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Showing 30,276 through 30,300 of 57,703 results

The Judiciary, Discrimination Law and Statutory Interpretation: Easy Cases Making Bad Law

by Michael Connolly

In 1856, the US Supreme Court denied Dred Scott, now free of slavery, his Constitutional rights, solely because he was black. According to the Court, when the Constitution was drafted, some 60 years earlier, its authors would not have intended that ‘a subordinate and inferior class of beings’ qualified as citizens of the United States. Thus, the meaning of language drafted over half a century before was frozen in time. This case, perhaps more than any other, demonstrates that the matter of statutory interpretation is critical, technical, and, sometimes, highly emotive. The case is not a mere nugget from history to indulge our disgust with values of another age, and with it a satisfaction of our progress to today’s higher moral ground. It is the unfortunate case that the senior courts of England continue to produce highly contentious interpretations of our equality and discrimination laws. This book examines these cases from the perspective of statutory interpretation, the judge’s primary function. The scrutiny finds the judgments technically flawed, overcomplicated, excessively long, and often unduly restrictive. As such, this book explains how the cases should have been resolved – using conventional methods of interpretation; this would have produced simpler, technically sound judgments. Rather like the case of Dred Scott, these were easy cases producing bad law.

The Judiciary, Discrimination Law and Statutory Interpretation: Easy Cases Making Bad Law

by Michael Connolly

In 1856, the US Supreme Court denied Dred Scott, now free of slavery, his Constitutional rights, solely because he was black. According to the Court, when the Constitution was drafted, some 60 years earlier, its authors would not have intended that ‘a subordinate and inferior class of beings’ qualified as citizens of the United States. Thus, the meaning of language drafted over half a century before was frozen in time. This case, perhaps more than any other, demonstrates that the matter of statutory interpretation is critical, technical, and, sometimes, highly emotive. The case is not a mere nugget from history to indulge our disgust with values of another age, and with it a satisfaction of our progress to today’s higher moral ground. It is the unfortunate case that the senior courts of England continue to produce highly contentious interpretations of our equality and discrimination laws. This book examines these cases from the perspective of statutory interpretation, the judge’s primary function. The scrutiny finds the judgments technically flawed, overcomplicated, excessively long, and often unduly restrictive. As such, this book explains how the cases should have been resolved – using conventional methods of interpretation; this would have produced simpler, technically sound judgments. Rather like the case of Dred Scott, these were easy cases producing bad law.

Judith Butler: Ethics, Law, Politics (Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers)

by Elena Loizidou

The first to use Judith Butler’s work as a reading of how the legal subject is formed, this book traces how Butler comes to the themes of ethics, law and politics analyzing their interrelation and explaining how they relate to Butler’s question of how people can have more liveable and viable lives. Acknowledging the potency and influence of Butler’s ‘concept’ of gender as process, which occupies a well developed and well discussed position in current literature, Elena Loizidou argues that the possibility of people having more liveable and viable lives is articulated by Butler within the parameters of a sustained agonistic relationship between the three spheres of ethics, law and politics. Suggesting that Butler’s rounded understanding of the interrelationship of these three spheres will enable critical legal scholarship, as well as critical theory more generally, to consider how the question of life’s unsustainable conditions can be rethought and redressed, this book is a key read for all students of legal ethics, political philosophy and social theory.

Judith Butler: Ethics, Law, Politics (Nomikoi: Critical Legal Thinkers)

by Elena Loizidou

The first to use Judith Butler’s work as a reading of how the legal subject is formed, this book traces how Butler comes to the themes of ethics, law and politics analyzing their interrelation and explaining how they relate to Butler’s question of how people can have more liveable and viable lives. Acknowledging the potency and influence of Butler’s ‘concept’ of gender as process, which occupies a well developed and well discussed position in current literature, Elena Loizidou argues that the possibility of people having more liveable and viable lives is articulated by Butler within the parameters of a sustained agonistic relationship between the three spheres of ethics, law and politics. Suggesting that Butler’s rounded understanding of the interrelationship of these three spheres will enable critical legal scholarship, as well as critical theory more generally, to consider how the question of life’s unsustainable conditions can be rethought and redressed, this book is a key read for all students of legal ethics, political philosophy and social theory.

