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The Rule of Law and the Rule of God

by Win-Chiat Lee Simeon O. Ilesanmi J. Wilson Parker

This book examines the competing regimes of law and religion an offers a multidisciplinary approach to demonstrate the global scope of their influence. It argues that the tension between these two institutions results from their disagreements about the kinds of rule that should govern human life and society, and from where they should be derived.

The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference (Studies in International Law)

by Machiko Kanetake André Nollkaemper

This book aims to enhance understanding of the interactions between the international and national rule of law. It demonstrates that the international rule of law is not merely about ensuring national compliance with international law. International law and institutions (eg, international human rights treaty-monitoring bodies and human rights courts) respond to national contestations and show deference to the national rule of law. While this might come at the expense of the certainty of international law, it suggests that the international rule of law can allow for flexibility, national diversity and pluralism.The essays in this volume are set against the background of increasing conflict between international and national legal norms. Moreover the book shows that international law and institutions do not always command blind national obedience to international law, but incorporate a process of adjustment and deference to national law and policies that are protected by the rule of law at the national level.

The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference (Studies in International Law)

by André Nollkaemper Machiko Kanetake

This book aims to enhance understanding of the interactions between the international and national rule of law. It demonstrates that the international rule of law is not merely about ensuring national compliance with international law. International law and institutions (eg, international human rights treaty-monitoring bodies and human rights courts) respond to national contestations and show deference to the national rule of law. While this might come at the expense of the certainty of international law, it suggests that the international rule of law can allow for flexibility, national diversity and pluralism.The essays in this volume are set against the background of increasing conflict between international and national legal norms. Moreover the book shows that international law and institutions do not always command blind national obedience to international law, but incorporate a process of adjustment and deference to national law and policies that are protected by the rule of law at the national level.

The Rule of Law, Economic Development, and Corporate Governance (New Thinking in Political Economy series)

by Nadia E. Nedzel

Grounded in history and written by a law professor, this book is a scholarly yet jargon-free explanation of the differences among the common and civil law concepts of the rule of law, and details how they developed out of two different cultural views of the relationships between law, individuals, and government. The book shows how those differences lead to differences in economic development, entrepreneurship, and corporate governance. The author considers the relationship among the ROL and economic development, the legal and economic differences between shareholder and stakeholder theory, and also offers insights into how to promote effective and sustainable change in law and business. Students and scholars of international business law, corporate governance, economics, and political economy will gain a general understanding of the topic in a way not previously presented.

The Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and Islamic Law

by Hossein Esmaeili Irmgard Marboe Javaid Rehman

The importance of the rule of law is universally recognised and of fundamental value for most societies. Establishing and promoting the rule of law in the Muslim world, particularly in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, has become a pressing but complicated issue. These states have Muslim majority populations, and the religion of Islam has an important role in the traditional structures of their societies. While the Muslim world is taking gradual steps towards the establishment of rule of law systems, most Muslim majority countries may not yet have effective legal systems with independent judiciaries, which would allow the state and institutions to be controlled by an effective rule of law system. One important aspect of the rule of law is freedom of expression. Given the sensitivity of Muslim societies in relation to their sacred beliefs, freedom of expression, as an international human rights issue, has raised some controversial cases. This book, drawing on both International and Islamic Law, explores the rule of law, and freedom of expression and its practical application in the Muslim world.

The Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and Islamic Law

by Hossein Esmaeili Irmgard Marboe Javaid Rehman

The importance of the rule of law is universally recognised and of fundamental value for most societies. Establishing and promoting the rule of law in the Muslim world, particularly in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, has become a pressing but complicated issue. These states have Muslim majority populations, and the religion of Islam has an important role in the traditional structures of their societies. While the Muslim world is taking gradual steps towards the establishment of rule of law systems, most Muslim majority countries may not yet have effective legal systems with independent judiciaries, which would allow the state and institutions to be controlled by an effective rule of law system. One important aspect of the rule of law is freedom of expression. Given the sensitivity of Muslim societies in relation to their sacred beliefs, freedom of expression, as an international human rights issue, has raised some controversial cases. This book, drawing on both International and Islamic Law, explores the rule of law, and freedom of expression and its practical application in the Muslim world.

