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Menschenrechte im Spannungsfeld marktwirtschaftlicher Interessen

by Corinna von Reutern-Kulenkamp

Corinna von Reutern-Kulenkamp geht ausgehend von der Globalisierung und dem steigenden Wettbewerbsdruck der Frage nach, ob und wie transnationale Unternehmen menschenrechtskonform und zugleich unternehmerisch handeln können und sollen. Dabei kontrastiert die Autorin die moralischen Anforderungen anhand des Konsequentialismus mit den Handlungsbedingungen der Unternehmen durch das Völkerrecht. Auf der Grundlage praktischer Fallbeispiele erarbeitet sie einen Lösungsansatz, der das Spannungsverhältnis für Unternehmen schrittweise auflösen soll und führt damit Markt, Moral und Recht zu einer innovativen Synthese. ​

Menschenrechte in der Entwicklungspolitik: Extraterritoriale Pflichten, der Menschenrechtsansatz und seine Umsetzung

by Léonie Jana Wagner

Léonie Jana Wagner fragt in diesem Buch, was es für die Konzipierung, Umsetzung und Bewertung von Entwicklungspolitik bedeutet, wenn Menschenrechte als ihre Basis betrachtet werden. Sie zeigt unter Rückgriff auf das Konzept der extraterritorialen Staatenpflichten, dass sich bereits aus den menschenrechtlichen Grundlagendokumenten ein Gebot ableiten lässt, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit menschenrechtsbasiert zu gestalten. Dennoch dienen Menschenrechtsansätze erst in jüngerer Zeit als offizielle Richtschnur für verschiedene Geber. Am Beispiel von UNDP und der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik offenbart sich jedoch, dass deren Umsetzung partiell bleibt. Neben Implementierungsschwierigkeiten „technischer“ Art deutet dies auch auf tiefer gehende Normkonflikte hin.

Menschenrechte und humanitäres Völkerrecht - eine Verhältnisbestimmung: Frieden und Recht • Band 4 (Gerechter Frieden)

Die Menschenrechte und das humanitäre Völkerrecht haben eines gemeinsam: das Ziel des Schutzes und der Absicherung der Menschen. Das Verhältnis zwischen ihnen ist dabei nach wie vor umstritten und nicht abschließend geklärt. Hierfür gibt es vielfältige Gründe. Sie reichen von der geschichtlichen Entwicklung beider Rechtsgebiete über rechtsdogmatisch voneinander abweichende Ansichten bis hin zu Fragen des Verhältnisses im engeren Sinne. Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes nähern sich aus verschiedenen disziplinären Perspektiven der Zuordnung der beiden Rechtskorpora und ihrer jeweiligen Geltungsbereiche an.

Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde: Vier thematische Einblicke. Vadian Lectures Band 5 (Sozialtheorie)

by Mathias Lindenau Marcel Meier Kressig

Menschenrechte - und mit ihnen die Menschenwürde - sind weltweit in den Verfassungen zahlreicher Staaten verankert. Und dennoch werden sie immer wieder relativiert, sodass ihre Um- und Durchsetzung selbst in der Demokratie - dessen Grundlage die Menschenrechte darstellen - nicht mehr sichergestellt werden kann. Wirken sich direktdemokratische Entscheide unter Umständen als menschenrechtlich problematisch aus? Wie sollen wir mit humanitären Interventionen umgehen? Wie kann der Begriff der Menschenwürde begründet werden - und wie lassen sich Menschenrechte global absichern? Die Beiträge des Bandes widmen sich diesen Fragen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.

Menschenrechte und Soziale Arbeit im Schatten des Nationalsozialismus: Der lange Weg der Reformen

by Annette Eberle Uwe Kaminsky Luise Behringer Ursula Unterkofler

Das Buch hat die Aufarbeitung der Gewalt- und Missbrauchserfahrungen in Einrichtungen der Sozialen Arbeit in Deutschland zum Thema. Aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive geht es um die Frage Zentral wie weit eine Aufarbeitung innerhalb der Profession erfolgt ist. Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich für Betroffene und Einrichtungen? Wie schlägt sich die Aufarbeitung im Menschenrechtsdiskurs und Praxis-Konzepten nieder? Es geht noch immer darum, Öffentlichkeit herzustellen, wie auch diese zweite Auflage zeigt.

