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by Katharina Volk

This book provides a unique and accessible introduction to the complete works of Ovid. Using a thematic approach, Volk lays out what we know about Ovid's life, presents the author's works within their poetic genres, and discusses central Ovidian themes. The first general introduction to Ovid written in English in over 20 years, offering the very latest Ovidian scholarship Discusses the complete works of Ovid Accessible writing and a thematic approach make this text ideal for a broad audience A current revival in Ovid makes this timely edition highly valuable

Ovid, Amores (Book 1)

by William Turpin

From Catullus to Horace, the tradition of Latin erotic poetry produced works of literature which are still read throughout the world. Ovid’s Amores, written in the first century BC, is arguably the best-known and most popular collection in this tradition. Born in 43 BC, Ovid was educated in Rome in preparation for a career in public services before finding his calling as a poet. He may have begun writing his Amores as early as 25 BC. Although influenced by poets such as Catullus, Ovid demonstrates a much greater awareness of the funny side of love than any of his predecessors. The Amores is a collection of romantic poems centered on the poet’s own complicated love life: he is involved with a woman, Corinna, who is sometimes unobtainable, sometimes compliant, and often difficult and domineering. Whether as a literary trope, or perhaps merely as a human response to the problems of love in the real world, the principal focus of these poems is the poet himself, and his failures, foolishness, and delusions. By the time he was in his forties, Ovid was Rome’s most important living poet; his Metamorphoses, a kaleidoscopic epic poem about love and hatred among the gods and mortals, is one of the most admired and influential books of all time. In AD 8, Ovid was exiled by Augustus to Romania, for reasons that remain obscure. He died there in AD 17. The Amores were originally published in five books, but reissued around 1 AD in their current three-book form. This edition of the first book of the collection contains the complete Latin text of Book 1, along with commentary, notes and full vocabulary. Both entertaining and thought-provoking, this book will provide an invaluable aid to students of Latin and general readers alike. This book contain embedded audio files of the original text read aloud by Aleksandra Szypowska.

Ovid: Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary

by Prof P. J. Davis

Augustan love elegy represents one of the most important and most distinctive Roman contributions to European and world literature. This volume presents the first detailed commentary in any language on Ovid's Amores Book 3, the last collection of love poems composed in the Augustan age. Aimed at both students and scholars, the commentary has been written to be as accessible to as many readers as possible, with all quotations from ancient Greek and modern languages being translated. It includes an Introduction for the general reader which pays particular attention not only to the book's poetic design and the distinctive features of Ovid's style, but the relationship of the whole three-book collection to earlier love elegy and its handling of political and social questions. It offers an edition of the text of Book 3 based on printed editions together with a translation designed to clarify the surface meaning of the Latin. P. J. Davis's commentary focuses on topics including Ovid's engagement with the works of earlier poets, his use of rhetoric and wit, his employment of verbal and metrical patterns, textual difficulties, and, of course, the elucidation of linguistic problems. Amores Book 3 takes love elegy in new directions giving us, for example, a dream-vision poem, a dutiful husband's account of a religious pilgrimage, and the speech of a pickup artist trying to seduce a girl at the races. Perhaps its most striking feature is its shift away from obsession with a single mistress to reflection on the poet's place in the tradition of Latin love poetry, with poems explicitly devoted to issues raised by Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius.

Ovid Amores II: A Selection

by Alfred Artley

This is the endorsed publication from OCR and Bloomsbury for the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid's Amores, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary for Amores 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.10, 2.12. A detailed introduction covers the prescribed text to be read in English, placing the poems in their Roman literary context.Ovid's Amores represent the culmination of Roman love elegy, and the selection from Book II presented here shows the poet at the height of his literary and sexual powers. From dead parrots and eunuch slaves to the elusive mistress Corinna, Ovid teases and tantalises, deftly reworking themes and motifs from his elegiac predecessors to produce verse of effortless sophistication, wit and charm, poems that for the last two thousand years have scandalised and delighted readers in equal measure.Resources are available on the Companion Website