Jugend-„Gangs“: Entstehung, Struktur und Behandlungsmöglichkeit der Komplizengemeinschaft Jugendlicher (Kriminologische Abhandlungen #4)

by Otto Wilfert

Weg fiihrt zwangslaufig auf die entscheidende Rolle der Freizeit im asozialen Leben. Schon seit eh und je bringt die Freizeit bedeutend mehr Gefahren einer moralischen Entgleisung als die geregelte Arbeit, deren mannigfach gesteuerter Rhythmus ungleich weniger Gelegenheit zu selb­ standiger und damit fehlerhafter Entscheidung liefert. Je mehr der Mensch sich die Maschine unterwirft und im Zeitalter der Automation sie fUr sich sogar denken und sinnvoll handeln laBt, desto bedeutsamer wird seine Beschaftigung nach Feierabend und am Wochenende. Sie kann in gleicher Weise zu einer Quelle des Gliicks und der sozialen Geborgen­ heit werden wie zum Ul'sprung sittlicher Entwurzelung. Hier eroffnen sich fUr eine heilsame Sozialpolitik Mchst fruchtbare Betatigungsfelder mit unziihligen Fern- und Nahzielen. Eine der drin­ gendsten Aufgaben der Gegenwart ist es, die kriminell gefahrdete Jugend in ihrer Freizeit auf sozial gesunde Interessen zu fiihren und in ein Milieu zu bringen, in dem sie das Verstandnis fUr die sich aus der Ge­ meinschaft ergebende Notwendigkeit der Unterordnung individueller Interessen unter allgemeine Notwendigkeiten findet. Die heute leider mannigfach belastete und oft empfindlich gestOrte Familie vermag haufig diese ihr in erster Linie zukommende Aufgabe nicht zu bewaltigen.

Jugendstrafrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Klaus Laubenthal Helmut Baier

Das Themenspektrum reicht von der historischen Entwicklung über die Ursachen der Delinquenz junger Menschen, die Voraussetzungen der Ahndung von Fehlverhalten, die Sanktionsmöglichkeiten und die Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafverfahrens bis hin zu Vollstreckung und Vollzug. Unter Hinzuziehung von neuerer Rechtsprechung und Fallbeispielen werden die wesentlichen Problembereiche unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen exemplarisch erläutert.

Jugendstrafrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Klaus Laubenthal Helmut Baier Nina Nestler

Systematisch aufgebaut spannen die Autoren dieses Lehrbuchs den Bogen von der historischen Entwicklung über die Ursachen der Delinquenz junger Menschen, die Voraussetzungen der Ahndung von Fehlverhalten, die Sanktionsmöglichkeiten und die Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafverfahrens bis hin zu Vollstreckung und Vollzug. Unter Hinzuziehung von Rechtsprechung und Fallbeispielen werden die wesentlichen Problembereiche unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen exemplarisch erläutert. Jura-Studenten und alle mit Fragen des Jugendkriminalrechts Befasste finden wertvolle Antworten und hilfreiche Unterstützung. Autoren und Verlag haben großen Wert auf den lernspezifischen Zuschnitt gelegt. Die Auflage wurde entsprechend den maßgeblichen Gesetzesänderungen aktualisiert, die jüngste Rechtsprechung zum Jugendstrafrecht ist eingearbeitet.

Jugendstrafrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Klaus Laubenthal Helmut Baier Nina Nestler

Die Autoren spannen in dem Band den Bogen von der historischen Entwicklung über die Ursachen von Delinquenz, die Ahndung von Fehlverhalten, Sanktionsmöglichkeiten und Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafverfahrens bis hin zu Vollstreckung und Vollzug. Die wesentlichen Fragen erläutern sie anhand von Rechtsprechung und Fallbeispielen. In die Neuauflage sind die jüngsten Entwicklungen der Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung zur Sicherungsverwahrung ebenso eingeflossen wie das 2. JGGÄnderungsgesetz und das Gesetz zur Änderung des Untersuchungshaftrechts.

