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Homicide and Violent Crime (Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance #23)

by Mathieu Deflem

This volume of Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance addresses a variety of issues and concerns involved with the study of violent crime and homicide in the contemporary world. The chapters are conceived against the background of the enduring nature of violence and killing in the modern age, despite trends towards increased levels of civilization and the protection of rights. Whilst it is clear that the world of today is, in many respects, a better place, violence and homicide remain and even increase from time to time and from place to place. Each chapter tackles key questions of how and why these problematic forms of behaviour continue to exist. Specifically, chapters examine the killing of children, responses to domestic abuse, female killers, incidents of racial and religious violence, the dynamics of violence on college campuses, the role of police and state institutions in relation to violence, and global aspects of violence and murder. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in criminology, sociology, criminal justice, and public policy.

Homicide by the Rich and Famous: A Century of Prominent Killers (Non-ser.)

by Gini Graham Ph.D

Many people express shock and horror when they hear of a wealthy or famous person killing another person. As a society, we seem to expect the rich and famous to behave better, to commit fewer crimes, to be immune to the passions that inspire other, less prominent people to kill. After all, the rich and famous have everything—why would they need to murder? But the rich and famous kill for the very same reasons others do: love, power, money, jealousy, greed, revenge, and rage. Here, Scott takes us on a tour of murders committed by the rich and famous during the last century, looking at the motives, the responses of the community and local law enforcement, the media, and the outcomes. She argues that the rich and famous may kill for the same reasons as others, but they receive vastly different treatment and are often able to get away with murder.Homicide by the rich and famous is not new in this country, nor is fascination with the crimes committed by our most revered citizens. But being among the upper echelon of society does afford such suspects with a greater ability to escape punishment. They have greater access to better respresentation, they have the means to flee the country, they have influential friends in high places willing to put themselves on the line, and they are generally treated better by law enforcement and the criminal justice system. This book profiles the many ways in which homicides committed by the rich and famous are similar to other murders in their motives, but differ from those committed by everyday citizens in their outcomes. Scott provides readers with a showcase of crimes that will infuriate and fascinate readers.

Homicide Data Sources: An Interdisciplinary Overview for Researchers (SpringerBriefs in Criminology)

by Adam Dobrin

This Brief provides a detailed guide to national data sources that collect and report data on homicides in the United States, and some key international sources abroad. It provides in-depth coverage of well-known sources, and highlights more obscure sources, providing a useful tool for research design and planning across disciplines. This Brief includes detailed discussions of the benchmark sources in the United States: police data compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting Programs, as well as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics’ National Vital Statistics System. It also brings to light in one place many other less commonly-known sources for the United States. The author also highlights international data sources with worldwide data, but not country-specific studies. For each source covered, this unique work provides discussion of how to access the data source, interpret data from the source, and provides necessary background information about strengths and weaknesses of the sources. It does not presume expertise in statistics or methodology, and assumes no prior exposure to the data sources described. It is organized by data source, with some comparisons between the sources. It will be useful as a guide for researchers in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Public Administration, Demography, and any related field interested in homicide statistics.

Homicide, Gender and Responsibility: An International Perspective (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society)

by Kate Fitz-Gibbon Sandra Walklate

The crime of homicide has long animated academic debate, community concern and political attention. The discussion has often centered on the perceived (in)adequacy of legal responses to homicide, questions of culpability, and divergent representations of victims and offenders. Within this, notions of gender, responsibility and justice are pivotal. This edited collection builds on existing scholarship by examining these concerns not only in the context of the ‘private’ world of domestic murder but also in the more ‘public’ world of the state, the corporation, war, and genocide. In so doing this book draws from key frameworks of criminological thought, legal analysis and empirical evidence to critically examine the relationship between homicide, gender and responsibility. Bringing together leading international criminology and legal scholars, this collection provides a unique contribution to the academic and policy engagement with what is, more often than not, an ordinary and mundane crime. Analysing the crime in a variety of different social contexts alongside an in-depth and critical analysis of the interconnections between the ordinary act of lethal violence, gender and notions of responsibility, this book will be of interest to students, scholars and policymakers working in criminology and socio-legal studies.

