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Management von Biogas-Projekten: Rechtliche, technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte
by Jörg BöttcherRechtliche Durchsetzbarkeit, Verlässlichkeit von Verträgen und technische Bewährtheit sind Voraussetzungen für erfolgreiche Finanzierung und Rentabilität. Daher bietet dieses Buch erstmals einen umfassenden Überblick über die technischen und rechtlichen sowie die wirtschaftlichen Aspekte von Biogas-Vorhaben. Ausgewiesene Experten aus Forschung und Praxis beleuchten die verschiedenen Teilaspekte. Ein einleitendes Kapitel „Projektfinanzierung von Biogas-Projekten“ bietet Lesern Orientierung und ordnet die einzelnen Fachkapitel in das Gesamtthema ein.
Management von Lieferanten-Produzenten-Beziehungen: Eine Analyse von Unternehmensnetzwerken in der deutschen Automobilindustrie (Unternehmensführung & Controlling)
by Boris WertzAuf der Basis einer empirischen Analyse von Unternehmensnetzwerken in der Automobilindustrie zeigt Boris Wertz auf, wie die Beziehungen zwischen Lieferanten und Produzenten gestaltet sein müssen, um eine effektive Zusammenarbeit zu gewährleisten.
Management von Ligen in Individualsportarten: Eine empirische Untersuchung auf Basis der Anreiz‐Beitrags‐Theorie (Event- und Impaktforschung)
by Timo ZimmermannDie international typischen Wettbewerbsformate im Individualsport sind Einzelwettkämpfe und ‐wettkampfserien. Dennoch besteht in Deutschland eine Vielfalt an Ligen auch in Individualsportarten. Timo Zimmermann untersucht erstmals dieses Phänomen und entwickelt ein Anreiz‐Beitrags‐Modell zu dessen Erklärung. Basierend auf Dokumentenanalysen und 105 Interviews mit Verbänden, Vereinen und Athleten zeigt er die strukturellen Besonderheiten der Individualsportligen auf. Fallstudien zu Golf, Judo, Tischtennis und Triathlon vertiefen die Befunde zur Anreiz‐Beitrags‐Dynamik. Gestaltungshinweise zum Anreizmanagement in Individualsportligen runden die Ergebnisse ab.
Managementethik und Arbeitsplätze: Eine metaphysische und moralökonomische Analyse (Studien zur Ethik der Transaktion)
by Christoph WagnerChristoph Wagner nimmt eine managementethische Analyse von Situationskonstellationen im Kontext der Schaffung, des Erhalts und Abbaus von Arbeitsplätzen vor. Sein metaphysischer, mikroanalytischer Realitätszugang gestattet es, die objektive Polydimensionalität der empirischen Realität in Unternehmen zu erfassen und so der Gefahr unzulässiger Abstrahierungen in Richtung des Economic oder Moral Point of View zu begegnen. Der Autor entwickelt auf dieser Basis ein differenziertes moralökonomisches Analysegerüst für ein betriebswirtschaftlich wie ethisch verantwortetes Arbeitsplatzmanagement.
Managementmoden in der Verwaltung: Sinn und Unsinn
by Christian BarthelManagementmoden kursieren schon seit langem in der Verwaltung – nicht erst seit dem New Public Management. Der vorliegende Band stellt aktuelle Konzepte vor, die in den letzten 10 Jahren Konjunktur hatten und haben. Die besprochenen Konzepte werden vor einem zumeist organisationssoziologischen, aber auch verwaltungswissenschaftlichen und psychologischen Hintergrund diskutiert. Damit werden auch die blinden Flecken, d.h. die verkürzten theoretischen Grundannahmen sowie die teilweise ideologische Vollmundigkeit der Konzeptangebote auf- und abgeklärt. In einem zweiten Abschnitt wird – gewissermaßen als Gegenmittel zu den verkürzenden Managementmoden – theoretisches Rüstzeug unterbreitet, das für die Praxis eine robustere Orientierung bieten kann.