Menschenrechtlicher Gleichheitsschutz (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #223)

by Tilmann Altwicker

Der UN-Menschenrechtsausschuss und der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte sind mehr denn je gewillt, Fragen der menschenrechtlichen Gleichheit zu behandeln. Damit werden lokale Gleichheitsprobleme internationalisiert und zugleich subtilere Formen der Ungleichbehandlung zum Gegenstand der völkerrechtlichen Rechtsprechung. In der bisher einzigen deutschsprachigen Monographie zum Thema werden die Entwicklungen der letzten 10 Jahre aufgearbeitet und die Konturen einer Dogmatik des menschenrechtlichen Gleichheitsrechts aufgezeigt.

Menschenrechtsverletzungen im internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht: Eine Untersuchung anhand der Wertschöpfungskette von Mobiltelefonen (Business, Economics, and Law)

by Katharina Hagemann

Katharina Hagemann zeigt beispielhaft anhand des Mobiltelefons, wie es in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen verschiedenster Art und verschiedensten Ausmaßes kommen kann. Die Autorin zerlegt die globale Wertschöpfungskette des Mobiltelefons und untersucht sie umfassend auf Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Dabei stellt sie flächendeckend permanente Verstöße gegen nationales wie internationales Recht fest. Sie erläutert exemplarisch zivilrechtliche Ansprüche Betroffener in Ländern wie der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, China und Ghana. Im Hinblick auf die negativen Untersuchungsergebnisse hinterfragt die Autorin kritisch die Rolle und Verantwortung von Wirtschaft, Politik und Verbrauchern.

Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Zusammenhang mit wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten von transnationalen Unternehmen (Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Rights #2)

by Sofia Massoud

Dieses Buch analysiert, ob und wie transnationale Unternehmen durch rechtliche Bindungen effektiv zur Einhaltung elementarer Menschenrechte verpflichtet werden können. Darüber hinaus werden auch die gesellschaftspolitischen Aussichten möglicher Strategien reflektiert. Das Buch zielt zwar auf alle Arten von Menschenrechten. Der Untersuchungsgegenstand ist jedoch bewusst auf die Kernarbeitsnormen der ILO beschränkt. Das Werk berücksichtigt gesellschaftsrechtlich verbundene Unternehmen ebenso wie die Möglichkeit einer Regulierung zum Schutz vor Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Zusammenhang mit wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten von Unternehmen in globalen Lieferketten. Das Buch untersucht privatrechtliche und völkerrechtliche Strategien. Anhand ausgewählter Ansätze kommt die Autorin zu dem Ergebnis, dass keine rechtliche Notwendigkeit für den gegenwärtigen Zustand eines defizitären Schutzes vor Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Zusammenhang mit wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten von Unternehmen besteht. Die Autorin legt dar, dass Defizite der Diskussion auch darin bestehen, dass regelmäßig eine Reflexion der Durchsetzungschancen und -möglichkeiten der an sich notwendigen rechtspolitischen Strategien fehlt.

Menschenwürde in der Bioethik

by Nikolaus Knoepffler

Was bedeutet „Menschenwürde"? Wie lässt sie sich begründen? Wem kommt sie zu? Wie lässt sich dieses Prinzip gesellschaftlich durchsetzen und auf welche bioethischen Konfliktfälle, insbesondere Konfliktfälle am Lebensanfang, Lebensende und im Rahmen gentechnischer Eingriffe am Menschen lässt es sich anwenden? Dies sind die Fragen, die hinter der vorliegenden Untersuchung stehen. Ihr wesentliches Ziel besteht darin, Lösungen und Lösungsalternativen für diese Fragen zu entwickeln und dadurch den gesellschaftlichen Dialog zu versachlichen.