The Rule of Law History, Theory and Criticism (Law and Philosophy Library #80)

by E. Santoro

Authors Costa and Zolo share the conviction that a proper understanding of the rule of law today requires reference to a global problematic horizon. This book offers some relevant guides for orienting the reader through a political and legal debate where the rule of law (and the doctrine of human rights) is a concept both controversial and significant at the national and international levels.

Rule of Law, Human Rights and Judicial Control of Power: Some Reflections from National and International Law (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #61)

by Rainer Arnold José Ignacio Martínez-Estay

Judicial control of public power ensures a guarantee of the rule of law. This book addresses the scope and limits of judicial control at the national level, i.e. the control of public authorities, and at the supranational level, i.e. the control of States. It explores the risk of judicial review leading to judicial activism that can threaten the principle of the separation of powers or the legitimate exercise of state powers. It analyzes how national and supranational legal systems have embodied certain mechanisms, such as the principles of reasonableness, proportionality, deference and margin of appreciation, as well as the horizontal effects of human rights that help to determine how far a judge can go. Taking a theoretical and comparative view, the book first examines the conceptual bases of the various control systems and then studies the models, structural elements, and functions of the control instruments in selected countries and regions. It uses country and regional reports as the basis for the comparison of the convergences and divergences of the implementation of control in certain countries of Europe, Latin America, and Africa. The book’s theoretical reflections and comparative investigations provide answers to important questions, such as whether or not there are nascent universal principles concerning the control of public power, how strong the impact of particular legal traditions is, and to what extent international law concepts have had harmonizing and strengthening effects on internal public-power control.

The Rule of Law in an Era of Change: Responses to Transnational Challenges and Threats (Springer Series on International Justice and Human Rights)

by George J. Andreopoulos Rosemary L. Barberet Mahesh K. Nalla

This forward-thinking volume examines the rule of law from a global perspective, in the context of a growing array of transnational challenges and threats As the United Nations (UN) notes, the rule of law constitutes the basis “on which fair and just societies are built.” The contributions to this volume provide insights to several emerging debates about what the rule of law means in the modern era of warfare and of massive and systematic human rights violations that call for robust and transparent accountability mechanisms and processes. The authors of this work examine several controversial topics, including: -The growing use of drones, and the morality of long distance use -The UN Security Council’s evolving counterterrorism policies and practices -Victims’ Rights and the effort to provide meaning and justice to victims and survivors of terrorism - The relationship between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) -The effectiveness of the international criminal justice process overall, with an eye to procedural fairness and justice. This timely work will be of interest to researchers in criminal justice, particularly with a focus on counter-terrorism and international justice, as well as international law, human rights, and international studies.

The Rule of Law in Brazil: The Legal Construction of Inequality (The Rule of Law in Context)

by Juliano Zaiden Benvindo

This book provides a broad perspective of the functioning, evolution, and dynamics of the rule of law in Brazil. It stresses not only how the rule of law has developed in the legal system, but also how the political institutions and extra-legal organisations have transformed its foundations. The rule of law is not a simple concept when it comes to defining the political, economic, and legal developments of a country like Brazil. Similar to many other Latin American countries, Brazil is a young democracy struggling with its longstanding extractive institutions and entrenched interests. It features, however, one of Latin America's richest constitutional moments, when civil society actively participated in drafting the most democratic constitution in the country's history. Brazil has since strengthened its institutions and the rule of law, but the road toward consolidating them has been challenged by inequality and the legacies of that authoritarian past. The book explores how Brazilian democracy has dealt with the high levels of social inequality and the authoritarian mindset that still play a big role in its fate, and asks whether the country's democratic achievements and institutional framework are sufficiently strong to enforce the rule of law as an imperative for Brazil's development, especially in times when the country is most in need of them.

The Rule of Law in Brazil: The Legal Construction of Inequality (The Rule of Law in Context)

by Juliano Zaiden Benvindo

This book provides a broad perspective of the functioning, evolution, and dynamics of the rule of law in Brazil. It stresses not only how the rule of law has developed in the legal system, but also how the political institutions and extra-legal organisations have transformed its foundations. The rule of law is not a simple concept when it comes to defining the political, economic, and legal developments of a country like Brazil. Similar to many other Latin American countries, Brazil is a young democracy struggling with its longstanding extractive institutions and entrenched interests. It features, however, one of Latin America's richest constitutional moments, when civil society actively participated in drafting the most democratic constitution in the country's history. Brazil has since strengthened its institutions and the rule of law, but the road toward consolidating them has been challenged by inequality and the legacies of that authoritarian past. The book explores how Brazilian democracy has dealt with the high levels of social inequality and the authoritarian mindset that still play a big role in its fate, and asks whether the country's democratic achievements and institutional framework are sufficiently strong to enforce the rule of law as an imperative for Brazil's development, especially in times when the country is most in need of them.