Ovid Amores II: A Selection

by Alfred Artley

This is the endorsed publication from OCR and Bloomsbury for the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid's Amores, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary for Amores 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.10, 2.12. A detailed introduction covers the prescribed text to be read in English, placing the poems in their Roman literary context.Ovid's Amores represent the culmination of Roman love elegy, and the selection from Book II presented here shows the poet at the height of his literary and sexual powers. From dead parrots and eunuch slaves to the elusive mistress Corinna, Ovid teases and tantalises, deftly reworking themes and motifs from his elegiac predecessors to produce verse of effortless sophistication, wit and charm, poems that for the last two thousand years have scandalised and delighted readers in equal measure.Resources are available on the Companion Website

Ovid and the Politics of Emotion in Elizabethan England

by C. Fox

Elizabethan English culture is saturated with tales and figures from Ovid s Metamorphoses. While most of these narratives interrogate metamorphosis and transformation, many tales - such as those of Philomela, Hecuba, or Orpheus - also highlight heightened states of emotion, especially in powerless or seemingly powerless characters. When these tales are translated and retold in the new cultural context of Renaissance England, a distinct politics of Ovidian emotion emerges. Through intertextual readings in diverse cultural contexts, Ovid and the Politics of Emotion in Elizabethan England reveals the ways these representations helped redefine emotions and the political efficacy of emotional expression in sixteenth-century England.

Ovid Fasti: A Selection

by Robert Cromarty

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid, Fasti 2.533–616, 687–852, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English. Ovid's Fasti is a fascinating poem, which discusses key events in the Roman religious calendar, along with their mythological and historical origins. As such it provides a remarkable opportunity for readers to experience the intersection of poetry and Roman 'socio-cultural values'. These extracts from Fasti II include the story of Hercules and Omphale, along with one of the most famous tales from Roman history, the story of Lucretia and the ensuing expulsion of the Roman Kings and creation of the Republic. Through his treatment of this latter narrative in particular, Ovid is not only playing with historical tradition, but also asking his Roman readers to perceive the echoes of the past in their present experiences.Supporting resources are available on the Companion Website:

Ovid Fasti: A Selection

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid, Fasti 2.533–616, 687–852, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English. Ovid's Fasti is a fascinating poem, which discusses key events in the Roman religious calendar, along with their mythological and historical origins. As such it provides a remarkable opportunity for readers to experience the intersection of poetry and Roman 'socio-cultural values'. These extracts from Fasti II include the story of Hercules and Omphale, along with one of the most famous tales from Roman history, the story of Lucretia and the ensuing expulsion of the Roman Kings and creation of the Republic. Through his treatment of this latter narrative in particular, Ovid is not only playing with historical tradition, but also asking his Roman readers to perceive the echoes of the past in their present experiences.Supporting resources are available on the Companion Website:

Ovid-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

by Christian Badura

Seit seiner Genese vor mehr als 2000 Jahren gehört das vielfältige Werk Ovids zu den einflussreichsten der europäischen Literatur. Das vorliegende Handbuch will einen ebenso sachlich-informierenden wie theoretisch-orientierenden Einblick in das Œuvre Ovids, die Wege seiner Erforschung und seine vielfältige Rezeption geben. In essayartigen Beiträgen zu den Kontexten und Voraussetzungen, den Themen und Konzepten der von Ovid verfassten Literatur und der in ihr aufgeworfenen Fragen sollen interessierte Laien ebenso Antworten finden wie Ovid-Experten neue Anregungen beziehen können. Im Zentrum steht die Arbeit am Text; es werden exemplarische, problemorientierte Analysen geboten, um Ovids literarische Ästhetik, seine Erzähltechniken und ihre Kontexte zu veranschaulichen. Im Mittelpunkt steht in allen Beiträgen nicht nur die Frage nach der Bedeutung Ovids für die europäische und außereuropäische Kultur; auch seine Modernität als Autor wird aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtet.

