those who have studied the right-wing in recent decades are translated into a particular political culture. In an international scenario marked by the social and political growth of different right-wing movements, some of which pose a threat to liberal democracies, the study of the Argentine case can provide greater clarity and a different perspective on problems that transcend this specific national case. This book will be of interest to scholars of Argentinian and Latin American politics and history, as well as specialists on the comparative politics of the radical right.

Argentine Cinema and National Identity (Liverpool Latin American Studies #16)

by Carolina Rocha

An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and through Knowledge Unlatched.Argentine Cinema and National Identity covers the development of Argentine cinema since the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, a period that has been understudied. This essential cultural history delves on the dialect tradition versus modernity that was in place during those years and also comprises an examination of the political economy of film production as well as the different laws, including that implementing censorship that regulated this cultural industry. It also pays particular attention to two historical film genres: the historical film genre per se and the gauchesque, a genre based on outlaw gauchos that was crucial for nation-building in the nineteenth century. This volume investigates the way Argentine cinema positioned itself when facing the competition of glossy American films and resorted to the historical and gauchesque to bridge the stark divisions between the Argentine left and right in the late 1960s.

Argentine Forces in the Falklands (Men-at-Arms)

by Paul Hannon Nick van der Bijl

The announcement of the imminent withdrawal of the British Royal Navy's ice patrol ship HMS Endurance in early 1982 prompted the Argentinian Junta in Buenos Aires to plan a military grab of the Falklands-a siege they assumed would succeed with little resistance. Such an adventure was attractive as a distraction for the Argentine public at a time of political unease. In April the Junta, led by Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, made its move. This fascinating book examines the history, organization and equipment of the Argentine forces that battled for control of this remote British outpost.

Argentine Forces in the Falklands (Men-at-Arms)

by Paul Hannon Nick van der Bijl

The announcement of the imminent withdrawal of the British Royal Navy's ice patrol ship HMS Endurance in early 1982 prompted the Argentinian Junta in Buenos Aires to plan a military grab of the Falklands-a siege they assumed would succeed with little resistance. Such an adventure was attractive as a distraction for the Argentine public at a time of political unease. In April the Junta, led by Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, made its move. This fascinating book examines the history, organization and equipment of the Argentine forces that battled for control of this remote British outpost.

Argentine Foreign Policy during the Military Dictatorship, 1976–1983: Between a Nationalist and Pragmatic Approach

by Magdalena Lisińska

This book examines Argentine foreign policy under the military dictatorship from 1976–1983, also known as the National Reorganization Process. It brings together case studies on the most distinctive decisions and key issues in the regime’s foreign relations, including the international response to human rights violations, the dispute with Chile over the Beagle Channel, covert operations in Central America, the Argentine nuclear program, and the Falklands War. Lisińska examines the influence of ideological factors on foreign policy decisions, highlighting the relationship between the nationalism shaping the military’s policy goals and its pragmatic approach to achieving them.

Argentinean Literary Orientalism: From Esteban Echeverría to Roberto Arlt (Historical and Cultural Interconnections between Latin America and Asia)

by Axel Gasquet

This book examines the modes of representation of the East in Argentinean literature since the country’s independence, in works by canonical authors such as Esteban Echeverría, Juan B. Alberdi, Domingo F. Sarmiento, Lucio V. Mansilla, Pastor S. Obligado, Eduardo F. Wilde, Leopoldo Lugones, and Roberto Arlt. The East, which has always fascinated intellectuals and artists from the Americas, inspired the creation of imaginary elements for both aesthetic and political purposes, from the depiction of purportedly despotic rulers to a genuine admiration for Eastern history and millennial cultures. These writers appropriated the East either through their travels or by reading chronicles, integrating along the way images that would end up being universalized by the Argentinean dichotomy between civilization and barbarism, all the while assigning the negative stereotypes of the exotic East to the Pampa region. With time, the exoticism of the Eastern world would shed its geopolitical meaning and was ultimately integrated into the national literature, thus adding new elements into the Argentinean imaginary.

