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Smart on Crime: The Struggle to Build a Better American Penal System

by Garrick L. Percival

The most punitive era in American history reached its apex in the 1990s, but the trend has reversed in recent years. Smart on Crime: The Struggle to Build a Better American Penal System examines the factors causing this dramatic turnaround. It relates and echoes the increasing need and desire on the part of actors in the American government system

Smart Ports and Robotic Systems: Navigating the Waves of Techno-Regulation and Governance (Studies in National Governance and Emerging Technologies)

by Tafsir Matin Johansson Dimitrios Dalaklis Jonatan Echebarria Fernández Aspasia Pastra Mitchell Lennan

This book provides a comprehensive overview of smart ports and remote technologies in the maritime industry. It demonstrates how modern advances in artificial intelligence and robotics have transformed the shipping industry, and assesses the impact of this technology from a law and governance standpoint. The book covers a range of topics including port autonomous operations systems, cybersecurity, big data analytics, digitalization and blockchain to throw light on the opportunities and benefits of these new technologies in improving security and safety. It also considers the challenges and threats of their application. It concludes by examining the trajectory of national and international regulatory developments. The book will appeal to scholars and students of maritime technology, law and governance, as well as practitioners and policymakers.Chapters 8, 19 and 20 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards: Pushing the Discussion after RegioPost

by Albert Sánchez Graells

Smart procurement aims to leverage public buying power in pursuit of social, environmental and innovation goals. Socially-orientated smart procurement has been a controversial issue under EU law. The extent to which the Court of Justice (ECJ) has supported or rather constrained its development has been intensely debated by academics and practitioners alike. After the slow development of a seemingly permissive approach, the ECJ case law reached an apparent turning point a decade ago in the often criticised judgments in Rüffert and Laval, which left a number of open questions. The more recent judgments in Bundesdruckerei and RegioPost have furthered the ECJ case law on socially orientated smart procurement and aimed to clarify the limits within which Member States can use it to enforce labour standards. This case law opens up additional possibilities, but it also creates legal uncertainty concerning the interaction of the EU rules on the posting of workers, public procurement and fundamental internal market freedoms. These developments have been magnified by the reform of the EU public procurement rules in 2014. This book assesses the limits that the revised EU rules and the more recent ECJ case law impose on socially-orientated smart procurement and, more generally, critically reflects on potential future developments in this area of intersection of several strands of EU economic law.

Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards: Pushing the Discussion after RegioPost

by Albert Sánchez Graells

Smart procurement aims to leverage public buying power in pursuit of social, environmental and innovation goals. Socially-orientated smart procurement has been a controversial issue under EU law. The extent to which the Court of Justice (ECJ) has supported or rather constrained its development has been intensely debated by academics and practitioners alike. After the slow development of a seemingly permissive approach, the ECJ case law reached an apparent turning point a decade ago in the often criticised judgments in Rüffert and Laval, which left a number of open questions. The more recent judgments in Bundesdruckerei and RegioPost have furthered the ECJ case law on socially orientated smart procurement and aimed to clarify the limits within which Member States can use it to enforce labour standards. This case law opens up additional possibilities, but it also creates legal uncertainty concerning the interaction of the EU rules on the posting of workers, public procurement and fundamental internal market freedoms. These developments have been magnified by the reform of the EU public procurement rules in 2014. This book assesses the limits that the revised EU rules and the more recent ECJ case law impose on socially-orientated smart procurement and, more generally, critically reflects on potential future developments in this area of intersection of several strands of EU economic law.