Homicide, Gender and Responsibility: An International Perspective (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society)

by Kate Fitz-Gibbon Sandra Walklate

The crime of homicide has long animated academic debate, community concern and political attention. The discussion has often centered on the perceived (in)adequacy of legal responses to homicide, questions of culpability, and divergent representations of victims and offenders. Within this, notions of gender, responsibility and justice are pivotal. This edited collection builds on existing scholarship by examining these concerns not only in the context of the ‘private’ world of domestic murder but also in the more ‘public’ world of the state, the corporation, war, and genocide. In so doing this book draws from key frameworks of criminological thought, legal analysis and empirical evidence to critically examine the relationship between homicide, gender and responsibility. Bringing together leading international criminology and legal scholars, this collection provides a unique contribution to the academic and policy engagement with what is, more often than not, an ordinary and mundane crime. Analysing the crime in a variety of different social contexts alongside an in-depth and critical analysis of the interconnections between the ordinary act of lethal violence, gender and notions of responsibility, this book will be of interest to students, scholars and policymakers working in criminology and socio-legal studies.

Homicide in Criminal Law: A Research Companion (Substantive Issues in Criminal Law)

by Alan Reed Michael Bohlander

This volume presents a leading contribution to the substantive arena relating to homicide in the criminal law. In broad terms, the ambit of homicide standardisations in extant law is contestable and opaque. This book provides a logical template to focus the debate. The overall concept addresses three specific elements within this arena, embracing an overarching synergy between them. This edifice engages in an examination of UK provisions, and in contrasting these provisions against alternative domestic jurisdictions as well as comparative contributions addressing a particularised research grid for content. The comparative chapters provide a wider background of how other legal systems treat a variety of specialised issues relating to homicide in the context of the criminal law. The debate in relation to homicide continues apace for academics, practitioners and within the criminal justice system. Having expert descriptions of the wider issues surrounding the particular discussion and of other legal systems’ approaches serves to stimulate and inform that debate. This collection will be a major source of reference for future discussion.

Homicide in Criminal Law: A Research Companion (Substantive Issues in Criminal Law)

by Alan Reed Michael Bohlander Nicola Wake Emma Engleby Verity Adams

This volume presents a leading contribution to the substantive arena relating to homicide in the criminal law. In broad terms, the ambit of homicide standardisations in extant law is contestable and opaque. This book provides a logical template to focus the debate. The overall concept addresses three specific elements within this arena, embracing an overarching synergy between them. This edifice engages in an examination of UK provisions, and in contrasting these provisions against alternative domestic jurisdictions as well as comparative contributions addressing a particularised research grid for content. The comparative chapters provide a wider background of how other legal systems treat a variety of specialised issues relating to homicide in the context of the criminal law. The debate in relation to homicide continues apace for academics, practitioners and within the criminal justice system. Having expert descriptions of the wider issues surrounding the particular discussion and of other legal systems’ approaches serves to stimulate and inform that debate. This collection will be a major source of reference for future discussion.

Homicide Investigation Field Guide

by D'Michelle P. DuPre

This practical field guide contains many of the checklists necessary to guide the first responder step-by-step through procedures, tactics, and forensic techniques used in sudden death and violent death investigations. Using these protocols, techniques and checklists will ensure that a proper and complete investigation is undertaken at the death scene. Covers basic investigation protocols as well as protocols for sexual assaultContains diagrams on how to search the scene, how to sketch the scene, and physical evidence guidelines as well as a forensic photography primerIncludes a detailed checklist of who, what, where, when, why and how

