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Bewegungsstudien: Vorschläge zur Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Arbeiters

by Frank B. Gilbreth Collin Ross

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Beweisfragen in der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #288)

by Alix Schlüter

Dieses Buch analysiert auf der Grundlage mehrerer hundert Urteile erstmals umfassend das Beweisrecht des EGMR. Untersucht werden verschiedene Referenzgebiete, in denen typischerweise Nachweisschwierigkeiten auftreten: Situationen der Informationsasymmetrie zwischen beklagter Konventionspartei und Beschwerdeführer, Fälle objektiver Ungewissheit von Tatsachen – in der Umweltrechtsprechung und in Fällen von Ausweisungen und Auslieferungen – und Diskriminierungsbeschwerden. Die Autorin zeigt auf, dass ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen Beweisrecht und materiellem Konventionsrecht besteht. Das Buch kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Gerichtshof Probleme, die als Fragen des Nachweises von beweisbedürftigen Tatsachen eigentlich dem Beweisrecht, mithin dem Prozessrecht zuzuordnen wären, vielfach über die Auslegung des materiellen Rechts löst.

Beweislastumkehr bei groben: Über die analoge Anwendung des § 630h Abs. 5 S. 1 BGB und Alternativlösungen (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)

by Sarah Christina Göpfert

Dieses Buch analysiert eine 2017 angestoßene Tendenz der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung, wonach die aus dem Arzthaftungsrecht stammende Beweisregel der Beweislastumkehr beim groben Behandlungsfehler auf andere Berufsgruppen ausgeweitet wird. In einem ersten Hauptteil werden umfangreich die Grundlagen zur Regelung des § 630h Abs. 5 S. 1 BGB dargestellt; deren rechtsgeschichtliche Entwicklung, deren Stärken und Schwächen, sowie Alternativlösungen für das Beweisproblem bei der Kausalität im Arzthaftungsrecht. Im darauffolgenden Hauptteil wird sodann die Entwicklung zur Anwendung der Vorschrift außerhalb des Arzthaftungsrechts beleuchtet, beginnend mit einer umfassenden Auswertung von Entscheidungen seit dem Jahr 1962, die eine entsprechende Anwendung der Beweislastregel in Erwägung gezogen haben. Im Anschluss wird diese Entwicklung nach einer Festlegung der methodischen Bewertungsgrundlagen nach Fallgruppen differenziert beurteilt. So wird im Ergebnis eine subsumtionsfähige Formel für künftige Fälle erarbeitet, die über die Zulässigkeit einer Analogie zu § 630h Abs. 5 S. 1 BGB entscheidet. Schlussendlich wird ein rechtspolitischer Vorschlag für eine Alternativregelung unterbreitet, die nicht an die viel kritisierte Beweislastumkehr anknüpft. Der Leser erhält so einen umfassenden Überblick zu der sich aktuell vollziehenden Rechtsfortbildung. Das Ergebnis ist ein Kompromiss aus den unübersehbaren Beweisnöten in den gegenständlichen Fällen auf der einen Seite, sowie dem Anliegen auf der anderen Seite, den Anwendungsbereich der Regelung zu begrenzen, um nicht das gesamte Haftungsrecht damit zu infiltrieren.

Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit chemischer Substanzen: Die Methode ‚SusDec‘ als schutzgutbezogenes Nachhaltigkeitsindikatorensystem

by Marian Mischke

Marian Mischke entwickelt mithilfe der Methode ‚Sustainable Decisio‘ (SusDec) ein integratives Indikatorensystem, mit dem die Nachhaltigkeit von Produktsystemen chemischer Substanzen vergleichend untersucht und bewertet werden kann. Es werden Schutzgüter definiert, Indikatorergebnisse zur Berechnung der Mehrbelastung herangezogen und das nachhaltigere Produktsystem ausgewählt. ‚SusDec‘ verlässt damit den Weg der einfachen Produktanalyse hin zu einer mehrere Betrachtungsebenen umfassenden Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse bei gleichzeitiger gleichberechtigter Berücksichtigung aller drei Nachhaltigkeitsdimensionen.

