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Showing 36,526 through 36,550 of 57,815 results

Mittelbare Verhaltenssteuerung – Konzept, Wirkungen, Kritik: Perspektiven der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

by Michael W. Müller

Jenseits der imperativen Steuerung durch Ge- und Verbot bedient sich der moderne Staat schon lange verschiedenster Formen einer mittelbaren Einflussnahme auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: er steuert durch die Nutzung seiner Finanz- und Informationsmacht ebenso wie durch die Zuweisung von Risikosphären und Haftungsfolgen. Nach der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts darf er dies und genießt bei der Formenwahl regelmäßig große Gestaltungsfreiheit. Neuere Entscheidungen nehmen den Gesetzgeber jedoch verstärkt in die Pflicht, sich der tatsächlichen Wirkungen seiner Steuerungsbemühungen zu vergewissern: Gesetze können das verfassungsrechtliche Untermaßverbot verletzen, wenn Schutzaufträge nicht ausreichend verwirklicht werden. Sie können aber auch gegen das Übermaßverbot verstoßen, wenn sie zu Belastungen führen, denen keine hinreichenden Steuerungswirkungen gegenüberstehen. Durch diese Rechtsprechung erhält die seit langem in Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften geführte Debatte über die staatlichen Steuerungsmöglichkeiten zunehmende praktische Relevanz: Der Gesetzgeber muss sich des Sachverstandes verschiedener Steuerungswissenschaften bedienen und nach Möglichkeiten suchen, intendierte und tatsächliche Wirkungen seiner Steuerungsbemühungen plausibel zu beschreiben und zu analysieren. Ausgehend von aktuellen Problemstellungen führt der Band Perspektiven der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften auf diese Fragen zusammen..

Mittelstandsanleihen – ein Erfolgsmodell für alle Parteien (essentials)

by Marc Feiler Ulrich Kirstein

Die noch relativ junge Finanzierungsform der Mittelstandsanleihe ermöglicht es kleineren und mittleren Unternehmen, sich Fremdkapital über den Kapitalmarkt zu beschaffen und so ihre Finanzierung breiter aufzustellen. Wichtige Parameter einer Mittelstandsanleihe sind das Emissionsvolumen, der Kupon, das Rating und die „Bond-Story“. Institutionelle wie private Anleger stellen hohe Forderungen an Transparenz und Kommunikation des Emittenten – für noch nicht börsennotierte Unternehmen eine neue Herausforderung.

Mixed Agreements Revisited: The EU and its Member States in the World (Modern Studies in European Law)

by Christophe Hillion Panos Koutrakos

Mixed agreements are one of the most significant and complex areas of EU external relations law. They are concluded by the Member States and the EU (or the European Community in the pre-Lisbon days) with third countries and international organisations. Their negotiation, conclusion and implementation raise important legal and practical questions (about competence, authority, jurisdiction, responsibility) and often puzzle not only experts in countries and organisations with which the EU works but also European experts and students. This book, based on papers presented at a conference organised by the Universities of Leiden and Bristol in May 2008 provides, a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the legal and practical problems raised by mixed agreements. In doing so, it brings together the leading international scholars in the area of EU external relations, including two Judges at the European Court of Justice and a Judge at the EFTA Court, along with legal advisors from EU institutions, Member States, and third countries. The book will be of interest to European and international law academics and students, officials in EU institutions, practitioners of EU and international law, political scientists and international relations scholars, and students of European law, politics, and international affairs.

Mixed Legal Systems, East and West (Juris Diversitas)

by Vernon Valentine Palmer Mohamed Y. Mattar

Advancing legal scholarship in the area of mixed legal systems, as well as comparative law more generally, this book expands the comparative study of the world’s legal families to those of jurisdictions containing not only mixtures of common and civil law, but also to those mixing Islamic and/or traditional legal systems with those derived from common and/or civil law traditions. With contributions from leading experts in their fields, the book takes us far beyond the usual focus of comparative law with analysis of a broad range of countries, including relatively neglected and under-researched areas. The discussion is situated within the broader context of the ongoing development and evolution of mixed legal systems against the continuing tides of globalization on the one hand, and on the other hand the emergence of Islamic governments in some parts of the Middle East, the calls for a legal status for Islamic law in some European countries, and the increasing focus on traditional and customary norms of governance in post-colonial contexts. This book will be an invaluable source for students and researchers working in the areas of comparative law, legal pluralism, the evolution of mixed legal systems, and the impact of colonialism on contemporary legal systems. It will also be an important resource for policy-makers and analysts.

