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Leigh Hunt: Selected Writings (Fyfield Bks.)

by Leigh Hunt

First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Leila Khaled: Icon of Palestinian Liberation (Revolutionary Lives)

by Sarah Irving

Dubbed 'the poster girl of Palestinian militancy', Leila Khaled's image flashed across the world after she hijacked a passenger jet in 1969. The picture of a young, determined looking woman with a checkered scarf, clutching an AK-47, was as era-defining as that of Che Guevara.*BR**BR*In this intimate profile, based on interviews with Khaled and those who know her, Sarah Irving gives us the life-story behind the image. Key moments of Khaled's turbulent life are explored, including the dramatic events of the hijackings, her involvement in the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (a radical element within the PLO), her opposition to the Oslo peace process and her activism today.*BR**BR*Leila Khaled's example gives unique insights into the Palestinian struggle through one remarkable life – from the tension between armed and political struggle, to the decline of the secular left and the rise of Hamas, and the role of women in a largely male movement.

Leila Khaled: Icon of Palestinian Liberation (Revolutionary Lives)

by Sarah Irving

Dubbed 'the poster girl of Palestinian militancy', Leila Khaled's image flashed across the world after she hijacked a passenger jet in 1969. The picture of a young, determined looking woman with a checkered scarf, clutching an AK-47, was as era-defining as that of Che Guevara.*BR**BR*In this intimate profile, based on interviews with Khaled and those who know her, Sarah Irving gives us the life-story behind the image. Key moments of Khaled's turbulent life are explored, including the dramatic events of the hijackings, her involvement in the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (a radical element within the PLO), her opposition to the Oslo peace process and her activism today.*BR**BR*Leila Khaled's example gives unique insights into the Palestinian struggle through one remarkable life – from the tension between armed and political struggle, to the decline of the secular left and the rise of Hamas, and the role of women in a largely male movement.

Leisure in Art and Literature (Warwick Studies in the European Humanities)

by Tom Winnifrith

The description or depiction of leisure activities has formed part of the subject matter of art and literature for a long time. This volume looks at funeral games in Homer, leisure as depicted in painting, and the part that literature played in promoting athleticism in public schools and Oxbridge.

Leitbilder von gestern?: Zur Trennung von Werbung und Programm. Eine Problemskizze und Einführung

by Barbara Baerns

Das Buch setzt sich mit der Entfaltung und Wiederauflösung des Grundsatzes der Trennung von redaktionellem Text und Anzeigen bzw. von Werbung und Programm auseinander. Es behandelt Fragen der Selbststeuerung, der Sanktionsmöglichkeiten, der Reichweite von Differenzierungskriterien und Kontrollinstanzen. Es beleuchtet den Stand der empirischen Wirkungsforschung zur Vermischung von Werbung und Programm. Es diskutiert, welche Ansätze und Problemlösungen der im Rahmen des Trennungsgrundsatzes handelnden Akteure des Journalismus, der Werbung, der Verlage und Rundfunkanstalten, der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, der Gerichte und Selbstkontrollorgane ein Leser, Hörer, Zuschauer und Internetnutzer heute und morgen erwarten kann.

Leitfaden der Anthropologie

by Karl Saller

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Leitfaden der deutschen Sozialversicherung

by Mitgliedern des Reichsversicherungsamts

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Leitfaden der deutschen Sozialversicherung: Neubearbeitung 1930

by Mitgliedern des Reichsversicherungsamts

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Leitformeln und Slogans in der Kulturpolitik (Kunst- und Kulturmanagement)

by Max Fuchs

Sowohl in der Politik, aber auch im Management von Kultureinrichtungen und -verbänden braucht man überzeugende Argumente für das eigene Anliegen. Bei solchen Argumentationen, die eine Zwischenstellung zwischen Legitimation, seriöser Begründung und Werbung haben, spielen immer wieder Leitbegriffe eine Rolle. Der Bezug auf solche Begriffe (z. B. „Kultur für alle“, „Bürgerrecht Kultur“, „Kultur als Wirtschaftsfaktor“) erspart oft langwierige Ausführungen. Das Buch zeigt anhand praktischer Beispiele, welche Dimensionen sich im Umgang mit solchen Leitformeln unterscheiden lassen und was man im Umgang mit ihnen beachten muss.

