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WJEC/Eduqas A Level Law Revision Guide Book 2 (PDF)

by Sara Davies Karen Phillips Louisa Draper-Walters

The second of two new A Level Law Revision Guides, designed to be used together, which cover all the content for WJEC and Eduqas A Level Law. Book 2 covers the additional content needed for the Year 2 and A2 course.

WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate and Diploma Criminology: Study and Revision Guide (PDF)

by Carole A Henderson Laura Neasham

The perfect companion to the popular Level 3 Criminology Student Book, this Study and Revision Guide summarises key information in a manageable and highly-visual way. Written by experienced teachers and examiners Carole A Henderson and Laura Neasham. Includes a wealth of practice exam questions and model answers to help students refine their exam technique. Offers invaluable guidance to ensure students are well prepared for the controlled assessments with a summary covering key points for the Assessment Criteria. Criminological theories are broken down and advice is provided to help students apply and evaluate these theories. Engaging activities and other stimulating features such as 'Take it further', 'Test Yourself' and 'Explore Online' consolidate learning and encourage students to put their knowledge into action.

WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma Criminology: Revised Edition (PDF)

by Carole A Henderson

Endorsed by WJEC/Eduqas, this revised edition of the best-selling Student Book offers high quality support you can trust. All four units are covered in a single book making it incredible value for money. // Working closely with WJEC, the Student Book has been revised and updated to reflect the latest amendments to the specification and support students through their WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate or Diploma in Criminology course. // Written by leading Level 3 Criminology author and highly experienced examiner, Carole Henderson, this accessible and engaging resource provides everything your students need for success. // What's new in the Revised Edition? // Assessment Criterion is completely up-to-date and details exactly the content students need to cover. // Coverage of the latest campaigns and content, such as Helen's Law; philosophies of agencies in social control; law reports; why laws are different according to place, time and culture. // Includes many new Activities to enhance learning plus Take it further tasks to develop and extend students' knowledge. // Brand new Handy hints to advise students on how best to approach the assessment. // Explains current rules on controlled assessments and contains up-to-date information on the structure of the external assessment (exam units).

Wohneigentum: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven (Bibliothek des Eigentums #11)

by Michael Voigtländer Otto Depenheuer

​Wohnungspolitik war das beherrschende Thema der Wirtschaftspolitik aller Bundesregierungen in den Nachkriegsjahren. Nach Jahrzehnten abnehmender Bedeutung wird Wohnungspolitik erneut zu einer zentralen Agenda der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik und stellt die wissenschaftliche Forschung vor neue Herausforderungen. Zahlreiche aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen (Knappheit von Wohnraum, demographischer Wandel, Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz, Finanzierung in Zeiten der Finanzkrise, Immobilien als Altersvorsorge) haben unmittelbare Auswirkungen auf den Wohnungsmarkt. Vorliegender Sammelband sucht diese Aspekte aus dem Blickwinkel unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen zu analysieren, Handlungsmöglichkeiten zu diskutieren und derart fundierte Empfehlungen an die Politik zu formulieren. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die wohnungspolitische Diskussion anzuregen und Anstöße für eine Weiterentwicklung günstiger Rahmenbedingungen zu geben.​

Wohneigentum für breite Schichten der Bevölkerung (Bibliothek des Eigentums #18)

by Otto Depenheuer Eckhart Hertzsch Michael Voigtländer

In der wohnungspolitischen Debatte steht meist der Mietwohnungsmarkt im Vordergrund, dabei bietet das Wohneigentum gerade auch für Haushalte mit geringeren Einkommen vielfältige Möglichkeiten. Sei es die Vermeidung jahrelanger Mietzahlungen, die Stabilität gleichbleibender Kreditzahlungen, die Sicherheit, dass niemand Eigenbedarf anmelden kann, oder die Vorsorge für das Alter; all dies sind Beweggründe hin zum Eigentum. Kosten und Vermögensbildung wie auch länderspezifische und bundespolitische Instrumente, werden – neben vielen anderen Aspekten – in diesem Buch von namhaften Autorinnen und Autoren diskutiert. Beispiele erfolgsversprechender Lösungen werden aufgezeigt, die den Zugang zu Wohneigentum für breite Schichten der Bevölkerung erleichtern sollen.