Managementperspektiven für die Zivilgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts: Management als Liberal Art
by Camillo Von Müller Claas-Philip Zinth„Management can be justified only as being good for society.“ Unter diesem frei nach Peter Drucker formulierten Motto diskutiert dieser Band Ziele, Formen und Methoden von Management in Kontexten der Zivilgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts. Dabei stehen das Management gesellschaftlich wirkender Institutionen (z.B. Unternehmen, Hochschulen und Behörden) sowie das Management gesellschaftlich wirkender Themen (z.B. Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit und Public Value) im Fokus. Die Herausgeber möchten zur Reflexion gesellschaftlicher Dimensionen von Management anregen und Impulse für die Praxis geben. Die Beiträge verorten sich dementsprechend an der Schnittstelle von wissenschaftlicher Diskussion und Anwendungsbezug. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University), Peter Gomez (Universität St. Gallen) Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie) und James Wilkinson (Harvard University).
Managerial Fraud: Executive Impression Management, Beyond Red Flags
by Terry A. SheridanMost frauds perpetrated by senior managers take longer to uncover than those by other occupational groups and they steal more. This is a serious problem world-wide. Currently the Red Flag approach is used by auditors to prevent and uncover fraud and in some countries it is statutory. However, the existing approach does not catch managerial fraudsters quickly or very often. In Managerial Fraud, Dr Terry Sheridan reports the findings of her study of fraudulent executives. Her work illuminates the particular methods fraudsters employ to appear more authentic than the average person and reveals two types of executive fraudster with very different behaviours. All this helps to explain why the current Red Flag approach fails to identify potential fraudsters and instead tends to focus on Red Flag executives who are negative characters, but non-fraudulent and accounts for the problem auditors face, who see Red Flag indicators and are obliged to conduct further audits, yet find nothing of substance. During the author’s research, the innocent colleagues who worked closely with fraudulent managers have for the first time been interviewed about their experiences and had their impressions analysed, leading to the development of an innovative typology of fraudulent executives based on Impression Management Theory. Better understanding of what Dr Sheridan has uncovered might result in organisations being able to reduce their exposure to fraud perpetrated by their own senior management.
Managerial Fraud: Executive Impression Management, Beyond Red Flags
by Terry A. SheridanMost frauds perpetrated by senior managers take longer to uncover than those by other occupational groups and they steal more. This is a serious problem world-wide. Currently the Red Flag approach is used by auditors to prevent and uncover fraud and in some countries it is statutory. However, the existing approach does not catch managerial fraudsters quickly or very often. In Managerial Fraud, Dr Terry Sheridan reports the findings of her study of fraudulent executives. Her work illuminates the particular methods fraudsters employ to appear more authentic than the average person and reveals two types of executive fraudster with very different behaviours. All this helps to explain why the current Red Flag approach fails to identify potential fraudsters and instead tends to focus on Red Flag executives who are negative characters, but non-fraudulent and accounts for the problem auditors face, who see Red Flag indicators and are obliged to conduct further audits, yet find nothing of substance. During the author’s research, the innocent colleagues who worked closely with fraudulent managers have for the first time been interviewed about their experiences and had their impressions analysed, leading to the development of an innovative typology of fraudulent executives based on Impression Management Theory. Better understanding of what Dr Sheridan has uncovered might result in organisations being able to reduce their exposure to fraud perpetrated by their own senior management.
Managerialism: A Critique of an Ideology
by T. KlikauerMost people know what management is but often people have vague ideas about Manageralism. This book introduces Manageralism and its ideology as a colonising project that has infiltrated nearly every eventuality of human society.