Mixed Legal Systems, East and West (Juris Diversitas)

by Vernon Valentine Palmer Mohamed Y. Mattar

Advancing legal scholarship in the area of mixed legal systems, as well as comparative law more generally, this book expands the comparative study of the world’s legal families to those of jurisdictions containing not only mixtures of common and civil law, but also to those mixing Islamic and/or traditional legal systems with those derived from common and/or civil law traditions. With contributions from leading experts in their fields, the book takes us far beyond the usual focus of comparative law with analysis of a broad range of countries, including relatively neglected and under-researched areas. The discussion is situated within the broader context of the ongoing development and evolution of mixed legal systems against the continuing tides of globalization on the one hand, and on the other hand the emergence of Islamic governments in some parts of the Middle East, the calls for a legal status for Islamic law in some European countries, and the increasing focus on traditional and customary norms of governance in post-colonial contexts. This book will be an invaluable source for students and researchers working in the areas of comparative law, legal pluralism, the evolution of mixed legal systems, and the impact of colonialism on contemporary legal systems. It will also be an important resource for policy-makers and analysts.

Mixed Methods and Cross Disciplinary Research: Towards Cultivating Eco-systemic Living (Contemporary Systems Thinking)

by Norma R. A. Romm Janet McIntyre-Mills

This book uses mixed methods to extend the concept of “wellbeing stocks” to refer to dynamic ways of working with others. It addresses metaphors and praxis for weaving together strands of experience. The aim of the wellbeing stocks concept is to enable people to re-evaluate economics and to become more aware of the way in which we neglect social and environmental aspects of life. The pursuit of profit at the expense of people and the environment is a central problem for democracy and governance. The vulnerability of cities is a symptom of the lack of balance between individual and collective needs. This book explores the potential for cities, specifically in the regions of Indonesia, Africa, and Australia, to become more productive as sites for food and water security through more creative use of technology. It highlights the need for partners that see food and security feasible at the household level if supports are provided at the community, national and international level. The book examines how these regions are affected by demographics, climate change and people movements, but also explores ways to establish an effective cultural ecosystem management.

MLI Made Easy

by Kuldeep Sharma

The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI) provides an innovative approach to enable countries to swiftly modify their bilateral tax treaties in order to implement measures developed in the course of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project. MLI, the first successfully concluded multilateral tax treaty, provides jurisdictions with the tools they need to ensure that profits are taxed where economic activities generating the profits are performed, while at the same time giving businesses greater certainty. MLI Made Easy makes it easier to get a complete grasp of this swift but complex modification process of tax treaties. This first and only self-contained book offers an unmatched article-by-article discussion of the MLI with an abundance of practical examples, diagrams, and flowcharts to make the information easier to understand and apply. Focusing on measures to combat tax evasion and abuse of tax treaties arising due to artificial avoidance of a permanent establishment status, hybrid mismatch arrangements, and other aspects of taxation, the book includes an in-depth discussion of the following and more: how specific gaps in existing bilateral tax treaties are addressed by the MLI; positions taken by selected jurisdictions and their impact on treaties; compatibility clauses, notification clauses, opting-in mechanisms, alternative provisions, and reservations; experiences in the course of implementation of the MLI; misconceptions and lingering doubts in respect of various substantive and procedural provisions of the MLI; interaction between the principal purpose test and simplified limitation on benefits; improving dispute resolution; and meaning of the phrases ‘on or after’, ‘other taxes’, and interpretational issues in entry into effect provisions. Adopted by a majority of jurisdictions worldwide, MLI preserves the tax sovereignty of its Parties and has been successful in overcoming barriers to the conclusion of a worldwide multilateral tax treaty. Because this easy-to-use book immensely facilitates understanding and application of the treaty measures developed in the course of the BEPS Project, it will be of immeasurable use to practitioners and other professionals engaging in international taxation, as well as to taxation authorities and interested academics in any part of the world.

