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The Zephyrs of Najd: The Poetics of Nostalgia in The Classical Arabic Nasib

by Jaroslav Stetkevych

Arabs have traditionally considered classical Arabic poetry, together with the Qur'an, as one of their supreme cultural accomplishments. Taking a comparatist approach, Jaroslav Stetkevych attempts in this book to integrate the classical Arabic lyric into an enlarged understanding of lyric poetry as a genre. Stetkevych concentrates on the "places of lost bliss" that furnish the dominant motif in the lyric-elegiac opening section (nasib) of the classic Arab code, or qusidah. In defining the Arabic lyrical genre, he shows how pre-Islamic lamentations over abandoned campsites evolved, in Arabo-Islamic mystical poetry, into expressions of spiritual nostalgia. Stetkevych also draws intriguing parallels between the highlands of Najd in Arabic poetry and Arcadia in the European tradition. He concludes by exploring the degree to which the pastoral-paradisiacal archetype of the nasib pervades Arabic literary perception, from the pre-Islamic ode through the Thousand and One Nights and later texts. Enhanced by Stetkevych's sensitive translations of all the Arabic texts discussed, The Zephyrs of Najd brings the classical Arabic ode fully into the purview of contemporary literary and critical discourse.

Zerborstene Texte und Wirklichkeiten in der Schwebe: Experimentelles Erzählen über den Nationalsozialismus (1990–2010) (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #13)

by Daniela Henke

Experimentelle Texte über Holocaust und Nationalsozialismus fallen durch ein Forschungsraster. Durch ihre sperrige Form entziehen sie sich den Kategorien der memory studies – wegen ihrer brisanten Thematik sind sie ungeeignet für das rein formale Erkenntnisinteresse der klassischen Narratologie. Getragen von der Idee, dass Erzählformen selbst erzählen, verfolgt diese Untersuchung zwei Ziele. Zunächst wird eine allgemeine Typologie experimentellen Erzählens entworfen. Darauf folgen Analysen von Erzähltexten der Gegenwartsliteratur: Heldenfriedhof von Thomas Harlan, Morbus Kitahara von Christoph Ransmayr, Nahe Jedenew von Kevin Vennemann, Harlem Holocaust von Maxim Biller und Frühling von Thomas Lehr. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Funktionen experimentellen Erzählens mit Blick auf den ‚Undarstellbarkeitstopos‘ in seinen verschiedenen Variationen.

Zeugnisse zur Altenglischen Odoaker-Dichtung

by Rudolf Hans Imelmann

Zhang Xueliang: The General Who Never Fought

by A. Shai

The first book to tell the strange and fascinating story of General Zhang Xue-liang, the Chinese-Manchurian 'Young Marshall' - a man who left an indelible mark on the history of modern China, but few know his story. Unlocking the mystery of this man's life, Aron Shai helps to shed light on 20th-century China.

Zhuangzi and Modern Chinese Literature

by Liu Jianmei

This is a powerful account of how the ruin and resurrection of Zhuangzi in modern China's literary history correspond to the rise and fall of modern Chinese individuality. Liu Jianmei highlights two central philosophical themes of Zhuangzi: the absolute spiritual freedom as presented in the chapter of "Free and Easy Wandering" and the rejection of absolute and fixed views on right and wrong as seen in the chapter of "On the Equality of Things." She argues the twentieth century reinterpretation and appropriation of these two important philosophical themes best testify to the dilemma and inner-struggle of modern Chinese intellectuals. In the cultural environment in which Chinese writers and scholars were working, the pursuit of individual freedom as well as the more tolerant and multifaceted cultural mentality has constantly been downplayed, suppressed, or criticized. By addressing a large number of modern Chinese writers, including Guo Moruo, Hu Shi, Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Lin Yutang, Fei Ming, Liu Xiaofeng, Wang Zengqi, Han Shaogong, Ah Cheng, Yan Lianke, and Gao Xingjian, the author provides an insightful and engaging study of how they have embraced, rejected, and returned to ancient thought and how the spirit of Zhuangzi has illuminated their writing and thinking through the turbulent eras of modern China. This book not only explores modern Chinese writers' complicated relationship with "tradition," but also sheds light on if the freedom of independence, non-participation, and roaming and the more encompassing cultural space inspired by Zhuangzi's spirit were allowed to exist in the modern Chinese literary context. Involving the interplay between philosophy, literature, and history, Liu delineates a neglected literary tradition influenced by Zhuangzi and Daoism and traces its struggles to survive in modern and contemporary Chinese culture.