Wohngemeinschaften für Senioren und Menschen mit Behinderung: Gründung, Hintergründe, Wege

by David Thiele

Das Buch gibt Tipps vom Praktiker für den Praktiker und bietet Schritt für Schritt alle wesentlichen Informationen für eine Neugründung ambulanter Wohngemeinschaften. Fallstricke und Tipps sowie Verweise auf die gesetzlichen Grundlagen befinden sich direkt im Text, um lästiges Umblättern zu vermeiden.

Wohnungseigentum zwischen individualgrundrechtlicher Gewährleistung und kollektiver Einbindung (Bibliothek des Eigentums #12)

by Judith Froese

Das Wohnungseigentum ist auch gut 60 Jahre nach seiner Schaffung durch den Gesetzgeber als Eigenheim wie auch als Kapitalanlage von herausragender Bedeutung. Vorliegendes Werk nimmt erstmals monographisch eine verfassungsrechtliche Würdigung das Rechtsinstituts Wohnungseigentum vor. Dabei schlägt es die Brücke vom einfachen Recht des Wohnungseigentumsgesetzes zum Verfassungsrecht und verortet das Wohnungseigentum innerhalb der Eigentumsdogmatik des Art. 14 GG. Besonderheiten ergeben sich dabei insbesondere daraus, dass das Wohnungseigentum aus verfassungsrechtlicher Perspektive teilweise Alleineigentum und teilweise Miteigentum darstellt, wobei diese beiden Elemente untrennbar miteinander verknüpft sind und gesetzgeberische Regelungen daher Auswirkungen auf beide Bereiche haben können. Der Band liefert einen Leitfaden für die Auflösung des sich hieraus ergebenden Spannungsfeldes zwischen grundrechtlich gewährleisteter Selbstbestimmung einerseits und Fremdbestimmung durch die Einbindung in ein Kollektiv andererseits.

Wohnungseigentumsrecht für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Ulrich Adam

Wenn Sie bereits Wohnungseigentum besitzen oder darüber nachdenken, sich welches zuzulegen, dann sollten Sie über Ihre Rechte und Pflichten möglichst gut Bescheid wissen. Wohnungseigentumsrecht ist nicht schwierig. Der spezialisierte Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt Dr. Ulrich Adam erklärt Ihnen in diesem Buch Schritt für Schritt mit vielen Übersichten und Beispielen alles, was Sie darüber wissen sollten. Die umfassenden Änderungen der Reform 2020 sind in der 2. Auflage bereits vollständig in den Text eingearbeitet. Zahlreiche Abbildungen, Checklisten und Beschlussvorlagen erleichtern Ihnen Ihr Leben als Wohnungseigentümer. Erfahren Sie alles über Verwaltung, bauliche Änderungen, Eigentümerversammlung, Beschlussanfechtung, Jahresabrechnung und vieles andere mehr - und das immer einfach lesbar, verständlich und humorvoll. Damit sind Sie als Wohnungseigentümer für die nächste Eigentümerversammlung bestens ausgestattet!

Woke, Inc.: Inside the Social Justice Scam

by Vivek Ramaswamy

A young entrepreneur makes the case that politics has no place in business, and sets out a new vision for the future of capitalism. The modern woke-industrial complex divides us as a people. By mixing morality with consumerism, corporate elites prey on our innermost insecurities about who we really are. They sell us cheap social causes and skin-deep identities to satisfy our hunger for a cause and our search for meaning, at a moment when we lack both. Vivek Ramaswamy is a traitor to his class. He’s founded multibillion-dollar enterprises, led a biotech company as CEO, trained as a scientist at Harvard and a lawyer at Yale, and grew up the child of immigrants in a small town in Ohio. Now he takes us behind the scenes into corporate boardrooms and five-star conferences, into Ivy League classrooms and secretive nonprofits, to reveal the defining scam of our century. But this book not only rips back the curtain on the new corporatist agenda, it offers a better way forward. Corporate elites may want to sort us into demographic boxes, but we don’t have to stay there. Woke, Inc. begins as a critique of stakeholder capitalism and ends with an exploration of what it means to be a member of society in 2021 – a journey that begins with cynicism and ends with hope.