Juli Zeh: Text und Engagement (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #15)

by Erik Schilling

Juli Zeh verbindet zwei öffentliche Rollen: Sie ist Schriftstellerin und Juristin; sie trägt maßgeblich zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur bei, nimmt aber auch aktiv als ‚public intellectual‘ an öffentlichen Debatten teil. Der vorliegende Band untersucht daher gattungs- und literaturgeschichtliche Themen ebenso wie intertextuelle und theoretische Referenzpunkte, etwa zu Recht und Staat oder aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungsprozessen.Juli Zehs Werk, für Bühne und Film adaptiert sowie in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt und inzwischen auch Schullektüre, umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Texten: Einige arbeiten mit den Mustern der Spannungsliteratur („Adler und Engel“, „Schilf“), andere lassen sich als dystopische Romane verstehen („Corpus Delicti“, „Leere Herzen“). Jüngst sind mehrere Gesellschaftsstudien zu verzeichnen („Unterleuten“, „Über Menschen“, „Zwischen Welten“). Der Band untersucht dies sowohl in Einzeltextanalysen als auch in systematischen Beiträgen, die Juli Zehs Werke vergleichend sowie im ästhetischen, medialen oder politischen Kontext in den Blick nehmen.

Jung's Ethics: Moral Psychology and his Cure of Souls (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Dan Merkur

This volume presents the first organized study of Jung's ethics. Drawing on direct quotes from all of his collected works, interviews, and seminars, psychoanalyst and religious scholar Dan Merkur provides a compendium of Jung’s thoughts on various topics and themes that comprise his theoretical corpus—from the personal unconscious, repression, dreams, good and evil, and the shadow, to collective phenomena such as the archetypes, synchronicity, the psychoid, the paranormal, God, and the Self, as well as his contributions to clinical method and technique including active imagination, inner dialogue, and the process of individuation and consciousness expansion. The interconnecting thread in Merkur's approach to the subject matter is to read Jung’s work through an ethical lens. What comes to light is how Merkur systematically portrays Jung as a moralist, but also as a complex thinker who situates the human being as an instinctual animal struggling with internal conflict and naturalized sin. Merkur exposes the tension and development in Jung’s thinking by exploring his innovative clinical-technical methods and experimentation, such as through active imagination, inner dialogue, and expressive therapies, hence underscoring unconscious creativity in dreaming, symbol formation, engaging the paranormal, and artistic productions leading to expansions of consciousness, which becomes a necessary part of individuation or the working through process in pursuit of self-actualization and wholeness. In the end, we are offered a unique presentation of Jung’s core theoretical and clinical ideas centering on an ethical fulcrum, whereby his moral psychology leads to a cure of souls. Jung’s Ethics will be of interest to academics, scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of Jungian studies and analytical psychology, ethics, moral psychology, philosophy, religious studies, and mental health professionals focusing on the integration of humanities and psychoanalysis.

Jung's Ethics: Moral Psychology and his Cure of Souls (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Dan Merkur

This volume presents the first organized study of Jung's ethics. Drawing on direct quotes from all of his collected works, interviews, and seminars, psychoanalyst and religious scholar Dan Merkur provides a compendium of Jung’s thoughts on various topics and themes that comprise his theoretical corpus—from the personal unconscious, repression, dreams, good and evil, and the shadow, to collective phenomena such as the archetypes, synchronicity, the psychoid, the paranormal, God, and the Self, as well as his contributions to clinical method and technique including active imagination, inner dialogue, and the process of individuation and consciousness expansion. The interconnecting thread in Merkur's approach to the subject matter is to read Jung’s work through an ethical lens. What comes to light is how Merkur systematically portrays Jung as a moralist, but also as a complex thinker who situates the human being as an instinctual animal struggling with internal conflict and naturalized sin. Merkur exposes the tension and development in Jung’s thinking by exploring his innovative clinical-technical methods and experimentation, such as through active imagination, inner dialogue, and expressive therapies, hence underscoring unconscious creativity in dreaming, symbol formation, engaging the paranormal, and artistic productions leading to expansions of consciousness, which becomes a necessary part of individuation or the working through process in pursuit of self-actualization and wholeness. In the end, we are offered a unique presentation of Jung’s core theoretical and clinical ideas centering on an ethical fulcrum, whereby his moral psychology leads to a cure of souls. Jung’s Ethics will be of interest to academics, scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of Jungian studies and analytical psychology, ethics, moral psychology, philosophy, religious studies, and mental health professionals focusing on the integration of humanities and psychoanalysis.

