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Showing 7,576 through 7,600 of 56,018 results

Comparisons in Resource Management: Six Notable Programs in Other Countries and Their Possible U.S. Application (RFF Natural Resource Management Set)

by Henry Jarrett

Originally presented as public lectures in the 1961 Resources for the Future Forum on Comparative Resources Policy and Administration. Originally published in 1961

Comparisons in Resource Management: Six Notable Programs in Other Countries and Their Possible U.S. Application (RFF Natural Resource Management Set)

by Henry Jarrett

Originally presented as public lectures in the 1961 Resources for the Future Forum on Comparative Resources Policy and Administration. Originally published in 1961

Compassion in Healthcare: Pilgrimage, Practice, and Civic Life

by Joshua Hordern

Compassion in Healthcare gives an account of the nature and content of compassion and its role in healthcare. While compassion appears to be a straightforward aspect of life and practice, Hordern's analysis shows that it is plagued by both conceptual and practical ills, and stands in need of some quite specific kinds of therapy. Starting from a diagnosis of what precisely is wrong with 'compassion'—its debilitating political entanglements, the vagueness of its meaning, and the risk of burnout it threatens—three therapies are prescribed for these ills: an understanding of patients and healthcare workers as those who pass through the life-course, encountering each other as wayfarers and pilgrims; a grasp of the nature of compassion in healthcare; and an embedding of healthcare within the realities of civic life. Applying these therapeutic strategies uncovers how compassionate relationships acquire their content in healthcare practice. The form that compassion takes is shown to depend on how doctrines of time, tragedy, salvation, responsibility, fault, and theodicy make a difference to the quality of people's lives and relationships. Drawing on the author's real-world collaborations, the way in which compassion matters to practice and policy is worked out in the detail of healthcare professionalism, marketization, and technology. Covering everything from conception to old age, and from machine learning to religious diversity, Compassion in Healthcare draws on philosophy, theology, and everyday experience to expand our understanding of what compassion means for healthcare practice.

Compassion in Healthcare: Pilgrimage, Practice, and Civic Life

by Joshua Hordern

Compassion in Healthcare gives an account of the nature and content of compassion and its role in healthcare. While compassion appears to be a straightforward aspect of life and practice, Hordern's analysis shows that it is plagued by both conceptual and practical ills, and stands in need of some quite specific kinds of therapy. Starting from a diagnosis of what precisely is wrong with 'compassion'—its debilitating political entanglements, the vagueness of its meaning, and the risk of burnout it threatens—three therapies are prescribed for these ills: an understanding of patients and healthcare workers as those who pass through the life-course, encountering each other as wayfarers and pilgrims; a grasp of the nature of compassion in healthcare; and an embedding of healthcare within the realities of civic life. Applying these therapeutic strategies uncovers how compassionate relationships acquire their content in healthcare practice. The form that compassion takes is shown to depend on how doctrines of time, tragedy, salvation, responsibility, fault, and theodicy make a difference to the quality of people's lives and relationships. Drawing on the author's real-world collaborations, the way in which compassion matters to practice and policy is worked out in the detail of healthcare professionalism, marketization, and technology. Covering everything from conception to old age, and from machine learning to religious diversity, Compassion in Healthcare draws on philosophy, theology, and everyday experience to expand our understanding of what compassion means for healthcare practice.

Compassion Inc.: Unleashing the Power of Empathy in Life and Business

by Gaurav Sinha

Be inspired to transform your business to change the world.Do you ever wonder how successful businesses can be used as a force for good? Do you sometimes feel conflicted by the principles of capitalism? Do you wish to change the world around you whilst doing what you love?In this book, Gaurav Sinha, world-class businessman and entrepreneur, founder of Insignia in 2003, outlines the economics of empathy for life and for business. He offers actionable solutions to maintaining a successful trade in a changing global landscape where conscience, ethics, and authenticity are high on the agenda.The world is changing, perceptions are shifting, consumers are evolving, and this book will ensure your business keeps up.