Bewertung von Energieverteilnetzen im Falle eines Konzessionsübergangs: Identifikation eines normzweckadäquaten Bewertungsansatzes

by Jens Meier

Entscheidet sich eine Kommune für eine Neuvergabe der Stromnetzkonzession, dann ist das Verteilnetz vom Alt- an den Neu-Konzessionär zu übereignen. Welche Vergütung der Neu-Konzessionär für das übergehende Verteilnetz zu entrichten hat, ist jedoch rechtlich höchst umstritten. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht Jens Meier die Auswirkungen rechtlicher Gesetzesnormauslegungen auf die Ausgestaltung des Bewertungsverfahrens für Energieverteilnetze. Der Autor zeigt dabei auf, unter welchen Prämissen vom Konzept des objektivierten Ertragswerts abgewichen werden sollte, um ein normzweckadäquates Bewertungsergebnis sicherzustellen. Neben einer Veränderung der Bewertungsperspektive wird hierbei auch der Einbezug erwerbertypspezifischer Synergien diskutiert.

Bewertungen in Umweltschutz und Umweltrecht

by Volker Stelzer

Schwierig bei der ganzheitlichen Bewertung von Auswirkungen des Menschen auf die Umwelt sind die Festlegung der relevanten Kriterien sowie die Abgrenzung der betroffenen Umwelt. Das vorliegende Buch bietet hier Hilfestellung. Der Autor hat außerdem die bisher untereinheitlich verwendete Terminologie in einen systematischen Zusammenhang gebracht und erläutert. Sowohl die Anwendung in der Praxis, als auch die weiterführende wissenschaftliche Diskussion werden damit auf eine solide Basis gestellt. Die Betrachtungen des Autors sind medienübergreifend und interdisziplinär angelegt. Naturwissenschaftliche Anforderungen an die Bewertung sind mit den für die Praxis entscheidenden rechtlichen Anforderungen abgeglichen. Spielräume und Defizite in den bestehenden rechtlichen Regelungen konnten so aufgezeigt werden.

Bewertungsgesetz (Gabler-Studientexte)

by Wolfgang Teß

Lernziel: Sie sollten nach Durcharbeiten dieses Kapitels mit den wesentlichen Bestimmungen des Bewertungsgesetzes vertraut sein. 1. Begriff der Bewertung und Bewertungsvorschriften Bewerten heißt, nicht in Geld bestehende und nicht aufGeld gerichtete Wirtschaftsgüter für Zwecke ihrer Besteuerung in Geld umzurechnen. Nach § 3 Abs. 1 der Abgabenordnung (AO) sind Steuern Geldleistungen. Bemessungsgrundlage für eine Steuerfestsetzung muß deshalb ein bestimmter Geldbetrag sein. Wirtschaftsgüter, die nicht in Geld bestehen, müssen daher, um Bemessungsgrundlage für eine Steuerfestsetzung zu sein, in Geld ausgedrückt werden. Die Nützlichkeit eines Wirtschaftsguts für die Menschen ist unterschiedlich. Deshalb hat auch ein Gegenstand für verschiedene Menschen einen unterschiedlichen Wert. Diese subjektive Einschätzung des Wertes eines Gegenstands kann aber nicht Grundlage der Besteuerung sein. Im Interesse der Gleichmäßigkeit der Besteuerung und der Rechtssicherheit muß deshalb eine gesetzliche Festlegung der Bewertung erfolgen. Die Regeln, nach denen die Sachgüter in Geld umgerechnet werden, nennt man Bewertungsvor­ schriften. Sie legen den Bewertungsgegenstand, den Bewertungsmaßstab, die Bewertungsmethode und den Bewertungszeitpunkt fest und regeln auch, für welche Steuern sie gelten.

Bewertungsgesetz (Gabler-Studientexte)

by Wolfgang Teß

Bewigged and Bewildered?: A Guide to Becoming a Barrister in England and Wales

by Adam Kramer

Misunderstandings and jargon prevent many from seriously considering a career as a barrister in the belief that such a career is not for them or that they are not for it. Others know that they might want to become barristers but not how to go about it, or just want to know more about this somewhat mysterious profession. This book (by a barrister who was formerly a university law lecturer) clearly but informally explains the traditions, terminology and institutions of the Bar, and what it is actually like to be a barrister. With this aim, several barristers practising in different fields describe in detail a typical week in their life. Advice is then given on how to be accepted into, fund and survive the various academic and other stages that precede qualification as a barrister, including work experience, Bar School, and pupillage (the barrister's apprenticeship). Space is also given to how to transfer to the Bar after another legal or non-legal career. This second edition is fully updated to take account of the changes to the Bar, training for it and the process of recruitment to it.Adam Kramer regularly provides updates to this book, which can be seen

