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The Nationality of Corporate Investors under International Investment Law (Studies in International Trade and Investment Law)

by Anil Yilmaz Vastardis

This monograph offers a detailed and distinctive analysis of corporate nationality under international investment law, covering the ICSID Convention and the investment treaty framework. It takes the reader back to the basics, threading through the concepts of jurisdiction, nationality, and corporate personality to give a clear context to the discussion of corporate nationality under international investment law, at a time when international investment is dominated by multinational business enterprises operating in a globalised economy. The book examines different understandings of corporate personality and nationality under a selection of jurisdictions and public international law. It also offers an in-depth analysis of approaches found in ICSID arbitral awards and in investment treaty practice, distilling the problematic areas and discussing the impacts of the areas of concern. It evaluates the techniques developed to address problems and puts forward suggestions for effective and balanced solutions to the questions of corporate nationality and personal scope of investment protection.

The Nationality of Corporate Investors under International Investment Law (Studies in International Trade and Investment Law)

by Anil Yilmaz Vastardis

This monograph offers a detailed and distinctive analysis of corporate nationality under international investment law, covering the ICSID Convention and the investment treaty framework. It takes the reader back to the basics, threading through the concepts of jurisdiction, nationality, and corporate personality to give a clear context to the discussion of corporate nationality under international investment law, at a time when international investment is dominated by multinational business enterprises operating in a globalised economy. The book examines different understandings of corporate personality and nationality under a selection of jurisdictions and public international law. It also offers an in-depth analysis of approaches found in ICSID arbitral awards and in investment treaty practice, distilling the problematic areas and discussing the impacts of the areas of concern. It evaluates the techniques developed to address problems and puts forward suggestions for effective and balanced solutions to the questions of corporate nationality and personal scope of investment protection.

Nationality of Foundlings: Avoiding Statelessness Among Children of Unknown Parents Under International Nationality Law (Evidence-Based Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies #5)

by Mai Kaneko-Iwase

This is the first book dedicated to clarifying the concept of “foundlings” and how to best prevent their statelessness in light of the object and purpose of Article 2 of the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and equivalent nationality law provisions. Among other features, the book defines the terms “foundling,” including the maximum age limit of the child to be considered a “foundling”; “unknown parents”; being “found” in a territory; and “proof to the contrary”; as well as the procedural issues such as the appropriate burden and standard of proof. In doing so, the book draws upon a comparative analysis of national legislation on “foundlings” covering 193 states, case law, and precedents in some states as well as international human rights law norms including the best interests of the child. As its conclusion, the book proposes an inclusive model “foundling provision” and a commentary to inform legislative efforts and interpretation of the existing provisions. Its findings are useful not only to state parties to the 1961 Convention but also to non-state parties, particularly in countries lacking systematic civil documentation or experiencing the effects of armed conflicts, migration, trafficking, and displacement.

The Nationality of Ships

by Herman Meyers

It gives me great pleasure to introduce this work by Dr. H. Meyers. The problem of "The Nationality of Ships" has long been one of the most difficult problems in the international law of the sea. It has been made more acute recently by the growth of "flags of convenience". Legally, the problem has been complicated or simplified-according to one's point of view-by the emergence of the concept of the "genuine link" associated with the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in the Nottebohm case (second phase) in 1955. Other develop­ ments have included the thorough preparatory work of the Internation­ al Law Commission leading up to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, held in Geneva in 1958; the debates at that Con­ ference and particularly its adoption of the Convention on the High Seas; and finally the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation in 1960. All these developments have thrown light on the problem ofthe allocation of ships to one or other of the politically organised territorial communities (or States) of which the present international society is largely composed. But an agreed solution acceptable to all the interests concerned seems as far away as ever. The question of ships operated by international institutions such as the United Nations is another problem which awaits a satisfactory answer.

Nationalization, Natural Resources and International Investment Law: Contractual Relationship as a Dynamic Bargaining Process (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Junji Nakagawa

Nationalization disputes in natural resources development are among the most disputed issues of international investment law. This book offers a fresh insight into the nature of nationalization disputes in natural resources development and the rules of international investment law governing them by systematically analyzing (1) the content of investment contracts in natural resources development, and (2) the results of nationalization disputes in natural resources development from the perspective of dynamic bargaining theory. Based on the comprehensive and systematic empirical analyses, the book sheds new light on contractual renegotiation and renewal as a hardly known but practically normal solution of nationalization disputes and presents a set of soft law rules governing contractual renegotiation and renewal.