Compassionate Moral Realism

by Colin Marshall

Colin Marshall offers a ground-up defense of objective morality, drawing inspiration from a wide range of philosophers, including John Locke, Arthur Schopenhauer, Iris Murdoch, Nel Noddings, and David Lewis. Marshall's core claim is compassion is our capacity to perceive other creatures' pains, pleasures, and desires. Non-compassionate people are therefore perceptually lacking, regardless of how much factual knowledge they might have. Marshall argues that people who do have this form of compassion thereby fit a familiar paradigm of moral goodness. His argument involves the identification of an epistemic good which Marshall dubs "being in touch". To be in touch with some property of a thing requires experiencing it in a way that reveals that property - that is, experiencing it as it is in itself. Only compassion, Marshall argues, lets us be in touch with others' motivational mental properties. This conclusion about compassion has two important metaethical consequences. First, it generates an answer to the question "Why be moral?", which has been a central philosophical concern since Plato. Second, it provides the keystone for a novel form of moral realism. This form of moral realism has a distinctive set of virtues: it is anti-relativist, naturalist, and able to identify a necessary connection between moral representation and motivation. The view also implies that there is an epistemic asymmetry between virtuous and vicious agents, according to which only morally good people can fully face reality.

Compassionate Moral Realism

by Colin Marshall

Colin Marshall offers a ground-up defense of objective morality, drawing inspiration from a wide range of philosophers, including John Locke, Arthur Schopenhauer, Iris Murdoch, Nel Noddings, and David Lewis. Marshall's core claim is compassion is our capacity to perceive other creatures' pains, pleasures, and desires. Non-compassionate people are therefore perceptually lacking, regardless of how much factual knowledge they might have. Marshall argues that people who do have this form of compassion thereby fit a familiar paradigm of moral goodness. His argument involves the identification of an epistemic good which Marshall dubs "being in touch". To be in touch with some property of a thing requires experiencing it in a way that reveals that property - that is, experiencing it as it is in itself. Only compassion, Marshall argues, lets us be in touch with others' motivational mental properties. This conclusion about compassion has two important metaethical consequences. First, it generates an answer to the question "Why be moral?", which has been a central philosophical concern since Plato. Second, it provides the keystone for a novel form of moral realism. This form of moral realism has a distinctive set of virtues: it is anti-relativist, naturalist, and able to identify a necessary connection between moral representation and motivation. The view also implies that there is an epistemic asymmetry between virtuous and vicious agents, according to which only morally good people can fully face reality.

Compassionate Reasoning: Changing the Mind to Change the World

by Marc Gopin

Around the globe, people who work in the helping professions are often heroic bridge-builders and creators of peaceful societies. They have in common, Marc Gopin argues, a set of cultivated moral character traits and psychosocial skills. They tend to be kinder, more reasonable, more self-controlled, and more goal-oriented towards peace. They are united by a particular set of moral values and the emotional skills to put those values into practice, allowing them to excel in what he calls "Compassionate Reasoning." In this book, Gopin draws upon the history of ethics along with his own thirty-year career in the field of peacebuilding to develop an understanding of this type of reasoning. The very multiplicity of approaches to ethics, says Gopin, invites us to look for higher principles and intuitions. In discovering the worlds of others, we also clarify our own deepest moral principles and commitments. By utilizing Compassionate Reasoning, individuals with divergent moral principles and intuitions can find a way to talk to each other and to meet in a common universe of ethical concern. Gopin explores this as a way to build peace, especially across divides of politics, race, religion, and culture.

Compassionate Reasoning: Changing the Mind to Change the World

by Marc Gopin

Around the globe, people who work in the helping professions are often heroic bridge-builders and creators of peaceful societies. They have in common, Marc Gopin argues, a set of cultivated moral character traits and psychosocial skills. They tend to be kinder, more reasonable, more self-controlled, and more goal-oriented towards peace. They are united by a particular set of moral values and the emotional skills to put those values into practice, allowing them to excel in what he calls "Compassionate Reasoning." In this book, Gopin draws upon the history of ethics along with his own thirty-year career in the field of peacebuilding to develop an understanding of this type of reasoning. The very multiplicity of approaches to ethics, says Gopin, invites us to look for higher principles and intuitions. In discovering the worlds of others, we also clarify our own deepest moral principles and commitments. By utilizing Compassionate Reasoning, individuals with divergent moral principles and intuitions can find a way to talk to each other and to meet in a common universe of ethical concern. Gopin explores this as a way to build peace, especially across divides of politics, race, religion, and culture.