Homicide Law in Comparative Perspective (Criminal Law Library)

by Jeremy Horder

A number of jurisdictions world-wide have changed or are considering changing their homicide laws. Important changes have now been recommended for England and Wales, and these changes are an important focus in the book, which brings together leading experts from jurisdictions across the globe (England and Wales; France; Germany; Scotland; Australia; The United States of America; Canada; Singapore and Malaysia) to examine key aspects of the law of homicide. Key areas examined include the structure of the law of homicide and the meaning of fault elements. For example, the definition of murder, or its equivalent, is very different in France and Germany from the definition used in England and Wales. French law, like the law in a number of American states, ties the definition of murder to the presence or absence of premeditation, unlike the law in England and Wales. Unlike most other jurisdictions, German law makes the killer's motive, such as a sadistic sexual motive, relevant to whether or not he or she committed the worst kind of homicide. England and Wales is in a minority of English-speaking jurisdictions in that it does not employ the concept of 'wicked' recklessness, or of extreme indifference, as a fault element in homicide. Understanding these often subtle differences between the approaches of different jurisdictions to the definition of homicide is an essential aspect of the law reform process, and of legal study and scholarship in the criminal law. Every jurisdiction tries to learn from the experience of others, and this book seeks to make a contribution to that process, as well as providing a lively and informative resource for scholars and students.

Homicide Law Reform, Gender and the Provocation Defence: A Comparative Perspective

by Kate Fitz-Gibbon

This book critically examines the operation of the partial defence of provocation in a range of comparative international jurisdictions. Centrally concerned with conceptual questions of gender, justice and the role of denial in the criminal justice system, Fitz-Gibbon explores the divergent approaches taken to reforming the law of provocation.

Homo Curator: Towards the Ethics of Consumption (Virtues and Economics #8)

by Péter Róna László Zsolnai Agnieszka Wincewicz-Price

This book explores the under-researched sources of the consumerist culture and the environmental damage it has brought about. The book is an outcome of the symposium on “The Ethics of Consumption” organised and hosted by the Las Casas Institute at the Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford as part of its Economics as a Moral Science Programme. It takes on two contemporary problems: the human weakness and capacity for wrong-doing, and the failure of modern economic theory to account for the moral character of human behaviour and its implicit encouragement of gluttonous life-styles. In a time when grand political schemes are proposed to revive sustainability of global economy, the authors of the papers collected in this book highlight the need for moral renewal without which the most revolutionary structural reforms are bound to fail at producing the desired outcome. Topics of the book include the meaning and sources of avarice, the attempt to define what is enough, exploration of philosophical and theological perspectives which can serve as building blocks for the ethics of consumption. This makes the book of great interest to a broad readership of economists, social scientists and philosophers.

Homo Digitalis: Beiträge zur Ontologie, Anthropologie und Ethik der digitalen Technik (Anthropologie – Technikphilosophie – Gesellschaft)

by Rafael Capurro

Dieses Buch bietet erstmals den Versuch, die digitale Technologie, das Internet und die digitale Kommunikation umfassender zu verstehen und in einem größeren interdisziplinären Kontext zu interpretieren. Die digitale Technologie ist nicht nur ein Instrument, sondern eine Sichtweise, uns selbst und die Welt zu verstehen. Was kennzeichnet diese Art die Welt in ihrem digitalen Sosein zu verstehen? Wer sind wir im digitalen Zeitalter? Diese Fragen lassen sich deskriptiv und normativ erörtern. Mit dem Internet entstand eine interaktive horizontale Kommunikationsform, welche die vertikale massenmediale Eins-zu-vielen-Struktur der Informationsverbreitung grundlegend veränderte. Aus passiven Botschaftsempfängern sind global agierende aktive Sender geworden. Wir leben in einer digitalen interaktiven message society. Die durch das Internet eröffneten Möglichkeiten freier Kommunikation haben inzwischen zu Monopolbildungen durch global players geführt. Die interaktive digitale Kommunikation zeigt sowohl positive Möglichkeiten als auch Verfallsformen wie Ausbeutung, Überwachung, Abschottung und kriminelle Aktivitäten aller Art.

