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Management der Informationssicherheit: Kontrolle und Optimierung (Studienbücher Informatik)

by Aleksandra Sowa

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet Grundlagenwissen zum Thema Informationssicherheit sowie Informationssicherheitsmanagement. Neben der Erklärung aktueller und relevanter Grundbegriffe bietet es Definitionen und skizziert methodische und rechtliche Rahmen. Die optimale praktische Gestaltung des Informationssicherheitsmanagements wird unter Berücksichtigung zweier gängiger Standards zur Informationssicherheit, des Grundschutzhandbuches und ISO 27001, dargelegt. Damit gibtdie Autorin konkrete Antworten auf Fragen der Risikobewertung und Gefahrenanalyse, derSicherheits- und Datenschutzkontrollen sowie zum Incident Management und dem Security Audit und -Monitoring. Darüber hinaus werden auch Aspekte der Cyber- und Computerkriminalität, derIT-Forensik und des Security Intelligence betrachtet. Damit ist das Buch für alle interessant, die ihren Fokus auf die Prävention von Sicherheitsvorfällen, aber auch auf deren Detektion und die angemessene Reaktion legen.

Management Education in India: Perspectives and Practices

by Manish Thakur R. Rajesh Babu

This volume problematizes different facets of management education in India---pedagogy, curricula, and disciplinary and institutional practices---from the perspective of the Global South. The essays in this volume bring out the institutional challenges of crafting a relevant academic programme that converses with both national specificities and global realities. Coming from diverse academic specializations, the contributors traverse the interface of their respective disciplines with management education. In doing so, they engage with the ongoing global debate on management education. This volume fills a noticeable gap of serious, scholarly reflection on the state of management education. While there have been sporadic reflections and occasional critiques, a critical stocktaking of the institutional and disciplinary aspects of management education has been long wanting. This volume is of interest to scholars and practitioners of management education across the globe, and is likely to generate debate on its contemporary relevance and future trajectory.

Management Ethics: Contemporary Contexts (Routledge Companions In Business, Management And Accounting Ser.)

by Stewart R. Clegg Carl Rhodes

Ethics has become big business but have businesses become ethical? This is a central question for today’s managers. Managing ethics is critical in an era characterized by unprecedented corporate power and a myriad of competing ethical traditions. Giving new insights into the understanding of ethics for today’s organization practice and managerial behaviour, this timely volume, edited by well-respected industry authorities, provides an overview and critique of ethics as they relate to contemporary challenges and issues (such as globalization, sustainability, consumerism, neo-liberalism, corporate collapses, leadership and corporate regulation). This book, an essential read for postgraduate students of business and ethics, is organized around the core question: What are the ethics of organizing in today’s institutional environment and what does this mean for the practice of management and the organization of business? In response to this, the contributors examine ethics as it is deeply embedded in the everyday practice of management. Interdisciplinary contributions from the fields of sociology, philosophy, management, organization studies and public administration provide unique perspectives, while case studies and real-life examples illustrate the challenges and dilemmas faced in practice. Each chapter has a brief overview and editor’s introduction which skilfully summarizes key points and draws connections between the chapters.

Management Ethics: Contemporary Contexts

by Stewart R. Clegg Carl Rhodes

Ethics has become big business but have businesses become ethical? This is a central question for today’s managers. Managing ethics is critical in an era characterized by unprecedented corporate power and a myriad of competing ethical traditions. Giving new insights into the understanding of ethics for today’s organization practice and managerial behaviour, this timely volume, edited by well-respected industry authorities, provides an overview and critique of ethics as they relate to contemporary challenges and issues (such as globalization, sustainability, consumerism, neo-liberalism, corporate collapses, leadership and corporate regulation). This book, an essential read for postgraduate students of business and ethics, is organized around the core question: What are the ethics of organizing in today’s institutional environment and what does this mean for the practice of management and the organization of business? In response to this, the contributors examine ethics as it is deeply embedded in the everyday practice of management. Interdisciplinary contributions from the fields of sociology, philosophy, management, organization studies and public administration provide unique perspectives, while case studies and real-life examples illustrate the challenges and dilemmas faced in practice. Each chapter has a brief overview and editor’s introduction which skilfully summarizes key points and draws connections between the chapters.

