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Showing 33,951 through 33,975 of 78,015 results

Jugend, Medien und Migration: Empirische Ergebnisse und Perspektiven

by Heinz Bonfadelli Priska Bucher Christa Hanetseder Thomas Hermann Mustafa Ideli Heinz Moser

Die Fragen nach Migration und gesellschaftlicher Integration sind gegenwärtig politisch äußerst brisant. Nicht zuletzt sind die Medien ins Zwielicht gekommen, weil Satellitenfernsehen und Internet es ermöglichen, dass Migranten in ihrer "fremden" Heimatkultur verhaftet bleiben. Allerdings sind die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Medien und Migration im Leben von Jugendlichen bislang erst wenig erforscht. Dazu liefert die breit angelegte Studie aus der Schweiz vielfältige empirische Befunde, aber auch weiterführende Perspektiven. In einem quantitativen Teil wurden 1500 Jugendliche mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund befragt und miteinander verglichen, und in einem zweiten Teil wurden die quantitativen Befunde mit qualitativen Leitfadengesprächen und fotografischer Dokumentation in acht türkisch/türkisch-kurdischen Familien ergänzt und vertieft.

Jugend und Politik: Der Beitrag der politischen Soziologie zur Jugendforschung (Veröffentlichung des Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen" der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW))

by Edeltraud Roller Frank Brettschneider Jan W. Van Deth

Jugendliche wenden sich zunehmend von der Politik ab. Ihr Interesse am politischen Geschehen, ihr Vertrauen in politische Institutionen sowie ihre politische Beteiligungsbereitschaft sind deutlich niedriger als bei Erwachsenen. Diese Klischees über das Verhältnis der Jugendlichen zur Politik sind immer wieder anzutreffen. Aber sie treffen nicht zu. Das Verhältnis der Jugendlichen zur Politik unterscheidet sich nicht grundsätzlich von dem Erwachsenen. Man kann es in der Jugendsprache als "voll normal!" bezeichnen. Empirische Analysen vergleichen ein breites Spektrum unterschiedlicher politischer Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen der Jugendlichen mit denen der Erwachsenen. Auch wird untersucht, wie sich die Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen in den letzten 30 Jahren entwickelt haben.

Jugendliche und die Aneignung politischer Information in Online-Medien (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Ulrike Wagner Christa Gebel

Online-Medien eröffnen Jugendlichen in Hinblick auf politisch relevante Information ein breites Spektrum an Handlungsmöglichkeiten, das sich vom Abrufen und Kommentieren aktuellster Nachrichten über das Weiterleiten interessanter Meldungen bis zum Demoaufruf via Facebook-Posting erstreckt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie geben einen quantitativen Überblick, inwieweit und in welcher Intensität 12- bis 19-Jährige dieses Spektrum ausschöpfen. Darüber hinaus zeigen qualitative Fallstudien mit politisch interessierten Jugendlichen, in welchem Maße und welcher Weise sie die informationsbezogenen Handlungsmöglichkeiten für sich nutzbar machen und bewerten. Die Autorinnen diskutieren die Ergebnisse in Hinblick auf heutige Anforderungen an die Medienkompetenz Jugendlicher unter dem Blickwinkel der Mediatisierung gesellschaftlicher Partizipation.

Jugendmedienforschung: Forschungsprogramme, Synopse, Perspektiven

by Angela Schorr

Fünf international bekannte Jugendmedienforscher (Daniel R. Anderson, Dolf Zillmann, Ulla Johnsson-Smaragdi, Heinz Bonfadelli, Sonia Livingstone) stellen in diesem Band – exemplarisch für das gesamte Forschungsfeld – ihre konzeptionellen Ansätze und Untersuchungsmethoden vor. Sie sind alle empirisch orientiert und vertreten unterschiedliche, für die moderne Jugendmedienforschung typische Theorien. Jeder der fünf Originalarbeiten wurde ein einführendes Kapitel vorangestellt (Historie, zentrale Fragestellungen, Vorgehensweisen, wichtige Ergebnisse), verfasst von der Herausgeberin. Lernfragen und Leseempfehlungen finden sich am Ende jedes Kapitels. Mit weiterführenden Kapiteln über Onlinesucht und über gute Medienkommunikation schließt der Band ab. Diese systematische einführende Darstellung in die Ansätze und Methoden der deutschsprachigen und internationalen Jugendmedienforschung richtet sich an Studierende der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, der Psychologie, der Pädagogik, der Soziologie, Informationswissenschaften, Gesundheitswissenschaften und Medizin.