Homo immortalis: Una vita (quasi) infinita (I blu)

by Nunzia Bonifati Giuseppe O. Longo

Fino a che punto l’uomo, grazie alla scienza e alla tecnologia, può migliorare se stesso, allungandosi la vita e potenziando le proprie funzioni fisiche e mentali? Il libro cerca di rispondere a questa domanda in sette capitoli. Nel primo e nel secondo si parla del sogno dell'immortalità e della possibilità di raggiungere quei 120 anni di vita inscritti nel genoma umano. Nel terzo capitolo si affronta il tema del miglioramento dell’aspetto fisico e del potenziamento delle capacità mentali, illustrando le possibili conseguenze di queste applicazione su vasta scala. Nel quarto e quinto si illustrano gli scenari della comunicazione globale, i rischi e le possibili contromisure da prendere. Nel sesto e settimo capitolo si accenna agli scenari possibili del post-umano e si analizzano le conseguenze, sul piano morale e teoretico, di ciò che gli autori considerano un atto di delega alla tecnologia. Il libro, con brevi citazioni di autori classici e moderni, ha alcune illustrazioni di opere originali degli artisti Luigi Battisti e Fabrizio Bosco.

Homo Oeconomicus: The Economic Model of Behaviour and Its Applications in Economics and Other Social Sciences (The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences #6)

by Gebhard Kirchgässner

The economic model of behaviour is fundamental not only in economic theory, but also in modern approaches of other social sciences, above all in political science and law. This book provides a comprehensive treatise of the general model, its philosophical and methodological foundations and its applications in different fields. In addition to the basic model, extensions to its assumptions are examined to account for complex applications like low-cost situations with moral behaviour.

Homo Prospectus

by Roy F. Baumeister Martin E. Seligman Peter Railton Chandra Sripada

Our species is misnamed. Though sapiens defines human beings as "wise" what humans do especially well is to prospect the future. We are homo prospectus. In this book, Martin E. P. Seligman, Peter Railton, Roy F. Baumeister, and Chandra Sripada argue it is anticipating and evaluating future possibilities for the guidance of thought and action that is the cornerstone of human success. Much of the history of psychology has been dominated by a framework in which people's behavior is driven by past history (memory) and present circumstances (perception and motivation). Homo Prospectus reassesses this idea, pushing focus to the future front and center and opening discussion of a new field of Psychology and Neuroscience. The authors delve into four modes in which prospection operates: the implicit mind, deliberate thought, mind-wandering, and collective (social) imagination. They then explore prospection's role in some of life's most enduring questions: Why do people think about the future? Do we have free will? What is the nature of intuition, and how might it function in ethics? How does emotion function in human psychology? Is there a common causal process in different psychopathologies? Does our creativity change with age? In this remarkable convergence of research in philosophy, statistics, decision theory, psychology, and neuroscience, Homo Prospectus shows how human prospection fundamentally reshapes our understanding of key cognitive processes, thereby improving individual and social functioning. It aims to galvanize interest in this new science from scholars in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, as well as an educated public curious about what makes humanity what it is.

Homo Prospectus

by Martin E. Seligman Peter Railton Roy F. Baumeister Chandra Sripada

Our species is misnamed. Though sapiens defines human beings as "wise" what humans do especially well is to prospect the future. We are homo prospectus. In this book, Martin E. P. Seligman, Peter Railton, Roy F. Baumeister, and Chandra Sripada argue it is anticipating and evaluating future possibilities for the guidance of thought and action that is the cornerstone of human success. Much of the history of psychology has been dominated by a framework in which people's behavior is driven by past history (memory) and present circumstances (perception and motivation). Homo Prospectus reassesses this idea, pushing focus to the future front and center and opening discussion of a new field of Psychology and Neuroscience. The authors delve into four modes in which prospection operates: the implicit mind, deliberate thought, mind-wandering, and collective (social) imagination. They then explore prospection's role in some of life's most enduring questions: Why do people think about the future? Do we have free will? What is the nature of intuition, and how might it function in ethics? How does emotion function in human psychology? Is there a common causal process in different psychopathologies? Does our creativity change with age? In this remarkable convergence of research in philosophy, statistics, decision theory, psychology, and neuroscience, Homo Prospectus shows how human prospection fundamentally reshapes our understanding of key cognitive processes, thereby improving individual and social functioning. It aims to galvanize interest in this new science from scholars in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, as well as an educated public curious about what makes humanity what it is.