Managerialism in the Public Sector: Perspectives and Prospects (Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management)
by Andrea TomoThe purpose of this book is to offer insights into the complex and often unclear context of public sector management, providing a new theoretical and practical approach to the analysis and interpretation of these issues. The book is grounded in the awareness that the public sector has too often shown inefficiencies, despite the expensive measures taken, and from manifold perspectives such as the economic, social, organizational, and institutional ones, among others. It acknowledges the lack of behavioral, cultural, and context-oriented research in the field, thus proposing to innovate the debate and to expand the current understanding of which organizational features characterize modern public administrations, what factors influence the predominance of different models, with a special focus on the Italian setting, benefiting from a wholly comprehensive innovative methodological approach. The findings offer key implications for theory, practice, and policy-making, contending the importance of holistic approaches to the debate and abandoning pre-constituted schemes to put forth the relevance of behavioral models. It offers a key message: contextual-specific and cultural factors influencing individual behaviors are important and should better influence policy-making processes, towards "glocalization" in order to improve quality.
Managerialism in the Public Sector: Perspectives and Prospects (Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management)
by Andrea TomoThe purpose of this book is to offer insights into the complex and often unclear context of public sector management, providing a new theoretical and practical approach to the analysis and interpretation of these issues. The book is grounded in the awareness that the public sector has too often shown inefficiencies, despite the expensive measures taken, and from manifold perspectives such as the economic, social, organizational, and institutional ones, among others. It acknowledges the lack of behavioral, cultural, and context-oriented research in the field, thus proposing to innovate the debate and to expand the current understanding of which organizational features characterize modern public administrations, what factors influence the predominance of different models, with a special focus on the Italian setting, benefiting from a wholly comprehensive innovative methodological approach. The findings offer key implications for theory, practice, and policy-making, contending the importance of holistic approaches to the debate and abandoning pre-constituted schemes to put forth the relevance of behavioral models. It offers a key message: contextual-specific and cultural factors influencing individual behaviors are important and should better influence policy-making processes, towards "glocalization" in order to improve quality.
A Manager's Guide to IT Law
by Jeremy Holt Jeremy NewtonThis comprehensive guide for management professionals discusses the IT-related legal issues faced by businesses on a daily basis. Legal concepts and terminology are notoriously difficult for non-specialists, but this book explains in plain English the relevant legal frameworks and gives examples from actual case law. “provides practical advice . . . a valuable addition to my bookshelf” (British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management - relates to the 1st edition).
A Manager's Guide to IT Law
by Jeremy Holt Jeremy NewtonThis comprehensive guide for management professionals discusses the IT-related legal issues faced by businesses on a daily basis. Legal concepts and terminology are notoriously difficult for non-specialists, but this book explains in plain English the relevant legal frameworks and gives examples from actual case law. “provides practical advice . . . a valuable addition to my bookshelf” (British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management - relates to the 1st edition).
The Manager's Handbook for Corporate Security: Establishing and Managing a Successful Assets Protection Program
by Edward Halibozek Gerald L. KovacichThe Manager's Handbook for Corporate Security: Establishing and Managing a Successful Assets Protection Program, Second Edition, guides readers through today's dynamic security industry, covering the multifaceted functions of corporate security and providing managers with advice on how to grow not only their own careers, but also the careers of those they manage on a daily basis. This accessible, updated edition provides an implementation plan for establishing a corporate security program, especially for those who have little or no knowledge on the topic. It also includes information for intermediate and advanced professionals who are interested in learning more about general security, information systems security, and information warfare. - Addresses today's complex security industry, the role of the security manager, the diverse set of corporate security functions, and skills for succeeding in this dynamic profession - Outlines accessible, comprehensive implementation plans for establishing asset protection programs - Provides tactics for intermediate and advanced professionals on the topics of general security, information systems security, and information warfare - Offers new perspectives on the future of security and evolving expectations of security professionals
Managers in European Law: Rights and Duties of Executive and Non-executive Managers in a European Perspective (Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations)
by Natalie Videbæk Munkholm Vicenzo Pietrogiovanni Karsten Engsig SørensenBusiness organisations depend on having one or more persons who can legitimately make strategic business decisions. But what are the legal entitlements of such key professionals? This is the first book – with contributions from experts across Europe – to take a broad comparative look at how the delimitation of rights and duties of executive and non-executive managers is done under different areas of EU law and across different jurisdictions (namely, EU and national law). Aspects of the executive role covered include the following: extensive treatment of definitions and methodologies to ascertain the status of managers as ‘workers’ in Europe; comprehensive interdisciplinary and comparative analysis of cross-cutting issues affecting managers in Europe, including complexities arising from national variations in governance structures and roles and functions of managers; comprehensive analysis of cases before the European courts with full awareness of applicable rules; distinction between registered front directors and those who act as de facto managers; how employees (and to some degree other stakeholders) may be involved in management; trends in current EU law that increase the need to protect managers; trends that increase the need to hold managers liable; right to inter alia information and consultation, occupational health and safety, non-discrimination and free movement; and recognition that managers may not necessarily be powerful professionals with strength vis-à-vis the company as employer. According to EU statistics, in 2019, nearly 9.4 million persons held a managerial position across the EU’s Member States, meaning that many managers currently can no longer inherently be considered unworthy of employment protection. The legal status of these individuals thus cannot be sidestepped. This very important volume accordingly will be of value to practitioners, policymakers, and academics in employment and labour law.