Wolf And Stanley On Environmental Law

by Susan Wolf Neil Stanley

Written with real clarity by authors teaching and researching in the field, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law offers an excellent starting point for both law and non-law students encountering this diverse and controversial subject for the first time. Topics covered include administration and enforcement, waste management, EU environmental law, pollution control, environmental permitting, contaminated land, environmental torts and private regulation. The book is supported by a range of learning features designed to help students: Consolidate your learning: Chapter learning objectives and detailed summaries clarify and highlight key points Understand how the law works in practice: #65533;Law in Action#65533; features demonstrate the application of pollution control law Plan your research: Detailed end of chapter further reading sections outline articles, books and online resources that provide next steps for your research This sixth edition has been updated and revised to take into account recent developments in the subject, including coverage of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010; developments in the Environment Agency enforcement and sanctions policy documents; and updates relating to the defence of statutory authority in the tort of private nuisance. Suitable for students of environmental law and the wider environmental studies, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law is a valuable guide to this wide-ranging subject. Susan Wolf is Principal Lecturer in Law at the University of Northumbria. Neil Stanley is Lecturer in Law at the University of Leeds.

Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law

by Susan Wolf Neil Stanley

Written with real clarity by authors teaching and researching in the field, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law offers an excellent starting point for both law and non-law students encountering this diverse and controversial subject for the first time. Topics covered include administration and enforcement, waste management, EU environmental law, pollution control, environmental permitting, contaminated land, environmental torts and private regulation. The book is supported by a range of learning features designed to help students: Consolidate your learning: Chapter learning objectives and detailed summaries clarify and highlight key points Understand how the law works in practice: ‘Law in Action’ features demonstrate the application of pollution control law Plan your research: Detailed end of chapter further reading sections outline articles, books and online resources that provide next steps for your research This sixth edition has been updated and revised to take into account recent developments in the subject, including coverage of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010; developments in the Environment Agency enforcement and sanctions policy documents; and updates relating to the defence of statutory authority in the tort of private nuisance. Suitable for students of environmental law and the wider environmental studies, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law is a valuable guide to this wide-ranging subject. Susan Wolf is Principal Lecturer in Law at the University of Northumbria. Neil Stanley is Lecturer in Law at the University of Leeds.

Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law

by Susan Wolf Neil Stanley

Written with real clarity by authors teaching and researching in the field, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law offers an excellent starting point for both law and non-law students encountering this diverse and controversial subject for the first time. Topics covered include administration and enforcement, waste management, EU environmental law, pollution control, environmental permitting, contaminated land, environmental torts and private regulation. The book is supported by a range of learning features designed to help students: Consolidate your learning: Chapter learning objectives and detailed summaries clarify and highlight key points Understand how the law works in practice: ‘Law in Action’ features demonstrate the application of pollution control law Plan your research: Detailed end of chapter further reading sections outline articles, books and online resources that provide next steps for your research This sixth edition has been updated and revised to take into account recent developments in the subject, including coverage of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010; developments in the Environment Agency enforcement and sanctions policy documents; and updates relating to the defence of statutory authority in the tort of private nuisance. Suitable for students of environmental law and the wider environmental studies, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law is a valuable guide to this wide-ranging subject. Susan Wolf is Principal Lecturer in Law at the University of Northumbria. Neil Stanley is Lecturer in Law at the University of Leeds.

Wolf And Stanley On Environmental Law (PDF)

by Susan Wolf Neil Stanley

Written with real clarity by authors teaching and researching in the field, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law offers an excellent starting point for both law and non-law students encountering this diverse and controversial subject for the first time. Topics covered include administration and enforcement, waste management, EU environmental law, pollution control, environmental permitting, contaminated land, environmental torts and private regulation. The book is supported by a range of learning features designed to help students: Consolidate your learning: Chapter learning objectives and detailed summaries clarify and highlight key points Understand how the law works in practice: #65533;Law in Action#65533; features demonstrate the application of pollution control law Plan your research: Detailed end of chapter further reading sections outline articles, books and online resources that provide next steps for your research This sixth edition has been updated and revised to take into account recent developments in the subject, including coverage of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010; developments in the Environment Agency enforcement and sanctions policy documents; and updates relating to the defence of statutory authority in the tort of private nuisance. Suitable for students of environmental law and the wider environmental studies, Wolf and Stanley on Environmental Law is a valuable guide to this wide-ranging subject. Susan Wolf is Principal Lecturer in Law at the University of Northumbria. Neil Stanley is Lecturer in Law at the University of Leeds.