The Homosexual(ity) of law

by Leslie Moran

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Homosexual(ity) of law

by Leslie Moran

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Homosexuality and the Law: A Dictionary (Contemporary Legal Issues)

by Chuck Stewart

This reference work provides important information about the role academic research has played in the ever-evolving laws covering homosexuality.A comprehensive overview of homosexuality and the law, this fascinating dictionary opens with a history of the Gay Rights Movement which started in Germany during the l860s with Karl Heinrich Ulrich, the "Grandfather of Gay Liberation," who wrote 12 books including, Researches on the Riddle of Love Between Men. Homosexuals were later herded into Nazi concentration camps, where 50,000 of them died. When the war ended, Allied commanders forced homosexuals to finish their prison sentences.This book has 112 entries on subjects such as absurd sex laws, the Crittendon Report, the Boy Scouts, the l996 Defense of Marriage Act, surgical alterations, discrimination, sodomy, loitering, wills, and more. A nearly 100 page appendix details state and local laws. The book includes a list of advocacy organizations and other references, a table of cases, and an extensive bibliography.

Homosexuality in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of India

by Yeshwant Naik

The book analyses the Indian Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on homosexuality, its current approach and how its position has evolved in the past ten years. It critically analyses the Court’s landmark judgments and its perception of equality, family, marriage and human rights from an international perspective. With the help of European Court of Human Rights’ judgments and international conventions, it compares the legal and social discrimination meted out to the Indian LGBTI community with that in the international arena. From a social anthropological perspective, it demonstrates how gay masculinity, although marginalized, serves as a challenge to patriarchy and hegemonic masculinity. This unique book addresses the lack of in-depth literature on gay masculinity, elaborately narrating and analysing contemporary gay masculinity and emerging gay lifestyles in India and highlighting the latest research on the subject of homosexuality in general and in particular with respect to India. It also discusses several new issues concerning the gay men in India supported by the living law approach put forth by Eugen Ehrlich.

Honest Errors? Combat Decision-Making 75 Years After the Hostage Case

by Nobuo Hayashi Carola Lingaas

This book marks the 75th anniversary of the 1948 Hostage Case in which a US military tribunal in Nuremberg acquitted General Lothar Rendulic of devastating Northern Norway on account of his honest factual error. The volume critically reappraises the law and facts underlying his trial, the no second-guessing rule in customary international humanitarian law (IHL) that is named after the general himself, and the assessment of modern battlefield decisions.Using recently discovered documents, this volume casts major doubts on Rendulic’s claim that he considered the region’s total devastation and the forcible evacuation of all of its inhabitants imperatively demanded by military necessity at the time. This book’s analysis of court records reveals how the tribunal failed to examine relevant facts or explain the Rendulic Rule’s legal origin. This anthology shows that, despite the Hostage Case’s ambiguity and occasional suggestions to the contrary, objective reasonableness forms part of the reasonable commander test under IHL and the mistake of fact defence under international criminal law (ICL) to which the rule has given rise. This collection also identifies modern warfare’s characteristics—human judgment, de-empathetic battlespace, and institutional bias—that may make it problematic to deem some errors both honest and reasonable. The Rendulic Rule embodies an otherwise firmly established admonition against judging contentious battlefield decisions with hindsight. Nevertheless, it was born of a factually ill-suited case and continues to raise significant legal as well as ethical challenges today.The most comprehensive study of the Rendulic Rule ever to appear in English, this multi-disciplinary anthology will appeal to researchers and practitioners of IHL and ICL, as well as military historians and military ethicists and offers ground-breaking new research.Nobuo Hayashi is affiliated to the Centre for International and Operational Law at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm, Sweden.Carola Lingaas is affiliated to the Faculty of Social Studies at VID Specialized University in Oslo, Norway.