Managing a Sea: The Ecological Economics of the Baltic
by Ing-Marie Gren R. Kerry Turner Frederick WulffMarine resources and fish stocks are now high on the international and economic research agendas, and the management of highly complex marine ecosystems is increasingly important. The task is complicated by the number of interlinked factors to be taken into account, such as social impacts, drainage systems, marine currents and the ecosystems involved. This interdisciplinary volume presents a comprehensive blueprint for managing a sea. Focused on the Baltic Sea, it employs a range of methods and techniques, including nutrient budgets and simulation models, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), economic valuation and policy analysis, to arrive at an assessment of causes and consequences of pollution in the sea and the management of its resources. From the analysis of data on land use, population, costs of nutrient reductions and associated impacts, it presents significant and highly practical empirical and policy results. It diagnoses the causes of marine degradation, identifies through the use of simulation models cost-effective strategies for remediation and sets out the policies to be pursued collectively by the countries around the sea to restore and manage their common resource. This is an exemplary study in the application of ecological economics to complex natural resource systems. It will be of interest to students, researchers and professionals working on any aspect of marine ecosystem management.
Managing a Sea: The Ecological Economics of the Baltic
by Ing-Marie Gren R. Kerry Turner Frederick WulffMarine resources and fish stocks are now high on the international and economic research agendas, and the management of highly complex marine ecosystems is increasingly important. The task is complicated by the number of interlinked factors to be taken into account, such as social impacts, drainage systems, marine currents and the ecosystems involved. This interdisciplinary volume presents a comprehensive blueprint for managing a sea. Focused on the Baltic Sea, it employs a range of methods and techniques, including nutrient budgets and simulation models, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), economic valuation and policy analysis, to arrive at an assessment of causes and consequences of pollution in the sea and the management of its resources. From the analysis of data on land use, population, costs of nutrient reductions and associated impacts, it presents significant and highly practical empirical and policy results. It diagnoses the causes of marine degradation, identifies through the use of simulation models cost-effective strategies for remediation and sets out the policies to be pursued collectively by the countries around the sea to restore and manage their common resource. This is an exemplary study in the application of ecological economics to complex natural resource systems. It will be of interest to students, researchers and professionals working on any aspect of marine ecosystem management.
Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems
by Brian D. Fath and Sven E. JørgensenBringing together a wealth of knowledge, the Handbook of Environmental Management, Second Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries, and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about pollution and management issues. This six-volume set is a reimagining of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Environmental Management, published in 2013, and features insights from more than 500 contributors, all experts in their fields. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying environmental management is presented here in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the major environmental systems. Features of the new edition: The first handbook that demonstrates the key processes and provisions for enhancing environmental management. Addresses new and cutting -edge topics on ecosystem services, resilience, sustainability, food-energy-water nexus, socio-ecological systems and more. Provides an excellent basic knowledge on environmental systems, explains how these systems function and offers strategies on how to best manage them. Includes the most important problems and solutions facing environmental management today. In this second volume, Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems, the reader is introduced to the general concepts and processes of the atmosphere, with its related systems. This volume explains how these systems function and provides strategies on how to best manage them. It serves as an excellent resource for finding basic knowledge on the atmosphere, and includes important problems and solutions that environmental managers face today. This book practically demonstrates the key processes, methods, and models used in studying environmental management.
Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems
by Brian D. FathBringing together a wealth of knowledge, the Handbook of Environmental Management, Second Edition, gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries, and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about pollution and management issues. This six-volume set is a reimagining of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Environmental Management, published in 2013, and features insights from more than 500 contributors, all experts in their fields. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying environmental management is presented here in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the major environmental systems. Features of the new edition: The first handbook that demonstrates the key processes and provisions for enhancing environmental management. Addresses new and cutting -edge topics on ecosystem services, resilience, sustainability, food-energy-water nexus, socio-ecological systems and more. Provides an excellent basic knowledge on environmental systems, explains how these systems function and offers strategies on how to best manage them. Includes the most important problems and solutions facing environmental management today. In this second volume, Managing Air Quality and Energy Systems, the reader is introduced to the general concepts and processes of the atmosphere, with its related systems. This volume explains how these systems function and provides strategies on how to best manage them. It serves as an excellent resource for finding basic knowledge on the atmosphere, and includes important problems and solutions that environmental managers face today. This book practically demonstrates the key processes, methods, and models used in studying environmental management.
Managing and Coordinating Major Criminal Investigations
by Robert F. Kilfeather Jr. Robert P.The process of controlling criminal investigations is a complex matter, yet it has frequently been minimized or neglected in police management publications. But knowing how to properly plan for an event, make resource agreements with other participants in the investigation, and implement a coordinating system within the agency is critical to proper
Managing and Coordinating Major Criminal Investigations
by Robert F. Kilfeather Jr. Robert P.The process of controlling criminal investigations is a complex matter, yet it has frequently been minimized or neglected in police management publications. But knowing how to properly plan for an event, make resource agreements with other participants in the investigation, and implement a coordinating system within the agency is critical to proper
Managing and Developing Communities, Festivals and Events
by Alan ClarkeThe different stages of a festival's evolution provide a plethora of opportunities for us to better understand our culture, the relationships we build, what we value in our culture and our communities, and how we socialize and interact with one another. Managing and Developing Community Festivals and Events brings together community festival and event research from nine different countries. It critically explores how festivals and their communities develop and impact upon one another. The chapters focus on a wide range of festivals such as food and culinary festivals, art events, religious pilgrimage and feast festivals, as well as a variety of diverse themes such as joy, civil unrest, preservation of cultures and authenticity.
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (PDF)
by Martin Kornberger Professor Stewart R Clegg Tyrone PitsisThe eagerly-awaited Second Edition of this successful, highly-praised textbook continues to provide an original and engaging introduction to organizational behavior. Now completely revised and restructured, Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger, and Tyrone Pitsis succeed in relating theory to practice at every step to equip students with a real understanding of how to apply organizational behavior ideas in the real world. Student-friendly case studies, examples and boxed features will stimulate and challenge students, encouraging them to develop critical thinking skills.
Managing Arts in Times of Pandemics and Beyond
by A. DamodaranThis book seeks to approach arts organizations in India and abroad from a management perspective, against the backdrop of COVID-19 and in the light of the advances made by digital technologies such as blockchains. It follows a case-based approach by taking a closer look at eight arts organizations drawn from USA, Canada, Japan, India, and Russia. A special chapter is devoted to the cultural and arts policies of India, USA, Japan, Canada, and Russia. The chapter on economics seeks to apply the principles of managerial economics to arts organisations. Also discussed is a methodological approach for classifying arts organizations in terms of their organizational processes. The book can be of immense utility to both serving and prospective managers of arts organizations.