Compatibility of Transactional Resolutions of Antitrust Proceedings with Due Process and Fundamental Rights & Online Exhaustion of IP Rights (LIDC Contributions on Antitrust Law, Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition)

by Bruce Kilpatrick Pierre Kobel Pranvera Këllezi

This book provides an unparalleled comparative analysis of two "hot topics" in the field of antitrust and unfair competition laws with regard to a number of key countries. The first part of the book examines the consistency and compatibility of transactional resolutions of antitrust proceedings (such as settlement procedures, leniency programmes and commitments) with due process and the fundamental rights of the parties. This is a particularly important topic, given the widespread adoption of these procedures by anti-trust authorities worldwide. The individual chapters consider how the leniency, settlement and commitments procedures have developed across a range of jurisdictions, and discuss the extent to which checks and balances have been applied in those national procedures in order to safeguard the fundamental rights of the parties involved. A detailed international report identifies general trends and highlights the differences between and most interesting features of national regulations. The second part of the book gathers contributions from various jurisdictions on the unfair competition-related question of the online exhaustion of IP rights. As commerce is increasingly moving online, the respective chapters consider the extent to which exhaustion and similar concepts have adapted to these rapid changes. The comprehensive and insightful international report brings together these reflections by comparing various national positions. The book also includes the resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the LIDC following a debate on each of these topics, which include proposed solutions and recommendations. The international League of Competition Law (LIDC) is a long-standing international association that focuses on the interface between competition law and intellectual property law, including unfair competition issues.

Compelled Compassion: Government Intervention in the Treatment of Critically Ill Newborns (Contemporary Issues in Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society)

by Arthur L. Caplan Robert H. Blank Janna C. Merrick

In April 1982, an infant boy was born in Bloomington, Indiana, with Down syndrome and a defective, but surgically correctable, esophagus. His parents refused to consent to surgery or intravenous feeding. The hospital unsuccessfully sought a court order to force treatment, and appeals to higher courts also failed. The child, identified as Baby Doe by the news media, subsequently died. The events in Bloomington became the catalyst for action by the Reagan administration, the courts, and Congress that culminated in a federal policy that makes failure to treat newborns with disabilities a form of child neglect. This book centers on the public policy aspects of withholding treatment from critically ill newborns who are disabled. Specifically, it deals with why the policy was enacted and what impact it has had on health care workers, families, and infants. Some of the contributors to this book spearheaded the early debate on withholding treatment. Anthony Shaw's New York Times Magazine article in 1972 was the first to address these issues in the popular press. The following year, he published a related article in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also appearing in this same issue of NEJM, was the pathbreaking study, coauthored by A. G. M. Campbell, on withholding treatment in the special care nursery at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Each of these articles promoted much public and professional discussion.

Compelling Ethical Challenges in Critical Care and Emergency Medicine

by Andrej Michalsen Nicholas Sadovnikoff

This book addresses the ethical problems that physicians have to face every day while caring for critically ill patients. Advances in medical technology, ageing societies worldwide, and their increased demands on health care systems have, on the one hand, led to better care and remarkable longevity in many parts of the world. On the other hand, however, improved treatments in many medical fields, amongst others in emergency and critical care, have resulted in more patients surviving with reduced quality of life. This entails tradeoffs for many patients, their families, and the teams caring for them. At the same time, health care expenditures have risen dramatically and have to be balanced against costs for other public goods. Finally, the humane aspects of care have often failed to keep pace with the remarkable technological strides made in recent years.In this book, experts in their respective fields describe compelling ethical challenges resulting from these discrepancies and discuss potential solutions. The book is primarily intended for clinicians who care for two of the most vulnerable patient subpopulations – those being treated in ambulances or emergency rooms, and those being treated at intensive care units – due in part to the fact that they may be temporarily or permanently incapacitated. Core medical skills, such as diagnosis and predicting outcomes, as well as implementing treatment, remain challenging. However, without adequate communication and collaboration both within the inter-professional treatment teams and between the teams and the patients/their families, delivering excellent care is difficult at best. Therefore, the so-called “soft skills” are given the attention they deserve in order to overcome the gap between technological progress and interpersonal standstill.

Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential

by John Neffinger Matthew Kohut

'This is not just another pop-psych book: it's the first book to capture and share the insights from all the recent groundbreaking research on how we judge and persuade each other. And it translates that into simple, practical terms anyone can use to build more effective relationships at the office or home' Amy CuddyHOW PEOPLE JUDGE YOU - AND HOW TO COME OUT LOOKING GOOD Everyone wants to know how to be more influential. But most of us don't really think we can have the kind of magnetism or charisma that we associate with someone like Bill Clinton or Oprah Winfrey unless it comes naturally. In Compelling People - now required reading and Harvard Business School - John Neffinger and Matthew Kohut show that this isn't something we have to be born with, it's something we can learn. They trace the path to influence through a balance of strength and warmth. Each seems simple, but only a few of us figure out the tricky task of projecting both at once. Drawing on cutting-edge social science research as well as their own work with Fortune 500 executives, members of Congress, TED speakers and Nobel Prize winners, Compelling People explains how we size each other up - and how we can learn to win the admiration, respect, and affection we desire.

Compendium of Insurance Law (Lloyd's Insurance Law Library)

by Robert Merkin Johanna Hjalmarsson

The Compendium of Insurance Law consolidates diverse insurance law sources, statutes and codes of practice in one comprehensive volume. Each piece of legislation is supplemented by detailed annotations, which explain the operation and relationship of the legislation with other sources of insurance law. The book is filled with comprehensive coverage of legislation relating to the following areas: regulation, reinsurance, life assurance, property insurance, marine insurance, liability insurance, motor insurance, insurance intermediaries, insurance contracts and competition.

Compendium of Insurance Law (Lloyd's Insurance Law Library)

by Robert Merkin Johanna Hjalmarsson

The Compendium of Insurance Law consolidates diverse insurance law sources, statutes and codes of practice in one comprehensive volume. Each piece of legislation is supplemented by detailed annotations, which explain the operation and relationship of the legislation with other sources of insurance law. The book is filled with comprehensive coverage of legislation relating to the following areas: regulation, reinsurance, life assurance, property insurance, marine insurance, liability insurance, motor insurance, insurance intermediaries, insurance contracts and competition.

Compendium of International Commercial Arbitration Forms

by Sigvard Jarvin Corinne Nguyen

International arbitration of business disputes continues to rise dramatically. New people entering the international arbitration community on all continents require a systematic guide to avoid a mere trial-and-error approach. This book, first of its kind, with numerous practical examples of the drafting of documents for each step of an international arbitration proceeding, under different arbitration rules and in different countries, allows actual ready-to-adapt forms to be located quickly for any issue likely to arise and clearly illustrates the different drafting styles used in practice. In one volume, in a single place, scores of documents are provided, all originating from real cases. A brief sample includes inter aliathe following: • request for arbitration; • answer/counterclaim; • claimant’s reply to counterclaim; • terms of reference; • rules of procedure; • timetable for submissions; • procedural orders; • written pleadings/statement of claim/defence; • witness statements/depositions/affidavits; • requests/orders for the production of documents/discovery; • requests/orders on interim measures/security for costs; • hearings; • opening statement/closing statement; • submissions on costs; • awards/interim/partial/final/by consent; and • requests/decisions on correction and interpretation of awards. Explanatory comments on more complex forms help to raise the readers’ awareness on a specific issue or discussion. Emphasis throughout is on procedural aspects. No other book makes it so easy to find all the information necessary to prepare a case or take a decision in the context of international commercial arbitration. These forms will be of immeasurable value to corporate counsel, management in instructing outside counsel, practitioners dealing with international arbitration, lawyers, arbitrators, members’ organizations in industry and commerce, arbitration centres (especially newer ones in emerging markets), academic libraries and bar associations.

Compensating Asbestos Victims: Law and the Dark Side of Industrialization

by Andrea Boggio

This book traces the emergence and transformations of asbestos compensation to explore the wider issue of to what extent legal systems have converged in the era of globalization. Examining the mechanism by which asbestos compensation is delivered in Belgium, England, Italy and the United States, as well as the cultural forces and actors which contribute to its emergence and transformations, the book advances our understanding of how law operates within cultural norms, routines, and institutional relations of capitalist societies. With material gathered from 50 interviews and from primary and secondary sources, the author considers law as a cultural phenomenon, national styles of legal culture and the convergence and divergence of legal cultures, and law as a form of institutionalized power.

