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Werk ist Weltform: Rainald Goetz' Buchkomplex »Heute Morgen« (Literatur - Medien - Ästhetik #1)

by Lena Hintze

Rainald Goetz ist für die Gruppierung von einzelnen Veröffentlichungen zu Werkverbünden und die dazugehörige einheitliche Gestaltung seiner Bücher bekannt. Die Frage, was diese Beobachtung des äußeren Zusammenhangs für die Einzeltexte bedeutet, ist bislang offengeblieben. Lena Hintze faltet am Beispiel des Werkkomplexes »Heute Morgen« den Paratext in das Innere der Texte hinein und schlägt so eine systematisch konzipierte Gesamtdeutung vor, die sich an der Engführung von frühromantischer Poetik mit Strategien der Pop-Ästhetik orientiert. Dabei erschließt sie eine Fülle an Material, das die von Rainald Goetz versuchte Öffnung der Schrift hin zu anderen Medien demonstriert.

Werner Kofler intermedial (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #6)

by Anke Bosse Claudia Dürr Wolfgang Straub

In wenigen schriftstellerischen Œuvres steht die Reflexion zeitgenössischer Medienpraxis sowie die Medialität des eigenen Schreibens so im Zentrum wie im Werk Werner Koflers. Die Beiträge zu Kofler intermedial untersuchen die verschiedenen Aspekte des Medienwechsels und der intermedialen Bezüge in seinen Prosatexten, seinen auditiven und filmischen Arbeiten. Dadurch entsteht ein Gesamtbild eines in seinen verschiedenen medialen Ausformungen motivisch und thematisch intensiv verwobenen Werks – von intertextuellen Aspekten über die enorme Bedeutung von Musik bis zur Verknüpfung mit Fotografie.

Werner Krauss: German Film and Theatre Actor, Nazi Propaganda Collaborator -- A Fictional Re-Imagining of His Life

by Gareth Watts

This book is a fictional account of the life of German film and theatre actor Werner Krauss, eponymous star of the classic silent film The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari. Upon gaining worldwide recognition in this film, Krauss was co-opted into the Nazi hate campaign of the 1930s and 1940s. He featured in the vicious propaganda film Jud Suss, and he was complicit in giving anti-Semitic performances onstage, most notably as Shylock in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. The book focuses on three distinct eras in Krauss' life: the struggling, exuberant actor of the 1920s; the philandering pragmatist of the 1930s; and the elderly, neurotic outcast of the 1940s. Despite his honourable intentions, Krauss was all-too-often undermined by his inability to say no to women, alcohol and the egregious Joseph Goebbels. In this fictional re-imagining of his life, Krauss' motives and decisions are explored in an attempt to discover why he collaborated with the Nazis in the way that he did, as well as demonstrating the personal and political consequences of his actions. As someone who was influenced by the Nazi regime, and, in turn, influential in perpetuating their message, Krauss' story tells the wider story of the role of the arts and media in Nazi Germany. Extensively researched, including contemporary news stories, archived film material, critical essays on Krauss and translated passages from his autobiography, Das Schauspiel Meines Lebens, this fictional reconstruction of Krauss' life and career is preceded by a substantive Introduction by the author, setting the novel in the context of the genre of Holocaust fiction, emulating and reminiscent of Christopher Isherwood's Goodbye to Berlin and Thomas Keneally's Schindler's Ark.

Wer’s glaubt wird selig — oder?: Die Glaubwürdigkeit von Öko-Werbung aus Rezipientensicht. Eine qualitative Erkundungsstudie (Studien zur Kommunikationswissenschaft)

by Gitte Katz

Als Antwort auf die zunehmend ökologischen Forderungen verbesserten nicht nur viele Unternehmen Produkte und Produktionsprozesse, sondern es entstand im Laufe der 80er Jahre ein neuer Typ von Werbung: Öko-Werbung. Glaubwürdigkeit und Vertrauen sind in der Moderne zur Grundlage wirtschaftlichen Handels und gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz geworden und Öko-Werbung spiegelt diese Entwicklung in besonderem Maße wider. Da es sich bei der Umweltproblematik um ein emotionales und äußerst sensibles Thema handelt, kann diese neue Art der strategischen Kommunikation nur dann die angestrebten Ziele erfüllen, wenn sie glaubwürdig ist.

