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Showing 28,726 through 28,750 of 57,302 results

Internationales Personalmanagement in multinationalen Unternehmen: Eine empirische Analyse der Arbeits-Familieninteraktion im Entsendungskontext

by Heike Schütter

Heike Schütter untersucht im Rahmen einer qualitativen und einer quantitativen Studie, welche Faktoren Auswirkungen auf eine Auslandsentsendung besitzen, insbesondere wie die Arbeits-Familieninteraktion Einfluss auf den Entsendungserfolg nimmt. Die Autorin zeigt die Notwendigkeit für Unternehmen auf, die Familie stärker als bisher sowohl bei der Kandidatenauswahl als auch während der Zeit im Ausland zu berücksichtigen und die Einflussfaktoren der Interaktion zwischen Arbeit und Familie gezielt zu fördern, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer erfolgreichen Entsendung zu maximieren. Den Entsandten ermöglichen die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit einzuschätzen, ob sie und ihre Familien geeignete Kandidaten für eine Auslandsentsendung sind.

Internationales Privatrecht (Enzyklopädie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft #15)

by Karl Neumeyer

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Internationales Privatrecht (Enzyklopädie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft #35)

by Martin Wolff

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Internationales Privatrecht — Art. 3–46 EGBGB (Springer Praxiskommentare)

by Dirk Looschelders

Der Kommentar behandelt das gesamte deutsche Internationale Privatrecht. Im Vordergrund stehen die Vorschriften der Art. 3-46 EGBGB. Es werden aber auch die Rechtsquellen des IPR außerhalb des EGBGB sowie die wichtigsten staatsvertraglichen Regelungen berücksichtigt. Außerdem geht der Kommentar jeweils auf verfahrensrechtliche Fragestellungen ein. Das Werk richtet sich in erster Linie an Praktiker. Es ist jedoch auch für Studierende und Referendare von Interesse, die sich eingehender mit dem IPR beschäftigen wollen.

Internationales Steuerrecht: Grundlagen für Studium und Steuerberaterprüfung

by Christiana Djanani

Verglichen mit der nationalen Steuerplanung ist das Internationale Steuerrecht deutlich komplexer, da nicht nur eine einzelne Steuerrechtsordnung sondern drei Rechtskreise zu beachten sind. Dieses neue Lehrbuch führt verständlich und umfassend in die komplizierte Materie des Internationalen Steuerrechts ein. Djanani/Brähler berücksichtigen in kompakter Form alle relevanten Problemkreise. Zahlreiche Beispiele mit Lösungen sowie prägnante Merksätze fördern das Verständnis. Das Buch basiert auf dem Rechtsstand 1. Dezember 2002 und eignet sich auch ideal für die Vorbereitung auf die Steuerberater-Prüfung.

Internationales Steuerrecht: Grundlagen für Studium und Steuerberaterprüfung

by Christiana Djanani

Verglichen mit der nationalen Steuerplanung ist das Internationale Steuerrecht deutlich komplexer, da nicht nur eine einzelne Steuerrechtsordnung sondern drei Rechtskreise zu beachten sind. Dieses fundierte Lehrbuch führt verständlich und umfassend in die komplizierte Materie des Internationalen Steuerrechts ein. Djanani/Brähler berücksichtigen in kompakter Form alle relevanten Problemkreise. Zahlreiche Beispiele mit Lösungen sowie prägnante Merksätze fördern das Verständnis. "Internationales Steuerrecht" befindet sich mit der zweiten Auflage wieder auf dem aktuellsten Rechtsstand und eignet sich auch ideal für die Vorbereitung auf die Steuerberater-Prüfung.

Internationales Strafrecht: Strafanwendungsrecht - Völkerstrafrecht - Europäisches Strafrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Christoph Safferling

Der Band bietet eine systematische Einführung in das Strafanwendungsrecht, das Europäische Strafrecht nach dem Lissabon-Vertrag sowie das Völkerstrafrecht auf der Grundlage des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs. Zahlreiche Beispielfälle dienen der Erläuterung und der Vertiefung des Lernstoffs. Übersichten und Prüfungsschemata helfen, den Überblick zu behalten. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Darstellung den historischen und kriminalpolitischen Rahmenbedingungen sowie auf der methodischen Herleitung.