Management Ethics: An Intercultural Perspective (Dimensions of International Business #1)

by W.A. Evans

Society is a nexus of individual perceptions. The world is as we each see it, no more and no less. To hope that we shall all agree on what is good or bad is to hope in vain. This is not solipsism transferred to moral philosophy; it is realism born of observation. This book tries to remind its readers that you can be responsible only if you understand the basis of your responsibility; that you can exercise responsibility only if you have the power to do so; that you cannot lay down a conceptual framework of behavior in business if you have no framework of life; that every facet of your conduct as a manager and employee involves a delicate balance between rebellion and absolute conformity. Indeed, it may be that the hardest lesson is that of learning that compliance and silence and obedience are frequently more desirable than protest when all stands to be lost. To gamble on a poor card hand is the act of either an excessively foolish or a supremely clever man; since the proper judgment of risk is an uncommon facility, poor hands are normally lost. There is no such thing as a corporate attitude, just as there is no such thing as the will of the people.

Management Ethics: Placing Ethics at the Core of Good Management (IESE Business Collection)

by D. Melé

The recent financial crisis has awakened a renewed sensibility to ethics in business and management, and an increasing interest in a better understanding of how ethics and economics are intertwined. Managers and executives must understand not just the moral value of ethical behaviour, but also how this can strengthen and benefit the organization.

Management, Finance and Industrial Relations in Maritime Industries: Essays in International Maritime and Business History (Research in Maritime History #6)

by Simon Ville David Williams

This volume seeks to explore the vast history of international maritime business, focussing on themes of management, finance, and labour. Each essay considers the economics of maritime industries and the factors that influenced decision-making. Their collective purpose is to spotlight relatively neglected areas of international maritime business history, and their richly varied subjects and geographies are primarily unified by this theme, whilst demonstrating the universality of international maritime business. The essays cover the following subjects:- the Norwegian shipbroking firm, Fearnley and Eger; the labour management strategies of nineteenth century London dock companies; the hierarchies of Finnish seagoing in the nineteenth century; twentieth-century Spanish merchant shipping; an examination of Gothenburg’s leading shipping companies; an exploration of The Royal Mail’s postal contracts and overseas mail service; patterns of ownership and finance in Greek deep-sea steamship fleets; the relationships between banks and industry in interwar Italy; the expansion of Japanese post-war shipbuilding; and a survey of Chinese junk trades.

Management for a Small Planet: Third Edition

by Jean Garner Stead W. Edward Stead

When this classic text was first published in 1992, it provided a unique focus for the burgeoning concern for sustainability and sustainable organizational practices. The book's impact continues to be felt today as large multinational corporations such as Wal-Mart and GE are making substantial commitments to the "triple bottom line" of economic success, social responsibility, and environmental protection, and sustainability has become a part of curricula in business schools around the globe. Featuring extensive new material throughout, this new edition of Management for a Small Planet is now widely available outside of North America for the first time. The book maintains the same unique vision and approach that made the original so influential. Unlike other texts on the topic, it employs a strategic, general management perspective within theoretical frameworks on how organizations can be instrumental in moving humankind toward a more sustainable world. Part I includes chapters dedicated to each dimension of sustainability: biophysical, economic, and social. Part II contains the specifics on the formulation and implementation of sustainable management practices, all grounded in the principles of organizational behavior, leadership, and business strategy. The book is an ideal text for any course concerned with environmental management and sustainable management practices.

Management for a Small Planet: Third Edition

by Jean Garner Stead W. Edward Stead

When this classic text was first published in 1992, it provided a unique focus for the burgeoning concern for sustainability and sustainable organizational practices. The book's impact continues to be felt today as large multinational corporations such as Wal-Mart and GE are making substantial commitments to the "triple bottom line" of economic success, social responsibility, and environmental protection, and sustainability has become a part of curricula in business schools around the globe. Featuring extensive new material throughout, this new edition of Management for a Small Planet is now widely available outside of North America for the first time. The book maintains the same unique vision and approach that made the original so influential. Unlike other texts on the topic, it employs a strategic, general management perspective within theoretical frameworks on how organizations can be instrumental in moving humankind toward a more sustainable world. Part I includes chapters dedicated to each dimension of sustainability: biophysical, economic, and social. Part II contains the specifics on the formulation and implementation of sustainable management practices, all grounded in the principles of organizational behavior, leadership, and business strategy. The book is an ideal text for any course concerned with environmental management and sustainable management practices.

Management Game Theory

by Shaorong Sun Na Sun

This book primarily addresses various game theory phenomena in the context of management practice. As such, it helps readers identify the profound game theory principles behind these phenomena. At the same time, the game theory principles in the book can also provide a degree of guidance for solving practical problems.As one of the main areas in management research, there is already an extensive body of literature on game theory. However, it remains mainly theoretical, focusing on abstract arguments and purely numerical examples purely. This book addresses that gap, helping readers apply game theory in their actual management or research work.