Nationalization, Natural Resources and International Investment Law: Contractual Relationship as a Dynamic Bargaining Process (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Junji Nakagawa

Nationalization disputes in natural resources development are among the most disputed issues of international investment law. This book offers a fresh insight into the nature of nationalization disputes in natural resources development and the rules of international investment law governing them by systematically analyzing (1) the content of investment contracts in natural resources development, and (2) the results of nationalization disputes in natural resources development from the perspective of dynamic bargaining theory. Based on the comprehensive and systematic empirical analyses, the book sheds new light on contractual renegotiation and renewal as a hardly known but practically normal solution of nationalization disputes and presents a set of soft law rules governing contractual renegotiation and renewal.

Nationalsozialistische Weltanschauung und Gesetzgebung 1933–1945: Band II: Dokumentation einer Entwicklung

by Arno Buschmann

Mit dieser Dokumentation der Gesetze des nationalsozialistischen Staates wird der erste einer auf zwei Bände angelegten Darstellung der nationalsozialisti­ schen Gesetzgebungsgeschichte vorgelegt, in der die Ergebnisse eines vom Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in Wien geförderten Forschungsprojektes enthalten sind. Die Forschungen erstreckten sich über einen längeren Zeitraum und wurden auch nach Beendigung der Förderung weiterge­ führt. Sie sind einem Gegenstand gewidmet, der in der bisherigen Erforschung des Nationalsozialismus entweder nur kursorisch oder in detailreichen Einzel­ untersuchungen erörtert worden ist, dessen Kenntnis jedoch für das Gesamt­ verständnis der mit dem Nationalsozialismus verbundenen politischen und rechtlichen Vorgänge jedoch als unerläßlich angesehen werden muß. Noch ziel­ bewußter als andere mit ihm rivalisierende Weltanschauungen und politische Heilslehren hat der Nationalsozialismus die Gesetzgebung als Instrument des Umbaus von Staat und Gesellschaft eingesetzt, um seine politischen Vorstellun­ gen und Ziele in die Realität umzusetzen. Als Ausdruck dieser Umsetzung be­ gegnet eine Gesetzgebung, die nicht nur als Spiegel der politischen, sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und geistigen Verhältnisse der Zeit erscheint, sondern von einer Rechts- oder besser Gesetzesauffassung beherrscht wird, die in der Weltan­ schauung selbst ihren Ursprung hat, nicht hingegen als Ergebnis einer langen, sich über Jahrhunderte erstreckenden Rechtstradition figuriert, die allein den Anspruch erheben kann, Manifestation des Rechtes zu sein. Die näheren Einzelheiten des Vorganges werden in einem weiteren, bereits im Manuskript vorliegenden Band dargestellt werden.

Nationhood, Executive Power and the Australian Constitution (Hart Studies in Constitutional Law)

by Peta Stephenson

The first comprehensive study of the nature and scope of the nationhood power, this book brings a fresh perspective to the scholarship on the powers of the executive branch in Australia.The question of when the Federal Executive Government can act without the authorisation of the Parliament is contested and highly topical in Australia. In recent judicial decisions, Australian courts have suggested that statutory authorisation may not be required where the Federal Executive Government is exercising the nationhood power; that is, the implied executive power derived from the character and status of the Commonwealth as the national government.The Federal Executive Government has relied on this power to implement controversial spending programs, respond to national emergencies and exclude non-citizens from Australia. Together, the chapters in this book analyse and evaluate judicial observations about the operation of the nationhood power in these different contexts and its relationship with the other categories of federal executive power in s 61 of the Constitution.While the focus of this book is on the nationhood power, it also addresses broader issues concerning the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in parliamentary systems of government. This book makes an important contribution to the literature on executive power and will appeal to constitutional lawyers, scholars and practitioners and those who are involved in the administration of government.