Smart Region: Die digitale Transformation einer Region nachhaltig gestalten

by Artur Mertens Klaus-Michael Ahrend Anke Kopsch Werner Stork

Die digitale Transformation stellt nicht nur die Unternehmenswelt vor große Herausforderungen, sondern nimmt auch auf viele Lebensbereiche der Menschen einer Region enormen Einfluss. Zur Erprobung der Ausgestaltung des regionalen Entwicklungspotenzials finden derzeit erste Pilotprojekte statt. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die wesentlichen Entwicklungen innerhalb von vier Lebensbereichen – dem Zuhause, der Arbeit, dem öffentlichen Raum und der Mobilität – stattfinden und sich Städte und Gemeinden den neuen Chancen öffnen sollten. Im Fokus dieses Buches steht der regionale Lebensraum und seine Entwicklungen hin zu einer „Smart Region“ in Bezug auf ökonomische, ökologische und soziale Kriterien. Anerkannte Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis beantworten aktuelle Fragen, wie beispielsweise• was sind die entscheidenden Dimensionen einer smarten Region,• wie können Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten entwickelt, umgesetzt und koordiniert werden und• was ist bei der regionalen Verankerung und der Messung des Erfolges zu beachten.Die Autoren zielen darauf ab, über die Darstellung der Grundlagen einen soliden Zugang zu diesem Thema zu geben. Best-Practice-Beispiele und regionale Perspektiven inspirieren und regen zum Nachdenken an.Eine gelungene Symbiose aus Theorie und Praxis macht das Werk zu einer Pflichtlektüre für alle, die sich mit der Entwicklung von Smart Cities und Smart Regions befassen. Damit trägt es zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bei, ganz im Sinne der Third Mission der Hochschule Darmstadt.Prof. Dr. Ralph Stengler, Präsident der Hochschule DarmstadtEin ausgezeichnetes Buch! Die ausgewählten Praxisbeispiele und dargestellten strategischen Leitplanken lassen hoffen, dass sich in Deutschland die Digitalisierung des öffentlichen Sektors beschleunigt. Eine exzellente digitale Infrastruktur ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung, um nachhaltig im Standortwettbewerb zu bestehen. Ich empfehle das Werk allen politisch Verantwortlichen.Isabel de Paoli, Chief Strategy Officer, Merck KGaA

Smart Sourcing: International Best Practice

by A. Kakabadse

With a growing market currently in excess of $150 billion, outsourcing has become a critical boardroom agenda. Meeting this challenge, Andrew and Nada Kakabadse answers key boardroom questions: Q What will be the key areas of outsourcing in the future? A IT and HR! Q What supplier relationships work best: partnerships, joint ventures? A No, the preferred single supplier still provides best service! Q Does well-managed outsourcing make a difference? A Substantially, both strategic and operational! As one of the largest international surveys on outsourcing, Smart Sourcing highlights what it takes to be "outsource ready" and thus become a high performing company. The message is focus on your strengths and know how to use others in order to clearly differentiate!

Smart Technologies for Organizations: Managing a Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Transformation (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #60)

by Cinzia Dal Zotto Afshin Omidi Georges Aoun

This book contains high-profile contributions that emerged from the Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society (ICTO) conference on "Smart Technologies for an Inclusive World," held in 2020. It focuses on the interplay between technology adoption, digital transformation, and value creation, highlighting various aspects of current issues organizations face in adopting digital technologies to achieve an inclusive and sustainable society in the long term. As such, the book contributes to our understanding of a humanistic approach to managing digital transformation toward inclusive organizations and societies and is a valuable asset for both researchers and managers of organizations.

Smart Technologies for Smart Governments: Transparency, Efficiency and Organizational Issues (Public Administration and Information Technology #24)

by Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar

This book examines the introduction of smart technologies into public administrations and the organizational issues caused by these implementations, and the potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to rationalize and improve government, transform governance and organizational issues, and address economic, social, and environmental challenges. Cities are increasingly using new technologies in the delivery of public sector services and in the improvement of government transparency, business-led urban development, and urban sustainability. The book will examine specific smart projects that cities are embracing to improve transparency, efficiency, sustainability, mobility, and whether all cities are prepared to implement smart technologies and the incentives for promoting implementation. This focus on the smart technologies applied to public sector entities will be of interest to academics, researchers, policy-makers, public managers, international organizations and technical experts involved in and responsible for the governance, development and design of Smart Cities.

