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Showing 74,426 through 74,450 of 77,948 results

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third UK Edition (Examiner’s Manual) (PDF)

by David Wechsler

WIAT-IIl UK provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third UK Edition (Scoring Workbook) (PDF)

by David Wechsler

WIAT-IIl UK provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third UK Edition (UK Scoring and Normative Manual) (PDF)

by David Wechsler

WIAT-IIl UK provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test.

Wedding as Text: Communicating Cultural Identities Through Ritual (Routledge Communication Series)

by Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz

A wedding serves as the beginning marker of a marriage; if a couple is to manage cultural differences throughout their relationship, they must first pass the hurdle of designing a wedding ceremony that accommodates those differences. In this volume, author Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz documents the weddings of 112 couples from across the United States, studied over a 10-year period. She focuses on intercultural weddings--interracial, interethnic, interfaith, international, and interclass--looking at how real people are coping with cultural differences in their lives. Through detailed case studies, the book explores how couples display different identities simultaneously. The concepts of community, ritual, identity, and meaning are given extensive consideration. Because material culture plays a particularly important role in weddings as in other examples of ritual, food, clothing, and objects are given special attention here. Focusing on how couples design a wedding ritual to simultaneously meet multiple--and different--requirements, this book provides: *extensive details of actual behavior by couples; *an innovative format: six traditional theoretical chapters, with examples integrated into the discussion, are matched to six "interludes" providing detailed descriptions of the most successful examples of resolving intercultural differences; *a methodological appendix detailing what was done and why these decisions were made; and *a theoretical appendix outlining the study's assumptions in detail. Wedding as Text: Communicating Cultural Identities Through Ritual is a distinctive study of those who have accepted cultural difference into their daily lives and how they have managed to do so successfully. As such, it is suitable for students and scholars in semiotics, intercultural communication, ritual, material culture, family communication, and family studies, and will be valuable reading for anyone facing the issue of cultural difference.

Wedding as Text: Communicating Cultural Identities Through Ritual (Routledge Communication Series)

by Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz

A wedding serves as the beginning marker of a marriage; if a couple is to manage cultural differences throughout their relationship, they must first pass the hurdle of designing a wedding ceremony that accommodates those differences. In this volume, author Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz documents the weddings of 112 couples from across the United States, studied over a 10-year period. She focuses on intercultural weddings--interracial, interethnic, interfaith, international, and interclass--looking at how real people are coping with cultural differences in their lives. Through detailed case studies, the book explores how couples display different identities simultaneously. The concepts of community, ritual, identity, and meaning are given extensive consideration. Because material culture plays a particularly important role in weddings as in other examples of ritual, food, clothing, and objects are given special attention here. Focusing on how couples design a wedding ritual to simultaneously meet multiple--and different--requirements, this book provides: *extensive details of actual behavior by couples; *an innovative format: six traditional theoretical chapters, with examples integrated into the discussion, are matched to six "interludes" providing detailed descriptions of the most successful examples of resolving intercultural differences; *a methodological appendix detailing what was done and why these decisions were made; and *a theoretical appendix outlining the study's assumptions in detail. Wedding as Text: Communicating Cultural Identities Through Ritual is a distinctive study of those who have accepted cultural difference into their daily lives and how they have managed to do so successfully. As such, it is suitable for students and scholars in semiotics, intercultural communication, ritual, material culture, family communication, and family studies, and will be valuable reading for anyone facing the issue of cultural difference.

The Wee Book of Irish Wit & Malarkey: A Rake of Clever Craic and Wisdom for Jackeens, Culchies and Eejits

by Sean McCann Paul Ryan

The Irish mix wit and wisdom the way they do whiskey and water, and to the same intoxicating effect. Irish wit is an art form that can be sage, silly, insulting, or profound, but it’s always entertaining. The Wee Book of Irish Wit & Malarkey is a pint-sized draft of potent mirth and malarkey from Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, Brendan Behan, and many other wags, including 'yer man' – your everyday son of the sod – on everything from love and marriage to death and dying and everything in between.

