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Showing 47,801 through 47,825 of 57,091 results

Schematic Leadership Identity Model (SLIM): Utilizing History and Memory to Help Re-define Leadership Identity

by Deatra L Neal

A workbook for leaders who desire to be more effective and deliberate in their leadership identity and for young leaders coming into their own, this book introduces a unique two-step process to understand and define your leadership identity. While some leadership frameworks operate under static concepts of what makes a good leader, the Schematic Leadership Identity Model (SLIM) offers new and seasoned leaders an opportunity to explore the anchoring of who they are and the ebbs and flows of their attitudes and behaviors through life’s changes and experiences. The SLIM framework has two main footings of its seven phases: revolution, which is the recognition of one’s identity journey, and the theoretical constructs that help frame the process and evolution, a series of assignments and journal entries that helps each leader acknowledge their current leadership identity, unravel habits and behaviors that may not align with their idealized self, and redefine their leadership identity based on their findings and whom they aspire to be. The evolutionary design is a system necessary to be revisited as a leader goes deeper into their memories and experiences. This framework helps unearth unconscious and implicit biases that can hinder a leader’s social and cultural capital. No matter the industry or discipline, SLIM offers leaders a self-guided process of discovery that can profoundly examine the root causes of behaviors and attitudes to create meaningful change within themselves that can produce significant positive changes in their teams and organizations.

Schematic Leadership Identity Model (SLIM): Utilizing History and Memory to Help Re-define Leadership Identity

by Deatra L Neal

A workbook for leaders who desire to be more effective and deliberate in their leadership identity and for young leaders coming into their own, this book introduces a unique two-step process to understand and define your leadership identity. While some leadership frameworks operate under static concepts of what makes a good leader, the Schematic Leadership Identity Model (SLIM) offers new and seasoned leaders an opportunity to explore the anchoring of who they are and the ebbs and flows of their attitudes and behaviors through life’s changes and experiences. The SLIM framework has two main footings of its seven phases: revolution, which is the recognition of one’s identity journey, and the theoretical constructs that help frame the process and evolution, a series of assignments and journal entries that helps each leader acknowledge their current leadership identity, unravel habits and behaviors that may not align with their idealized self, and redefine their leadership identity based on their findings and whom they aspire to be. The evolutionary design is a system necessary to be revisited as a leader goes deeper into their memories and experiences. This framework helps unearth unconscious and implicit biases that can hinder a leader’s social and cultural capital. No matter the industry or discipline, SLIM offers leaders a self-guided process of discovery that can profoundly examine the root causes of behaviors and attitudes to create meaningful change within themselves that can produce significant positive changes in their teams and organizations.

Schemes of Arrangement: Law and Practice

by Geoff O'Dea Julian Long Alexandra Smyth

This new guide to schemes of arrangement draws together all of the elements of the law and practice concerning both creditor and member schemes. Member schemes of arrangement have become the preferred method of implementing takeovers in the UK. Creditor schemes of arrangement are increasingly used in restructuring matters and the trend in their usage in foreign companies is likely to continue as many credit documents across Europe are arranged and underwritten in London under English law. The book considers the effect given to an English scheme in foreign jurisdictions, and other Private International Law issues. A major issue for those considering a scheme for creditors is whether a scheme or CVA (Company Voluntary Arrangement) is more appropriate and this book assists the reader by including an analysis of the pros and cons of schemes and CVAs. There are very few sources of information on schemes of arrangement and the area takes much of its substance from case law. This book, addressing the law and practical issues faced by practitioners on a day-to-day basis, is a first in the field.

Schiedsfreiheit und staatliche Schutzpflichten: Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit als Ausübung grundrechtlicher Privatautonomie – Unter Berücksichtigung einer Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit mit staatlicher Beteiligung

by Michel Schenk

Der verfassungsrechtliche Rahmen der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit gilt als nach wie vor ungeklärt. Art. 92 GG, der allein die staatliche Rechtsprechung betrifft, trifft dazu keine Feststellung. Die Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit stellt eine Delegation von Privatautonomie dar. Michel Schenk untersucht die grundrechtliche Privatautonomie als Grundlage der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und leitet deren Grenzen aus staatlichen Schutzpflichten her. Dabei berücksichtigt er auch die besondere Problematik einer Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, bei der sich der Staat als Schiedspartei beteiligt.Der Autor: Michel Schenk promovierte an der Philipps-Universität Marburg und ist derzeit Rechtsreferendar am LG Kleve.

Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Ständiges Revisionsgericht des Mercosur: Integrationsförderung durch zwischenstaatliche Streitbeilegung und Rechtsprechung im Mercosur (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #243)

by Marianne Klumpp

Die Autorin untersucht in ihrem Werk den Beitrag des Streitbeilegungsmechanismus des Mercosur zum regionalen Integrationsprozess in Südamerika. Ihre Darstellung bettet Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Ständiges Revisionsgericht in den besonderen integrationspolitischen und ökonomischen Hintergrund des Mercosur sowie in dessen institutionellen und rechtlichen Rahmen ein. Dabei wird sowohl die Umgrenzung der Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Streitbeilegungsorgane durch diesen Rahmen, als auch deren Einfluss auf Recht und Institutionen beschrieben.Unter vergleichender Bezugnahme auf europarechtliche und völkerrechtliche Vorbilder befasst sich die Arbeit mit den Verfahrensarten von Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Ständigem Revisionsgericht einschließlich dessen innovativen Verfahrens der Kooperation mit nationalen Gerichten. Die Autorin untersucht die gestalterische Einflussnahme der Rechtsprechung auf den Integrationsraum des Mercosur und beobachtet die richterliche Ausformung der Grundfreiheiten und deren Begrenzung. Wie der Europäische Gerichtshof nutzen auch die Schiedsgerichte und das Ständige Revisionsgericht ihre Möglichkeiten zum gestalterischen Wirken im Integrationsraum.

Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Strafrecht: Die Auswirkung von Strafnormen auf die Zuständigkeit und die meritorische Entscheidung von Handelsschiedsgerichten im grenzüberschreitenden Kontext

by Michael Komuczky

Trotz ihrer diametralen Ausrichtung kommt es häufig zu Überschneidungen von Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Strafrecht. Ausgewählte Probleme dazu werden hier für das österreichische Recht untersucht. Dabei wird ein Rechtsvergleich zu Deutschland und der Schweiz gezogen, ebenso fließt die internationale Lehre ein. Das Buch erörtert zuerst die (alte) Frage der Schiedsfähigkeit von Fällen mit strafrechtlichem Bezug im Lichte jüngerer Judikaturentwicklungen. Sodann werden die Auswirkungen von strafrechtswidrigem Handeln auf die Schiedsvereinbarung diskutiert, wobei Geldwäsche, Korruption und andere Einschränkungen der Willensfreiheit im Vordergrund stehen. Schließlich setzt sich das Werk mit dem Kollisionsrecht für das Schiedsverfahren auseinander und ergründet, wann ein Schiedsgericht einer bestimmten Strafnorm Wirkung verleihen wird. Dazu werden aus internationalem Fallmaterial generelle Grundsätze abgeleitet und auf ihre Gültigkeit für das österreichische Recht geprüft. Auch das viel diskutierte Konzept eines transnationalen ordre public wird erörtert.


by Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute Chemiker-Fachausschuss Gesellschaft Deutscher Metallhütten- und Bergleute Chemikerausschuss

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Schiedsverfahrensrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Wolfram Buchwitz

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in das deutsche und internationale Schiedsverfahrensrecht - ein Gebiet, welches nicht nur im internationalen Geschäftsverkehr, sondern auch in der juristischen Ausbildung zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Es behandelt das Schiedsverfahrensrecht anhand des 10. Buchs der ZPO einschließlich der internationalen Verträge und der Instrumente des „soft law“. Um ein vertieftes Verständnis des Schiedsverfahrensrechts zu ermöglichen, werden zudem nicht nur die rechtlichen Strukturen, sondern auch ihre Anwendung in der Praxis thematisiert. Dadurch richtet sich das Lehrbuch gleichermaßen an Studierende wie auch an Praktiker, die sich neu in dieses Gebiet einarbeiten möchten. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele sorgen für die Anschaulichkeit der Darstellung.