Smart Technologies for Smart Nations: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region (Managing the Asian Century)

by Purnendu Mandal John Vong

This book emphasizes the need for new directions and approaches for social and economic development in the emerging nations of the Asia-Pacific region through the use of Smart Technologies. It takes a holistic view of socio-economic and technical developments taking place through ASEAN and South Asia. Compared to practices in the 20th century, the use of Smart Technologies is likely to have a faster and greater impact on emerging nations (Smart Nations). Smart Technologies for Smart Nations: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region is core reading for academics, professionals, and policymakers interested in technological developments in ASEAN and South Asia.

Smart Urban Mobility: Law, Regulation, and Policy (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law #29)

by Matthias Lamping Michèle Finck Valentina Moscon Heiko Richter

This book adds a critical perspective to the legal dialogue on the regulation of ‘smart urban mobility’. Mobility is one of the most visible sub-domains of the ‘smart city’, which has become shorthand for technological advances that influence how cities are structured, public services are fashioned, and citizens coexist. In the urban context, mobility has come under pressure due to a variety of different forces, such as the implementation of new business models (e.g. car and bicycle sharing), the proliferation of alternative methods of transportation (e.g. electric scooters), the emergence of new market players and stakeholders (e.g. internet and information technology companies), and advancements in computer science (in particular due to artificial intelligence). At the same time, demographic changes and the climate crisis increase innovation pressure. In this context law is a seminal factor that both shapes and is shaped by socio-economic and technological change. This book puts a spotlight on recent developments in smart urban mobility from a legal, regulatory, and policy perspective. It considers the implications for the public sector, businesses, and citizens in relation to various areas of public and private law in the European Union, including competition law, intellectual property law, contract law, data protection law, environmental law, public procurement law, and legal philosophy.Chapter 'Location Data as Contractual Counter-Performance: A Consumer Perspective on Recent EU Legislation' of this book is available open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at

Smart Working, Living and Organising: IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2018, Portsmouth, UK, June 25, 2018, Proceedings (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #533)

by Amany Elbanna Yogesh K. Dwivedi Deborah Bunker David Wastell

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference "Smart Working, Living and Organising" on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2018, held in Portsmouth, UK, in June 2018. The 17 revised full papers and 2 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions. They deal with the adoption of new classes of technology used by individuals, organisations, sectors and society with a particular focus on how emerging technologies are adopted and appropriated in organisations and everday life and their impact. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: being smart: adoption challenges; sharing economy and social media; government and infrastructure; IT project management; and revisiting concepts and theories.

Smarte Kommune: Kleine Gemeinden auf dem Weg zur Smart City

by Ilona Benz

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie kleine Gemeinden bis 20.000 Einwohner den Weg zur Smart City pragmatisch und erfolgreich gestalten können. Städte und Gemeinden spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung eines digitalen Staates. Sie stehen jedoch vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen, die von begrenzten Ressourcen bis hin zu fehlender technischer Expertise reichen und die optimale Nutzung der Potenziale einer Smart City behindern können.Die Autorin präsentiert auf Grundlage umfassender Forschung und langjähriger praktischer Erfahrung praxisnahe Ansätze für die Entwicklung von Smart Cities in kleineren Gemeinden mit bis zu 20.000 Einwohner:innen. Sie zeigt technische Lösungen für kommunale Herausforderungen und stellt im kommunalen Alltag empfehlenswerte Bausteine vor, wie der Weg zur Smart City gegangen werden kann: Von der Impulssetzung zum Thema Smart City, der Festlegung strategischer Ausrichtungen, der Bestandsaufnahme, wie „smart“ eine Gemeinde ist, der effektiven Einbindung von Bürger:innen in Beteiligungsprozesse, der Bedeutung von Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, der Auswahl der richtigen Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen, der Implementierung und Etablierung geeigneter Organisationsstrukturen bis hin zur Umsetzung der erarbeiteten Strategien in der Gemeinde. Übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, technische Potenziale für die kommunale Daseinsvorsorge und Aufgabenerfüllung optimal zu nutzen und die Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation erfolgreich zu meistern. Das vorliegende Werk soll Digitalisierungsbeauftragte und Führungskräfte in kleinen Kommunen dabei unterstützen, mit ihrer Gemeinde den Weg zur Smart City zu gehen.