Zhuangzi and Modern Chinese Literature

by Liu Jianmei

This is a powerful account of how the ruin and resurrection of Zhuangzi in modern China's literary history correspond to the rise and fall of modern Chinese individuality. Liu Jianmei highlights two central philosophical themes of Zhuangzi: the absolute spiritual freedom as presented in the chapter of "Free and Easy Wandering" and the rejection of absolute and fixed views on right and wrong as seen in the chapter of "On the Equality of Things." She argues the twentieth century reinterpretation and appropriation of these two important philosophical themes best testify to the dilemma and inner-struggle of modern Chinese intellectuals. In the cultural environment in which Chinese writers and scholars were working, the pursuit of individual freedom as well as the more tolerant and multifaceted cultural mentality has constantly been downplayed, suppressed, or criticized. By addressing a large number of modern Chinese writers, including Guo Moruo, Hu Shi, Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Lin Yutang, Fei Ming, Liu Xiaofeng, Wang Zengqi, Han Shaogong, Ah Cheng, Yan Lianke, and Gao Xingjian, the author provides an insightful and engaging study of how they have embraced, rejected, and returned to ancient thought and how the spirit of Zhuangzi has illuminated their writing and thinking through the turbulent eras of modern China. This book not only explores modern Chinese writers' complicated relationship with "tradition," but also sheds light on if the freedom of independence, non-participation, and roaming and the more encompassing cultural space inspired by Zhuangzi's spirit were allowed to exist in the modern Chinese literary context. Involving the interplay between philosophy, literature, and history, Liu delineates a neglected literary tradition influenced by Zhuangzi and Daoism and traces its struggles to survive in modern and contemporary Chinese culture.

Zibaldone: The Notebooks Of Leopardi

by Giacomo Leopardi

Giacomo Leopardi was the greatest Italian poet of the nineteenth century and was recognized by readers from Nietzsche to Beckett as one of the towering literary figures in Italian history. To many, he is the finest Italian poet after Dante.Leopardi was also a prodigious scholar of classical literature and philosophy, and a voracious reader in numerous ancient and modern languages. For most of his writing career, he kept an immense notebook, known as the Zibaldone, or "hodgepodge," as Harold Bloom has called it, in which he put down his original, wide-ranging, radically modern responses to his reading. His comments about religion, philosophy, language, history, anthropology, astronomy, literature, poetry, and love are unprecedented in their brilliance and suggestiveness, and the Zibaldone, which was only published at the turn of the twentieth century, has been recognized as one of the foundational books of modern culture. Its 4,500-plus pages have never been fully translated into English until now, when a team led by of Michael Caesar and Franco D'Intino of the Leopardi Centre in Birmingham have spent years producing a lively, accurate version. This essential book will change our understanding of nineteenth-century culture.Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837), Italy's first and greatest modern poet, was also a critic, philosopher and philologist. His enormous Zibaldone, or philosophical and critical notebook, which many consider one of the great books of the 19th century, was published in Penguin Classics in 2013.

Ziele des Literaturunterrichts: Eine quantitativ-empirische Analyse von beliefs bei Deutschlehramtsstudierenden

by Cornelius Herz

Warum sollte Literatur im Schulunterricht des 21. Jahrhunderts thematisiert werden? Die vorliegende quantitativ-empirische Fragebogenstudie untersucht dieses Themenfeld bei zukünftigen Lehrer*innengenerationen an deutschen Universitäten. Dazu wurden in Auseinandersetzung mit teils widersprüchlichen Forschungsergebnissen der letzten beiden Dekaden Haltungen bzw. beliefs bei Studierenden des Schulfaches Deutsch für die Sekundarstufen ergründet und in Bezug auf neue Impulse für bisherige Befunde ausgewertet. Insbesondere anhand fachlicher Dimensionen lassen sich unterschiedliche Gruppierungen charakterisieren. In dieser Form werfen die Analysen ebenfalls Fragen zur Selbstverständigung über die Schwerpunkte der literaturdidaktischen Ausbildung auf. So bieten sie über Aussagen zu den Lehrer*innen von morgen und zu deutschdidaktischen Aushandlungsprozessen hinaus Ansatzpunkte für hochschuldidaktische Perspektiven.