An Honest Man: A Novel

by Michael Koryta

In this breathtaking thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Those Who Wish Me Dead, the murder of several politicians at sea shatters the world of a local lobsterman who must prove his innocence and save his own life.​Israel Pike was a killer, and he was an honest man. They were not mutually exclusive. After discovering seven men murdered aboard their yacht – including two Senate rivals – Israel Pike is regarded as a prime suspect. A troubled man infamous on Salvation Point Island for killing his own father a decade before, Israel has few options, no friends, and a life-threatening secret. Elsewhere on the island, 12-year-old Lyman Rankin seeks shelter from his alcoholic father in an abandoned house only to discover that he is not alone. A mysterious woman greets him with a hatchet and a promise: &“Make a sound and I&’ll kill you.&” As the investigation barrels forward, Lyman, Israel, and the fate of the case collide in immutable ways. Written with mounting suspense, stirring emotion, and deep understanding of character, Koryta continues to prove why David Baldacci has called him &“an exceptionally gifted storyteller&” and Michael Connelly has deemed him &“one of the best of the best, plain and simple.&”

Honesty: The Philosophy and Psychology of a Neglected Virtue

by Christian B. Miller

Honesty is an important virtue. Parents want to develop it in their children. Close relationships depend upon it. Employers value it in their employees. Surprisingly, however, philosophers have said very little about the virtue of honesty over the past fifty years. In this book, Christian B. Miller aims to draw much greater attention to this neglected virtue. The first part of the book looks at the concept of honesty. It takes up questions such as: What does honesty involve? What are the motives of an honest person? How does practical wisdom relate to honesty? Miller explores what connects the many sides of honesty, including not lying, not stealing, not breaking promises, not misleading others, and not cheating. He argues that the honest person reliably does not intentionally distort the facts as she takes them to be. Miller then examines the empirical psychology of honesty. He takes up the question of whether most people are honest, dishonest, or somewhere in between. Drawing extensively on recent studies of cheating and lying, the model Miller articulates ultimately implies that most of us have a long way to go to reach an honest character. Honesty: The Philosophy and Psychology of a Neglected Virtue provides both a richer understanding of what our character looks like, as well as what the goal of being an honest person actually involves. Miller then leaves it up to us to decide if we want to take steps to shrink the character gap between the two.

Honesty: The Philosophy and Psychology of a Neglected Virtue (The\virtues Ser.)

by Christian B. Miller

Honesty is an important virtue. Parents want to develop it in their children. Close relationships depend upon it. Employers value it in their employees. Surprisingly, however, philosophers have said very little about the virtue of honesty over the past fifty years. In this book, Christian B. Miller aims to draw much greater attention to this neglected virtue. The first part of the book looks at the concept of honesty. It takes up questions such as: What does honesty involve? What are the motives of an honest person? How does practical wisdom relate to honesty? Miller explores what connects the many sides of honesty, including not lying, not stealing, not breaking promises, not misleading others, and not cheating. He argues that the honest person reliably does not intentionally distort the facts as she takes them to be. Miller then examines the empirical psychology of honesty. He takes up the question of whether most people are honest, dishonest, or somewhere in between. Drawing extensively on recent studies of cheating and lying, the model Miller articulates ultimately implies that most of us have a long way to go to reach an honest character. Honesty: The Philosophy and Psychology of a Neglected Virtue provides both a richer understanding of what our character looks like, as well as what the goal of being an honest person actually involves. Miller then leaves it up to us to decide if we want to take steps to shrink the character gap between the two.

Honeyball And Bowers' Textbook On Employment Law

by Simon Honeyball

Honeyball and Bowers' Textbook on Employment Law is an approach to employment law with strong critical analysis whilst placing it in its wider contexts, in a concise and user-friendly format. Fully updated to take into account the recent significant developments in this area, including the Equality Act 2010, the key topics on most employment law courses are addressed in detail. An extremely clear writing style allows this text to remain accessible and student-focussed, while providingdetailed explanations and analysis of the law. The text also includes diagrams and chapter summaries throughout to aid student understanding, while further reading suggestions assist with essay preparation and research. Setting employment law in context, this book considers both industrial and collective issues as well as examining the increasing role of the EU in UK employment law. A separate chapter on human rights also enables students to understand the role human rights legislation plays in the development ofemployment law. This book also contains cross referencing to Painter and Holmes' Cases and Materials on Employment Law, ensuring that these two texts continue to complement one another and provide the perfect combination of textbook analysis and the most up-to-date cases and materials. This text is accompanied by a free Online Resource Centre (www. oxfordtextbooks. co. uk/orc/honeyball12e/) which contains updates to the law and useful weblinks.

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