Menschenwürde und Spätabbruch (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim #38)

by Anja Beatrice Dolderer

Schwangerschaftsabbrüche, die zu einem Zeitpunkt stattfinden, zu dem die Föten bereits potentiell extrauterin lebensfähig sind, stoßen in der Gesellschaft auf Empörung. Eine Selektion behinderter Föten wird befürchtet, da Auslöser eines Spätabbruchs häufig ein pathologischer Befund in der Pränataldiagnostik ist. Am 13. Mai 2009 beschloss der Bundestag nach langjährigen Debatten Änderungen des Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetzes und flankierende Maßnahmen. Die Arbeit überprüft, ob der Gesetzgeber durch die geltende Rechtslage und Rechtswirklichkeit seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Schutzpflicht gegenüber dem nasciturus, die in der Menschenwürde und dem Lebensrecht wurzelt, in ausreichendem Maße nachkommt.

Menschliche Sicherheit und gerechter Frieden: Politisch-ethische Herausforderungen • Band 4 (Gerechter Frieden)

by Ines-Jacqueline Werkner Bernd Oberdorfer

Das Konzept der menschlichen Sicherheit hat in nur kurzer Zeit eine hohe internationale Resonanz erfahren und Eingang in die Politik gefunden. Auch die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland macht sich dieses Konzept zu eigen; für sie stellt es einen zentralen Bezugspunkt und wichtigen Schritt auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung eines gerechten Friedens dar. Dabei ist dieses Konzept nicht unumstritten: Befürworter sehen in der Human Security einen notwendigen Paradigmenwechsel im Sicherheitsdiskurs: weg vom Staat hin zum Individuum. Gegner dieses Ansatzes hingegen bringen zentrale Kritikpunkte in Anschlag: von der definitorischen Unschärfe des Konzeptes über seine konzeptionelle Breite bis hin zu der Gefahr, eine interventionistische Politik zu befördern. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Kritik untersucht der Band die Chancen und Hindernisse des Konzeptes menschlicher Sicherheit und reflektiert sein Verhältnis zum gerechten Frieden.

Mental Capacity Casebook: Clinical Assessment and Legal Commentary

by Tracey Ryan-Morgan

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) provides a legal framework for acting on behalf of individuals who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves. The Mental Capacity Casebook showcases numerous real-life case studies in accordance to this Act. Through the exploration of various mental capacity assessments, this book highlights the psychological needs of the individuals who are supported and protected by the MCA. Dr. Tracey Ryan-Morgan, a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, is the first to bridge the gap between the individual’s psychological requirements and the legal framework surrounding them. Not only does this book present true, often complex, mental capacity assessments, it does so with legitimate corresponding commentaries. Each case outlines the presented problem along with its background, social context, psychological matters, the overriding opinion and concluding learning points. This book provides a unique standpoint, offering insight into the complexities of the Act and practical guidance on how to conduct assessments. It serves as essential reading for those looking for guidance whilst making complex capacity decisions, such as Clinical Neuropsychologists, Social Workers, and Legal Professionals.

Mental Capacity Casebook: Clinical Assessment and Legal Commentary

by Tracey Ryan-Morgan

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) provides a legal framework for acting on behalf of individuals who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves. The Mental Capacity Casebook showcases numerous real-life case studies in accordance to this Act. Through the exploration of various mental capacity assessments, this book highlights the psychological needs of the individuals who are supported and protected by the MCA. Dr. Tracey Ryan-Morgan, a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, is the first to bridge the gap between the individual’s psychological requirements and the legal framework surrounding them. Not only does this book present true, often complex, mental capacity assessments, it does so with legitimate corresponding commentaries. Each case outlines the presented problem along with its background, social context, psychological matters, the overriding opinion and concluding learning points. This book provides a unique standpoint, offering insight into the complexities of the Act and practical guidance on how to conduct assessments. It serves as essential reading for those looking for guidance whilst making complex capacity decisions, such as Clinical Neuropsychologists, Social Workers, and Legal Professionals.