Zielführende Kommunikation zwischen Agentur und Kunde: Erfolgreiche und effiziente Zusammenarbeit im Team

by Klaus Pawlowski Peter Pawlowski

In diesem Buch erfahren Agenturen und ihre Auftraggeber, wie sie in allen Stufen der Zusammenarbeit effizient, zielführend und vor allem gemeinsam als Team erfolgreich sein können. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg: eine lückenlose, klare und authentische Kommunikation aller Beteiligten. Beginnend beim Kennenlerngespräch, über das weichenstellende Briefing bis hin zu Vertragsverhandlungen und Konfliktgesprächen – die Autoren erläutern, wie man unnötigen Reibungsverlusten aus dem Weg geht, Missverständnissen vorbeugt und Frustration sowie Fehleinschätzungen verhindert.Ein Buch, gleichermaßen theoretisch fundiert wie auch direkt im Arbeitsalltag anwendbar: mit den wichtigsten Modellen zu Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung, zahlreichen Beispielen, Beispieldialogen und Inspirationen, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Partnern in neuem Licht erscheinen lässt.

The Zimbabwean Maverick: Dambudzo Marechera and Utopian Thinking (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)


This book seeks to unfold the complexity within the works of Dambudzo Marechera and presents scholars and readers with a way of reading his works in light of utopian thinking. Writing during a traumatic transitional period in Zimbabwe’s history, Marechera witnessed the upheavals caused by different parties battling for power in the nation. Aware of the fact that all institutionalized narratives – whether they originated from the colonial governance of the UK, Ian Smith’s white minority regime, or Zimbabwe’s revolutionary parties – appeal to visions of a utopian society but reveal themselves to be fiction, Marechera imagined a unique utopia. For Marechera, utopia is not a static entity but a moment of perpetual change. He rethinks utopia by phrasing it as an ongoing event that ceaselessly contests institutionalized narratives of the postcolonial self and its relationship to society. Marechera writes towards a vision of an alternative future for the country. Yet, it is a vision that does not constitute a fully rounded sense of utopia. Being cautious about the world and the operation of power upon the people, rather than imposing his own utopian ideals, Marechera chooses instead to destabilize the narrative constitution of the self in relation to society in order to turn towards a truly radical utopian thinking that empowers the individual.

The Zimbabwean Maverick: Dambudzo Marechera and Utopian Thinking (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)


This book seeks to unfold the complexity within the works of Dambudzo Marechera and presents scholars and readers with a way of reading his works in light of utopian thinking. Writing during a traumatic transitional period in Zimbabwe’s history, Marechera witnessed the upheavals caused by different parties battling for power in the nation. Aware of the fact that all institutionalized narratives – whether they originated from the colonial governance of the UK, Ian Smith’s white minority regime, or Zimbabwe’s revolutionary parties – appeal to visions of a utopian society but reveal themselves to be fiction, Marechera imagined a unique utopia. For Marechera, utopia is not a static entity but a moment of perpetual change. He rethinks utopia by phrasing it as an ongoing event that ceaselessly contests institutionalized narratives of the postcolonial self and its relationship to society. Marechera writes towards a vision of an alternative future for the country. Yet, it is a vision that does not constitute a fully rounded sense of utopia. Being cautious about the world and the operation of power upon the people, rather than imposing his own utopian ideals, Marechera chooses instead to destabilize the narrative constitution of the self in relation to society in order to turn towards a truly radical utopian thinking that empowers the individual.

Zirkuläre Positionen 3: Organisation, Management und Beratung

by Theodor M. Bardmann Torsten Groth

An Organisationen und ihr Management werden wie selbstverständlich gesteigerte Rationalitätsansprüche gestellt. Doch können sie leisten, was man ihnen zumutet? Systemtheoretische Ansätze haben für eine Desillusionierung überzogener Ansprüche und für eine Neuorientierung in Theorie, Management und Beratung gesorgt. Organisationen sind keine verfügbaren Instrumente in den Händen eines rational entscheidenden Managers, sondern eigensinnige, komplexe, selbstorganisierende Systeme, die sich einer direkten, ziel- und zweckorientierten Einflussnahme entziehen. Was heißt Management in derartigen Systemen? Welche Aufgabe übernimmt Beratung? Welche Rolle spielt die Organisationstheorie? Führende Vertreter systemischer Denk- und Handlungskonzepte geben im vorliegenden dritten Band der "Zirkulären Positionen" Antworten auf diese Fragen. Neben den Klassikern J.G. March und K.E. Weick kommen Wissenschaftler zu Wort wie D. Baecker, A. Kieser und G. Ortmann, aber auch Grenzgänger, die sich sowohl in der Wissenschaft als auch in der Praxis profilieren: H. Geißlinger, P. Gomez, F. Malik, G. Probst, S. Sackmann, F.B. Simon, R.K. Sprenger, H. Willke und R. Wimmer. En passant werden neueste Erfahrungen zu den zentralen Managementthemen Unternehmenskultur, Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, Führung, Motivation und Selbstverantwortung präsentiert. Kommentierende Begleittexte runden die Interviewbeiträge ab und verorten sie auf dem weiten Feld systemtheoretischer, konstruktivistischer, kybernetischer oder ganzheitlicher Konzepte.