Rule of Law in China: A Comparative Approach (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Katrin Blasek

This book analyzes in detail differing interpretations of the rule of law in Western legal systems and in the People’s Republic of China. As the rule of law is seen by many as a prerequisite for China’s future development, politicians, activists and entrepreneurs from China and from the West alike have long been calling for adherence to this principle, which is constitutive of Western democracies. All these groups use the same words, but do they truly share the same idea?In order to address this question, the book compares the “Rule of Law with Chinese characteristics,” as propagated by Chinese leaders and in official Chinese publications, to different applications of the rule of law as it is understood in Western civilization. In particular, the author takes a closer look at the implementations of recognized core elements of the rule of law in representative Western countries, which include the separation of power, the supremacy of law, the protection of fundamental rights, and the independence of the justice system.

Rule of Law in China: A Ten-year Review (2002-2012) (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Lin Li He Tian Yanbin Lv

This volume summarizes the achievements on rule of law in China for the ten years from 2002 to 2012, particularly focusing on areas such as judicial review, anti-monopoly, reform of government agencies, the circulation of rural Land contracted management rights, and the protection of children’s rights. It also considers the prospects for rule of law in China in the future. With numerous tables and screenshots to illustrate the text and provide a comprehensive overview and insights into China’s rule of law establishment, it appeals to readers interested in judicial reform, rural medical service, children’s rights protection and anti-monopoly.

The Rule of Law in Comparative Perspective (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #3)

by Mortimer Sellers Tadeusz Tomaszewski

This volume compares the different conceptions of the rule of law that have developed in different legal cultures. It describes the social purposes and practical applications of the rule of law and how it might be improved in the varied circumstances.

Rule of Law in Crisis: Constitutionalism in a State of Flux (Routledge Research in Public Law)

by Martin Belov

This book addresses the current crisis that threatens the rule of law and has led to the need for its adjustment as normative concept, legal principle and pragmatic guideline for the behaviour of political players. Rule of law is a pillar of the constitutional orders and a key principle of national, international and EU law. Yet, rule of law is subject to pressure for change in the face of emergency, crisis and transition. This book explores how constitutional crisis, emergency constitutionalism and constitutional polycrisis assert pressures for the transformation of rule of law and thus produce a state of flux. It examines the rule of law from the viewpoint of constitutional imaginaries, memory politics and identity politics. It critically assesses the responses given by the EU and its member states to the current crisis. The work also provides an analysis of the most important challenges to rule of law stemming from the performance of constitutional courts, including, the risks of judicial activism, politicization of the courts and the judicialization of politics. The book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, academics and policy-makers working in the areas of Constitutional Law and Political Science.

Rule of Law in Crisis: Constitutionalism in a State of Flux (Routledge Research in Public Law)

by Martin Belov

This book addresses the current crisis that threatens the rule of law and has led to the need for its adjustment as normative concept, legal principle and pragmatic guideline for the behaviour of political players. Rule of law is a pillar of the constitutional orders and a key principle of national, international and EU law. Yet, rule of law is subject to pressure for change in the face of emergency, crisis and transition. This book explores how constitutional crisis, emergency constitutionalism and constitutional polycrisis assert pressures for the transformation of rule of law and thus produce a state of flux. It examines the rule of law from the viewpoint of constitutional imaginaries, memory politics and identity politics. It critically assesses the responses given by the EU and its member states to the current crisis. The work also provides an analysis of the most important challenges to rule of law stemming from the performance of constitutional courts, including, the risks of judicial activism, politicization of the courts and the judicialization of politics. The book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, academics and policy-makers working in the areas of Constitutional Law and Political Science.