Schiedswesen in Arbeitssachen: Ausführlicher Leitfaden für Schiedsrichter, Gütestellen, Schiedsgutachter und Parteien mit eingehenden Erläuterungen der einschlägigen Bestimmungen des Arbeitsgerichts-Gesetzes und mit zahlreichen Musterbeispielen für die Praxis dargestellt

by Willy Walder Martin Wörmbcke

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Schiffahrtsrecht und Manövrieren: Teil A Schiffahrtsrecht I, Manövrieren (Handbuch für die Schiffsführung #2 / A)

by Rainald Amersdorffer Jens Froese Werner Huth Hans-Jürgen Röper Hanno Weber

Für die 9. Auflage wurde der Band 2 des bewährten Handbuchs völlig überarbeitet und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Eine Aufteilung dieses Bandes in zwei Teilbände (A und B) wurde aufgrund des erheblich erweiterten Umfangs notwendig. Band A behandelt Seestraßen- und Schiffahrtsordnungen, Umweltschutzrecht sowie die politisch aktuelle Frage der Sicherung der Seefahrt und die völkerrechtliche Aufteilung der Gewässer. Ein Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit Havarieuntersuchungen. Teil II des Teilbandes erläutert Manövriereinrichtungen, -eigenschaften und das besonders wichtige Handhaben eines Schiffes in schwerem Wetter. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die mit Fragen der Schiffsführung befaßt sind.

Scholarly Misconduct: Law, Regulation, and Practice

by Ian Freckelton QC

Professional misconduct within the academic community is highly publicised. Retractions of falsified research have reached record levels and allegations of fraud and misconduct by scholars generate high-profile investigations and sometimes professional disgrace. Such cases frequently reach the courts, with tribunals determining whether research fraud, plagiarism, sexual misconduct, defamation, discrimination, forensic impropriety, thefts, and other forms of improper behaviour have been committed. With claims including patient deaths, miscarriages of justice, and exploitation of funding agencies, the legal, reputational, and financial stakes for the individuals and institutions concerned are extremely high. Scholarly Misconduct: Law, Regulation, and Practice is the first text of its kind to scrutinize the topic of academic integrity through a legal lens and across disciplines. Freckelton chronicles and analyses case law from around the globe, looking specifically at the legal and regulatory responses that were generated. The work also assesses the current policies and practices of academic and research institutions and government agencies worldwide. Finally, it reflects on the measures that need to be undertaken to reclaim and promote scholarly integrity and to institute rigorous, fair, and clear processes to establish whether scholars have indeed engaged in misconduct.

Scholarly Misconduct: Law, Regulation, and Practice

by Ian Freckelton QC

Professional misconduct within the academic community is highly publicised. Retractions of falsified research have reached record levels and allegations of fraud and misconduct by scholars generate high-profile investigations and sometimes professional disgrace. Such cases frequently reach the courts, with tribunals determining whether research fraud, plagiarism, sexual misconduct, defamation, discrimination, forensic impropriety, thefts, and other forms of improper behaviour have been committed. With claims including patient deaths, miscarriages of justice, and exploitation of funding agencies, the legal, reputational, and financial stakes for the individuals and institutions concerned are extremely high. Scholarly Misconduct: Law, Regulation, and Practice is the first text of its kind to scrutinize the topic of academic integrity through a legal lens and across disciplines. Freckelton chronicles and analyses case law from around the globe, looking specifically at the legal and regulatory responses that were generated. The work also assesses the current policies and practices of academic and research institutions and government agencies worldwide. Finally, it reflects on the measures that need to be undertaken to reclaim and promote scholarly integrity and to institute rigorous, fair, and clear processes to establish whether scholars have indeed engaged in misconduct.

Scholars of Contract Law

by James Goudkamp and Donal Nolan

This book provides a counter-balance to the traditional focus on judicial decisions by exploring the contribution of legal scholars to the development of private law.In the book the work of a selection of leading scholars of contract law from across the common law world, ranging from Sir Jeffrey Gilbert (1674–1726) to Professor Brian Coote (1929–2019), is addressed by legal historians and current scholars in the field. The focus is on the nature of the work produced by the scholars in question, important influences on their work, and the impact which that work in turn had on thinking about contract law. The book also includes an introductory chapter and an afterword by Professor William Twining that explore connections between the scholars and recurrent themes.The process of subjecting contract law scholarship to sustained analysis provides new insights into the intellectual development of contract law and reveals the central role played by scholars in that process. And by focusing attention on the work of influential contract scholars, the book serves to emphasise the importance of legal scholarship to the development of the common law more generally.