Lektüre als Form: Das absolute Buch bei Friedrich Schlegel, Walter Benjamin und Niklas Luhmann (Literatur - Medien - Ästhetik #3)

by Charlotte Coch

Innerhalb der aktuellen Buchmaterialitätsforschung kommt die Betrachtung der Lektüre oft zu kurz. Dies verkennt die intrikate Verschlingung von Buch und Lektüre in der Entdeckung der Druckschrift um 1800. Charlotte Coch zeigt, wie sich das »absolute Buch« bei Friedrich Schlegel im Zeichen der Arabeske als spezifisches, symmetrisches Lektüreprogramm formiert. Sie verfolgt außerdem die Umcodierung dieses Lektüreprogramms bei Walter Benjamin und Niklas Luhmann: Parallel zu einer Prozessualisierung des Formbegriffs verwandelt sich das absolute Buch von der Arabeske in das Ornament - und wird signalförmig. Damit wird Literatur als Paratext und Theorie als Metatext lesbar.

A Length of Road: Finding Myself in the Footsteps of John Clare: A John Murray Original

by Robert Hamberger

In 1841 the 'peasant poet' John Clare escaped from an asylum in Epping Forest, where he had been kept for four years, and walked over eighty miles home to Northamptonshire. Suffering from poor mental health, Clare was attempting to return to his idealized first love, Mary, unaware that she had died three years earlier.In 1995, with his life in crisis and his own mental health fragile, Robert decides to retrace Clare's route along the Great North Road over a punishing four-day walk. As he walks he reflects on the changing landscape and on the evolving shape of his own family, on fatherhood and masculinity, and on the meaning of home.Part memoir, part travel-writing, part literary criticism, A Length of Road is a deeply profound and poetic exploration of class, gender, grief and sexuality through the author's own experiences and through the autobiographical writing of poet John Clare.

Lenin: Volume 3: The Iron Ring

by Robert Service

The final volume of Robert Service's major trilogy on Lenin's political life takes the account from the Brest-Litovsk Treaty of 1918 to the Bolshevik leader's death in 1924. Attention is paid to the military, political and economic conditions as they changed; to the internal pressures of the party's politics; to ideological imperatives; and to one man's reaction to events and situations he had only imperfectly anticipated. The volume incorporates not only the post-1985 documentary revelations but also the results of the author's searches in the Moscow archives since 1991.

Lenin: Volume 2: Worlds in Collision

by Robert Service

In this second volume of his Lenin trilogy, Robert Service builds on the approach established in the first. He emphasises the extraordinary circumstances in Russia and the world enabling Lenin to come to power in 1917. He also details ways whereby Lenin led a turbulent Bolshevik party and adjusted its policies so as to gain authority in the soviets. Lenin the crafty and pragmatic politican as well as the utopian and merciless class warrior are portrayed.

Lenkungsgrade im Literaturunterricht: Zum Einfluss stark und gering lenkender Aufgabensets auf das Textverstehen

by Jochen Heins

Jochen Heins geht in dieser Studie der Frage nach, wie die Lenkung durch Aufgaben den Textverstehensprozess im Literaturunterricht beeinflusst. Der Autor analysiert dazu sowohl Bearbeitungsergebnisse als auch Prozesse der Aufgabenbearbeitung. Auf der Basis kognitionspsychologischer Lese- und Problemlösetheorien arbeitet er die Bedingungen und Prozesse der Bearbeitung von stark und gering lenkenden Aufgaben durch Lernende mit guten und weniger guten Lernvoraussetzungen heraus. Gezeigt werden unterschiedliche Interdependenzen zwischen Lernvoraussetzungen und Lenkungsgrad. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist, dass Lenkung für Erwerbsprozesse eine hohe Bedeutung besitzt. Die Ergebnisse werden in einem Prozessmodell zum Zusammenhang von Aufgaben- und Textverstehensprozessen zusammengeführt, das einen Beitrag zur Theoriebildung leistet.

Leo Bersani: A Speculative Introduction

by Mikko Tuhkanen

For the past 60 years, Leo Bersani has inspired, resisted, guided, and challenged scholarly work in the fields of literary criticism, queer theory, cultural studies, psychoanalytic theory, and film and visual studies. Moving across an impressive range of sources, Mikko Tuhkanen seeks out the “fundamental notes”-the questions that we find and refind-in Bersani's extensive oeuvre across the decades.The chapters explore Bersani's engagement with psychoanalytic theory (Freud, Laplanche, Klein, Lacan), French and American modernist fiction (Proust, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, James, Beckett), poststructuralist theory (Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari, Blanchot), queer theory (Butler, Edelman), and the visual arts (Caravaggio, Almodóvar, Pasolini, Malick, Dumont). This first introduction to Bersani's work provides a chronological overview of his thought and details his contributions to literary studies and critical theory.