Bewigged And Bewildered?: A Guide To Becoming A Barrister In England And Wales

by Adam Kramer Ian Higgins

Misunderstandings and jargon prevent many from seriously considering a career as a barrister in the belief that such a career is not for them or that they are not for it. Others know that they might want to become barristers but not how to go about it, or just want to know more about this somewhat mysterious profession. This book, written by two barristers, clearly but informally explains the traditions, terminology and institutions of the Bar, and what it is actually like to be a barrister. With this aim, several barristers practising in different fields describe in detail a typical week in their life. Advice is then given on how to be accepted into, fund and survive the various academic and other stages that precede qualification as a barrister, including work experience, Bar School and pupillage (the barrister's apprenticeship). It explains how to transfer to the Bar, for the benefit of solicitors, overseas lawyers or those in a non-legal career. This third edition is fully updated to take account of the most recent changes to the Bar, training for it, and the process of recruitment to it.

Beyond Abortion: <i>Roe v. Wade</i> and the Battle for Privacy

by Mary Ziegler Ziegler

For most Americans today, Roe v. Wade concerns just one thing: the right to choose abortion. But the Supreme Court’s decision once meant much more. The justices ruled that the right to privacy encompassed the abortion decision. Grassroots activists and politicians used Roe—and popular interpretations of it—as raw material in answering much larger questions: Is there a right to privacy? For whom, and what is protected? As Mary Ziegler demonstrates, Roe’s privacy rationale attracted a wide range of citizens demanding social changes unrelated to abortion. Movements questioning hierarchies based on sexual orientation, profession, class, gender, race, and disability drew on Roe to argue for an autonomy that would give a voice to the vulnerable. So did advocates seeking expanded patient rights and liberalized euthanasia laws. Right-leaning groups also invoked Roe’s right to choose, but with a different agenda: to attack government involvement in consumer protection, social welfare, racial justice, and other aspects of American life. In the 1980s, seeking to unify a fragile coalition, the Republican Party popularized the idea that Roe was a symbol of judicial tyranny, discouraging anyone from relying on the decision to frame their demands. But Beyond Abortion illuminates the untapped potential of arguments that still resonate today. By recovering the diversity of responses to Roe, and the legal and cultural battles it energized, Ziegler challenges readers to come to terms with the uncomfortable fact that privacy belongs to no party or cause.

Beyond Abortion: <i>Roe v. Wade</i> and the Battle for Privacy

by Mary Ziegler Ziegler

For most Americans today, Roe v. Wade concerns just one thing: the right to choose abortion. But the Supreme Court’s decision once meant much more. The justices ruled that the right to privacy encompassed the abortion decision. Grassroots activists and politicians used Roe—and popular interpretations of it—as raw material in answering much larger questions: Is there a right to privacy? For whom, and what is protected? As Mary Ziegler demonstrates, Roe’s privacy rationale attracted a wide range of citizens demanding social changes unrelated to abortion. Movements questioning hierarchies based on sexual orientation, profession, class, gender, race, and disability drew on Roe to argue for an autonomy that would give a voice to the vulnerable. So did advocates seeking expanded patient rights and liberalized euthanasia laws. Right-leaning groups also invoked Roe’s right to choose, but with a different agenda: to attack government involvement in consumer protection, social welfare, racial justice, and other aspects of American life. In the 1980s, seeking to unify a fragile coalition, the Republican Party popularized the idea that Roe was a symbol of judicial tyranny, discouraging anyone from relying on the decision to frame their demands. But Beyond Abortion illuminates the untapped potential of arguments that still resonate today. By recovering the diversity of responses to Roe, and the legal and cultural battles it energized, Ziegler challenges readers to come to terms with the uncomfortable fact that privacy belongs to no party or cause.