Wert- und Interessenkonflikte in der strategischen Kommunikation: Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Analysen zu Organisationen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteressen

by Ulrike Röttger Kerstin Thummes Anna Dudenhausen

Der Band sammelt aktuelle Modelle, Analysen und Befunde dazu, wie strategische Kommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteressen verortet und gestaltet werden kann. Bisherige Ansätze der Forschung zur strategischen Kommunikation, etwa zur CSR-Kommunikation oder zu dialogorientierter Public Relations, ordnen die Verfolgung gesellschaftlicher Interessen oft in den größeren Rahmen des Strebens nach Partikularinteressen ein und zeigen auf, wie gesellschaftliche Verantwortungsübernahme zu organisationalen Interessen beitragen kann und soll. Demgegenüber gelangen die Beiträge des Sammelbands durch die Kontrastierung von Gemeinwohl und Partikularinteresse zu neuen Erkenntnissen. Dabei stehen zwei Fragen im Zentrum: 1. Wie kann strategische Kommunikation modelliert und praktiziert werden, die systematisch neben Partikularinteressen auch oder vornehmlich Gemeinwohlinteressen bedient? 2. Welche typischen Wertkonflikte existieren im Kontext der strategischen Kommunikation und welche theoretisch begründeten und/oder empirisch erprobten Ansätze gibt es zum Umgang mit solchen Konflikten?

Werte. Sprache. Integration: Zur Konstruktion von Werten in DaZ-Lehrmaterialien

by Michael Hofer-Robinson

Mit dem neuen Integrationsgesetz 2017 wurden Werte verpflichtender Bestandteil von Integrationskursmaßnahmen in Österreich. In dieser Studie werden Lehrbücher untersucht, die vom Österreichischen Integrationsfonds (ÖIF) für den Einsatz in ,Deutschkursen mit Werte- und Orientierungswissen‘ empfohlen werden. Es werden Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven betrachtet, die das didaktische Material eröffnet und danach gefragt, wie Werte in den Materialien konstruiert werden, wie Lernende (und Lehrende) durch Lehrmaterialien adressiert werden (können), welche Vorstellungen von gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit und Subjekten rekonstruierbar sind und welche gesellschaftliche Positionen Lernenden gegenüber angeregt werden. Bei der Analyse wird eine migrationspädagogisch, rassismuskritisch und subjektivierungstheoretisch informierte Perspektive eingenommen und mit dem Ansatz der Thematischen Diskursanalyse verschränkt, um das Wissen aus den Werte-Materialien zu rekonstruieren. Auf der Grundlage der theoretischen und methodischen Vorannahmen werden Lehrbücher von drei Verlagen analysiert und anhand dieser Rekonstruktionen typischer Adressierungen und Konstruktionen von Wirklichkeit dargestellt.

Werte und Metaphern in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Sensemaking, Mindset, Sprache

by Ulrike Buchholz Annika Schach Victoria von der Haar

Die Transformation durch Digitalisierung und Kulturwandel in Unternehmen bewirken eine Konzentration auf Werte. Stärkere Kollaboration und weniger Hierarchie erfordern Halt und Orientierung aus der Organisation heraus. Purpose, Sensemaking und Mindset spiegeln sich in Texten der Unternehmenskommunikation – besonders in Leitbildern und der Unternehmensphilosophie. Hilfreich ist die Beschäftigung mit Metaphern. So lassen sich sinnstiftende Konzepte identifizieren, in Texte integrieren und im Kommunikationsmanagement einsetzen. Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit dem werteorientierten Kommunikationsmanagement und der Wertevermittlung mit Metaphern in Unternehmenstexten. Der InhaltEinleitung • Werteorientierte Unternehmensführung und Kommunikationsmanagement • Wertevermittlung durch Sprache und Text • Metaphern in der werteorientierten Unternehmenskommunikation Die AutorinnenDr. Ulrike Buchholz ist Professorin für Unternehmenskommunikation an der Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät III – Medien, Information und Design.Dr. Annika Schach ist Professorin für Angewandte PR an der Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät III – Medien, Information und Design.Victoria von der Haar ist Referentin für Unternehmenskommunikation bei der Dr. Wolff-Gruppe, Bielefeld.