Internationales Strafrecht im Cyberspace: Strafrechtliche Analyse der Rechtslage in Deutschland, Russland und den USA

by Svetlana Paramonova

​Noch nie in der Geschichte der Zivilisation war das Überqueren geopolitischer Grenzen so leicht und schnell. Grenzenlosigkeit des Cyberspace und Begrenztheit des nationalen Strafanwendungsraums stellen ein Dilemma für alle dar, die Lösungen für die strafrechtliche Zuständigkeit im Cyberspace benötigen. Durch die vergleichende Analyse der Rechtslage in Deutschland, Russland und den USA mit integrierter Falllösung kommt die Autorin zu folgendem Ergebnis: Die nationalen Alleingänge sind in der Lösung des Problems der strafrechtlichen „Allzuständigkeit“ im Cyberspace zum Scheitern verurteilt. Alleinig ist eine internationale Lösung denkbar. Absehbar ist, dass sich ohne die Schaffung international anerkannter Zuständigkeitsregelungen bzw. entsprechender internationaler Institutionen, etwa eines Internationalen Cybercrime Gerichtshofs, eine zunehmend extensive extraterritoriale Anwendung nationalen Strafrechts zur Quelle zwischenstaatlicher Spannungen entwickelt.

Internationales Versicherungsvertragsrecht

by Heinrich Dörner

Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht - Schnell erfasst (Recht - schnell erfasst)

by Ludwig Gramlich

Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht - schnell erfasst behandelt in einem Allgemeinen Teil zunächst die Rechtsquellen und -gebiete einschließlich des Verhältnisses zu nationalen Rechtsordnungen, sodann Grundlagen, nämlich wichtige Akteure (vor allem Staaten, Internationale Organisationen), die Einbindung in die allgemeine internationale Ordnung, einen Überblick über wesentliche Sektoren (Investitionen, geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerb etc.), Fragen der Implementierung, schließlich der Streitbeilegung und des Rechtsschutzes. Der Besondere Teil befasst sich mit ausgewählten materiell-rechtlichen Problemen, wie dem (Völker-)Recht des Warenhandels, des internationalen Dienstleistungs-, Kapital- und Zahlungsverkehrs sowie des wirtschaftsrelevanten Personenverkehrs und abschließend mit Aspekten öffentlicher Aufträge. Das Werk verbindet zudem das Sachverzeichnis mit einem Glossar und bereitet die einzelnen Kapitel durch Fragen vor, die am jeweiligen Ende (den Text ergänzend) beantwortet werden.

The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law: A View from the Venice Commission (Parliamentary Democracy in Europe)

by Sergio Bartole

In this book one of the longest-standing members of The Venice Commission reflects on the work of the institution to show how constitutional law in Europe (and beyond) has become increasingly borderless. Over nine chapters, the book tracks the work of the Commission, illustrating the law both in action and in its broader political and historical context. It looks at its treatment of the judiciary and judicial conflicts, including the present crisis of the rule of law in Central Eastern Europe Member States of the European Union. Finally it suggests how all this can only be sensibly understood as a feature of the broader trend towards the internationalisation of constitutional law.

The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law: A View from the Venice Commission (Parliamentary Democracy in Europe)

by Sergio Bartole

In this book one of the longest-standing members of The Venice Commission reflects on the work of the institution to show how constitutional law in Europe (and beyond) has become increasingly borderless. Over nine chapters, the book tracks the work of the Commission, illustrating the law both in action and in its broader political and historical context. It looks at its treatment of the judiciary and judicial conflicts, including the present crisis of the rule of law in Central Eastern Europe Member States of the European Union. Finally it suggests how all this can only be sensibly understood as a feature of the broader trend towards the internationalisation of constitutional law.