Ovid Heroides: A Selection

by John Godwin

This is the OCR-endorsed publication from Bloomsbury for the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid's Heroides, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary for Heroides VI, lines 1–100 and 127–64, and X, lines 1–76 and 119–50. A detailed introduction covers the prescribed text to be read in English, placing the poems in their Roman literary context.The heroines of the Heroides are women in love who can do nothing but write sad verse letters to their faithless lovers across the sea. They tell their stories and express their feelings in poetry of great power and psychological subtlety. Hypsipyle (in VI) and Ariadne (in X) are feminists before feminism, royal ladies who are slaves to their passion – these women are given a voice by Ovid in poetry which is at once simple and sophisticated, heartfelt and yet also full of irony and literary resonance.

Ovid Heroides: A Selection

by John Godwin

This is the OCR-endorsed publication from Bloomsbury for the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid's Heroides, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary for Heroides VI, lines 1–100 and 127–64, and X, lines 1–76 and 119–50. A detailed introduction covers the prescribed text to be read in English, placing the poems in their Roman literary context.The heroines of the Heroides are women in love who can do nothing but write sad verse letters to their faithless lovers across the sea. They tell their stories and express their feelings in poetry of great power and psychological subtlety. Hypsipyle (in VI) and Ariadne (in X) are feminists before feminism, royal ladies who are slaves to their passion – these women are given a voice by Ovid in poetry which is at once simple and sophisticated, heartfelt and yet also full of irony and literary resonance.

Ovid, Heroides: A Selection

by Christina Tsaknaki

This is the OCR-endorsed publication from Bloomsbury for the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid's Heroides, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary for Heroides I lines 1–68, and Heroides VII lines 1–140, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed text to be read in English.Ovid's Heroides is a unique collection of poetry, in which famous mythological heroines write letters to the men who have abandoned them. They offer a new perspective on the otherwise male-centred mythological tradition. Heroides I (from Penelope) and VII (from Dido) respond to the most famous Classical epics, Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid, by presenting a new, less positive, angle on the two famous epic heroes. Through his heroines' unique voices, Ovid plays with literary tradition, inviting us all to take a side: epic heroism or loyalty in love?Resources are available on the Companion Website.

Ovid, Heroides: A Selection

This is the OCR-endorsed publication from Bloomsbury for the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid's Heroides, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary for Heroides I lines 1–68, and Heroides VII lines 1–140, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed text to be read in English.Ovid's Heroides is a unique collection of poetry, in which famous mythological heroines write letters to the men who have abandoned them. They offer a new perspective on the otherwise male-centred mythological tradition. Heroides I (from Penelope) and VII (from Dido) respond to the most famous Classical epics, Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid, by presenting a new, less positive, angle on the two famous epic heroes. Through his heroines' unique voices, Ovid plays with literary tradition, inviting us all to take a side: epic heroism or loyalty in love?Resources are available on the Companion Website.

Ovid in French: Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present (Classical Presences)

by Helena Taylor Fiona Cox

This collection of essays examines the ways Ovid's diverse œuvre has been translated, rewritten, adapted, and responded to by a range of French and Francophone women from the Renaissance to the present. It aims to reveal lesser-known voices in Ovidian reception studies, and to offer a wider historical perspective on the complex question of Ovid and gender. Ranging from Renaissance poetry to contemporary creative-criticism, it charts an understudied strand of reception studies, emphasizing how a longer view allows us to explore and challenge the notion of a female tradition of Ovidian reception. The range of genres analysed here—poetry, verse and prose translation, theatre, epistolary fiction, autofiction, autobiography, film, creative critique, and novels—also reflect the diversity of the Ovidian texts in reception from the Heroides to the Metamorphoses, from the Amores to the Ars Amatoria, from the Tristia to the Fasti. The study brings an array of critical approaches to bear on well-known authors such as George Sand, Julia Kristeva, and Marguerite Yourcenar, as well as less-known figures, from contemporary writer Linda Lê to the early modern Catherine and Madeline Des Roches, exploring exile, identity, queerness, displacement, voice, expectations of modesty, the poetics of translation, and the problems posed by Ovid's erotized violence, to name just some of the volume's rich themes. The epilogue by translator and novelist Marie Cosnay points towards new eco-critical and creative directions in Ovidian scholarship and reception. Students and scholars of French Studies, Classics, Comparative Literature and Translation Studies will find much to interest them in this diverse collection of essays.