Compensating Asbestos Victims: Law and the Dark Side of Industrialization

by Andrea Boggio

This book traces the emergence and transformations of asbestos compensation to explore the wider issue of to what extent legal systems have converged in the era of globalization. Examining the mechanism by which asbestos compensation is delivered in Belgium, England, Italy and the United States, as well as the cultural forces and actors which contribute to its emergence and transformations, the book advances our understanding of how law operates within cultural norms, routines, and institutional relations of capitalist societies. With material gathered from 50 interviews and from primary and secondary sources, the author considers law as a cultural phenomenon, national styles of legal culture and the convergence and divergence of legal cultures, and law as a form of institutionalized power.

Compensating Landowners in the Vicinity of Airports: A Comparative Study of the Neighbour Conflict

by Magdalena Habdas

The purpose of this book is to consider the neighbour conflict arising between airports and neighbouring owners of land, particularly with residential uses, as well as to assess the existing solutions applied to manage or resolve that conflict. The book explains why the neighbour conflict between the airport and landowners is of a particular kind and what legal instruments are applied to resolve it in an attempt to balance the interests of opposing parties. Readers will develop an understanding of how the law operates when damage is caused by a legal act of the government and what the limits of compensable loss are. In addition, the reader will discover the economic foundations of possible solutions and why not all market losses are legally compensable. Key features of this book include: • a consideration of key legal concepts such as neighbour law, nuisance, protection of property, land use restrictions, liability, and compensation to inform a unique analysis of neighbour law in the context of conflict between airports and neighbouring landowners • practical guidance on an airport’s legal liability towards neighbouring landowners • a comparative analysis of airport’s liability, compensation claims, their scope and economic effects • a comparative overview of planning and environmental solutions applied in a variety of jurisdictions • discussion of valuation methods and challenges when loss of property value is the measure of compensation The author’s intention is to promote conscious and civil relations among market participants, as opposed to opportunistic and speculative behaviour. This book is important reading for lawyers, academics, PhD students, and postgraduate students dealing with land use regulations, environmental law, compulsory purchase, eminent domain and expropriation issues and compensation for property restrictions, as well as with aviation law and legal aspects of airport operations.

Compensating Landowners in the Vicinity of Airports: A Comparative Study of the Neighbour Conflict

by Magdalena Habdas

The purpose of this book is to consider the neighbour conflict arising between airports and neighbouring owners of land, particularly with residential uses, as well as to assess the existing solutions applied to manage or resolve that conflict. The book explains why the neighbour conflict between the airport and landowners is of a particular kind and what legal instruments are applied to resolve it in an attempt to balance the interests of opposing parties. Readers will develop an understanding of how the law operates when damage is caused by a legal act of the government and what the limits of compensable loss are. In addition, the reader will discover the economic foundations of possible solutions and why not all market losses are legally compensable. Key features of this book include: • a consideration of key legal concepts such as neighbour law, nuisance, protection of property, land use restrictions, liability, and compensation to inform a unique analysis of neighbour law in the context of conflict between airports and neighbouring landowners • practical guidance on an airport’s legal liability towards neighbouring landowners • a comparative analysis of airport’s liability, compensation claims, their scope and economic effects • a comparative overview of planning and environmental solutions applied in a variety of jurisdictions • discussion of valuation methods and challenges when loss of property value is the measure of compensation The author’s intention is to promote conscious and civil relations among market participants, as opposed to opportunistic and speculative behaviour. This book is important reading for lawyers, academics, PhD students, and postgraduate students dealing with land use regulations, environmental law, compulsory purchase, eminent domain and expropriation issues and compensation for property restrictions, as well as with aviation law and legal aspects of airport operations.

Compensation and Restitution in Investor-State Arbitration: Principles and Practice (International Economic Law Series)

by Borzu Sabahi

This book examines the history, principles, and practice of awarding compensation and restitution in investor-State arbitration disputes, which are initiated under investment treaties. The principles discussed may be applied to all international law cases where damage to property is an issue. The book starts by tracing the roots of the applicable international legal principles to Roman law, and from there follows their evolution through the European law of extra-contractual liability and eventually through the Chorzów Factory case to principles of compensation and restitution in the modern law of international investment. The greater part of the book is then dedicated to examination of the modern application of these principles, focusing on the jurisprudence of international tribunals under various arbitral rules such as ICSID and UNCITRAL Rules. Monetary compensation as the prevalent form of remedy sought and awarded in investor-State disputes is discussed in more detail, including topics such as the amount of compensation for damage resulting from breach of investment treaties or for lawful expropriation of foreign investor's property, a brief overview of valuation methods, supplementary compensation for moral damages, interest, costs, and currency fluctuations as well as various principles that may limit the amount of recoverable compensation, such as causation. A full chapter is dedicated to the discussion of the theory and practice of awarding restitution in investor-State disputes. The book also covers the general principle of reparation in international law as applied in investor-State arbitrations. The topics discussed cover all the theoretical as well as practical issues which may be raised in awarding compensation and restitution in investment treaty disputes between States and foreign investors.