Mental Capacity Law, Sexual Relationships, and Intimacy (Law, Society, Policy)

by Karen Brennan Andrea Hollomotz Alex Ruck Keene Hannah Morgan Ralph Sandland Claire Bates Neil Allen Jaime Lindsey Allegra Enefer Alan Cusack Becky Squires Oluwatoyin Sorinmade Carmelle Peisah Lorraine Currie

Questions as to the mental capacity of an individual to consent to sex are an increasingly important aspect of legal scholarship and professional practice for those working in care. Recent case law has added new layers of complexity, requiring that a person must be able to understand that the other person needs to consent and can withdraw that consent. While this has been welcomed for asserting the importance of the interpersonal dynamics of sex, it has significant implications for practice and for the day-to-day lives of people with cognitive impairments. This collection brings together academics, practitioners and organizations to consider the challenges posed by the current legal framework, and future directions for law, policy and practice.

Mental Capacity Law, Sexual Relationships, and Intimacy (Law, Society, Policy)

by Karen Brennan Andrea Hollomotz Alex Ruck Keene Hannah Morgan Ralph Sandland Claire Bates Neil Allen Jaime Lindsey Allegra Enefer Alan Cusack Becky Squires Oluwatoyin Sorinmade Carmelle Peisah Lorraine Currie

Questions as to the mental capacity of an individual to consent to sex are an increasingly important aspect of legal scholarship and professional practice for those working in care. Recent case law has added new layers of complexity, requiring that a person must be able to understand that the other person needs to consent and can withdraw that consent. While this has been welcomed for asserting the importance of the interpersonal dynamics of sex, it has significant implications for practice and for the day-to-day lives of people with cognitive impairments. This collection brings together academics, practitioners and organizations to consider the challenges posed by the current legal framework, and future directions for law, policy and practice.

Mental Disorders, Mental Illness and the Family Court: A Reference Guide for Non-Medical Professionals

by Dr Joan Rutherford Jennifer Cross JP Dr Stephanie Tolan Dr Andy Cohen

Mental Disorders, Mental Illness and the Family Court provides a comprehensive guide that is relevant to both public and private work in the Family Court in England and Wales. This book describes the mental disorders and illnesses that can affect both children and adults and how these disorders may progress from childhood into adulthood. It also describes how such disorders in adults can impact the lives of children in their care. The work offers practical advice to the Family Court as to what adjustments to consider for those appearing in court who are suffering with a mental health condition and to those representing the parties. It also describes the legal framework of the Family Court, the crossover between the Children Act and the Mental Health Act in respect of children and young people and the reports and assessments that are produced for the Family Court. Designed as a reference guide for non-medical professionals, the book discusses over 60 mental health conditions found in children, young people and adults. Each condition is described and includes information as to its prevalence, causes, symptoms and possible outcomes of treatments. The book considers issues of relevance to the Family Court's work, including the parenting of children who present risks, the interplay between different disorders, and the impact of mental disorders on family dynamics. It includes 22 anonymised Case Studies that show the impact of different disorders in real-life situations and provides a useful training resource. Each chapter includes links to further specialist information and organisations. The book is of practical use to those who work within the Family Court jurisdiction, from judges, magistrates and family lawyers to Cafcass officers, social workers and CAHMS teams. It will also be useful for parents, carers and guardians attending the Family Court. In producing this comprehensive guide, the authors have drawn on their wealth of experience and their extensive professional backgrounds working in psychiatry, paediatric medicine, social work and the Family Court and Mental Health Tribunal.