The Rule of Law in Crisis and Conflict Grey Zones: Regulating the Use of Force in a Global Information Environment

by Michael John-Hopkins

This book responds to ongoing calls for clarification and consensus regarding the meaning, scope and interplay of humanitarian law and human rights law in the ‘grey zones’ of unconventional operational environments such as counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations. It contributes to the debate in this area by developing objective criteria for determining where the shift from the legal framework of law enforcement to that of non-international armed conflict occurs in relation to targeting law and weaponry law; by developing improved objective criteria for determining what constitutes direct participation in hostilities and de facto membership in an organised armed group; by taking stock of how existing targeting and weaponry rules are being applied to unconventional conflicts within civilian populated areas by key state players as well as by international and regional human rights mechanisms; by arguing for the progressive realisation of targeting and weaponry law so that they are more fitting for operational environments that are increasingly urbanised and civilianised; by seeking to understand how global networked connectivity may affect our understanding of the operational theatre of war and the geographical reach of the legal framework of non-international armed conflict.

The Rule of Law in Crisis and Conflict Grey Zones: Regulating the Use of Force in a Global Information Environment

by Michael John-Hopkins

This book responds to ongoing calls for clarification and consensus regarding the meaning, scope and interplay of humanitarian law and human rights law in the ‘grey zones’ of unconventional operational environments such as counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations. It contributes to the debate in this area by developing objective criteria for determining where the shift from the legal framework of law enforcement to that of non-international armed conflict occurs in relation to targeting law and weaponry law; by developing improved objective criteria for determining what constitutes direct participation in hostilities and de facto membership in an organised armed group; by taking stock of how existing targeting and weaponry rules are being applied to unconventional conflicts within civilian populated areas by key state players as well as by international and regional human rights mechanisms; by arguing for the progressive realisation of targeting and weaponry law so that they are more fitting for operational environments that are increasingly urbanised and civilianised; by seeking to understand how global networked connectivity may affect our understanding of the operational theatre of war and the geographical reach of the legal framework of non-international armed conflict.

The Rule of Law in Cyberspace (Law, Governance and Technology Series #49)

by Carlos Blanco de Morais Gilmar Ferreira Mendes Thomas Vesting

The rule of law in cyberspace currently faces serious challenges. From the democratic system to the exercise of fundamental rights, the Internet has raised a host of new issues for classic legal institutions. This book provides a valuable contribution to the fields of international, constitutional and administrative law scholarship as the three interact in cyberspace.The respective chapters cover topics such as the notion of digital states and digital sovereignty, jurisdiction over the Internet, e-government, and artificial intelligence. The authors are eminent scholars and international experts with a profound knowledge of these topics. Particular attention is paid to the areas of digital democracy, digital media and regulation of the digital world.The approach employed is based on a comparative perspective from Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Brazil. One particular focus is on how various legal systems are coping with increasing difficulties in the exercise of democracy with regard to disinformation and hate speech. The roles of legislators, the judicial system and public administrations are analysed in the light of the latest cases, conflicts and technologies.In addition to this comparative approach, the book explores the evolution of rule of law in cyberspace and the upcoming new legal regimes in the European Union and Brazil. Special care is taken to offer a critical review of both the literature and the latest legal solutions adopted and being considered regarding the regulation of cyberspace from a constitutional and administrative perspective.Given its scope, the book will be of interest to researchers and scholars in the field of digital law whose work involves constitutional problems in cyberspace and/or practical problems concerning the regulation of social networks and online commerce.

The Rule of Law in Europe: Recent Challenges and Judicial Responses

by María Elósegui Alina Miron Iulia Motoc

This book discusses the nature of the challenges that have confronted European democracies in recent years. In the past decade, the rule of law in Europe has been put under strain by both external and internal factors. The term “illiberal democracies” is sometimes used to describe the rise of a phenomenon in which the fundamental values of the European legal order, as enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, are called into question. The preservation of the independence of the judiciary, of the freedom of expression and the protection of journalists are among the values under threat. But these challenges are also present within the older democracies in which emergency regimes have become more common. As the European Union’s sanctions regime shows, striking a balance between security and the rule of law, of which fundamental rights are an intrinsic part, is a constant challenge. Focusing on the European courts’ responses to these threats, the book discusses how courts could provide the ultimate line of defense. The acid test of the rule of law might indeed be how it safeguards the judicial guarantees designed to protect core European values beyond the discretion of government.