Beyond AI: ChatGPT, Web3, and the Business Landscape of Tomorrow (Future of Business and Finance)

by Ken Huang Yang Wang Feng Zhu Xi Chen Chunxiao Xing

This book explores the transformative potential of ChatGPT, Web3, and their impact on productivity and various industries. It delves into Generative AI (GenAI) and its representative platform ChatGPT, their synergy with Web3, and how they can revolutionize business operations. It covers the potential impact surpassing prior industrial revolutions.After providing an overview of GenAI, ChatGPT, and Web3, it investigates business applications in various industries and areas, such as product management, finance, real estate, gaming, and government, highlighting value creation and operational revolution through their integration. It also explores their impact on content generation, customer service, personalization, and data analysis and examines how the technologies can enhance content quality, customer experiences, sales, revenue, and resource efficiency. Moreover, it addresses security, privacy, and ethics concerns, emphasizing the responsible implementation of ChatGPT and Web3. Written by experts in this field, this book is aimed at business leaders, entrepreneurs, students, investors, and professionals who are seeking insights into ChatGPT, ChatGPT Plug-in, GPT-based autonomous agents, and the integration of Gen AI and Web3 in business applications.

Beyond All Reason: The Radical Assault on Truth in American Law

by Daniel A. Farber Suzanna Sherry

Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon trained at a medical school that did not evaluate its students? Would you want to fly in a plane designed by people convinced that the laws of physics are socially constructed? Would you want to be tried by a legal system indifferent to the distinction between fact and fiction? These questions may seem absurd, but these are theories being seriously advanced by radical multiculturalists that force us to ask them. These scholars assert that such concepts as truth and merit are inextricably racist and sexist, that reason and objectivity are merely sophisticated masks for ideological bias, and that reality itself is nothing more than a socially constructed mechanism for preserving the power of the ruling elite. In Beyond All Reason, liberal legal scholars Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry mount the first systematic critique of radical multiculturalism as a form of legal scholarship. Beginning with an incisive overview of the origins and basic tenets of radical multiculturalism, the authors critically examine the work of Derrick Bell, Catherine MacKinnon, Patricia Williams, and Richard Delgado, and explore the alarming implications of their theories. Farber and Sherry push these theories to their logical conclusions and show that radical multiculturalism is destructive of the very goals it wishes to affirm. If, for example, the concept of advancement based on merit is fraudulent, as the multiculturalists claim, the disproportionate success of Jews and Asians in our culture becomes difficult to explain without opening the door to age-old anti-Semitic and racist stereotypes. If historical and scientific truths are entirely relative social constructs, then Holocaust denial becomes merely a matter of perspective, and Creationism has as much "validity" as evolution. The authors go on to show that rather than promoting more dialogue, the radical multiculturalist preferences for legal storytelling and identity politics over reasoned argument produces an insular set of positions that resist open debate. Indeed, radical multiculturalists cannot critically examine each others' ideas without incurring vehement accusations of racism and sexism, much less engage in fruitful discussion with a mainstream that does not share their assumptions. Here again, Farber and Sherry show that the end result of such thinking is not freedom but a kind of totalitarianism where dissent cannot be tolerated and only the naked will to power remains to settle differences. Sharply written and brilliantly argued, this book is itself a model of the kind of clarity, civility, and dispassionate critical thinking which the authors seek to preserve from the attacks of the radical multiculturalists. With far-reaching implications for such issues as government control of hate speech and pornography, affirmative action, legal reform, and the fate of all minorities, Beyond All Reason is a provocative contribution to one of the most important controversies of our time.

Beyond Animal Rights: Food, Pets and Ethics (Think Now)

by Tony Milligan

Issues to do with animal ethics remain at the heart of public debate. In Beyond Animal Rights, Tony Milligan goes beyond standard discussions of animal ethics to explore the ways in which we personally relate to other creatures through our diet, as pet owners and as beneficiaries of experimentation. The book connects with our duty to act and considers why previous discussions have failed to result in a change in the way that we live our lives. The author asks a crucial question: what sort of people do we have to become if we are to sufficiently improve the ways in which we relate to the non-human? Appealing to both consequences and character, he argues that no improvement will be sufficient if it fails to set humans on a path towards a tolerable and sustainable future. Focussing on our direct relations to the animals we connect with the book offers guidance on all the relevant issues, including veganism and vegetarianism, the organic movement, pet ownership, and animal experimentation.

Beyond Animal Rights: Food, Pets and Ethics (Think Now)

by Tony Milligan

Issues to do with animal ethics remain at the heart of public debate. In Beyond Animal Rights, Tony Milligan goes beyond standard discussions of animal ethics to explore the ways in which we personally relate to other creatures through our diet, as pet owners and as beneficiaries of experimentation. The book connects with our duty to act and considers why previous discussions have failed to result in a change in the way that we live our lives. The author asks a crucial question: what sort of people do we have to become if we are to sufficiently improve the ways in which we relate to the non-human? Appealing to both consequences and character, he argues that no improvement will be sufficient if it fails to set humans on a path towards a tolerable and sustainable future. Focussing on our direct relations to the animals we connect with the book offers guidance on all the relevant issues, including veganism and vegetarianism, the organic movement, pet ownership, and animal experimentation.