Weeping for Dido: The Classics in the Medieval Classroom (E. H. Gombrich Lecture Ser. #1)

by Marjorie Curry Woods

Saint Augustine famously “wept for Dido, who killed herself by the sword,” and many later medieval schoolboys were taught to respond in similarly emotional ways to the pain of female characters in Virgil’s Aeneid and other classical texts. In Weeping for Dido, Marjorie Curry Woods takes readers into the medieval classroom, where boys identified with Dido, where teachers turned an unfinished classical poem into a bildungsroman about young Achilles, and where students not only studied but performed classical works.Woods opens the classroom door by examining teachers’ notes and marginal commentary in manuscripts of the Aeneid and two short verse narratives: the Achilleid of Statius and the Ilias latina, a Latin epitome of Homer’s Iliad. She focuses on interlinear glosses—individual words and short phrases written above lines of text that elucidate grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, but that also indicate how students engaged with the feelings and motivations of characters. Interlinear and marginal glosses, which were the foundation of the medieval classroom study of classical literature, reveal that in learning the Aeneid, boys studied and empathized with the feelings of female characters; that the unfinished Achilleid was restructured into a complete narrative showing young Achilles mirroring his mentors, including his mother, Thetis; and that the Ilias latina offered boys a condensed version of the Iliad focusing on the deaths of young men. Manuscript evidence even indicates how specific passages could be performed.The result is a groundbreaking study that provides a surprising new picture of medieval education and writes a new chapter in the reception history of classical literature.

Weeping for Dido: The Classics in the Medieval Classroom

by Marjorie Curry Woods

Saint Augustine famously “wept for Dido, who killed herself by the sword,” and many later medieval schoolboys were taught to respond in similarly emotional ways to the pain of female characters in Virgil’s Aeneid and other classical texts. In Weeping for Dido, Marjorie Curry Woods takes readers into the medieval classroom, where boys identified with Dido, where teachers turned an unfinished classical poem into a bildungsroman about young Achilles, and where students not only studied but performed classical works.Woods opens the classroom door by examining teachers’ notes and marginal commentary in manuscripts of the Aeneid and two short verse narratives: the Achilleid of Statius and the Ilias latina, a Latin epitome of Homer’s Iliad. She focuses on interlinear glosses—individual words and short phrases written above lines of text that elucidate grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, but that also indicate how students engaged with the feelings and motivations of characters. Interlinear and marginal glosses, which were the foundation of the medieval classroom study of classical literature, reveal that in learning the Aeneid, boys studied and empathized with the feelings of female characters; that the unfinished Achilleid was restructured into a complete narrative showing young Achilles mirroring his mentors, including his mother, Thetis; and that the Ilias latina offered boys a condensed version of the Iliad focusing on the deaths of young men. Manuscript evidence even indicates how specific passages could be performed.The result is a groundbreaking study that provides a surprising new picture of medieval education and writes a new chapter in the reception history of classical literature.

Wegbereiter der modernen Islamfeindlichkeit: Eine Analyse der Argumentationen so genannter Islamkritiker (essentials)

by Thorsten Gerald Schneiders

Vorgetäuschte Islamkritik, die nur so tut, als verfolge sie seriöse Absichten, ist einer der Hauptverbreitungswege für Islamfeindlichkeit und Vorbehalte gegenüber Muslimen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum hat sich vor einigen Jahren ein Zirkel von Personen gebildet, der diese Art der „Islamkritik“ öffentlichkeitswirksam vertrat. Dazu gehörten Mina Ahadi, Henryk Broder, Ralph Giordano, Necla Kelek, Alice Schwarzer, Udo Ulfkotte und Leon de Winter. Ihre Argumentationsweisen werden in diesem Essential mittels diskursanalytischer Ansätze untersucht. Der Autor stellt typische Techniken vor und leistet dadurch einen Beitrag, um echte Islamkritik künftig besser von Islamfeindlichkeit abgrenzen zu können.

Wegbereiter der Urologie: 10 Biographien

by R. M. Engel H. Gröger G. Haupt J. J. Mattelaer F. Moll I. Rathert P. Rathert M. A. Reuter B. Schönberger D. Schultheiss R. Speck

Die Entwicklung der Urologie vom Ende des 19. bis in die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts im gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und politischen Kontext. Der Leser erfährt sozusagen im Vorbeigehen Wissenswertes über die viktorianische Gesellschaft, die Eroberung des Wilden Westens, die Belle Epoque und das Schicksal jüdischer Urologen in Deutschland.