Juniper: The Girl Who Was Born Too Soon

by Thomas French Kelley French

A micro-preemie fights for survival in this extraordinary and gorgeously told memoir by her parents, both award-winning journalists. Juniper French was born four months early, at 23 weeks' gestation. She weighed 1 pound, 4 ounces, and her twiggy body was the length of a Barbie doll. Her head was smaller than a tennis ball, her skin was nearly translucent, and through her chest you could see her flickering heart. Babies like Juniper, born at the edge of viability, trigger the question: Which is the greater act of love -- to save her, or to let her go? Kelley and Thomas French chose to fight for Juniper's life, and this is their incredible tale. In one exquisite memoir, the authors explore the border between what is possible and what is right. They marvel at the science that conceived and sustained their daughter and the love that made the difference. They probe the bond between a mother and a baby, between a husband and a wife. They trace the journey of their family from its fragile beginning to the miraculous survival of their now thriving daughter.

Juno's Aeneid: A Battle for Heroic Identity (Martin Classical Lectures #36)

by Joseph Farrell

A major new interpretation of Vergil's epic poem as a struggle between two incompatible versions of the Homeric heroThis compelling book offers an entirely new way of understanding the Aeneid. Many scholars regard Vergil's poem as an attempt to combine Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey into a single epic. Joseph Farrell challenges this view, revealing how the Aeneid stages an epic contest to determine which kind of story it will tell—and what kind of hero Aeneas will be.Farrell shows how this contest is provoked by the transgressive goddess Juno, who challenges Vergil for the soul of his hero and poem. Her goal is to transform the poem into an Iliad of continuous Trojan persecution instead of an Odyssey of successful homecoming. Farrell discusses how ancient critics considered the flexible Odysseus the model of a good leader but censured the hero of the Iliad, the intransigent Achilles, as a bad one. He describes how the battle over which kind of leader Aeneas will prove to be continues throughout the poem, and explores how this struggle reflects in very different ways on the ethical legitimacy of Rome’s emperor, Caesar Augustus.By reframing the Aeneid in this way, Farrell demonstrates how the purpose of the poem is to confront the reader with an urgent decision between incompatible possibilities and provoke uncertainty about whether the poem is a celebration of Augustus or a melancholy reflection on the discontents of a troubled age.

Juno's Aeneid: A Battle for Heroic Identity (Martin Classical Lectures #36)

by Joseph Farrell

A major new interpretation of Vergil's epic poem as a struggle between two incompatible versions of the Homeric heroThis compelling book offers an entirely new way of understanding the Aeneid. Many scholars regard Vergil's poem as an attempt to combine Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey into a single epic. Joseph Farrell challenges this view, revealing how the Aeneid stages an epic contest to determine which kind of story it will tell—and what kind of hero Aeneas will be.Farrell shows how this contest is provoked by the transgressive goddess Juno, who challenges Vergil for the soul of his hero and poem. Her goal is to transform the poem into an Iliad of continuous Trojan persecution instead of an Odyssey of successful homecoming. Farrell discusses how ancient critics considered the flexible Odysseus the model of a good leader but censured the hero of the Iliad, the intransigent Achilles, as a bad one. He describes how the battle over which kind of leader Aeneas will prove to be continues throughout the poem, and explores how this struggle reflects in very different ways on the ethical legitimacy of Rome’s emperor, Caesar Augustus.By reframing the Aeneid in this way, Farrell demonstrates how the purpose of the poem is to confront the reader with an urgent decision between incompatible possibilities and provoke uncertainty about whether the poem is a celebration of Augustus or a melancholy reflection on the discontents of a troubled age.

Jürgen Habermas (Sammlung Metzler)

by Detlef Horster

Ist das Habermas'sche Werk eine Ethik der Moderne? Mit seiner Darstellung der Habermas'schen Philosophie will Detlef Horster diese Frage beantworten. Die Analyse reicht von der ersten Auseinandersetzung mit Heidegger über "Moralbewusstsein und kommunikatives Handeln" bis zu der nationalen Einheit 1990. Dabei betont der Autor besonders die enge Verbindung von Theorie und gesellschaftlicher Praxis.