Beyond Animal Rights: Food, Pets and Ethics (Think Now)

by Tony Milligan

Issues to do with animal ethics remain at the heart of public debate. In Beyond Animal Rights, Tony Milligan goes beyond standard discussions of animal ethics to explore the ways in which we personally relate to other creatures through our diet, as pet owners and as beneficiaries of experimentation. The book connects with our duty to act and considers why previous discussions have failed to result in a change in the way that we live our lives. The author asks a crucial question: what sort of people do we have to become if we are to sufficiently improve the ways in which we relate to the non-human? Appealing to both consequences and character, he argues that no improvement will be sufficient if it fails to set humans on a path towards a tolerable and sustainable future. Focussing on our direct relations to the animals we connect with the book offers guidance on all the relevant issues, including veganism and vegetarianism, the organic movement, pet ownership, and animal experimentation.

Beyond Audit: Auditing Remotely and Delivering Value (Wiley Corporate F&A)

by Robert L. Mainardi

Your game plan for strategic success in today’s remote audit department Beyond Audit is your guide to taking advantage of this unique moment to review and enhance your audit methodology to improve execution, operations, and audit product. Change has been thrust upon the audit industry, and every company must adapt to business interruptions and remote work environments. Now is the perfect time for audit departments to step back and turn a critical eye on their own operations. We have an opportunity to identify new ways of increasing product offerings and building more effective and efficient operations, ultimately creating better results for our partners and clients. This book will take you from a foundational understanding of the business environment through to a reflective review of your own operational effectiveness and efficiency. You’ll gain access to the Audit Risk Barometer (ARB), an innovative self-assessment tool that scores audit department strengths and opportunities for improvement. This book also includes a detailed methodology for working with your business partner to ensure clear identification of business objectives. You’ll also learn how to identify “true process risks” to ensure that testing remains focused and adds value. Finally, you'll learn critical skills and team development ideas for every level. Gain a fundamental understanding of today's business environment and how traditional and remote auditing fits into the new business puzzle Use the exclusive Audit Risk Barometer to conduct a valuable self-assessment and uncover your team’s strengths and weaknesses Learn how to effectively and efficiently work with your business partner to identify objectives and value-add opportunities Access online resources, including video summaries and interactive tools to revamp your audit department Beyond Audit incorporates links to online video summaries, templates mentioned throughout the book, interviews with experienced professionals, and an audit tracking software tool. This book is an enormously valuable resource for audit teams of any size and shape.

Beyond Audit: Auditing Remotely and Delivering Value (Wiley Corporate F&A)

by Robert L. Mainardi

Your game plan for strategic success in today’s remote audit department Beyond Audit is your guide to taking advantage of this unique moment to review and enhance your audit methodology to improve execution, operations, and audit product. Change has been thrust upon the audit industry, and every company must adapt to business interruptions and remote work environments. Now is the perfect time for audit departments to step back and turn a critical eye on their own operations. We have an opportunity to identify new ways of increasing product offerings and building more effective and efficient operations, ultimately creating better results for our partners and clients. This book will take you from a foundational understanding of the business environment through to a reflective review of your own operational effectiveness and efficiency. You’ll gain access to the Audit Risk Barometer (ARB), an innovative self-assessment tool that scores audit department strengths and opportunities for improvement. This book also includes a detailed methodology for working with your business partner to ensure clear identification of business objectives. You’ll also learn how to identify “true process risks” to ensure that testing remains focused and adds value. Finally, you'll learn critical skills and team development ideas for every level. Gain a fundamental understanding of today's business environment and how traditional and remote auditing fits into the new business puzzle Use the exclusive Audit Risk Barometer to conduct a valuable self-assessment and uncover your team’s strengths and weaknesses Learn how to effectively and efficiently work with your business partner to identify objectives and value-add opportunities Access online resources, including video summaries and interactive tools to revamp your audit department Beyond Audit incorporates links to online video summaries, templates mentioned throughout the book, interviews with experienced professionals, and an audit tracking software tool. This book is an enormously valuable resource for audit teams of any size and shape.

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