Management geistigen Eigentums: Die unternehmerische Gestaltung des Technologieverwertungsrechts

by Jürgen Ensthaler and Patrick Wege

Das Management geistigen Eigentums spielt eine wichtige Rolle für den Unternehmenserfolg und ist deshalb als eine eigenständige unternehmerische Aufgabe zu betrachten. Aufbauend auf den Gebieten Rechtswissenschaft, Betriebswirtschaft, Managementlehre und Ingenieurswissenschaft, erfordert sie eine interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise. Die Frage der Interdisziplinarität für das Management geistigen Eigentums wird in diesem Buch erstmals behandelt. Außerdem werden rechtswissenschaftliche Aspekte in Managementmodellen konsequent berücksichtigt.

Management in Public Administration: Developments and Challenges in Adaption of Management Practices Increasing Public Value (Sustainable Management, Wertschöpfung und Effizienz)

by Markus Bodemann

In this book Markus Bodemann bridges the differences between public and private sector in aspects of management, especially risk management. A survey to draw a line between both sectors describes the current status of applied management tools and their effects. To cope with future developments, or at least to be prepared, risk management could be one tool. By using the yearly status reports the author works out the bandwidth of the impact of desired and undesired developments in public sector and the causation for more risk awareness for sustainable development in local public administration. ​

Management industrieller Produktpiraterie: Grundlagen und Überblick (essentials)

by Oliver Kleine

​Das Phänomen der Produktpiraterie als existenzbedrohendes Risiko im Allgemeinen ist heute ebenso unbestritten wie dessen faktischer Einfluss auf den industriellen Wettbewerb im Besonderen. Dementsprechend muss das systematische Management dieses Unternehmensrisikos heute Gegenstand der strategischen Planung und Steuerung sein. Während früher noch die mangelnde Verfügbarkeit konkreter Schutzmaßnahmen sowie Schwierigkeiten bei deren Umsetzung als maßgebliche Ursache für den fehlenden Bekämpfungserfolg herangeführt werden konnten, scheint heute ein besseres Verständnis in Bezug auf die wettbewerbliche Problematik der Produktpiraterie ein wesentlicher Schlüssel zur Verbesserung der Planungssituation zu sein. Oliver Kleine liefert einen einführenden, aber ganzheitlichen Überblick zu den im Rahmen des Managements industrieller Produktpiraterie relevanten Sachverhalten.

Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility

by Jan Jonker Marco De Witte

This book harvests tried and tested management models - models that have demonstrated added value in everyday organisational practice – in an accessible and readable volume. Each contribution is structured around one central figure while describing concisely the nature, the use, actual experiences and some do's and don'ts of CSR. The book is written for a managerial and consultants audience, people that have to deal with CSR in everyday practice.

Management moralischer Risiken in Unternehmen: Mit moderner Risiko Governance Vertrauen schaffen und Wettbewerbsvorteile sichern

by Christian Schiel

​Gewinn und Moral sind weder automatisch kompatibel noch sind sie grundlegend inkompatibel. Ihre Kompatibilität ist durch das Management zu organisieren. Dies ist jedoch in der Praxis eine anspruchsvolle Führungsaufgabe.Unternehmen werden zunehmend mit moralischen Erwartungen der Gesellschaft an ihr Handeln konfrontiert und stehen vor der Herausforderung, diese unter harten Wettbewerbsbedingungen zu erfüllen. Während die Erfüllung moralischer Erwartungen mit Wettbewerbsrisiken verbunden sein kann, können bei ihrer Zurückweisung Kooperationsrisiken entstehen. Ebensowenig sind reine Kommunikationsstrategien (Greenwashing) geeignet, moralische Spannungsfelder nachhaltig zu bewältigen. Anstatt neue Stabsfunktionen für Philanthropie und Nachhaltigkeit zu schaffen, sollten Unternehmen ihre klassischen Risiko Governance Funktionen für diese wichtige Aufgabe sensibilisieren und mit geeigneten Methoden zum Umgang mit moralischen Spannungsfeldern befähigen.Basierend auf dem international etablierten Risikomanagementstandard COSO ERM Rahmenwerk wird ein alltagstauglicher Managementansatz zum Umgang mit Konflikten zwischen Gewinn und Moral vorgestellt und mit konkreten Beispielen und Vorlagen für den Einsatz im Unternehmen unterlegt.