Wertschätzende Kommunikation mit Spenderinnen und Spendern: Gewinnung und Bindung von Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern durch empathische Gespräche (essentials)

by Stephanie Neumann

Je detaillierter eine Organisation die Motive ihrer Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer kennt, desto besser kann sie sie langfristig binden. Dabei ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass Zuhören nicht gleich Zustimmen ist. Stephanie Neumann beschreibt in diesem essential die von Marshall Rosenberg entwickelte Methode der „Gewaltfreien Kommunikation“ (GFK) – ein Handlungskonzept, in dem es darum geht, die Gefühle und Bedürfnisse der Gesprächspartnerin oder des Gesprächspartners zu verstehen, damit Vertrauen entstehen kann. Dies ist in der Kommunikation mit Spenderinnen und Spendern eine Grundvoraussetzung, da eine Organisation nur mit deren Unterstützung existieren kann. Wenn die Mitarbeitenden der Organisation verstehen, was ihre Spenderinnen und Spender bewegt, werden sie erfolgreich Mittel generieren.

Wertungen und Werte in Texten: Axiologische Grundlagen und literaturwissenschaftliches Rekonstruktionsverfahren (Konzeption Empirische Literaturwissenschaft #11)

by Simone Winko

Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde im Sommersemester 1989 von der Philo­ sophischen Fakultät der Ludwig - Maximilians - Universität München als Dis­ sertation angenommen. Einige Abschnitte wurden für den Druck überarbeitet. Für Unterstützung und Förderung meiner Arbeit habe ich vielen Personen zu danken. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Frau Prof. Renate v. Heydebrand. Aus Lehrveranstaltungen und zahlreichen Gesprächen mit ihr habe ich mehr Anre­ gungen erhalten, als ich im einzelnen noch nachweisen könnte. Vor allem danke ich meinem Mann: Ohne seine oft geforderte Geduld und seine ständige Bereitschaft zum kritischen Gespräch wäre diese Untersuchung nicht zustandegekommen. Der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes danke ich für die Gewährung eines Promotionsstipendiums. Gewidmet ist dieses Buch dem Andenken meines Vaters. München, März 1990 Simone Winko 3 Inhalt 1 Vorbereitende Erörterungen und Aufbau der Untersuchung . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1. 1 Statt einer Einleitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1. 2 Wertungen und Werte in literaturwissenschaftlichen Interpretationen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1. 3 Zur Problematik axiologischer Grundbegriffe in Konzeptionen der literarischen Wertung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1. 4 Konsequenzen und Vorgehensweise der Untersuchung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Anmerkungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 Werttheoretische Grundlagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2. 1 Terminologie und Methode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2. 1. 1 Zum Begriff der Werttheorie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2. 1. 2 Möglichkeiten der Klassifikation von Werttheorien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2. 1. 3 Typologie des Wertbegriffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2. 1. 4 Probleme interdisziplinärer Werttheorien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2. 1. 5 Forschungspragmatische und methodologische Konsequenzen: Analytische Werttheorie als Explikationsrahmen . . . . . . 27 2. 1. 6 Überlegungen zur Definition und Explikation des Wertbegriffs . . . . . . . 30 2. 1. 7 Versuch einer Explikation von Wertbegriffen: Theoretische und motivationale axiologische Werte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