A Mobile Century?: Changes in Everyday Mobility in Britain in the Twentieth Century (Transport and Mobility)

by Colin G. Pooley Jean Turnbull Mags Adams

For most people in the developed world, the ability to travel freely on a daily basis is almost taken for granted. Although there is a large volume of literature on contemporary mobility and associated transport problems, there are no comprehensive studies of the ways in which these trends have changed over time. This book provides a detailed empirical analysis of mobility change in Britain over the twentieth century. Beginning with an explanatory theoretical overview, setting the UK case studies within an international context, the book then analyses changes in the journey to school, the journey to work, and travelling for pleasure. It also looks at the ways in which changes in mobility have interacted with changes in the family life cycle and assesses the impact of new transport technologies on everyday mobility. It concludes by examining the implications of past mobility change for contemporary transport policy.

A Mobile Century?: Changes in Everyday Mobility in Britain in the Twentieth Century (Transport and Mobility)

by Colin G. Pooley Jean Turnbull Mags Adams

For most people in the developed world, the ability to travel freely on a daily basis is almost taken for granted. Although there is a large volume of literature on contemporary mobility and associated transport problems, there are no comprehensive studies of the ways in which these trends have changed over time. This book provides a detailed empirical analysis of mobility change in Britain over the twentieth century. Beginning with an explanatory theoretical overview, setting the UK case studies within an international context, the book then analyses changes in the journey to school, the journey to work, and travelling for pleasure. It also looks at the ways in which changes in mobility have interacted with changes in the family life cycle and assesses the impact of new transport technologies on everyday mobility. It concludes by examining the implications of past mobility change for contemporary transport policy.

Mobile Health Applications: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Gesundheits-Apps (Kölner Schriften zum Medizinrecht #28)

by Lukas Reitebuch

Dieses Buch beinhaltet eine Untersuchung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Mobile Health Applications (mHealth-Anwendungen). Im Zuge der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens halten Gesundheits-Apps vermehrt Einzug in die Gesundheitsversorgung. Ihr Einsatz ist für einen Großteil der Bevölkerung ein fester Bestandteil des Alltags geworden. Hersteller, Leistungserbringer aber auch die Patienten selbst stellen dabei große Erwartungen an die positiven Versorgungseffekte der Apps. Neue technische Errungenschaften bergen allerdings oftmals auch Risiken und Gefahren, stellen damit rechtliche Herausforderungen dar. Mit Inkrafttreten des Digitale‑Versorgung-Gesetzes und unmittelbarer Anwendbarkeit der EU-Medizinprodukteverordnung hat sich ein wesentlicher Teil des für mHealth‑Anwendungen maßgeblichen Regelungsgefüges grundlegend verändert. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit untersucht, inwieweit das Recht Innovationsoffenheit und Innovationsverantwortung in Bezug auf mHealth‑Anwendungen in einen gerechten Ausgleich bringen kann. Hierzu werden die einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften aus dem Medizinprodukterecht, dem Haftungsrecht, dem Datenschutzrecht und dem Sozialversicherungsrecht einer eingehenden Analyse unterzogen und Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung des Rechtsrahmens unterbreitet.

Mobile Payments, Consumer Policy and the Law: A Comparative Analysis (Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law)

by Nwanneka V. Ezechukwu

Mobile technology offers an innovative and cost-effective channel for delivering a range of financial services, including mobile payments. In some jurisdictions, mobile payments simply provide a convenient option for facilitating payment transactions. In other jurisdictions, mobile payments are viewed as potentially transformative because they present an opportunity to expand access to financial services. However, as with other innovations, mobile payments raise consumer protection concerns and require robust regulatory mechanisms to address such concerns. Against this backdrop, the book adopts a typology of consumer policy tools which can be used to address the identified consumer concerns. This typology guides the enquiry into the existing consumer protection frameworks applying to mobile payments in selected jurisdictions (Canada, Kenya, and the United Kingdom). The main objective of this endeavour is to identify best practices that national authorities seeking to leverage mobile payments and similar innovations can emulate. This book will be of interest to policymakers, regulators, industry stakeholders, students, and scholars interested in the regulation of innovative financial services, particularly from a consumer protection perspective.

Mobile Payments, Consumer Policy and the Law: A Comparative Analysis (Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law)

by Nwanneka V. Ezechukwu

Mobile technology offers an innovative and cost-effective channel for delivering a range of financial services, including mobile payments. In some jurisdictions, mobile payments simply provide a convenient option for facilitating payment transactions. In other jurisdictions, mobile payments are viewed as potentially transformative because they present an opportunity to expand access to financial services. However, as with other innovations, mobile payments raise consumer protection concerns and require robust regulatory mechanisms to address such concerns. Against this backdrop, the book adopts a typology of consumer policy tools which can be used to address the identified consumer concerns. This typology guides the enquiry into the existing consumer protection frameworks applying to mobile payments in selected jurisdictions (Canada, Kenya, and the United Kingdom). The main objective of this endeavour is to identify best practices that national authorities seeking to leverage mobile payments and similar innovations can emulate. This book will be of interest to policymakers, regulators, industry stakeholders, students, and scholars interested in the regulation of innovative financial services, particularly from a consumer protection perspective.