Wege des Zufalls: Tanz der Atome, Invasion neuer Arten, Ausbreitung von Seuchen und Sprachen

by Gero Vogl

Atome in Materialien vollführen einen unaufhörlichen Tanz. Das Allergien auslösende Ragweed breitet sich in Europa aus. Die Einheitszivilisation erobert die letzten Winkel der Welt. Drei Beispiele für die Diffusion, die zwar dem Zufall folgt, deren Ergebnis trotzdem vorhersehbar ist. Zufalls-Ausbreitung, von ihren ersten Erforschern Diffusion genannt, folgt Gesetzen, die Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Wissensgebieten entdeckt haben: der Botaniker Brown beschrieb das Phänomen, der Physiologe Fick entdeckte die zugehörige Physik, der große Einstein fand die mathematische Logik, und der Genetiker Cavalli-Sforza erkannte ihre Relevanz für die Ausbreitung von Menschen und Kulturen. Es ist hoch interessant zu verfolgen, aus welchen Seitenwegen die Forscher kamen und welche Zufälle in ihrem Lebenslauf dazu führten, dass sie die übergreifenden Gesetze durchschauten. Wir folgen ihren Gedankengängen ganz ohne Mathematik. Die Erforschung der Diffusion geht weiter, und immer mehr Ausbreitungsvorgänge können beschrieben werden. Die erstaunlich erscheinende Diffusion von Atomen sogar in festen Körpern kann bald in allem Detail durchschaut werden, und Computer-Modellen ermöglichen Prognosen, die uns vor den bedrohlichen Folgen von Invasionen neuer Tier- und Pflanzen-Arten und der Ausbreitung von Epidemien warnen. Vielleicht werden wir schließlich auch die Ausbreitungsprozesse von Sprachen verstehen lernen und eine Möglichkeit finden, das Aussterben kleiner Sprachen zu verhindern.

Weiberkram: Wie der Kulturjournalismus mit der Mode umgeht (Journalistik: Forschungsimpulse für die Praxis)

by Sigrun Matthiesen

Der herkömmliche Qualitätsjournalismus in Deutschland vernachlässigt das Thema Mode und damit das weibliche Publikum. Das ist das Ergebnis dieses Bandes, der die Mode-Berichterstattung der "New York Times", der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" und der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen" analysiert hat. Die Autorin beläßt es nicht bei der Kritik. Vor allem im amerikanischen Journalismus hat sie entdeckt, wie das Thema Mode auch kompetent und in einer Weise behandelt werden kann, daß es Frauen interessiert. Die Autorin entwickelt Qualitätskriterien für die Modeberichterstattung, die sie an Beispiel-Artikeln verdeutlicht.

WEIGHT FLESH SUBJECT-MAT POL ECON BTL C: On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)

by Eric Santner

Eric Santner offers a radically new interpretation of Marx's labor theory of value as one concerned with the afterlife of political theology in secular modernity. What Marx characterized as the dual character of the labor embodied in the commodity, he argues, is the doctrine of the King's Two Bodies transferred from the political theology of sovereignty to the realm of political economy. This genealogy, leading from the fetishism of the royal body to the fetishism of the commodity, also suggests a new understanding of the irrational core at the center of economic busyness today, its 24/7 pace. The frenetic negotiations of our busy-bodies continue and translate into the doxology of everyday life the liturgical labor that once sustained the sovereign's glory. Maintaining that an effective critique of capitalist political economy must engage this liturgical dimension, Santner proposes a counter-activity, which he calls "paradoxological." With commentaries by Bonnie Honig, Peter Gordon, and Hent de Vries, an introduction by Kevis Goodman, and a response from Santner, this important new book by a leading cultural theorist and scholar of German literature, cinema, and history will interest readers of political theory, literature and literary theory, and religious studies.

The Weight of All Flesh: On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy (The Berkeley Tanner Lectures)

by Eric Santner

Eric Santner offers a radically new interpretation of Marx's labor theory of value as one concerned with the afterlife of political theology in secular modernity. What Marx characterized as the dual character of the labor embodied in the commodity, he argues, is the doctrine of the King's Two Bodies transferred from the political theology of sovereignty to the realm of political economy. This genealogy, leading from the fetishism of the royal body to the fetishism of the commodity, also suggests a new understanding of the irrational core at the center of economic busyness today, its 24/7 pace. The frenetic negotiations of our busy-bodies continue and translate into the doxology of everyday life the liturgical labor that once sustained the sovereign's glory. Maintaining that an effective critique of capitalist political economy must engage this liturgical dimension, Santner proposes a counter-activity, which he calls "paradoxological." With commentaries by Bonnie Honig, Peter Gordon, and Hent de Vries, an introduction by Kevis Goodman, and a response from Santner, this important new book by a leading cultural theorist and scholar of German literature, cinema, and history will interest readers of political theory, literature and literary theory, and religious studies.