Leo Bersani: A Speculative Introduction

by Mikko Tuhkanen

For the past 60 years, Leo Bersani has inspired, resisted, guided, and challenged scholarly work in the fields of literary criticism, queer theory, cultural studies, psychoanalytic theory, and film and visual studies. Moving across an impressive range of sources, Mikko Tuhkanen seeks out the “fundamental notes”-the questions that we find and refind-in Bersani's extensive oeuvre across the decades.The chapters explore Bersani's engagement with psychoanalytic theory (Freud, Laplanche, Klein, Lacan), French and American modernist fiction (Proust, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, James, Beckett), poststructuralist theory (Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari, Blanchot), queer theory (Butler, Edelman), and the visual arts (Caravaggio, Almodóvar, Pasolini, Malick, Dumont). This first introduction to Bersani's work provides a chronological overview of his thought and details his contributions to literary studies and critical theory.

Leo Esakia on Duality in Modal and Intuitionistic Logics (Outstanding Contributions to Logic #4)

by Guram Bezhanishvili

This volume is dedicated to Leo Esakia's contributions to the theory of modal and intuitionistic systems. Consisting of 10 chapters, written by leading experts, this volume discusses Esakia’s original contributions and consequent developments that have helped to shape duality theory for modal and intuitionistic logics and to utilize it to obtain some major results in the area.Beginning with a chapter which explores Esakia duality for S4-algebras, the volume goes on to explore Esakia duality for Heyting algebras and its generalizations to weak Heyting algebras and implicative semilattices. The book also dives into the Blok-Esakia theorem and provides an outline of the intuitionistic modal logic KM which is closely related to the Gödel-Löb provability logic GL. One chapter scrutinizes Esakia’s work interpreting modal diamond as the derivative of a topological space within the setting of point-free topology. The final chapter in the volume is dedicated to the derivational semantics of modal logic and other related issues.

Leo Tolstoy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

by Liza Knapp

War and Peace and Anna Karenina are widely recognised as two of the greatest novels ever written. Their author, Leo Tolstoy, has been honoured as the father of the modern war story; as an innovator in psychological prose and forerunner of stream of consciousness; and as a genius at using fiction to reveal the mysteries of love and death. At the time of his death in 1910, Tolstoy was known the world over as both a great writer and as a merciless critic of institutions that perpetrated, bred, or tolerated injustice and violence in any form. Yet among literary critics and rival writers, it has become a commonplace to disparage Tolstoy's "thought" while praising his "art." In this Very Short Intorduction Liza Knapp explores the heart of Tolstoy's work. Focussing on his masterpieces of fiction which have stood the test of time, she analyses his works of non-fiction alongside them, and sketches out the core themes in Tolstoy's art and thought, and the interplay between them. Tracing the continuing influence of Tolstoy's work on modern literature, Knapp highlights those aspects of his writings that remain relevant today. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

Leo Tolstoy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

by Liza Knapp

War and Peace and Anna Karenina are widely recognised as two of the greatest novels ever written. Their author, Leo Tolstoy, has been honoured as the father of the modern war story; as an innovator in psychological prose and forerunner of stream of consciousness; and as a genius at using fiction to reveal the mysteries of love and death. At the time of his death in 1910, Tolstoy was known the world over as both a great writer and as a merciless critic of institutions that perpetrated, bred, or tolerated injustice and violence in any form. Yet among literary critics and rival writers, it has become a commonplace to disparage Tolstoy's "thought" while praising his "art." In this Very Short Intorduction Liza Knapp explores the heart of Tolstoy's work. Focussing on his masterpieces of fiction which have stood the test of time, she analyses his works of non-fiction alongside them, and sketches out the core themes in Tolstoy's art and thought, and the interplay between them. Tracing the continuing influence of Tolstoy's work on modern literature, Knapp highlights those aspects of his writings that remain relevant today. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

Leon Battista Alberti: Writer and Humanist

by Martin McLaughlin

The first book in English to examine Leon Battista Alberti&’s major literary works in Latin and Italian, which are often overshadowed by his achievements in architectureLeon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) was one of the most prolific and original writers of the Italian Renaissance—a fact often eclipsed by his more celebrated achievements as an art theorist and architect, and by Jacob Burckhardt&’s mythologizing of Alberti as a "Renaissance or Universal Man." In this book, Martin McLaughlin counters this partial perspective on Alberti, considering him more broadly as a writer dedicated to literature and humanism, a major protagonist and experimentalist in the literary scene of early Renaissance Italy. McLaughlin, a noted authority on Alberti, examines all of Alberti&’s major works in Latin and the Italian vernacular and analyzes his vast knowledge of classical texts and culture.McLaughlin begins with what we know of Alberti&’s life, comparing the facts laid out in Alberti&’s autobiography with the myth created in the nineteenth century by Burckhardt, before moving on to his extraordinarily wide knowledge of classical texts. He then turns to Alberti&’s works, tracing his development as a writer through texts that range from an early comedy in Latin successfully passed off as the work of a fictitious ancient author to later philosophical dialogues written in the Italian vernacular (a revolutionary choice at the time); humorous works in Latin, including the first novel in that language since antiquity; and the famous treatises on painting and architecture. McLaughlin also examines the astonishing range of Alberti's ancient sources and how this reading influenced his writing; what the humanist read, he argues, often explains what he wrote, and what he wrote reflected his relentless industry and pursuit of originality.