Mobile People, Mobile Law: Expanding Legal Relations in a Contracting World (Law, Justice and Power)

by Franz von Benda-Beckmann Keebet von Benda-Beckmann

Demonstrating how users of law, who often operate in multi-sited situations, are forced to deal with increasingly complex legal circumstances, this volume focuses on political and social processes through which people appropriate, use and create legal forms in multiple legal settings. It provides new insights into social and political processes through which transnational law is locally appropriated by different actors and presents empirical studies of confrontation, adaptation, vernacularization and hybridization of law due to its transplantation across the borders of national states. The contributors offer insights into modern dynamics of legal change, challenging assumptions about increasing homogeneity in law, with a keen eye for the historical situations in which current legal changes stand.

Mobile People, Mobile Law: Expanding Legal Relations in a Contracting World (Law, Justice and Power)

by Franz von Benda-Beckmann Keebet von Benda-Beckmann

Demonstrating how users of law, who often operate in multi-sited situations, are forced to deal with increasingly complex legal circumstances, this volume focuses on political and social processes through which people appropriate, use and create legal forms in multiple legal settings. It provides new insights into social and political processes through which transnational law is locally appropriated by different actors and presents empirical studies of confrontation, adaptation, vernacularization and hybridization of law due to its transplantation across the borders of national states. The contributors offer insights into modern dynamics of legal change, challenging assumptions about increasing homogeneity in law, with a keen eye for the historical situations in which current legal changes stand.

Mobile Technologies for Conflict Management: Online Dispute Resolution, Governance, Participation (Law, Governance and Technology Series #2)

by Marta Poblet

Mobile phones are the most ubiquitous communications technology in the world. Besides transforming the way in which we communicate, they can also be used as a powerful tool for conflict prevention and management. This book presents innovative uses of mobile technologies in the areas of early warning, disaster and humanitarian relief, governance, citizens’ participation, etc. and cuts across different regions. The book brings together experts and practitioners from different fields—mobile technologies, information systems, computer sciences, online dispute resolution, law, etc.—to reflect on present experiences and to explore new areas for research on conflict management and online dispute resolution (ODR). It also reflects on the transition from present ODR to future mobile Dispute Resolution and discusses key privacy issues. The book is addressed to anyone involved in conflict prevention and dispute management aiming to learn how mobile technologies can play a disruptive role in the way we deal with conflict.