Scholars of Contract Law

This book provides a counter-balance to the traditional focus on judicial decisions by exploring the contribution of legal scholars to the development of private law.In the book the work of a selection of leading scholars of contract law from across the common law world, ranging from Sir Jeffrey Gilbert (1674–1726) to Professor Brian Coote (1929–2019), is addressed by legal historians and current scholars in the field. The focus is on the nature of the work produced by the scholars in question, important influences on their work, and the impact which that work in turn had on thinking about contract law. The book also includes an introductory chapter and an afterword by Professor William Twining that explore connections between the scholars and recurrent themes.The process of subjecting contract law scholarship to sustained analysis provides new insights into the intellectual development of contract law and reveals the central role played by scholars in that process. And by focusing attention on the work of influential contract scholars, the book serves to emphasise the importance of legal scholarship to the development of the common law more generally.

Scholars of Tort Law

by James Goudkamp Donal Nolan

The publication of Scholars of Tort Law marks the beginning of a long overdue rebalancing of private law scholarship. Instead of concentrating on judicial decisions and academic commentary only for what that commentary says about judicial decisions, the book explores the contributions of scholars of tort law in their own right. The work of a selection of leading scholars of tort law from across the common law world, ranging from Thomas Cooley (1824–1898) to Patrick Atiyah (1931–2018), is addressed by eminent current scholars in the field. The focus of the contributions is on the nature of the work produced by each of the scholars in question, important influences on their work, and the influence which that work in turn had on thinking about tort law. The process of subjecting tort law scholarship to sustained analysis provides new insights into the intellectual development of tort law and reveals the important role played by scholars in that development. By focusing on the work of influential tort scholars, the book serves to emphasise the importance of legal scholarship to the development of the common law more generally.

Scholars of Tort Law

The publication of Scholars of Tort Law marks the beginning of a long overdue rebalancing of private law scholarship. Instead of concentrating on judicial decisions and academic commentary only for what that commentary says about judicial decisions, the book explores the contributions of scholars of tort law in their own right. The work of a selection of leading scholars of tort law from across the common law world, ranging from Thomas Cooley (1824–1898) to Patrick Atiyah (1931–2018), is addressed by eminent current scholars in the field. The focus of the contributions is on the nature of the work produced by each of the scholars in question, important influences on their work, and the influence which that work in turn had on thinking about tort law. The process of subjecting tort law scholarship to sustained analysis provides new insights into the intellectual development of tort law and reveals the important role played by scholars in that development. By focusing on the work of influential tort scholars, the book serves to emphasise the importance of legal scholarship to the development of the common law more generally.

Scholarship, Practice and Education in Comparative Law: A Festschrift in Honour of Mary Hiscock

by John H. Farrar Vai Io Lo Bee Chen Goh

This book examines how law functions in a multitude of facets and dimensions. The contributions shed light on the study of comparative law in legal scholarship, the relevance of comparative law in legal practice, and the importance of comparative law in legal education. The book will particularly appeal to those engaged in the teaching and scholarship of comparative law, and those seeking to uncover the various significant dimensions of the workings of law. The book is organised in three parts. Part I addresses scholarship, with contributors examining comparative legal issues as critique and from a theoretical framework. Part II outlines practice, with contributors discussing the function of comparative law in such comparatively diverse areas as international arbitration, environment, and the rule of law. Part III appraises comparative law in education.

School Funding and Student Achievement: Lessons Learned from Kentucky and Tennessee (SpringerBriefs in Political Science #23)

by Andy Spears

This Brief explores school funding reform in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. In 1990, Kentucky passed the Kentucky Education Reform Act designed to overhaul that state’s education system. Two years later, Tennessee passed the Education Improvement Act which included the Basic Education Plan, designed to foster equity in funding among the state’s schools. Initiated as a result of lawsuits against the states’ educational systems, both programs dealt with school funding, specifically funding equalization among districts. This Brief examines the environments that precipitated funding reform in each state as well as the outcomes of the reforms on student achievement. The similarities and differences between the approaches in each state are analyzed and compared to related reform programs in other states. An in-depth study of regional educational reform in the United States, this Brief is of use to public policy scholars as well as education policy consultants and other school system or state education leaders.