Jugendsprache: Eine Einführung

by Nils Bahlo Tabea Becker Zeynep Kalkavan-Aydın Netaya Lotze Konstanze Marx Christian Schwarz Yazgül Șimșek

Jugendsprache ist ein facettenreicher und spannender Gegenstand der Linguistik. Varianten der Jugendsprache in multikulturellen Gesellschaften und ihre Ausprägungen in den sozialen Medien sind aktuelle Phänomene. Die Merkmale und Funktionen der Jugendsprache – nicht nur in diesen Bereichen - sind vielfältig und in ständiger Veränderung begriffen. Ihre Analyse ist häufig Thema in universitären Seminaren. Der Band beschreibt zudem die Möglichkeiten, das Thema Jugendsprache im Unterricht einzubringen. Weitere Kapitel widmen sich der Geschichte der Jugendsprache sowie den methodischen Zugängen zu ihrer Erforschung. - In zweifarbiger Gestaltung mit zahlreichen Beispielen sowie mit Aufgaben (Lösungen als Download-Material).

The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity: Volume 4: Picture That: Making a Show of the Jongleur

by Jan M. Ziolkowski

This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the Madonna in the crypt; he is saved when the statue, delighted by his skill, miraculously comes to life. Jan Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late nineteenth-century Paris, before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The visual influence of the tale on Gothic revivalism and vice versa in America is carefully documented with lavish and inventive illustrations, and Ziolkowski concludes with an examination of the explosion of interest in The Juggler of Notre Dame in the twentieth century and its place in mass culture today. Volume 4 examines the famous Le jongleur de Notre Dame by the French composer Jules Massenet, which took Europe by storm after premiering in 1902 and then crossed the Atlantic to the impresario Oscar Hammerstein and the diva Mary Garden, who gave the opera new legs as a female juggler. Presented with great clarity and simplicity, Ziolkowski's work is accessible to the general reader, while its many new discoveries will be valuable to academics in such fields and disciplines as medieval studies, medievalism, philology, literary history, art history, folklore, performance studies, and reception studies.

The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity: Volume 6: War and Peace, Sex and Violence

by Jan M. Ziolkowski

This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the Madonna in the crypt; he is saved when the statue, delighted by his skill, miraculously comes to life. Jan Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late nineteenth-century Paris, before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The visual influence of the tale on Gothic revivalism and vice versa in America is carefully documented with lavish and inventive illustrations, and Ziolkowski concludes with an examination of the explosion of interest in The Juggler of Notre Dame in the twentieth century and its place in mass culture today. In this concluding volume, Ziolkowski explores the popularity of The Juggler of Notre Dame from the 1930s through the Second World War, especially in the Allied Resistance. Its popularity in the United States was subsequently maintained by figures as diverse as Tony Curtis and W. H. Auden, and although recently the story and medievalism have lost ground, the future of both holds promise. Presented with great clarity and simplicity, Ziolkowski's work is accessible to the general reader, while its many new discoveries will be valuable to academics in such fields and disciplines as medieval studies, medievalism, philology, literary history, art history, folklore, performance studies, and reception studies.

The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity: Volume 5: Tumbling into the Twentieth Century

by Jan M. Ziolkowski

This ambitious and vivid study in six volumes explores the journey of a single, electrifying story, from its first incarnation in a medieval French poem through its prolific rebirth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Juggler of Notre Dame tells how an entertainer abandons the world to join a monastery, but is suspected of blasphemy after dancing his devotion before a statue of the Madonna in the crypt; he is saved when the statue, delighted by his skill, miraculously comes to life. Jan Ziolkowski tracks the poem from its medieval roots to its rediscovery in late nineteenth-century Paris, before its translation into English in Britain and the United States. The visual influence of the tale on Gothic revivalism and vice versa in America is carefully documented with lavish and inventive illustrations, and Ziolkowski concludes with an examination of the explosion of interest in The Juggler of Notre Dame in the twentieth century and its place in mass culture today. In this volume Jan Ziolkowski follows the juggler of Notre Dame as he cavorts through new media, including radio, television, and film, becoming closely associated with Christmas and embedded in children’s literature. Presented with great clarity and simplicity, Ziolkowski's work is accessible to the general reader, while its many new discoveries will be valuable to academics in such fields and disciplines as medieval studies, medievalism, philology, literary history, art history, folklore, performance studies, and reception studies.