The Argentinian Dictatorship and its Legacy: Rethinking the Proceso (Studies of the Americas)

by Juan Grigera Luciana Zorzoli

This edited volume provides a comprehensive overview of the renewal of academic engagement in the Argentinian dictatorship in the context of the post-2001 crisis. Significant social and judicial changes and the opening of archives have led to major revisions of the research dedicated to this period. As such, the contributors offer a unique presentation to an English-speaking audience, mapping and critiquing these developments and widening the recent debates in Argentina about the legacy of the dictatorship in this long-term perspective.

Argentinian Telenovelas: Southern Sagas Rewrite Social and Political Reality (CILAS Sussex Latin American Library)

by Gabriela Jonas Aharoni

This work explores the way in which telenovelas (TV serial dramas) give voice to contemporary and historical Argentinian social and political issues. Telenovelas have multiple layers of socio-cultural message -- local as well as global -- and are invariably laden with appealing drama and emotion, and sometimes comedy. The discussion focuses on how telenovelas reflect society's perception of, and adjustment toward, issues of globalisation. They are a means of portraying how individuals and families rationalize and incorporate rapid social and economic changes. The book explores how telenovelas might offer a subversive interpretation of reality; or provide a channel of dialogue with the government's political aims. The author challenges the assumption that they are merely a reflection of historical, political and social circumstance. One of the many telenovela examples addressed in this book is whether the serial Padre Coraje constructs a parallel between the current Kirchner government and that of Juan Peron, fifty years earlier. The serial explores the two leaders' relationship with the Church and implicitly presents President Kirchner as Peron's successor. Explaining telenovelas as cultural texts (they are not soap operas) provides the primary basis for this study, backed by Argentinian newspaper articles and secondary sources on Latin American history, culture and economy, as well as TV and cinema studies. The result is a more profound and nuanced interpretation than hitherto of Argentinian telenovelas. Analysis enables identification of the links between the serials' storylines and contemporary political and social events. These popular culture texts bring new meaning to the Argentinian historical narrative, and for TV viewers puts the processes and effects of economic and social globalisation on a local multi-cultural level perspective.

Argo: An Action-packed Retelling Of The Greek Myth, Jason And The Golden Fleece, From Cambridge Classicist Mark Knowles (Blades of Bronze)

by Mark Knowles

An action-filled reimagining of the famous Greek myth, Jason and the Golden Fleece, brilliantly told by classicist Mark Knowles. He has come to take what is yours... Iolkos, Thessaly. 1230 BC. King Pelias has grown paranoid, tormented by his murderous past and a prophecy of the man who will one day destroy him.When a stranger arrives to compete in the Games of Poseidon, Pelias is horrified, for this young man should never have grown to manhood. He is Jason, Pelias' nephew, who survived his uncle's assassins as a child. Now Jason wants his revenge – and the kingdom.But Pelias is cunning as well as powerful. He gives his foe an impossible challenge: to claim the throne, Jason must first steal the fabled Golden Fleece of Colchis.Jason assembles a band of Greece's finest warriors. They are the Argonauts, named for their trusty ship. But even with these mighty allies, Jason will have to overcome the brutal challenges hurled his way. His mission and many lives depend on his wits – and his sword.PRAISE FOR ARGO AND MARK KNOWLES: 'Mark Knowles has taken the legend of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and stripped it down to its bare bones... What is left is a deeply researched historical epic, so brilliantly brought to life I could taste the salt air on my tongue... Epic battles, well-rounded characters sailing through a brilliantly described world' Adam Lofthouse, author of The Centurion's Son'What a spectacular triumph! Knowles has taken a reassuringly familiar legend and elevated it into a new, realistic and engrossing story' Sam Taw'[Knowles] has teamed his love of learning classics and childhood love of sword-and-sandals epics to accomplish something remarkable' Boarding Schools' Association'Knowles has combined historical realities with sure-footed imagination... brilliant' Dr Paul Millett, Cambridge University (on The Consul's Daughter)

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