The Internationalisation of Corruption: Scale, Impact and Countermeasures

by Clare Fletcher Daniela Herrmann

Corruption scandals hit the headlines all around the world, across a diverse range of institutional, organisational and cultural settings. Corruption is a major obstacle to political, social and economic development - its 'internationalisation' has had profound implications for counter corruption efforts. The Internationalisation of Corruption provides readers with an analytical framework with which to approach the issue of corruption in international affairs, from the perspective of international studies as an interdisciplinary space in the social sciences. The authors also examine the implications of corruption in world politics, international business and global finance; how corruption is linked to transnational crime networks; and the consequences of corruption for international development and world health. The Internationalisation of Corruption addresses the following questions: ¢

The Internationalisation of Corruption: Scale, Impact and Countermeasures

by Clare Fletcher Daniela Herrmann

Corruption scandals hit the headlines all around the world, across a diverse range of institutional, organisational and cultural settings. Corruption is a major obstacle to political, social and economic development - its 'internationalisation' has had profound implications for counter corruption efforts. The Internationalisation of Corruption provides readers with an analytical framework with which to approach the issue of corruption in international affairs, from the perspective of international studies as an interdisciplinary space in the social sciences. The authors also examine the implications of corruption in world politics, international business and global finance; how corruption is linked to transnational crime networks; and the consequences of corruption for international development and world health. The Internationalisation of Corruption addresses the following questions: ¢

The Internationalisation of Legal Education: The Future Practice Of Law (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law #19)

by Christophe Jamin William Van Caenegem

This volume provides an overview of the state of internationalisation of legal education (IOLE) in many civil law and common law countries. It provides a picture of the status of the debate about the shape and degree of internationalisation in the curriculum in the different countries, and the debates surrounding the adoption of a more international approach to legal education in the contemporary world. It is a compilation of the National Reports submitted for the August 2014 Congress of the IACL held at Vienna, and contains an introductory general report. Together, the reports examine such questions as: Why is the topic of internationalization of legal education on the agenda now? Why is it a relevant subject for examination today? Does the topic generate the same level of interest everywhere in the world? Is enthusiasm for IOLE mainly driven by the academic sector, by government, by multinational corporations? Is the interest closely linked with the globalization of the practice of law? Or is globalisation of law itself something of a myth, or a reality reserved for only a very small percentage of practising lawyers around the world? The general and national reports make clear that there is indeed widespread interest in IOLE, and numerous disparate initiatives around the world. Nonetheless, some National Reporters state that the topic is simply not on the agenda at all. All in all, the volume shows that the approaches to internationalisation are many and varied, but every jurisdiction recognises the importance of introducing aspiring lawyers to a more integrated global environment.

Internationalisierung des Rechts und seine ökonomische Analyse Internationalization of the Law and its Economic Analysis: Festschrift für Hans-Bernd Schäfer zum 65. Geburtstag

by Thomas Eger Claus Ott Jochen Bigus Georg Von Wangenheim

The interrelationship of law and economics has penetrated several areas of law, including general civil law, business law as well as constitutional law. 59 renowned legal scholars and economists of 15 countries discuss current fundamental issues in law and economics as well as its future perspectives. A special focus is placed on the Europeanisation and the internationalisation of the law.

Internationalization of Consumer Law: A Game Changer (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)

by Mateja Durovic Hans W. Micklitz

This book examines the institutions that are producing consumer law at the international level, the substantive issues enshrined in these laws, and the enforcement mechanisms meant to ensure effective protection. The majority of existing research is devoted to the comparative perspective, between countries or between the US and the EU. This book investigates the forceful activities of international and regional organizations, and shifts the focus of research to the internationalization of consumer law, which is largely neglected in particular in the Western-centered political and legal debate. Much of what constitutes consumer law today is focused on banking and finance, and more broadly the financialization and digitalization of the global economy, and society has created a shift in international consumer law production. This book investigates the role that international organizations have on the creation and enforcement of consumer law, and will be of interest to consumer lawyers, practitioners, and officials in organizations such as the United Nations, European Union, and World Bank.

Internationalization of Law: Globalization, International Law and Complexity

by Marcelo Dias Varella

The book provides an overview of how international law is today constructed through diverse macro and microprocesses that expand its traditional subjects and sources, with the attribution of sovereign capacity and power to the international plane (moving the international toward the national). Simultaneously, national laws approximate laws of other nations (moving among nations or moving the national toward the international) and new sources of legal norms emerge, independent of states and international organisations. This expansion occurs in many subject areas, with specific structures: commercial, environmental, human rights, humanitarian, financial, criminal and labor law contribute to the formation of post national law with different modes of functioning, different actors and different sources of law that should be understood as a new complexity of law.