Mobilising Hate: The Story of Hitler's Final Solution

by Martin Davidson

Praise for The Perfect Nazi:'Absorbing, highly readable and painstakingly researched' NIALL FERGUSON 'Unforgettable, haunting reading' SIMON SCHAMA'A fascinating and extraordinary journey into the banality of evil at the heart of Nazism' BEN MACINTYREBy 1942, it was an article of faith that what the Nazis called 'The Jewish Question' had only one answer: the mass extermination of an entire people. Six million European Jews were savagely murdered as a result of this perverted but profoundly held conviction. In this radical new perspective on Hitler's so-called 'Final Solution', Martin Davidson shows that the terrible fate of Europe's Jews was not one Nazi policy amongst many, but the central preoccupation of the regime, one which they were determined to achieve and of which they were most chillingly proud. How were so many people convinced that the Jews deserved such treatment - or were at least persuaded to shrug their shoulders and turn a blind eye? Why did they think Germany could only be reborn with their eradication? That Jewish suffering was not only necessary, but deserved? How were the moral standards of an entire nation so warped and perverted, that the Final Solution came to be regarded as a rational, thrilling, even sacred, element of Nazi state policy? Mobilising Hate examines in detail how Nazi ideologues worked to frame and amplify anti-Jewish feeling in Germany. Davidson explores the origins of radical anti-Jewish polemic in the volcanic upheavals that swept over Germany in the months after the First World War. How it seeded a theory that claimed to explain the truth of the entirety of human history. How that theory would go on to pervert science; corrupt the law; rewrite history; taint art, music and literature; and turn the media into the servant of a brutal and pitiless regime with a single message to communicate: destroying Jews lives was the indispensable first step to making Germany - and indeed, Europe - great again. Davidson goes on to track the way in which Nazi leaders moved from theory to practice, by accident and by design, skilfully dramatising the many twists and turns that would lead to Auschwitz and beyond, many of which are not generally included in conventional accounts. Mobilising Hate is driven by the first-hand accounts of many of those defined by the Nazi genocide; both its architects and perpetrators, as well as its targeted victims. Poignantly too, the book turns the spotlight on the whistle-blowers who saw, recorded and shared accounts of the horrors unfolding across the continent - only to be greeted time and time again, with guarded and non-committal hedging from Allied governments. Many people inside Germany, and across the world, knew, but, it seemed, very few felt they needed to care. As our world once again grapples with the challenges of global mass resentment, economic insecurity and the growing desire to find people - entire populations - at whom to point the finger of blame, the issue of Hitler's Final Solution and the thinking that gave birth to it have worrying new resonance. Rarely has the 'warning from history' been so acute, nor the refrain 'never again', been so heartfelt. Above all, Mobilising Hate is the story of how the Nazis spawned a vision of 'us' and 'them', that taken to its logical conclusion, spelled a death sentence for millions. Hitler may have lacked an early masterplan for the mass extermination of Europe's Jews, but it would be his zealously constructed policies and unflinching determination to see them through to the bitter end that would make it impossible for his Nazi Holocaust not to happen. That the Jews should face total extermination was Hitler's biggest, proudest prophecy, and the one he moved mountains to make come true, no matter the cost.

Mobilitäts- und Transportrecht in Europa: Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsperspektiven (Bibliothek des Wirtschaftsrechts #2)

by Simon Laimer Christoph Perathoner

Dieser Open Access Band beleuchtet den weit über die wissenschaftliche Community hinaus diskutierten Bereich der Personen- und Gütermobilität aus einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Perspektiven. Das Buch zeichnet sich durch seinen interdisziplinären Ansatz aus: neben rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen werden auch Aspekte aus Verkehrswirtschaft, Technik sowie nachhaltiger Verkehrspolitik beleuchtet, unter anderem anhand von Großprojekten wie dem österreichisch-italienischen Brennerbasistunnel und der Neuen Eisenbahn-Alpentransversale in der Schweiz. Zunächst werden die Instrumente zur Verwirklichung des europäischen Binnenmarkts im Transport- und Verkehrsrecht behandelt. Darauf werden Fragen der internationalen gerichtlichen Zuständigkeit und des anwendbaren Vertragsrechts bei der grenzüberschreitenden multimodalen Güterbeförderung in der EU auf der Grundlage aktueller Judikatur diskutiert. Im Bereich des internationalen Warenhandels werden Querbezüge zwischen UN-Kaufrecht und COTIF-Eisenbahngüterbeförderungsrecht (CIM) hergestellt. Ferner werden die aktuell vieldiskutierten haftungsrechtlichen Herausforderungen des automatisierten Fahrens sowie die umstrittene Frage der Luftreinhaltung durch Verkehrsverbote in den Städten behandelt. Darauf folgt die Diskussion kartellrechtlicher Fragen von Kooperationen im grenzüberschreitenden Eisenbahnverkehr. Den Ausgangspunkt für dieses Buch bildete eine Tagung an der Universität Innsbruck.

Mobilities, Social Change and Crime: Lessons from Poland

by Konrad Buczkowski Paulina Wiktorska

This book presents a synthesis of selected trends in the dynamics and structure of crime in Poland over the past 30 years, in the context of ongoing social transformations in the wider region. The book explores the impact of the deep systemic transformation of the late 1980s and early 1990s on the phenomenon of crime, its structure and dynamics, and the policy of its control in the following decades. It also examines the impact of changes resulting from the dynamic development of Polish society in the 21st century in the context of global changes towards the emergence of a new form of collective life, a mobile information society based on modern technologies. The focus is primarily on those deviant behaviours that can most obviously be linked to social changes, primarily political, economic, legal, and technological. The work examines disclosed crime figures available in official statistics. It also looks to the future considering the global societal changes caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on preliminary observations made in selected countries, the authors describe associated changes in criminal behaviour and identify some pivotal developments that may influence future trends. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the areas of criminal law, criminology, sociology and criminal policy.