Juli Zeh: Text und Engagement (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #15)

by Erik Schilling

Juli Zeh verbindet zwei öffentliche Rollen: Sie ist Schriftstellerin und Juristin; sie trägt maßgeblich zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur bei, nimmt aber auch aktiv als ‚public intellectual‘ an öffentlichen Debatten teil. Der vorliegende Band untersucht daher gattungs- und literaturgeschichtliche Themen ebenso wie intertextuelle und theoretische Referenzpunkte, etwa zu Recht und Staat oder aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungsprozessen.Juli Zehs Werk, für Bühne und Film adaptiert sowie in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt und inzwischen auch Schullektüre, umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Texten: Einige arbeiten mit den Mustern der Spannungsliteratur („Adler und Engel“, „Schilf“), andere lassen sich als dystopische Romane verstehen („Corpus Delicti“, „Leere Herzen“). Jüngst sind mehrere Gesellschaftsstudien zu verzeichnen („Unterleuten“, „Über Menschen“, „Zwischen Welten“). Der Band untersucht dies sowohl in Einzeltextanalysen als auch in systematischen Beiträgen, die Juli Zehs Werke vergleichend sowie im ästhetischen, medialen oder politischen Kontext in den Blick nehmen.

Julia: by Helen Maria Williams (Chawton House Library: Women's Novels)

by Natasha Duquette

This critical edition of Julia is the first modern printing of a novel that blends the character development of a poet with critical reflections on social injustice.

Julia: by Helen Maria Williams (Chawton House Library: Women's Novels)

by Natasha Duquette

This critical edition of Julia is the first modern printing of a novel that blends the character development of a poet with critical reflections on social injustice.

Julia Kristeva: Readings of Exile and Estrangement

by A. Smith

Literature can have a disturbing effect on its readers. It unsettles our hold on everyday experience and makes us strangers and exiles. Anna Smith argues that this is the side of literature which attracts critic and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva. Kristeva is drawn to states of extremity where language and the psyche are under duress, and in this book Smith examines the way the alchemical properties of words may transform these extremities into what Kristeva calls 'a fire of tongues, an exit from representation'.

Julia Kristeva and Literary Theory (Transitions)

by Megan Becker-Leckrone

Engaged debate among feminist, political, and psychoanalytic thinkers has secured Julia Kristeva's status as one of the most formidable figures in twentieth-century critical theory. Nevertheless, her precise relevance to the study of literature - the extent to which her theory is specifically a literary theory - can be hard for new readers to fathom. This approachable volume explores Kristeva's definition of literature, her methods for analyzing it, and the theoretical ground on which those endeavors are based. Megan Becker-Leckrone argues that Kristeva's signature concepts, such as abjection and intertextuality, lose much of their force when readers extract them from the specific, complex theoretical context in which Kristeva produces them. Early chapters situate her theory in a broader conversation with Roland Barthes, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan and others around the issues of reading, textuality, and subjectivity. Subsequent chapters look at Kristeva's actual engagements with literary texts, specifically her challenging, highly performative reading of French novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline in Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection and her career-long preoccupation with James Joyce. A final chapter of the book looks at the way contemporary literary critics have marshaled her ideas in re-reading the poetry of William Wordsworth, while a helpful glossary identifies Kristeva's most pertinently "literary" theoretical concepts, by way of synopses of the texts in which she presents them.

Julian Barnes: Contemporary Critical Perspectives (Contemporary Critical Perspectives)

by Sebastian Groes Peter Childs

An up-to-date critical collection on the work of contemporary British novelist, Julian Barnes.

Julian Barnes: Contemporary Critical Perspectives (Contemporary Critical Perspectives)

by Sebastian Groes Peter Childs

An up-to-date critical collection on the work of contemporary British novelist, Julian Barnes.

Julian Barnes (New British Fiction)

by Frederick M. Holmes

This comprehensive introduction places the work of Julian Barnes into historical and theoretical context. Including a timeline of key dates, this guide explores his characteristic literary techniques, offers extensive readings of all ten novels and provides an overview of the varied critical reception his work has provoked.

