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Showing 28,751 through 28,775 of 57,302 results

The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Yves Dezalay Bryant G. Garth

How does globalization work? Focusing on Latin America, Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth show that exports of expertise and ideals from the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico have played a crucial role in transforming their state forms and economies since World War II. Based on more than 300 extensive interviews with major players in governments, foundations, law firms, universities, and think tanks, Dezalay and Garth examine both the production of northern exports such as neoliberal economics and international human rights law and the ways they are received south of the United States. They find that the content of what is exported and how it fares are profoundly shaped by domestic struggles for power and influence—"palace wars"—in the nations involved. For instance, challenges to the eastern intellectual establishment influenced the Reagan-era export of University of Chicago-style neoliberal economics to Chile, where it enjoyed a warm reception from Pinochet and his allies because they could use it to discredit the previous regime. Innovative and sophisticated, The Internationalization of Palace Wars offers much needed concrete information about the transnational processes that shape our world.

Internationalized Armed Conflicts in International Law (Oxford Monographs in International Humanitarian & Criminal Law)

by Kubo Macak

This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of factors that transform a prima facie non-international armed conflict (NIAC) into an international armed conflict (IAC) and the consequences that follow from this process of internationalization. It examines in detail the historical development as well as the current state of the relevant rules of international humanitarian law. The discussion is grounded in general international law, complemented with abundant references to case law, and illustrated by examples from twentieth and twenty-first century armed conflicts. In Part I, the book puts forward a thorough catalogue of modalities of conflict internationalization that includes outside intervention, State dissolution, and recognition of belligerency. It then specifically considers the legal qualification of complex situations that feature more than two conflict parties and contrasts the mechanism of internationalization of armed conflicts with the reverse process of de-internationalization. Part II of the book challenges the conventional wisdom that members of non-State armed groups do not normally benefit from combatant status. It argues that the majority of fighters belonging to non-State armed groups in most types of internationalized armed conflicts are in fact eligible for combatant status. Finally, Part III turns to belligerent occupation, traditionally understood as a leading example of a notion that cannot be transposed to armed conflicts occurring in the territory of a single State. By contrast, the book argues in favour of the applicability of the law of belligerent occupation to internationalized armed conflicts.

Internationalized Armed Conflicts in International Law (Oxford Monographs in International Humanitarian & Criminal Law)

by Kubo Macak

This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of factors that transform a prima facie non-international armed conflict (NIAC) into an international armed conflict (IAC) and the consequences that follow from this process of internationalization. It examines in detail the historical development as well as the current state of the relevant rules of international humanitarian law. The discussion is grounded in general international law, complemented with abundant references to case law, and illustrated by examples from twentieth and twenty-first century armed conflicts. In Part I, the book puts forward a thorough catalogue of modalities of conflict internationalization that includes outside intervention, State dissolution, and recognition of belligerency. It then specifically considers the legal qualification of complex situations that feature more than two conflict parties and contrasts the mechanism of internationalization of armed conflicts with the reverse process of de-internationalization. Part II of the book challenges the conventional wisdom that members of non-State armed groups do not normally benefit from combatant status. It argues that the majority of fighters belonging to non-State armed groups in most types of internationalized armed conflicts are in fact eligible for combatant status. Finally, Part III turns to belligerent occupation, traditionally understood as a leading example of a notion that cannot be transposed to armed conflicts occurring in the territory of a single State. By contrast, the book argues in favour of the applicability of the law of belligerent occupation to internationalized armed conflicts.

Interne Abkommen: Völkerrechtliche Verträge zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #252)

by Julia Heesen

Die Europäische Union hebt sich durch ausdifferenzierte Rechtsetzungsmechanismen und Handlungsformen vom klassischen, durch zwischenstaatliche Verträge geprägten Völkerrecht ab. Angesichts dessen erstaunt es, dass zwischen den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten nach wie vor ein dichtes Netz völkerrechtlicher Verträge besteht. Eine Auswertung der Vertragspraxis zeigt, dass die Abkommen passgenau auf gleichzeitig geltendes einschlägiges Unionsrecht abgestimmt sind. Sie konkurrieren in aller Regel nicht mit ihm, sondern sind Bestandteil eines ebenenübergreifenden Rechts des Europäischen Verbunds. Soweit mit der Rechtserzeugung außerhalb der Unionsorgane Gefahren für die Einheit des Unionsrechts und die Inklusivität unionaler Rechtsetzung verbunden sind, begegnet ihnen das Europäische Verfassungsrecht mit den bewährten Instrumenten der Kompetenzordnung, des Loyalitätsgebots und des Vorrangs.