Weimar in Princeton: Thomas Mann and the Kahler Circle (New Directions in German Studies)

by Stanley Corngold

Thomas Mann arrived in Princeton in 1938, in exile from Nazi Germany, and feted in his new country as “the greatest living man of letters.” This beautiful new book from literary critic Stanley Corngold tells the little known story of Mann's early years in America and his encounters with a group of highly gifted émigrés in Princeton, which came to be called the Kahler Circle, with Mann at its center. The Circle included immensely creative, mostly German-speaking exiles from Nazism, foremost Mann, Erich Kahler, Hermann Broch, and Albert Einstein, all of whom, during the Circle's nascent years in Princeton, were “stupendously” productive.In clear, engaging prose, Corngold explores the traces the Circle left behind during Mann's stay in Princeton, treating literary works and political statements, anecdotes, contemporary history, and the Circle's afterlife. Weimar in Princeton portrays a fascinating scene of cultural production, at a critical juncture in the 20th century, and the experiences of an extraordinary group of writers and thinkers who gathered together to mourn a lost culture and to reckon with the new world in which they had arrived.

Weimar in Princeton: Thomas Mann and the Kahler Circle (New Directions in German Studies)

by Stanley Corngold

Thomas Mann arrived in Princeton in 1938, in exile from Nazi Germany, and feted in his new country as “the greatest living man of letters.” This beautiful new book from literary critic Stanley Corngold tells the little known story of Mann's early years in America and his encounters with a group of highly gifted émigrés in Princeton, which came to be called the Kahler Circle, with Mann at its center. The Circle included immensely creative, mostly German-speaking exiles from Nazism, foremost Mann, Erich Kahler, Hermann Broch, and Albert Einstein, all of whom, during the Circle's nascent years in Princeton, were “stupendously” productive.In clear, engaging prose, Corngold explores the traces the Circle left behind during Mann's stay in Princeton, treating literary works and political statements, anecdotes, contemporary history, and the Circle's afterlife. Weimar in Princeton portrays a fascinating scene of cultural production, at a critical juncture in the 20th century, and the experiences of an extraordinary group of writers and thinkers who gathered together to mourn a lost culture and to reckon with the new world in which they had arrived.

The Weimar Origins of Rhetorical Inquiry

by David L. Marshall

The Weimar origins of political theory is a widespread and powerful narrative, but this singular focus leaves out another intellectual history that historian David L. Marshall works to reveal: the Weimar origins of rhetorical inquiry. Marshall focuses his attention on Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, and Aby Warburg, revealing how these influential thinkers inflected and transformed problems originally set out by Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, Theodor Adorno, Hans Baron, and Leo Strauss. He contends that we miss major opportunities if we do not attend to the rhetorical aspects of their thought, and his aim, in the end, is to lay out an intellectual history that can become a zone of theoretical experimentation in para-democratic times. Redescribing the Weimar origins of political theory in terms of rhetorical inquiry, Marshall provides fresh readings of pivotal thinkers and argues that the vision of rhetorical inquiry that they open up allows for new ways of imagining political communities today.

The Weimar Origins of Rhetorical Inquiry

by David L. Marshall

The Weimar origins of political theory is a widespread and powerful narrative, but this singular focus leaves out another intellectual history that historian David L. Marshall works to reveal: the Weimar origins of rhetorical inquiry. Marshall focuses his attention on Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, and Aby Warburg, revealing how these influential thinkers inflected and transformed problems originally set out by Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, Theodor Adorno, Hans Baron, and Leo Strauss. He contends that we miss major opportunities if we do not attend to the rhetorical aspects of their thought, and his aim, in the end, is to lay out an intellectual history that can become a zone of theoretical experimentation in para-democratic times. Redescribing the Weimar origins of political theory in terms of rhetorical inquiry, Marshall provides fresh readings of pivotal thinkers and argues that the vision of rhetorical inquiry that they open up allows for new ways of imagining political communities today.