Ovid in French: Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present (Classical Presences)

This collection of essays examines the ways Ovid's diverse œuvre has been translated, rewritten, adapted, and responded to by a range of French and Francophone women from the Renaissance to the present. It aims to reveal lesser-known voices in Ovidian reception studies, and to offer a wider historical perspective on the complex question of Ovid and gender. Ranging from Renaissance poetry to contemporary creative-criticism, it charts an understudied strand of reception studies, emphasizing how a longer view allows us to explore and challenge the notion of a female tradition of Ovidian reception. The range of genres analysed here—poetry, verse and prose translation, theatre, epistolary fiction, autofiction, autobiography, film, creative critique, and novels—also reflect the diversity of the Ovidian texts in reception from the Heroides to the Metamorphoses, from the Amores to the Ars Amatoria, from the Tristia to the Fasti. The study brings an array of critical approaches to bear on well-known authors such as George Sand, Julia Kristeva, and Marguerite Yourcenar, as well as less-known figures, from contemporary writer Linda Lê to the early modern Catherine and Madeline Des Roches, exploring exile, identity, queerness, displacement, voice, expectations of modesty, the poetics of translation, and the problems posed by Ovid's erotized violence, to name just some of the volume's rich themes. The epilogue by translator and novelist Marie Cosnay points towards new eco-critical and creative directions in Ovidian scholarship and reception. Students and scholars of French Studies, Classics, Comparative Literature and Translation Studies will find much to interest them in this diverse collection of essays.

Ovid, Metamorphoses X (Latin Texts)

by Ovid

Metamorphoses is an epic-style, narrative poem written in hexameters. Original, inventive and charming, the poem tells the stories of myths featuring transformations, from the creation of the universe to the death and deification of Julius Caesar. Book X contains some of Ovid's most memorable stories: Orpheus and Eurydice, Pygmalion, Atalanta and Hippomenes (with the race for the golden apples), Venus and Adonis, and Myrrha.This edition contains the Latin text as well as in-depth commentary notes that provide language support, explain difficult words and phrases, highlight literary features and supply background knowledge. The introduction presents an overview of Ovid and the historical and literary context, as well as a plot synopsis and a discussion of the literary genre. Suggested reading is also included.

Ovid, Metamorphoses X (Latin Texts)

by Ovid Lee Fratantuono

Metamorphoses is an epic-style, narrative poem written in hexameters. Original, inventive and charming, the poem tells the stories of myths featuring transformations, from the creation of the universe to the death and deification of Julius Caesar. Book X contains some of Ovid's most memorable stories: Orpheus and Eurydice, Pygmalion, Atalanta and Hippomenes (with the race for the golden apples), Venus and Adonis, and Myrrha.This edition contains the Latin text as well as in-depth commentary notes that provide language support, explain difficult words and phrases, highlight literary features and supply background knowledge. The introduction presents an overview of Ovid and the historical and literary context, as well as a plot synopsis and a discussion of the literary genre. Suggested reading is also included.