Zizek: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Sean Sheehan

One of the most widely-read thinkers writing today, Slavoj Žižek's work can be both thrilling and perplexing in equal measure. Žižek: A Guide for the Perplexed is the most up-to-date guide available for readers struggling to master the ideas of this hugely influential thinker. Unpacking the philosophical references that fill Žižek's writings, the book explores his influences, including Lacan, Kant, Hegel and Marx. From there, a chapter on 'Reading Žižek' guides the reader through the ways that he applies these core theoretical concepts in key texts like Tarrying With the Negative, The Ticklish Subject and The Parrallax View and in his books about popular culture like Looking Awry and Enjoy Your Symptom! Major secondary writings and films featuring Žižek are also covered.

Zizek: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Sean Sheehan

One of the most widely-read thinkers writing today, Slavoj Žižek's work can be both thrilling and perplexing in equal measure. Žižek: A Guide for the Perplexed is the most up-to-date guide available for readers struggling to master the ideas of this hugely influential thinker. Unpacking the philosophical references that fill Žižek's writings, the book explores his influences, including Lacan, Kant, Hegel and Marx. From there, a chapter on 'Reading Žižek' guides the reader through the ways that he applies these core theoretical concepts in key texts like Tarrying With the Negative, The Ticklish Subject and The Parrallax View and in his books about popular culture like Looking Awry and Enjoy Your Symptom! Major secondary writings and films featuring Žižek are also covered.

Zoë Wicomb & the Translocal: Writing Scotland & South Africa (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)

by Kai Easton Derek Attridge

This is the first book on the fiction of Zoë Wicomb, a writer long at the forefront of the South African canon and whose international stature was firmly secured with the award of an inaugural Windham Campbell prize at Yale in 2013. It brings together interdisciplinary essays from the UK, USA, South Africa, and Australia, demonstrating Wicomb’s importance as a novelist, short-story writer, and critic. The central focus of the volume is the translocal, a term that navigates the complex and shifting relations between disparate localities, respecting the situatedness of each locality within its immediate geopolitical context, while investigating the connections and contrasts that operate between them. In Wicomb’s case, her work stems from a dual allegiance to two localities, both in her fiction as in her life: South Africa’s Western Cape and the west of Scotland. In tracking the relations, contemporary and historical, between these sites, her fiction reveals a consistent interest in and interrogation of home and belonging, space and place; it also offers telling insights into questions of race and gender. The historical processes of colonization and migration that have produced translocal connections of this kind are central to postcolonial studies, to which this book makes a significant contribution. Exploring the visual and cartographical, and extending debates on the transnational and cosmopolitan that are currently taking place across disciplines, including literary studies, geography, history, politics, and anthropology, the collection covers the range of Wicomb’s work. It also features an unanthologised essay by Wicomb herself, an interview, and a suite of photographs by Sophia Klaase, whose images of Namaqualand inspired Wicomb’s most recent novel, October.

Zoë Wicomb & the Translocal: Writing Scotland & South Africa (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)

by Kai Easton Derek Attridge

This is the first book on the fiction of Zoë Wicomb, a writer long at the forefront of the South African canon and whose international stature was firmly secured with the award of an inaugural Windham Campbell prize at Yale in 2013. It brings together interdisciplinary essays from the UK, USA, South Africa, and Australia, demonstrating Wicomb’s importance as a novelist, short-story writer, and critic. The central focus of the volume is the translocal, a term that navigates the complex and shifting relations between disparate localities, respecting the situatedness of each locality within its immediate geopolitical context, while investigating the connections and contrasts that operate between them. In Wicomb’s case, her work stems from a dual allegiance to two localities, both in her fiction as in her life: South Africa’s Western Cape and the west of Scotland. In tracking the relations, contemporary and historical, between these sites, her fiction reveals a consistent interest in and interrogation of home and belonging, space and place; it also offers telling insights into questions of race and gender. The historical processes of colonization and migration that have produced translocal connections of this kind are central to postcolonial studies, to which this book makes a significant contribution. Exploring the visual and cartographical, and extending debates on the transnational and cosmopolitan that are currently taking place across disciplines, including literary studies, geography, history, politics, and anthropology, the collection covers the range of Wicomb’s work. It also features an unanthologised essay by Wicomb herself, an interview, and a suite of photographs by Sophia Klaase, whose images of Namaqualand inspired Wicomb’s most recent novel, October.