Interne Erhebungen in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen mit Auslandsbezug: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fälle VW, DFB und FIFA (Juridicum - Schriften zum Wirtschaftsstrafrecht #2)

by Oliver Jedynak

Die Dissertation durchmisst ein ausweislich des Koalitionsvertrages für die 19. Legislaturperiode gesetzgeberisch noch unzulänglich strukturiertes Feld des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts. Oliver Jedynak untersucht die besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei internen Erhebungen, bei denen die Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Rechtsgebiete zu beachten sind. Auch die Tätigkeit eines Unternehmensanwalts wirft eine Reihe rechtlicher und praktischer Fragen auf, wenn es darum geht, Unternehmen im Hinblick auf drohende oder bereits anhängige Ermittlungsverfahren zu beraten. Hier spielt insbesondere die Frage nach der Beschlagnahmefreiheit von anwaltlichen Unterlagen eine große Rolle. Durch die aktuellen Fälle VW, DFB und FIFA sowie das Urteil des BVerfG in der Causa Jones-Day sind interne Erhebungen wieder in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit gerückt.

Interne Kontrollsysteme im Finanzbereich: Wirksame und effiziente Steuerung, Kontrolle und Überwachung (essentials)

by Stefan Hunziker Stefan Renggli Marcel Fallegger

Die Autoren zeigen in diesem essential auf, wie ein internes Kontrollsystem (IKS) insbesondere in kleinen und mittelgroßen Unternehmen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur finanziellen Führung leisten kann. Zahlreiche konkrete Beispiele und Lösungsansätze aus der Praxis erläutern, wie sich ein IKS pragmatisch und nutzenstiftend umsetzen lässt. Im Finanzbereich ist es ein unverzichtbares Element guter Unternehmensführung – unabhängig von der gesetzlichen Situation. Ein angemessen ausgestaltetes IKS stellt ein effektives Steuerungssystem dar, das eine effiziente operative Planung und Führung des Finanzbereichs unterstützt. Es leistet u. a. einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Steuerung und Kontrolle der Liquidität, zur Effizienzsteigerung finanzieller Prozesse und letztlich zu einem nachhaltigen Unternehmenswachstum.

Interne Revision und Compliance: Operative Grundlagen und Recht

by Jörg Berwanger Ulrich Hahn

Das Buch zeigt die Grundlagen der Internen Revision, mit Blick auf die Compliance. Der Rechtsteil behandelt wesentliche Rechtsfragen beider Unternehmensfunktionen. Der operative Teil orientiert sich an den typischen Revisionsaufgaben und Revisionsprozessen im privatwirtschaftlichen und im öffentlichen Kontext – mit Spiegelung zu den Aufgaben der Compliance. Der Fokus liegt auf einer pragmatisch-praxistauglichen Darstellung, Erläuterung und Umsetzung der Berufsgrundlagen und Best Practices der Internen Revision.Das Werk bietet eine fundierte Übersicht über die Grundlagen und die Ursprünge der Compliance- und Revisionsarbeit – und geht dabei auf erfrischende Weise über den sonst üblichen rein rechtlichen Rahmen hinaus. Der Bezug auf aktuelle Themen, verbunden mit einer direkten und offenen Auseinandersetzung mit Fehlern und Schwachstellen im System der Unternehmenscompliance, machen das Buch zu einer sehr lesenswerten Lektüre.Jörg Nierhaus, LL.M., Chief Compliance Officer, Essen