Nationhood, Executive Power and the Australian Constitution (Hart Studies in Constitutional Law)

by Peta Stephenson

The first comprehensive study of the nature and scope of the nationhood power, this book brings a fresh perspective to the scholarship on the powers of the executive branch in Australia.The question of when the Federal Executive Government can act without the authorisation of the Parliament is contested and highly topical in Australia. In recent judicial decisions, Australian courts have suggested that statutory authorisation may not be required where the Federal Executive Government is exercising the nationhood power; that is, the implied executive power derived from the character and status of the Commonwealth as the national government.The Federal Executive Government has relied on this power to implement controversial spending programs, respond to national emergencies and exclude non-citizens from Australia. Together, the chapters in this book analyse and evaluate judicial observations about the operation of the nationhood power in these different contexts and its relationship with the other categories of federal executive power in s 61 of the Constitution.While the focus of this book is on the nationhood power, it also addresses broader issues concerning the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in parliamentary systems of government. This book makes an important contribution to the literature on executive power and will appeal to constitutional lawyers, scholars and practitioners and those who are involved in the administration of government.

Native: Life in a Vanishing Landscape

by Patrick Laurie

Shortlisted for The Wainwright Prize for UK Nature Writing 2020'A rare breed of a book … to be greatly treasured' - Daily MailDesperate to connect with his native Galloway, Patrick Laurie plunges into work on his family farm in the hills of southwest Scotland. Investing in the oldest and most traditional breeds of Galloway cattle, he begins to discover how cows once shaped people, places and nature in this remote and half-hidden place. This traditional breed requires different methods of care from modern farming on an industrial, totally unnatural scale.As the cattle begin to dictate the pattern of his life, Patrick stumbles upon the passing of an ancient rural heritage. Always one of the most isolated and insular parts of the country, as the twentieth century progressed, the people of Galloway deserted the land and the moors have been transformed into commercial forest in the last thirty years. The people and the cattle have gone, and this withdrawal has shattered many centuries of tradition and custom. Much has been lost, and the new forests have driven the catastrophic decline of the much-loved curlew, a bird which features strongly in Galloway's consciousness. The links between people, cattle and wild birds become a central theme as Patrick begins to face the reality of life in a vanishing landscape.

Native Americans and the Supreme Court

by M. T. Henderson

Although Native Americans have been subjugated by every American government since The Founding, they have persevered and, in some cases, thrived. What explains the existence of separate, semi-sovereign nations within the larger American nation? In large part it has been victories won at the Supreme Court that have preserved the opportunity for Native Americans to ‘make their own laws and be ruled by them.’ The Supreme Court could have gone further, creating truly sovereign nations with whom the United States could have negotiated on an equal basis. The Supreme Court could also have done away with tribes and tribalism with the stroke of a pen. Instead, the Court set a compromise course, declaring tribes not fully sovereign but also something far more than a mere social club.This book describes several of the most famous Supreme Court cases impacting the course of Native American history. The author provides an analysis of canonical American Indian Law cases with historical and legal context and brings a fresh perspective to the issues.Law students, policy makers and judges looking for an introduction to American Indian Law will gain an understanding of this complicated history. This exploration will also appeal to academics interested in a new perspective on old and current cases.

Natur als Rechtssubjekt: Die neuseeländische Rechtsetzung als Vorbild für Deutschland

by Katharina Bader-Plabst

Das Buch analysiert die Möglichkeit der Normierung eigener Rechte der Natur in der deutschen Rechtsordnung. Als Inspiration hierzu wird der Vergleich zur Eigenrechtsgesetzgebung in Neuseeland gezogen. Neuseeland normierte als eines der ersten Länder der Welt eigene Rechte der Natur, indem das Land den Te Urewera Wald und den Whanganui Fluss als Rechtssubjekte gesetzlich anerkannte. Die Gesetzgebung wurde weltweit als umweltrechtliche Pionierleistung gefeiert. In Zeiten der Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise liegt daher der Gedanke nahe, auch im deutschen Rechtssystem über die rechtliche Aufwertung der Natur nachzudenken. Die Arbeit befasst sich daher mit der Frage, ob Rechte der Natur nach neuseeländischem Vorbild in Deutschland sowohl rechtlich zulässig als auch geboten und erforderlich sind.