Julian Barnes (New British Fiction)

by Frederick M. Holmes

This comprehensive introduction places the work of Julian Barnes into historical and theoretical context. Including a timeline of key dates, this guide explores his characteristic literary techniques, offers extensive readings of all 10 novels and provides an overview of the varied critical reception his work has provoked.

Julian Barnes from the Margins: Exploring the Writer's Archives

by Vanessa Guignery

Exploring the archives of the Man Booker prize-winning novelist Julian Barnes – including notebooks, drafts, typescripts and publishing correspondence – this book is an extraordinary in-depth study of the creative practice of a major contemporary novelist.In Julian Barnes from the Margins, Vanessa Guignery charts the genesis and publication history of all of Barnes's major novels, from his debut with Metroland, through Flaubert's Parrot and A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters to The Sense of an Ending.

Julian Barnes from the Margins: Exploring the Writer's Archives

by Vanessa Guignery

Exploring the archives of the Man Booker prize-winning novelist Julian Barnes – including notebooks, drafts, typescripts and publishing correspondence – this book is an extraordinary in-depth study of the creative practice of a major contemporary novelist.In Julian Barnes from the Margins, Vanessa Guignery charts the genesis and publication history of all of Barnes's major novels, from his debut with Metroland, through Flaubert's Parrot and A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters to The Sense of an Ending.

Julian of Norwich's Legacy: Medieval Mysticism and Post-Medieval Reception (The New Middle Ages)

by S. Salih D. Baker

Julian of Norwich the best-known of the medieval mystics today. The text of her Revelation has circulated continually since the fifteenth century, but the twentieth century saw a massive expansion of her popularity. Theological or literary-historical studies of Julian may remark in passing on her popularity, but none have attempted a detailed study of her reception. This collection fills that gap: it outlines the full reception history from the extant manuscripts to the present day, looking at Julian in devotional cultures, in modernist poetry and present-day popular literature, and in her iconography in Norwich, both as a pilgrimage site and a tourist attraction.

Julias Versuchung: Utopischer Wirtschaftsroman

by Rosemarie Kentmann

Julie: After Strindberg

by Polly Stenham

Wild and newly single, Julie throws a late night party. In the kitchen, Jean and Kristina clean up as the celebration heaves above them. Crossing the threshold, Julie initiates a power game with Jean. It descends into a savage fight for survival.Polly Stenham reimagines August Strindberg's Miss Julie in contemporary London.Julie premiered at the National Theatre, London, in May 2018.

Julie: A version of Miss Julie

by August Strindberg

In the oppressive heat of Midsummer's Eve, Julie, daughter of the lord, is drawn into a dangerous tryst with her father's butler. As the night wears on, the couple, from opposite ends of the social spectrum, dance, flirt and fight towards an explosive conclusion that will shake the existing order to its core. Zinnie Harris's new version of Strindberg's nineteenth-century masterpiece, Miss Julie, relocates the play to central Scotland between the wars.The play premiered at Platform, Easterhouse, in a National Theatre of Scotland Ensemble production in September 2006.

Julie Walters: Seriously Funny - An Unauthorised Biography

by Lucy Ellis Bryony Sutherland

From her BAFTA-winning television work, such as My Beautiful Son, to her big screen debut alongside Michael Caine in Educating Rita, her starring in Billy Elliot (both of which earned her Oscar nominations) and her portrayal of Mrs Weasley in the Harry Potter films, Julie Walters has worked with some of the greatest and most diverse actors and directors in the world today. In December 2005, at the British Comedy Awards, Walters - alongside longtime friend and television comedy partner Victoria Wood - picked up the Outstanding Contribution to Comedy Award.Raised in a strict Catholic family in working class Birmingham, Julie Walters abandoned a nursing course to study drama at Manchester Polytechnic and went on to join the Liverpool Everyman Theatre where she cut her teeth as an actress. Over the next decade, she experienced three marriage proposals, two long-term romances and a period of heavy drinking. At the end of 1984 she met sociology student Grant Roffey and had a daughter Maisie, who was traically diagnosed with luekaemia and had to undergo years of painful chemotherapy.the authors have interviewed friends, teachers and colleagues to skilfully compile the first-ever biography of one of Britain's finest and best-loved actresses.

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