Compensation and Reward Management: Wage and Salary Administration and Benefits

by R. C. Sharma Sulabh Sharma

This book presents a comprehensive account of the intricacies related to compensation and reward management in Indian organizations—a vital strategic feature of HR management. It presents a blend of theoretical concepts, definitions, approaches, methods and techniques related to compensation practices being followed/likely to be followed in organizations. Starting with a conceptual framework, it discusses wage determination and wage fixation practices in India, salary reviews and reward management policies, and processes and procedures, in addition to international remuneration with special reference to expatriates and the remuneration of third country nationals. In addition to examining the designing and monitoring of salary grade structures including salary progression curves, it spells out divergent systems and institutions for wage determination/wage fixation practices in Indian organizations.Rich in pedagogical features, including learning objectives, discussion questions, individual and group activities, the volume also has numerous case studies. This book will be useful to students of human resource management, business economics, corporate finance, corporate governance, organizational studies, strategic management, finance, business and industry, public administration, social work and other allied fields.

Compensation and Reward Management: Wage and Salary Administration and Benefits

by R. C. Sharma Sulabh Sharma

This book presents a comprehensive account of the intricacies related to compensation and reward management in Indian organizations—a vital strategic feature of HR management. It presents a blend of theoretical concepts, definitions, approaches, methods and techniques related to compensation practices being followed/likely to be followed in organizations. Starting with a conceptual framework, it discusses wage determination and wage fixation practices in India, salary reviews and reward management policies, and processes and procedures, in addition to international remuneration with special reference to expatriates and the remuneration of third country nationals. In addition to examining the designing and monitoring of salary grade structures including salary progression curves, it spells out divergent systems and institutions for wage determination/wage fixation practices in Indian organizations.Rich in pedagogical features, including learning objectives, discussion questions, individual and group activities, the volume also has numerous case studies. This book will be useful to students of human resource management, business economics, corporate finance, corporate governance, organizational studies, strategic management, finance, business and industry, public administration, social work and other allied fields.

Compensation for Environmental Damage Under International Law (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law)

by Jason Rudall

Inspired by recent litigation, this book identifies and critically appraises the manifold and varied approaches to calculating compensation for damage caused to the environment. It examines a wide range of practice on compensation – in general and specifically for environmental damage – from that of international courts and tribunals, as well as international commissions and regimes, to municipal approaches and other disciplines such as economics and philosophy. Compensation for Environmental Damage Under International Law synthesises these approaches with a view to identifying their blind spots, bringing clarity to an area where there exists broad discrepancy, and charting best practices that appropriately balance the manifold interests at stake. In particular, it is argued that best practice methodologies should ensure compensation serves to fully repair the environment, reflect the emerging ecosystems approach and any implications environmental damage may have for climate change, as well as take into account relevant equitable considerations. This book is essential reading for academics, practitioners and students working in the field of environmental law.

Compensation for Environmental Damage Under International Law (Routledge Research in International Environmental Law)

by Jason Rudall

Inspired by recent litigation, this book identifies and critically appraises the manifold and varied approaches to calculating compensation for damage caused to the environment. It examines a wide range of practice on compensation – in general and specifically for environmental damage – from that of international courts and tribunals, as well as international commissions and regimes, to municipal approaches and other disciplines such as economics and philosophy. Compensation for Environmental Damage Under International Law synthesises these approaches with a view to identifying their blind spots, bringing clarity to an area where there exists broad discrepancy, and charting best practices that appropriately balance the manifold interests at stake. In particular, it is argued that best practice methodologies should ensure compensation serves to fully repair the environment, reflect the emerging ecosystems approach and any implications environmental damage may have for climate change, as well as take into account relevant equitable considerations. This book is essential reading for academics, practitioners and students working in the field of environmental law.

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