Wolf Boys: Two American Teenagers and Mexico's Most Dangerous Drug Cartel

by Dan Slater

A chilling true story of two American teens recruited as killers for a Mexican cartel, and their pursuit by an increasingly disillusioned detective.At first glance, Gabriel Cardona is an exemplary American teenager: athletic, bright, handsome and charismatic. But his Texas town is poor and dangerous, and it isn't long before Gabriel abandons his promising future for the allure of the Zetas, a drug cartel with roots in the Mexican military. Meanwhile, Mexican-born Detective Robert Garcia has worked hard all his life and is now struggling to raise his family in America. As violence spills over the border, Detective Garcia's pursuit of the Zetas puts him face to face with the urgent consequences of a war he sees as unwinnable.In Wolf Boys, Dan Slater takes readers on a harrowing, moving, and often brutal journey into the heart of the Mexican drug trade - from the Sierra Madre mountaintops to the smuggling ports of Veracruz, from cartel training camps and holiday parties to the dusty alleys of South Texas. Ultimately though, Wolf Boys is the intimate and vivid story of the 'lobos': teens turned into pawns for cartels. A non-fiction thriller, it reads with the emotional clarity of a great novel, yet offers its revelations through extraordinary reporting.

Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz

by Barbara Babcock

Woman Lawyer tells the story of Clara Foltz, the first woman admitted to the California Bar. Famous in her time as a public intellectual, leader of the women's movement, and legal reformer, Foltz faced terrific prejudice and well-organized opposition to women lawyers as she tried cases in front of all-male juries, raised five children as a single mother, and stumped for political candidates. She was the first to propose the creation of a public defender to balance the public prosecutor. Woman Lawyer uncovers the legal reforms and societal contributions of a woman celebrated in her day, but lost to history until now. It casts new light on the turbulent history and politics of California in a period of phenomenal growth and highlights the interconnection of the suffragists and other movements for civil rights and legal reforms.

The Woman Who Decided to Die: Challenges and Choices at the Edges of Medicine

by Ronald Munson

Advances in medical technology force us to struggle with new and often gut-wrenching decisions. How do we know when someone is dead and not just in a coma? Should a convicted felon qualify for a new heart? In The Woman Who Decided to Die, novelist and medical ethicist Ronald Munson takes readers to the very edges of medicine, where treatments fail and where people must cope with helplessness, mortality, and doubt. Using personal narratives that place us right next to doctors, patients, and care givers as they make decisions, Munson explores ten riveting case-based stories, told with a writer's eye for illuminating detail. These include a young woman with terminal leukemia more worried about her family than herself, a stepfather asked to donate a liver segment to his stepson, a student who believes she is being controlled by invisible Agents, and a psychiatrist-patient who prizes his autonomy until the end. Raising fundamental questions about human relationships, this is an essential book about the very nature of life and death.

A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex: Selected Philosophical and Moral Writings (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)

by Gabrielle Suchon

During the oppressive reign of Louis XIV, Gabrielle Suchon (1632–1703) was the most forceful female voice in France, advocating women’s freedom and self-determination, access to knowledge, and assertion of authority. This volume collects Suchon’s writing from two works—Treatise on Ethics and Politics (1693) and On the Celibate Life Freely Chosen; or, Life without Commitments (1700)—and demonstrates her to be an original philosophical and moral thinker and writer. Suchon argues that both women and men have inherently similar intellectual, corporeal, and spiritual capacities, which entitle them equally to essentially human prerogatives, and she displays her breadth of knowledge as she harnesses evidence from biblical, classical, patristic, and contemporary secular sources to bolster her claim. Forgotten over the centuries, these writings have been gaining increasing attention from feminist historians, students of philosophy, and scholars of seventeenth-century French literature and culture. This translation, from Domna C. Stanton and Rebecca M. Wilkin, marks the first time these works will appear in English.

A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex: Selected Philosophical and Moral Writings (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)

by Gabrielle Suchon

During the oppressive reign of Louis XIV, Gabrielle Suchon (1632–1703) was the most forceful female voice in France, advocating women’s freedom and self-determination, access to knowledge, and assertion of authority. This volume collects Suchon’s writing from two works—Treatise on Ethics and Politics (1693) and On the Celibate Life Freely Chosen; or, Life without Commitments (1700)—and demonstrates her to be an original philosophical and moral thinker and writer. Suchon argues that both women and men have inherently similar intellectual, corporeal, and spiritual capacities, which entitle them equally to essentially human prerogatives, and she displays her breadth of knowledge as she harnesses evidence from biblical, classical, patristic, and contemporary secular sources to bolster her claim. Forgotten over the centuries, these writings have been gaining increasing attention from feminist historians, students of philosophy, and scholars of seventeenth-century French literature and culture. This translation, from Domna C. Stanton and Rebecca M. Wilkin, marks the first time these works will appear in English.