West African Women in the Diaspora: Narratives of Other Spaces, Other Selves (Routledge African Diaspora Literary and Cultural Studies)

by Rose A. Sackeyfio

This book examines fictional works by women authors who have left their homes in West Africa and now live as members of the diaspora. In recent years a compelling array of critically acclaimed fiction by women in the West African diaspora has shifted the direction of the African novel away from post-colonial themes of nationhood, decolonization and cultural authenticity, and towards explorations of the fluid and shifting constructions of identity in transnational spaces. Drawing on works by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Buchi Emecheta, Ama Ata Aidoo, Sefi Atta, Chika Unigwe and Taiye Selasie, this book interrogates the ways in which African diaspora women’s fiction portrays the realities of otherness, hybridity and marginalized existence of female subjects beyond Africa’s borders. Overall, the book demonstrates that life in the diaspora is an uncharted journey of expanded opportunities along with paradoxical realities of otherness. Providing a vivid and composite portrait of African women’s experiences in the diasporic landscape, this book will be of interest to researchers of migration and diaspora topics, and African, women’s and world literature.

West African Women in the Diaspora: Narratives of Other Spaces, Other Selves (Routledge African Diaspora Literary and Cultural Studies)

by Rose A. Sackeyfio

This book examines fictional works by women authors who have left their homes in West Africa and now live as members of the diaspora. In recent years a compelling array of critically acclaimed fiction by women in the West African diaspora has shifted the direction of the African novel away from post-colonial themes of nationhood, decolonization and cultural authenticity, and towards explorations of the fluid and shifting constructions of identity in transnational spaces. Drawing on works by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Buchi Emecheta, Ama Ata Aidoo, Sefi Atta, Chika Unigwe and Taiye Selasie, this book interrogates the ways in which African diaspora women’s fiction portrays the realities of otherness, hybridity and marginalized existence of female subjects beyond Africa’s borders. Overall, the book demonstrates that life in the diaspora is an uncharted journey of expanded opportunities along with paradoxical realities of otherness. Providing a vivid and composite portrait of African women’s experiences in the diasporic landscape, this book will be of interest to researchers of migration and diaspora topics, and African, women’s and world literature.

West Midlands English: Birmingham and the Black Country (Dialects of English (PDF))

by Urszula Clark Esther Asprey

This volume focuses on the closely allied yet differing linguistic varieties of Birmingham and its immediate neighbour to the west, the industrial heartland of the Black Country. It provides a clear description of the structure of the linguistic varieties spoken in the two areas.

Western Drama through the Ages [2 volumes]: A Student Reference Guide [2 volumes]

by Kimball King

The West has a long and rich dramatic tradition, and its dramatic works typically reflect the social and political concerns of playwrights and spectators. This book surveys the Western dramatic tradition from Ancient Greece to modern America. Included are chapters on great eras of drama, such as the Renaissance; national theatres, such as the theatres of Latin America, Ireland, and Poland; important theatrical movements, such as musical theatre and African American drama; and influential theatre styles, such as realism, expressionism, and surrealism. Entries are written by leading authorities and cite works for further reading. Students of literature and drama will appreciate the book for its convenient overview of the Western theatrical tradition, while students of history and social studies will welcome its illumination of different cultures and traditions.Designed for students, the book overviews Western drama from Ancient Greece to modern America. Included are chapters on great eras of drama, such as the Renaissance; national theatres, such as the theatres of Latin America, Ireland, and Poland; important theatrical movements, such as musical theatre and African American drama; and influential theatre styles, such as realism, expressionism, and surrealism. Each chapter is written by an expert contributor and offers an extended consideration of its topic and cites works for further reading. Students of drama and literature will value the book for its exploration of the Western theatrical tradition, while students of history and social studies will welcome its illumination of different cultures and traditions.

Western Historical Thinking: An Intercultural Debate (Making Sense of History #1)

by Jö Rüsen

What is history – a question historians have been asking themselves time and again. Does "history" as an academic discipline, as it has evolved in the West over the centuries, represent a specific mode of historical thinking that can bedefined in contrast to other forms of historical consciousness? In this volume, Peter Burke, a prominent "Western" historian, offers ten hypotheses that attempt to constitute specifically "Western Historical Thinking." Scholars from Asia and Africa comment on his position in the light of their own ideas of the sense and meaning of historical thinking. The volume is rounded off by Peter Burke's comments on the questions and issues raised by the authors and his suggestions for the way forward towards a common ground for intercultural communication.