The Juridical Act: A Study of the Theoretical Concept of an Act that aims to create new Legal Facts (Law and Philosophy Library #129)

by H. D. van der Kaaij

This book puts forward a new theoretical concept of the juridical act, this concept is not described from the perspective of a specific national legal system, but instead represents the commonalities and ideas that stem from the Western legal tradition. Since the concept is system-independent, it does not rely on national or state laws.The book begins by detailing those characteristics that distinguish juridical acts from the general group of acts. It offers clear distinctions between the different aspects of juridical acts, such as the power and the competence needed in order to perform the act, the fact that juridical acts are constitutive speech acts, and the rules that connect the act with its consequences. In the process, the book dispels much of the haziness currently surrounding juridical acts.Developed with a mix of theory and practice, this new concept is better equipped to deal with modern trends and practices. Further, since the author has freed the idea of the juridical act from the bonds of history and geography, it is also more suited to facilitating a better understanding of and explaining changes in the legal landscape, such as the rise of computer technology. Accordingly, it offers scholars and practitioners alike a valuable new tool for explaining and theorizing about the law.

The Juridical Bay

by Gayl Shaw Westerman

The Juridical Bay (Oxford Monographs in International Law)

by Gayl Shaw Westerman

This first work in the new Oxford Monographs in International Law Series to be edited by Ian Brownlie, QC, FBA, is a study of juridical bays. In 1958, against a backdrop of increasing international tensions regarding rights to and control of waters enclosed by coastal indentations, the world community, in a historic compromise reached under United Nations auspices, adopted Article 7 of the Geneva Convention "On the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone". Recognizing the need to balance the self-protective interests of coastal states and the international interests of a harmonious world community, the signatories to Article 7 decided, in effect, that once the water enclosed within a coastal indentation met the requirements set out under Article 7, an irrebutable presumption had been raised that the claimant state owned these waters as a matter of right against all other states. Well-drafted and remarkably unambiguous, Article 7 should have resolved the issue of unreasonably expansive bay claims forever, but, in fact, it did not. Disputes continued to arise. In the twenty years since its adoption, despite continuing national and international disputes, Article 7 has not received the analysis necessary to help it become a more reliable basis for conflict resolution in cases involving complex coastal configurations. This study, the first major examination of Article 7, interprets both its text and context and more importantly, offers solutions to some of the problems that continue to make the question of coastal bay-type waters sources of national and international conflict.

Juridical Perspectives between Islam and the West: A Tale of Two Worlds (Global Issues)

by Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli

This comparative philosophy of law book aims at formulating a new analytical approach to the Islamic legal tradition based on ‘juridical categories’, a concept that facilitates comprehension and understanding of juridical phenomena. Building upon legal comparativism and legal pluralism, this project intends to avoid bias caused by universalizing Western categories when analyzing foreign juridical notions, which inevitably results in the miscomprehension of non-Western ideas and institutions. Unlike existing literature, this project will not focus on substantive comparisons between normative contents, but on the ‘juridical perspectives’ that helped to shape the Islamic and Western legal orders.The book focuses on the most relevant juridical questions regarding the Islamic and Western legal perspectives, such as the different visions regarding juridical spatiality, the role of human reason and the relationship between law, man and the divinity. While contributing to legal philosophy, this work intends also to develop and define a new interdisciplinary approach, aiming to provide a starting point for novel analyses in research fields such as legal comparativism, legal pluralism, and constitutional law. Finally, by formulating a new interdisciplinary approach, it will provide a foundational discussion of a continuously evolving subject that will never be exhaustively explored. As such, it aims at broadening scholarly reflections on the relationship between the West and Islam, eventually placing these concepts within a suitably comprehensive and contextualized framework. "Published in cooperation with gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, Hornchurch, Essex, United Kingdom".

The Juridification of Business Ethics

by Bart Jansen

This book provides a theory of the juridification of business ethics. Ethical codes pop up everywhere in the business world and increasingly resemble the code of law. A focus on compliance rather than reflection becomes the norm. Legal perspectives replace ethical perspectives, turning ethicists into lawyers without a law degree. This juridification of business ethics conceals a diminishing trust in ethics, as legal reasoning substitutes philosophical thinking. By appealing to the critical study of law, Bart Jansen advocates for a renewed focus on the ethical side of business. This book shows the importance of a good balance between law and ethics in business and is of great interest to both academics and professionals.

The Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law (Modern Studies in European Law)

by Eva Nanopoulos

In the early 1990s the then European Community imposed for the first time a set of economic restrictions against a specific entity: the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. Since then, the individualisation of sanctions has become entrenched, these so-called 'smart' sanctions have proliferated, their targets and scope of application have significantly expanded, and they operate in an increasingly juridified environment. This book aims to shed light on the constitutive dynamics and causes of these developments, with a focus on the juridification of individual sanctions at the European level. To this end it first revisits the phenomenon of individualisation – moving beyond the conventional narrative that individual sanctions emerged because of humanitarian and effectiveness concerns – and situates the 'smarting' of sanctions within the context of broader structural transformations characterised by the consolidation of the global neoliberal order. Second, the book explores why the role of law has been so pronounced in the European context by unearthing the connections between EU law and capitalist order building.

The Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law (Modern Studies in European Law)

by Eva Nanopoulos

In the early 1990s the then European Community imposed for the first time a set of economic restrictions against a specific entity: the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. Since then, the individualisation of sanctions has become entrenched, these so-called 'smart' sanctions have proliferated, their targets and scope of application have significantly expanded, and they operate in an increasingly juridified environment. This book aims to shed light on the constitutive dynamics and causes of these developments, with a focus on the juridification of individual sanctions at the European level. To this end it first revisits the phenomenon of individualisation – moving beyond the conventional narrative that individual sanctions emerged because of humanitarian and effectiveness concerns – and situates the 'smarting' of sanctions within the context of broader structural transformations characterised by the consolidation of the global neoliberal order. Second, the book explores why the role of law has been so pronounced in the European context by unearthing the connections between EU law and capitalist order building.

Juries, Science and Popular Culture in the Age of Terror: The Case of the Sydney Bomber

by David Tait Jane Goodman-Delahunty

Terrorism has become an everyday reality in most contemporary societies. In a context of heightened fear can juries be trusted to remain impartial when confronted by defendants charged with terrorism? Do they scrutinize prosecution cases carefully, or does emotion trump reason once the spectre of terrorism is invoked? This book examines these questions from a range of disciplinary perspectives. The authors look at the how jurors in terrorism trials are likely to respond to gruesome evidence, including beheading videos. The 'CSI effect' is examined as a possible response to forensic evidence, and jurors with different learning preferences are compared. Virtual interactive environments, built like computer games, may be created to provide animated reconstructions of the prosecution or defence case. This book reports on how to create such presentations, culminating in the analysis of a live simulated trial using interactive visual displays followed by jury deliberations. The team of international, transdisciplinary experts draw conclusions of global legal and political significance, and contribute to the growing scholarship on comparative counter-terrorism law. The book will be of great interest to scholars, students and practitioners of law, criminal justice, forensic science and psychology.

Jurisdiction (Critical Approaches to Law)

by Shaunnagh Dorsett Shaun McVeigh

This book takes its cue from the observation that jurisdiction - as the speech of law - articulates or proclaims law. Without jurisdiction the law would be speechless, without authority and authorisation. So too would be critics who approach the law or want to live lawfully. As a field of legal knowledge and legal practice, jurisdiction is concerned with the modes of authority and the manner of the authorisation of law. It encompasses the broadest questions of the authority and the founding of legal order as well as the minutest detail of the ordering of the business of the administration and adjudication of justice. It gives us both the point of articulation of law and the technological means of the expression of law. It gives us too, the understanding of the limits of the authority of law, as well as the resources for engaging with the plurality of laws, and the means of engaging in lawful behaviour. A critical approach to law through the forms of authority and action in law provides a means of engaging with the quality of relations created and maintained through law and a means of taking responsibility for the practices of jurisdiction (and what is done in the name of the law). This book provides a critical, and historically grounded, elaboration of the key themes of jurisdiction. It does so by offering students and scholars of law a form of critical engagement with the technologies, devices and forms of jurisdictional ordering. It shows how the common has authorised legal relations and bound persons, places, and events to the body of law. It offers a number of resources and engagements of jurisdiction on the basis that a jurisprudence of jurisdiction, if it is anything, engages forms of human relation.

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