The Internet and Constitutional Law: The protection of fundamental rights and constitutional adjudication in Europe (Routledge Research in Constitutional Law)

by Oreste Pollicino Graziella Romeo

This book analyses emerging constitutional principles addressing the regulation of the internet at both the national and the supranational level. These principles have arisen from cases involving the protection of fundamental rights. This is the reason why the book explores the topic thorough the lens of constitutional adjudication, developing an analysis of Courts’ argumentation. The volume examines the gradual consolidation of a "constitutional core" of internet law at the supranational level. It addresses the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union case law, before going on to explore Constitutional or Supreme Courts’ decisions in individual jurisdictions in Europe and the US. The contributions to the volume discuss the possibility of the "constitutionalization" of internet law, calling into question the thesis of the so-called anarchic nature of the internet.

The Internet and Constitutional Law: The protection of fundamental rights and constitutional adjudication in Europe (Routledge Research in Constitutional Law)

by Oreste Pollicino Graziella Romeo

This book analyses emerging constitutional principles addressing the regulation of the internet at both the national and the supranational level. These principles have arisen from cases involving the protection of fundamental rights. This is the reason why the book explores the topic thorough the lens of constitutional adjudication, developing an analysis of Courts’ argumentation. The volume examines the gradual consolidation of a "constitutional core" of internet law at the supranational level. It addresses the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union case law, before going on to explore Constitutional or Supreme Courts’ decisions in individual jurisdictions in Europe and the US. The contributions to the volume discuss the possibility of the "constitutionalization" of internet law, calling into question the thesis of the so-called anarchic nature of the internet.

Internet and Electronic Commerce Law in the European Union

by John Dickie

This book outlines and analyses the legislative activity of the Union in an area which is currently experiencing exponential growth in terms of both commercial activity and legal significance. The scope of the book is current,pending and proposed Internet-related law on contracts, copyright, data protection, commercial communications, financial services, electronic cash and electronic signatures. John Dickie argues that the Union is in the process of displacing Member State autonomy in the regulation of the Internet. Within that frame, it is argued that there is a lack of focus on the individual in the electronic marketplace and a lack of co-ordination between relevant legislative instruments. This book will be of interest to all those engaged with Union and Internet law, including lawyers, policy-makers and academics.

Internet and Network Economics: 5th International Workshop, WINE 2009, Rome, Italy, December 14-18, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #5929)

by Stefano Leonardi

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, WINE 2009, held in Rome, Italy, in December 2009. The 34 regular and 29 short revised full papers presented together with 3 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 142 submissions. The papers address various topics in theoretical computer science, networking and security, economics, mathematics, sociology, and management sciences devoted to the analysis of problems arising in the internet and the worldwide Web, such as auction algorithms, computational advertising, general and majority equilibrium, coalitions, collective action, economics aspects of security and privacy in distributed and network computing, algorithmic design and game theory, information economics, network games, price dynamics, and social networks.

The Internet and the Emerging Importance of New Forms of Intellectual Property (Information Law Series Set)

by Susy Frankel Daniel Gervais

The term ‘intellectual property’ has come to include numerous intangible rights beyond the traditional ‘Big Three’ (patent, trademark and copyright) – rights that force us to reconsider and maybe also change the object and purpose of intellectual property (IP). Not only do these rights generally have less solid normative footing and few if any well understood inherent limits, but the borders of their misappropriation are hard to draw. This groundbreaking book scrutinizes the existence of commonalities in this realm, and poses the question of what risks and advantages accrue to such IP or ‘IP-like’ rights. Sixteen distinguished contributors offer in-depth analyses of such rights as the following: - trade secrets; - image and publicity rights; - geographical indications; - traditional knowledge; - protection of databases; and - sports rights and ambush marketing. Recommendations and solutions investigated include the use of specialized courts or judges and of private standards. There are also thoughtful considerations of practices such as forum-shifting and an analysis of the special value of evolving Chinese law as a ‘norm laboratory’. Two chapters discuss the complexities of enforcement. Enforcement impacts substantive intellectual property and can be said to be its own ‘form’ of IP. Practitioners, judges, academics, and policymakers will all welcome this work and value it highly. Its contributors collectively take a giant step toward clarifying and synthesizing one of the most baffling areas of current law both internationally and at national level around the globe.