The Western Lit Survival Kit: How to Read the Classics Without Fear

by Sandra Newman

There they sit, the great tomes of classical literature, taunting you with their length and difficulty, as you ask: which books are the most important and why - and what's actually any good? Why does most writing about the classics have words like 'seminal' or 'oeuvre' in it? What does postmodernism mean? Can I get away with just reading the introduction?Now you can enjoy the classics without fear. This survival kit will guide you painlessly through the Western literary canon, century by century: from Ancient Greek drama to the modern novel, via Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Romantic poetry, Tolstoy and Proust. There are entertaining plot summaries, unpretentious definitions of literary movements and fresh insights into authors' lives. With each work assigned ratings from 1 to 10 on Importance, Accessibility and Fun, you'll discover what's really worth bothering with and what you can safely discard without guilt.This book will make the things you've read clearer, inspire you to tackle the ones you've always meant to and make you sound far cleverer than you really are.

Western Literature in China and the Translation of a Nation

by S. Qi

This book studies the reception history of Western literature in China from the 1840s to the present. Qi explores the socio-historical contexts and the contours of how Western literature was introduced, mostly through translation and assesses its transformative impact in the cultural, literary as well as sociopolitical life of modern China.

Western Theory in East Asian Contexts: Translation and Transtextual Rewriting (Literatures, Cultures, Translation)

by Leo Tak-hung Chan

Literatures, Cultures, Translation presents a new line of books that engage central issues in translation studies such as history, politics, and gender in and of literary translation. This is a culturally situated study of the interface between three forms of transtextual rewriting: translation, adaptation and imitation. Two questions are raised: first, how a broader rubric can be formulated for the inclusion of the latter two forms within Translation Studies research, and second, how this enlarged definition of translation enables us to understand the incompatibilities between contemporary Western theories of translation and East Asian realities, past and present. Recent decades have seen a surge of scholarly interest in adaptations and imitations, due to the flourishing of cinema and fandom studies, and to the impact of a poststructuralist turn that sheds new light on derivative literature. Against this backdrop, a plethora of examples from the East Asian cultural sphere are analyzed to show how rewriters have freely appropriated, transcreated and recontextualized their source texts. In particular, Sino-Japanese case studies are contrasted with Sino-English ones, with both groups read against evolving traditions of thinking about free forms of translation, East and West.

Western Theory in East Asian Contexts: Translation and Transtextual Rewriting (Literatures, Cultures, Translation)

by Leo Tak-hung Chan

Literatures, Cultures, Translation presents a new line of books that engage central issues in translation studies such as history, politics, and gender in and of literary translation. This is a culturally situated study of the interface between three forms of transtextual rewriting: translation, adaptation and imitation. Two questions are raised: first, how a broader rubric can be formulated for the inclusion of the latter two forms within Translation Studies research, and second, how this enlarged definition of translation enables us to understand the incompatibilities between contemporary Western theories of translation and East Asian realities, past and present. Recent decades have seen a surge of scholarly interest in adaptations and imitations, due to the flourishing of cinema and fandom studies, and to the impact of a poststructuralist turn that sheds new light on derivative literature. Against this backdrop, a plethora of examples from the East Asian cultural sphere are analyzed to show how rewriters have freely appropriated, transcreated and recontextualized their source texts. In particular, Sino-Japanese case studies are contrasted with Sino-English ones, with both groups read against evolving traditions of thinking about free forms of translation, East and West.