Smarter as the New Urban Agenda: A Comprehensive View of the 21st Century City (Public Administration and Information Technology #11)

by J. Ramon Gil-Garcia Theresa A. Pardo Taewoo Nam

​This book will provide one of the first comprehensive approaches to the study of smart city governments with theories and concepts for understanding and researching 21st century city governments innovative methodologies for the analysis and evaluation of smart city initiatives. The term “smart city” is now generally used to represent efforts that in different ways describe a comprehensive vision of a city for the present and future. A smarter city infuses information into its physical infrastructure to improve conveniences, facilitate mobility, add efficiencies, conserve energy, improve the quality of air and water, identify problems and fix them quickly, recover rapidly from disasters, collect data to make better decisions, deploy resources effectively and share data to enable collaboration across entities and domains. These and other similar efforts are expected to make cities more intelligent in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, transparency, and sustainability, among other important aspects. Given this changing social, institutional and technology environment, it seems feasible and likeable to attain smarter cities and by extension, smarter governments: virtually integrated, networked, interconnected, responsive, and efficient. This book will help build the bridge between sound research and practice expertise in the area of smarter cities and will be of interest to researchers and students in the e-government, public administration, political science, communication, information science, administrative sciences and management, sociology, computer science, and information technology. As well as government officials and public managers who will find practical recommendations based on rigorous studies that will contain insights and guidance for the development, management, and evaluation of complex smart cities and smart government initiatives.​

A Smarter Toronto: Some Reassembly Required

by Bob Hanke

This book bridges media, technocultural, urban, and journalism studies to examine the role of journalism in relation to a smart city project on Toronto’s waterfront. From the announcement of the public-private partnership called Sidewalk Toronto to the project’s termination, a mediatized controversy unfolded. Through an assemblage approach to this project and a case study of The Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star, it follows the actors and chronicles the Quayside project story as a conversation about the promise and perils of a future “smart” neighbourhood. In the news of Waterfront Toronto, Sidewalk Labs, other actors, events, and developments, there were multiple voices and views, interpretations and arguments, that manifested conflicting interests and values. As a locally situated actor, journalism produced a porous discourse that expressed a proposeand- public pushback movement. This work of articulating mediation conditioned the project’s alteration and dissolution within asymmetrical relations of power. In addition to a wave of opposition that inflected the project’s enactment, a time lag between project time and governmental policymaking made the controversy over this future urban space intractable. With their residual symbolic power, quality journalism contributed to dialogical urban learning.

The SME Business Guide to Fraud Risk Management

by Robert James Chapman

All organisations are affected by fraud, but disproportionately so for SMEs given their size and vulnerability. Some small businesses that have failed to manage business fraud effectively have not only suffered financially but also have not survived. This book provides a guide for SMEs to understand the current sources of business fraud risk and the specific risk response actions that can be taken to limit exposure, through the structured discipline of enterprise risk management. The book provides: A single-source reference: a description of all of the common fraud types SMEs are facing in one location. An overview of enterprise risk management: a tool to tackle fraud (as recommended by the Metropolitan Police Service and many other government-sponsored organisations). Illustrations of fraud events: diagrams/figures (where appropriate) of how frauds are carried out. Case studies: case studies of the fraud types described (to bring the subject to life and illustrate fraud events and their perpetrators) enabling readers to be more knowledgeable about the threats. Sources of support and information: a description of the relationship between the government agencies and departments. What to do: ‘specific actions’ to be implemented as opposed to just recommending the preparation of policies and processes that may just gather dust on a shelf. The book gives SMEs a much better understanding of the risks they face and hence informs any discussion about the services required, what should be addressed first, in what order should remaining requirements be implemented and what will give the best value for money.