Natura 2000: Auswirkung und Umsetzung im innerstaatlichen Recht (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #142)

by Erich Pürgy

Natura 2000 basiert auf zwei EU-Richtlinien: der Vogelschutzrichtlinie und der Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie. Die Umsetzung dieser beiden EU-Richtlinien betrifft zahlreiche österreichische Gesetzesmaterien, allen voran die Naturschutzgesetze. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich umfassend mit der Einführung von Natura 2000 ins innerstaatliche Recht. Der Schwerpunkt der Ausführungen liegt bei den Gebietsschutzbestimmungen und den Regelungen über den Artenschutz. Erstmals werden die komplexen rechtlichen Fragestellungen, die sich vor allem materienübergreifend für die Landesgesetzgeber, aber auch für die Bundesgesetzgeber stellen und zum Teil sehr heikel zu handhaben sind, strukturiert aufgearbeitet. Ein praktischer Leitfaden nicht nur für alle Landesgesetzgeber, den Bundesgesetzgeber sowie alle Vollziehungsbehörden, sondern auch für Umweltorganisationen, Grundeigentümer oder Bewilligungswerber.

Natura 2000 – A Coherent Nature Conservation Network?: A Proposal for Reforming the Rules on Designation under the Habitats Directive

by Bettina Kleining

This book offers a fresh perspective on the Habitats Directive's rules on designating Natura 2000 - the European biodiversity conservation network. Although the Habitats Directive came into force in the early 1990s, the network is not yet optimally set up and lacks coherence and connectivity. The author examines the Habitats Directive’s provisions regarding the designation of Natura 2000 and discusses possible reasons for the EU Member States’ ongoing lack of compliance with their designation duties. She reassesses the 2015 REFIT Fitness Check of the Nature Directives to look for the Member States’ reasons for not having optimally complied with their designation duties yet. She then analyses the Habitats Directive to reveal elements of non-optimal drafting in its designation provisions. Sensible law reforms that do not interfere with the general framework of the Habitats Directive and which keep in mind the relevant national, regional, and international biodiversity law and policy,as well as the relevant case law will be discussed to this end. As a result, this book presents an enhanced legal designation framework that can support Member States’ compliance with their designation obligations. The book finally goes beyond the European biodiversity legislation, also shedding light on the effects of the suggested reforms for the broader biodiversity and environmental law and policy landscape, and concludes that reforming the Habitats Directive would benefit a variety of contemporary areas of law. This book targets academics and policy-makers in the field as it provides a scholarly as well as a hands-on approach to the subject of strengthening European biodiversity law.

Natural Capital, Agriculture and the Law (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law series)

by Felicity Deane Evan Hamman Anna Huggins

Through an extended study of agricultural land use and policy, Natural Capital, Agriculture and the Law presents a comprehensive legal analysis of proposals for protecting natural capital stocks and the sustainable use of ecosystem services, critiquing the legal challenges in designing and operationalising a workable natural capital approach.Evaluating legal considerations at international, national and local levels, chapters canvas the challenges behind creating an optimal policy mix when shifting towards a natural capital approach, including entrenched private property rights and privacy and intellectual property concerns. Exploring the instruments necessary to support improved valuation and accounting for nature in the development of a natural capital framework, including digital technologies, regulation and market-based instruments, the book then considers the legal, technical and social barriers that impede their use. With an international outlook on environmental laws, trade rules and values, it concludes by arguing that operationalising natural capital governance requires designing and implementing legal and regulatory frameworks to support the identification, valuation, protection and restoration of natural capital.Global in scope, the book will prove invaluable for scholars of environmental and agricultural law, environmental economics and policy design. Identifying practical options for legal, regulatory and governance design, it will also be useful for governmental policymakers and environmental consultants.