Western Translation Theory from Herodotus to Nietzsche: From Herodotus to Nietzsche

by Douglas Robinson

Douglas Robinson offers the most comprehensive collection of translation theory readings available to date, from the Histories of Herodotus in the mid-fifth century before our era to the end of the nineteenth century. The result is a startling panoply of thinking about translation across the centuries, covering such topics as the best type of translator, problems of translating sacred texts, translation and language teaching, translation as rhetoric, translation and empire, and translation and gender. This pioneering anthology contains 124 texts by 90 authors, 9 of them women. Sixteen texts by 4 authors appear here for the first time in English translation; 17 texts by 9 authors appear in completely new translations. Every entry is provided with a bibliographical headnote and footnotes. Intended for classroom use in History of Translation Theory, History of Rhetoric or History of Western Thought courses, this anthology will also prove useful to scholars of translation and those interested in the intellectual history of the West.

Western Translation Theory from Herodotus to Nietzsche: From Herodotus to Nietzsche

by Douglas Robinson

Douglas Robinson offers the most comprehensive collection of translation theory readings available to date, from the Histories of Herodotus in the mid-fifth century before our era to the end of the nineteenth century. The result is a startling panoply of thinking about translation across the centuries, covering such topics as the best type of translator, problems of translating sacred texts, translation and language teaching, translation as rhetoric, translation and empire, and translation and gender. This pioneering anthology contains 124 texts by 90 authors, 9 of them women. Sixteen texts by 4 authors appear here for the first time in English translation; 17 texts by 9 authors appear in completely new translations. Every entry is provided with a bibliographical headnote and footnotes. Intended for classroom use in History of Translation Theory, History of Rhetoric or History of Western Thought courses, this anthology will also prove useful to scholars of translation and those interested in the intellectual history of the West.

Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Perception of Other

by Michael Frassetto David R. Blanks

Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe considers the various attitudes of European religious and secular writers towards Islam during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. Examining works from England, France, Italy, the Holy Lands, and Spain, the essays in this volume explore the reactions of Westerners to the culture and religion of Islam. Many of the works studied reveal the hostility toward Islam of Europeans and the creation of negative stereotypes of Muslims by Western writers. These essays also reveal attempts at accommodation and understanding that stand in contrast to the prevailing hostility that existed then and, in some ways, exists still today.

Western Writers in Japan

by S. Okada

This book relates the experiences of a range of Western writers who went to Japan as teachers and lecturers, covering a period of over 100 years. It discusses East-West cultural differences; Western 'individualism' encountering Japanese 'formal' society; and draws on the author's interviews with many of the writers featured. It includes some hitherto unpublished correspondence, as well as comments on their published works. The author hopes her book will encourage a deeper understanding between East and West.

Westminster 1640–60: A royal city in a time of revolution (Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain)

by J. F. Merritt

This book examines the varied and fascinating ways that Westminster – traditionally home to the royal court, the fashionable West End and parliament – became the seat of the successive, non-monarchical regimes of the 1640s and 1650s. It first explores the town as the venue that helped to shape the breakdown of relations between the king and parliament in 1640–42. Subsequent chapters explore the role Westminster performed as both the ceremonial and administrative heart of shifting regimes, the hitherto unnoticed militarisation of local society through the 1640s and 1650s, and the fluctuating fortunes of the fashionable society of the West End in this revolutionary context. Analyses of religious life and patterns of local political allegiance and government unveil a complex and dynamic picture, in which the area not only witnessed major political and cultural change in these turbulent decades, but also the persistence of conservatism on the very doorstep of government.

Westminster 1640–60: A royal city in a time of revolution (Politics, Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain)

by J. F. Merritt

This book examines the varied and fascinating ways that Westminster – traditionally home to the royal court, the fashionable West End and parliament – became the seat of the successive, non-monarchical regimes of the 1640s and 1650s. It first explores the town as the venue that helped to shape the breakdown of relations between the king and parliament in 1640–42. Subsequent chapters explore the role Westminster performed as both the ceremonial and administrative heart of shifting regimes, the hitherto unnoticed militarisation of local society through the 1640s and 1650s, and the fluctuating fortunes of the fashionable society of the West End in this revolutionary context. Analyses of religious life and patterns of local political allegiance and government unveil a complex and dynamic picture, in which the area not only witnessed major political and cultural change in these turbulent decades, but also the persistence of conservatism on the very doorstep of government.

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