Mental Health: Proceedings of the Fourth Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine Held at Galveston, Texas, May 16–18, 1976 (Philosophy and Medicine #4)

by H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. S. F. Spicker

The concept 'health' is ambiguous [18,9, 11]. The concept 'mental health' is even more so. 'Health' compasses senses of well-being, wholeness, and sound­ ness that mean more than the simple freedom from illness - a fact appreci­ ated in the World Health Organization's definition of health as more than the absence of disease or infirmity [7]. The wide range of viewpoints of the con­ tributors to this volume attests to the scope of issues placed under the rubric 'mental health. ' These papers, presented at the Fourth Symposium on Philos­ ophy and Medicine, were written and discussed within a broad context of interests concerning mental health. Moreover, in their diversity these papers point to the many descriptive, evaluative, and, in fact, performative functions of statements concerning mental health. Before introducing the substance of these papers in any detail, I want to indicate the profound commerce between philosophical and psychological ideas in theories of mental health and disease. This will be done in part by a consideration of some conceptual developments in the history of psychiatry, as well as through an analysis of some of the functions of the notions of mental illness and health. 'Mental health' lays a special stress on the wholeness of human intuition, emotion, thought, and action.

Mental Health: A Philosophical Analysis (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine #9)

by P.-A. Tengland

Mental health issues are a growing concern in our modern Western society. This is part of an increasing interest in questions about health, quality of life, personal development, and self-fulfilment. However, most of what has been written so far has had its focus on mental illness or disease, the negative side of the coin, and few attempts have been made to discuss more thoroughly, from a philosophical perspective, what it is to be mentally healthy. The present book is such an attempt. The author's aim is to analyze, philosophically, the notion of `positive mental health'. In so doing a number of ideas found in the literature are presented and discussed. The author also raises some important methodological questions. The final result of the analysis is a formal and a material reconstruction of the concept of "positive mental health". The book will be of value to all professionals within the health care sector, in particular to psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and psychotherapists. It will also be of interest to philosophers and social scientists working with health questions.

Mental Health and Human Rights: The Challenges of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Mental Health Care (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Norman Sartorius Neeraj Gill

This book discusses the challenges arising in the application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the provision of mental health care by presenting the views of the parties most directly concerned – people with lived experience of mental illness, their carers, psychiatrists, legal experts, public health workers and planners. Rather than talking about theory, the representatives of these groups express their views in relation to a series of case stories related to mental health in different countries and cultures. In addition to the presentation of views and arguments related to the case stories presented, there are descriptions of the application of the CRPD on mental health legislation in China, Egypt, Fiji, France, Georgia, Germany, Mexico and Scotland - countries differing in their legal tradition, income and level of resources invested into mental health care.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession

by Emma Jones Neil Graffin

Legal professionals are thought to have higher levels of mental health issues and lower levels of wellbeing than the general population. Drawing on qualitative data from new research with legal practitioners, this in-depth study of mental health and wellbeing in the UK and Republic of Ireland’s legal sector is a timely contribution to the urgent international debate on these issues. The authors present a comprehensive discussion of the cultural, structural and other causes of legal professionals’ compromised wellbeing. They explore the everyday demands and difficulties of the legal working environment and consider the impacts on individuals, the legal profession and wider society. Making comparisons with systems overseas, this is an invaluable resource that provides evidence-based suggestions for swift and effective organisational and policy-related interventions in the legal sector.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession

by Emma Jones Neil Graffin

Legal professionals are thought to have higher levels of mental health issues and lower levels of wellbeing than the general population. Drawing on qualitative data from new research with legal practitioners, this in-depth study of mental health and wellbeing in the UK and Republic of Ireland’s legal sector is a timely contribution to the urgent international debate on these issues. The authors present a comprehensive discussion of the cultural, structural and other causes of legal professionals’ compromised wellbeing. They explore the everyday demands and difficulties of the legal working environment and consider the impacts on individuals, the legal profession and wider society. Making comparisons with systems overseas, this is an invaluable resource that provides evidence-based suggestions for swift and effective organisational and policy-related interventions in the legal sector.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace: A Practical Guide for Employers and Employees