Weimarer Klassik: Eine Einführung

by Cornelia Zumbusch

Die Weimarer Klassik ist eine zentrale, wenn auch umstrittene Epoche der Literaturgeschichte. Diese Einführung skizziert die Diskussion über eine um Goethe und Schiller gruppierte ›Weimarer Klassik‹ und beschreibt ihre Voraussetzungen, Kontexte und Programmatik. Drei umfangreiche Kapitel stellen exemplarische literarische Werke Schillers und Goethes vor, geordnet nach Lyrik, Dramatik und Erzählformen.

Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie in 5 Bänden: Band 2: Sekundärliteratur 1867-1998: Allgemeine Grundlagen und Hilfsmittel; Leben und Werke im Allgemeinen; Biographische Einzelheiten

Die Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie erfasst die zwischen 1867 und 1998 erschienene Primär- und Sekundärliteratur aller Sprachen und Länder. Ziel ist es, ein zuverlässiges bibliographisches Grundlagenwerk zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung Nietzsches für die internationale Einzelforschung und darüber hinaus für die Geisteswissenschaften insgesamt zu schaffen. Angestrebt wird ein hoher Grad an Vollständigkeit. Bei der Verzeichnung der Sekundärliteratur wird neben der eigentlichen Forschungsliteratur besonderes Augenmerk auf die Literatur zur Wirkungsgeschichte gelegt. Die Titelbeschreibung erfolgt weitgehend aufgrund der vorliegenden Originalquelle. An der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek ist mit der Privatbibliothek Friedrich Nietzsches und mit der Bibliothek des Nietzsche-Archivs, das bis 1945 seine Wirkungsstätte in Weimar hatte, ein Grundbestand der Nietzsche-Literatur vorhanden, der seit 1990 systematisch ausgebaut wird. Auf diesem Bestand konnte das Projekt einer umfassenden retrospektiven Personalbibliographie zu Friedrich Nietzsche aufbauen. Die Bibliographie erschließt die Literatur systematisch über Annotationen sowie über Register (Personen-, Sach- und Werkregister). Das Werk erscheint in fünf Bänden. Band 1 liegt bereits vor. Die übrigen vier Bände mit der Forschungsliteratur und der Literatur zur Wirkungsgeschichte folgen im April 2002. Insgesamt werden über 20.000 Dokumente verzeichnet. Die Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie bildet die Plattform für jede Beschäftigung mit der internationalen Wirkung Nietzsches.

Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie in 5 Bänden: Band 5: Sekundärliteratur: Wirkungs- und Forschungsgeschichte

Die Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie erfasst die zwischen 1867 und 1998 erschienene Primär- und Sekundärliteratur aller Sprachen und Länder. Ziel ist es, ein zuverlässiges bibliographisches Grundlagenwerk zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung Nietzsches für die internationale Einzelforschung und darüber hinaus für die Geisteswissenschaften insgesamt zu schaffen. Angestrebt wird ein hoher Grad an Vollständigkeit. Bei der Verzeichnung der Sekundärliteratur wird neben der eigentlichen Forschungsliteratur besonderes Augenmerk auf die Literatur zur Wirkungsgeschichte gelegt. Die Titelbeschreibung erfolgt weitgehend aufgrund der vorliegenden Originalquelle. An der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek ist mit der Privatbibliothek Friedrich Nietzsches und mit der Bibliothek des Nietzsche-Archivs, das bis 1945 seine Wirkungsstätte in Weimar hatte, ein Grundbestand der Nietzsche-Literatur vorhanden, der seit 1990 systematisch ausgebaut wird. Auf diesem Bestand konnte das Projekt einer umfassenden retrospektiven Personalbibliographie zu Friedrich Nietzsche aufbauen. Die Bibliographie erschließt die Literatur systematisch über Annotationen sowie über Register (Personen-, Sach- und Werkregister). Das Werk erscheint in fünf Bänden. Band 1 liegt bereits vor. Die übrigen vier Bände mit der Forschungsliteratur und der Literatur zur Wirkungsgeschichte folgen im April 2002. Insgesamt werden über 20.000 Dokumente verzeichnet. Die Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie bildet die Plattform für jede Beschäftigung mit der internationalen Wirkung Nietzsches.

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