Internet-Auktionen: Gewerberecht - Zivilrecht - Strafrecht (Springer Praxis & Recht)

by Stefan Gurmann

Die vorliegende Monographie beruht auf meiner im Sommer 2003 abgeschlossenen und von der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz approbierten Dissertation. Der Text wurde aktualisiert und ergänzt. Literatur und Judikatur wurden bis August 2004 berücksichtigt und eingearbeitet. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schmölzer für die freundliche Ermutigung und Ermunterung zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung sowie die in zahlreichen Diskussionen gewonnenen Denkansätze auf den Gebieten des Straf- und Informatikrechts. Zu großem Dank bin ich Univ. Prof. Dr. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger (John F. Kennedy School of Government/Harvard University) verpflichtet, der mir durch seine kritische und gewinnbringende Rezension der Arbeit sowie seinen innovativen Geist neue Zugänge zur Materie aufgezeigt hat. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist es mir, einen Dank an Univ. Ass. Dr. Martin Dorr auszusprechen, der mir mit seinem fundierten Wissen auf dem Gebiet des Strafrechts sowie der juristischen Arbeitsweise und Rechtssprache in unzähligen Gesprächen und Diskussionen zur Seite stand. Außerdem möchte ich o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter J. Schick, ehemaliger Vorstand des Instituts für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Kri- nologie an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz für die freundliche Förderung der Arbeit danken. Ich widme diese Arbeit meiner Familie, die mich stets liebevoll unterstützt und großzügig gefördert hat.

Internet Child Pornography: Causes, Investigation, and Prevention (Global Crime and Justice)

by Richard Wortley Stephen Smallbone

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the problem of Internet child pornography that spotlights the connection between technology and behavior, presenting practical suggestions for reducing this pervasive problem.The role of the Internet in fueling the problem of child pornography is enormous. Prior to the Internet, child pornography was typically locally produced, of poor quality, expensive, and difficult to obtain. United States' law enforcement officials were able to boast in the late 1970s that the traffic in child pornography had virtually been eliminated. The advent of the Internet in the 1980s made vast quantities of child pornography instantly available in the privacy of the viewer's home. Today, child pornography largely exists because of the opportunities provided by the Internet.Internet Child Pornography provides a comprehensive overview of the issue by describing the problem of child pornography, examining the impact of the Internet, and presenting a profile of users. With this foundation in place, the authors then address responses to child pornography and shed light on the complexities of dealing with criminal activities that are perpetrated largely online—for example, the fact that people behave differently in online environments than they do in other areas of their lives. The book examines prevention efforts designed to reduce access to child pornography, law enforcement responses designed to catch known offenders, and treatment responses designed to reduce reoffending.

Internet Child Pornography: Causes, Investigation, and Prevention (Global Crime and Justice)

by Richard Wortley Stephen Smallbone

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the problem of Internet child pornography that spotlights the connection between technology and behavior, presenting practical suggestions for reducing this pervasive problem.The role of the Internet in fueling the problem of child pornography is enormous. Prior to the Internet, child pornography was typically locally produced, of poor quality, expensive, and difficult to obtain. United States' law enforcement officials were able to boast in the late 1970s that the traffic in child pornography had virtually been eliminated. The advent of the Internet in the 1980s made vast quantities of child pornography instantly available in the privacy of the viewer's home. Today, child pornography largely exists because of the opportunities provided by the Internet.Internet Child Pornography provides a comprehensive overview of the issue by describing the problem of child pornography, examining the impact of the Internet, and presenting a profile of users. With this foundation in place, the authors then address responses to child pornography and shed light on the complexities of dealing with criminal activities that are perpetrated largely online—for example, the fact that people behave differently in online environments than they do in other areas of their lives. The book examines prevention efforts designed to reduce access to child pornography, law enforcement responses designed to catch known offenders, and treatment responses designed to reduce reoffending.