The School of Franz Brentano (Nijhoff International Philosophy Series #52)

by RobertoPoli MassimoLibardi LilianaAlbertazzi

The central idea developed by the contributions to this book is that the split between analytic philosophy and phenomenology - perhaps the most impor­ tant schism in twentieth-century philosophy - resulted from a radicalization of reciprocal partialities. Both schools of thought share, in fact, the same cultural background and their same initial stimulus in the thought of Franz Brentano. And one outcome of the subsequent rift between them was the oblivion into which the figure and thought of Brentano have fallen. The first step to take in remedying this split is to return to Brentano and to reconstruct the 'map' of Brent ani sm. The second task (which has been addressed by this book) is to revive inter­ est in the theoretical complexity of Brentano' s thought and of his pupils and to revitalize those aspects that have been neglected by subsequent debate within the various movements of Brentanian inspiration. We have accordingly decided to organize the book into two introductory es­ says followed by two sections (Parts 1 and 2) which systematically examine Brentano's thought and that of his followers. The two introductory essays re­ construct the reasons for the 'invisibility', so to speak, of Brentano and set out of his philosophical doctrine. Part 1 of the book then ex­ the essential features amines six of Brentano's most outstanding pupils (Marty, Stumpf, Meinong, Ehrenfels, Husserl and Twardowski). Part 2 contains nine essays concentrating on the principal topics addressed by the Brentanians.

Schoolchildren as Propaganda Tools in the War on Terror: Violating the Rights of Afghani Children under International Law

by Sonja C. Grover

This book explores in what ways both sides involved in the so-called war on terror are using schoolchildren as propaganda tools while putting the children's security at grave risk. The book explores how terrorists use attacks on education to attempt to destabilize the government while the government and the international aid community use increases in school attendance as an ostensible index of largely illusory progress in the overall security situation and in development. The book challenges the notion that unoccupied civilian schools are not entitled under the law of armed conflict to a high standard of protection which prohibits their use for military purposes. Also examined are the potential violations of international law that can occur when government and education aid workers encourage and facilitate school attendance, as they do, in areas within conflict-affected states such as Afghanistan where security for education is inadequate and the risk of terror attacks on education high.

Schoolhouse Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracy

by Derek W. Black

The full-scale assault on public education threatens not just public education but American democracy itselfPublic education as we know it is in trouble. Derek W. Black, a legal scholar and tenacious advocate, shows how major democratic and constitutional developments are intimately linked to the expansion of public education throughout American history. Schoolhouse Burning is grounded in pathbreaking, original research into how the nation, in its infancy, built itself around public education and, following the Civil War, enshrined education as a constitutional right that forever changed the trajectory of our democracy. Public education, alongside the right to vote, was the cornerstone of the recovery of the war-torn nation.Today's current schooling trends--the declining commitment to properly fund public education and the well-financed political agenda to expand vouchers and charter schools--present a major assault on the democratic norms that public education represents and risk undermining one of the unique accomplishments of American society.

Schopenhauer and Adorno on Bodily Suffering: A Comparative Analysis

by M. Peters

Schopenhauer and Adorno on Bodily Suffering explores how the works of both philosophers revolve around an entwinement of pessimism and optimism, which links statements regarding the wrongness of the world to analyses of the human capability to experience compassion with bodily suffering and to the redeeming qualities of the arts.

Schopenhauer’s Moral Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy)

by Patrick Hassan

This volume brings together internationally recognised Schopenhauer scholars to develop new perspectives on his moral philosophy. Despite anticipating and engaging with many of the arguments now recognisable in Anglophone moral philosophy, Arthur Schopenhauer has often been overlooked as a potential contributor to contemporary discourse within this domain. Not only was he one of the most important 19th-century critics of Kantian deontology, Schopenhauer also developed a plausible moral system of his own grounded in compassion. While interesting parallels can be drawn between his system and the sentimentalist tradition familiar from the likes of Hume and Hutcheson, Schopenhauer’s idiosyncratic metaphysics provide a unique approach to standard questions in moral psychology, the philosophy of action, axiology, and moral epistemology. The chapters in this book draw out the relevance and influence of Schopenhauer’s ethical program, attempting to demonstrate the as yet untapped wealth of conceptual resources for pressing moral problems. They address a wide range of topics, including: the moral status of animals; the moral permissibility of suicide; the possibility of altruistic action; the nature of virtue and asceticism; how Schopenhauer integrated Western influences with various Indian traditions of moral thinking, and more. Schopenhauer’s Moral Philosophy will be of interest to scholars and advanced students interested in Schopenhauer, 19th-century philosophy, and the history of ethics.

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