The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Yves Dezalay Bryant G. Garth

How does globalization work? Focusing on Latin America, Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth show that exports of expertise and ideals from the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have played a crucial role in transforming their state forms and economies since World War II. Based on more than 300 extensive interviews with major players in governments, foundations, law firms, universities, and think tanks, Dezalay and Garth examine both the production of northern exports such as neoliberal economics and international human rights law and the ways they are received south of the United States. They find that the content of what is exported and how it fares are profoundly shaped by domestic struggles for power and influence—"palace wars"—in the nations involved. For instance, challenges to the eastern intellectual establishment influenced the Reagan-era export of University of Chicago-style neoliberal economics to Chile, where it enjoyed a warm reception from Pinochet and his allies because they could use it to discredit the previous regime. Innovative and sophisticated, The Internationalization of Palace Wars offers much needed concrete information about the transnational processes that shape our world.

The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Yves Dezalay Bryant G. Garth

How does globalization work? Focusing on Latin America, Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth show that exports of expertise and ideals from the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have played a crucial role in transforming their state forms and economies since World War II. Based on more than 300 extensive interviews with major players in governments, foundations, law firms, universities, and think tanks, Dezalay and Garth examine both the production of northern exports such as neoliberal economics and international human rights law and the ways they are received south of the United States. They find that the content of what is exported and how it fares are profoundly shaped by domestic struggles for power and influence—"palace wars"—in the nations involved. For instance, challenges to the eastern intellectual establishment influenced the Reagan-era export of University of Chicago-style neoliberal economics to Chile, where it enjoyed a warm reception from Pinochet and his allies because they could use it to discredit the previous regime. Innovative and sophisticated, The Internationalization of Palace Wars offers much needed concrete information about the transnational processes that shape our world.

The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Yves Dezalay Bryant G. Garth

How does globalization work? Focusing on Latin America, Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth show that exports of expertise and ideals from the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have played a crucial role in transforming their state forms and economies since World War II. Based on more than 300 extensive interviews with major players in governments, foundations, law firms, universities, and think tanks, Dezalay and Garth examine both the production of northern exports such as neoliberal economics and international human rights law and the ways they are received south of the United States. They find that the content of what is exported and how it fares are profoundly shaped by domestic struggles for power and influence—"palace wars"—in the nations involved. For instance, challenges to the eastern intellectual establishment influenced the Reagan-era export of University of Chicago-style neoliberal economics to Chile, where it enjoyed a warm reception from Pinochet and his allies because they could use it to discredit the previous regime. Innovative and sophisticated, The Internationalization of Palace Wars offers much needed concrete information about the transnational processes that shape our world.

The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Yves Dezalay Bryant G. Garth

How does globalization work? Focusing on Latin America, Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth show that exports of expertise and ideals from the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have played a crucial role in transforming their state forms and economies since World War II. Based on more than 300 extensive interviews with major players in governments, foundations, law firms, universities, and think tanks, Dezalay and Garth examine both the production of northern exports such as neoliberal economics and international human rights law and the ways they are received south of the United States. They find that the content of what is exported and how it fares are profoundly shaped by domestic struggles for power and influence—"palace wars"—in the nations involved. For instance, challenges to the eastern intellectual establishment influenced the Reagan-era export of University of Chicago-style neoliberal economics to Chile, where it enjoyed a warm reception from Pinochet and his allies because they could use it to discredit the previous regime. Innovative and sophisticated, The Internationalization of Palace Wars offers much needed concrete information about the transnational processes that shape our world.

The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Yves Dezalay Bryant G. Garth

How does globalization work? Focusing on Latin America, Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth show that exports of expertise and ideals from the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have played a crucial role in transforming their state forms and economies since World War II. Based on more than 300 extensive interviews with major players in governments, foundations, law firms, universities, and think tanks, Dezalay and Garth examine both the production of northern exports such as neoliberal economics and international human rights law and the ways they are received south of the United States. They find that the content of what is exported and how it fares are profoundly shaped by domestic struggles for power and influence—"palace wars"—in the nations involved. For instance, challenges to the eastern intellectual establishment influenced the Reagan-era export of University of Chicago-style neoliberal economics to Chile, where it enjoyed a warm reception from Pinochet and his allies because they could use it to discredit the previous regime. Innovative and sophisticated, The Internationalization of Palace Wars offers much needed concrete information about the transnational processes that shape our world.

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Showing 28,726 through 28,750 of 57,302 results