Internet Child Pornography and the Law: National and International Responses

by Yaman Akdeniz

This book provides a critical assessment of the problem of internet child pornography and its governance through legal and non-legal means, including a comparative assessment of laws in England and Wales, the United States of America and Canada in recognition that governments have a compelling interest to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation. The internet raises novel and complex challenges to existing regulatory regimes. Efforts towards legal harmonization at the European Union, Council of Europe, and United Nations level are examined in this context and the utility of additional and alternative methods of regulation explored. This book argues that effective implementation, enforcement and harmonization of laws could substantially help to reduce the availability and dissemination of child pornography on the internet. At the same time, panic-led policies must be avoided if the wider problems of child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation are to be meaningfully addressed.

Internet Child Pornography and the Law: National and International Responses

by Yaman Akdeniz

This book provides a critical assessment of the problem of internet child pornography and its governance through legal and non-legal means, including a comparative assessment of laws in England and Wales, the United States of America and Canada in recognition that governments have a compelling interest to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation. The internet raises novel and complex challenges to existing regulatory regimes. Efforts towards legal harmonization at the European Union, Council of Europe, and United Nations level are examined in this context and the utility of additional and alternative methods of regulation explored. This book argues that effective implementation, enforcement and harmonization of laws could substantially help to reduce the availability and dissemination of child pornography on the internet. At the same time, panic-led policies must be avoided if the wider problems of child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation are to be meaningfully addressed.

Internet Discourse and Health Debates

by K. Richardson

Applying multimodal textual analysis to the languages and images of on-line communication forms, Kay Richardson shows, from an applied linguistic perspective, how the Internet is being used for global, interactive communication about public health risks. Detailed case studies of the possible risks posed by SARS, by mobile phones and by the vaccination of babies against childhood diseases are situated within the context of research on computer-mediated communication, as well as within the broader social context of globalization and discourses of risk and trust.

Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit

by Joseph T. Wells

Real case studies on Internet fraud written by real fraud examiners Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit is a one-of-a-kind collection of actual cases written by the fraud examiners who investigated them. These stories were hand-selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive, enlightening and entertaining picture of the many types of Internet fraud in varied industries throughout the world. Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered, how it was investigated, and how perpetrators were brought to justice Topics included are phishing, on-line auction fraud, security breaches, counterfeiting, and others Other titles by Wells: Fraud Casebook, Principles of Fraud Examination, and Computer Fraud Casebook This book reveals the dangers of Internet fraud and the measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit

by Joseph T. Wells

Real case studies on Internet fraud written by real fraud examiners Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit is a one-of-a-kind collection of actual cases written by the fraud examiners who investigated them. These stories were hand-selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive, enlightening and entertaining picture of the many types of Internet fraud in varied industries throughout the world. Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered, how it was investigated, and how perpetrators were brought to justice Topics included are phishing, on-line auction fraud, security breaches, counterfeiting, and others Other titles by Wells: Fraud Casebook, Principles of Fraud Examination, and Computer Fraud Casebook This book reveals the dangers of Internet fraud and the measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Internet Governance by Contract

by Lee A. Bygrave

This book presents a transnational and transsystemic perspective on the role of contract in Internet Governance, and considers parameters for assessing the utility and legitimacy of contracts in this context. Bygrave presents definitions and parameters of internet governance and the role of contract alongside examples of how these are used in the ever-changing internet world. He examines topical and well-known mediums such as Facebook in relation to their policies and online parameters. Taking into account legal developments across jurisdictions and within both common law and civil law systems, Bygrave explores the idea of the contract as the principal means of governing the virtual world.

Internet Governance by Contract

by Lee A. Bygrave

This book presents a transnational and transsystemic perspective on the role of contract in Internet Governance, and considers parameters for assessing the utility and legitimacy of contracts in this context. Bygrave presents definitions and parameters of internet governance and the role of contract alongside examples of how these are used in the ever-changing internet world. He examines topical and well-known mediums such as Facebook in relation to their policies and online parameters. Taking into account legal developments across jurisdictions and within both common law and civil law systems, Bygrave explores the idea of the contract as the principal means of governing the virtual world.