The SME Business Guide to Fraud Risk Management

by Robert James Chapman

All organisations are affected by fraud, but disproportionately so for SMEs given their size and vulnerability. Some small businesses that have failed to manage business fraud effectively have not only suffered financially but also have not survived. This book provides a guide for SMEs to understand the current sources of business fraud risk and the specific risk response actions that can be taken to limit exposure, through the structured discipline of enterprise risk management. The book provides: A single-source reference: a description of all of the common fraud types SMEs are facing in one location. An overview of enterprise risk management: a tool to tackle fraud (as recommended by the Metropolitan Police Service and many other government-sponsored organisations). Illustrations of fraud events: diagrams/figures (where appropriate) of how frauds are carried out. Case studies: case studies of the fraud types described (to bring the subject to life and illustrate fraud events and their perpetrators) enabling readers to be more knowledgeable about the threats. Sources of support and information: a description of the relationship between the government agencies and departments. What to do: ‘specific actions’ to be implemented as opposed to just recommending the preparation of policies and processes that may just gather dust on a shelf. The book gives SMEs a much better understanding of the risks they face and hence informs any discussion about the services required, what should be addressed first, in what order should remaining requirements be implemented and what will give the best value for money.

SMEs as the Unknown Stakeholder: Entrepreneurship in the Political Arena

by Massimiliano Di Bitetto GianMarco Gilardoni

Investigates how and to what extent the self-employed and micro-enterprise workers can be represented in the social arena. A cross-sector approach to responsibility for government as well as private businesses.

SMEs in the Digital Era: Opportunities and Challenges of the Digital Single Market

With an interdisciplinary approach, this book elaborates and discusses the strategic, regulatory and economic scenario that the sponsorship of a European Digital Single Market has been generating for small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Encompassing expert innovative analysis of the regulatory framework, economic dynamics and organizational processes, SMEs in the Digital Era highlights the effects that these have and the complex process through which SMEs can enter and successfully compete in the digital market. With contributions from international scholars, this insightful book takes a deep dive into the current most relevant debates taking place in management, economics and law using original evidence from a variety of fields and countries. Chapters offer a fresh look at the new policies and regulatory tools required to meet the challenges of digitalization, reflecting on the effects on employment, competition and organizational processes, and how imbalances can impact the future of the technological revolution. Providing insights into the most advanced and recent research on digital markets, this will be an excellent resource for academics, practitioners, managers and policymakers in fields ranging from organization theory and organizational behaviour to strategy and economic analysis as well as economics and business law.

Smith And Hogan's Essentials Of Criminal Law

by John Child David Ormerod

Smith and Hogan's Criminal Law is world renowned for its clear and authoritative treatment of the criminal law. Smith and Hogan's Essentials combines that authority with numerous supportive learning features and an eye on developing analytical and assessment skills. It provides your gateway to understanding the dynamic world of criminal law. Dr John Child and Professor David Ormerod QC introduce the field of criminal law for the new undergraduate reader, addressing all the key topics on the LLB. The text does not shy away from complex issues but instead conveys a clear understanding of all offences and principles. Particular attention is paid to considering student assessment, with end of chapter sections offering advice on how to approach essay and problem questions. Short learning and assessment tips are provided throughout the chapters. ONLINE RESOURCE CENTRE www. oxfordtextbooks. co. uk/orc/smithandhogan/ Each chapter is accompanied by a selection of online resources to support and further student learning, including - DT Multiple choice questions DT A chapter summary sheet DT A selection of short revision questions with answer guidance DT Two sample examination questions with answer guidance DT Further reading Also on the website you will find - DT A selection of videos from the authors explaining key topics and principles DT Legal updates DT Useful web-links