Rule of Law in Europe

by Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque Filipe Marques

This open access book discusses the state of rule of law protection in Europe, by considering recent challenges to judiciary independence in EU countries. The purpose of the book is to advance solutions to such challenges. It looks at the challenges from the perspective of EU law and ECHR law and puts forward solutions for its improvement and paths of action to be taken by EU political institutions to solve the problems. The book consists of communications presented by leading European scholars, judges and prosecutors, in a conference in Lisbon, organised by Prof. Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque and Judge Filipe Marques.

The Rule of Law in Global Governance

by Monika Heupel Theresa Reinold

This book explores whether the co-existence of (partially) overlapping and sometimes competing layers of authority, which characterizes today's global order, undermines or rather strengthens efforts to promote the rule of law on a global scale. Heupel and Reinold argue that whether multi-level governance and global legal pluralism have beneficial or detrimental effects on the international rule of law depends on specific scope conditions. Among these are the mobilization of powerful states and courts, as well as the fit between soft law and hard law arrangements. The volume comprises seven case studies written by International Relations and International Law scholars. Bridging the gap between political science and legal scholarship, the volume enables an interdisciplinary perspective on the emergence of an international rule of law. It also provides much needed empirical research on the implications of multi-level governance and global legal pluralism for the rule of law beyond the nation state.

Rule of Law in India: A Quest for Reason

by Harish Narasappa

Rule of law is the foundation of modern democracies. It envisages, inter alia, participatory lawmaking, just and certain laws, a bouquet of human rights, certainty and equality in the application of law, accountability to law, an impartial and non-arbitrary government, and an accessible and fair dispute resolution mechanism. This work’s primary goal is to understand and explain the obvious dichotomy that exists between theory and practice in India’s rule of law structure. The book discusses the contours of the rule of law in India, the values and aspirations in its evolution, and its meaning as understood by the various institutions, identifying reason as the primary element in the rule of law mechanism. It later examines the institutional, political, and social challenges to the concepts of equality and certainty, through which it evaluates the status of the rule of law in India.

The Rule of Law in Japan: A comparative analysis

by Carl F. Goodman

Practitioners who deal with Japanese law have put great store by earlier editions of this major work, which systematically compares United States (US) law and Japanese law across all the major fields of legal practice. This fourth revised edition updates the work with the continuing dramatic changes in Japan’s legal system, including changes in criminal trials, disclosures to defense counsel of evidence to be used by the prosecution, the increasing use of recordings of interrogation sessions, and the impact of the indigenous movement for judicial reform. All chapters have been updated. In the fourth revised edition, which follows the same comparative structure as formerly, author Carl Goodman ¯ an internationally known authority with extensive experience in international practice, university teaching in both Japan and the US, and US government service — takes expert stock of new developments, including the following: • the Cabinet’s Declaration reinterpreting the Renunciation of War Clause in the Constitution and legislation following such reinterpretation; • interpretation of new rules for international jurisdiction of Japanese courts, including the new law’s effect on mirror image lawsuits filed in Japan; • the Supreme Court’s rulings dealing with the presumption of paternity, the waiting period for remarriage after divorce, and inheritance rights of “out of wedlock children”; • international and domestic Japanese child custody; • unanticipated consequences of criminal trials before the new mixed lay/professional panels; • debate concerning the Emperor’s announcement of his desired abdication; and • an update of Japan’s experiment with new graduate legal faculties. Although the alteration of the legal landscape in Japan is highly visible, the author does not hesitate to raise questions as to how far-reaching the changes really are. In almost every branch of the new Japanese legal practice he uncovers ways in which laws and judicial rulings are closely qualified and are likely to present challenges in any given case. He reminds the reader in each chapter that “what you see may not be what you get”. For this reason, and for its comprehensive coverage, this new edition is sure to gain new adherents as the best-informed practical guide for non-Japanese lawyers with dealings in Japan.

Rule of Law in the EU: 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Swedish Studies in European Law)

by Andreas Moberg Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt Joakim Nergelius

This book looks at how successful the European project can be judged to have been over the last generation. The 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall marked a natural moment of stock taking and assessing how the world has evolved since then. The European Union, as much as any institution, could benefit from such introspection. This collection does just that; looking at the key changes in the last 30 years and assessing the Union's success or otherwise at responding to them. Addressing questions such as accession, the enlarged Union, enforcement and uncertainty in the European project, a team of experts gives its reasoned verdict.

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