Internet Infidelity: An Interdisciplinary Insight in a Global Context

by Sanjeev P. Sahni Garima Jain

This volume discusses the phenomenon of internet infidelity by looking at the psychological, social, legal, and technological aspects involved in such behaviour. The rise of social media as well as technological advancements that create ‘real’ experiences online have made it possible for people to engage in multiple kinds of online relationships. These create concerns about regulating such activities via national and international law, as well as psychological and social concerns of understanding the overall impact of such behaviour. Therefore, this volume, which includes perspectives from across the world, asks and addresses some fundamental questions: Does internet infidelity amount to cheating? How is virtual infidelity different from actual infidelity? What are the social, interpersonal and psychological impacts of internet infidelity? Do people in different cultures view online infidelity differently? What are the myths associated with online infidelity? What are the various intervention measures or therapeutic techniques for treating people who are addicted to cybersex or pornography? The legal dimensions of internet cheating are equally important since adultery is considered as a criminal offence in some countries. As yet, there is no universally accepted definition of internet infidelity and legal perspectives become very important in understanding the phenomenon. This volume includes grand theory approaches as well as detailed case studies and provides unique and multidisciplinary insights into internet cheating. It is ideal for marital therapists, counsellors, criminologists, legislators, and both researchers and students.

Internet Intermediaries and Copyright Law: EU and US Perspectives

by Stefan Kulk

All forms of online communications and interactions between people and companies on the Internet are facilitated by intermediaries – service providers whose decisions and policies have a shaping effect on the Internet, its users and the information shared on it. Today, because such intermediaries employ technologies that go well beyond the mere transmission and storage of information into new realms potentially disrupting existing business models, a rethinking of existing relevant law is called for. The legal analysis and recommendations in this book put the topic of intermediary liability in the perspective of copyright law and offer a vision on how to regulate that liability. In the context of in-depth and up-to-date analyses on EU, US, German and Dutch law, the author discusses such issues and topics as the following: the liability rules in the new Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market; liability for the intermediary’s own copyright infringements (primary liability); the intermediary’s responsibility to stop or prevent the infringements of others (secondary liability); the role that fundamental rights play in copyright law and intermediary liability; the rights and interests of copyright owners, intermediaries and users, and how they are protected; notice-and-takedown by service providers; website blocking by Internet access providers; the publisher’s rights and the use of online articles by platforms; legal status of hyperlinks under copyright law; and search engine use of copyrighted materials. A focus on the strengths and weaknesses of existing EU copyright law concerning Internet intermediaries in terms of how future-proof that law is, includes detailed attention to legislation, regulation and case law. With its deeply informed guidance with respect to the methods of regulation in a domain that is heavily influenced by technological developments, this book will be welcomed by policymakers, legislators, academics, judges and practitioners working in the area of copyright law as applied to the Internet. The detailed attention to the extent to which an intermediary can be held liable for copyright infringements in both the EU and the US will prove highly beneficial for in-house counsellors and advisors working for rights holder organizations and intermediary service providers.

Internet Intermediaries and Trade Mark Rights (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property)

by Althaf Marsoof

Despite the apparent advantages of the internet, there is little debate that it facilitates intellectual property infringements, including infringements of trade mark rights. Infringers not only remain hidden by the anonymity the internet provides but also take advantage of its increasing reach and the associated challenges with regard to cross-border enforcement of rights. These factors, among others, have rendered the internet a growing source of counterfeit and other infringing products. It has, therefore, become necessary for right holders to shift their focus from individual infringers to internet intermediaries, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), hosts and navigation providers, which are responsible in numerous ways for making content promoting infringements available to internet users. In light of these developments, this book conducts a comprehensive analysis of the liability of such intermediaries for trade mark infringements and considers the associated issues and challenges in the diverging approaches under which liability may be imposed. At present, however, neither UK trade mark law nor English common-law principles relating to accessorial liability provide a basis to hold internet intermediaries liable for trade mark infringements. As such, this book considers approaches adopted in some of the Continental European countries and the US in order to propose reforms aimed at addressing gaps in the existing legal framework. This book also examines alternative remedies, such as notice and takedown and injunctions, and discusses the associated shortcomings of each of these remedies.

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