Management Obligations for Health and Safety

by Gregory W. Smith

In recent years, the safety management field has placed leadership and commitment at the center of effective workplace health and safety programs. At the same time, personal liability for workplace health and safety has increased, resulting in poor outcomes for individual managers. Discussing the minimum expectations that courts and tribunals have

Management Obligations for Health and Safety

by Gregory W. Smith

In recent years, the safety management field has placed leadership and commitment at the center of effective workplace health and safety programs. At the same time, personal liability for workplace health and safety has increased, resulting in poor outcomes for individual managers. Discussing the minimum expectations that courts and tribunals have

Management Obligations for Health and Safety

by Gregory W. Smith

In recent years, the safety management field has placed leadership and commitment at the center of effective workplace health and safety programs. At the same time, personal liability for workplace health and safety has increased, resulting in poor outcomes for individual managers. Discussing the minimum expectations that courts and tribunals have

The Management Of Change In Criminal Justice: Who Knows Best? (PDF)

by Martin Wasik Sotirios Santatzoglou

This book explores the critical questions of how and why criminal justice policies emerge, and examines how criminal justice policy is understood and applied by practitioners. It questions whether diversity in implementation implies policy failure or a sign of healthy activism among local practitioners. lied by practitioners.

Management of International Trade

by Eun Sup Lee

Under the current multilateral trading system, most business entities have turned their attention away from focusing exclusively on their domestic market to the management of international business transactions on the global market. Around the world, this trend has increased the demand for education and training on the principles of international trade and, more practically, the administration of international business transactions. This book aims to give upper-level undergraduates and graduate students a comprehensive understanding of the administrative and practical aspects of international commerce. It seeks to provide students, as the potential future practitioners of international trade, with the ability to gather and administrate the information needed to decide on and manage complex international business transactions, including in- and outsourcing problems, exports and imports.

Management of Knowledge-Intensive Organizations: Governance Models for Transformative Discovery

by Ellie Okada

This book focuses on enhancing management theories of Knowledge-Intensive Organizations (KIOs), analyzing academic and research institutions and multilateral agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO). The first part of the book discusses the trusteeship norms of academic KIOs and institutional barriers that generate bias in selecting the research agenda. The author then discusses how moral stakeholders affect a legitimate research scope, and research policies and academic KIOs address the issues. Finally, the book addresses how to control private incentives that stem from ownership components as well as ways to build alliance and governance mechanisms for this purpose. This work provides researchers with a discussion of the broader impacts of addressing global common goods from responsible KIO perspectives.

Management of Knowledge-Intensive Organizations: Governance Models for Transformative Discovery

by Ellie Okada

This book focuses on enhancing management theories of Knowledge-Intensive Organizations (KIOs), analyzing academic and research institutions and multilateral agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO). The first part of the book discusses the trusteeship norms of academic KIOs and institutional barriers that generate bias in selecting the research agenda. The author then discusses how moral stakeholders affect a legitimate research scope, and research policies and academic KIOs address the issues. Finally, the book addresses how to control private incentives that stem from ownership components as well as ways to build alliance and governance mechanisms for this purpose. This work provides researchers with a discussion of the broader impacts of addressing global common goods from responsible KIO perspectives.

Management of Post-Mortem Pregnancy: Legal and Philosophical Aspects

by Daniel Sperling

Recent advances in medical technology have provided healthcare staff with the possibility of maintaining the life of a brain-dead pregnant woman on life-support in order to achieve successful delivery of the foetus. Management of Post-Mortem Pregnancy examines the legal and ethical difficulties surrounding such post-mortem management. Offering practical guidance based on a combined analysis of similar situations that affect pregnant women's lifestyle and physical condition and of the legal framework of pregnancy clauses in advance directive legislation, the volume considers pregnant women's obligations towards their foetuses. It discusses the main moral, legal, psychological, religious, spiritual and physical aspects of the question on the interests of dead people, as well as the jurisprudential question of the foetus' interests. The book will be a valuable guide for all those involved with the decision-making process of such tragic cases. It will also be of wider use to anyone with an interest in legal, ethical and bio-medical issues.

Management of Post-Mortem Pregnancy: Legal and Philosophical Aspects

by Daniel Sperling

Recent advances in medical technology have provided healthcare staff with the possibility of maintaining the life of a brain-dead pregnant woman on life-support in order to achieve successful delivery of the foetus. Management of Post-Mortem Pregnancy examines the legal and ethical difficulties surrounding such post-mortem management. Offering practical guidance based on a combined analysis of similar situations that affect pregnant women's lifestyle and physical condition and of the legal framework of pregnancy clauses in advance directive legislation, the volume considers pregnant women's obligations towards their foetuses. It discusses the main moral, legal, psychological, religious, spiritual and physical aspects of the question on the interests of dead people, as well as the jurisprudential question of the foetus' interests. The book will be a valuable guide for all those involved with the decision-making process of such tragic cases. It will also be of wider use to anyone with an interest in legal, ethical and bio-medical issues.

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