A Woman Who Defends All the Persons of Her Sex: Selected Philosophical and Moral Writings (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)

by Gabrielle Suchon

During the oppressive reign of Louis XIV, Gabrielle Suchon (1632–1703) was the most forceful female voice in France, advocating women’s freedom and self-determination, access to knowledge, and assertion of authority. This volume collects Suchon’s writing from two works—Treatise on Ethics and Politics (1693) and On the Celibate Life Freely Chosen; or, Life without Commitments (1700)—and demonstrates her to be an original philosophical and moral thinker and writer. Suchon argues that both women and men have inherently similar intellectual, corporeal, and spiritual capacities, which entitle them equally to essentially human prerogatives, and she displays her breadth of knowledge as she harnesses evidence from biblical, classical, patristic, and contemporary secular sources to bolster her claim. Forgotten over the centuries, these writings have been gaining increasing attention from feminist historians, students of philosophy, and scholars of seventeenth-century French literature and culture. This translation, from Domna C. Stanton and Rebecca M. Wilkin, marks the first time these works will appear in English.

A Woman's Guide to Divorce: How to take control of the whole process, including finances, children and the emotional journey (Dark-Hunter World #92)

by Phyllida Wilson Maxine Pillinger

This book will inform and empower women who have decided to divorce, or are deciding whether to do so.It will give them the `heads up` on what to expect, and the confidence to manage and control the formidable process; from the first meeting with a solicitor to the financial implications, the court processes, communication with the `ex`, and managing children, family and friends.It offers guidance on living arrangements and emotional aspects, and on the characteristics of `extreme` divorces including violence, harassment, custody battles, non-compliance and aggressive financial deprivation.

Woman's Identity and Rethinking the Hadith (Islamic Law in Context #1)

by Nimat Hafez Barazangi

The Prophet Muhammad’s reported traditions have evolved significantly to affect the social, cultural, and political lives of all Muslims. Though centuries of scholarship were spent on the authentication and trustworthiness of the narrators, there has been less study focused on the contents of these narratives, known as Hadith or Sunnah, and their corroboration by the Qur`an. This book is a first step in a comprehensive attempt to contrast Hadith with the Qur`an in order to uncover some of the unjust practices by Muslims concerning women and gender issues. Using specific examples the author helps the reader appreciate and understand the magnitude of the problem. It is argued that the human rights and the human development of Muslim women will not progress in a meaningful and sustainable manner until the Hadith is re-examined in a fresh new approach from within the Islamic framework, shifting the discourse in understanding Islam from a dogmatic religious law to a religio-moral rational worldview. The author argues that such re-examination requires the involvement of women in order to affirm their authority in exegetical and practical leadership within Muslim societies, and she encourages Muslim women to stand up for their rights to effect change in understanding the role of sunnah in their own life.

Woman's Identity and Rethinking the Hadith (Islamic Law in Context #1)

by Nimat Hafez Barazangi

The Prophet Muhammad’s reported traditions have evolved significantly to affect the social, cultural, and political lives of all Muslims. Though centuries of scholarship were spent on the authentication and trustworthiness of the narrators, there has been less study focused on the contents of these narratives, known as Hadith or Sunnah, and their corroboration by the Qur`an. This book is a first step in a comprehensive attempt to contrast Hadith with the Qur`an in order to uncover some of the unjust practices by Muslims concerning women and gender issues. Using specific examples the author helps the reader appreciate and understand the magnitude of the problem. It is argued that the human rights and the human development of Muslim women will not progress in a meaningful and sustainable manner until the Hadith is re-examined in a fresh new approach from within the Islamic framework, shifting the discourse in understanding Islam from a dogmatic religious law to a religio-moral rational worldview. The author argues that such re-examination requires the involvement of women in order to affirm their authority in exegetical and practical leadership within Muslim societies, and she encourages Muslim women to stand up for their rights to effect change in understanding the role of sunnah in their own life.

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