Ovid Revisited: The Poet in Exile

by Jo-Marie Claassen

In time for the bimillennium of Ovid's relegation to Tomis on the Black Sea by the emperor Augustus in 8 AD, Jo-Marie Claassen here revises and integrates into a more popular format two decades of scholarship on Ovid's exile. Some twenty articles and reviews from scholarly journals have been shortened, rearranged and merged into seven chapters, which, together with some new material, offer a wide-ranging overview of the exiled poet and his works. "Ovid Revisited" treats the poems from exile as the literary culmination of Ovid's oeuvre, ascribing the poet's resilience in the face of extreme hardship to the relief that his poetry afforded him. An introduction considers the phenomenon of Ovid's continued popularity, explains the importance of chronology in reading the exilic poems and gives a brief summary of the contents of the 'Tristia' and 'Epistulae ex Ponto'. The rest of the book ranges from consideration of Ovid's relationship with the emperor and with his own poetry, to his ubiquitous humour, to his skill in metrics, vocabulary and verbal play, and to his use of mythological figures from earlier parts of his oeuvre. The degree to which Ovid universalised the sufferings of the dispossessed is assessed in a chapter comparing his exilic works with modern exilic literature. An excursus considers various directions in Ovidian studies today.

Ovid Revisited: The Poet in Exile

by Jo-Marie Claassen

In time for the bimillennium of Ovid's relegation to Tomis on the Black Sea by the emperor Augustus in 8 AD, Jo-Marie Claassen here revises and integrates into a more popular format two decades of scholarship on Ovid's exile. Some twenty articles and reviews from scholarly journals have been shortened, rearranged and merged into seven chapters, which, together with some new material, offer a wide-ranging overview of the exiled poet and his works. "Ovid Revisited" treats the poems from exile as the literary culmination of Ovid's oeuvre, ascribing the poet's resilience in the face of extreme hardship to the relief that his poetry afforded him. An introduction considers the phenomenon of Ovid's continued popularity, explains the importance of chronology in reading the exilic poems and gives a brief summary of the contents of the 'Tristia' and 'Epistulae ex Ponto'. The rest of the book ranges from consideration of Ovid's relationship with the emperor and with his own poetry, to his ubiquitous humour, to his skill in metrics, vocabulary and verbal play, and to his use of mythological figures from earlier parts of his oeuvre. The degree to which Ovid universalised the sufferings of the dispossessed is assessed in a chapter comparing his exilic works with modern exilic literature. An excursus considers various directions in Ovidian studies today.

Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book: Metamorphosing Classical Heroines in Late Medieval and Renaissance England (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture)

by Lindsay Ann Reid

Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book examines the historical and the fictionalized reception of Ovid’s poetry in the literature and books of Tudor England. It does so through the study of a particular set of Ovidian narratives-namely, those concerning the protean heroines of the Heroides and Metamorphoses. In the late medieval and Renaissance eras, Ovid’s poetry stimulated the vernacular imaginations of authors ranging from Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower to Isabella Whitney, William Shakespeare, and Michael Drayton. Ovid’s English protégés replicated and expanded upon the Roman poet’s distinctive and frequently remarked ’bookishness’ in their own adaptations of his works. Focusing on the postclassical discourses that Ovid’s poetry stimulated, Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book engages with vibrant current debates about the book as material object as it explores the Ovidian-inspired mythologies and bibliographical aetiologies that informed the sixteenth-century creation, reproduction, and representation of books. Further, author Lindsay Ann Reid’s discussions of Ovidianism provide alternative models for thinking about the dynamics of reception, adaptation, and imitatio. While there is a sizeable body of published work on Ovid and Chaucer as well as on the ubiquitous Ovidianism of the 1590s, there has been comparatively little scholarship on Ovid’s reception between these two eras. Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book begins to fill this gap between the ages of Chaucer and Shakespeare by dedicating attention to the literature of the early Tudor era. In so doing, this book also contributes to current discussions surrounding medieval/Renaissance periodization.

Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book: Metamorphosing Classical Heroines in Late Medieval and Renaissance England (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture)

by Lindsay Ann Reid

Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book examines the historical and the fictionalized reception of Ovid’s poetry in the literature and books of Tudor England. It does so through the study of a particular set of Ovidian narratives-namely, those concerning the protean heroines of the Heroides and Metamorphoses. In the late medieval and Renaissance eras, Ovid’s poetry stimulated the vernacular imaginations of authors ranging from Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower to Isabella Whitney, William Shakespeare, and Michael Drayton. Ovid’s English protégés replicated and expanded upon the Roman poet’s distinctive and frequently remarked ’bookishness’ in their own adaptations of his works. Focusing on the postclassical discourses that Ovid’s poetry stimulated, Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book engages with vibrant current debates about the book as material object as it explores the Ovidian-inspired mythologies and bibliographical aetiologies that informed the sixteenth-century creation, reproduction, and representation of books. Further, author Lindsay Ann Reid’s discussions of Ovidianism provide alternative models for thinking about the dynamics of reception, adaptation, and imitatio. While there is a sizeable body of published work on Ovid and Chaucer as well as on the ubiquitous Ovidianism of the 1590s, there has been comparatively little scholarship on Ovid’s reception between these two eras. Ovidian Bibliofictions and the Tudor Book begins to fill this gap between the ages of Chaucer and Shakespeare by dedicating attention to the literature of the early Tudor era. In so doing, this book also contributes to current discussions surrounding medieval/Renaissance periodization.

Ovidian Myth and Sexual Deviance in Early Modern English Literature

by S. Carter

Carter explores early modern culture's reception of Ovid through the manipulation of Ovidian myth by Shakespeare, Middleton, Heywood, Marlowe and Marston. With a focus on sexual violence, homosexuality, incest and idolatry, Carter analyses how depictions of mythology represent radical ideas concerning gender and sexuality.

Ovidian Transversions: ‘Iphis and Ianthe’, 1300-1650 (Conversions)

by Valerie Traub Patricia Badir Peggy McCracken

Medieval and early modern authors engaged with Ovid’s tale of ‘Iphis and Ianthe’ in a number of surprising ways. From Christian translations to secular retellings on the seventeenth-century stage, Ovid’s story of a girl’s miraculous transformation into a boy sparked a diversity of responses in English and French from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries. In addition to analysing various translations and commentaries, the volume clusters essays around treatments of John Lyly’s Galatea (c. 1585) and Issac de Benserade’s Iphis et Iante (1637). As a whole, the volume addresses gender and transgender, sexuality and gallantry, anatomy and alchemy, fable and history, youth and pedagogy, language and climate change.

Ovidian Transversions: ‘Iphis and Ianthe’, 1300-1650 (Conversions)

Medieval and early modern authors engaged with Ovid’s tale of ‘Iphis and Ianthe’ in a number of surprising ways. From Christian translations to secular retellings on the seventeenth-century stage, Ovid’s story of a girl’s miraculous transformation into a boy sparked a diversity of responses in English and French from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries. In addition to analysing various translations and commentaries, the volume clusters essays around treatments of John Lyly’s Galatea (c. 1585) and Issac de Benserade’s Iphis et Iante (1637). As a whole, the volume addresses gender and transgender, sexuality and gallantry, anatomy and alchemy, fable and history, youth and pedagogy, language and climate change.

Ovid's Heroidos

by Howard Jacobson

A series of letters purportedly written by Penelope, Dido, Medea, and other heroines to their lovers, the Heroides represents Ovid's initial attempt to revitalize myth as a subject for literature. In this book, Howard Jacobson examines the first fifteen elegaic letters of the Heroides.In his critical evaluation, Professor Jacobson takes into consideration the twofold nature of the work: its existence as a single entity with uniform poetic structure and coherent goals, and its existence as a collection of fifteen individual poems. Thus, fifteen chapters are devoted to a thorough analysis and interpretation of the particular poems, while six additional chapters are concerned with problems that pertain to the work as a whole, such as the nature of the genre, the role of rhetoric, theme, and variation, and the originality of Ovid.Special attention is given to the application of modern psychological criticism to the delineations of the pathological psyche in the letters. In an additional chapter on the chronology of Ovid's early amatory poetry, the author challenges and revises the traditional dating of the Heroides.Originally published in 1974.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

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