by Gill Hasson Donna Butler

Provides guidance for both employers and staff on promoting positive mental health and supporting those experiencing mental ill health in the workplace The importance of good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is a subject of increased public awareness and governmental attention. The Department of Health advises that one in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Although a number of recent developments and initiatives have raised the profile of this crucial issue, employers are experiencing challenges in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees. Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace contains expert guidance for improving mental health and supporting those experiencing mental ill health. This comprehensive book addresses the range of issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing in work environments – providing all involved with informative and practical assistance. Authors Gill Hasson and Donna Butler examine changing workplace environment for improved wellbeing, shifting employer and employee attitudes on mental health, possible solutions to current and future challenges and more. Detailed, real-world case studies illustrate a variety of associated concerns from both employer and employee perspectives. This important guide: Explains why understanding mental health important and its impact on businesses and employees Discusses why and how to promote mental health in the workplace and the importance of having an effective ‘wellbeing strategy’ Provides guidance on managing staff experiencing mental ill health Addresses dealing with employee stress and anxiety Features resources for further support if experiencing mental health issues Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace is a valuable resource for those in the workplace wanting to look after their physical and mental wellbeing, and those looking for guidance in managing staff with mental health issues.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace: A Practical Guide for Employers and Employees

by Gill Hasson Donna Butler

Provides guidance for both employers and staff on promoting positive mental health and supporting those experiencing mental ill health in the workplace The importance of good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is a subject of increased public awareness and governmental attention. The Department of Health advises that one in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Although a number of recent developments and initiatives have raised the profile of this crucial issue, employers are experiencing challenges in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees. Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace contains expert guidance for improving mental health and supporting those experiencing mental ill health. This comprehensive book addresses the range of issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing in work environments – providing all involved with informative and practical assistance. Authors Gill Hasson and Donna Butler examine changing workplace environment for improved wellbeing, shifting employer and employee attitudes on mental health, possible solutions to current and future challenges and more. Detailed, real-world case studies illustrate a variety of associated concerns from both employer and employee perspectives. This important guide: Explains why understanding mental health important and its impact on businesses and employees Discusses why and how to promote mental health in the workplace and the importance of having an effective ‘wellbeing strategy’ Provides guidance on managing staff experiencing mental ill health Addresses dealing with employee stress and anxiety Features resources for further support if experiencing mental health issues Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace is a valuable resource for those in the workplace wanting to look after their physical and mental wellbeing, and those looking for guidance in managing staff with mental health issues.

Mental Health Ethics: The Human Context

by Phil Barker

All human behaviour is, ultimately, a moral undertaking, in which each situation must be considered on its own merits. As a result ethical conduct is complex. Despite the proliferation of Codes of Conduct and other forms of professional guidance, there are no easy answers to most human problems. Mental Health Ethics encourages readers to heighten their awareness of the key ethical dilemmas found in mainstream contemporary mental health practice. This text provides an overview of traditional and contemporary ethical perspectives and critically examines a range of ethical and moral challenges present in contemporary ‘psychiatric-mental’ health services. Offering a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective, it includes six parts, each with their own introduction, summary and set of ethical challenges, covering: fundamental ethical principles; legal issues; specific challenges for different professional groups; working with different service user groups; models of care and treatment; recovery and human rights perspectives. Providing detailed consideration of issues and dilemmas, Mental Health Ethics helps all mental health professionals keep people at the centre of the services they offer.

Mental Health Ethics: The Human Context

by Phil Barker

All human behaviour is, ultimately, a moral undertaking, in which each situation must be considered on its own merits. As a result ethical conduct is complex. Despite the proliferation of Codes of Conduct and other forms of professional guidance, there are no easy answers to most human problems. Mental Health Ethics encourages readers to heighten their awareness of the key ethical dilemmas found in mainstream contemporary mental health practice. This text provides an overview of traditional and contemporary ethical perspectives and critically examines a range of ethical and moral challenges present in contemporary ‘psychiatric-mental’ health services. Offering a comprehensive and interdisciplinary perspective, it includes six parts, each with their own introduction, summary and set of ethical challenges, covering: fundamental ethical principles; legal issues; specific challenges for different professional groups; working with different service user groups; models of care and treatment; recovery and human rights perspectives. Providing detailed consideration of issues and dilemmas, Mental Health Ethics helps all mental health professionals keep people at the centre of the services they offer.

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