Smith and Keenan's English Law

by Dr Charles Wild Dr Stuart Weinstein

“The latest edition of Smith and Keenan’s English Law cannot fail to impress once again. This comprehensive introductory law text is a dependable companion for every non-law student and layman alike. The new authors are to be commended for successfully carrying on the tradition upon which the book's excellent reputation was built.” Andrea Cerevkova, Senior Lecturer in Law, Edge Hill University. “Smith and Keenan's English Law is the most comprehensive text on English law available on the market. Suitable for students at all levels.” Lachmi Singh, University of the West of England Have you ever wondered what exactly constitutes an unwritten constitution? What your rights are as an employee? When a contractual agreement is binding? Well-known for its uniquely comprehensive coverage of the legal system and the main, substantive areas of English law, Smith and Keenan’s English Law is the definitive introduction to the law of the land and an all-purpose reference guide for students and professionals alike.

Smith and Monkcom: The Law of Gambling

by Stephen Monkcom Gerald Gouriet Qc Jeremy Phillips

Smith and Monkcom: The Law of Gambling, Fourth Edition provides a detailed and practical explanation of legislation covering casinos, betting shops, bingo halls, amusement arcades, pubs and clubs with gaming machines and lotteries. This important book provides a detailed and practical explanation of the legislation by detailing the purpose of the legislation, how to apply for operating licences, premises licences and personal licences, the conditions attached to licences and enforcement of the law as it relates to gambling.The fourth edition covers the following legislation:The Gambling Commission's guidanceAll updates to the Gaming Act 2005Coverage of the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014 which requires all operators that transact with, or advertise to, British consumers to obtain an operating licence from the Gambling CommissionCase law includes:R (on the application of Hemming (t/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) and others) v Westminster City CouncilR v Goldstein and Rimmington“Spotting the Ball” Partnership v HMRCHMRC v IFX Investment Company LimitedThe English Bridge Union Limited v HMRCGreene King (tribunal case)Newham Council v Paddy Power

Smith And Wood's Employment Law

by Ian Smith Aaron Baker Owen Warnock

Known for its detailed and authoritative approach, Smith & Wood's Employment Law provides a comprehensive yet accessible guide to employment law. Clear accounts of essential case law and legislation are complemented by insightful commentary and critique to direct preparation for classes and assessments. This textbook carefully explains topics in their social and historical context, providing readers with an awareness of the fast-paced development of employment legislation and offering a critical analysis of the future direction of the law.

Smith And Wood's Employment Law

by Ian Smith Owen Warnock

Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's Criminal Law

by David Ormerod CBE, QC (Hon) Karl Laird

Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's Criminal Law is rightly regarded as the leading doctrinal textbook on criminal law in England and Wales. The book owes its consistent popularity to its depth of analysis, breadth of coverage, and accessible style. Over fifty years since the publication of the first edition, Professor David Ormerod and Karl Laird continue the tradition set down by Professors Sir John Smith and Brian Hogan by producing a textbook of unrivalled quality. The text continues to be an invaluable resource for undergraduate students and an essential reference source for criminal law practitioners. Digital formats and resources The sixteenth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: A selection of online resources accompany this text, including: - A selection of additional online chapters - A full bibliography arranged alphabetically and by chapter - Annual updates

Smith, Hogan, And Ormerod's Criminal Law (PDF)

by David Ormerod Karl Laird

Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's Criminal Law is rightly regarded as the leading doctrinal textbook on criminal law in England and Wales. The book owes its consistent popularity to its depth of analysis, breadth of coverage, and accessible style. Over fifty years since the publication of the first edition, Professor David Ormerod and Karl Laird continue the tradition set down by Professors Sir John Smith and Brian Hogan by producing a textbook of unrivalled quality. The text continues to be an invaluable resource for undergraduate students and an essential reference source for criminal law practitioners. Digital formats and resources The sixteenth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: A selection of online resources accompany this text, including: - A selection of additional online chapters - A full bibliography arranged alphabetically and by chapter - Annual updates

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