Leon Battista Alberti: Writer and Humanist

by Martin McLaughlin

The first book in English to examine Leon Battista Alberti&’s major literary works in Latin and Italian, which are often overshadowed by his achievements in architectureLeon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) was one of the most prolific and original writers of the Italian Renaissance—a fact often eclipsed by his more celebrated achievements as an art theorist and architect, and by Jacob Burckhardt&’s mythologizing of Alberti as a "Renaissance or Universal Man." In this book, Martin McLaughlin counters this partial perspective on Alberti, considering him more broadly as a writer dedicated to literature and humanism, a major protagonist and experimentalist in the literary scene of early Renaissance Italy. McLaughlin, a noted authority on Alberti, examines all of Alberti&’s major works in Latin and the Italian vernacular and analyzes his vast knowledge of classical texts and culture.McLaughlin begins with what we know of Alberti&’s life, comparing the facts laid out in Alberti&’s autobiography with the myth created in the nineteenth century by Burckhardt, before moving on to his extraordinarily wide knowledge of classical texts. He then turns to Alberti&’s works, tracing his development as a writer through texts that range from an early comedy in Latin successfully passed off as the work of a fictitious ancient author to later philosophical dialogues written in the Italian vernacular (a revolutionary choice at the time); humorous works in Latin, including the first novel in that language since antiquity; and the famous treatises on painting and architecture. McLaughlin also examines the astonishing range of Alberti's ancient sources and how this reading influenced his writing; what the humanist read, he argues, often explains what he wrote, and what he wrote reflected his relentless industry and pursuit of originality.

Leon Trotsky and World War One: August 1914 - February 1917

by I. Thatcher

World War I was one of the most important events of the twentieth century. It was also a crucial period in Leon Trotsky's political biography. This work is the first comprehensive examination of Trotsky's writings of 1914-1917 and the context in which they were produced. Its findings challenge Trotsky's autobiography and the standard account by Isaac Deutscher. Trotsky's war-time journalism is shown to be of continuing relevance to contemporary issues ranging from European unity to ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.

Leon Uris: A Critical Companion (Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers)

by Kathleen S. Cain

In eleven novels written over four decades, Leon Uris has chronicled the unceasing fight of dedicated individuals against the forces of oppression, in particular fascism, communism, and imperialism. In the tradition of the historical novel, Uris sets his work during times of crisis (World War II, the founding of Israel, the Irish fight for independence), providing his plots with both political and social tensions as well as personal conflicts. Uris's themes include the indomitability of the human spirit, the power of patriotism, and the restorative capacity of romantic love. Through an exploration of these plots, themes, and characters, this study recognizes Leon Uris as a writer whose examination of good and evil in the context of contemporary history raises important issues that have confronted us all.This study is the first full-length examination of the work of Leon Uris. Following a biographical chapter that discusses his work in light of his personal history, the study devotes a chapter to his place in the tradition of the historical and political novel. Each of Uris's novels is discussed in an individual chapter: Battle Cry (1953), The Angry Hills (1955), Exodus (1958), Mila 18 (1961), Armageddon: A Novel of Berlin (1963), Topaz (1967), QB VII (1970), Trinity (1976) and Redemption (1995), The Haj (1984), and Mitla Pass(1988). Each novel is analyzed for plot structure, characterization, and thematic elements. In addition, Cain defines and applies an alternative critical perspective from which to read each novel. A complete bibliography of Uris's writing, along with a listing of secondary sources and critical reviews of his work completes the study.

Leonard and Virginia Woolf, The Hogarth Press and the Networks of Modernism (Edinburgh University Press)

by Helen Southworth

This multi-authored volume focuses on Leonard and Virginia Woolf's Hogarth Press (1917-1941). Scholars from the UK and the US use previously unpublished archival materials and new methodological frameworks to explore the relationships forged by the Woolfs via the Press and to gauge the impact of their editorial choices on writing and culture.

A Leonard Bloomfield Anthology

by Leonard Bloomfield

In the centenary year of Leonard Bloomfield's birth, this abridgment makes available a representative selection of the writings of this central figure in the history of linguistics. "Hockett has achieved his purpose—to reveal Bloomfield's way of working, the general principles that guided his work, and last, but by no means least, to indicate how Bloomfield's interests and attitudes changed with the passing years."—Harry Hoijer, Language

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