Mobilities, Social Change and Crime: Lessons from Poland

by Konrad Buczkowski Paulina Wiktorska

This book presents a synthesis of selected trends in the dynamics and structure of crime in Poland over the past 30 years, in the context of ongoing social transformations in the wider region. The book explores the impact of the deep systemic transformation of the late 1980s and early 1990s on the phenomenon of crime, its structure and dynamics, and the policy of its control in the following decades. It also examines the impact of changes resulting from the dynamic development of Polish society in the 21st century in the context of global changes towards the emergence of a new form of collective life, a mobile information society based on modern technologies. The focus is primarily on those deviant behaviours that can most obviously be linked to social changes, primarily political, economic, legal, and technological. The work examines disclosed crime figures available in official statistics. It also looks to the future considering the global societal changes caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on preliminary observations made in selected countries, the authors describe associated changes in criminal behaviour and identify some pivotal developments that may influence future trends. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the areas of criminal law, criminology, sociology and criminal policy.

Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy: Geographic Knowledge Discovery

by Fosca Giannotti Dino Pedreschi

Mobile communications and ubiquitous computing generate large volumes of data. Mining this data can produce useful knowledge, yet individual privacy is at risk. This book investigates the various scientific and technological issues of mobility data, open problems, and roadmap. The editors manage a research project called GeoPKDD, Geographic Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery and Delivery, and this book relates their findings in 13 chapters covering all related subjects.

The Mobilization of the Unemployed in Europe: From Acquiescence to Protest? (Europe in Transition: The NYU European Studies Series)

by Didier Chabanet & Jean Faniel

In the face of high unemployment in Europe for the past thirty years, the unemployed have organized themselves and mobilized at levels ranging from the local to the transnational. This work explores why, when, and how the unemployed move from acquiescence to protest.

Mobilizing against Inequality: Unions, Immigrant Workers, and the Crisis of Capitalism (Frank W. Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference Series)

by Lee H. Adler, Maite Tapia, and Lowell Turner

Among the many challenges that global liberalization has posed for trade unions, the growth of precarious immigrant workforces lacking any collective representation stands out as both a major threat to solidarity and an organizing opportunity. Believing that collective action is critical in the struggle to lift the low wages and working conditions of immigrant workers, the contributors to Mobilizing against Inequality set out to study union strategies toward immigrant workers in four countries: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and United States. Their research revealed both formidable challenges and inspiring examples of immigrant mobilization that often took shape as innovative social countermovements. Using case studies from a carwash organizing campaign in the United States, a sans papiers movement in France, Justice for Cleaners in the United Kingdom, and integration approaches by the Metalworkers Union in Germany, among others, the authors look at the strategies of unions toward immigrants from a comparative perspective. Although organizers face a different set of obstacles in each country, this book points to common strategies that offer promise for a more dynamic model of unionism is the global North. Visit the website for the book, which features literature reviews, full case studies, updates, and links to related publications at

Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty

by Darrel Moellendorf

The global climate crisis and other pressures on planetary ecology cause profound anxieties for humanity. Climate change threatens to trap hundreds of millions of people in dire poverty-widening the gap in an already deeply divided economy. However, a new generation of activists is offering inspiration, raising hopes in a seemingly hopeless situation. In Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty, Darrel Moellendorf discusses climate change, global poverty, justice, and the importance of political responses, both internationally and domestically, that offer hope. While there are reasons to worry that the era of pervasive human planetary impact, the Anthropocene, could produce terrible global injustices and massive environmental destruction, that need not be so. Moellendorf contends that the work of bringing about a world united in creating sustainable solutions to environmental crises, that values the Earth's natural wonders, and actualizes a vision of economic justice, is the work of mobilizing hope.

Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty

by Darrel Moellendorf

The global climate crisis and other pressures on planetary ecology cause profound anxieties for humanity. Climate change threatens to trap hundreds of millions of people in dire poverty-widening the gap in an already deeply divided economy. However, a new generation of activists is offering inspiration, raising hopes in a seemingly hopeless situation. In Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty, Darrel Moellendorf discusses climate change, global poverty, justice, and the importance of political responses, both internationally and domestically, that offer hope. While there are reasons to worry that the era of pervasive human planetary impact, the Anthropocene, could produce terrible global injustices and massive environmental destruction, that need not be so. Moellendorf contends that the work of bringing about a world united in creating sustainable solutions to environmental crises, that values the Earth's natural wonders, and actualizes a vision of economic justice, is the work of mobilizing hope.

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