Zola (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel)

by Phillip Walker

In the novels of Emile Zola, the pain and horror of working class life was pushed into the drawing rooms of polite society. Zola set out to shock and to question the assumptions of fiction and of comfortable, settled lives. The impact of his writing was far wider than France, and his attacks on the pillars of society gave him an international reputation. First published in 1985, this biography of Zola does much more than simply describe Zola as a writer, and his literary impact. It brings together the many strands of Zola’s life and creates an impression of a remarkable, if often exasperating individualist. This book will be of interest to those studying the works of Emile Zola and more broadly nineteenth-century and French literature.

Zola (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel)

by Phillip Walker

In the novels of Emile Zola, the pain and horror of working class life was pushed into the drawing rooms of polite society. Zola set out to shock and to question the assumptions of fiction and of comfortable, settled lives. The impact of his writing was far wider than France, and his attacks on the pillars of society gave him an international reputation. First published in 1985, this biography of Zola does much more than simply describe Zola as a writer, and his literary impact. It brings together the many strands of Zola’s life and creates an impression of a remarkable, if often exasperating individualist. This book will be of interest to those studying the works of Emile Zola and more broadly nineteenth-century and French literature.

Zola, The Body Modern: Pressures and Prospects of Representation

by Susan Harrow

Emile Zola's reputation as a landmark European novelist is undisputed. His monumental achievement, the novel cycle Les Rougon-Macquart: Histoire sociale et naturelle d'une famille sous le Second Empire (1871-1893), fixed his status as a major writer in the naturalist tradition. Is there any more to be said? Susan Harrow answers boldly in the affirmative, challenging the commonplace view that Zola's writing is predictable, prolix and transparent (what Barthes called 'readerly', for which read 'tedious'). Harrow exposes the modernist and postmodernist strategies which surface in the Rougon-Macquart novels, and reveals Zola's innovatory representation of the body captured here at work, at war, at play, at rest, and in arresting abstraction. Informed by critical thought from Barthes and Deleuze to Michel de Certeau and Anthony Giddens, Zola, the Body Modern offers a model for how we can revitalize our understanding of the canonical nineteenth-century European novel, and learn to travel more flexibly between parameters of century, style and aesthetics.

Zola, The Body Modern: Pressures and Prospects of Representation

by Susan Harrow

Emile Zola's reputation as a landmark European novelist is undisputed. His monumental achievement, the novel cycle Les Rougon-Macquart: Histoire sociale et naturelle d'une famille sous le Second Empire (1871-1893), fixed his status as a major writer in the naturalist tradition. Is there any more to be said? Susan Harrow answers boldly in the affirmative, challenging the commonplace view that Zola's writing is predictable, prolix and transparent (what Barthes called 'readerly', for which read 'tedious'). Harrow exposes the modernist and postmodernist strategies which surface in the Rougon-Macquart novels, and reveals Zola's innovatory representation of the body captured here at work, at war, at play, at rest, and in arresting abstraction. Informed by critical thought from Barthes and Deleuze to Michel de Certeau and Anthony Giddens, Zola, the Body Modern offers a model for how we can revitalize our understanding of the canonical nineteenth-century European novel, and learn to travel more flexibly between parameters of century, style and aesthetics.

Zombie History: Lies About Our Past that Refuse to Die

by Peter Charles Hoffer

Fake history is not a harmless mistake of fact or interpretation. It is a mistake that conceals prejudice; a mistake that discriminates against certain kinds of people; a mistake held despite a preponderance of evidence; a mistake that harms us. Fake history is like the Zombies we see in mass media, for the fake fact, like the fictional Zombie, lives by turning real events and people into monstrous perversions of fact and interpretation. Its pervasiveness reveals that prejudice remains its chief appeal to those who believe it. Its effect is insidious, because we cannot or will not destroy those mischievous lies. Zombie history is almost impossible to kill. Some Zombie history was and is political, a genre of what Hannah Arendt called “organizational lying” about the past. Its makers designed the Zombie to create a basis in the false past for particular discriminatory policies. Other history Zombies are cultural. They encapsulate and empower prejudice and stereotyping. Still other popular history Zombies do not look disfigured, but like Zombies walk among us without our realizing how devastating their impact can be. Zombie History argues that, whatever their purpose, whatever the venue in which they appear, history Zombies undermine the very foundations of disinterested study of the past.

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