Natural Corporate Management: From the Big Bang to Wall Street

by William C. Frederick

This groundbreaking new book by business scholar William C. Frederick presents an innovative, exciting – even revolutionary – view of corporate management and the challenges it confronts in today's world. The author proposes a management paradigm shift transforming the way corporations do business. Management scholarship and research may well be rechanneled from current orientations to new models, concepts, and theories of what it takes to manage corporations in a planetary world confronting climate change, energy crises, and securing the well-being of all global citizens. Natural Corporate Management (NCM) is an awareness and an acceptance by the managers of today's business corporations of the close functional linkage between natural forces and human economic choices. NCM is not a set of techniques or methods but is a growing consciousness by managers of the presence and influence of nature in all managerial decisions. The book's central theme is that business and nature are locked into an evolutionary partnership that defines all aspects of corporate management, including decisions, policy, goal-seeking, organizational design, workplace behavior, and productive operations. This partnership of Nature and Nurture yields economic, social, and ecological dividends for corporations, their stakeholders, and the global community. An "Evolutionary Cascade" depicts the various phases of evolutionary change – physical, organic, genetic, human, neurological, symbolic – beginning with the Big Bang origin of the Universe and continuing to modern times. These evolutionary events collectively influence the operational activities of all business firms. A "Natural Theory of the Firm" summarizes the NCM approach, as well as the mind-set of corporate managers, and the bio-socio-economic consequences of their decisions. This theoretically-innovative book proposes an agenda of corporate actions to promote long-term sustainability and economic well-being of business, its stakeholders, and planetary citizens everywhere. It will be essential reading for managers and researchers at all levels who wish to engage seriously with the challenges of organic life and its long-term sustainability.

Natural Corporate Management: From the Big Bang to Wall Street

by William C. Frederick

This groundbreaking new book by business scholar William C. Frederick presents an innovative, exciting – even revolutionary – view of corporate management and the challenges it confronts in today's world. The author proposes a management paradigm shift transforming the way corporations do business. Management scholarship and research may well be rechanneled from current orientations to new models, concepts, and theories of what it takes to manage corporations in a planetary world confronting climate change, energy crises, and securing the well-being of all global citizens. Natural Corporate Management (NCM) is an awareness and an acceptance by the managers of today's business corporations of the close functional linkage between natural forces and human economic choices. NCM is not a set of techniques or methods but is a growing consciousness by managers of the presence and influence of nature in all managerial decisions. The book's central theme is that business and nature are locked into an evolutionary partnership that defines all aspects of corporate management, including decisions, policy, goal-seeking, organizational design, workplace behavior, and productive operations. This partnership of Nature and Nurture yields economic, social, and ecological dividends for corporations, their stakeholders, and the global community. An "Evolutionary Cascade" depicts the various phases of evolutionary change – physical, organic, genetic, human, neurological, symbolic – beginning with the Big Bang origin of the Universe and continuing to modern times. These evolutionary events collectively influence the operational activities of all business firms. A "Natural Theory of the Firm" summarizes the NCM approach, as well as the mind-set of corporate managers, and the bio-socio-economic consequences of their decisions. This theoretically-innovative book proposes an agenda of corporate actions to promote long-term sustainability and economic well-being of business, its stakeholders, and planetary citizens everywhere. It will be essential reading for managers and researchers at all levels who wish to engage seriously with the challenges of organic life and its long-term sustainability.

Natural Environments: Studies in Theoretical & Applied Analysis (RFF Environmental and Resource Economics Set)

by John V. Krutilla

This study represents the first scholarly attempt to consider the difficult allocation problems associated with management of natural resources and proposed changes in the natural environment. Originally published in 1973

Natural Environments: Studies in Theoretical & Applied Analysis (RFF Environmental and Resource Economics Set)

by John V. Krutilla

This study represents the first scholarly attempt to consider the difficult allocation problems associated with management of natural resources and proposed changes in the natural environment. Originally published in 1973

Natural Hazards and Disaster Justice: Challenges for Australia and Its Neighbours

by Anna Lukasiewicz Claudia Baldwin

This book explores policy, legal, and practice implications regarding the emerging field of disaster justice, using case studies of floods, bushfires, heatwaves, and earthquakes in Australia and Southern and South-east Asia. It reveals geographic locational and social disadvantage and structural inequities that lead to increased risk and vulnerability to disaster, and which impact ability to recover post-disaster. Written by multidisciplinary disaster researchers, the book addresses all stages of the disaster management cycle, demonstrating or recommending just approaches to preparation, response and recovery. It notably reveals how procedural, distributional and interactional aspects of justice enhance resilience, and offers a cutting edge analysis of disaster justice for managers, policy makers, researchers in justice, climate change or emergency management.

A Natural History of Human Morality

by Michael Tomasello

Michael Tomasello offers the most detailed account to date of the evolution of human moral psychology. Based on experimental data comparing great apes and human children, he reconstructs two key evolutionary steps whereby early humans gradually became an ultra-cooperative and, eventually, a moral species capable of acting as a plural agent “we”.

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